Timara Reves PSY216: 5-2 journal Southern New Hampshire University November 25, 2019
Journal: Phenomenological Concepts
How much congruence do you think there is between your actual, ideal, and ought selves? How does this affect how you think, feel, and act?
When it comes to my actual, ideal, and ought selves I personally feel that there is very little to no congruence. My actual self does battle with my ideal and ought selves very often, almost daily.
I am always striving to be the ideal self. Due to my ideal self ideas always changing however, I will never be that person that I “want” to be. I personally do not think that my actual and ideal self are aligning and causes me to feel depressed and disappointed with myself.
My anxiety kicks in when my actual and ought self do not align causing guilt that I let people down because