Parameters -vs- Statistics:
Determine whether the given piece of information is most likely aparameter or a statistic.
(a) The 2008 Toyota Prius gets 46 miles to a gallon of gas.
(b) Women have more taste buds then men.
Types of Data:
Classify the given data as continuous or discrete.
(a) the number of taste buds on the tongues of 20 males and 20 females
(b) movie ratings (number of stars) from 20 different movies
Solution or Explanation
Discrete data can take on only specific values in a given range and there are gaps between datavalues.Continuousdata can take on any value in a given range — usually measurements such as time,length, volume etc. In between any two measurements exists another. Continuous data often appearsto be discrete because of the measuring device.
Types of Data: