Jackie Andrews PSY 510 Short Paper 1 19 November 2017 The Scientific Skeptic
In today’s world, we are continuously exposed to claims surrounding psychology throughnewspapers, social media, and various forms of communication. Some of the things we read/hearare true and tested, whereas some of them are not.
One claim that I have heard about is the lunar effect. The lunar effect claims that human behavior is affected by the different phases of the moon. During times of lunar phases, humans are more likely to act aggressively or violently, become injured due to recklessness, and act unusual (Neil, Colledge 2000).
To me, this idea of lunar effect seems to be pseudoscience due to the ambiguity of the definitions of human behaviorgiven. What classifies or does not classify behavior as “unusual”? How can “unusual” behavior be measured scientifically?