Sinusitisis an inflammation of the mucous membranes of one or more of the paranasal sinuses: frontal, sphenoid, posterior ethmoid, anterior ethmoid, and maxillary, with the latter two sinuses most often affected (Dunphy, 2019).
The term “rhinosinusitis” is often used because inflammation of the sinuses rarely occurs without concurrent inflammation of the nasal mucosa
Subjective data: recurrent or chronic dull, constant pain over the affected sinuses, as sinusitis progresses, pain increases and becomes characteristically throbbing.
Typically,pain over the cheeks and upper teeth is correlated with maxillary sinus involvement; pain over the eyebrows indicates frontal sinus involvement; and pain over or behind the eyes indicates ethmoid sinusitis (Dunphy, 2019).
Pain is exacerbated by coughing and sudden head movements.