PSY 216 Literature Review Template Candace Shinevar Literature Review #1
What is the title of the article? Provide a citation for the article in APA format.
“Birth order effects on personality and achievement within families”Paulhus, D., Trapnell, P., & Chen, D. (1999). Birth Order Effects on Personality and Achievement withinFamilies. Psychological Science, 10(6), 482-488. Retrieved from
What is the purpose of the article and how does the purpose relate to personality development?
The purpose of this article is to see if your birth order has anything to do with ones personality. For instance , do first-borns have different personalities than second or third born children? Sullaway, authorof “Born to Rebel”, reaffirmed the view that adult personality differs systematically across birth order (Paulhus, D., Trapnell, P., & Chen, D. 1999).