CSIS 209 CSIS209 CSIS/209 Programming Assignment 7 – Liberty University
DOWNLOAD SOLUTION https://www.solvedcollegepapers.com/product/csis-209-csis209-csis-209-lib/ Based on the program you created for Assignment 5, modify your code to perform the following steps. In Assignment 5, you created an Account hierarchy with a base class (Account) and two derived classes (SavingsAccount and CheckingAccount). Three of the mutator methods in this assignment validated user input: setBalance, setInterestRate, and setFeeCharged. In all of these methods, you were instructed to set the respective variables equal to zero if the user passed in a negative amount. In this assignment, you will modify your code such that if the user passes in a negative amount, an exception will be thrown that alerts the user that a negative amount has been entered. The program should catch the exception and display the error message to the user. Once an error (negative amount) has occurred, the program should inform the user that negative numbers are not permitted. It should then redisplay the menu. If an exception has not occurred, and a checking or savings object has been successfully created, the program should print the information for that object. Category: Assignments Help Experts Tags: CSIS 209 CSIS209 CSIS/209 C# Programming Liberty University, CSIS 209 Programming Assignment 1, CSIS 209 Programming Assignment 2, CSIS 209 Programming Assignment 3, CSIS 209 Programming Assignment 4, CSIS 209 Programming Assignment 5, CSIS 209 Programming Assignment 6, CSIS 209 Programming Assignment 7, CSIS 209 Programming Assignment 8, CSIS 209.net, csis209 cms systems, csis209 programming assignment 1, csis209 programming assignment 8, csis209 week 1, csis209 week 8
CSIS 209 Programming Assignment 7 – Liberty University Based on the program you created for Assignment 5, modify your code to perform the following steps. In Assignment 5, you created an Account hierarchy with a base class (Account) and two derived classes (SavingsAccount and CheckingAccount). Three of the mutator methods in this assignment validated user input: setBalance, setInterestRate, and setFeeCharged. In all of these methods, you were instructed to set the respective variables equal to zero if the user passed in a negative amount. In this assignment, you will modify your code such that if the user passes in a negative amount, an exception will be thrown that alerts the user that a negative amount has been entered. The program should catch the exception and display the error message to the user. Once an error (negative amount) has occurred, the program should inform the user that negative numbers are not permitted. It should then redisplay the menu. If an exception has not occurred, and a checking or savings object has been successfully created, the program should print the information for that object. [Hint: You will need to create an exception class – call it NegativeNumberException – that takes a string as an argument to its constructor that represents the error. The string should be “Invalid Entry – Negative numbers are not permitted.”] Modify your Main() method such that instead of hardcoding the SavingsAccount and CheckingAccount information, you prompt the user to enter the needed information. Generate a menu like the one below and loop until the user enters “Q” to quit the application. Based on the 18 steps required for Assignment 5, you only need to implement steps 1 and 2 and instantiate their creation based on the user’s menu selections. You may remove steps 3 through 18. This assignment is only intended to demonstrate your ability to handle exceptions. Download Full Course Solution: CFDI-320: File Forensics WEEK 1-7 Discussion Solutions-Champlain College https://www.solvedcollegepapers.com/product/cfdi-320-file-forensics-week-1-7discussion-solutions/ Explain what you see to be the pros and cons of both live and dead acquisitions. Is there anything you may miss doing it one way versus the other, and how might you address that possibility? Is verification easier in one versus the other? Why or why not? Please submit your initial post by Wednesday at 11:59 pm and all follow-up posts by Sunday at 11:59 pm. The discussions grading rubric is used for this assignment.
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