TO: Legal Department: Greene’s Jewelry Wholesale
FROM: Derik Iverson (Legal Intern at Greene’s Jewelry)
RE: Greene’s Jewelry Wholesale v. Lawson Breach of Confidentiality and Countersuit
Lawson v. Green’s Wrongful Termination
DATE: December 18, 2016
Memo Introduction
In the case Greene’s Jewelry is suing Lawson (a former employee of the Greene’s Jewelry Company) for breach of her confidentiality agreement.
The strengths to be noted in such a case are as follows; when Lawson signed the agreement she agreed to never disclose any of the information that she might acquire and pertains to the Greene’s company secrete patent process for creating “ever-gold”.
Moreover its noted in Lawson’s employee folder that her supervisors stated Lawson was routinely tardy for work. After Lawson learned of the