Fig Buttercup Overview
The invasive species for this course has been Fig Buttercup. Fig Buttercup is an invasive species whose characteristics include water as the main method of dispersion, perennial, an insect-pollinated plant, able to self-pollinate, and a dioecious plant. In addition, Fig Buttercup is not able to fix nitrogen and is able to reproduce vegetatively.
Also, Fig Buttercup is a toxic plant whose relative growth rate is between 80 to 90 percent (Gallardo, 2014). The species is mostly found in the Northeastern states of the United States that are mostly wet, forested, and moist. The scientific name of Fig Buttercup is Ficaria Verna.
Fig Buttercup is said to be a threat to the ecological system since it poses survival threats to other ecological plants. The species mostly originated from Europe while few species have Northern Africa