OL-500-X3046 Human Behavior in Organization Professor Jennifer Varney05/05/2014
In summary, management has a decision to make if employee reward programs are beneficial or not to the company and the employee.
Also, they must decide if intrinsic or extrinsic motivation or rewards was something that propelled them to their current position. There is a plethora of research supporting either stance.
Do you think that, as a manager, you would use bonuses regularly? Why or why not?Initially I was pro-bonuses and incentivizing employees.
I began working in a commission based job at the age of 17 in high school. I often was overly excited on payday, especially if I met and exceeded all my goals. I knew that meant a great base pay check and evengreater commission based check.
However, the company decided to remove commission and justincrease base pay slightly.