What is the title of the article? Provide a citation for the article in APA format.
Birth Order Effects on Personality and Achievement within FamiliesPaulhus, D. Trapnell, P., & Chen, D. (1999).
Birth Order Effects on Personality and Achievementwithin Families. Psychological Science, 10(6), 482-488. Retrieved from
What is the purpose of the article?
The purpose of this article was to research the effects birth order has on personality and achievement.
What is the hypothesis of the study? In other words, what claims do the authors make in the article?
The authors hypothesis is that birth order influences what type of personality a person will have and also their level of achievement.
The authors back up their hypothesis with research and data, which is that the first borns are more conscientious and have higher rates of https://www.solvedcollegepapers.com/product/psy-216-psy216-psy-216-mto