2013-01-03 Calvert Gazette

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January 3, 2013



Everything Calvert County

Sheriff’s Office Stretched Thine 3 Pag


November 21, 2012

Gazette Gazette

July 12, 2012




Everything Calv ert County



August 2, 2012






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Story Page 12



November 1, 2012



Spiggy To Honor Fallen Navy Heroes

eat right,

Gazette Move More Gazette Joins He althy Initiative Page 12

Photo By Frank Marquart


Everything Calvert County





Future Exporter?

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Blessing Fl eet 45th Annual



of the

of Dominion Cove

Point LNG

Page 12

Page 12 The Last Six Months of 2012 Saturday,

October 6th

St. Clement’s

& Sunday,

Island Museum

October 7th

• Colton’s Mike Batson Photography


Point, Maryland


• St. Mary’s


Photo By Sarah

Sam Grow

Band - SUNDAY Tours Throughout The Weekend

Capt. Patrick James Hovatte r

December 20, 2012

Everything Calvert County

The County Times & The Calvert Gazette

Calvert Can:


Calvert Feeds 2,0008

Everything Calvert Count





Davis - YourJo urneyStudios.c om

Domestic Res Hard to Prevenponse Team Working t Such Traged ies

October 4, 2012

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Tom and Carol


Story Page 3

Police say Frank Hayward, above, killed his wife and child before turning a gun on himse lf.


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Double Murde Suicide in Ow r, ings

Luke Bryan H e Southern M ats Up aryland


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Everything Calve


Photo By Frank Marquart

August 23, 2012




EVENING Mike Batson Photography

Free Boat SATURDAY Free GuidedRide to St. Clement’s Island and Tour www.7thdistof Blackistone Lighthouse www.blessin rictoptimist.or


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of Bruce Wahl





The Calvert Gazette

Thursday, January 3, 2013

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Dunkirk Hardware and Calvert Gazette

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Sheriff Mike Evans, Lt. Col. Tom Hejl and Lt. Dave McDowell, standing, complete a budget analysis prior to meeting with the Board of County Commissioners (Photo Courtesy of Sheriff’s Office).

Color the picture the best you can. Bring it to Dunkirk Hardware, that's the plan. We will tape it to the wall so people can see, how talented you are and you might be, one of the winners of the contest in Dunkirk, and get one of the prizes - that's a real perk! Bring the picture in by Jan. 17th. Judging will be done and winners announced by Jan. 24th. Prizes will be given out for 0-6 years, 6-8 years and 8-10 years.


Local men start business where Superheroes spread anti-bullying messages.

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Huntingtown VFD Chief Jonathan Rifle steps aside after leading the organization six years.


Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Calvert Gazette

Sheriff Ranks Spread Thin By Sarah Miller Staff Writer Calvert County Sheriff’s Office has reduced or prevented rapes, murders and robberies in 2012 despite having the same staffing levels for the last 10 to 15 years, according to Sheriff Mike Evans. “The ones we don’t prevent, we have a great closure rate for,” Evans said. One important aspect of Calvert County’s law enforcement is they’re efficient and exemplary for the state, said Assistant Sheriff Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Hejl, who feels Calvert is bypassed when the state is doling out funds because other jurisdictions have higher perceived need. Already assigning deputies to mul-

tiple duties without paying them for the extra responsibility, the Sheriff’s office is spread thin for the communities increasing needs, said Evans, not wanting to trim DARE, the drug enforcement team and the Crime Investigative Team. North Beach pays for nine officers to routinely patrol the beaches and Dominion Cove Point pays for 10 officers who are stationed at the facility, Evans said. The Board of Education pays for one of the four officers posted at each of the high schools. The sheriff’s office and the Board of Education will discuss ways to make schools safer. Neither the sheriff’s office nor the Board of Education has enough money to post an officer in every school in the county; something Evans wishes


was possible. The sheriff’s office has talked with the Board of County Commissioners and Calvert’s Finance and Budget department about creating a funding formula to determine staff and funding needs for 2013. Once finalized, the sheriff and board will meet to determine funding. Chief Deputy Lieutenant Dave McDowell wants to purchase technology for officers in the field. Most offices have a laptop in his or her vehicle for paperwork, but he would like to see a computer in every car. Evans would like to see tag readers and cameras on every vehicle. Readers can scan hundreds of tags per minute and feed information back to the driver. One tag reader can cost between $4,500 and

$5,500, and other specialized equipment costs more. The office is transitioning to electronic tickets, which take less time to issue, translating to officers speeding less time on the side of the road. Evans expects transition to be complete by mid-2013. Hejl explained that technology in the field is funded by grants. Since some criminals have technology that outclasses anything the sheriff’s office owns, Hejl said, “ “Technology’s not cheap, but it’s the wave of the future. Technology is a baseline need,” he said. sarahmiller@countytimes.net

County Commissioners Anticipate 2013 By Sarah Miller Staff Writer Calvert County Commissioners agree the budget will be one of the biggest issues during the coming year. Commissioner Susan Shaw said the county’s funds depend partly on what Calvert receives from the state and federal governments, and the looming fiscal cliff has the potential to adversely affect everyone. “It all runs downhill,” Shaw said. Commissioner President Pat Nutter agreed saying the budget is “one of our biggest priorities right now” because there are “so many things” affected by money in the county. In addition to potentially less funding, Shaw said individuals will make less money, or will be more heavily taxes at the federal and state levels. This means less income for the county. Shaw suggested the answer is encouraging business growth, increasing the tax base hopefully offsetting needs from local citizens dependent on government to make ends meet. When economic times get tough, Shaw said the county can’t simply cut assistance programs. Normally, she said the less money there is, the more obligations there are for the county to meet. “It creates a lot of tension,” Shaw said. Nutter said it is important to create a balanced budget without raising taxes. Raising taxes would only compound problems on the horizon by taking money from people who need it most, Shaw said. Shaw foresees signage regulations coming to a head because signage goes hand in hand with promoting local business growth. “You have to allow them the tools they need to succeed.” Commissioner Evan K. Slaughenhoupt Jr. said the budget is always the “biggest” issue facing county commissioners at the start of a new year. The potential exporting expansion at Dominion Cove Point will be a talking point during the year. “We’ve been in conversations. That’s a big item coming up,” Slaughenhoupt said, who wants an update on third reactor at Calvert Cliffs, if there is any to report. Next year’s agenda includes an updated master plan for the county owned Chesapeake Hills Golf Course and turning more than 200 acres the county acquired in Dunkirk into a public park, Slaughenhoupt said. Nutter said he’s not certain yet what the highest priority issues will be in 2013 after the budget. “I don’t know what comes first. It’s kind of like a triage when you come to government.” He would like to address affordable housing, making it easier for families to stay in Calvert. He has known many individuals who moved out of the county because of the price of housing, which bleeds money from the budget. Nutter said Calvert has to find a way to help local businesses that fall on hard times, but hesitates to make too many plans so early in the year because nobody knows what will happen over the course of 2013. “We make plans, but something always comes up to knock it back,” he said. sarahmiller@countytimes.net

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The Calvert Gazette

Thursday, January 3, 2013


Time To Pony Up Joint Land Use Study Funds By Sarah Miller Staff Writer The Tri-County Council of Southern Maryland called upon local counties to pony up the amount they agreed to pay for a Joint Land Use Study on the impact of Naval Air Station Patuxent River, which is already underway. The study is “designed to identify land use issues confronting both the civilian community and the military installation and to recommend strategies to address the issues in the context of the localities comprehensive plans and general zoning,” according to council executive director Wayne E. Clark, in a letter to the St. Mary’s County Commissioners. In his letter, Clark reminded St. Mary’s commissioners of a meeting in June, during which the “elected bodies of three Southern Maryland Counties agreed to split the local match for the grant” funding the study. The Department of Defense Office of Economic

Adjustment awarded a $464,285 grant for the land use study. Southern Maryland has been asked to match $42,127. Each of the three counties being asked to contribute $15,709 toward the local match, Clark wrote. St. Mary’s County Commissioner Todd Morgan said the request is not unexpected. The three Southern Maryland counties went into the land use study with the understanding that they would match 10 percent of the Department of Defense Office of Economic Adjustment grant. In February, Calvert County Commissioners agreed unanimously to support the study. Calvert County Commissioners President Pat Nutter said while he has not signed the paperwork yet, Calvert fully intends to put the money forward. Because the base has such an impact on the economy in Southern Maryland, Nutter said it’s important for counties to work with the base to ensure needs from both sides are communicated and given due consideration. Morgan echoed Nutter’s thoughts, saying local na-

val presence creates jobs and boosts the economy. He said the results land use study will not be binding, but they will be guidelines and suggestions for counties to consider when discussing land use issues. Counties involved in the project include Calvert, Charles, St. Mary’s, Talbot, Somerset, Caroline, Wicomico and Dorchester in Maryland and two others in Virginia. The study committee includes representatives from each county and municipality, ex-officio representative from NAS Patuxent River, the governor’s offices of Virginia and Maryland and the Maryland mid-Shore Regional Council, the Tri-County Council for the Lower Eastern Shore of Maryland and the Virginia Northern Neck Planning District Commission. The tri-county council will appoint two technical advisory groups, one general group and one targeted to energy issues, Clark wrote to St. Mary’s commissioners. sarahmiller@countytimes.net

New Child ID Theft Law Takes Effect Jan. 1 Attorney General Douglas F. Gansler encouraged parents and legal

guardians in Maryland to protect children against identity theft by taking

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advantage of a new law that takes effect January 1. “Too many children are victimized by relatives and other individuals who attempt to exploit a child’s clean credit history to obtain a credit card, mobile phone or utility account,” said Gansler. “As a result, children end up having to deal with a blemished credit record once they are old enough to seek credit on their own.” The law, unanimously approved in both chambers of the General Assembly and strongly supported by the Attorney General’s Consumer Protection Division, allows parents and legal guardians to place a security freeze on their minor child’s credit records that would prevent identity thieves from opening credit accounts in the child’s name. A study published in 2011 by Carnegie Mellon University’s CyLab found more than 10 percent of Social Security numbers belonging to minors already have an active credit record, with 76 percent of the credit activity being fraudulent. About one in 10 victims who contact the Maryland Attorney General’s Identity Theft Unit are individuals who discover upon first seeking credit that someone had already opened a credit account using their name or Social Security number. A child should not have a credit record unless someone has fraudulently opened a credit account in the child’s name. If the child has a credit record, the new law allows a parent to freeze the child’s credit record so that someone seeking to open new credit in the child’s name cannot access the credit report. If the child does not have a credit record, the parent may request that a credit reporting agency create a record that prohibits the agency from releasing

information about the child to potential creditors. The new law similarly allows a guardian to place a freeze on the credit record of an individual under their care. Parents or guardians may contact the three major credit reporting agencies to place a freeze: Equifax: Submit a freeze request online on behalf of a minor at www. equifax.com, call 1-800-685-1111, or write to Equifax Security Freeze, P.O. Box 105788, Atlanta, GA 30348. The requestor must submit their complete name, address, copy of a Social Security Card, or an official copy of a birth certificate, or a copy of a driver’s license, or any other government-issued identification, or a copy of a utility bill that shows name and home address. The same information is required of the minor on whom the freeze is being requested. Other information may also be required Experian: Submit a freeze request online on behalf of a minor at http:// w w w.exper ian.com /consu mer/ help/ states/md.html, or write to: Experian, P.O. Box 9554, Allen, TX 75013 TransUnion: Submit a freeze request online on behalf of a minor at http://www.transunion.com/personalcredit/credit-disputes/credit-freezes. page, call 888-909-8872 or write to TransUnion LLC, P.O. Box 6790, Fullerton, CA 92834 More information about protecting yourself against identity theft or what to do if you’ve been a victim of identity theft is available on the Attorney General’s website, www.oag.state.md.us/ idtheft, or by calling the Attorney General’s Identity Theft Unit at 410-576-6491.


Calvert Prepares for Winter By Sarah Miller Staff Writer It may not have snowed yet, but winter is far from over. In Calvert, the Department of Public Works prepares for winter the same way every year, no matter how mild the previous year. Division Chief of Highway Maintenance for Calvert County Donnie McCready said the department starts preparing in late September. Fleet maintenance works to “eliminate come of the breakdowns in advance” by testing plows and other equipment. Normally, if something is going to break down it’s during plowing and hauling salt, which puts enormous strain on equipment, he said. The county department maintains 450 miles of road in Calvert, McCready said. That means county employees salt 900 lane miles, over 1,423 roads, before snow events. If snow accumulates, they plow and resalt if necessary. Salting before snow prevents the ice from bonding directly with the road surface and makes it easier for plows to remove snow, McCready said. While working on vehicle maintenance, McCready said the county fills reserves of salt. Most of the salt brought in for 2011/2012 is still in storage since last year was mild. If his department uses salt during the year, it attempts to replaces it before the next snow event. The fleet does not have dump trucks but has 18 smaller trucks and a number of contractors on standby, McCready said. The State Highway Department, responsible for Route 2/4 and Route 260, prepares for snow as well. Maryland budgeted $41 million for this winter, with 360,000 tons of salt in 94 salt barns and domes throughout the state. The state maintains 17,818 lane miles with more than 2,000 vehicles and people ready to combat icy roads. For more information about statewide winter preparations, including ways an individual can get ready for winter, visit sha.md.gov. sarahmiller@countytimes.net




The Calvert Gazette

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Sheriff Mourns Loss of K-9 Duke Sheriff Mike Evans regrets to announce the passing of K-9 Duke. K-9 Duke was an 11-year-old bloodhound that began his career with the Sheriff’s Office in 2004. K-9 Duke was donated by Wendy Zurenko of Port Republic. Ms. Zurenko donated the rambunctious bloodhound because he was too much to handle. K-9 Duke went on to complete his initial police service dog training for tracking and began a long career as the first Calvert County Sheriff’s Office bloodhound working dog. K-9 Duke was primarily used for tracking and locating missing persons and children. The only thing K-9 Duke liked more than lots of attention from kids was finding them when they were lost. He provided support to Project Lifesaver, a program that allows deputies to track lost Alzheimer’s disease and dementia patients. K-9 Duke was also used to track criminals when needed. K-9 Duke was a true ambassador for the Sheriff’s Office and was routinely seen at community functions and K-9 demonstrations. K-9 Duke had one handler, Deputy First Class Joe Windsor. No organization or person feels the loss of a working dog more than the handler and his family. It is a bond only a few ever know. Please keep Dfc. Windsor, his family and K-9 Duke in your thoughts during this difficult time. As funds become available, Duke’s name will be placed on the “Fallen Working Dogs” memorial plaque at the



A hot water tap is turned on.

Island Creek Canine Training Center. “Duke’s service to the citizens of Calvert County will not be forgotten. Duke and Dfc. Windsor’s commitment to the safety and well-being of the public serve as an example for all to follow,” Evans said.


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The Calvert Gazette

Thursday, January 3, 2013


Sheriff’s Blotter Citizens with information on the following crimes or any criminal activity in Calvert County who wish to report it anonymously can now access the Calvert County Crime Solvers link through the Sheriff’s Office website. Go to www.co.cal.md.us/residents/safety/law/sheriff/ and click on the Crime Solvers link to leave an anonymous tip on-line. Information leading to the arrest and conviction of a suspect could result in a $1,000 reward.

House Burglary

Unknown suspect(s) gained entry into a home in the 11400 block of Ward Road in Dunkirk on Dec.17 during daytime hours and stole $3,000 worth of property. Dep. Migliaccio is investigating.

Generator Stolen

A two-kilowatt Honda generator, valued at $3,500, was stolen from the deck of a boat at the Calvert Marina in Dowell sometime between Dec. 17 and 18. Cpl. A. Moschetto is investigating.

Weapons, Rings, Cash Taken

Someone burglarized a home in the 3700 block of Sixes Road in Prince Frederick on Dec. 18 during the daytime. A Ruger 357 revolver, an Oneida Eagle compound bow, a diamond engagement ring, a gold wedding band and $2,400 in cash were stolen. Anyone with information is asked to contact Dep. L. Wood at 410-535-2800.

Catalytic Covertered Rustled

Someone cut the catalytic converter off a truck parked outside a business on Ginger Lane in Owings. DFC P. Aurich is investigating the theft which occurred between Dec. 16 and 19.

Two Arrested for Shoplifting

On Dec. 20 at 11:18 a.m. two men were charged with theft after they were observed by off-duty deputy S. Morder taking items out of the Dunkirk Walmart and Giant stores without stopping to Boxley Kelley pay. DFC R. Kreps responded to the area and observed the two suspects in their vehicle near the McDonald’s restaurant, where he conducted a traffic stop. The men were in possession of numerous items, all in plastic store bags, but they could not produce a receipt for any of the merchandise. More than $650 in items stolen from Walmart were recovered and returned to the store. Giant did not wish to pursue charges against the two. Spencer Jermar Boxley, 31, of Washington, D.C. and Larry Kelley, 51, of Seat Pleasant, were each arrested and charged with theft less than $1,000.

Virginia Woman Arrested for DUI, Assualt

On Dec. 22 at 1:04 a.m. DFC R. Weems responded to the area of Riverview Drive and Vista Lane in Lusby for the report of a single motor vehicle crash. Upon arrival he observed

a vehicle stuck in a ditch. The driver, later identified as Teresa Gail Denton-Smithson, 56, of Colonial Beach, Va., was asleep inside the vehicle. After being awakened, Weems detected the odor of alcohol on Denton-Smithson’s breath. Denton-Smithson became combative, exiting the vehicle and attempting to walk away while cursing at Weems. She then spit in DFC J. Hardesty’s face. She was arrested and charged with driving while intoxicated, resisting arrest and second-degree assault.

Home Broken Into

Someone burglarized what appears to be an abandoned home on Thunderbird Drive in Lusby that appears sometime between Dec. 20 and 22. A neighbor driving by noticed a door open and called police. DFC J. Parsons is investigating.

Batteries Swiped from Camper

Between Dec. 20 and 22, someone stole two batteries from a camper that was stored at the Chesapeake Ranch Estates campground in Lusby. DFC J. Hardesty is investigating.

Two Charged for Possession

On Dec. 23 at 12:41 a.m. DFC J. Hardesty conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle that crossed the centerline on northbound Md. Rt. 4 near Dowell Road in Dowell. He found the driver, Damien Tevon Hill, 19, of Bowie and passenger, Bernard McClary, 18, of Lexington Park, to be in possession of suspected marijuana. Both men were charged with possession of marijuana in the amount less than 10 grams.

Vehicle Stolen from Bayside Toyota Parking Lot

DFC J. Denton is investigating the theft of a 1986 light blue GMC pickup truck valued at $3,000. The truck, which has a brown and white cap covering the bed, was stolen from the rear parking lot of Bayside Toyota in Prince Frederick, sometime between Dec. 22 and 28.

Lusby Man Caught with Carrying Concealed Weapons Hill

Crawl Space Compromised

Overnight between Dec. 23 and 24 someone broke the frame and lock of an exterior door leading into the crawl space of a home in the 12300 block of Silver Rock Circle in Lusby. The suspect(s) was unable to gain entry into the home and nothing was taken. Cpl. G. Shrawder is investigating.

Destruction of Property

Sometime between Dec. 22 and 24, someone broke the glass of a basement door window on a home in the 200 block of Thunderbird Drive in Lusby. It is unknown if the suspect(s) went inside the home but nothing was taken. The estimated damage is $700. DFC A. Clas is investigating.

Woman Arrested for DUI, Possession DentonSmithson

Dep. Quinn was advised by Calvert Control Center that the driver had left the scene and went to a relative’s address on nearby Symphony Lane. Quinn made contact with the driver, identified as Brooke Ryan Graves, 28, of Chesapeake Beach, who appeared to be under the influence of some substance. Graves Graves was placed under arrest for driving while impaired by controlled dangerous substances. While being processed at the Calvert Detention Center, Graves was found to be in possession of suspected drugs. Graves was also charged with possession of a schedule IV drug; Alprazolam and knowingly possessing contraband; Alprazolam, while in confinement.

On Dec. 24 at 5:55 p.m. Dep. M. Quinn responded to the area of Stinnett Road and Leprechaun Lane in Huntingtown for the report of a motor vehicle accident with an injury. Upon arrival, Dep. Quinn observed a vehicle down an embankment.

Sheriff: Four Drivers Pulled Over, Not Sober On Dec. 21st, 2012 a DUI Checkpoint was conducted by the Calvert County Sheriff's Office with assistance from the Maryland State Police as part of the two departments ongoing efforts to educate the citizen's of Calvert County about the dangers of driving while under the influence of alcohol. Funding for the checkpoint was provided by the Maryland Highway Safety Office as part of their "Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over" campaign. The checkpoint was set up on E. Chesapeake Beach Road (Md. Rt. 260) in between Old Solomons Island Road and Thomas Lane. The checkpoint was set up at this location based on statistical data compiled by the Calvert County Traffic Safety Council in reference to alcohol related arrests and crashes in this particular area. A total of 722 vehicles entered the checkpoint and were provided literature about Maryland's drinking and driving laws. Three vehicles were directed to a testing area due to the presence of alcohol on the driver with one subject being arrested for violating Maryland's driving under the influence laws. The checkpoint was conducted from 8:36 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Deputies also conducted saturation patrols of the Rt. 260 and Rt. 261 corridor that resulted in three additional arrests for driving under the influence or impaired violations. The individuals arrested during this operation were Bonnie Blankenbaker, 50, Port Republic; Samuel Orates, 33, Oxon Hill; Michael Manginell, 46, North Beach; and, John Roger Ponzette, 54, King George, Va., who was also charged with possession of a controlled dangerous substance. The Calvert County Sheriff's Office and Maryland State Police will continue to be vigilant in their efforts to make the county's roads safer by taking drunk and drugged drivers off the street during this holiday season, as well as year round. Sheriff Mike Evans wants to remind all drivers to, "Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over!" "If you must go out and drink alcoholic beverages, please arrange for a sober driver to transport you after you have been drinking. Too many lives are lost on roadways due to people not planning ahead. There has been enough tragedy on the roads to last a lifetime."

On Dec. 28 at 1:43 p.m. a man called the Calvert Control Center and reported that he had been robbed in Charlotte Hall but the suspect was following him into Calvert County across the Benedict Bridge. DFC J. Denton observed the caller’s vehicle and the suspect vehicle traveling east on Hallowing Point Todd Road near Prince Frederick Boulevard. He conducted a traffic stop on the suspect vehicle just prior to Md. Rt. 4. He found the driver, identified as Anthony Mandel Todd, Jr., 25, of Lusby, to be in possession of concealed weapons. Todd was arrested and charged with four counts of carrying a concealed weapon; a black Asp baton, a knife, a black brass knuckle and a shank, wrapped with black electrical tape. The robbery is being investigated by St. Mary’s County police.

Wii, Games Removed from House A victim on Aspen Woods Drive in Sunderland reported to DFC R. Kreps that sometime between Dec. 22 and 29 someone burglarized their home and stole $800 worth of items. A Nintendo Wii console, Bose sound dock music system and games were taken. DFC Kreps is continuing the investigation.

Attempted Theft of Vehicle

A woman advised DFC R. Kreps on Dec. 28 that a tow truck driver was at her home claiming he had received a call to pick up a Chevrolet Blazer that was in her driveway and tow it to be scrapped. The victim said she did not make a call to anyone to have her vehicle scrapped. The tow truck driver advised that two white males in their mid-twenties, driving a light gray or light blue pickup truck, showed up at the house but left the scene prior to Kreps’ arrival. DFC Kreps is continuing the investigation. On Dec. 28 at 7:41 p.m. Dep. R. Kampf was traveling west on Hallowing Point Road in Prince Frederick when he had to swerve his vehicle to avoid a collision after another vehicle crossed two lanes of travel going from Yardley Drive to Helena Drive. Kampf followed the vehicle down Helena Drive where the vehicle turned into a driveway and the driver exited and ran into the woods. A search of the two passengers revealed that one of them was in possession of suspected drug paraphernalia. Bryston Tremaine White, 26, of Prince Frederick, was cited for possession of drug paraphernalia; a cigar tube containing suspected marijuana residue. A lookout for the driver of the vehicle was broadcast but he was not located.


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Thursday, January 3, 2013

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The Calvert Gazette

The Calvert Gazette

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By Sarah Miller Staff Writer Finances, health care and pay increases look to be hot button issues moving forward into the next school budget. The school board’s proposed budget shows a 1.4 percent increase over last year’s spending, bringing the projected budget to $195,350,243, which Chief Budget and Business Officer Tammy McCourt said “represents a projection of estimated new costs, for example, increased pension, health insurance, and contractual obligations assuming everything else remained level in the budget.” Getting the revenues the school requests is a “grave concern,” McCourt said. Compounding this concern is the fact that student enrollment has declined and state funding is very closely tied to changes in enrollment, McCourt said. “At this time, we have no indication as to the level of funding support from the county government,” she said. Additionally, in the 2012/2013 school year, schools had a one-time use of fund balance which resulted in a funding gap that will need to be taken into consideration while compiling the 2013/2014 budget, McCourt said. Student enrollment is tied into the number of teachers available in the county. “Although we strive for small classroom sizes, with the funding declines that we've seen, we have not been able to maintain the staffing levels desired,” McCourt said. The coming budget presents challenges in both staffing and finding the revenue needed to keep the school district running in a manner parents and staff are accustomed to. “Developing a school system budget is a very complex process. We must care-

fully construct it to ensure the success of our school system, while at the same time implementing and meeting new state and federal guidelines,” she said. Another factor in the upcoming budget is the teacher, support staff, and administrator’s contracts, which are currently in negotiations. “The resulting closure to these negotiations will need to be factored into the budget as well,” McCourt said. Deputy Superintendent Robin Welsh said health care could be a major factor in negotiations, especially with new health care laws coming into effect. Administration and negotiators will be looking more closely at the language of the law, but if members opt out of the school health care system, it could mean fines for the school system or higher fees for employees still in the system. “A lot of factors will change as time goes on,” Welsh said. Other negotiation areas that could cost the school system are salaries, Welsh said. Because the budget has been so changeable in recent years, the teachers union visits salary negotiations annually. Welsh said school staff deserves a pay raise, but finding the means to do so has been a challenge. In the old contract, negotiators revisited salary every year and negotiators could select two further topics to discuss, with the understanding that health care was off limits for the duration of the three-year contract. With the new threeyear contract under current negotiation, Welsh said health care might end up on the list of issues re-visited annually. For more information, or to keep up with current topics in schools, visit www. calvertnet.k12.md.us. sarahmiller@countytimes.net

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Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Calvert Gazette


Huntingtown Fire Department Chief Steps Down

During his tenure as fire chief, Riffe served as Chair of the Chief Council since 2009. He takes pride in the fact that Calvert is the “only 100 percent volunteer county in the After celebrating his 16-year state of Maryland.” anniversary with the HuntingHe said that, unless the town Volunteer Fire Departpath the county is on changment, Jonathan Riffe announced es, this is a fact that will not through an email to staff and change and encouraged others members of the community that he to share his pride. stepped down on Jan. 1 from his “We have something wonsix-year position as fire chief. derful that many other counties “Our organization has come a would do anything to have back. long way in the past several years Many people don't realize how due to the hard work and dedication great we have it and how great of my members and the support of all the citizens of the county have of you. You have all been a tremenit,” he encouraged. dous help in some fashion or another In addition to working for with your support and will always the Huntingtown VFD, Riffe is leave a lasting impression. I enjoyed the co-owner of Southern Maryeach and every day that I was Fire land CPR & First Aid Training. Chief even when things weren't going He and co-owner Kim Jones offer as well as I had wished,” he wrote. CPR training at various locations Though he will no longer be chief, throughout the southern Maryland Riffe assured everyone he will “remain and Northern Virginia regions, just as active” in the volunteer fire deincluding the Huntingtown fire partment swapping roles with current Photo from www.hvfd6.org station. Deputy Chief Phil Morris. According to the biography on the Southern MaryRiffe asked the community to give the same “open land CRP website, Riffe has an AAS degree in Fire Sciarms” reception to Morris that it has given to him. “Phil is very knowledgeable with a wealth of ex- ence from the College of Southern Maryland and a BS Photo courtesy of Jonathan Riffe perience and time and works the same ‘24 hours on, degree in Fire Science from the University of Maryland Jonathan Riffe supervises CPR training. 72 hours off’ as a Lieutenant with Annapolis City Fire University College. His certifications include Firefighter Department. Phil shares the same values and beliefs to- II, Fire Officer IV, Haz-Mat Tech, Confined Space, Inwards the Mission, Vision and Values statement of our structor III, and CPR Instructor, in addition to being a great organization and the county and will be a won- Nationally Registered EMT-B. derful asset as he moves forward as Fire Chief,” Riffe sarahmiller@countytimes.net continued. By Sarah Miller Staff Writer

Superheroes of Southern Maryland By Alex Panos Staff Writer Batman, Iron Man, Darth Vader and many other famous characters are coming to the area as part of a new entertainment company – “Superheroes of Southern Maryland” to teach kids “how to be an every day hero.” Presentations will include “be a hero training” for kids 5th grade and younger, featuring anti-bullying lectures and discussions from Batman, Iron Man and others. Mike Koslofsky, co-founder, says the costumes are movie quality, and the Batman suit was made by the same company that prepared the Dark Knight’s gear for the big screen. The suits are designed from synthetic fiber and alloy, says Koslofsky, giving them an authentic feel lost with common cloth and rubber replicas. “When we walk out and kids see us, it’s going to look like we stepped off the movie screen,” Koslofsky said. Some suits are so lifelike, such as the iron man getup, that built in fans are necessary to keep the wearer cool throughout the day. Batman is the “main” character they will be utilizing, Koslofsky said. Although the suits are meant to awe and amaze with lifelike authenticity, according to Koslofsky the “main thing is the message.” Props from the movies will be utilized to help further show kids right from wrong. “We’re going to teach them to know when you’re doing something wrong,” Koslofsky said. “It’s one thing if my son hears me or his teacher say something is wrong. It’s another if it’s coming from Batman. If Batman tells him, it will stick”

The main reason Koslofsky and his partner John Holman initiated the idea was because of their kids. Too often kids are looking up to athletes and entertainers who are setting poor examples, Koslofsky said. After kicking around a bunch of ideas, Koslofsky noticed the absence of superhero entertainers in the area. The idea took off on Halloween, when he made his debut as a Star Wars character during a ghost walk at Annmarie Gardens. “People thought I was part of the program,” he said. Eventually Holman and Koslofsky plan to set up an email account where kids can send questions to their favorite superheroes – and get reply messages in a timely fashion. The two made sure to keep the superheroes services affordable, in order to ensure they can partake in everybody’s party, said Koslofsky. He says their services are about half the price of clowns and other live entertainment for kids’ parties. The two have already participated in a number of charity events and made appearances at elementary schools and hospitals. Eventually, by coordinating with a friend in Cleveland, Koslofsky says the idea could take off nation-wide. Batman will be making his debut at the Lusby Giant on Jan. 3 at 5 p.m. Based in Lusby, Superheroes of Southern Maryland will serve the entire tri-county area, says Koslofsky, mainly St. Mary’s and lower Calvert counties. Visit them on Facebook at “Superheroes of Southern Maryland,” or call Koslofsky at 443-532-1987 for more information. alexpanos@countytimes.net

The Calvert Gazette

Katherine Mae Carter, 70 Katherine Mae Carter, 70, of Cheltenham, Md. passed away Dec. 28, 2012 at Doctors Hospital in Lanham. Katherine was born Jan. 28, 1942 to Golden Vance and Mary Olive (Harmon) Anderson in Stevenson, Md. She moved to Prince George’s County as a child and graduated from Frederick Sasscer High School in 1960. She married Ernest “Teddy” Carter in Washington, D.C., also in 1960. They resided in Upper Marlboro until moving to Dunkirk in 1964. Katherine enjoyed crafts and operated a ceramic studio in Dunkirk where she also taught classes. She also enjoyed square dancing and was the Assistant Director of Guys and Dolls Square Dance Group from 1968 until the mid- 1980’s. Katherine and Teddy moved to Cheltenham in 1986. Katherine enjoyed spending time with her family especially her grandchildren, great-grandchildren and her “million dollar dogs,” four tiny toy poodles. Surviving are her beloved husband Ernest “Teddy” Carter of Cheltenham; devoted children Vickie Lee Marshall of Cheltenham; William “Buddy” Carter and his wife Anne of Huntingtown; and, Jeffrey “Charlie” Matthews and his wife Karen “Alley” Davison of King George, Va.; nine grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; four sisters, Carolyn Tucker and her husband John of Upper Marlboro; Mary Jane Smith and her husband Ronald, Robin Rawlings and Wanda Anderson, all of Prince Frederick. Relatives and friends were received Jan. 2 at Rausch Funeral Home, P.A., 8325 Mt. Harmony Lane, Owings where services and a celebration of Katherine’s life were held Jan. 3. Interment followed at Southern Memorial Gardens, Dunkirk. Memorial contributions may be made to the American Lung Association, 1301 Pennsylvania Ave. Suite 800, Washington, DC 20004. For information or to leave a condolences visit www.RauschFuneralHomes.com

William Sherman Chenault Sr., 85 William Sherman Chenault Sr., 85, of Lusby passed away Dec. 17 in the Burnett-Calvert Hospice

House in Prince Frederick. He was born on Jan. 20, 1927 in Booneville, Mo. to the late Isaac Dewey and Ona King Chenault. William and Helen loved to bowl and were very active for numerous years in various bowling leagues; he enjoyed playing cards and was also involved in a number of different pool leagues. William is survived by his wife Helen Marie Dixon Chenault of Lusby; sons, William S. Chenault, Jr. of Huntingtown, Leroy Rosier Chenault and his wife Nancy of Wheaton, Md. and Robert Chenault of Westover, Md.; eight grandchildren; fifteen great-grandchildren; brother Lyle Chenault of Booneville, Mo.; brother-in-laws, John Albert Dixon, Ralph Anthony Dixon and his wife Sarah and Paul Russell Dixon and his wife Diane; sister-in-law Doris Cecelia Dickinson and her husband Russell. A dear friend Rosemary Marra also survives him. His parents; daughter Marie Kathy Hightman; brothers Sammy and Milton Chenault; sister Bessie Marie Chenault; daughter-in law Linda Lou Chenault; brothers-in-law William Herbert Dixon, Jr., George H. Dixon, Frances A. Dixon and Harry J. Dixon and his sistersin-law, Shirley C. Dixon, Elizabeth A. Dixon and Aurora Dixon, preceded him in death. The family received friends at the Rausch Funeral Home, P.A., in Lusby on Dec. 19 with Deacon Paul Dixon officiating. Interment was private. Should friends desire contributions may be made in Bills memory to Stallings - Williams American Legion Post #206, P.O. Box 428, Chesapeake Beach, Maryland 20732. For additional information or to leave condolences visit www.rauschfuneralhomes.com.

Dick Dial, 75 Richard Lee “Dick” Dial, 75, of Huntingtown passed away on Dec. 24, 2012 at his home. Dick was born on Feb. 17, 1937 in Barboursville, W.V. to the late Frank Dial and Clarice Meadows Dial. He retired from the Department of Defense after working 37 years. He played the guitar and was the lead singer in a band called the Country Tones that played music in and around the area for many years. Dick enjoyed anything to do with the water, fishing and crabbing were two of his favorite pastimes. He is survived by his wife, Anna L. Dial, father of Steven R. and his wife Joanne

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Thursday, January 3, 2013

Dial, of Wye Mills, Md, Leslie C. Richardson and grandfather of Rebecca and Garrett Richardson. He is also survived by his mother, Clarice Dial of Barboursville, W.V. and sisters Debra Clark and Thelma Cabell, both of Barboursville W.V. Friends were received at the Rausch Funeral Home, 4405 Broomes Island Road, Port Republic on Dec. 28, 2012 where services were held on Dec. 29, 2012. Interment followed in Chesapeake Highlands Memorial Gardens. Memorial contributions may be made to American Cancer Society.

George Lloyd Ferguson Jr., 51 George Lloyd Ferguson Jr., 51, of Harwood, Md. passed away Dec. 21, 2012 at his residence. George was born Jan. 4, 1961 to George Lloyd, Sr. and Linda Lou (Ridgley) Ferguson in Clinton. He was raised in Deale and attended Deale Elementary, Southern Middle, and Southern High School. George was employed for the past 27 years as a maintenance mechanic at Malcolm Grow Hospital at Andrews Air Force Base in Camp Springs, Md. He had previously worked for a family owned construction business. George married Teresa Ann Higgs on July 25, 1997 and made their home in Harwood. In his spare time George enjoyed fishing, collecting guns and designer knives. He was a handyman who enjoyed tinkering and remodeling, and also playing with his dog Sassy. George was preceded in death by his mother Linda. He is survived by his wife Teresa Ann Ferguson of Harwood; father George L. Ferguson, Sr. of Churchton; sons George L. Ferguson III and wife Crystal of Crownsville Md. and James David Leonard II of Harwood; sisters Susan Sturgell and husband Billy of Friendship Md., Tina Simmons and husband Larry of Myrtle Beach S.C., Lisa Gribble of Friendship Md., Janet Busick and husband John of Churchton Md., Sandra Leech and husband Hank of Dunkirk; and brothers Daniel Ferguson Sr. and wife Cecelia of Manassass, Va. and Kenneth Ferguson Sr. and wife Heidi of Deale. He is also survived by grandchildren, Jordan Riggleman, Lilly Leonard, Trinity and Kiara Ozment, and George L. Ferguson IV. Family and friends were received Dec. 27, 2012 at Rausch Funeral Home, P.A., 8325 Mt. Harmony Lane, Owings, where services and a celebration of George’s life were held the following day. Interment followed at Chesapeake Highlands Memorial Gardens, Port Republic. Memorial contributions in George’s name may be made to the American Cancer Society. For additional information or to leave condolences visit www.rauschfuneralhomes.com

Caryn Lynne Gee Hammett, 33 Caryn Lynne Gee Hammett, 33, of Dunkirk passed away Dec. 15, 2012 in Baltimore. Caryn was born Jan. 1, 1979 to John and Doris Gee in Prince Frederick. She was raised in Southern Anne Arundel County and graduated from Southern High School in 1996. Caryn was happily employed and loved her job as an office manager for a law firm in Annapolis.


Outside of work Caryn had numerous hobbies, but first and foremost was being a loving mother to her daughter Kendall. In addition to raising Kendall, Caryn loved her family and friends. Whether it was having fun at the family pool, helping to host a party, or watching Sunday football, her focus was on everyone else. She took great pleasure in knowing that everyone that she loved so much was happy. Her fondest memories weren’t elaborate trips but enjoying good conversation and laughs with those she held close. Caryn’s dreams were always big but her feet were always grounded. Caryn is survived by her daughter Kendall, her parents John and Doris Gee, her brother John Gee II and his girlfriend Kelly Donahue, grandmothers Patricia Gee and Lorraine Lutz, and a multitude of family and friends. Caryn’s family received friends Dec. 20 at Rausch Funeral Home, P.A., in Owings. A funeral service and celebration of her life was held Dec. 21. Interment was private. A fund in Caryn’s memory will be established in Kendall’s name. For additional information or to leave condolences visit the Rausch Funeral Home website at www.RauschFuneralHomes.com

William Howard Krell, 82 William Howard Krell, age 82, of North Beach passed away December 25, 2012 at the Burnett – Calvert Hospice House in Prince Frederick. Bill was born May 11, 1930 in Tamaqua, Penn. to Howard William and Anna (Morgan) Krell. He attended local schools and graduated from Tamaqua High School in 1948. Bill enlisted in the Army on July 15, 1948, and married Joan Tennant in Tamaqua on Nov. 20, 1948. Upon his discharge from the Army he attended Ohio State and Case Western Reserve Universities both in Ohio. After college Bill became a fundraiser for Lutheran Layman’s Movement working throughout the United States. He later joined the staff of Upper New York Synod in Syracuse, NY, the Community Chest of Greater Cincinnati, United Way of Quad Cities in Rock Island, IL, before retiring to Kinston, N.C. He then became the director of the United Way in Kinston and directed flood relief efforts in Kinston after hurricanes and tornadoes devastated the town. Bill retired and moved to North Beach in 2005. He was preceded in death by his parents and a sister Jean Krell Bill is survived by his wife Joan R. Krell; a daughter Linda Ann Krell both of North Beach; two sons William H. Krell Jr. and his wife Jeanne and Glenn D. Krell and his wife Karen both of Virginia Beach, Va.; seven grandchildren Scott, David, Michael, Jason, Ryan, Rachel and Brian Krell; seven great-grandchildren; a brother Arnold Krell and his wife LaMae of White Marsh, Md. and a sister Carolyn F. Tanner of Arlington, Va. Friends were received at St. Nicholas Lutheran Church, 1450 Plum Point Road, Huntingtown on Dec. 29, 2012. A service celebrating Bill’s life followed. Interment will be at Sky-View Memorial Park, Tamaqua, Penn. on Saturday, Jan 5, 2013. In lieu of flowers Memorial contributions may be made to Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, 2101 Carey Road, Kinston, NC 28504 For information or to leave a condolence visit www.RauschFuneralHomes.com


The Calvert Gazette

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Bob McClain, 73 Robert John “Bob” McClain, 73, of Chesapeake Beach passed away Dec. 20, 2012 at Calvert Memorial Hospital in Prince Frederick. He was born Feb. 4, 1939 in Altoona, Penn. to Paul and Emily McClain. Bob was raised in Altoona and graduated from Altoona Area High School. Upon graduating, Bob served in the United States Marine Corps, earning the Good Conduct Medal. He married Marjorie Kay Weyer on Oct. 21, 1958 and they lived in Altoona, and later moved to Northern Virginia. Bob was employed at Hessick Oil Company as a service manager, retiring in 2001. Bob and Marjorie moved to Chesapeake Beach in 1976. He was a member of the Stallings-Williams American Legion Post 206 in Chesapeake Beach, where he served as Post Commander. Bob enjoyed gun collecting and spending time with his family. Bob was preceded in death by his parents and three children, Michael A. and Paula Jo McClain and Tammy L. Hilnbrand. He is survived by his loving wife Marjorie Kay McClain, a son William J. “Toby” McClain and wife Annette of Altoona, Penn. and a daughter Tina L. Deyarmin of Chesapeake Beach. Also surviving are six grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Family and friends were received Dec 26, 2012 at Rausch Funeral Home, P.A., 8325 Mt. Harmony Lane, Owings, where services and a celebration of Bob’s life followed. Interment will be private. For additional information or to leave condolences visit www.rauschfuneralhomes.com

Hugh Graham Mitchell Milne, 79 Hugh Graham Mitchell Milne, 79, of Port Republic passed away on Dec. 25, 2012 at the Burnett Calvert Hospice House. He was born on Dec. 2, 1933 in Dundee

Scotland to the late Robert and Betsy Milne. He served in the Royal Air Force and the Merchant Navy and was a member of the Masonic Lodge in Scotland. He and his wife Helene started dating in Scotland when they were 15 years old. They married on Aug. 10, 1955, and in 1968 they came over to America. Once here, Hugh started working for Merchant Metals in Bladensburg, where he supervised the making of fencing and worked till his early retirement. He enjoyed the outdoors, camping and fishing and was an avid Redskin fan watching his team win the game last week. He is survived by his beloved wife of 57 years, Helen J. Milne. Father of Sharon Hudson and her husband Wayne of Port Republic. He is also survived by his granddaughter, Kellie Hudson Morrison and her husband Danny of Chesapeake Beach and greatgrandson Logan Hudson Morrison. A Memorial service was held on Dec. 29, 2012 at the Rausch Funeral Home, 4405 Broomes Island Road, Port Republic. Interment will be held at a later date in Waters Memorial United Methodist Church Cemetery. In lieu of flowers memorial contributions should be made to the Burnett Calvert Hospice House, C/O Calvert Hospice, P.O. Box 838 Prince Frederick, MD 20678

Roland A. Plater, Sr., 91 Roland A. Plater, Sr., 91, of Prince Frederick passed away on Dec. 10 at Calvert County Nursing Center in Prince Frederick. Roland Alexander Plater, Sr. was born May 9, 1921 in Sunderland. He was the fifth of seven children born to the late Florence Parker Plater and Earnest Alexander Plater. Somehow he earned the nickname “Big Baby.” He attended public schools in Calvert County then joined the Army at the age of 17. It was World War II and after boot camp and he was sent to the Philippines. He worked as a communications technician and rose to the rank of Staff Sergeant. Because his father had died, he sent money home to help his mother

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and younger siblings. After the war, he began working construction, building roads and bridges around Maryland. He met and married Malinda Irene Brooks. They became entrepreneurs and launched several businesses. First they started a dry goods store on Dares Beach Road and eventually became School Bus Contractors. They helped build the Beacon Light Seventh-day Adventist Church in Annapolis founded the Emmanuel Seventh-day Adventist Church in Prince Frederick. Roland worked in various positions including treasurer, deacon and local elder. Malinda preceded him in death. Their children, Roz Plater, Dr. Marsha Plater, Roland A. Plater, Jr., Queenie Plater, Joan Plater, Thurman Plater and Jonathan Plater; daughter-in-laws Eudora and Dana Plater and seven grandchildren, Ryan, Brooke, Allison, Kaitlyn, Matthew, Paige, Carlos and “Little Queenie,” and great-grandchildren Isaiah and Jeremiah, niece Doris Spotswood and sisters-in-law Volley Brooks, Lettie Brooks and Gertrude Plater, along with a host of other nieces and nephews, survive him. Funeral service was held on Dec. 17. at Chesapeake Church in Huntingtown, with Dr. Alfred Jones as eulogist. The interment was at Holland Cemetery in Huntingtown. The pallbearers were Robert Carter, Mike Fletcher, Don Fowler, Terry Morsell, Teon Plater and Conrad White Funeral arrangements were provided by Sewell Funeral Home, Prince Frederick.

and his sister Mary Louise Principe. The family received friends on Dec. 31, 2012 at the St. John Vianney Catholic Church, 470 Main Street, Prince Frederick. A mass of Christian burial and internment followed. Arrangements provided by the Rausch Funeral Home of Port Republic. Contributions made in the memory of Thomas can be mailed to St. John Vianney Catholic Church.

Ann Hutchinson Spigai, 73 Ann Hutchinson Spigai, 73, of Chesapeake Beach passed away Dec. 17 at her residence. She was born June 27, 1939 in Chattanooga, Tenn. to Nicholas and Ethel Mae (Rives) Hutchinson. Ann moved to the Washington D.C. area with her family as a young child and was educated in Montgomery County schools. She graduated from Washington Hospital Center School of Nursing as a registered nurse in 1961. She married Joseph J. Spigai on May 18, 1974 in Washington, D.C. Joseph and Ann made their home in Montgomery County until moving to Chesapeake Beach in August 2010. Ann worked for Dr. Melvin Carter in Silver Spring for over 25 years. She was a member of Marvin Memorial Methodist Church in Silver Spring. Ann was an avid gardener and enjoyed reading and spending time with her family, especially her grandsons. Ann is survived by her loving husband, Joseph and by daughters Tracey McKirgan and husband Dan of Chesapeake Beach and Tara Cowe-Spigai and wife Kereth of Salem, Mass. Also surviving are grandsons Daniel and Timothy McKirgan and a sister Judy Hershey and husband Rick of Birmingham, Ala. A memorial visitation was held Dec. 27 at Rausch Funeral Home, P.A.in Owings. A memorial service and celebration of Ann’s life followed. Interment was private. In lieu of flowers memorial donations in Ann’s name may be made to the American Lung Association or Calvert Hospice. For additional information or to leave condolences visit www. rauschfuneralhomes.com

Thomas B. Ricker III, 57 Thomas B. Ricker III, 57, of Lusby passed away on Dec. 28, 2012 in Baltimore. Thomas was born on May 2, 1955 in Cheverly, Md. to Thomas B. Ricker, Jr. and Mary June (Sturgis) Ricker. Thomas was preceded in death by his father Thomas. He is survived by his children Jessica Stewart, Thomas IV, Jennifer, and Carter Ricker. He is also survived by his grandchildren Joseph, Zachary, Devin, Benjamin Stewart, and Kylie Ricker; his mother Mary June Ricker and brothers Mark, Patrick, Andy, Geoff, Michael Ricker;

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The Calvert Gazette

Thursday, January 3, 2013



A Year in Review

July through December Top Stories of 2012 The Calvert Gazette recaps the top news stories of 2012, reminding readers of the events of the past year. This issue provides snippets from the top stories from July through December. The last issue of 2012 began the year in review. To see the stories in their entirety, go to www.CountyTimes.net. The Gazette has its own archive of full-page views of each issue of the paper.

Colossus of Clout. The event had two stages hosting 13 performers, five Maryland wineries, including Port of Leonardtown and Cove Point Winery, and a number of local breweries and vendors on site.

July “Calvert Farm Service Agency Shutting its Doors” – July 5 Budget pressure from the U.S. Department of Agriculture forced the Calvert County Farm Service Agency to close its doors on August 1 and consolidate with its regional partner in St. Mary’s County. “It’s all budget driven and it’s filtered down,” said Linda Slacum, acting executive director for the Maryland Farm Service Agency. “Producers will still have the option to go to St. Mary’s, Charles, Prince George’s or Anne Arundel counties.”

“Calverton Welcomes New Head of School” – July 19 “I’m one of those people who loves to roll up my sleeves and jump in,” said new head of the Calverton School Spencer Taintor.

“FOP to Run Bar as Fundraiser” – July 12 Calvert Board of License Commissioners approved a plan from the Calvert Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) to sell alcohol in the vacated Crooked I location in Chesapeake Beach. FOP president Tom Phelps explained his organization wanted to move into the Crooked I location when the previous owners vacate the space to relocate. The situation was temporary, until the Crooked I’s lease ran out on the building. During the meeting, Crooked I co-owner Chris Chubb and Phelps outlined a plan for the FOP to use Crooked I employees and run the bar as a fundraiser for the FOP. The board did not grant a 30-day temporary license, but they issued a series of one-day permits.

Taintor took an unusual route to becoming an educator. He started out as a resort development consultant, and then taught chemistry in Florida before coming to Calverton. His goal was to work and help the school continue to graduate creative thinkers who will be well equipped to face the challenges of tomorrow.

August “Double Murder, Suicide in Owings” – Aug. 2

Luke Bryan made a hot night even hotter during his performance in St. Leonard, getting the audience on their feet, dancing and singing along to his concert standards and a few surprise songs. Since 2005, St. Leonard Volunteer Fire Department (SLVFD) has brought high quality entertainment to Southern Maryland to heat up the summer.

A husband and father of two children killed his wife, his young daughter and then himself July 31. Police said the death of Frank Hayward Jr., 32, Cynthia Hayward, 31, and Natalee Hayward, 2, appeared to be murder/suicide. Calvert County Sheriff Mike Evans said officers responded to an anonymous 911 call at 8:30 a.m. on that Tuesday morning. Police knew they were responding to a domestic disturbance. The Calvert County murder/suicide broke a four year and four month record without a fatality from domestic abuse. The incident spurred a number of fundraisers for the sole survivor of the incident, Hayward’s son Frank Hayward III, who now lives with relatives out of state.

Despite rain showers, the first ever Southern Maryland Sun and Music Fest went smoothly. The two-day festival had it all – beer and locally produced wines, big name bands like The Fabulous Thunderbirds to smaller acts like newly formed

Local farmers and county officials joined state officials to discuss the proposed changes to Maryland’s Nutrient Management Regulations during statewide series of informative presentations. Secretary of Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA) Earl “Buddy” Hance and Assistant Secretary of MDA Royden Powell gave the presentation and acted as moderators to answer questions and take comments. “You all have done an outstanding job of planting cover crops,” Hance said during his introduction, praising farmers present and statewide for being ahead of schedule when it comes to nutrient reduction goals for the Watershed Implementation Plan. Powell said the new regulations are meant to balance the needs of the farmers and the needs of the environment. The state plans to gradually shift to prohibiting nutrient applications between Nov. 1 and Feb. 28 east of the Chesapeake Bay and Nov. 15 and Feb. 28 west of the bay. He said the variable climate in Maryland does not allow for one date, and the prohibited span will be flexible based on weather conditions during the winter. He admitted that in the case of a warm winter, the growing season may be longer and later or earlier treatments may be necessary. “County Gets New Health Department Head” – Aug. 9

“No. 1 Country Star Luke Bryan Sells Out St. Leonard” – July 12

“First Ever Sun and Music Fest Rocks Southern Maryland” – July 19

“State Regulation Changes to Affect Local Farmers” – Aug. 2

“It’s not just sitting in a meeting room hearing about statistics,” said Dr. Larry Polsky of his new position as head of the Calvert County Health Department. The duties of the Health Department can involve facets of traffic safety, parks and recreation and physical education in schools. While he has a few ideas, he wants to feedback from the community for the direction of the Health Department. “There is no one way to do public health,” he said. “Solar Panel Farm Coming to Huntingtown” – Aug. 9 The Board of Appeals granted Solis Energy Solutions a special exception to put a solar panel farm on a 2.1 acre parcel of the Bowen farm. The initial exception was granted on Oct. 6, 2011. The Abington Shores Homeowners Association then filed a Petition for Judicial Review of Administrative Decision on Nov. 4 and, after a June 13 decision by retired Judge Graydon S. McKee III, it was remanded to the Board of Appeals for further study. After the second hearing, the board granted the expectation again. “Police Raid Bunny Magic, 222 Rabbits Taken” – Aug. 16 The Calvert County Sheriff’s Office Animal Control Unit, with assistance from the Criminal Investigative Team, executed

a search warrant on Bunny Magic, a Lusbybased rabbit rescue. Officials removed 222 of the 265 rabbits in residence. “Gazette Joins ‘Calvert Can: Eat Right and Move More’ Initiative” – Aug. 23 Representatives from Calvert County’s Health Impact Council want to be the catalyst for residents to improve overall health, according to Margaret Fowler, director of Community Wellness at Calvert Memorial Hospital. A change in the culture and improved habits are goals for a county-wide movement to positively impact the lifestyle choices of Calvert residents. Calvert’s United Way formed the health impact council with representatives from the local government, businesses, schools and non-profit agencies to address findings of a 2010 Maryland Behavioral Risk Surveillance System. According to the United Way press release, the survey found that 73 percent of Calvert County adults are overweight or obese and 60 percent of county residents do not meet the recommended daily 30 minutes of moderate exercise.

September “Nuclear Plant Has 60 Days to Find American Backer” – Sept. 13 Atomic Safety and Licensing Board (ASLB) ruled that UniStar had 60 days to find a U.S. partner before the board closed the proceedings on the proposed third nuclear reactor at Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Energy Plant in Lusby. UniStar did not find a domestic backer within the window, but the project is not dead. The ruling was not a rejection or denial or the application as a whole, said Nuclear Regulatory Commission Public Affairs Officer Neil Sheehan. There is still work the NRC can do with the application. “Pottery Patch Making a Go of It in Dunkirk” – Sept. 13 Nicole Kerfoot and her mother, Gina opened The Pottery Patch during the summer with a flurry of summer camps and headed into the fall with a number of ideas to keep their store busy. The Pottery Patch is a store that offers clients an opportunity to paint their own pottery. The business provides the paints, space, sponges, stamps, expert assistance and firing of the completed work for the price of the item and half its price for a studio fee.


Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Calvert Gazette STORY

October “New Chamber CEO Loves to Connect With People” – Oct. 4 Carolyn Hart, new President and CEO of the Calvert County Chamber of Commerce, grew up a military brat having attended four different high schools just in her ninth grade year. “I wanted to be involved in the community. I missed that growing up because we never stayed long enough to get involved. I’m so excited to work in the county I live in,” she said of the appointment. She looked forward to hearing from members of the chamber and the community when she started her new post Oct. 15. “Spiggy and Friends’ Ambitious Plan to Honor Two Navy Heroes, Raise Money” – Oct. 4 Local celebrity, Redskin’s Spiggy the Hogette and his friends set an ambitious goal for his 13th golf tournament “FUNraiser” scheduled at Chesapeake Hills Golf Club in Lusby. Dave “Spiggy” Spigler honored two fallen Navy heroes and raised money for their organizations while still raising money for Children’s Hospital and other local causes. Spiggy and Friends have raised more than $650,000 through celebrity golf tournaments and Sunday Benefits in Calvert County for the past 20 years. During the last 29 years, the Hogettes have raised more than $100 million for sick children and their families throughout the metropolitan area. “Underage Drinking Group to Target Chesapeake Ranch Estates” – Oct. 18 The effort to reduce underage alcohol abuse in Calvert County started in the Chesapeake Ranch Estates, according to Anna Black, who monitors the grant funding for the program. The Underage Alcohol Abuse Reduction Team focused its efforts first on the Chesapeake Ranch Estates neighborhood. Maryland Strategic Framework Monitor awarded this team $33,000 per fiscal period for five years to address underage drinking. Black said they chose CRE because it is a pre-established community with a leadership framework, including a homeowners association to help efforts by the team. “The powers that be in the community have been helpful and supportive in every way possible.” Members of the community helped find areas to focus on during a meeting on Oct. 24.

November “Sandy Breezes By Southern Maryland” – Nov. 1 “We were a bit lucky,” Pat Nutter, Calvert County commissioner said about the lack of damage left in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. “We were very surprised we didn’t have more damage.” Nutter’s neighborhood weathered the storm well, despite sounds during the night that made him think they lost trees, even though they never lost power. Southern

Maryland was ready for a storm on the level of Hurricane Irene or even worse, with the weather channel forecasting three storms converging on the area in a storm to reach unprecedented levels. Chesapeake Beach Mayor Bruce Wahl said the only damage he saw was two fallen trees – one in town and one on Bayside Road coming into the beaches. The first missed all houses and property, only blocking the street until it was cleared out. The other took down power lines, which Wahl said were repaired before the wind started to pick up. “School Board Has Two New Members” – Nov. 8 After the Nov. 6 election, Kelly McConkey, Tracey McGuire and Joe Chenelly won seats on the Board of Education, Delegate Tony O’Donnell lost his bid to take over the Maryland congressional seat to incumbent Steny Hoyer. Same-sex marriage was legalized and gambling approved in Maryland. In addition, a record number of 6,000 voters turned out for early voting. “Community Discusses What Counts in Public Education” – Nov. 15 Parents, grandparents, county commissioners, law enforcement and community leaders shared their thoughts on improving Calvert public schools at the second What Counts forum, held Nov. 8 at Calvert High School. Maryland Association of Boards of Education Director Kitty Blumsack facilitated the evening’s forum, leading attendees to write down their experiences, both good and bad, with public school staff members. The attendees divided into 12 smaller groups to discuss this year’s What Counts topic – “Strong Leaders and Staff.” Blumsack, never having hosted a What Counts forum focused on school staff and improved interactions, said she was pleased to help Calvert break into new territory. “Elected School Board Members Sidelined” – Nov. 21 Newly elected Board of Education members Joe Chenelly and Kelly McConkey attended their first two meeting Nov. 8 and Nov. 15, but were not permitted to attend the executive sessions at the beginning. The exclusion was intentional as one board member wanted to keep them out until they are sworn in during the Jan. 10 meeting, according to sources wishing to remain anonymous. “Serving Others First” – Nov. 21 Instead of spending Thanksgiving at home with family, Girl Scout Troop 6691 of Prince Frederick prepared a full feast for residents in Project ECHO, a local temporary shelter capable of housing 20 women and children and 20 men. Additionally, SMILE worked to get food to families in need and feed others on Thanksgiving Day. Hands of God Mobile Street Ministry held a bake sale fundraiser in front of the County Court building in Prince Frederick Thursday afternoon to raise money to feed more people. In total, Calvert fed more than 2,000 individuals in need for Thanksgiving.

“Calvert Dialysis Center Reopens” – Nov. 29 The IDF Calvert Dialysis Center reopened its doors on Nov. 8 after a devastating fire in July resulted in three months of extensive renovation. The blaze had destroyed everything in the treatment area.

December “DiGiovanni’s Under Old Management - Original Owners Come Out of Retirement” – Dec. 6 Gerri DiGiovanni-Epps has a head for dates. On Sept. 3, 1999, she opened the doors of DiGiovanni’s Dock of the Bay on Solomons, with Chef Annamaria DeGennaro manning the kitchen. On April 12, 2010, she, DeGennaro and Ceferino Epps retired from the restaurant. Two and a half years later, the three have come out of retirement and back to the restaurant they started. DiGiovanniEpps said when she and her husband decided to come back to the restaurant; DeGennaro announced she would be returning as well.

“Calvert Responds to Future State Regulations” – Dec. 13 The Board of County Commissioners and Planning Commission agreed upon changes to the definitions of major and minor subdivisions, in accordance with Senate Bill 236, also known as the Sustainable Growth and Agricultural Preservation Act. The bill requires all jurisdictions and municipalities in Maryland to complete new maps sectioning land into four “tiers.” Tier 1 areas currently have sewerage services, Tier 2 areas are planned for sewerage systems services, Tier 3 areas are planned for growth on septic systems, and Tier 4 areas are set aside for preservation and conservation and prohibit major residential subdivisions on septic systems. The county faced a Dec. 31 deadline for submitting a tier map. The board and Planning Commission voted unanimously to increase the number of lots allowed in a minor subdivision from five to seven, making a major subdivision anything involving eight or more homes. “Natural Gas: ‘A Mixed Bag?’” – Dec. 20 Dominion Cove Point has been steadily going through the paperwork and process of becoming an LNG exporter. The Sierra Club has opposed the expansion, filing for intervention in the project.

Community Free Grief Course Offered by Calvert Hospice Calvert Hospice is offering a free, seven-week course to help grieving persons integrate loss into life in healthy ways. This class provides an opportunity for sharing and learning around a common theme, “Understanding Your Grief: Ten Essential Touchstones for Finding Hope and Healing Your Heart.” The author of the course guide is renowned grief counselor and educator Alan Wolfelt, PhD. Pre-registration is required to attend this series of group sessions. There is no cost and a course book will be provided. Participants may choose to purchase or return their course book at the end of the study. Beginning Feb. 5, the sessions will be held on Tuesdays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Burnett Calvert Hospice House, 4559 Sixes Road, Prince Frederick. This group is designed for adults (18 years and up) who have experienced the death of another adult in their life due to illness or accident. It is intended for those whose loss occurred between three and 24 months prior to the start of Course. Exceptions are made on a case by case basis, so please call if interested or to learn about other grief support services. To pre-register or obtain more information, please contact Linzy Laughhunn. We recommend you register early, as we expect the course to fill up quickly. This course will be repeated at alternate times and locations around Calvert County. Calvert Hospice has additional resources to recommend to those who have other grief needs, such as the death of a child, a child that is struggling with loss of someone, a death by suicide, or by violence/crime. Also, if there is sufficient interest in a ‘daytime’ offering of this course, we will offer that option. Please let us know if that would be a preferred choice. For more information about Hospice programs and services call: 410-535-0892 or go online to www.calverthospice.org.

The Calvert Gazette

Thursday, January 3, 2013


Redskins Fans Team Up with Century 21

On Dec. 9, 2012, the Hogettes, along with Mary Lynn Stone, broker for Century 21 New Millennium, gathered at a large tailgate Party at FedEx Field prior to the Washington Redskins – Baltimore Ravens game to present a large check to Diana Dellavilla of the Children’s Hospital Foundation. Among the Hogettes for the presentation of this Christmas gift were “Jovette”, “Boss Hogette Mikey T”, Diana, “Hog Ed”, “Vickette”, Mary Lynn, “Nickette”, “Spiggy”, “Susette” and “Stoneyette”. During the 30 years of their existence, the Hogettes have been responsible for raising more than $100 million for organizations that are dedicated to helping needy children throughout the Washington area.

Chesapeake’s Bounty Supports Calvert Hospice William Kreamer of Chesapeake’s Bounty wanted to find a way to support Calvert Hospice, he decided to donate one dollar for every Christmas tree sold. That totaled more than $1,200 when combined with outright donations from his customers. “I did this last year and it was such a success, I decided to do it again this year,” Kreamer noted. “You took such great care of both my grandmother and grandfather that I needed to find a way to give back.” Kreamer concluded. Chesapeake's Bounty was originally founded in 1994 by the late Greg Ciesielski, a teacher, waterman, and entrepreneur. His daughter, Marci Kreamer, managed the storefront and is the kind face that most people remember when they think of the store. Over the years, Chesapeake's Bounty grew tremendously thanks to the support of the Calvert County community and kind patrons from other areas. In September 2007 Greg's grandson, William Kreamer took over the reins and within a year, a new store location on small farm in St. Leonard took shape. That location is now flourishing as people discover the benefits of buying local, quality food products.“We rely on local businesses to support Calvert Hospice,” stated Brenda Laughhunn, Executive Director of Calvert Hospice. “We are so grateful for the support of Chesapeake’s Bounty and the generosity of William Kreamer and his family,” Laughhunn concluded. For more information about Hospice programs and services call 410-535-0892 or go online to www. calverthospice.org.

Brenda Laughhunn, Executive Director of Calvert Hospice, accepts a donation from William Kreamer of Chesapeake’s Bounty.


The Calvert Gazette

Thursday, January 3, 2013


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The Calvert Gazette

Thursday, January 3, 2013


Beating The Winter Blues By Debra Meszaros CSN www.MXSportsNutrition.com What is it about winter that allows us to think we need to hibernate until spring arrives? Why do we make those New Year’s Resolutions that only last thirty days? Staying active throughout the winter season is not as hard as you think. It can be fun and very rewarding, not to mention, healthy. Can we actually help avoid the flu, colds, and weight gain with just a few adjustments to our winter lifestyle? No matter what your age or physical ability level, there is truly something for everyone. If you happen to be an active type it’s obvious that you’ll definitely have more choices to beat the winter blues than perhaps someone that has not been as active, or that has a condition that hinders them from high activity. For the active types, there’s nothing more challenging to your cardiovascular system than winter. Cross country skiing is one of the best options. It works all of the major muscle groups, your core muscles, burns considerable calories, promotes balance, and is a super challenge to your greatest muscle of all, your heart. The scenic views can also be very rewarding mentally. Almost in the same category is skiing and snowboarding. It’s no secret that these two activities help with balance, flexibility, and leg strength, while burning calories as well. One of the most pleasurable activities, ice skating, almost feels like it’s not even exercise. It can be performed

indoors or outdoors with the same health benefits. Floating on ice tends to relieve stress. If you already belong to a gym or just joined due to your New Years’ resolution, keeping up with your workout routine has helpful benefits during the winter, especially for your immune system. Exercise helps your immune system stay in tip top shape. It allows your lymph system to operate in optimal fashion, keeping its circulation high. Unlike your blood which has the heart to pump it along, your lymph fluid has no organ to aid it in circulation. Your lymph fluid is responsible for bathing and cleansing your cells; when it slows up, toxins collect in the body. There’s also evidence that the body may recover faster from illness, when one performs some form of exercise during that time. Now if you’re just not the outdoors type and you can’t cross-country ski, the elliptical machine at your local gym just might be the answer. It provides some of the same benefits without battling the cold weather. If due to age or physical ability, you are unable to hit the great outdoors, The Power Plate might just be the thing for you. It is a valuable tool in muscular exercise, muscular pain management, and bone regeneration. It has numerous wellness and fitness benefits like improving muscle tone, range of motion, coordination, balance, increases blood flow, and enhances metabolism. It utilizes advanced vibration technology, which cause the muscles to contract between 25 to 50 times per second. It can complete a full body workout in as little as 30 minutes. It is a revolutionary approach to exercise, especially for those with limited movement, like senior citizens. Regardless of which form of exercise you choose, the outcome of any form is said to increase your “happy” hormones, therefore allowing you to beat the winter blues. *** It is advised to check with your medical doctor before attempting any changes to your lifestyle.

©2013 Debra Meszaros MXSportsNutrition.com. All rights reserved; no duplication without permission. DISCLAIMER: When you read through the diet and lifestyle information, you must know that everything within it is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional. I am making no attempt to prescribe any medical treatment. You should not use the information here for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. The products and the claims made about specific products have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. Confirm the safety of any supplements with your M.D., N.D. or pharmacist (healthcare professional). Some information given is solely an opinion, thought and or conclusion based on experiences, trials, tests, assessments or other available sources of information. I do not make any guarantees or promises with regard to results. I may discuss substances that have not been subject to double blind clinical studies or FDA approval or regulation. You assume the responsibility for the decision to take any natural remedy. You and only you are responsible if you choose to do anything with the information you have read. You do so at your own risk. I encourage you to make your own health decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.

Look At Those Ducks

Fur and Feathers By Keith McGuire Contributing Writer So we were driving down the road past a pond the other day when my wife, knowing that I’m an avid outdoorsman, says, “Look at those ducks on that pond over there.” It happens all the time. I usually take a look and grunt an acknowledgement like, “Those are geese, darling.” She would be totally lost as a waterfowler. Not only do hunters have to distinguish ducks from geese, but they have to know what kind of ducks are flying over their decoys so they don’t shoot the wrong ones. I used to hunt ducks with an old friend who is no longer with us. He always said that it’s much easier to identify the kind of duck you have shot after they fall. Of course, this is totally against the law and contrary to every conservation measure known to man. I call this the Audubon method be-

Sp rts

cause many of the paintings by John James to arrange their many decoys in a way Audubon, the famous ornithologist, were that will attract wild ducks. For examcompleted by studying the details of birds ple: puddle duck decoys, like mallards that were shot by hunters. and black ducks, are arranged nearer to We all admire the beauty of duck shore than diver duck decoys, and only stamps that are required for a fee by state certain duck decoys can be mixed in a and federal governments to hunt waterspread of Canada goose decoys. fowl. They are prints of prize-winning I like duck and goose hunting, but paintings of ducks or geese reduced to I’m not that good at it. Even a legal stamp form. Artists are very talented duck has a fair shot at flying for anpeople, but the only way they could know other day after he passes by my decoy the details of their work is through the spread. Still, there’s great enjoyment in study of dead specimens. Even photobeing on the water, or in the blind with graphs couldn’t capture the details of these fellow hunters, during waterfowl seabirds that are required of prize-winning son. It is a lot of work to get set up in paintings. the dark and to gather up ducks, decoys Of course, the waterfowl hunter has and empty shell cartridges afterwards, to know much more than just the colors but the pleasure of the gatherings of of their feathers. Each different species These are ducks: Canvas Back ducks. Limit: waterfowlers is unmatched by any othof duck or goose has a distinct profile as one per person per day. One is mine. One er shooting sport. belongs to the person taking the picture. it flies, and the way in which it flies offers I’ve tried to convince my wife that clues to individual identities. They can tell she would look good in chest waders the difference among some species by the way they pitch into and I’ve even thought about buying a pair for her so she could a landing zone. Waterfowlers know where specific types of join me one day, but why diminish the sport! ducks and geese fly and the habitat that they prefer. Some duck hunters select their hunting areas by the overlapping Keith has hunted wild game and waterfowl in Maryland habitat zones favored by certain species of ducks. and other states for more than 45 years. When the fishing seaDecoys also provide a modern form of artwork. Anyone son wanes, you will find him in the woods until deer season who has attended The Waterfowl Festival in Easton, or the finishes. Waterfowl Museum in Salisbury knows that there are high forms of art in the decorative decoys displayed there. Commonly used decoys share few of the details of deCorrection: Our apologies to Keith and all the readers coys prepared for artwork. They capture only the basic char- who do know the difference between ducks and geese. We acteristics of various species of ducks. The waterfowl hunter failed to change the caption when we changed the photo in studies the way that groups of ducks act on the water in order last week’s edition.


The Calvert Gazette

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Not Gestures But Repairs to Sanity, Safety By Laura Joyce Contributing Writer After the Dec. 14 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary, I, like so many people, felt sick and saddened beyond words. I was unsure of how to wrap my mind and heart around such senseless tragedy. That much sorrow is hard to take in, and so we seek to offer whatever we can, each in our own way. Hundreds of pies were baked and delivered to the townspeople by an Iowa woman who wanted to do something. Calls flooded the town’s coffee shop as first one person, then another, and then people from all over the world phoned in to ‘sponsor’ cups of coffee for the overwhelmed townspeople and first responders. Teddy bears arrived at such a pace that eventually the town had to ask that donors send them elsewhere, to hospitals and shelters, because the town simply couldn’t keep up with the quantity arriving. As news of people’s generosity spread, I heard someone observe that these donations were just gestures, and of no real help, but I disagree. Certainly the food and drinks and gifts are inadequate to answer the

depth and breadth of grief visited on one small town— what could be enough, after all? But, these humble acts were genuine, heartfelt; they were how grieving people coped with the horror of what had occurred, reaching out to tell total strangers that they are not alone, not forgotten. The outpouring of emotion that mixed both grief and caring into each pie, stirred it into each cup of coffee, and stitched it into every stuffed bear was far more than an empty gesture. Each donation was and is a very real act of comfort and support, and while nothing can erase the deep grief of family members or the trauma of survivors and first responders, these acts of empathy say something that needs to be said, for the sake of both the wounded townspeople and the people reaching out to them. Each act of kindness reminds the people of Newtown that even when we feel the deepest despair and isolation, none of us stands entirely alone. Each act of kindness contributes to the complex and invisible repair work that must be done to begin to piece together the tears in the fabric of sanity and safety that surrounded us before that Friday morning. And each act of kindness allows us to remember that the presence of unspeakable savagery is tempered, even if just the tiniest bit, by the smallest act of compassion and humanity. When we bake those pies or sponsor those cups of coffee or mail off those stuffed bears, we are a scattered

world making itself into a community, a small town with neighbors offering a casserole over the back fence, bringing whatever relief and sustenance we can in troubled times. We are feeding a town hungry for relief, yes, but also for reassurance that we have all borne witness to the unimaginable suffering, and will not forget. In the days and weeks ahead, instead of letting time erase the outrage, the sorrow, the sense of vulnerability and the need to do something, anything, to ensure that this never happens again, I hope and I believe that we will begin a national conversation. We need to ask and answer the important questions this tragedy has raised about mental health care, and assault weapons, and what kind of world we want for ourselves and for our children. For just another moment, though, I want to try to find words, while the bakers gather their ingredients, and the baristas brew their coffee, and the seamstresses stitch together their stuffed toys, and others do what they do— lower flags, make quilts, plant flowers, pray—in acts that are far more than gestures. For each of us, these acts are our own quiet memorials to the victims, meant to carry some measure of comfort, however small, meant to say that we are here, and we are there, and despite that terrible, terrible day, there is still kindness, and hope, and grace.

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The Calvert Gazette

Thursday, January 3, 2013


ast Cold Enough Yet?

By Linda Reno Contributing Writer Joshua Lamb, a Revolutionary War soldier, recorded the birth of his son in the family bible saying “John Lamb, son of John and Sarah, was born January 17, 1780 when people walked across the Chesapeake Bay on the Tee.” I found this very odd, but obviously I hadn’t paid attention because it has happened a number of times since 1780—as recently as the winter of 1976-1977 as the accompanying photo shows. I well remember that particular winter and the snow. I was then working in Washington, D.C. and car pooled with Julie Mattingly and Sandy Barber. One day the snow was falling fast, so we left for home about 4 p.m. and it was bumperto-bumper from the time we got on the Southwest Freeway until we got to McDonald’s on Indian Head Highway at 10 p.m. (Less than 20 miles in 8 hours). After a more than welcome meal, we made our way home. We were snowed in for three days.

Besides the harrowing road trip, I probably didn’t pay too much attention to the cold as I was warm and snug in my house, but what would it have been like in 1780 and even up into the 1930s? Insulation as we know it today was unheard of. If people insulated at all, they used horsehair, newspapers, and magazines. Precious little heat would have been generated by fireplaces or wood stoves as most of it went up the chimney. For the most part, people didn’t bother to heat bedrooms and generally the only room heated was the kitchen. Henrietta Maria (Ashcom) Gourley (1856-1942) and her family lived on the Patuxent River at Hallowing Point in Calvert County. She kept a journal for a number of years with many interesting entries. One of these was from the winter of 1894-1895 when she said: “We had two Irish servants then, Charlie and Alice. It was a great comfort to have a man to look out for things, as this was a very cold winter. The river was frozen over for weeks. Your father came down on the train through Charles County, and crossed the river on the ice. I drove on the river in a two horse sleigh. The oystermen cut holes in the ice to get the oysters…. We had a blizzard on February 7th

Chesapeake Bay, 1976-1977, Baltimore Sun

and we were snowed in for weeks.” About the winter of 1917-1918 she wrote: “The river was frozen solid for weeks. You all don’t know what we went through. Aunt Lizzie, old as she was, was brave and cheerful. Louise and I protected her from the cold in every way possible. We all slept in my room, which had

the two beds and a cot for Eva…cooking in a room where the water stood frozen on the table three feet from the stove; shut in by ice and snow...But this all ended at last; the ice broke up. With it went the wharf and the two beacons.” Hooray for insulation and central heat!

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The Calvert Gazette

Thursday, January 3, 2013


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1996 Dodge Ram 1500 SLT Laramie 4x4 Extended Cab. V8, automatic, power windows and locks, heat, tow pkg, 8ft bed, 4WD, A.R.E. cap, truck runs perfect, some rust on doors. 160k miles, call Jay 240 466 1711. Price: $2695. 1999 Ford Explorer XLT for sale, 4WD/ AWD, ABS Brakes, Air Conditioning, Alloy Wheels, AM/FM Stereo, Automatic Transmission, CD Audio, Cloth Seats, Cruise Control, Full Roof Rack, Power Locks, Power Mirrors, Power Seat(s), Power Windows, Rear Defroster. Clean Carfax. More pictures to come. $2150. Call 202-658-4929.

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The Calvert Gazette

Thursday, January 3, 2013


The Calvert Gazette is always looking for more local talent to feature! To submit art or band information for our entertainment section, e-mail sarahmiller@countytimes.net.

Meet Some Local DJs By Sarah Miller Staff Writer With bands such as the Sam Grow Band, Hydra FX and the Piranhas, Southern Maryland has become a hotbed for budding bands. But some nights and atmospheres don’t call for live entertainment, and to fill in the gaps are a number of local DJs who provide a different variety of music, including karaoke.

DJ Charles Thompson Charles Thompson, a DJ for more than 20 years, has no intention of doing anything else any time soon. “I’m probably one of the oldest ones out there. I probably need my head examined,” Thompson said. Regularly found at Toots Bar in Hollywood, he does weddings, parties and “the whole nine yards.” Unlike some other DJs, Thompson doesn’t keep his library on a laptop. He said he prefers using CDs, with two players so he can prime one song while another is playing. He said he keeps his music library so organized he can find anything he’s looking for as quickly as he could on a laptop. The St. Mary’s County native can occasionally be found on stage. He said he still plays live music with bands he is associated with, and after watching the music scene in Southern Maryland, he said he has noticed a cycle. Sometimes live bands cannot get any work in the area while DJs are never busier. Right now, the cycle is on the opposite end, with bands be-

ing the hot item in the area. Another trend he has noticed is the current generation requesting the music of the generation before. Last decade, everyone wanted to hear things from the 1950s and 60s. Now, 80s music and Motown is popular again. Thompson’s library consists of a little bit of everything, including the rock music he had to hide when he was a kid. Thompson prefers bluegrass, country and a little bit of southern rock, but his library has Adele and Bruno Mars. A wide variety is essential, he said. “I mix it up pretty good.” To book Thompson for an event, call 301-373-5209.

DJ Harry Yake DJ Harry Yake makes his living as a DJ and karaoke host. He has been in bands since he was 12 years old, and has been involved in music ever since. When it comes to his musical offerings, he said he has it all. “I specialize in everything,” he said, citing a range from Elvis to Lil Wayne. Karaoke is a way for him to remain involved in the music industry and allow others to live out their dreams of singing in front of a large crowd. He said he’ll choose his karaoke or DJ set up according to the mood he feels from the crowd. “Sometimes they just want to dance,” he said. His play list is always growing, and he adds two or three songs per week to the repertoire. Sometimes,

he will purchase a song on the spot to fill a request. “My library grows through suggestions,” he said. Yake can be found on Wednesdays at Big Dog Paradise in Mechanicsville and he is available for private parties. For more information, call Yake at 301-542-5523.

DJ Dave Karaoke and Entertainment From Lusby to Chesapeake Beach and Mechanicsville to Solomons, DJ Dave Karaoke and Entertainment is taking care of musical needs throughout Southern Maryland. According to www.djdavemd.com “DJ Dave Karaoke and Entertainment is committed to bringing the highest quality, most professional and courteous service to each and every client.” DJ Dave Karaoke and Entertainment consists of founder Dave Lysinger, Dusty Sauls, Justin Rexford, Roxy Carmichael and Jim Piatt, all of whom work with venues, caterers and vendors to make an event the best it can be, according to the website. DJ Dave or one of the affiliated DJs can be found Wednesdays at Jake and Al’s in Lusby, Thursdays at Seabreeze in Mechanicsville, Fridays at Laughing Buddha in Solomons and Adam’s Ribs in Prince Frederick and Saturdays at Smokey Joe’s in Chesapeake Beach. In addition, he can be found at the Tavern in St. Leonard from 9 p.m.-1 a.m. on Jan. 5 and 12. sarahmiller@countytimes.net

Entertainment Calendar Saturday, Jan. 5 Live Music: “Fran Scuderi” Running Hare Vineyard (150 Adelina Road, Prince Frederick) – 1 p.m.

Sunday, Jan. 6 Live Music: “Radio Caroline” Running Hare Vineyard (150 Adelina Road, Prince Frederick) – 1 p.m. Live Music: “Under The Covers” Hotel Charles (15110 Burnt Store Road, Hughesville) – 9 p.m.

Tuesday, Jan. 8 Open Mic Night Ruddy Duck Brewery (13200 Dowell Road, Dowell) – 6:30 p.m.

DJ Charles Thompson at Toots in Hollywood

Photos by Sarah Miller

Thursday, January 3, 2013


1. Easy as 1-2-3 4. Goat and camel hair fabric 7. A woman’s undergarment 10. British bathrooms 12. Assemblages of parts into one entity 14. Semitic fertility god 15. Dull & uninteresting 16. Yemen capital 17. Stare impertinently 18. Banished persons 20. Heart failure & energy supplement 22. Reduction in force 23. Women’s ___ movement 24. Polynesian wrapped skirt 26. Double-reed instruments 29. Own (Scottish) 30. Summer window dressings 35. Many not ands 36. Paddle 37. Being a single unit 38. Silly behavior 44. Insecticide 45. A blank area 46. Reduces stress

48. Morning moisture 49. Tear away roughly 50. Elevated 53. Cristobalite 56. Baseball’s Ruth 57. Indian monetary unit 59. Contest of speed 61. Having a slanted direction 62. Gross receipts 63. A river in NE Spain 64. The brain and spinal cord (abbr.) 65. Dynegy Inc. on NYSE 66. Japanese monetary unit


1. Linen vestment worn by priests 2. The trunk of a tree 3. Transmission line cable 4. Freshwater duck genus 5. Bulk storage container 6. Oil obtained from flowers 7. Shopping containers 8. Abnormal breathing 9. Brew 11. Bake eggs in their shells 12. Serviceable 13. A person in the navy

The Calvert Gazette

14. A child’s slight injury 19. Fain 21. Supports trestletree 24. Parian Chronicle discovery site 25. Greek famous for fables 27. Farcical afterpiece 28. Dispatches by mail 29. Hall of Fame (abbr.) 31. Aah 32. Unnaturally pale 33. Before 34. Fixed in one’s purpose 39. Madames 40. Frosts 41. City drains 42. Baseball playoff 43. Cruise 47. Steeple 50. Precipitation 51. Cas____: winter melons 52. A unit of two 53. Viewed 54. Taxis 55. 4840 square yards 56. London radio station 58. Perform work regularly 60. Longest geological time

Last Week’s Puzzle Solutions




Out&About Classes at Annmarie Sculpture Garden and Art Center • artLAB New Hours Staring Jan. 4, 2013 Annmarie Garden, Solomons, Md. The artLAB at Annmarie Garden will have new winter hours and will be open Friday through Monday, 2 to 5 p.m., beginning Jan. 4, 2013 through March. Should you want to visit during the week (at a different time), group visits for all ages can be organized, simply call 410326-4640 or email artlab@annmariegarden.org to schedule your visit. • artLAB Mom’s Club Annmarie Garden, Solomons, Md. artLAB Mom’s Club at Annmarie Garden is held on the first and third Monday of each month. These lightly guided sessions will help your child make great art, fun toys, creative costumes, and new friends. This club is perfect for pre-schoolers, ages 3-5. Mark your calendars, Dec. 3 and 17, 10 to 12 p.m. and new hours in 2013. Jan. 7, Jan. 21, Feb. 4, Feb. 18, March 4, and March 18, 9 to 11 a.m. Cost is $7 for parent/child pair; $2 for each additional child. No registration required. Call 410-326-4640 for more information. • Homechool Tuesdays Annmarie Garden, Solomons, Md. Annmarie Garden will host Homechool Tuesdays, 9 to 11 a.m., on Jan. 15, Feb. 19, and March 19. Add a little artLAB to your homeschool curriculum as we invent, build, and discover through guided ‘challenges’. Ideal for ages 7-12 years, but all ages can participate. No registration required; $7 for parent/child pair; $2 for each additional child. No registration required. Call 410-326-4640 for more information. • Wednesday Wine Nights Annmarie Garden, Solomons, Md. – 5 to 7 p.m. Annmarie Garden will host Wednesday Wine Nights, the third Wednesday night of each month, 5 to 7 p.m. (drop in at any time), on Dec. 19, Jan. 16, Feb. 20, and March 20. Bring your favorite beverage or snack and get ready to turn trash to treasure as we create home décor, fashion items, and jewelry. Adults only, no registration required. Cost is $7 per person. For more information visit annmariegarden.org or call 410326-4640. Plan a fun night out with your friends. • Open Studio Days Annmarie Garden, Solomons, Md. Annmarie Garden will host Open Studio Days in the artLAB by appointment only. If you have want free reign in the artLAB to create, now is your chance. Email artlab@annmariegarden.org or call to schedule your session today. Cost is $7 per person.

Monday, Jan. 21 • School’s Art, Art’s In Annmarie Garden, Solomons, Md. – 9 to 4 p.m. Register at Annmarie Garden today for the next School’s Art, Art Is In full-day program, for Grades K-2 or Grades 3-5. Students will learn all about the animal kingdom through art, with a specific focus on Magnificent Mammals. Call today to pre-register for this popular class at 410326-4640; Members $35, Non-Members $40. Register early, as spaces are limited. For more information please visit www.annmariegarden.org

The Calvert Gazette

Thursday, January 3, 2013


Community Events Friday, Jan. 4

Wednesday, Jan. 9

• First Friday MAC Lab Tours Jefferson Patterson Park and Museum (10515 Mackall Road, St. Leonard), 2 p.m. Enjoy a free behind-the-scenes tour of this state-of-theart facility that houses more than 8 million artifacts, including collections from every county in Maryland. The guided tours allow visitors to get up close and personal with conservators and collections. Reservations are not required. For more information call 410-586-8578 or visit www.jefpat.org.

• Free Beginner Line Dance Lessons Hotel Charles (15100 Burnt Store Road, Hughesville), 7 p.m. The Boot Scooters of Southern Maryland offer free line dance lessons every Wednesday night from 7 to 7:30 p.m. at Hotel Charles. Guests may stay and watch or participate in dancing after lessons. For more information, visit www. bootscootersofsomd.blogspot.com.

• First Free Friday Calvert Marine Museum (14200 Solomons Island Road, Solomons), 5-8 p.m. The museum is open free to the public. Musical duo Bob Pfeiffer and Eric Skow will provide entertainment at 6:30 p.m. Docents will be available throughout the museum to answer questions. For more information, call 410-326-2042 or visit www.calvertmarinemuseum.com.

• Calvert Conversations Calvert Library Twin Beaches Branch (3819 Harbor Road, Chesapeake Beach), 10 a.m. Long-time Calvert residents and newcomers are welcome to join an informal conversation about local history. For more information, call 410-257-2411.

Saturday, Jan. 5

• Friends of Library Used Book Sale Calvert Library Prince Frederick (850 Costley Way, Prince Frederick), 12 to 4 p.m. The Friends of the Library will host a gently used book sale. For more information, call 410-535-0291 or 301-855-1862.

• Maple Syrup Campfire Battle Creek Cypress Swamp Sanctuary (2880 Grays Road, Prince Frederick), 2:30-4 p.m. Come find out how real maple syrup is made from identifying the maple trees to the long process of cooking sap into syrup. Attendees can cook ash cakes with real maple syrup. Adult participation and reservations are required. For more information, call 410-535-5327 or visit www.calvertparks.org. • Zumbatomic Zumba4Kids Southern Community Center (20 Appeal Lane, Lusby), 5 p.m. Zumbatomic is a high energy fitness dance party packed with moves and music specially designed for kids ages 5-10. Kids have fun while getting a great workout and building a positive healthy body image. Register now for classes beginning Jan. 5. Classes are available Thursday 5-5:45 p.m. and Saturdays 9-10 a.m. Saturday classes are held next door to adult Zumba classes. Call CCPR Southern District to register 410-586-1101 or e-mail crosbynancy@ymail.com.

Monday, Jan. 7 • Memories Tour Jefferson Patterson Park & Museum (10515 Mackall Road, St. Leonard, 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. The public is invited to share memories of Calvert County, the Patterson Family, JPPM or those who may have once worked this land. If you do not have a story to share, come enjoy the tour and hear the memories of others. Join us for a guided tour of this beautiful 1933 Colonial Revival brick house and gardens designed by noted female architects Gertrude Sawyer and Rose Greely. For more information call 410-586-8501 or visit www.jefpat.org. • Southern Maryland Artifact Recovery Team Meeting Prince Frederick Elks Lodge (1015 Dares Beach Road, Prince Fredrick), 7 p.m. S.M.A.R.T meets first Monday of every month. Everyone is welcome. Contact Clarence (Bunker) Hill for information at 636299-2599 or visit www.treasuresearching.com.

Tuesday, Jan. 8 • The Exhibit Barn at JPPM Jefferson Patterson Park & Museum (10515 Mackall Road, St. Leonard), 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. JPPM’s Visitor Center may be closed for the season, but guests can still enjoy the park and grounds daily. JPPM visitors are welcome to stop by the Exhibit Barn every Tuesday to tour the exhibit “Farmers, Patriots and Traitors: Southern Maryland and the War Of 1812.”

Thursday, Jan. 10

Friday, Jan. 11

Saturday, Jan. 12 • American Association of University Women Meeting Mt. Zion United Methodist Church Hall (27108 Mt. Zion Church Road, Mechanicsville) 12 p.m. The meeting will start at noon with a pot luck lunch followed by discussion of books and an update of American Association of University Women activities at the state and national levels. Participants are asked to bring children’s books for the Tri-County Head Start. The Patuxent River branch includes members from Charles, St. Mary’s and Calvert counties. For more information, contact the president Barbara Fetterhoff at paxriveraauw@gmail.com. • Adult Education Orientation Adult Education Program Annex (4105 Old Town Road, Huntingtown), 9 a.m. If you are over 16 years old, out of school and need a high school diploma, the Adult Education Program can help you. Adult Education Classes help individuals prepare for the GED Test or the External Diploma Program. To enroll in an Adult Education class, students must participate in an Orientation and Skills Assessment before being assigned to class. For more information or to register, call the Adult Education Program at 410-535-7382 or visit www.calvertnet.k12.md.us/departments/ other/adulted/index.htm. • Meat-down - A Vegetarian Meet-up Leonardtown Library (23250 Hollywood Road, Leonardtown) 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. Meat-Down will be hosting their inaugural meeting. Vegans, vegetarian and anybody wanting to learn more about vegetarianism are welcome to attend. The purpose of this and future meet-ups is to offer an inviting social setting for networking with like-minded friends who care about their well-being, the well-being of animals and the environment. Discussion will focus on the purpose and mission of the group, building community support, vegan potlucks, sharing resources and how the group will network with other groups for community outreach. RSVP to Natalie at nrevans1117@yahoo.com or 301-481-274. • Overeaters Anonymous Meeting Middleham Parish Hall (10210 H.G. Trueman Road, Lusby, 10 a.m. Do you worry about the way you eat? Overeaters Anonymous may have the answer for you. There are no dues, fees or weigh-ins. Everyone is welcome at the weekly open meeting. The only requirement for membership is the desire to stop eating compulsively. Contact Martha at 410-326-9546 or Joyce at 301-866-1484 for more information or visit www.oa.org.


The Calvert Gazette

Thursday, January 3, 2013


January Event Calendar Listings At The Calvert Marine Museum Friday, Jan. 4

Tuesday, Jan. 8

• First Free Friday The museum is open free from 5 to 8 p.m. Bob Pfeiffer and Eric Skow will be performing popular favorites in the lobby starting at 6:30 p.m. There are docents in every gallery to answer your questions. The Museum Store is open.

• Sea Squirts: Wacky Weather 10:30 to 11:00 a.m. Changes Every Day. Do I need a sweater or shorts? Come with us and sing songs, hear a story, and be rain, snow, sun, and wind. Free drop-in program for toddlers 18-months to 3-years-old and their caregivers.

Sunday, Jan. 6

Thursday, Jan. 10

• Brownies Badge Program “In the Bay” By completing this program, Brownies earn this special badge. Offered from 1 to 3 p.m. Fee is $11 per participant. Space is limited and pre-registration is required. Please call 410-326-2042 ext. 41 to register.

• Sea Squirts: Wacky Weather 10:30 to 11:00 a.m. Changes Every Day. Do I need a sweater or shorts? Come with us and sing songs, hear a story, and be rain, snow, sun, and wind. Free drop-in program for toddlers 18-months to 3-years-old and their caregivers.

Long Standing Calendar • Monday Memories Tours at JPPM Jefferson Patterson Park & Museum
10515 Mackall Road
St. Leonard, 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Each Monday, the public is invited to a free Monday Memories guided tour of Point Farm at Jefferson Patterson Park and Museum. All are welcome to enjoy the memories of Calvert County, the Patterson family, JPPM or those who once worked on the land that is now JPPM. The public is welcome to share stories, or visitors may also simply enjoy the tour and listen to the memories of others. Point Farm was the country retreat of the late Mr. & Mrs. Jefferson Patterson. In 1983 Mrs. Patterson donated the property to the state in honor of her late husband, creating Jefferson Patterson Park & Museum. Join us for a guided tour of this beautiful 1933 Colonial Revival brick house and gardens designed by noted female architects Gertrude Sawyer and Rose Greely. Please call 410-586-8501 or visit www.jefpat.org for more information

Library Events Friday, Jan. 4

Monday, Jan. 7

• On Pins & Needles Calvert Library Prince Frederick (850 Costley Way, Prince Frederick), 1 to 4 p.m. Bring your quilting, needlework, knitting, crocheting, or other project for an afternoon of conversation and shared creativity. For more information, call 410-5350291 or 301-855-1862.

• Monday Morning Movies and More Calvert Library Prince Frederick (850 Costley Way, Prince Frederick), 10 to 11 a.m. Bring the little ones for movies and a story. For more information, call 410-535-0291 or 301-855-1862.

Saturday, Jan. 5 • Brain Games: Mahjongg, Scrabble and More Calvert Library Prince Frederick (850 Costley Way, Prince Frederick), 12 to 2 p.m. Want to learn Mahjongg? Hope to make your Scrabble skills killer? Games are a great way to keep your brain sharp while having fun. For more information, call 410-535-0291 or 301-855-1862. • Code Name 4-5-6 Calvert Library Fairview Branch (Rt. 4 and Chaneyville Road, Owings), 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Students in fourth through sixth grades are invited to this series of events which uses plenty of hands-on activities to have fun with reading. Each month we will explore a new theme and introduce a great chapter book on the topic. No advanced preparation is needed and a snack will be provided. Registration is required. This month’s topic is “Twain of Thought.” For more ifnormation, call 410-257-2101.

• Kids Just Want to Have Fun Calvert Library Prince Frederick (850 Costley Way, Prince Frederick), 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. The library will host reading, discussion and projects for children in kindergarten through third grade. For more information, call 410-535-0291 or 301-855-1862. • Book Discussion Calvert Library Prince Frederick (850 Costley Way, Prince Frederick), 7 to 8:30 p.m. Come discuss “The Age of Innocence” by Edith Wharton, a study of the tyrannical and rigid requirements of New York high society in the late 19th century and the effect on the lives of three people. For more information, call 410-535-0291 or 301-855-1862.

Tuesday, Jan. 8 • Code Name 4-5-6 Calvert Library Prince Frederick (850 Costley Way, Prince Frederick), 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Students in fourth through sixth grade are invited to this series of events which uses plenty of hands-on activities to have fun with reading. Each month the library explores a new theme and introduces a chapter book on the topic. No advanced preparation is needed and a snack will be provided. Registration is required. This month’s topic is Art in the 4th Dimension. For more informtation, call 410535-0291 or 301-855-1862.

• Writers by the Bay at the Library Calvert Library Prince Frederick (850 Costley Way, Prince Frederick), 7 to 8:30 p.m. All writers and would-be writers are welcome to come for critique and camaraderie. For more information, call 410-5350291 or 301-855-1862.

Wednesday, Jan. 9 • PlayTime Calvert Library Southern Branch (20 Appeal Way, Lusby), 10:25 to 10:55 a.m. Playtime is learning and discovery time for children and parents. Attendees should bring a non-battery operated toy to share. PlayTime is open to children ages birth through 5 years old. For more information, call 410-326-5289. • Yes, You Can Use a Computer Calvert Library Southern Branch (20 Appeal Way, Lusby), 2 to 3 p.m. Job search participants will learn about useful web sites and tips for job searching. The training will last an hour and will take place in a small group. Registration is required. For more information, call 410-326-5289. • Lifelong Learning Series: Downloading Ebooks Using Overdrive Calvert Library Fairview Branch (Rt. 4 and Chaneyville Road, Owings), 7 to 8:30 p.m. The library is hosting lessons to download content to an e-reader. Registration is required. For more information, call 410-257-2101.

Throughout the Month

Mondays, Jan. 7, 14, 21, 28 • Memories Tour Jefferson Patterson Park & Museum, 10515 Mackall Road, St. Leonard, 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. The public is invited to share memories of Calvert County, the Patterson Family, JPPM or those who may have once worked this land. If you do not have a story to share, come enjoy the tour and hear the memories of others. In 1983 Mrs. Patterson donated Point Farm to the state in honor of her late husband, creating Jefferson Patterson Park & Museum. Join us for a guided tour of this beautiful 1933 Colonial Revival brick house and gardens designed by noted female architects Gertrude Sawyer and Rose Greely. For more information call 410586-8501 or go to www.jefpat.org.

Through Sunday, Jan. 13 • Glitz: Art that Sparkles Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center, 13480 Dowell Road, Dowell This exhibit goes over the top with works of art that shine, sparkle, twinkle, shimmer, flash and glitter. 410-326-4640 • www.annmariegarden.org.

Jan.18-March 24 • The Living Gallery Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center (13480 Dowell Road, Dowell) – Daily, Annmarie’s Main Gallery will be transformed into artist studios, providing a serene retreat and experimental space for artists to develop new work. Visitors can observe and interact with artists and are invited to participate in the creative process. For more information, call 410-326-4640 or visit www.annmariegarden.org.

Through Sunday, Feb. 24 • Marc Castelli: The Art of the Waterman Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center, 13480 Dowell Road, Dowell – Daily This exhibit features 23 paintings by renowned Chesapeake artist Marc Castelli. Castelli paints in watercolor on paper, working from photographs he takes. This allows him not only to get the proportions and details exactly right, but also to capture action and attitude that painting from life would not permit. The paintings are on loan from the collections of Diane Simison and the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum in St. Michael’s, Md. For more information call 410-326-4640 or go to www.annmariegarden.org.

The Calvert Gazette

Thursday, January 3, 2013

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