2010-12-09 The County Times

Page 1


Wednesday December 9, 2010

Warm Hearts P rovide Warm Beds F or Homeless

Story Page 16

Judge Says Juvenile Drug Court Works Story Page 4

Photo By Frank Marquart

Construction Starts on New McDonald’s

Story Page 5

What’s Inside

The County Times

Wednesday, December 9, 2010

On T he Covers




Great Mills’ Matt Skibicki tries to grab a hold of Patuxent’s Matt Gancayoo during Monday’s SMAC wrestling match.

Richard Bassford, on his cot at the Trinity Lutheran Church in Lexington Park, has been unemployed for the majority of the last four years.

“One of the great things about this effort is that there are lots of people in the community who want to help, and lots of the people in the community who need help, and connecting them is sometimes kind of hard.” Angel Systems Inc.


- Susie Fowler, principal, Lexington Park Elementary School.




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Delonte Bowman, 6th grader at Spring Ridge Middle School waits as his presents are wrapped by Holly McAteer, a volunteer with Cornerstone Presbyterian Church.

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Family members of victims of homicides hang ornaments on a Christmas tree during the Silent Angels Memorial held at Bay District Volunteer Firehouse.


The RoboBees and the robotics groups from St. Mary’s Ryken put their creations through their paces before the competition this weekend.

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events calendar For The Community Calendar See Page 20 For Events Happening This Week.


Wednesday, December 9, 2010

The County Times


The County Times

Wednesday, December 9, 2010


ews Judge Touts Success of Juvenile Drug Court

SAIC Headquarters Going Up Fast

By Guy Leonard Staff Writer Circuit Court Judge Michael J. Stamm said that the recent graduating teens of juvenile drug court show a recidivism rate of just 3 percent. Stamm told county commissioners of the program’s most recent success Tuesday as he and administrators of the program were seeking support for grant money opportunities to expand the project. He said that of the recent 140 juveniles to attend drug court, about 60 percent passed the requirements to graduate – and only 3 percent went back into the justice system. Juvenile drug court seeks to take juvenile drug users who have not been convicted of felonies and rehabilitate them through counseling and regular testing to avoid jail time and a criminal record. Stamm said that one of the purposes of the grants was to expand the program to help graduates to stay sober and clean from substance abuse after they leave the program. Stamm said that it is easy for juveniles to go back to the same culture of drug use they left if they have no alternative. “They go back out to that culture and they’re ripe for failure,” Stamm said, adding that the county’s juvenile court was the only one in the state to get federal funding up to this point. The eventual goal is to reach 100 percent graduation for all of the drug court participants, Stamm said, and to eliminate recidivism completely. “I’m proud of the fact that we are a model,” Stamm said of the program. The two grants that the new Board of County Commissioners approved totaled up to more than a half-million dollars from the U.S. Department of Justice. guyleonard@countytimes.net

Construction workers with Harvey-Cleary Builders are using a “tilt-up” concrete construction style to build the new SAIC headquarters in the Park Place development off Route 235. Jim MacDonald with Harvey-Clearly, the general contractor for the project, said the concrete wall sections are formed on the ground with reinforced steel and then tilted up into place. Each wall section extends

Photo by Sean Rice

from two feet below ground to the roof, three stories high. Some wall sections are nearly 30-feet wide. John Parlett of Park Place, which sold the land for the development, said tilt-up construction is common across the country in construction of larger buildings. The new SAIC headquarters is scheduled to be completed by 2011.


Wednesday, December 9, 2010

The County Times

ews Project Would Put Oyster Aquaculture Near Myrtle Point By Guy Leonard Staff Writer The Combs family wants to start an oyster hatchery in the waters just off of Myrtle Point Park in California, and they are one step closer as the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers is seeking public comment on the project. The Combs family have spent at least the past three years in pursuit of the aquaculture project, negotiating with state agencies and navigating the halls of government to get licensing fees down to a more manageable level, and have submitted their plan, which calls for oyster growing on submerged platforms as well platforms floating on the water. Raymond Combs Jr., who is working with his father through the permitting process, said that the family was able to successfully lobby for a bill to reduce the fees. “It would’ve been $75,000. It was illogical,” Combs said, noting that the state’s initial fees for starting aquaculture were prohibitive. Combs said the amount of work in getting the engineering and other planning drawings done has been difficult (Combs is a surveyor) and there is still a long wait to see if the state will

provide the lease. “The struggle we’re going through is frustrating, it’s unbelievable the hoops we have to go through,” Combs said. “But if we can get a process going that works, it’ll eventually convince the watermen.” The state has pushed for the licensing of river bottom and surface area throughout Maryland to help replenish the dwindling oyster population. Watermen have protested the high costs of establishing an oyster aquaculture program as too high, but the state has made subsidized loans available in an attempt to entice them to switch over how they make a living. Initial reports from the corps of engineers show that there is no danger to threatened or endangered species but it might have a minor impact on local fish populations. According to project maps from the corps of engineers the Combs family project consists of three separate areas where the oyster seed would grow: two of them would be in Mill Creek, one close to the Patuxent River with the other close to Sam Abell Cove. The third site would be placed right off the shoreline of Myrtle Point Park in the Patuxent River. In total the three oyster growing areas encompass just under 11 acres of either river bottom or surface water.

New McDonalds in the Works

MetCom to Borrow to Finish St. Clements Shores Project By Guy Leonard Staff Writer Metropolitan Commission (MetCom) leadership got the support of a majority of the new county commissioner board to secure backing for a state loan to complete a secondary well project at the St. Clements Shores community, but not without questions about other debts and their contention that they should not be held to the county’s ethics code. The plan calls for a loan not to exceed $450,000 as part of a Maryland Department of Environment program, but Commissioner Lawrence D. Jarboe (R-Golden Beach) voted against backing the MetCom proposal after noting that MetCom wanted the county’s full faith and credit without abiding by its ethics standards. “I don’t believe that this has anything to do with the county ethics code, with all due respect,” said MetCom director Jacquelyn Meiser in response to Jarboe’s comments. Jarboe was the lone opposition vote on the commissioner board. Meiser said the St. Clements Shores community has gone without a reserve well for years and that this new project was designed to correct that deficiency. “This will be that backup well to provide more reliability,” Meiser said. But those were not the only questions about MetCom’s recent borrowing actions. Commissioner President Francis Jack

Russell (D-St. George Island) asked whether MetCom leadership planned to drop an effort to lease a building to provide more and better administrative office space than that currently in use on Commerce Avenue in Hollywood. “Can this be deferred or eliminated?” Russell asked Meiser. She replied that MetCom plans to go ahead with the move and that the three recent overflows or spills of sewage had no bearing on MetCom’s overall all capital improvement plan. “Those overflows are absolutely being addressed but they have nothing to do with our capital improvement plan,” Meiser said. “It just so happens there were three in a row.” One spill was caused by a generator failure at the Marlay-Taylor treatment plant in Lexington Park after squirrel chewed a power line, Meiser said, while the other two were due to either faulty or aged sewer lines. The entire estimated cost of the well, which is already under construction, Meiser said, would be about $472,000, up from prior estimates of $360,000. Delays in getting permits from the state contributed to the costs of the project going up, she said. The debt MetCom incurs will be paid off by revenues from system improvement and capital contribution charges the agency levels on users, Meiser said. guyleonard@countytimes.net

The first growth area is planned for floating aquaculture of oyster seed, project documents state, with a minimum of 20 feet between each row tied together and anchored by ground tackle. The other sites would be for growing more mature oysters below the river surface, about one foot from the actual bottom tethered by line and more ground tackle, documents read. While the corps of engineers analysis shows little in the way of problems with the project, at least one local resident said that the presence of a private business is encroaching on the public’s use of a taxpayer funded park. “We the taxpayers of St. Mary’s County are paying for this park for public use and not for a private business,” wrote Donald Ervin. “Both commercial and recreational crabbers use the waterways surrounding Myrtle Point Park and water skiing, swimming, fishing and boating are conducted in the area also.” Combs said that his family’s project would not be a nuisance in the area but would be a net benefit. “We don’t own the water we’re just trying to lease a small part of it,” Combs said. “I think it’ll actually benefit because it’ll clean up the water better.” guyleonard@countytimes.net

Earthmovers with Great Mills Trading Post are fast at work clearing land on the corner of Old Rolling Road and Route 235 to make way for a new McDonalds set to be built there. Dave Berry, plan reviewer with St. Mary’s County Land Use and Growth Management, said the pad site is the second to last available for development at Laurel Glen Shopping Center, which is anchored by Kmart. A new 3,900-square foot McDonald’s was cleared for construction after being in the site plan and permitting process since 2008. Berry said it

was discussed during the process that the existing McDonald’s on Route 235 across from San Souci plaza will be relocated to this new location. The driveway for this new McDonald’s will not be accessible from Route 235 or from Old Rolling Road, but will connect to Alton Way, the road that connects Wal-Mart and Kmart. There is one more pad site left available at Laurel Glen Shopping Center at the far end of the development, Berry confirmed. – By Sean Rice news@countytimes.net

The County Times

Wednesday, December 9, 2010


ews Airport View Drive Getting Traffic Signal Workers for the State Highway Administration will soon begin installing a new traffic signal at the intersection of Airport View Drive and Route 235. The state-funded project will cost $188,000. “Three or four years ago it was probably a $100,000. It’s unbelievable the cost of the poles, just the conduit, everything that goes into it. It ‘s why you see so much steel getting stolen from construction yards and things like that,” David Buck, spokesman with State Highway Administration, said about the high cost of installing the signal. A realistic completion date is Feb. 1, 2011, Buck said, but it could be finished sooner, weather permitting. The new light would be set on flashing yellow for about 72 hours before being switched to full operation, Buck said, which, in addition to “new traffic signal” signs will alert drivers to the change. A signal at this location has been a high priority locally for the last few years, especially after there were two fatal automobile crashes within one year at the intersection. The construction of Smartronix’s new headquarters nearby also increased the need for a controlled intersection. – By Sean Rice news@countytimes.net

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Victims Remembered at Solemn Event By Sarah Miller Staff Writer The Bay District Fire Department in Lexington Park hosted the ninth annual Silent Angels Memorial on Sunday. The Silent Angels Memorial is meant for families to remember loved ones who were murdered. Each family was escorted by a member of the color guard, to indicate to the families that law enforcement has not forgotten the people who have died, according to Corporal Clay Safford from the St. Mary’s County Sherriff’s Office. A blessing was read by Rev. Mark Dooley. Guest speakers included Roberta Roper, one of the founders of the Maryland Crime Victims’ Resource Center. Roper’s daughter was kidnapped and murdered, which prompter her and her family to begin a crusade to change Maryland laws. Under previous regulations, the families of homicide victims had no right to information, and there were few, if any, resources to turn to Photo by Frank Marquart in order to deal with their grief. “You have chosen not to be de- Family members of victims of homicides hang ornaments on a Christmas tree during stroyed by these acts,” Roper said the Silent Angels Memorial held at Bay District Volunteer Firehouse. to the assembled family members. Safford said there were many sponsors and volShe said rather than mourning their loved ones and how unteers who helped make the Silent Angel Memorial they died, the families are willing to celebrate their happen, including the Bay District Volunteer Fire Delives and how they lived. partment who supplied the venue for the event and volIn total, 63 names were read during the ceremony unteers from the community and sheriff’s office who and angels were put on the Christmas tree for each of helped get everything ready. them. The ornaments were presented by Eileen Bild“It is important to recognize this event would not man, the founder of the Silent Angel Memorial. be possible without the help and support of many,” Saf“Even though the memorial is in the hands of the ford said. sherriff’s office, it’s really for you, the families,” Roper said. sarahmiller@counytimes.net

State Submits $10 Billion Bay Clean Up Plan By Guy Leonard Staff Writer


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The state’s latest plan to help clean up the Chesapeake Bay per tough new federal mandates aims to reduce pollutants like nitrogen, phosphorus and sediment from storm water runoff by wide margins by the year 2020–a full five years ahead of the dates set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The plan, sent to the federal government Dec. 3 after a week’s tardiness, calls for upgrading wastewater treatment plants, improved storm water treatment and more regulation of fertilizers like manure on Maryland farms to reach its objectives. The total goals of the latest phase of the plan are to reduce nitrogen by 21 percent to just over 39 million pounds a year, phosphorus by 18 percent down to 2.7 million pounds a year and sediment by 12 percent down to 1.2 million pounds a year. The costs for the initial plan, however, laid out in a letter from four state cabinet secretaries, appear to be steep at up to $10 billion to complete the work between 2011 and 2017. The state, in its letter to the EPA, seemed to call for federal funding to aid in the carrying out of the mandates, which some local officials have said are ambitious. At the county level, the challenge in keeping up with the report, though, is shaping up to be a difficult one, because the state has yet to transfer final pollution load limit data to individual local governments. Derick Berlage, head of planning and zoning in St. Mary’s County said that the public comment process for establishing the county’s contribution to the

clean up effort will be extensive because it will cut across so many interests, from developers and builders to farmers and property owners. One thing Berlage was sure of was that the June 2011 deadline from the EPA for having the county’s plan ready is likely to be extended. “2011 is the year when county governments will be drawn into this discussion in a big way,” Berlage said. “We need much more data from the EPA to come up with a plan … It’s better to do it right than to do it fast.” One local official in Calvert County’s environmental planning section said that they, like other jurisdictions, need more time. “We’ve been asking the EPA for extensions on that because the state has said that they won’t have pollution loading data until April or May,” said David Brownlee. “They’d want us to do a plan in a month … It doesn’t work.” Also because the data the county needs to work up its own plan has been slow in coming, Brownlee said it was difficult to say exactly what sectors of the community and the economy in Calvert would be most affected, but one safe bet was septic systems for single family homes. A significant portion of the county’s yearly nitrogen pollution load comes from homes with septic systems, and to curb the amount of nitrogen from them would likely take technology like a nitrogen-reducing septic system on new homes that would increase costs of construction. guyleonard@countytimes.net


Wednesday, December 9, 2010

The County Times

Guest Editorial MD Needs Deeper Commitment to Transparency By Marta Hummel Mossburg Saying Maryland has a balanced budget is akin to believing Lady Gaga is a natural blonde. For years and multiple administrations, gubernatorial legerdemain shifted hundreds of millions earmarked for roads, schools and other programs into the general fund to fill its empty tank. Debt was issued to pay for those projects, forcing the bill onto future generations. But Gov. Martin O’Malley has no place left to go this year and coming years, with deficits projected to be more than $2 billion and the state debt limit reached. That figure does not include the minimum $33 billion unfunded liability for pensions and health care liabilities. While Mr. O’Malley promises no new taxes, few options remain aside from really “making tough choices” that he previously faked by swapping money around and replacing cash with debt. Many people in this state do not object to financing a big-government lifestyle. But no one should accept cooking the books. That is why the Maryland Public Policy Institute (where I am a senior fellow) is hosting a transparency conference Wednesday in Annapolis with groups and speakers spanning the political spectrum. Speakers are Del. Heather Mizeur (Democrat of Montgomery County); Del. Warren Miller (Republican of Howard County); Sheila Weinberg from the Chicago-based Institute for Truth in Accounting; James Browning of Common Cause; and Kati Siconolfi of the American Legislative Exchange Council. While the political viewpoints of speakers clash on many issues, they agree Marylanders should be able to easily find out how their government runs. One of the items that will be addressed is model legislation from the Institute for Truth in Accounting to require budgets to account for long-term commitments. Those include pensions, health care, transportation projects and — particular to Maryland — escalating education costs each year due to 2002 legislation known as Thornton. Understanding those costs is vitally important to the long-term health of the state. November testimony by Harford County Executive David Craig on behalf of the Maryland Association of Counties on the impact of Thornton shows why. Education staff em-

ployed by local school systems increased by 15.5 percent from 2002 to 2008 at the same time the state was making a big push to increase educators’ salaries. Mr. Craig noted that the demands of Thornton, combined with another state law that requires counties to spend at least the same amount on education as the year prior or lose state funding, has “forced most counties to slash funding for other important services well below prior funding levels, while education funding has essentially been held harmless. To accommodate these reductions, counties have drawn down rainy day and reserve funds, laid off employees, eliminated thousands of additional positions, and implemented furloughs and pay reductions.” If legislators had to do the math on the impact of Thornton prior to voting on it, would they have passed it? Maybe so. But at least they could not claim ignorance of the consequences of ever-higher salaries and bigger education staffs on other areas of county budgets. With recent arrests of Prince George’s County Executive Jack Johnson and a host of others in the county on corruption charges, greater financial accountability of elected officials should also be a top concern. James Browning, associate director for development of Common Cause, will discuss at the conference why all legislators’ financial disclosure forms should be available online. While Mr. Johnson may have taken self-enrichment to a new level, Common Cause found in a 2004 study dozens of instances of legislators sponsoring or co-sponsoring bills that would benefit their outside employers. He also will discuss why the practice of legislators’ being able to ask who reviewed their information should end, as Marylanders should not fear retribution for perusing public files. The speakers and Marylanders may disagree on the best policies to navigate evergrowing disparities between state revenue and state spending, but everyone should have the same facts to begin the discussion. Legislators have made some significant steps to increase openness in state government in recent years by putting grant information online and by live-streaming meetings. Thursday’s panel discussion will outline ways legislators can make Maryland government even more responsive to the people who pay for it. Marta Hummel Mossburg is a senior fellow at the Maryland Public Policy Institute.

Smoke, Mirrors and Peep Shows I am writing to you about the TSA plan for Nude Body Scans and/or enhanced pat downs of the breast, buttock and genital areas for every man, woman and child that want to fly in the United States.

I do not believe these procedures are improving security. These procedures do not detect chemical explosives. They probably would not have detected the underwear bomber. These procedures also do not detect bombs,

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To The Editor:

Hosting WARM is an Awesome Experience Thank you to everyone who helped St. George’s Episcopal Church in Valley Lee as we hosted the first week of Wrapping Arms ‘Round Many (WARM). WARM is, of course, a countywide coalition of faith-based organizations who offer shelter and food during the cold months of the year to our brothers and sisters who are without homes. Hosting WARM is, simply put, an awesome experience. In January 2009, St. George’s called for a meeting between faith-based organizations and social service agencies because we felt that we, persons of faith, could be doing so much more to help persons in need as well as support our local social service agencies. I was at that meeting, yet even I had no idea that our conversation would lead to such a groundswell of energy and commitment on the part of lots of good-hearted folks in St. Mary’s County. The WARM leadership board is to be highly commended, especially considering that the program has grown from last year’s 9 host sites to 17 this winter! It is also humbling and awesome to sit with persons who are homeless (…ahem, not “homeless persons”), and at St. George’s we strive to emphasize community and togetherness – we eat at a common table, for instance. Our guests are women and men who want to get ahead in life and have serious hills to climb. They have dreams and passions, much like you and me, and I know that I see the presence of God when I sit and pray and eat and talk with them. It’s a simple offering, but in that simplicity there is greatness. One of our guests said the other night, “It’s so good to be with people in this community who truly care.” That about sums it up. St. George’s was joined in our work by a lot of other churches, and we are grateful to Bethesda United Methodist, St. Andrew’s Episcopal, Ascension Episcopal, Callaway Baptist,

weapons, or drugs hidden in body cavities. Terrorists have already developed these techniques, so once again, we are not prepared. I do believe that these procedures are unreasonable searches, potentially traumatize children, and that they do not support the traditional family values of the United States. The background for the TSA Body Scan and enhanced pat down is the Christmas Underwear Bomber. In November of 2009, the underwear bomber’s father went to the CIA at the Embassy and Nigeria to tell them about his son being a fanatic. The CIA told the US National Counterterrorism Center. They put him on their database but did not inform the FBI so he never was placed on the No-Fly List. The State Department requested his visa revoked but they were over-ruled so the intelligence “experts” could better investigate Al-Qaeda. On Christmas of 2009 he was equipped with explosives and on a plane to Detroit from the Netherlands. Passengers overpowered him and used a fire extinguisher to put out the flames. The TSA plan is unacceptable. The TSA agents in the news for 2010 represent a questionable situation as to their selection, training, and moral character. A TSA agent in Florida was

and St. George Catholic – all of whom support our mission with people-power and announcements. We also had folks helping from Holy Face Catholic, St. Cecilia’s Catholic, and Hollywood United Methodist. Just looking at this list is proof positive, for me, of the working of God in our midst. Whenever you have this many congregations setting aside doctrinal or cultural differences and coming together for a common mission, you know that holy work is being done. And yet the work still beckons and we are made that more aware, through this simple offering, that too many children of God in our county go without the basic needs of shelter and food. These wintry winds make me shudder doubly so nowadays, for I remember that I am a person of power and privilege and have a warm home to duck into. As funding for professional social service agencies continues to decrease and the need for such services only dramatically increases, it is incumbent upon persons of faith to take a serious lead in our community by offering a place of unconditional, compassionate welcome, especially during the hot summer months and cold winter, and strive to live into God’s audacious calling. The simple offering of WARM is by no means easy work. It’s compelling me and others in the faith-based community of St. Mary’s County into visioning a far more robust leadership role than we have taken in years past. The One whom I follow, Jesus, said clear things about serving others, and I know that service is a running theme in sacred scriptures across the world. I wonder how many others in our community would like to partner? Faithfully, The Rev’d Gregory Syler, rector St. George’s Episcopal Church recently arrested for child molestation. Another was arrested in Florida over assaulting other agents due to their continual harassment of the size of his genitalia as revealed in their training on body scanners. In LAX a TSA agent was arrested after his shift for bizarre behavior and announcing that he was “God”. A Maryland girl of 12 traveling with family friends was pulled out of line and body scanned without parental approval in a Florida airport by TSA. Much of the American public is justifiably outraged and has lost confidence in the TSA. There is a very successful model for airport security in Israel. They do not use a nude body scanner there and search only high-risk passengers. The Israelis prevent bombs, hijackings, and Mumbai style attacks. They have been successful for decades. Another election occurs in two years. We can vote out politicians who are in favor of the TSA Plan. In the mean-time parents have the right to opt out of the nude body scanner for their children as well as themselves. Joe Belanger Leonardtown, MD

James Manning McKay - Founder Eric McKay -Associate Publisher..................................ericmckay@countytimes.net Tobie Pulliam - Office Manager..............................tobiepulliam@countytimes.net Sean Rice - Editor......................................................................seanrice@countytimes.net Angie Stalcup - Graphic Artist.......................................angiestalcup@countytimes.net Sarah Miller - Reporter - Education, Entertainment......sarahmiller@countytimes.net Chris Stevens - Reporter - Sports......................................chrisstevens@countytimes.net Guy Leonard - Reporter - Government, Crime...............guyleonard@countytimes.net Sales Representatives......................................................................sales@countytimes.net

The County Times

Wednesday, December 9, 2010


ews Christmas Wishes Come True For Hundreds of Children By Sean Rice Editor For the third consecutive year, Lexington Park Elementary School hosted its “Cherish The Children” event last Saturday morning – providing free holiday gifts for hundreds of children and their families. Cherish The Children, started by Principal Susie Fowler, gives neighborhood families in need an opportunity to fill their Christmas wish lists with free clothes and toys – many of which are brand new. “The really nice thing is the community, both here in Lexington Park and throughout St. Mary’s County, and friends of friends. We’ve collected over $4,000 in cash this year,” Fowler said during the event at the school. “And probably another couple thousand dollars worth of brand new items that we’re giving away.” At 9 a.m. Saturday the event began, with about 35 people waiting on line for the doors to open. Families entered the school cafeteria to find dozens of table of items available. A free raffle system is used to distribute the brand new toys. This year, about 15 members of Cornerstone Presbyterian Church joined school volunteers to staff the event. The church, which also provided cash and new toys, manned the giftwrapping station. “One of the great things about this effort is that there are lots of people in the community who want to help, and lots of the people in the community who need help, and connecting

them is sometimes kind of hard,” Fowler said. “What this does is it provides a vehicle for making that connection,” she said. “So folks know that if they are donating to Lexington Park Elementary, that we have literally 300 children living at or below the poverty line whose families need help.” Among the new items raffled off were 30 new bikes, dollhouses, wagons, a kitchen set and other items. All told, more than 75 families took advantage of the event, and a list of businesses and churches helped. Closer to Christmas, the school will be doing gift dinner baskets for about 20 families, which includes a complete meal for a family that just needs to be taken home and cooked.

Delonte Bowman, 6th grader at Spring Ridge Middle School waits as his presents are wrapped by Holly McAteer, volunteer with Cornerstone Presbyterian Church.

Fowler said school officials will select the families to receive the dinner baskets based on knowledge about which families have the greatest needs. “If the community continues to respond we will be able to continuously to grow this each year,” Fowler said. “It’s just wonderful.” seanrice@countytimes.net

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Funds Available for Employee Training The Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation Division of Workforce Development is offering a program to support existing Maryland businesses in the retention and growth of their workforce. The state has been awarded $1 million of incentive grant funds under the Workforce Investment Act earmarked for training incumbent workers.

The employer-based training projects are targeted for small businesses and specific demand occupations requiring a $1 for $1 match from the employer. For more information and eligibility contact George Clark, Business Service Representative for St. Mary’s County, Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland, at 240-412-3602 or email gclark@tccsmd.org

Commissioners Mull MetCom Ethics Issue By Guy Leonard Staff Writer The new Board of County Commissioners will take up whether to support state legislation that would put more controls over the operations of the Metropolitan Commission (MetCom), the county’s water and sewer authority, with one of the most sensitive issues being whether the agency should be brought under the county’s ethics code. MetCom board members did not speak on the issue at Tuesday night’s public forum, the first for the newly elected commissioners, but have opposed the push to have them abide by county ethics rules. One reason for their position, they have said, is that it could cause the director, Jacquelyn Meiser, who also acts as general counsel and holds a private law practice, to vacate her position. The county ethics law prevents county officials from representing private citizens before a county agency. The commissioner board will also decide to support legislation at the state level that would separate the director and general coun-

sel positions at MetCom. Commissioner President Francis Jack Russell said that the commissioner board would likely come to decision on the legislative packet by Dec. 21, but he said he personally supported putting MetCom under the county ethics ordinance. Earlier that day, both he and Commissioner Lawrence D. Jarboe questioned MetCom over their asking county government to back MetCom borrowing plans, though they resisted the county’s ethics rules. “If they’re working in St. Mary’s County they should follow the St. Mary’s County ethics rules,” Russell said in a Wednesday interview. “I don’t see where they’re any different than any of us.” Ben Burroughs, a Mechanicsville shopping center owner and businessman, said that the county should be cautious in pressing MetCom leadership over changing their operating plans because Meiser’s leadership has been effective. “She’s doing a fine job, she’s a great asset,” Burroughs said. guyleonard@countytimes.net


Wednesday, December 9, 2010

for the love of


The County Times

Business and Its Products Are 100 Percent Organic By Corrin M. Howe Contributing Writer Forever Eden Collection, LLC, a local manufacturer of organic products, has taken the next step in growing its business. In December the owner of Forever Eden, Wynne Briscoe, started selling her flagship 100 percent-natural lip balm in six local retail stores throughout St. Mary’s and Calvert counties. “I think it is important to really note the customer has been driving Forever Eden from the beginning. It’s like we are on the ground and Forever Eden is the kite in the sky,” Briscoe said. Their initial concept was to have affordable unscented organic skincare products. It all started with a personal need of Briscoe and her sister, Wanda, to have products that wouldn’t irritate their sensitive skin. Being a crafter and entrepreneur, Briscoe set out to fulfill their need a little over four years ago by researching indigenous farming cultures from around the world and going back through history. After a year she’d found 800 recipes. She first worked on her recipe for lip balm. After several trial runs and receiving input from her family and friends, she settled on the current lip balm formula. One of the major factors for her lip balm was to price it the same as other lip balm products on retail shelves. She didn’t see the need to charge three times as much just because it was 100 percent organic. Since creating the lip balm, Forever Eden has come out with over 40 organic products such as deodorant, body creams, body moisturizers, toothpaste, insect repellent, sun screen, mouthwash, herbal pillows, linen sprays and more. However, she doesn’t intend on stopping there. During 2011 she wants to add several lines to her products, including a men’s line in which personal grooming products will be more masculine; a women’s line for cosmetics and a baby line for wipes, powder and creams. All the products will continue to be 100 percent organic and affordable. She makes and packages all of her products in a commercial space in St. Mary’s County which she shares with another small business. While she was born and raised in St. Mary’s County, Briscoe and her husband recently moved to Calvert County where she also sells her products. Forever Eden products are sold through community events such as Anne Marie Gardens, Farmer’s Markets, and

Wynne Briscoe, owner of Forever Eden, shows off her 100 percent organic lip balm.

County Fairs; personal pamper parties, similar to other marketing products like Tastefully Simple and Southern Living; and through her business relationships. She also sells through her website at www.myforevereden.com. Whether she sells her product or not, one of the important things to her is educating people on what chemicals are in the products they use every day and what those chemicals can do to them over the long haul. After rolling out lip balm to local stores, Briscoe plans to add to the wholesale line over the year by rolling out deodorant, body creams and lavender and rosemary sprays. Right now she is mostly limited by the fact she is still mostly a onewoman operation. Her products can be found in The Good Earth in Leonardtown, Nati’s Unique Boutique in San Souci Plaza, Joy Lane Healing Center in Hollywood and the Apple Basket in Mechanicville.

Photos by Corrin Howe


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The County Times

Briefs Police Arrest Man For Alleged Knife Attack

On Nov. 30, deputies responded to the Wal-Mart parking lot for a report of a disturbance. Upon arrival, deputies were contacted by the victim who stated a male subject approached him asking for money. When the victim refused to give the subject money, the subject produced a knife and lunged at the victim. The subject then fled. The victim provided a description of the subject and deputies located Eric Scott Johnson, 47 of no fixed address, who matched the description, on a walking path a short distance away. Johnson was identified, arrested and charged with first- and second-degree assault.

Man Arrested In Assault

On Nov. 30, deputies responded to a residence on Lexwood Court in Lexington Park for a report of an assault. The investigation revealed Jackie Pixley Jr., 22, of Lexington Park, was engaged in a verbal dispute with the victim which escalated into a physical assault when Pixley allegedly grabbed the victim by the shoulders, pushed her into a closet door, then dragged the victim across the carpet by her hair. Pixley fled the scene prior to the deputies’ arrival but he later responded to sheriff’s office headquarters where he was arrested and charged with seconddegree assault.

Woman Arrested On Disorderly Conduct Charge

On Dec. 1, at approximately 1:30 a.m. , deputies responded to Valley Estates Drive in Lexington Park for a report of a disturbance. Witnesses reported that Tanya Anita Hall, 34, of Lexington Park, was yelling profanities and banging on a resident’s door. Hall was gone when deputies arrived. Approximately one hour later, deputies received a second call to respond back to Valley Estates Drive for Hall causing a disturbance in the parking lot. Deputies located Hall and instructed her to leave the area, and she complied, police reported, but just over half-anhour later, deputies received a third call that Hall was back in the parking lot at Valley Estates Drive yelling profanities. Deputies located, arrested and charged Hall with disorderly conduct.

Philip H. Dorsey III Attorney at Law

Wednesday, December 9, 2010


Police: Fraudsters Claiming By Guy Leonard Staff Writer

to be Detectives

County sheriff’s detectives are warning residents not to fall for telephone scammers who are after social security numbers. A release from the sheriff’s office states that operators of a telephone theft scheme are claiming to be part of the county’s Bureau of Criminal Investigations and are calling residents telling them that their social security number and other information has been compromised and is being used for criminal purposes. The scammer then tells residents to give them their actual social security information for verification in the fraudulent investigation. Police state that when residents try to positively identify the caller’s legitimacy they immediately hang up. Police state that the phone the scammer

or scammers are using shows a number of 512647-2343 and has been traced back to a prepaid cell phone out of Austin, Texas. The calls have so far been limited to residents with a 475 telephone exchange, police information stated. Sheriff Timothy K. Cameron said that the investigation into the scam continues but one theory was that the suspects learned about their target audience before making the phone calls. “I think what they do is they do a little local research on the Internet,” Cameron said. “That wouldn’t be too hard to do, to localize your conversations over the phone. But people are becoming much more suspicious [of such scams] as they should.” Cameron said that the suspect or suspects in the case have so far not used any actual names of any BCI personnel. guyleonard@countytimes.net

Detectives Looking For Sex Offender On Dec. 6, members of the St. Mary’s Bureau of Criminal Investigations Sex Offender Unit conducted an investigation to verify the residency of Janus Scott Freeman, a lifetime registered sex offender. The investigation revealed Freeman had allegedly absconded from his listed residence. Detectives have an arrest warrant for Freeman but have been unable to find him. The St. Mary’s County Bureau of Criminal Investigations is asking for the public’s assistance and anyone with information on Freeman’s location are asked to call the sheriff’s office at (301) 475-4200x1958 and contact Cpl. William Raddatz. Residents may also call Crime Solvers at 301-475-3333 or text a tip to “TIP239” plus your message to “CRIMES” (274637). Freeman may be staying in the Callaway or St. Georges Island area of St. Mary’s County, police stated.

Janus Scott Freeman

Man, 93, Arrested for Striking Wife By Guy Leonard Staff Writer

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Police arrested a 93-year-old man Monday for allegedly assaulting his wife. Evans Milton Fletcher, of Leonardtown, was released from detention the same day he was arrested, court records reveal, on the condition that he not harass, abuse or have any violent contact with his wife before his trial in county District Court. According to charging documents filed against him by Dep. Matthew Rodgers, the defendant’s wife told the officer that she was moving furniture around in the their Cedar Lane Road home to clean when she moved close to Fletcher and an argument ensued. The victim claimed that her husband then punched her in the face with a closed fist; Rodgers wrote in his report that he noticed a “slight bruise” on the right side of her face and charged Fletcher with second-degree assault. Court records show that Fletcher was arrested for allegedly assaulting his wife in 2008 during an argument with her that came about over the pulling of a shade in their home. Fletcher’s case was placed on the stet docket and he was not fully prosecuted for assault on the condition that he have no more abusive contact with his wife, court records from the previous alleged assault show.

In that case, charging documents revealed that Fletcher had allegedly struck his wife in the chest after an argument about whether to draw a window shade: court papers stated that he wanted the shade Evans Milton Fletcher up while his wife wanted the shade down. The victim told police who arrived on the scene that Fletcher had cut a hole in the shade and when she began to argue with him he struck her. Court papers revealed that when police arrived Fletcher had told them that his wife was no longer at their residence and that there was no need for the police. Fletcher faces up to 10 years of imprisonment for the charge of assault against him.


The County Times

Wednesday, December 2, 2010

Mary Brown, 87

Margaret Hockaday, 85

Mary Virginia Jameson Brown, 87, of Baltimore, MD died November 28, 2010 in St. Agnes Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland. Born May 16, 1923 in Avenue, Maryland she was the daughter of the late Jared and Fannie (Wilson) Jameson. Mrs. Brown was the loving wife of Osbie Lee Brown, whom she married in Baltimore, MD and preceded her in death on April 4, 2000. She is survived by her children; Barbara Jakubik, Mary Joyner, Linda Johnson, Anita Brown, Osbie Brown, Jr., Vera Owens all of Baltimore, MD., and Sandra Gregory of Virginia Beach, VA. Mrs. Brown is also survived by her brothers; Edward Jameson of Baltimore, MD and Jared Jameson of Avenue, MD. She is preceded in death by siblings; Frances McCallister, Clara Hughes, Harriett Young, and Edward Jameson. Mrs. Brown attended Banniker High school and worked as at Glass Company in Baltimore, MD. She enjoyed reading, playing cards and spending time with family and friends. The family will receive friends from 5 to 8 p.m., December 3, 2010 in the MattingleyGardiner Funeral Home; Leonardtown, MD with prayers being recited at 7 p.m. A funeral service will be held on December 4, 2010 at 10 a.m., in All Saints Episcopal Church, Avenue, MD., with Rev. Kathleen Price officiating. Interment will follow in the church cemetery. Pallbearers will be Devon Foster, Ryan Brown, Sean Joyner, Shay Brown, Tyron Owens, and J. Johnson. Condolences may be left to the family at www.mgfh.com. Arrangements provided by MattingleyGardiner Funeral Home, P.A., Leonardtown, MD.

Margaret Payne Hockaday, 85 of Leonardtown, MD passed away November 26, 2010 at the Hospice House of St. Mary’s, Callaway, MD. Born January 27, 1925 in Washington, DC, she was the daughter of the late John Withers English and Agnes Payne English. Margaret volunteered for numerous organizations including the Society for the Blind, and the public school systems in Washington, DC and Arlington, VA. In addition, she worked with persons with disabilities in Charles County, MD and worked for numerous years for the Retired Senior Volunteer Program in St. Mary’s County, MD. She was the devoted mother of Graham Leonard Hockaday of Las Vegas, NV, Ruth Gene Greene of Virginia Beach, VA, Loucinda Cooper of Chesapeake Beach, VA, Peggy Lee Ritter of Leonardtown, MD and David Joseph Hockaday of St. Mary’s County, MD, and adoring “Mama” of 14 grandchildren and 20 greatgrandchildren. She is also survived by numerous loving nieces and nephews. Margaret was preceded in death by her beloved husband, Graham Hockaday. She proudly devoted her life to caring for her family and enjoyed spending time with them. Family will receive friends for Margaret’s Life Celebration on Sunday, December 5, 2010 from 1 until 3 p.m. in the Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A., 22955 Hollywood Road, Leonardtown, MD 20650. A Memorial Service will be conducted at 3 p.m. Interment will be private. Memorial contributions may be made to the Hospice House of St. Mary’s, P.O. Box 625, Leonardtown, MD 20650. Condolences to the family may be made at www.brinsfieldfuneral.com. Arrangements by the Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A., Leonardtown, MD.

Lt. Cmdr. Lawrence Cooke, 66 Lt. Cmdr (Ret.) Lawrence Merritt Cooke, 66 of Hollywood, MD died November 20, 2010 at St. Mary’s Hospital. Born April 23, 1944 in Norfolk, VA, he was the son of the late Gaither C. Cooke and Betty O. (Pipes) Cooke. Lawrence served in the U.S. Navy from 1965 until 1987. After his retirement from the Navy, he was employed with the True Value in Leonardtown, MD, Perkins Restaurants in Leonardtown and California, MD, and Denny’s Restaurant in Waldorf. Lawrence is survived by his children, Troy H. Cooke of Hagerstown, MD, Brandon L. Cooke of Mankato, MN, and Derek J. Cooke of Clarksburg, TN, five grandchildren, and a sister, Eileen Mueller of Sanito, TX. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his wife, Wanda C. Cooke and a brother, Carl R. Cooke. A graveside service was conducted on Saturday, November 27, 2010 in Charles Memorial Gardens, Leonardtown, MD. Memorial contributions may be made to the Hollywood Volunteer Fire Department, P.O. Box 7, Hollywood, MD 20636 or the Hollywood Volunteer Rescue Squad, P.O. Box 79, Hollywood, MD 20636. Condolences to the family may be made at www.brinsfieldfuneral.com. Arrangements by the Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A, Leonardtown, MD.

Helen Ince, 91 Helen J. “GG” Ince, 91, of Hollywood, MD died November 26, 2010 at her residence. Born May 15, 1919 in Racine, WI, she was the daughter of the late William J. and Helen M. (Ingalls) Gorton. She was also the loving wife of the late Richard J. Ince Sr. whom preceded her in death in 2004. Mrs. Ince is survived by her brother John Gorton of California and grandchildren David G. Ince and wife Leah who was Helen’s care giver for the past three years of Hollywood, MD, and John S. Ince of Lexington Park, MD., eight great-grandchildren, four great-great grandchildren, three step grandchildren and a daughter in law. She was preceded in death by her only son Richard J. Ince, Jr. who passed away on August 1, 2007 and grandson Richard J. Ince, III who passed away on March 1, 1996. Mrs. Ince was the owner and operator of Cedar Cove Marina in Valley Lee, MD retiring in 2005. She was a strong supporter and member of the local Elks Lodge for the last forty years and she enjoyed and Jazzercise. Mrs. Ince fought to the end and died at home surrounded by her loving family. She was loved and will be missed

by many and never forgotten. The family will receive friends on Thursday, December 2, 2010 from 6 – 7 p.m. in Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral Home, Leonardtown, MD, where a memorial service will be held at 7 p.m. In lieu of flowers, the family has requested donations be made in her honor to Elks Lodge # 2092, P.O. Box 277, Lexington Park, MD 20653. To send a condolence to the family please visit our website at www.mgfh.com. Arrangements provided by the Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral Home, P.A.

Betty Knott, 72 Betty Blue Knott, 72, of Lothian, MD died November 23, 2010 at Calvert Memorial Hospital, Prince Frederick, MD. Born May 2, 1938 in Sugar Grove, WV she was the daughter of the late Floyd and Sarah Dainty Losh Moats. The family received friends on Monday, November 29, 2010 in Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral Home, Leonardtown, MD, where a funeral service was held with Deacon Bill Nickerson officiating. Interment followed in Charles Memorial Gardens, Leonardtown, MD. To send a condolence to the family please visit our website at www.mgfh.com. A full obituary will appear at a later date. Arrangements provided by the Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral Home, P.A.

Thelma Lyon, 81 Thelma Janis Lyon, 81, of Mechanicsville, died November 22, 2010 at her residence. Born August 22, 1929 in Budds Creek, MD she was the daughter of the late Wilfred Rencher and Anna Mae Hardesty. Mrs. Lyon was the loving wife of the late Luke “Eugene” Lyon whom she married on November 8, 1947 in Trinity Episcopal Church and preceded her in death on October 16, 2004. Mrs. Lyon is survived by her children; Michael Lyon of Avenue, MD, Janice Pilkerton and Debra Gray both of Mechanicsville, MD. She is also survived by six grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren. Mrs. Lyon was preceded in death by her brother Levin Hardesty. Mrs. Lyon was born in St. Mary’s County and moved to Charles County for 52 years before returning back to her family farm in 1998. She was a Homemaker and also farmed. Mrs. Lyon was a member of the Bel Alton Volunteer Fire Department ladies auxiliary. The family received friends on Monday, November 29, 2010 in the Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral Home, Leonardtown, MD where prayers were recited. A funeral service was held on Tuesday, November 30, 2010 in Christ Episcopal Church, Chaptico, MD with Rev. William Jesse Neat officiating. Interment followed in the church cemetery. Pallbearers were Richard Pilkerton, John Pilkerton, Jimmy Pilkerton, Alan Bowling, Ronnie Lyon, Ronnie Kilinski and Jake Pilkerton. In lieu of flow-

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“A Life Celebration™ Home” Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A. Brinsfield-Echols Funeral Home, P.A. 22955 Hollywood Road 30195 Three Notch Road Leonardtown, Maryland 20650 Charlotte Hall, Maryland 20650 (301) 475-5588 (301) 472-4400


Wednesday, December 9, 2010

Alma Anderson, 68 A l m a Regina Anderson, 68, of Leonardtown, MD died December 1, 2010 at St. Mary’s Nursing C e n t e r, Leonardtown, MD. Born January 29, 1942 in Leonardtown, MD she was the daughter of the late James Franklin Twilley and Lydia Bowie Twilley. Alma was a devoted mother and grandmother. She loved to cook and spend time with family and friends. She had many friends who loved and cared about her deeply. To know Alma is to love her because she was such a great giving person who would do anything for everyone in need. Her hobbies included playing bingo, doing crafts and spending time with her family and friends. She will truly be missed by all. She is survived by three daughters, Cindy T. Passmore and Pamela a French of Leonardtown, MD and Stephanie L. Quade of Locus Grove, VA, four sons; George B. Oliver, Jr. of Hollywood, MD, James F. Quade of Barboursville, VA, William A. Quade of Davenport, Iowa and Kevin W. Quade of Great Mills, MD, two step-daughters; Pam Spalding of Mechanicsville, MD and Lisa Witkowski of Ridge, MD. She is also survived by 32 grandchildren and 16 greatgrandchildren and her companion Gordon W. Zollinhofer Family received friends for Alma’s Life Celebration on Wednesday, December 8, 2010. at the Brinsfield Funeral Home, 22955 Hollywood Road, Leonardtown, MD 20650. Interment will be private in Charles Memorial Gardens. Condolences to the family may be made at www.brinsfieldfuneral.com. Arrangements by the Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A, Leonardtown, MD.

Philip Bassford, Jr., 52 Ph i l ip Donald Bassford , Jr. 52 of H o l l y wood, MD p a s s e d away December 3, 2010, at the Hospice House, in C a l l away, MD. Born February 18, 1958 in St. Mary’s Hospital Leonardtown, MD he was the son of Philip Donald Bassford, Sr. whom preceded him in death and Mary Louise Bassford of

Hollywood, MD. Donnie is survived by Cathy Bassford whom he was formerly married to and has remained friends with and step children; Chris Hammett (Shelly) of Hollywood MD and Tammy Owen (Robbie) of Mechanicsville, MD, siblings; Janice Dixon, Terry Derby, Debbie Fenstermaker and Kristi Kovich all of Hollywood, MD. He is also survived by step grandchildren; Jessica White, Kayleen Owen and Dylan Owen. Donnie graduated from Chopticon High School, he was a lifelong resident of St. Mary’s County and worked for Taylor Plumbing & Electric, Inc. as a Plumber and has been self-employed for thirty-six years. Donnie loved fishing, crabbing, playing horseshoes, watching the Redskins and having lunch and dinner with his family. The family received friends on Tuesday, December 7, 2010 in the Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral Home, Leonardtown, MD where prayers were recited by Deacon Lou Koeniger. A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated on Wednesday December 8, 2010 in St. John’s Catholic Church, Hollywood, MD with Fr. Raymond Schmidt officiating. Interment followed in the church cemetery. Pallbearers were be Chris Hammett, Freddie Fenstermaker, Chris Derby, Jamey Bassford, Michael Curley and Mike Derby. Honorary Pallbearers were be Corey Dennee, Brandon Dennee, Ricky Goldsmith, Melissa Curley, Jenny Pierce and Amy Derby. Contributions in memory of “Donnie” can be made to Hospice of St. Mary’s. P.O. Box 625, Leonardtown, MD 20650 or the St. John’s Building Fund, 43950 St. John’s Road, Hollywood, MD 20636. To send a condolence to the family please visit our website at www.mgf h.com. Arrangements provided by the Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral Home, P.A.

Mary Chase, 88 Ma r y Elizabeth Chase 88, of Loveville, MD passed away on December 1, 2010 at her residence. B o r n August 15, 1922 in Morgan za, MD she was the daughter of the late James Arthur Holt and Mary Norema Thomas. Mrs. Chase was a life long resident of St. Mary’s County. Mrs. Chase was a homemaker, and a member of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church. Mrs. Chase is survived by her goddaughter, Susan Mae Mason of Loveville, MD, and many other godchildren. In addition to her parents she

The County Times

was preceded in death by her husband Joseph Leo Chase, and one brother Joseph Norman Thomas. Family received friends on Monday, December 6, 2010 at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Morganza, MD where a Mass of Christian burial was celebrated at 10 a.m. with Father Keith Woods officiating. Interment followed in Queen of Peace Cemetery, Helen, MD. Funeral arrangements provided by the Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A., Leonardtown, MD

James Connelly, 57 James Aloysius “ J i m mie” Connelly, 57, of Leonardtown, MD died Novembe r 30, 2010 in St. Mary’s Hospital, Leonardtown, MD. Born September 6, 1953 in Leonardtown, MD he was the son of James Alan and the late Agnes Henrietta (Abell) Connelly. He is survived by his long time compan-

ion Cathy Owens. Mr. Connelly is also survived by his children; James Aloysius Connelly, Jr. of Park Hall, MD and John Benedict Connelly of California, MD and a brother Paul Elmer Connelly (Tammy Sue) of Hollywood, MD. He attended Chopticon High School and was a lifelong resident of St. Mary’s County. Mr. Connelly worked as a Materials Expiditer with Patuxent Naval Air Station, Lexington Park, MD for thirty-six years. Mr. Connelly enjoyed restoring old cars and fishing. The family received friends on Monday, December 6, 2010 in the Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral Home, Leonardtown, MD where prayers were recited. A Mass of Christian burial was celebrated on, Tuesday, December 7, 2010 in St. Aloysius Catholic Church, Leonardtown, MD with Fr. John Dakes officiating. Interment followed in the church cemetery. In lieu of flowers contributions may made to St. Mary’s Hospice, P.O. Box 65, Leonardtown, MD 20650. Condolences may be left to the family at www.mgf h.com. Arrangements provided by Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral Home, P.A., Leonardtown, MD.

Fay Gebhardt, 83 F a y Wood Gebhardt, 83 of Leonardtown, MD passed away on November 23, 2010 at Georgetown University Hospital. Born in Silver Hill, MD on June 14, 1927, Fay was the second child of Lillian and Earl Wood. As 5 more children came along, Fay became “#1 mamasan” to them, helping her mother. She grew up loving family, nature and books. She worked at the Navy Hydrographic as a draftsman during the war. Soon afterwards she married Joe and started her own brood of 5 children in District Heights, MD. She also lived in Clinton and Leonardtown as the years went by. Fay and Joe were married for 64 years. Fay loved beautiful things— fine old furniture, painted plates, flowers, the ever-changing river, a child’s smile. She expressed her artistic talent through refinishing old furniture, building lovely flower gardens, painting in oils,

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The County Times

Wednesday, December 9, 2010


Continued and the fine art of painting china. Aside from her creativity, Fay was always there for family and friends in need. Anyone in the hospital received a visit from Fay. She attended all weddings, recognitions, and funerals. She took extended family into her home in times of need. She even volunteered for Meals on Wheels after her children were grown. Fay was a true partner in Joe’s fledgling topsoil business, answering phones and taking messages at home while she cooked and cleaned and raised her kids in a small 2-bedroom house. She held down the home front as Joe built his business and became a successful contractor. She will be greatly missed by Joe, her children; Edmund Gebhardt, Lynn Poole, David Gebhardt, and Mary Jo Gebhardt her 14 grandchildren and 7 greatgrandchildren, and sister; Hazel Toole. In addition to her parents, Fay was preceded in death by her son, John Gebhardt. Family received friends for Fay’s Life Celebration on Monday, December 6, 2010 with Optimist prayers in the Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A., Leonardtown, MD. A Funeral Service was conducted on Tuesday, December 7, 2010 in the Funeral Home Chapel. Interment followed in the Maryland Veterans Cemetery, Cheltenham, MD. Memorial contributions may be made to the Leonardtown Volunteer Rescue Squad, P.O. Box 299, Leonardtown, MD 20650 or the Patuxent Tidewater Land Trust, P.O. Box 1955, Leonardtown, MD 20650. Condolences to the family may be made at www.brinsfieldfuneral.com Arrangements provided by the Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A., Leonardtown, MD

William Herbert, 76 William Benedict “Slim” Herbert, 76 of Coltons Point, MD died November 30, 2010 at St Mary’s Hospital. He was born in Bushwood, MD on August 2, 1934 to the late Joseph and Nellie Herbert. William

received his education in St. Mary’s County Public Schools. William served in the United States Army for two years and received an honorable discharge. He worked at Calvert Cliffs for 7 years. He worked for 25 years for Howlin Concrete. His lifetime hobbies included being a carpenter and waterman. He enjoyed spending time with his wife and family; fishing, speed boating, dancing and teaching fellas how to catch a fish. William was married to Ann Herbert for fifty years. He was predeceased by two brothers, Walter Herbert and Joseph Herbert; two sisters, Etta Herbert Lynch and Louise Herbert Mason. William leaves behind to cherish his memory his loving wife, Ann and daughter, Darlene (Dallene) Herbert Jackson also known as Dallene Dent. He also leaves to cherish his memory four sisters, Mary Maddox, Theresa Rich (Woody), Matilda Herbert, Cora Herbert; one brother, George Herbert; mother-in-law Rose Dent; four sisters-in-laws, Ella Dent, Emma Dent, Delores Carter, Rose Warren; six brothers-in-law, Woody Rich, James Dent, Elvis Dent, Robert Dent, Thomas Dent, and Louis Dent, Sr. He is also survived by many nieces, nephews, a host of other relatives and friends. Family received friends on Saturday, December 4, 2010 in Holy Angels Catholic Church, 21340 Coltons Point Road, Avenue, MD 20609. A Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated with Reverend William Gurnee as the celebrant. Interment followed in Sacred Heart Cemetery, Bushwood, MD. Condolences to the family may be made at www.brinsfieldfuneral.com. Arrangements by the Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A, Leonardtown, MD.

Thomas Kenney, 62 Thomas James Ke n ney, 62, of California, MD died Nov. 29, 2010 at Georgetown Unive r sit y Hospital in Wa s h i n g ton, DC. Born May 17, 1948 in Auburn, NY, he was the

son of the late Frances Ward and Elizabeth Wetzel Kenney. He was the loving husband of Jean Marie Kenney. He is survived by daughters Shawna Kenney of Mt. Rainier, MD and Melissa Ann Soper of Solomons Island, MD; granddaughter Dylan Elizabeth Kenney; brothers John Kenney and Michael Kenney of Delaware. He served in Viet Nam with the Navy and retired from a civil service career with the Department of Defense. He was an antique car enthusiast, a loyal friend and the last of the honest mechanics. The family requests that memorial contributions may be made to either the American Diabetes Association or Pets2Vets, a nonprofit organization that provides companion animals to veterans for rehabilitative purposes. Family received friends on Tuesday, December 7, 2010 at the Brinsfield Funeral Home, 22955 Hollywood Road, Leonardtown, MD 20650. A memorial ceremony will be held at Arlington National Cemetery at a later date. Condolences to the family may be made at www.brinsfieldfuneral.com. Arrangements by the Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A, Leonardtown, MD.

Frederick Merson, 63

Frederick Eugene “ G e n e” Merson, 63, of Leesburg, VA, formerly of St. Mary’s Cou nt y, MD died N ove m b e r 26, 2010 at Cor nwall Hospital in Leesburg, VA. Born October 25, 1947 in Leonardtown, MD, he was the son of the late Joseph Lewis and Claudia (Guy) Yates. Mr. Merson was the loving husband of Dana (Martin) Merson whom he married on September 16, 1995 in Occoquan, VA. Mr. Merson is also survived by his children; Duane Merson of Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Gina Merson of Leesburg, VA, Melissa M. Merson of White Plains, MD and Derek Merson of Waldorf, MD, as well as three grandchildren and many beloved nieces and neph-

ews. He is survived by his siblings; Robert “Frankie” Merson, Dale Yates, Lewis Yates, and Jennifer Yates all of Clements, MD. Mr. Merson was preceded in death by his sister Claudia Lynn Burroughs. He graduated from Chopticon High School before joining the Army, serving in Vietnam where he honorably served as a Green Beret and appointed to the Airborne Special Forces Division. He was extremely proud to have fought for our country. Subsequent to his military tenure, for approximately forty years, Mr. Merson was highly successful in the field of secure defense telecommunications, federal contracting and procurement practices, and biometric identity management. Mr. Merson was extremely well respected in his field. His most recent position was Director of Federal Sales for Endace Network Systems Inc., in Chantilly, Virginia. Other employer included Nortel Networks, Timeplex Federal Systems, Codex and Motorola. His passion outside of work was boating, which is how he met his surviving wife Dana, and held a U.S. Coast Guard Captains license. The family received friends Monday, December 6, 2010 in the Mattingley- Gardiner Funeral Home, Leonardtown, MD, where a memorial service was held with Fr. Keith Woods officiating. For friends and business colleagues in the Northern Virginia area, the family will also be holding and additional memorial service in early January, with more details to follow. In lieu of flowers Gene would appreciate contributions to the Veterans Administration, 810 Vermont Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC 20011, or the Leonardtown Vol. Rescue Squad, P.O. Box 299, Leonardtown, MD 20650. To send a condolence to the family please visit our website at www.mgfh.com. Arrangements provided by the Mattingley-Gardiner Funeral Home, P.A.

Robert Perry, 49 Robert Clinton Perry, 49 of Ridge, MD passed away on November 24, 2010 at his residence due to a serious heart problem and went across the rainbow bridge, may he rest in peace. Robert was

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the beloved son of Sieglinde Wagoner and loving brother of Debra Ann Viscaya, Elizabeth K, Hall, Louis J. Perry, and Anthony J. Perry. All services were private. Arrangements were provided by the Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A., Leonardtown, MD.

Stuart Plummer, 76 Stuart Milton Plummer, 76, of Lexington Park, MD died November 29, 2010 at Fairfax Hospital, Fairfax, VA. B o r n March 18, 1934 in Wa s h i n g ton, DC, he was the son of the late Cleveland Plummer and Alma (Hardy) Plummer. Mr. Plummer was a long time member of St. Cecelia’s Catholic Church in St. Mary’s City, MD and a retired lineman within the telecommunications industry. Stuart was preceded in death by his loving wife Alma Catherine Plummer who passed away in 2008. He is survived by a daughter, Mary Catherine Young of Sterling, VA, three sons, Walter “Danny” Plummer of Sterling, VA, Alfred “Buck” Plummer of Brookton, ME, and Richard Plummer of Lexington Park, MD; ten grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. He is also survived by a brother-in-law William Campbell, Sr. of Fredericksburg, VA A Memorial Mass was celebrated Tuesday, December 7, 2010 in St. Cecilia’s Catholic Church in St. Mary’s City, MD with the Reverend Scott Wood officiating. Inurnment followed in St. James Catholic Cemetery, Lexington Park, MD. Memorial contributions may be made to the Hospice of St. Mary’s, P.O. Box 625, Leonardtown, MD 20650 or the American Heart Association, P.O. Box 5216, Glen Allen, VA 23058. Condolences to the family may be made at www.brinsfieldfuneral.com. Arrangements by the Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A., Leonardtown, MD.


Wednesday, December 9, 2010

The County Times

Defense & Military St. Mary’s Ryken Hosts Robot Exhibition By Sarah Miller Staff Writer Students of all ages from all over St. Mary’s County gathered at St. Mary’s Ryken on Friday to fine tune and finalize their robotics projects before the Maryland State Competition this Saturday. The students are competing through the

emy, among other schools. The students who work with LEGO robots have a theme involved in their robots and the track they’ll be on. This year, the theme is the human body. Some of the goals the robots have to achieve include mending a broken bone, where the robot has to pick up a larger LEGO piece and put it over two halves of a broken bone. The students are timed, and have until

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Jesse Higgins, William Harris and Jordan Timmons with the STEM program from Great Mills High School tweak their robot before taking it out to the practice ring.

FIRST robotics program. The FIRST LEGO league is for students in elementary and middle school and the FIRST Tech Challenge, for high school students. David Buddenbohn, the engineering technology instructor at the Forrest Career and Technology Center, which hosts the Robo Bees teams 389 and 390, said the exhibition was a chance for the students to fine-tune their robots before the Maryland Regional Competition at the College of Southern Maryland campus in LaPlata on Saturday. The winners of the regional competition will go to the National Competition in St. Louis, Mo. Local students attending Ryken’s robotics exhibit on Friday came from the Forrest Center, St. Mary’s Ryken, Leonardtown High School, Great Mills High School, Father Andrew White School and King’s Christian Acad-

the end of their time to complete the objectives in a row. The students with the FIRST Tech Challenge had to build robots that could retrieve a length of PVC pipe from a dispenser and move the pipe to the other side of the field and put it in either a stationary or rolling goal box. They get points for how many pipes they get in the goal. Students can also get points for getting their robot up a teeter-totter style obstacle and balancing on it so the ends aren’t touching the ground. The older students work in conjunction with another team, with two robots on each side of the field. Buddenbohn said this is to encourage cooperation as much as competition. Buddenbohn said the students order Tetrix kits, which have all the parts they need to build their robots. They work with the different parts, and even combine parts from multiple kits if the school can afford to buy more than one, to build a robot that can achieve a goal. “It’s all about engineering and design,” Buddenbohn said. He said the robotics teams are a part of the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) program. Because of this, the Navy has sponsored some of the robotics teams. People from the base have also come to the schools as teachers and mentors for students on the robotics teams.

sarahmiller@countyThe RoboBees and the robotics groups from St. Mary’s Ryken put their cre- times.net ations through their paces before the competition this weekend.

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Wednesday, December 9, 2010



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Aaron Kelly, right, sits with his Best Buddy Hannah Goodell and Santa during the best Buddies Christmas Lunch.

Last Thursday, the Best Buddies group from Leonardtown High School had their yearly Christmas Party, hosted by the William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center. According to the website, www. bestbuddies.org: “Best Buddies is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to establishing a global volunteer movement that creates opportunities for one-to-one friendships, integrated employment and leadership development for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.”

Jordan Bailey, junior, the president of the Leonardtown High School Best Buddies and and Lauren Brown, senior, the vice president of Best Buddies, are both happy to be involved in the program. “I think it’s the best program my school could have,” Brown said. She said she plans on being involved in Best Buddies when she goes to college, even if she has to start a new branch of Best Buddies to do so. “It’s not a one time thing,” Brown said. “It’s a lifetime thing.” - By Sarah Miller sarahmiller@ countytimes.net

Plan Would Shift 150 Students to Chopticon By Sarah Miller Staff Writer

The St. Mary’s Public Schools redistricting advisory committee came up with a recommendation for the superintendent during its meeting Thursday evening. The committee will be recommending to St. Mary’s County Public Schools Superintendent Michael Martirano that they go with plan one, eliminating three of the original four redistricting models as well as a fifth model constructed after the Nov. 18 meeting to address some questions and concerns from parents. Plan one will eliminate the cross-over routes on Loveville, Sunny Side and Pincushion roads. It also fulfills all the Focus Area’s of Evaluation, which involves the efficient use of local rated capacity, school bus scheduling and routing, cost associated to the plan and contiguous communities surrounding the school, among other criteria. Plan one will also successfully utilize the 150 seats available at Chopticon High School while not overcrowding the school in the first

three years after the implementation of the plan. It will also provide a stable development for future growth at Chopticon high School. The plan does include grandfathering in students already attending Leonardtown High School, though whether transportation will be provided for those students is still under consideration. One idea the advisory committee thought of for students who will still require transportation to Leonardtown High School is implementing a hub system. It would be similar to what is already being done for students who live in the district for one high school but want to be involved in an academy in another. The next step for the redistricting plan will be to go to Martirano, who will be able to reject the plan, make changes, or pass the plan on to the school board as is. The school board will have an open forum to get feedback on the plan before making their final decision by February. If the plan is passed, any redistricting changes will be made at the start of the 2011-2012 school year. sarahmiller@counytimes.net

Wednesday, December 9, 2010


The County Times


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State Approves New Elementary School By Sarah Miller Staff Writer St. Mary’s County Public Schools received news from the Maryland Public School Construction Program announcing the second round of recommendations on the fiscal year 2012 State Capital Improvements Program. According to a press release Tuesday afternoon, the Interagency Committee on School Construction is recommending planning approval for the second new elementary school, to be located on the Hayden Property, which will be used to meet capacity and program requirements. The Leonardtown Middle School Limited Renovation project received the full amount of $1,230,814 requested in construction funding and the Oakville Elementary School HVAC Systemic Renovation project received $800,000 of the $1,833,000 construction funding requested. Brad Clements, chief operating officer

with St. Mary’s County Public Schools, said school district will be appealing to the Board of Public Works, which consists of the Maryland state governor, comptroller and treasurer, for the remaining $1,033,000 on Jan. 26. The new elementary should be ready to receive students by August 2015. It will be modeled after Evergreen Elementary School and is anticipated to incorporate additional sustainable design enhancements, such as a complete geothermal heating system. “I’m ecstatic about it,” said St. Mary’s County Public Schools Superintendent Michael Martirano. He said this news is good for both the school district and the community. “What a tremendous Christmas present for our community,” Martirano said. For more information, contact the SMCPS Department of Capital Planning and Green Schools at 301-475-4256, extension 6. sarahmiller@countytimes.net

Asst. Professors Get Pay Hike at SMCM By Sarah Miller Staff Writer The board of trustees meeting for St. Mary’s College of Maryland (SMCM) yielded some information about the monetary side of the school. Molly Mahoney Matthews, the chairperson for the board of trustees, said assistant professors on the tenure track will receive a pay raise of $2,500 yearly. Joe Urgo, president of SMCM, said this will help keep the college’s salary competitive. Their goal it to keep the pay grade in the mid-range, with an equal number of rival schools paying teachers more and less. This increase in pay, what Matthews called a “market adjustment,” is intended to be an incentive for teachers to stay at SMCM. “Retaining the faculty is a priority,” Matthews said. Urgo also expressed his concerns about the sustainability of the college. He said because of the shift to a higher workplace and a more technology-driven economy, there is an increase in the price to keep the school competitive. Unfortunately, this means tuition for students has been going up as the price of doing business for the school has been increasing. Urgo said it’s time to begin reviewing the budget

and setting priorities. He said there would be a shift toward mission driven spending. Urgo said they would also be creating targeted fundraising goals and programs, which is why they appointed a career development professional as the Vice President of Development. As a public honors college, Urgo said they rely on a mix of state and private funding. To increase private funding, the school will be turning to alumni in their fundraising campaigns. “If our alumni will not assist us in maintaining standards appropriate to an honors college, then we will have failed in our fundamental mission,” Urgo said. The board of trustees for St. Mary’s College of Maryland meets four times during the school setting year, twice per semester. The student representative on the board of trustees, junior Daniel Ruthenberg-Marshall, also said there was a need for money, especially for students. He said he understands tuition has to go up, but if it goes up too much students will have to leave because they can’t afford it.

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The County Times STORY

Wednesday, December 9, 2010



The County Times

Wednesday, December 9, 2010

WARM Provides Warm Beds For Local Homeless By Sarah Miller Staff Writer During the cold weather months, the need for homeless people to have a roof over their heads at night becomes more pressing. Unfortunately, the Three Oaks Homeless Shelter in Lexington Park can only take in so many people at one time. To help alleviate the overcrowding at the shelter, local churches, in conjunction with the social services department and county government, are sponsoring Wrapping Arms ‘Round Many (WARM) again this winter. The program started the last Sunday in November and will run until April 3. Rev. Greg Syler, rector at St. Georges Episcopal Church, said one of the reasons the faith-based community came up with the idea was because of a homeless father and son two winters ago who had nowhere to go. Social service workers couldn’t split the family up or put them into group housing, so the church helped find them places to stay during the cold weather seasons. Rev. Meredith Syler, one of the program coordinators with WARM, said there are more than 1,200 homeless people in St. Mary’s County alone, and over double that in the tri-county area. “The non-profit agencies can not possibly make a dent in that,” Meredith said. She said WARM is the first time all the churches in the county, regardless of denomination, have pulled together for a single ministry. In the spring of 2009, faith-based institutions gathered to discuss what could be done to help the homeless people in the winter, and the St. Mary’s Faith Based Homelessness Initiative was born. The name was soon changed to WARM. “It’s really astonishing the diversity of people who are homeless,” Greg said. He said the need for somebody to take in the overflow from Three Oaks Homeless shelter became obvious last winter. “They experienced a lot of people come in and need shelter,” Greg said. This year, the first institution to host WARM was St. George’s Episcopal Church in Valley Lee. Trinity Lutheran Church in Lexington Park is hosting now until Sunday, then WARM will rotate to the next church. Last winter, Greg said there were nine sites hosting people

Photo by Frank Marquart Jeffery and Angela Kolbe, who is four months pregnant, said they have been kicked out of their family’s homes and WARM is helping them when the Three Oaks Shelter cannot.

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from the Three Oaks Homeless Shelter. This year, there are 17 host churches. Each church has a cap of 20 cots for people to sleep on. In addition to the host churches, there a number of helping churches, Meredith said. Helping churches are not big enough to host 20 people, but still want to be involved in WARM. People from the helping churches assist with the cooking, set up and keeping the peace in general, among other things. There are two people who stay awake all night to ensure everything runs smoothly. Meredith said there are two shifts – 5 p.m. until 12 a.m. and 12 a.m. until 7 a.m. “It’s wonderful,” said Sue Lotti, a member of Trinity Lutheran Church. “We’re very blessed to have the opportunity to be involved.” Lotti said she’s been registering people as they come in each night, which she will be doing during the duration of Trinity Lutheran’s week as a WARM center. She said many of the people who come in from the Three Oaks shelter are the same every night, and they form a core group that will travel from center to center each week. The vans from the shelter leave at 5 p.m. and the people staying at the church will also get a meal. Greg said lights out is at 10 p.m., and the vans take people back to the shelter at 7 a.m. He said people who own their own cars can drive themselves to the shelter, which makes it easier for people who have jobs in Leonardtown and cannot make it to the Three Oaks Homeless Shelter in time to take the van to the WARM location for the night. Greg said once people come in, they are in for the night. Nobody will be allowed to come and go, even if they did drive themselves to the WARM location. WARM is only hosted at night, and the people don’t stay during the day. “It’s all just totally volunteer run and volunteer driven,” Greg said. Meredith said the people who get shelter at the churches go through a screening process at Three Oaks Homeless Shelter. The WARM sites can’t take in somebody who’s extremely unstable because the people at the church are not trained councilors. The Three Oaks shelter provides a list of the people who are approved to be sheltered at a WARM. Cynthia Brown, the interim director of human services, said the county is providing the vans and some money for gas, but WARM is really a movement from the faith-based community in St. Mary’s County. “I am really excited about working with the churches and WARM,” Brown said. “Considering the state of the economy nationwide, it’s

wonderful with these partnerships between the faith-based community, the county government and the people of the community,” Brown said. She said that with the economy and a lack of new resources, it is important to think outside the box and use pre-existing resources to counteract the need, and that’s exactly what WARM is doing. St. Mary’s County is the third in the tri-county area to be trying to find a way to help homeless people during the cold weather months. Mary Ann Zaversnik, who is the program director for SAFE Nights in Calvert County along with her husband Joe, said Calvert County modeled their program after the program in Charles County, who in turn took their inspiration from a program in Prince George’s County. “I think it’s wonderful,” Zaversnik said. “I think it would probably be impossible to only run this program in one county.” She said St. Mary’s, Calvert and Charles counties were all involved in the discussions about forming WARM in St. Mary’s County, and she is happy to see the program up and going strong. Angela Kolbe said the Three Oaks Homeless Shelter and WARM are helping her and her husband, Jeffery, in a way social services wouldn’t. She said she is four months pregnant, and after their parents kicked her and her husband out, they have been living out in the cold. The WARM shelter allows them to be out of the elements, which is good for the baby. Meredith said the number of people taking advantage of the WARM sites is comparable to last year. There were about 12 people per night during the last week, and Meredith said she expects a full house starting during the next couple of weeks, as the weather gets colder and winter truly begins. “I didn’t expect people to be as nice as they were,” said Walter Hairston, one of the people from Three Oaks who spent the night in the WARM center at Trinity Lutheran Church. He said he moved to St. Mary’s County four years ago, and has been involved with the Three Oaks Homeless Shelter for the past three years. “I don’t like the way my life feels like being here, but it’s better than being in the cold,” Hairston said. WARM is still looking for volunteers to drive vans from the Three Oaks Homeless Shelter to the WARM location at night and back in the morning. People interested in volunteering as drivers should contact Brown at 301-475-4200 extension 1846 or through the county website at www.stmarysmd.com. Volunteers should be at least 25 years of age with a clean driving record and experience driving a 15-passenger van. sarahmiller@countytimes.net

Photo by Frank Marquart The group of guests at Trinity Lutheran Church in Lexington Park pray before their meal on Tuesday night.

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Step into the past at Cecil’s!

Thursday, December 9, 2010



Pokémon Tournament Comes to Big Larry’s

By Sarah Miller Staff Writer

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Cecil’s will close at 3pm on Dec. 24th and reopen on December 29th.

For the first time, Big Larry’s Comic Book Cafe in Leonardtown will be hosting the first round of the city tournament of Play! Pokémon on Dec. 12, beginning at 10 a.m. Larry Rhodes, the owner of Big Larry’s Comic Book Cafe, said people who want to get involved should just bring their gaming decks and show up when the event begins. There is no cover charge or pre-registration required. Rhodes said not every tournament is free, but when there is a cover charge it’s normally because people will be receiving packs of cards and merchandise as a part of the event. He said he’s seen some familiar faces at Big Larry’s Comic Book Cafe, but he sees just as many new people on tournament days. “It’s such a great group,” Rhodes said. Mike Mattingly, the tournament organizer for the Leonardtown tournament, said an event like the one at Big Larry’s Comic Book Café only takes around 15 or 16 hours to put together. “They run really smoothly once you’ve done them and know how they’re done,” Mattingly said. He said the city tournament is only one in a series of Pokémon tournaments, which culminate in the World Tournament. Other tournaments include the Battle Roads tournament, which is a lower level than the City Tournament, which is being held currently, and a State Championship. The Maryland State Pokémon Championship will be held on March 12. The winners of the state championships go on to the regional championships in April and then the National championships in July. Mattingly said the big goal for players is to make it to the World Championships, which will be held in San Diego, California in August. The winners of the world tournaments receive scholarships totaling $7,500, which are awarded by age group. There are three age groups- Juniors, kids under the age of 10, Seniors, kids between the ages of 11 and 15, and Masters, anybody over the age of 15. Mattingly said kids aren’t the only ones to get involved in the Pokémon games, either. He said a lot of parents who bring their

children to the tournaments play themselves, both so they can understand what their children are doing and so they can have something to do while their children play. “It’s really something of a game for all ages,” Rhodes said. Tournaments can have as many as 1,300 people competing at them, but for a tournament like the one at Big Larry’s Comic Book Café, Mattingly said he expects between 35 and 40 people to show up, possibly fewer because it’s the first time the event is being held at Big Larry’s Comic Book Cafe.

Rhodes said he enjoys having gaming groups in his store, because they are all excited and that kind of excitement is contagious. “You feel that,” Rhodes said. “You love having stuff like this.” The café is a good place for tournaments, because the players can also get food and beverages, without even having to leave the store. “It’s the store of the future,” Rhodes said. Rhodes said in addition to Pokémon tournaments, the store also hosts Dungeons and Dragons Tournaments, Yu Gi Oh! tournaments, Star Wars and Magic the Gathering tournaments. There are two gaming rooms, a big room and an overflow room. Both areas will be utilized during the Pokémon tournament, Rhodes said. For more information, visit the website for Big Larry’s Comic Book Cafe at www.aardvarkreturns.com. sarahm iller@countytimes.net


The County Times

Thursday, December 9, 2010


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The County Times

Thursday, Dec. 9 • Young Professional’s Initiative Holiday Party New York Buffet, Wildewood Shopping Center (23415 Three Notch Road, California) – 7 p.m. The Young Professional’s Initiative will be hosting a Christmas party including a dinner buffet, holiday music, games, prizes, an ugly sweater contest and a White Elephant exchange. The White Elephant gifts should be less than $5 and the gaudier the better. The price of admission will be $13 for members and $15 for non-members. • Southern Maryland Originals College of Southern Maryland, Building A (23415 Three Notch Road, California) – 7:30 p.m. Southern Maryland Originals will consist of four one-act plays- “woman: revised,” “The Importance of being Harry,” “Love Among the Oysters” and “Witch Hunt.” There will be an intermission between “The Importance of being Harry” and “Love Among the Oysters,” as well as other poetry readings and musical performances between the individual plays. Tickets are $10 and can be purchased at the door via check or cash. Credit will not be accepted.

Friday, Dec. 10 • Mutual Elementary’s Mini Festival of Trees Mutual Elementary School (1455 Ball Road, Port Republic) – 4 p.m. Mutual’s Relay for Life Team is sponsoring their Second Annual Mini Festival of Trees. Each classroom and several groups have decorated three to four foot tall trees in chosen themes. Thirty one trees are on display in the school lobby and will be auctioned in a silent auction. Proceeds go to benefit the American Cancer Society. • Owl Prowl Myrtle Point Park (Patuxent Boulevard, California) – 8 p.m. The friends of Myrtle Point Park will be sponsoring the Owl Prowl. Dress warm, bring a flashlight, and park outside the gate. Children must be accompanied by an adult. For more information, call Bob Boxwell at 410-394-1300 or Dudley Lindsley at 301-475-1858 or at dlindsley@verizon.net.

Saturday, Dec. 11 • Forrest Center Breakfast with Santa Dr. James A. Forrest Career and Technology Center (24005 Point Lookout Road, Leonardtown) – 8 a.m.

The price for admission will be $8 for adults and $4 for children between the ages of 3 and 11. An omelet bar will be available for an additional $2. Santa will be making his entrance at 8:30 a.m. Santa’s Workshop will be open for children to purchase small gifts, assisted by Forrest Center students. There will also be Audio Visual students available to make a Christmas greeting on CDs and DVDs for $8. There will be other activities, including face painting, gingerbread man decorating and puppet shows. The proceeds from the event go to benefit the Forrest Center’s student programs and SkillsUSA. For more information, call 301-475-0242. • Holiday at Haberdeventure at Thomas Stone National Historic Site Thomas Stone National Historic Site (6655 Rose Hill Road, Port Tobacco) – 4 p.m. The event will include colonial caroling and dancing, carving demonstrations, wax candle making, weaving and quilt demonstrations and costumed candlelit interpretive tours. There will be tours every 15 minutes. For more information, call 301-392-1776 or visit www. nps.gov/thst. • Mike’s Food Fund- Fill This Bus California Wal-Mart (45485 Miramar Way, California) – 10 a.m. In order to be able to provide Christmas Dinner to over 1,500 needy families in St. Mary’s County this year, Mike’s Food Fund will hold a Fill This Bus Canned Food Drive. Donations of canned goods and boxed stuffing are requested. Donations of new, unwrapped toys will also be accepted during these times. Tax-deductible donations are also accepted. Donations will continue to be accepted by both Re/Max and Motovation Cycles through Dec 12th. For questions or more information, contact Brigid Kenney at 301-481-1233 or Mike’s Bikes at 301-863-7887.

Sunday, Dec. 12 • Breakfast with Santa and Mrs. Claus Second District Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue Squad (45245 Drayden Road, Valley Lee) – 8 a.m. The cost is $8 for adults, $4 for children between the ages of 6 and 12, and free for children under the age of 5. The menu will include sausage gravy and biscuits, sausage links, ham, scrambled eggs, fried potatoes, French toast, three kinds of pancakes, juice, coffee and milk. For more information, contact Becky Boyer at 301-994-9999. • Angels We Have Heard on High Christmas Program Living Word Community Church (39371

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Harpers Corner Road, Mechanicsville) – 10:15 a.m. The Living Word Community Church will be hosting the Angels We Have Heard on High Christmas drama with music. For more information, call 301-884-0167 or visit www. lwccmech.org. • The Psalm Singers Present “Back to the Manger” Hughesville Baptist Church (8505 Old Leonardtown Road, Hughesville) – 6 p.m. The Hughesville Baptist Church’s children’s choir, the Psalm Singers, will be performing the musical “Back to the Manger.” For more information, call 301-884-8645 or 301-274-3672. • St. Mary’s County Youth Memorial Vigil St. Mary’s Youth Memorial (Route 5, Great Mills) – 7 p.m. The names of the county’s youth who lost their lives will be read. Reverend Joseph Calis from Holy Face Church will lead the prayer and blessing. People should bring candles. For more information, call Frederick Hoeck at 301-475-6810.

Monday, Dec. 13 • Project Sunburst Groundbreaking Ceremony George Washington Carver Elementary School (46155 Carver School Boulevard, Lexington Park) – 9 a.m. St. Mary’s County Public Schools will be hosting the groundbreaking for the solar panels being installed at the school. Superintendant Michael Martirano and other school officials will be on hand to commemorate the event. When they’re installed and operational, the solar panels are expected to produce about 80 percent of the school’s annual electrical consumption. For more information, contact Brad Clements, the chief operating officer for St. Mary’s County Public Schools, at 301475-4256 extension 7. • Red Cross Blood Drive Second District Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue Squad (45245 Drayden Road, Valley Lee) – 2 p.m. The American Red Cross will be hosting a blood drive. Walk-ins will be welcome. For more information, or to schedule an appointment, call 301-994-1038.

Tuesday, Dec. 14 • Naval Air Station Patuxent River Presentation Leonardtown High School Auditorium (23995 Point Lookout Road, Leonardtown) – 6 p.m. Representatives from the Patuxent River


Naval Air Station will be at Leonardtown High School auditorium to address the community on student employment, Navy scholarship programs, local education pathways, and cooperative education among other pertinent topics for students. Seating is on a first come, first served basis in the Leonardtown High School auditorium. • Auditions for Student Play “The Boardinghouse” Three Notch Theatre (21744 South Coral Drive, Lexington Park) – 6:30 p.m. The Newtowne Players are hosting open auditions for the second annual student production of “The Boardinghouse”, a comedy by Vern Harden. Students between the ages of 8 and 15 by Dec. 31 are eligible to audition. Callbacks will be held Dec. 16 at 6:30 p.m. Students between the ages of ages 8 and 9 should bring a prepared piece to read and students between the ages of 10 and 15 will use cold readings from the script. If you cannot make these times but wish to work either onstage or backstage for this production, contact Director Stacey Park at 240-925-9470. For more information about volunteer opportunities or other upcoming programs, visit www.newtowneplayers.org.

Wednesday, Dec. 15 • Learn to Line Dance Hotel Charles (15100 Burnt Store Road, Hughesville) – 7 p.m. The Boot Scooters of Southern Maryland are offering free Line Dance Lessons. The lessons will be followed by the regular weekly practice session for team members. Anyone interested in obtaining more information about these lessons or interested joining the Boot Scooters of Southern Maryland can contact them through the link on their website at www. bootscootersofsomd.blogspot.com. • Picture This Art and Story Time for Preschoolers Annmarie Gardens (13480 Dowell Road, Solomons) – 10 a.m. The event is for children in ages 4-6. Cost for members is $8 per child and the cost for non-members is $12 per child. The instructor will be. Joanne Paskoff. The classes are designed for preschoolers. These hour-long story times teach basic art elements, art styles, and even a little art history with wonderful children’s books, imaginative games, and inventive art projects. Each student comes away with a matted artwork. Pre-registration is required. For more information and a complete class schedule, or to register, call 410-326-4640 or visit www.annmariegarden.org.

Piney Point Lighthouse Holiday Exhibit

25th Annual Christmas Doll & Train Exhibit



Piney Point Lighthouse Museum

St. Clement’s Island Museum

FREE Open House! Sun. Dec. 12 Santa arrives by boat at 1 pm! Open December 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20 12 noon to 4 pm December 23 to Jan. 2 - 10 am -4 pm Closed Christmas and New Years

Happy Holidays from the St. Mary’s County Museum Division!

FREE Open House! Sat. Dec. 11 See Santa from noon to 2 pm!

Join us for special holiday exhibits and gift shopping in our museum stores! Closed Christmas Day and New Year’s Call or visit us on line for more information: www.stmarysmd.com/recreate/museums

The Board of County Commissioners for St. Mary’s County

Open Wed-Sun 12 pm - 4pm now through Jan. 22. Dec. 23 - Jan. 2 Open daily 10 am - 4 pm Closed Christmas and New Years


Thursday, December 9, 2010

The County Times


Local Chaplain Opens Congress Wednesday Adopt A Pet! By Sarah Miller Staff Writer Lt. Christilene Whalen, a Chaplain at Naval Air Station Patuxent River and acing command chaplain, was asked to deliver the opening prayer for Congress on Wednesday. “It’s a really nice honor and I’m feeling really privileged to do it. I just thank God,” Whalen said. According to a press release form the office of Congressman Steny Hoyer, Whalen is originally from Lexington Park, and was ordained in the African Methodist Episcopal Church as a Deacon in 1994, and an Elder in 1995. Whalen holds a Master of Divinity from Harvard Divinity School, a Bachelor of Arts from California State University, and graduated from Great Mills High School in Lexington Park. She worked for 10 years as a Civil Servant for the Department of Defense and 20 years in the Ministry prior to joining the Navy in 2008. She said Hoyer, who recommended Whalen deliver the open prayer, contacted her last week. Guidelines for the prayer include it not exceeding 150 words, be given entirely in English and it must not have any references to the national day observances of any other nation. The prayer had to be submitted a week ahead of time for review and incorporation into the Congressional Record. The event was televised live on C-SPAN on Wednesday morning. sarahmiller@countytimes.net Photo courtesy of Christilene Whalen

Bear Hugs for Healing Over the last few years, American Electronics, Inc. (Amelex), a small business headquartered in California, MD has been one of the largest supporters of the “Bear Hugs for Healing” program and donated to this worthy cause again this year, a press release states. Bear Hugs for Healing is a program that collects stuffed teddy bears (as well as other stuffed animals) and delivers them to hospitalized children in the local area. This year, the Leonardtown High School Best Buddies Organization was a large contributor of stuffed bears, which will certainly help Amelex put smiles on many ailing children’s faces during the holiday season. Additionally during this holiday season, Amelex is holding a food drive. All donations will go directly to the Southern Maryland Food Bank, which distributes the food to nearly 40 food pantries, group homes, and shelters across southern Maryland. The employees of Amelex believe no one should have to go hungry in our community.

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A local woman won the Miss District of Columbia pageant and is currently a competitor for the title of Miss United States of America. Heather Swann, the new Miss District of Columbia is pictured with her mom, Cheryl Swann and her friend, Cyrus Carter. Heather’s parents are Joseph and Cheryl Swann of California. She attended Great Mills High School and is currently going to school at Howard University in Washington, DC.

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The County Times

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Sprinkler Issue Coming to a Deadline Vote

By Guy Leonard Staff Writer

Members of the county’s fire service departments say that fire sprinklers should be required in new homes that are built on wells both to protect the life and property of homeowners as well as firefighters who fight house fires. The issue has pitted concerns of safety versus the concerns of increased costs to builders and property owners and will likely be one of the more controversial to be decided by the newly elected commissioner board, who must meet a Jan. 1 state deadline or risk losing some local control over land use. If the county commissioners do nothing, however, the state’s Maryland Building Performance Standards, a blend of the International Building Code and the International Residential Code, will become the law here in St. Mary’s. If that happens, said county Permit Coordinator Harry Knight, the county’s collection of building code amendments that property

owners have enjoyed over the years will disappear by default. Knight said that examples of benefits that will disappear include homeowners being exempt from building permits if they build a backyard shed of 300 square feet or less, as well as any building permit being good for a year, per the county’s rule, as opposed to the state’s six-month rule. Commissioners could also act to exempt Amish community members from the sprinkler ordinance if they meet the deadline, Knight said, but if they don’t Amish homebuilders would have to comply with state rules. Keith Fairfax, a veteran member and past president of the Bay District Volunteer Fire Department, said Tuesday that the county should have already decided to go with the international standards, as they represented the best practices available. Thomas A. Mattingly, Jr., chief of the Leonardtown Volunteer Fire Department, recalled three fire calls that could have been prevented by in-house sprinkler systems. In two of those fires people lost their

lives, he said, while in the third he and other firefighters were nearly injured or killed in a structural collapse. “The cost [of these modifications] is a drop in the bucket compared to the pain and loss of losing a loved one,” Mattingly said. Chuck Bryson, a local businessman who owns a concrete company, said that the added cost of putting in more sprinkler systems could hamper their profits further, even though sprinklers were a good idea for safety’s sake. Commissioner Dan Morris (R-Mechanicsville) said he had not decided on how he would vote on the amendment to the building code, but he said that the requirement “smacked of government intrusion.” “I do understand the concerns of the fire service and that weighs heavily on me,” Morris told The County Times. “But I’m leery of big government telling people to do things without helping them pay for it.” guyleonard@countytimes.net

St. Mary’s County Receives Funds to Save Energy By Sarah Miller Staff Writer The Maryland Energy Administration recently awarded grants to each county in the hoped of advancing the goal of reducing energy use by 15 percent by 2015. St. Mary’s county received a total of $28,500. This money was split between the housing commission, which received $21,000 and Christmas in April, which received $7,500. “Our goal was to make it possible for each county to help programs they should help,” said Ian Hines, the communications and marketing manager with the Maryland Energy Administration. He said the money is

meant to be used by non-profit organizations and the county. The amount of money each county received was determined by a formula based on the 2010 census data. Hines said the formula included the percentage of low- and moderate-income housing in the state compared to the percentage in each county. He said the housing commission will use the money to improve the heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) system in the Patuxent Woods Housing Development. “By making these investment in efficiency it helps us to get to where we need to be,” Hines said. As part of the Maryland Empower Act of 2008, the state is trying to cut energy de-

mand by 15 percent by 2015, as the projected demand for energy will outpace the supply and production of energy. “There’s a two-fold effort to address that demand,” Hines said. While the state is trying to cut energy use and demand, they’re also looking for ways to increase the energy supply. Hines said there is still work to do. He said if the economy gets better it will be easier, but nonetheless, the state is actually on track for achieving that the energy reduction. “We’ve made a lot of progress toward that goal,” Hines said. sarahmiller@countytimes.net

L ibrary Items • Bella Music School to present family holiday concert A family holiday concert will be presented by Bella Music School Youth Orchestra under the direction of Sue Tayag on Dec. 11 at 12:30 p.m. at Lexington Park Library. The concert is free and open to the public. • Holiday parties planned for children Holiday stories, crafts and more are planned at the children’s holiday parties to be held on Dec. 13 at 6:30 p.m. at Lexington Park, on Dec. 14 at 6 p.m. at Charlotte Hall and on Dec. 15 at 6 p.m. at Leonardtown. Registration is required for these free programs. • TAG meetings TAG (Teen Advisory Group) will meet on Dec. 9 at 5 p.m. at Charlotte Hall, on Dec. 14 at Lexington Park at 5:30 p.m., and on Dec. 22 at 6 p.m. at Leonardtown. All teens are invited to attend, play Wii, chat about books and help the library plan upcoming teen programs. Snacks are provided. • Libraries offer book discussions The upcoming book discussions are: Luis Albertio Urrea’s book, “The Hummingbird’s Daughter” on Dec. 13 at 6 p.m.; Louisa May Alcott’s book, “Little Women,” on Dec. 16 at 7 p.m. at Leonardtown and Aldous Huxley’s book, “Brave New World” on Jan. 3 at 7 p.m. at Charlotte Hall. Books are available for checkout at the host libraries. The new list of selected titles for 2011 is available online or at the branches. • Last minute Christmas gifts available at library The library sells book bags and backpacks which make great Christmas gifts and also can be used as gift bags. “300 Years of Black Cooking in St. Mary’s County” and several local history books are also available at any branch.

CHURCH SERVICES DIRECTORY Running the 2nd & 4th Week of Each Month

To Advertise in the Church Services Directory, Call The County Times at 301-373-4125

ANGLICAN THE ANGLICAN MISSION OF SOUTHERN MARYLAND Sundays - 9:30 AM 41695 Fenwick Street Unit 3 Leonardtown, MD 20650 301/475-9337 www.amosm.net

BAHA’I FAITH BAHA’I FAITH God is One, Man is One, and All Religions are One

Discussions 3rd Wed. 7-8 Lex Pk Library, Longfellow Rm 301-884-8764 or www.bahai.org



HUGHESVILLE BAPTIST CHURCH A member of the Southern Baptist Convention 8505 Leonardtown Road, Hughesville, MD 20637 301-884-8645 or 301-274-3627 Pastor Keith Corrick Associate Pastor Kevin Cullins

• Sunday Morning Worship • Sunday School (all ages) • Sunday Evening Worship & Bible Study • Wednesday Discipleship Classes (Adults, youth & Children)

10:30am 9:15 am 6:00 pm 7:00 pm

CATHOLIC CHURCH St. Cecelia Church 47950 Mattapany Rd, PO Box 429 St. Mary’s City, MD 20686 301-862-4600 Virgil Mass: Sunday: Weekday (M-F): Confessions:

4:30 pm Saturday 8:00 am 7:30 am 3-4 pm Saturday

GRACE CHAPEL Grace Chapel (Meeting at Mechanicsville Elementary School) Pastor Carl Snyder Worship Service: 10:00 am Phone: 301-884-3504 • Website: www.gracechapelsomd.com John 8:32 Member of fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches


Patuxent Presbyterian Church California, Maryland 301-863-2033

Rev Michael R. Jones, Senior Pastor 1 miles South of Thomas Johnson Bridge on Rt. 4

Sunday Morning Worship Services: 8:30 am & 11:00 am Sunday School 9:45 am With Nursery care Website: http://www.paxpres.org E-mail: ChurchOffice@paxpress.org

Offering worship and serving opportunities at… First Friendship campus – Ridge 9:00 am Traditional worshipc St George Island campus – Piney Point 9:45 am Children and Adult Sunday School 11:00 am Traditional worship St. Paul’s campus – Leonardtown 8:05 am Traditional worshipna 9:15 am Contemporary worshipnca(ASL Interpreted) 10:45 am Contemporary worshipnca 6:00 pm The Refinery (interactive worship)nc n – nursery provided c- children’s Sunday school also available a- adult Sunday school also available

www.firstsaints.org 301.475.7200


The County Times

Thursday, December 9, 2010

A Journey Through Time The


leak. Passengers and crew worked 24 hours a day to keep her afloat. It was decided that this was not a storm but that they were in the midst of a “malevolence of demons.” A By Linda Reno little old woman came under suspicion of sorcery, Contribuing Writer was seized and killed. She and all of her belongings Francis Fitzherbert, born 1613, entered the Soci- were tossed into the sea. Whether Father Fitzherbert ety of Jesus in 1634. In 1654 he was sent to Maryland. played any role in this event is unknown. Father Fitzherbert was known to be zealous and While enroute, the ship on which he was a passenger encountered a furious storm and the ship sprang a would preach to Catholics and Protestants alike if given the opportunity. In 1658 he was charged with “treason and sedition and giving out rebellious and mutinous speeches in this province and endeavoring to raise distraction and disturbances.” At court depositions were provided as follows: Thomas Gerard said that while he and Father Fitzherbert were walking in the woods near his home, the subject arose about Gerard bringing his children to the Catholic Church. Gerard stated he “gave Mr. Fitzherbert reasons why it would not be safe for himself and them. [Fitzherbert said] that he would compel and force them and likewise he said that he would excommunicate him.” Robert Slye (Thomas Gerard’s long chemistry set containing over 31 chemBy Shelby Oppermann son-in-law) said that sometime in icals for older brothers to make concoctions Contributing Writer 1656 Mr. Fitzherbert, was at Slye’s to blow up your dolls and doll furniture. All I had thought once or twice in the last that fun for $24.99. For today’s future mad month about those old Christmas wish cata- scientists, I found a ChemC100 set averaging logs that came in the mail for years. I don’t about $150. I checked out the 1988 Sears really enjoy looking at catalogs on-line. I catalog for chemistry set prices (the time like to hold them in my hands and dog-ear when my sons were little) and couldn’t find the pages. The anticipation was high, and anything but a microscope. In the Sears 1971 wish book ( I was ten) when the big books came, worth the wait. What was interesting is that our Reverend I found my drum set for $19.97 that I was used that as a jumping off point for his ser- never allowed to play, so it sat in my parents’ mon on Sunday. I didn’t think anyone else bedroom for a few years. It used to scare ever thought about the “wish books” any- me sometimes, because the drums would more. The Sears and JC Penney‘s catalogs make noises all on their own. I understand must have been two inches thick. I decided to now that it was expansion and contraction, check on the web just entering “wish book”. but then I thought it was possessed. I think A neat site came up called wishbookweb. my favorite toys were Lincoln Logs and Barcom. This site contains entire catalogs from bie’s. It was fun looking at the Barbie fashSears, Spiegel, Lord & Taylor, Montgomery ions of the day on Barbie, Francie, Skipper Wards (Monkey Wards as my Father called and Ken. I was trying to find the supermarIt), and JC Penney. The earliest catalog is a ket set I had in the late 60’s. That was a huge set of miniature groceries with little, aisles 64 page 1933 Spiegel catalog. The Spiegel catalog had a big doll house of food, signs, cash registers and checkout with 6 rooms and 39 pieces of beautiful fur- stations. That’s probably why I still enjoy niture for $4.48. The kitchen pieces had real grocery shopping. My Easy Bake oven nevwhite enamel, and the living room had ma- er worked, so that is probably why I am not hogany furniture. I would still like to have as enthusiastic about cooking. Our Reverend asked how many of us that. The saddest ad I saw was for a little girl’s 8 piece laundry set for $1.98. The ad looked through all those wonderful catalogs states, “What a treat to be able to wash your and wished for the items on those pages. I Dolly’s clothes!” Oh boy, start at five years guess little boys wished just like the little old and never quit is what it forgot to men- girls did. I can still remember the house I tion. The set contained everything from a had planned as a little girl with all the excitbright green and white enameled wash tub ing things in the wish book. It had a curved with wash board to a clothes line and 12 staircase on both sides of a large foyer with clothes pins. The best thing was the “clever lots of light and elegant furniture. I thought little nickel plated iron with the Sunny Su- that when you grew up you automatically zie logo.” I can imagine little girls happily had all that stuff. Somehow that didn’t hapimitating Mommy with their “Sunny Suzie” pen – at least for many years. Even now, I smile, and poor Mommy hand washing and don’t have elegant furniture, don’t really hanging all the laundry with a tired, worn want it, but I have comfort and love, and in essence that was what the wish books were expression. The 1969 Sears catalog was fun to look really all about. through. Pages of mini-dresses and go-go boots, actually kind of like the styles now. To each new day’s adventure, I found my Lite-Brite toy for $6.49, and the Shelby commercial jingle naturally came into my Please send comments or ideas to: head, “Lite-Brite, makin’ things with light.” I enjoyed the fond remembrances on the shelbys.wanderings@yahoo.com. chemistry set pages – a 5 panel over 4 foot

Wanderings of an Aimless



Christmas Wish List

house and he asked Fitzherbert to tell him “who it was that had scandously and falsely accused him of beating his Irish servants because they refused to be of the same religion of him; which request Mr. Fitzherbert refused to grant, saying that he did not believe the report to be false, and therefore desired him not to pursue the matter for he would not disclose the author of the report.” Mr. Fitzherbert also told Slye that Gerard “had also beaten an Irish servant because she would not be a Protestant or go to prayer with those of his family that were so….Mr. Gerard, although he professed to be a Roman Catholic, yet his life and conversion was not agreeable to his profession because he did not bring his wife and children to the Roman Catholic Church… and that if he would not do so, he would force and compel him..saying he would draw his sword against him.” Slye said he didn’t understand what Fitzherbert meant by force or compel but he had told him to “leave Mrs. Gerard and the children alone with respect to their religion.” Henry Coursey said he had received a letter from Mrs. Gerard telling him that Mr. Fitzherbert threatened to excommunicate her husband. “I told Mr. Fitzherbert…that such things were against the law of the country yet his answer was that he must be directed by his conscience more than the law of any country.” Father Fitzherbert was found not guilty and remained in Maryland until 1662. He died at St. Omer’s (Belgium) May 22, 1687.

Over 250,000 Southern Marylanders can’t be wrong!

The County Times The County Times is always looking for more local talent to feature! To submit art or band information for our entertainment section, e-mail sarahmiller@countytimes.net.

CSM Leonardtown Hosts First Southern Maryland Originals

Gregory said she is pleased with the choices for the one-acts, and thinks they have the potential to go far. Gregory said “woman: revised” has people depicting different words while the dictionary term of the word “woman” is updated. These words include the titular woman, lesbian, crone and vaginitis. The play itself lasts about 15 minutes, with a total of four women, one man and one stuffed wombat occupying the stage. “People who like linguistics will like that one,” Gregory said. Gloria Ranta, who portrays the word “crone” said it was kind of strange to be involved in the play because she had actually seen the play before, though she’s glad she got the part. Tina Fratantuono, who portrays “woman” said she’s been in the play before, when she played the part of “crone.” “The Importance of being Harry” is about a woman who wants to be with a hairy

Saturday, Dec. 11

Sunday, Dec. 12

• Dave Norris DB McMillan’s (23415 Three Notch Road, California) – 5 p.m.

• Fair Warning DB McMillan’s (23415 Three Notch Road, California) – 6 p.m.

• Garden in lights Annmarie Gardens (13480 Dowell Road, Solomons) – 6 p.m.

• Four Friends Jazz Band Chef’s American Bistro (22576 Macarthur Boulevard, San Souci Plaza suite 314, California) – 6 p.m.

• Piney Point Lighthouse Museum Christmas Open House Piney Point Lighthouse Museum (44720 Lighthouse Road, Piney Point) – 12 p.m.

• Live Music with Billy Breslin and Band Ruddy Duck Brewery (13200 Dowell Road, Dowell) – 7:30 p.m.

• Poker Tournament R.T.S. Building (21367 Great Mills Road, Lexington Park) – 8 p.m.

man, and goes on a date with a man named Harry, mistakenly thinking he is hairy, Gregory said. “Love Among the Oysters” is what Gregory described as “Leonardtown Shakespeare,” and is written entirely in couplets. It is written by the same author of “A History of St. Mary’s County in 23 Minutes.” “It’s very sweet and lyrical,” she said. “Witch Hunt” will be sponsored in the 2011 Maryland One-Act Festival, which will be held at Three Notch Theatre Jan. 14 through 16. “That’s one I think has a lot of potential to be an award winning type of script,” Gregory said. Cole, as well as having written “Witch Hunt,” will be portraying Bridget Bishop during the play. Bridget Bishop, along with two other women, are modern day women being accused of “unnatural acts against nature and family,” which was a real crime during the colonial period, at the same time women and men were being accused of witchcraft and executed for it. She said she looks forward to making the Southern Maryland Originals into an annual event on the CSM campus. In order to give the students at CSM a chance to be involved in the Southern Maryland Originals, Gregory said the auditions for the plays were delayed until after the beginning of the semester. Gregory said there are about 25 volunteers, on-stage and off, helping to bring the Southern Maryland Originals to life. “I think the more theater type stuff you have in the county, the better,” Kyser said. Fratantuono said she’s looking forward to opening night. “We’re ready to go,” she said. “We’re ready to rock and roll.” The Southern Maryland originals will be held in building A of the Leonardtown campus, in the auditorium. They will be preformed Dec. 9 though 12. The Thursday, Friday and Saturday performances are at 7:30 p.m. and the Sunday performance will be a matinee at 2 p.m. Tickets are $10 and can be purchased at the door via check or cash. Credit will not be accepted. Thursday night is a Student Night for CSM students only. Tickets for student night will be $5 with student identification. For more information, contact Gregory at SMO.Producer@gmail.com. sarahmiller@countytimes.net

We post nightlife events happening in Calvert, Charles and St. Mary’s counties. To submit an event for our calendar, e-mail sarahmiller@countytimes.net. Deadline for submissions is Monday by 5 p.m.

• Martini Karaoke with DJ Steve Martini’s Lounge (10553 Theodore Green Boulevard, White Plains) – 9 p.m.

Friday, Dec. 10 • Dave Norris DB McMillan’s (23415 Three Notch Road, California) – 5 p.m.

• Randy Richie on Piano Café Des Artistes (41655 Fenwick Street, Leonardtown) – 6:30 p.m. • Patuxent Voices a capella Concert Middleham Chapel (10210 H. G. Trueman Road, Lusby) – 7:30 p.m. • Live Music with Deanna Dove Ruddy Duck Brewery (13200 Dowell Road, Dowell) – 7:30 p.m. • True Blue Country St. Mary’s Landing (29935 Three Notch Road, Charlotte Hall) – 7:30 p.m. • Jim Ritter and the Creole Gumbo Jazz Band The Westlawn Inn (9200 Chesapeake Avenue, North Beach) – 8 p.m.

• Fraternal Order of Police Poker Tournament Fraternal Order of Police (21215 Chancellors Run Road, Lexington Park) – 2 p.m. • NFL at the Duck Ruddy Duck Brewery (13200 Dowell Road, Dowell) – 6 a.m. • Big Dog Zone Big Dogs Paradise (28765 Three Notch Road, Mechanicsville) – 11 a.m. • James Parson Projects Gilligan’s Pier (11535 Popes Creek Road, Newburg) – 4 p.m. • Sunday Funday Vera’s White Sands Beach Club (1200 White Sands Drive, Lusby) – 9 p.m.

Monday, Dec. 13 • Mason Sebastian DB McMillan’s (23415 Three Notch Road, California) – 5 p.m.

• Mudcat Live Rustic River Bar and Grill (40874 Merchant’s Lane, Leonardtown) – 8 p.m.

• No Limit Texas Hold ‘Em Bounty Tournament St. Mary’s County Elk’s Lodge (45779 Fire Department Lane, California) – 7 p.m.

• Randy Richie on Piano Café Des Artistes (41655 Fenwick Street, Leonardtown) – 6:30 p.m.

• Gretchen Richie’s Jazz After Hours with Dancing Café Des Artistes (41655 Fenwick Street, Leonardtown) – 8 p.m.

• Charity Texas Hold ‘Em Tournament R.T.S. Building (21367 Great Mills Road, Lexington Park) – 8 p.m.

• Fraternal Order of Police Poker Tournament Fraternal Order of Police (21215 Chancellors Run Road, Lexington Park) – 7 p.m.

• Sam Grow Cryer’s Back Road Inn (22094 Newtowne Neck Road, Leonardtown) – 9 p.m.

• Salsa Night Ruddy Duck Brewery (13200 Dowell Road, Dowell) – 8 p.m.

• Four Friends Jazz Band Chef’s American Bistro (22576 Macarthur Boulevard, San Souci Plaza suite 314, California) – 6 p.m.

• “A Day of the Earth” Live Music with Steve and Rusty Ruddy Duck Brewery (13200 Dowell Road, Dowell) – 7:30 p.m. • All You Can Drink Night with DJ Chris Big Dogs Paradise (28765 Three Notch Road, Mechanicsville) – 8 p.m. • Slow Shot Apehangers Bar and Grill (9100 Crain Highway, Bel Alton) – 9 p.m. • 360 Martini’s Lounge (10553 Theodore Green Boulevard, White Plains) – 9 p.m. • D.J. Rick Vera’s White Sands Beach Club (1200 White Sands Drive, Lusby) – 9 p.m.

• Ape’s Annual Christmas Party Featuring The Craze Apehangers Bar and Grill (9100 Crain Highway, Bel Alton) – 9 p.m. • Frankie and the Actions featuring Miles from Clever Hotel Charles (15110 Burnt Store Road, Hughesville) – 9 p.m. • 360 Martini’s Lounge (10553 Theodore Green Boulevard, White Plains) – 9 p.m. • Facedown Big Dogs Paradise (28765 Three Notch Road, Mechanicsville) – 9:30 p.m. • Live Entertainment Gilligan’s Pier (11535 Popes Creek Road, Newburg) – 9:30 p.m.

n O g n i o G


This weekend marks the first time the Southern Maryland Originals will hit the stage at the Leonardtown Campus of the College of Southern Maryland (CSM). Southern Maryland Originals will consist of four one-act plays- “woman: revised,” “The Importance of being Harry,” “Love Among the Oysters,” and “Witch Hunt.” There will be an intermission between “The Importance of being Harry” and “Love Among the Oysters,” as well as other poetry readings and musical performances between the individual plays. All of the plays are written by local writers. “Woman: revised” and “Witch Hunt” are both written by Trish Cole, “The Importance of Being Harry” is written by George Johnson and “Love Among the Oysters” is written R. DaSilva. “I started getting a love of local works when I produced one-acts,” said Lisa Gregory, producer of Southern Maryland Originals. She said she had produced the one-act plays for the Newtowne Players at Three Notch Theatre in Lexington Park. She has been working with the Newtowne Players since 2006. Ever since Three Notch Theater stopped performing one-act plays, Gregory said there has been a need for them in the community.


Thursday, Dec. 9

• $10 All You Can Drink Ladies Night with DJ Chris Big Dogs Paradise (28765 Three Notch Road, Mechanicsville) – 8 p.m.

By Sarah Miller Staff Writer

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Tuesday, Dec. 14 • Fair Warning DB McMillan’s (23415 Three Notch Road, California) – 5 p.m. • Live Music with David and Kevin Trio Ruddy Duck Brewery (13200 Dowell Road, Dowell) – 7 p.m.

Wednesday, Dec. 15 • Fair Warning DB McMillan’s (23415 Three Notch Road, California) – 5 p.m. • Karaoke Night with DJ Harry Big Dogs Paradise (28765 Three Notch Road, Mechanicsville) – 7 p.m. • Band in a Box St. Mary’s Landing (29935 Three Notch Road, Charlotte Hall) – 7:30 p.m.

For family and community events, see our calendar in the community section on page 20.

In Entertainment


The County Times

Thursday, December 9, 2010


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e i d d i K Kor

CLUES ACROSS 1. Curved supporting structure 5. Cleaning agent 9. A stout sword 14. Many serums 15. Modern Tell Mardikh 16. Roman god of the underworld 17. Maple genus 18. Scottish kinship group 19. Superior of an abbey of monks 20. Baywatch star 23. Bookworm 24. Autonomic nervous system 25. Chief Ouray’s tribe 26. Famous hat brand 31. Tossed, cobb and tuna 35. Red + yellow 36. Freshwater duck genus 37. One who speaks Baltic 38. Removes furniture varnish 41. Filches 43. Shockingly evil or cruel 45. Mimic 46. Fixed in one’s purpose

Thursday, December 9, 2010

47. A Sioux 51. Bedroom bureau 56. White person, Hawaiian slang 57. A disdainful grimace 58. A Spanish river 59. Regions 60. Sparks 61. Close by 62. Herons, archaic 63. Let it stand (Latin) 64. Torn ticket receipt


1. As fast as can be done, (abbr.) 2. Go over 3. _____ de la creme 4. Hurried 5. Lines that intersect a curve 6. Pumpkin-shaped 7. ____ Ladd, actor 8. They love to eat bamboo 9. Less thick or dense 10. Vestment 11. Swollen lymph node 12. British School


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Thursday, December 9, 2010

The County Times

Charlotte Hall’s Williams Reflects on Third Straight Late Model Crown Thurs., Dec. 9 Girls’ Basketball Good Counsel at St. Mary’s Ryken, 7 p.m.

Fri., Dec. 10 Boys’ Basketball Lansdowne at St. Mary’s Ryken, 5 p.m. Lackey at Leonardtown, 7 p.m. Girls’ Basketball Leonardtown at Lackey, 7 p.m. St. Mary’s Ryken at Georgetown Visitation Tournament Hockey St. Mary’s Ryken vs. Thomas Stone at Capital Clubhouse (Waldorf), 5 p.m. Leonardtown vs. DeMatha at Laurel, 5:45 p.m. Swimming Leonardtown vs. Northern at CSM, 5 p.m. Great Mills/Patuxent at Lackey, 5 p.m. Chopticon/La Plata at Calvert, 5 p.m. Wrestling Chopticon Tournament (Chopticon, Great Mills, St. Mary’s Ryken)

Sat., Dec. 11 Girls’ Basketball St. Mary’s Ryken at

Georgetown Visitation Tournament Wrestling Chopticon Tournament, second day

Mon, Dec. 13 Boys’ Basketball La Plata at Chopticon, 7 p.m. North Point at Great Mills, 7 p.m. Girls’ Basketball Chopticon at La Plata, 7 p.m.

Tues., Dec. 14 Wrestling Calvert at Chopticon, 7 p.m.

Wed., Dec 15 Boys’ Basketball Patuxent at Chopticon, 7 p.m. Northern at Great Mills, 7 p.m. Huntingtown at Leonardtown, 7 p.m. Girls’ Basketball Great Mills at Northern, 7 p.m. Chopticon at Patuxent, 7 p.m. Swimming Leonardtown vs. La Plata at Lackey, 5 p.m. Wrestling St. Mary’s Ryken/ Gonzaga at Paul VI

By Doug Watson Potomac Speedway Entering the 2010 season, Charlotte Hall’s David Williams had one thing in mind, the Potomac Speedway Late Model championship. The ‘08 and ‘09 Potomac champion was looking to become the first-ever three-time consecutive late model champion at the venerable Maryland bull-ring. At the controls of his George and Tina Moreland-owned Rocket No. 24 for the second year in a row, Williams knew he had equipment to get the job done. Even though Williams lead the point standings for much of the season, his title wasn’t decided until the final night of point tabulations. Coming into the point finale on September 5, Williams had fallen to second in the point standing to second-year late model pilot Dale Hollidge after a 12th place finish in late august knocked him from the point lead. So, the stage was set for one of the most dramatic title fights in Potomac history. Williams would lead early in the season ending 35-lap event only to lose the lead to eventual winner Andy Anderson mid-way through the fea-

ture. Meanwhile, Hollidge had climbed from deep in the field to track down Williams who was now in second. The duo would virtually race side by side the remainder of the race, but Williams would hold on to take the second spot at the checker to collect his third-straight Potomac title over Dale Hollidge by just four points. “I knew we had our work cut out for us, because as the feature went on the car got so tight, I could barley drive it, but I guess it was good enough to finish second, but man it wasn't easy,” Williams said. Hollidge made Williams’ title run down the stretch not a very easy task. “Dale is going to be a really good late model racer as the years go by and he proved that this season. The competition here at Potomac is so tough you really have to be on your toe's to run well down here.” Two other drivers have won three LM titles at Potomac (Ray Kable Jr. in 1978, 1981 and 1986 and Roy Deese Jr. in 1991, 1993 and 1994) but no one has won three-straight until Williams did the

trick this season. “It feels really good to do something that no one else has done down here. A lot of good racers have raced and won here in the past and to mentioned with those guy's really means a lot.” In the 13 races run for the division this season, Williams collected 10 finishes in the top five including one feature win, which was his 25th career triumph at the speedway. Unfortunately, Williams does not plan to defend his title in 2011. “As of right now, George (Moreland) is only planning to field one car next season, and the cost of these things nowadays is just out of control. So unless something comes along I will be back in Sommey Lacey's car to run with the limited late models. He's got really good stuff and a ton of fun to drive for so that's the direction we're headed in right now.” Williams was able to score four limited late model wins this season as well, to go along with his one LM score. Williams enters 2011 as Potomac's all-time overall win leader with 76 career feature wins.

Knights Hang Tough in Loss to Hurricanes By Chris Stevens Staff Writer WALDORF – The score of Friday night’s MSHL Southern Division Hockey game didn’t favor St. Mary’s Ryken, but head coach Chris Palombi felt the Knights won the battle of intensity. “Huntingtown had guys talking trash, but our guys didn’t let it get to them,” Palombi said after the Hurricanes defeated the Knights 8-2 in a rematch of March’s first-round playoff game. “We had guys sacrificing their bodies to make plays – those things win games.” Ryken (1-5-0 overall, 0-1-0 in Southern Division play) fell behind 3-0 before T.J. Munns shoved a rebound past Hurricane goalie Kody Powers just 48 seconds into the second period. Matt McGowan scored his fifth goal of the year (tying with Nathan

Wed., Dec. 1 Boys’ Basketball St. Mary’s Ryken 85, Don Bosco Cristo Rey 67

Fri., Dec. 3 Hockey Huntingtown 8, St. Mary’s Ryken 2

Photo By Chris Stevens

Matt McGowan of St. Mary’s Ryken breaks up a scoring opportunity for Huntingtown’s Kyle Powers during Friday night’s MSHL Southern Division game.

Sat., Dec. 4 Boys’ Basketball St. Mary’s Ryken 70, Good Counsel 60

Mon., Dec. 6 Boys’ Basketball Great Mills 57, Meade 48 St. Mary’s Ryken 85, C. Milton Wright 46 Girls’ Basketball Reservoir 47, Chopticon 39 McDonough 39, Leonardtown 27 Wrestling Patuxent 49, Great Mills 30

Tues., Dec. 7 Boys’ Basketball Leonardtown 69, McDonough 59

Photo By Chris Stevens

The Knights’ Evan Brennan wins a face-off.

Blondino and Evan Brennan for the team lead) on a slap shot from just inside the blue line later in the period to close the game to 5-2. Huntingtown (2-00 in division games) would score three goals in the third period for the final margin. The Hurricanes got goals from six different players, with Mitchell Fink and Kirby Kinslow leading the way with two goals each. Powers stopped 25 shots also for Huntingtown. McGowan, who dove in front of a Huntingtown player to stop a breakaway chance late in the second period, explained the reason for the team’s non-stop hustle. “We try to go out there and hit,” he said. “You just try to take it to them and get something going.” McGowan said his play was just to protect Ryken

goalie Greg Myers and keep the score close. “We’ve gotta help our goalie any way we can and take away scoring chances,” McGowan stated. “Greg’s the number one asset to our team.” Palombi was so pleased with his team’s effort, he felt some tweaks here and there could turn the tide in a meeting with Huntingtown later this season – and possibly again in the MSHL playoffs. “Overall, I think we did pretty well. If we work on these tweaks and hiccups, I think we can beat them,” he said. “I know we can play with them.” “We know what we have and we know what we don’t have,” McGowan said. “We know what we have the potential to be.” chrisstevens@countytimes.net

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The County Times

Thursday, December 9, 2010



Seahawk Swimmers Earn CAC Weekly Awards Seahawk Men Give Division I School A Challenge

York, Pa. – First-year Cameron Hedquist picked up his first Capital Athletic Conference Male Swimmer of the Week award and Kelly Heyde was selected as this week's CAC Co-Women's Swimmer of the Week for the week ending December 5 as announced Tuesday morning by CAC commissioner Tom Byrnes. Hedquist helped the Seahawks (4-4, 1-1 CAC) to their bestever finish at the annual Franklin & Marshall College Invitational as St. Mary's finished fourth. He set one individual school record and contributed to two others at the nine-team F&M Invite. Hedquist notched his first school record in the 200 freestyle as he finished second in the event with a time of 1:43.58, beating the Michael Preston '09 mark of 1:43.80 set at the 2009 Capital Athletic Conference championships. He also contributed to the record-setting 800 freestyle and 400 freestyle (fourth place in 3:14.75) relay teams. The 800 relay foursome finished second in the event in 7:10.26, breaking the previous mark by almost nine seconds. The original record of 7:19.83 was established at the 2009 CAC championship meet while the record set for the 400 free relay knocked down the 12-year old

mark of 3:16.93 (1998). Heyde was picked for the weekly honor after contributing outstanding performances at the annual two-day, 10-team Franklin & Marshall College Invitational and leading St. Mary's (8-1, 2-0 CAC) to a fourth-place finish for the third time in four years. Heyde set a meet record of 2:07.51 by taking top honors in the 200 individual medley with one of three NCAA “B” cuts she registered during the weekend. Her other provisional qualifying efforts produced a gold medal in the 400 IM and a silver medal in the 200 butterfly. All three individual events produced the best times in the CAC this season. She also contributed to the fourth-place 800 free relay, the fifth-place 200 medley relay, the seventh-place 400 medley relay and the eighth-place 200 free relay. Along with the top times in the 200 fly, 200 IM, and 400 IM, Heyde also owns the conference's top time in the 1000 freestyle. She holds the second-best time in the 200 freestyle and the thirdbest time in the 100 butterfly.

Jones’ Three-Pointer Lifts Seahawk Women in Overtime Owings Mills, Md. – Sophomore guard Jasmine Jones (Gaithersburg, Md./ Gaithersburg) nailed a three-point shot with 00:01 remaining in the extra period to cap the St. Mary's College of Maryland women's basketball team's come-frombehind 61-58 OT victory over Stevenson University Saturday afternoon for their first Capital Athletic Conference victory of the season. Jones poured in a career-high 22 points on 6-of-11 shooting, including 2-of3 from downtown, while going 8-of-12 at the free throw line. She connected on two free throws in the final 11 seconds of regulation to tie up the game at 51-all and then grabbed the defensive rebound from Stevenson's failed attempt to win the game

with three seconds left, sending the game into overtime. After being held scoreless in the first half, sophomore guard Pui Sham (Springfield, Va./W. Springfield) came alive in the second stanza as she picked up 11 of her 12 points on 3-of-6 shooting from downtown. She sparked a 12-2 run at the start of the second period for the game's first draw of 31-all at 15:32, scoring six points in the run. Sham then gave the Seahawks their first lead of the game (36-35 at 11:02) with her third three-pointer of the half. Stevenson reclaimed the lead on a layup by sophomore Rayshell Parker (Hanover, Md./Meade) and built the lead to five with 8:49 remaining in the game. A 6-0 spurt gave St. Mary's its second lead of

the game at 4:02 but Conley's three-point shot at 1:03 returned a three-point margin to the Mustangs. The Seahawks went 3-of4 from the free throw line to force OT. Senior forward Jamie Roberts (Rockville, Md./Barrie) joined Sham with a season-high 12 points off the bench as three Seahawks finished in double figures. Jones and first-year center Sophie Pruden (Carrboro, N.C./Chapel Hill) each hauled in a team-best six rebounds. Conley finished with a game-high 22 points while Parker had a double-double on 11 points and 10 boards for the Mustangs. Senior forward Kristen Steiner (Forest Hill, Md./Fallston) pulled down a game-best 19 caroms while adding nine points.

Charleston, S.C. – Senior guard Alex Franz (Catonsville, Md./Cardinal Gibbons) poured in a career-high 25 points but the No. 14 Seahawk men’s basketball team still suffered their second loss of the season, dropping a 7264 decision at NCAA Division I The Citadel on Monday night. Franz was 11-of-18 from the floor, including three long-range shots, while adding three rebounds and three steals. Senior captain Sam Burum (Bethesda, Md./Walt Whitman) was the only other Seahawk to notch double figures as Burum tallied 15 points and grabbed a game-best eight rebounds. The Citadel (3-5) rolled out to an 18-5 lead at 13:38 on a three-pointer by senior guard Zach Urbanus (Austin, Texas/James Bowie) and the Bulldogs never looked back. Burum's layup pulled the visitors within five with 8:10 remaining as he capped a 13-5 run. Franz and junior guard James Davenport (Owings Mills, Md./Loyola Blakefield) each had eight first-half points as their team fell behind 39-30 at halftime. Franz scored the first nine points of the second stanza for the Seahawks while Burum topped off the run with a three-point play to have their team within 47-42 with 12:44 left in the game. The Bulldogs used a 17-6 run to rebuild their lead to 16 as 6:45 remained in the contest. St. Mary’s (5-2) was not done yet as the Seahawks forged a 16-3 run of its own to close the gap to 67-64 as Burum finished the run with a jumper in the paint at 1:14. Senior guard Cameron Wells (Houston, Texas/Bellaire) sealed the win for the Bulldogs with his first bomb of the night at 00:32. Back-to-back turnovers cut short St. Mary's rally. The Citadel benefited from 31 points off 21 Seahawk miscues. Five Bulldogs finished in double figures with Urbanus and Wells leading the way with 15 and 14 points, respectively. Senior forward Bryan Streeter (Jacksonville, N.C./White Oak) added 11 points and a game-high eight caroms.


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Thursday, December 9, 2010

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The County Times

Makes Scents To Me

Fur and Feathers By Keith McGuire Contributing Writer

Limi te

My Dad worked two jobs and weekends, but when it came to hunting season in 1964, he decided that it was time to introduce his boys to the woods. He went to the local hardware store and bought three shotguns; a new one for himself and one each for my brother and me. That year, we loaded into the family Ford late on Friday night and headed for Green Ridge State Forrest in Allegany County for the season opener the next day. My brother was lucky enough to bag a small buck. He and I were

hooked and everyone was happy! Today, in 2010, I can’t sit in the woods without remembering that first adventure. We were just plain lucky! My deer hunting skills are more refined than they were in those early days. Based on my own observations, I certainly understand the deer a little better. I’ve engaged in many discussions and experiments about the most effective techniques, and I’ve employed several of them in my almost daily ventures during the season. I’m convinced that the modern deer hunt-

er is among the cleanest individuals on the planet. Many take a shower with scent-free soap every morning, air their clean clothing outdoors to remove any scent from scent-free laundry detergents, and spray themselves with scent killer sprays before heading into the woods. These and other measures to control scents that are unnatural in a deer’s environment are used each time a deer-hunter heads into the woods. In the woods, a good deer hunter determines the location of his hunt based on wind direction so that any residual scents are downwind of where the animals are likely to travel. It takes years to correctly calculate the way deer habitually move through a particular woodland area before a good location for a tree stand or ground blind can be determined. When possible, several locations should be picked so that choices can be made based on the wind direction for a given day. The second most important technique is to control motion. It’s easy to say, “Don’t move!” But, let’s be real. Herky-jerky motion will scare everything in the woods. Sit still and move in slow deliberate ways when you have to move. The legal fluorescent orange requirement has no effect on deer when movements


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are controlled. A lot of folks use commercially developed scents to cover their own scent or to attract deer. Cover scents are scents that stand out before human scent. Skunk urine used to be popular, but has pretty much been abandoned by modern hunters for obvious reasons. Vanilla extract is the one in vogue now. Attractant scents are usually [said to be] derived from deer urine, but can be designed to imitate the smell of something that deer like to eat, such as corn or apples. Use these scents according to the directions that come with them. Most successful hunters employ some or all of these techniques. Even hunters who smoke can benefit if they know the patterns of deer movement for a particular area and play the wind so that their location is not revealed by their own scent streaming into the path of an approaching deer. If you are hunting and not harvesting, try these methods. Refined skills beat dumb luck every time. Make scent control your priority and don’t move! I will be offering stories of hunting adventures in future articles for this column. If you have a particularly interesting story, drop me an email at riverdancekeith@hotmail.com. Be safe and enjoy the season.

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The County Times

Thursday, December 9, 2010



Hornet Wrestlers Plan to Improve This Season By Chris Stevens Staff Writer

Jacob Garrison of Great Mills goes over the back of Patuxent’s Mitch Lake during their 135-pound match Monday night.

LUSBY – In the first wrestling match of the 2010-11 season, Great Mills showed significant improvement from last season, but no one was satisfied with the 49-30 loss to host Patuxent Monday night. “We made some really dumb mistakes out there,” said senior Kevin Norris, who pinned Matt Bartley in the 160-pound match. “We can do a lot better than that.” “I know there’s a couple of things we could work on,” said senior Llewellen Bailey, who pinned Sean McElroy just 14 seconds into the 285-pound match. “Give us two, maybe three more weeks and we should be good.” The Hornets (0-1 overall and in Southern Maryland Athletic Conference matches) got pins from four different wrestlers and trailed only trailed 37-30 before pins by Zach Pilkington and Oluwasheyi Iroko made the final margin for the Panthers. Jacob Garrison (135) and Glenn Havens (189) also picked up pins for Great Mills. Zach Prattz won the 103-pound weight class by forfeit as well. Norris was able to defeat Bartley 25 seconds into the second frame of their match, in his words, strictly on opportunity. “He gave me an opportunity by leaving his arm open and I just took it,” he said. Bailey did a bit of advanced scouting on his opponent. “Just watching him warm up, I saw he didn’t have a lot of muscle and sometimes, you’re just able to size them up right,” he said. Second year head coach Ben Gill was pleased with the improvement of the team, but with at least 20 more matches to go, there is room for improvement. “I saw some good things out there especially from our more experienced guys, but we’re still young,” he says. “The only way you can get better is with experience and sometimes, experience means getting beat up.” There’s also strength in numbers for Great Mills, who have 25 wrestlers on varsity this season, the most in recent memory. “That means we have less forfeits. More bodies means more guys to teach,” Bailey said. Gill says there’s really no exact science to getting kids

Photo by Frank Marquart

SMCM to Host Baseball Spring Training Program Photo by Frank Marquart

William Bogdan of Great Mills tries to escape the grasp of Patuxent’s Kevin Walsh.

to try out for wrestling other than hoping they like it. “If you can keep them past the first week, chances are they’re going to stay,” he said of try-outs. “It’s difficult because a lot of kids don’t know what it is or how hard you have to train in this sport.” Even with the inexperience, the Hornets believe they can improve and be ready to have some wrestlers battling for SMAC individual championships in late February. “If we keep learning, we can probably Photo by Frank Marquart place some guys at SMAC,” Bailey said.

The Hornets’ Jarrett Hurt focuses on Patuxent’s Tre Johnson during their match Monday night.


St. Mary’s College of Maryland will host a six-week Spring Training 2011 baseball program for players in grades 1 through 12 from January 2 to February 6. St. Mary’s College head coach Lew Jenkins will direct the program in conjunction with U.S. Baseball Academy. Sessions are offered in advanced hitting, pitching and catching lessons at a cost as low as $99 for six weeks. Space is limited. Registration is now under way. For more information, visit www.USBaseballAcademy.com or call toll-free 866-622-4487.

Ryken seeks JV Softball and JV Girls’ Lacrosse Coaches St. Mary’s Ryken High School is accepting resumes for two coaching positions: JV Softball and JV Women’s Lacrosse. Please send resumes to Athletic Director Dave Tallman at dtallman@smrhs.org,


Thursday, December 9, 2010


The County Times

Sp rts

Barnett energizes Ryken boys in home opener By Chris Stevens Staff Writer LEONARDTOWN – When the St. Mary’s Ryken boys’ basketball team needed some juice in their home opener against Washington Catholic Athletic Conference foe Good Counsel, head coach Dave Tallman knew just who to turn to. “If it wasn’t for D’Von Barnett, we don’t win that game,” Tallman said after the 6-foot-5 senior came off the bench to lead the Knights with 20 points in a 70-60 win over the Falcons Saturday afternoon. “I told him if we have him in there with Treveon [Graham], we’re going to be tough to beat.” Tallman’s vision came to be as Barnett led a relentless assault on the rim by the Knights, constantly getting to the basket and putting Good Counsel in foul trouble early on. “My job is to be aggressive, help rebound, play defense and just give the team energy,” Barnett said. Ryken (3-1 overall, 1-0 in WCAC play) had trouble offensively in the first quarter as the Falcons led 14-9. The Knights out-scored Good Counsel 61-46 in the final three quarters and sewed the game away with a tremendous rebounding effort. “We knew we were going to have to rePhoto By Chris Stevens bound to beat them,” said Graham, who added Ryken’s Dominique Robinson drives on Andrew Calomeris of Good Counsel during 19 points. “That’s why we had our tall lineup out there.” Saturday’s WCAC boys’ basketball game.

That lineup consisting of Graham and Barnett at 6’5, Dominique Robinson at 6-foot-4, 6-foot-8 Kevin Thomas (10 points) and 6-foot Deon Andrews (16 points) kept possessions alive for the Knights and held Good Counsel to mainly one-shot opportunities. “Our mind-set is to out-rebound and play tougher than our opponent and we did that,” Tallman said. “I told our guys to shoot with confidence because I knew we were going to get the ball back.” The effort paid off when after trailing for much of the game, took the lead for good on a Graham three-point play with 3 1/2 minutes left in the third quarter. The Knights salted the game away in the final 90 seconds with a Barnett lay-up and free throw and a Graham layup to push the Ryken lead to 11 points (65-54). “This was a good win for us because Good Counsel is a good team,” Graham said. “If one person isn’t play well, someone else has to step up and that’s what we did today.” “If we keep defending like we did tonight, we’ll have a successful season,” Barnett added. “Every game in our league is a dogfight,” Tallman said with a slight grin. “We’re probably going to have a few more games like this one this season.” chrisstevens@countytimes.net

Graham Chooses Family Feeling at Virginia Commonwealth By Chris Stevens Staff Writer St. Mary’s Ryken senior Treveon Graham had many choices when it came to where he would be playing college basketball next year. Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond won out, as Graham committed during the summer and signed his letter of intent during the early signing period last month. For the 6-foot-5 shooting guard, the decision came down to two factors. “I like their style of play and when I went for my visit, they treated me like family,” he said. “It’s pretty exciting.” Graham, who averaged 18 points and 10 rebounds a game for Ryken’s 18-win team last year, also was recruited by Boston College, Clemson, Photo By Chris Stevens Cleveland State, Northeastern and Graham averaged 18 points and 10 rebounds per game in his junior Cincinnati before deciding on VCU, year for Ryken, who won a school-record 18 games last season. a member of the NCAA Division I Colonial Athletic Association and a making sure my grades are together,” he said. team always in the hunt for the national men’s He’s also looking forward to being a team basketball tournament in March. player to help head coach Shaka Smart keep the Graham, who is undecided on a major was Rams’ place among the CAA elite. excited to get the process out of the way so that “I’m going to go in, play as hard as I can, Photo By Chris Stevens he can focus on helping the Knights contend in do my job and do whatever the coach asks me or Accompanied by father Tommy, mother Katrina, head coach Dave Tallman, principal Rick the always tough Washington Catholic Athletic needs me to do,” Graham said. Wood and assistant coach Chris Cobbina, Treveon Graham signs his letter of intent to play Conference. basketball at Virginia Commonwealth University. “I don’t have to worry about anything except chrisstevens@countytimes.net

THURSDAY December 9, 2010

Christmas Wishes Come True For 100s of Kids Story Page 8

Ryken Boys Basketball Boxes Out Falcons Story Page 31

Wrestling For Progress

Page 30

Photo By Frank Marquart

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