The initial mass of impure acetanilide was weighted 1.553 grams. After conducting different methods and techniques (include dissolving, filtering, recrystallizing, and isolating and drying) to purify the impure substance, the remaining mass was left with 0.132 grams.
Tocalculate the percent recovery, final recovered mass was divided by the initial mass and then multiplied it by 100. Approximately 8.50% of the substance was recovered.
The Mel-Temp Apparatus was also used to measure the melting point of the pure acetanilide and it was about 110.8 oC to 117.4 oC.
The measured melting point range was reasonably accurate comparing tothe actual melting point of acetanilide, 114.3 0C.
The main objective for this experiment is to use recrystallization to purify an impure sample of a solid compound (acetanilide).