Response to Joshua
Hello Joshua, great points in your discussion. This week’s readings were about violence and war, and specifically the concepts of just war, realism, and pacifism.
Realism, sometimes known as statism and individualism, is based on the premise that states are the only actors in the political arena. The other assumption of realism is that politics is governed by human behavior laws, which include a mix of desires such as the desire for power, the desire to dominate, self-interest, and ambition.
The fundamental aversion to war and violence as a means of resolving conflicts is known as pacifism. Pacifism can refer to the concept that a state’s waging of war and an individual’s participation in war are both morally unacceptable under any scenario (MacKinnon & Fiala, 2018).ReferenceMacKinnon, B., & Fiala, A. (2018).