MIS561 Lab 4 Using Backups for Complete Recovery – DeVry University Successful database recovery relies on the database being backed. This is what enables the database to recover data that were lost due to a media failure, loss of power, or any other type of disaster. Each time the online line redoes logs filled up in a log group, the DBMS issues a log switch that will move the log writer process from the current redo log group to the next one in line. The archive background process begins archiving the data in the full online log group files to the archive log files. This is done simultaneously for each log file in the group. If media recovery is needed at the time that the database needs recovery, then the DBMS will search through the archived log files to find the ones that need to be used. In Part 1, you will use mysqldump command to dump database, expand tables, and restore database. In Part 2, you will use MySQL Workbench to back up, expand tables, and restore the database. Note: Be sure that you are making screenshots and save in Lab4 Report. Deliverables Grading of the lab assignment will be based on the following. Assignment Step Description Points Part 1: Take Dump/Backup and restore database using command line Step 1 Taking a backup of the database 5 Step 2 Expand table 5 Step 3 Restore and recover the database 10 Part 2: Backup and Recovery using MySQL Workbench Taking a backup of the database using Step 1 5 Export to Dump Project Folder Taking a backup of the database using Step 2 5 Export to self-contained file Step 3 Expand table 5 Restore database using Import from Dump Step 4 10 Project Folder Step 5 Expand table 5 Restore database using Import from selfStep 6 10 contained file Total iLab Points 60 The Report file should be a single file called yourname_Lab_4.doc to submit to the Dropbox for the Week 4 iLab.