What is the title of the article? Provide a citation for the article in APA format.
Shaver, P., & Mikulincer, M. (2005). Attachment theory and research:
Resurrection of the psychodynamic approach to personality. Journal of Research in Personality, 39(1), 22-45.
What is the purpose of the article and how does the purpose relate to personality development?
One purpose of the study is to show attachment theory and how it’s a psychoanalytic theory and see if the bond between mother and infant is related to it.
It is also used to conceptualize attachment theory as a contemporary psychodynamic approach and show how this theory helped to bring psychodynamic psychology back to life and review empirical evidence from our laboratories that supports many of the psychodynamic hypotheses advanced by Bowlby (Shaver & Mikulincer, 2005, p.22).