2017-12-14 Calvert County Times

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County Times THURSDAY, THURSDAY, DECEMBER DECEMBER 14, 14, 2017 2017

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Angel Tree Program

Calvert’s Real Holiday Spirit Photo by Mike Batson

The Calvert County Times




Thursday, December 14, 2017

Cover Story

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Local News

The Calvert County Times

Thursday, December 14, 2017


Former Clerk of the Circuit Court Passes Away Audrey Evans was Mother of Sheriff Evans By Dick Myers Editor

Audrey Evans

apartment. It was during this time that she met, and married, Edward ‘Ted” Evans on June 11, 1955. Upon his discharge from the Marines they returned to Calvert County to begin their life together. They raised their four children while living in Huntingtown. When Patty, her youngest, entered school Audrey returned to the working world. She was a Secretary / Title Searcher for the law firm of Harkness / Ward. She then was hired as a Deputy Clerk in the office of the Clerk of Circuit Court for Calvert County. She later served as the Clerk of Circuit Court for 20 years, having been elected five times to that position. During those years she was actively involved in many civic and charitable organizations.” Her funeral was held Monday, Dec. 11 at Trinity United Methodist Church in Prince Frederick. Pallbearers were Eric Evans, Charlie Evans, Jesse Evans, Ryan Evans, Pat Buckler, and Donnie O’Dell. Honorary Pallbearers were Orval Lee Bowen, Bobby Lusby, George Lusby, William Bowen, Eddie Bowen, and Jesse Thurlow. Memorial contributions may be made in Audrey’s memory to Trinity United Methodist Church, 90 Church St., Prince Frederick, MD 20678. To leave the family a condolence please visit www.rauschfuneralhomes.com

The mother of Calvert County Sheriff Mike Evans, Audrey Bowen Evans, passed away Dec. 6 at her home in Dowell. Evans, 82, served as Clerk of the Circuit Court for Calvert County for 20 years. She was first elected in 1976 and was reelected four times. Sheriff Evans made the announcement: “It is with great sadness we said goodbye to our mom, Audrey Evans today. She was a wonderful wife, mother, grandmother, and great grandmother and will be missed by all who knew and loved her.” The Calvert County Republican Central Committee issued the following statement: “The Calvert County Republican Central Committee sends its sincere condolences to Sheriff Mike Evans and his family on this sad occasion. Audrey Evans was a well-liked and respected member of our community. She served Calvert County with distinction as Clerk of the Circuit Court. Her many friends will miss her.” She was born in Prince Frederick to Jesse and Viola Tucker Bowen. According to her obituary: “She attended the public-school system of Calvert County and graduated from Calvert High in 1953. “Our Own” Freshly Ground Chuck Upon graduation she and several classmates were hired to administrative “Our Own” Frozen Hamburger Pattiespositions at FBI Headquarters in Washington, DC where they shared an


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Liquor License OK’d for New North Beach Restaurant

By Dick Myers Editor The Calvert County Board of License Commissioners (liquor board) has approved a license for the new Hook & Vine Kitchen and Bar in North Beach. Owner Monica Daley-Phillips and her husband Kevin Phillips appeared before the liquor board at its Dec. 7 meeting. The Class D “On Sale” Beer, Wine & Liquor license was unanimously approved. Daley-Phillips told the board that she expected to open the restaurant in early January. It will be located at 41147 7th Street in a building that has housed several other restaurants in the past. The building is being renovated for the new restaurant. “We have been dreaming of owning our own place for many years, as we have been working for other people for the last 15 plus years,” Daley-Phillips told The

County Times. She lived in North Beach for ten years before moving to nearby Owings in 2015. “We are family and community people. We got married in 2016 and joined together to form a family of seven (with the oldest getting married in July). I love working with kids and have been a volunteer coach with CCPR and CSA for about 10 years. I love the Farmers Market on Friday nights, running / walking the boardwalk, and enjoying a glass at Bay Wine & Spirits,” she said. Kevin Phillips will oversee the day-today operation of the new restaurant. As to the menu, Daley-Phillips said it will be “Southern coastal cuisine with a focus on seafood, bacon, bourbon, and wine.” Items will include shrimp and grits with bacon, pork chop with peach bourbon glaze, oven roasted Brussel sprouts with bacon, BLT deviled eggs and lobster mac ‘n cheese. The bar will feature local Maryland beer on draft, an extensive wine list, and bourbon cocktails. Expected hours of operation are seven days a week, 11a.m. to 10 p.m., although that is not set in stone yet. Staff hiring is now under way and someone can apply by going to their web page, https://hookandvine.com/, which is still in the process of being developed. dickmyers@countytimes.net

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Local News

The Calvert County Times

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Commissioners Push Back at Master Plan Criticism automatically expand the town center boundaries. That can only be done through zoning map amendments requiring a fully open public process. “In fact, public input is a vital part of county government initiatives – especially for the Comprehensive Plan update. Public participation in the plan update process started in June 2016 and will continue through the public hearing tentatively set for spring 2018 prior to adoption. Beyond that, any changes in zoning regulations to meet Comprehensive Plan visions will involve public processes stretching well into 2019. To suggest this is being rushed is simply false. Staff from the county DeThe following open letter is from the Calvert partment of Planning & Zoning is responsive to any and all residents who wish to offer feedback. County Board of County Commissioners: “Vigorous debate is a hallmark of healthy civic The plan draft, background information, schedullife, and it has been heartening to see the com- ing and much more are available at www.co.cal. munity weigh in as we work to update the Calvert md.us/FutureCalvert. The public conversation is County Comprehensive Plan. Since we began the open and ongoing. “Despite the high-profile negativism of some, process in the fall of 2015, hundreds of residents have attended meetings and offered thousands of we are thankful for the community involvement comments on a document that will encompass our in this important process. That includes dissenting opinions, but only when they are based on facts. ideals for Calvert County. “Below is a point-by-point discussion address“It is unfortunate that a special interest group recently published information that misrepresents ing recent misleading assertions. “1. The plan is missing the section on implemenfacts in order to distort the vision of the Comprehensive Plan. We feel obligated to address the in- tation of its visions. True, but … The implementation items in the accuracies in order to set the record straight and draft plan are actually incorporated under each ensure residents are not mislead. {Recent criticisms center on two false percep- goal and objective throughout the chapters. These tions: the plan promotes overly ambitious county bullet points will be gathered into an implementagrowth and it is being rushed through without tion section once all public input on the first draft proper public input. This misinformation is a dis- is received and they are ranked into short, medium service to county staff who have worked on the and long-term items. “2. The county should extend the comment peplan and the many residents who have participated riod so the ‘complete’ plan with implementation in the process for more than a year. “Let’s set the record straight. Future county items is available for public review. Not necessary. The implementation items have growth is dependent on a wide variety of factors. It is important to understand that the Comprehensive been in the draft and available for public review, Plan is a visionary document – a snapshot of how just not in a separate implementation section. Pubthe community sees the county’s future. It does not lic review and input is open and ongoing until the create the policies or regulations that would direct- BOCC adopts the final version. “3. No traffic studies were conducted for the ly impact development. To use one example, some see the plan’s vision of expanding town centers as plan. True, but they are not part of comprehensive driving unwanted growth. The draft Comprehenplans. Traffic studies are done for specific projsive Plan, however, simply holds that growth is best directed to the town centers that can accommodate ects, not for visionary planning documents like the it. The plan’s proposed Prince Frederick Town comprehensive plan. The comprehensive plan has Center expansion would include areas already de- a long-range outlook. Traffic studies can only preveloped or that are zoned appropriately. It would dict shorter term impacts. “4. A commissioners’ traffic projection was not add flexibility to future growth with the goal of creating the vibrant mixed-use development resi- included in the plan. False, for a couple of reasons. Neither the dents envision. The Comprehensive Plan would not BOCC nor county staff has developed traffic projections for the comprehensive plan. The reference may be to a state study conducted for FUEL DELIVERY JUMPSTART the widening of Route 2-4 in Prince FrederLOCKOUT TIRE CHANGE ick. Again, traffic studWINCHOUT LOAD SHIFTS STORAGE ies are for short-term projects, not long-term MOTORCYLE & ACCIDENT TOWING planning documents LOCAL & LONG DISTANCE like the comprehensive plan. “5. New developerinstalled sewer systems needed for future growth would be taken over by the county for maintenance, leading to unknown future costs. False. There is no requirement for local





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government to take over the maintenance of developer-installed water/sewer systems. The Maryland Department of the Environment is the regulatory body overseeing these systems. It performs inspections to ensure they are properly maintained. County government will step in if a system is in danger of failing; this is a basic health and safety issue. If this occurs, users of the system would cover the costs of maintenance or replacement – not county taxpayers. “6. The Comprehensive Plan draft does not base population growth on infrastructure costs. This is an irrelevant distinction. As visionary documents, comprehensive plans do not address the costs of infrastructure driven by population growth. Controls are built in through excise taxes that fund roads, schools, recreation and solid waste services, along with adequate public facilities regulations that require roads and schools to be adequate before development is allowed. “7. The Comprehensive Plan draft weakens land preservation by reducing Transferable Development Rights (TDRs). This is a misleading scare tactic. The TDR program is still intact and the state growth tier structure directs growth to town centers to prevent major development outside of growth areas. There are many factors surrounding decisions on land preservation, including the recent recession. The greater factor is the value of TDRs – not the number per dwelling unit – and the market drives the value. It’s a constant balancing act. “8. The plan proposes to expand town centers and villages while eliminating appearance standards. True and false. The draft plan does propose to expand some town centers and proposed villages. Comprehensive plans do not include appearance standards; plans are not regulatory documents. Appearance standards are regulations enacted through zoning ordinances. “9. There are no studies conducted to measure impact of the expansion of town centers and villages. This again misrepresents the nature of comprehensive plans. They are visionary planning documents, not detailed regulatory structures. The plan recommends expansions of some town centers and proposed villages but does not automatically expand the boundaries. That can only be done through zoning amendments which involves a full public process. At that time the BOCC could require studies to assess the impact. “10. The plan is missing the Heritage and Government sections. True, but … The draft plan is organized based upon elements outlined in state law. The Heritage section is gone but could be added if directed by the Planning Commission. The Government section is gone but many of its elements are included in the Community Facilities chapter. “11. The update process for the Comprehensive Plan is being rushed. False. Public participation in the plan update process started in June 2016 and will continue through the public hearing prior to final adoption. Beyond that, any changes in zoning regulations to meet Comprehensive Plan visions will involve public processes stretching well into 2019. Staff from the county Department of Planning & Zoning is responsive to any and all residents who wish to offer feedback. The plan draft, background information, scheduling and much more are available at www.co.cal.md.us/FutureCalvert. The public conversation is open and ongoing.”

Local News

The Calvert County Times

Thursday, December 14, 2017


Civil Rights Chronicler Dies in Calvert By Dick Myers Editor

The words and images from the South awoke the sleeping rest of the country. One image was particularly shocking. It was of an open casket. Inside was the body of 14-year-old Emmett Till, brutally beaten and hanged in Mississippi, his body weighed down and submerged in the Tallahatchie River. Till was visiting from Chicago. His crime – speaking to, and thus offending, a white girl. Those images came from photographer David Jackson. But the scene was arranged by and the words came from journalist Simeon Booker, whose decades of work told the history of violence in the South. In recent years he and his wife Carol have lived in Calvert County. He died Sunday, Dec 10 at the age of 99 at a Solomons assisted-living facility. He had recently been hospitalized for pneumonia. Booker’s home town was Chicago, and from that base he worked throughout the South. Booker became the first full-tine black reporter for the Washington Post, but his influence in the Civil Rights era came from his position as bureau chief for Jet and Ebony magazines for more than 50 years. Much of his work during the height of the Civil Rights Movement was picked up by mainstream media and circulated throughout the country. Booker was particularly proud, according to his obituary in the Washington Post, of his work for Jet on the sto-

Simeon Booker at work, from his Facebook page.

ry of the Freedom Riders. The bus on which Booker and the Freedom Riders were in was firebombed in Anniston, AL. Booker and the protestors were eventually flown to safety with the help of Attorney General Robert Kennedy. Booker’s life story is told in a book penned by him and his wife titled, “Shocking the Conscience: A Reporter’s Account of the

Civil Rights Movement.” He and his wife talked about the book and his experiences in the South at an event several years ago at the Calvert Library Southern Branch in Lusby. Booker’s obituary ran in major newspapers across the country including the Post, New York Times and Chicago Tribune and was picked up by countless others. A memorial service for Booker is expected to be held sometime next month.

Commissioners Approve Sign Regulations

Commissioner Pat Nutter

By Dick Myers Editor The Calvert County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) has approved, after a seven-year process, the revised sign regulations for the county. The decision at the Dec. 12 BOCC meeting came on a 4-1 vote, with Commissioner Pat Nutter opposing. The BOCC adopted the proposal presented to them by the planning commission, with one exception. At the insistence of Commissioner Vice President Evan Slaughenhoupt, Jr., the decision on electronic signs was delayed for 18 months to give the county staff a chance to further investigate options. That decision continues to keep electronic signs as illegal in the county. The planners had voted to recommend their legalization. Commissioner Mike Hart, who owns a liquor store in Lusby, said he didn’t feel there was a great demand from businesses for electronic signs because of their cost. The regulations as approved by the BOCC allow temporary signs of up to 20

square feet on any residential property. That provision cones from a U.S. Supreme Court decision, Reed vs. town of Gilbert, AZ, that prohibited sign laws from regulating message content. The temporary signs include political signs. But, Nutter said the provision could allow any business to pay anybody to put their sign on a residential front lawn. “It doesn’t set well with me. I don’t care what the Supreme Court says,” Nutter said. He also had problems with the section dealing with window signs. During deliberations the planning commission started with not allowing window signs on more than 25 percent of the area. They then increased it to 50 percent and in the final version approved by the BOCC, the window signs could cover 100 percent. Nutter said even though the sheriff expressed no problem with the 100 percent allowance, he was concerned for people going into a convenience store at night and the inside of the store not being visible from the outside. In approving the sign regulation changes, the BOCC ratified the planning commission’s decision to allow bus shelter signs to continue. One of the goals of the staff in revising the sign regulations was to combine them in one plan location. They are currently spread out among the various town center master plans. The proposed regulations, however, do perpetuate the differences in the regulations among the town centers. For instance, height and area regulations differ from town center to town center. dickmyers@countytimes.net




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Local News

The Calvert County Times

Thursday, December 14, 2017

New North Beach Marine Vessel Approved By Dick Myers Editor

The Calvert County Board of County Commissioners has approved adding $668,600 in the current capital budget for the purchase of a replacement marine vessel for the North Beach Volunteer Fire Department and Rescue Squad (NBVFD&RS). The decision came after a public hearing at the Dec. 12 BOCC meeting at which no one testified. According to background information presented to the BOCC by staff: “To assist in this decision process, the Maritime Emergency Response Group, LLC was contracted to complete a Comprehensive Assessment of the County’s Fire-Rescue-EMS Maritime Needs and Requirements. On March 14, 2017 the Comprehensive Assessment was presented to the BOCC. Using this assessment, the Commissioners directed staff to develop a strategic plan to consider equipment, training and financial aspects.” The briefing goes on to say: “The Fire and Rescue Commission, Department of Public Safety staff and select Fire and Rescue Association representatives held the initial meeting of the FireRescue-EMS Maritime Strategic Planning Committee on April 25, 2017. The three main focus areas are vessel size and configuration, training requirements and financial procurement as well as annual operating expenses. “The Committee determined that an immediate priority should be the replacement of North Beach Volunteer Fire Department’s Boat 1, which was removed from service following an accident in

July 2014. The use of a loaner vessel from another approved since FY 2018 budget adoption and is County department has diminished our overall also being added to the budget. maritime response capabilities. Following the The decision by the BOCC was unanimous. recommendations outlined in the Maritime Emergency Response Group’s assessment, the preferred dickmyers@countytimes.net replacement should be a vessel in the forty (40) to forty-four (44) foot range requiring a budget of approximately The following list of pending site plans c) SPR-20 17-245, Huntingtown Fastop $1,198,500. “ was presented to the Calvert County PlanLocated at 3921 Old Town Road in As the result of the current arrangement, ning Commission at their Dec. 13 meet- Huntingtown on a 1.01 parcel, zoned North Beach VFD&RS ing. That means that the proposals are on HTC, Mixed Use District. Proposed to Chief Joey Keller said, the list for consideration by the planning re-purpose the existing automobile sales building into a joint use, convenience/ “Our overall mari- commissionn at a future meeting. a) SPR-16-537335. Scaggs Industrial liquor store, with gas pumps, required time response level has Flex Space Located at 7630 Meadow parking and utilities. The project is on pridropped very quickly.” Fiscal Year 2018 Run Lane, Meadow Run Industrial Park vate water & sewer. The submittal was acfunding for the project in Owings, on a 14.61 parcel, zoned I-i. cepted May 24, 2017. Agent: R.A. Barrett d) SPR-20 17-266, Calvert Hills East totals $529,900, and is Proposed two multi-tenant light industrial comprised of: $325,000 buildings totalling 25,600 square feet. Located on the west side of North Prince in FY’15’s Capital Im- The submittal was accepted February 24, Frederick Boulevard and Radio Road in provement Plan, $50,000 2016 as a Category I project. Agent: Col- Prince Frederick on five (5) parcels consisting of 22.57 acres, zoned PFTC, Vilin Department of Natu- linson Oliff & Associates b) SPR-2017-239, Life Church lage District. The proposed five (5) new ral Resources (DNR) Located at the intersection of Cox buildings contain 96 apartments, a mainWaterway Improvement (WWI) grants and Road and N. Solomons Island Road, Hun- tenance building, required parking, utili$154,900 in insurance tingtown on a parcel consisting of 7.24 ties and recreation area. The project is on proceeds maintained acres, zoned RD. Proposed 14,868 square public water & sewer. The submittal was by the North Beach foot new church construction with seating accepted September 27, 2017. Agent: Bay Volunteer Fire Depart- capacity of 400. The proposed campus to Engineering. ment. An additional be constructed in two phases. The subFrom the Calvert County Department DNR WWI grant in the mittal was accepted June 28, 2017. Agent: of Planning and Zoning amount of $50,000 was Collinson, Oliff & Associates

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Thursday, December 14, 2017

The Calvert County Times

Cops & Courts


Calvert County Sheriff’s Office Crime Report

During the week of December 4 – December 10 – deputies of the Calvert County Sheriff’s Office responded to 997 calls for service throughout the community. Burglary: 17-63606 On December 6, 2017 Deputy Weems responded to Running Fox Road, Lusby for the report of an attempted burglary. Upon arrival, the victim stated that an unknown suspect(s) attempted to enter their residence through the basement door. The door appeared to be kicked several times damaging the door, door frame, and the door locking hardware. The estimated damaged is $500. Burglary: 17-64065 On December 9, 2017 Deputy Kreps responded to Dalrymple Road, Chesapeake Beach for the report of a burglary. The victim stated sometime between 7:00am and 12:00pm on December 9th an unknown suspect(s) broke into their shed and removed several items. The suspect(s) stole a red gas can, a red and green Craftsman mixed gas straight shaft weed eater, and a Craftsman 200 piece mechanics tool set in a black case. The value of stolen and damaged property is $420. Damaged Property: 17-63253 On December 4, 2017 Deputy N. Buckler responded to Bayside Road, Chesapeake Beach for the report of damaged property. The victim stated sometime between December 3rd at 9:00pm and December 4th at 9:00 an unknown suspect(s) used an unknown object that struck the bottom left window of the door shattering the glass. The estimated damaged property is $500. Damaged Property: 17-64179 On December 10, 2017 Deputy Holt

responded to Redeye Road, Lusby for the report of damaged property. The victim stated at approximately 6:30pm while driving down Redeye Road they heard a loud sound and their driver’s side front window had shattered. A BB sized hole was observed in the top of the window. The estimated damaged property is $600. Theft: 17-63575 On December 6, 2017 Deputy Burggraff responded to the Calvert County Sheriff’s Office for the report of a theft that occurred at Walmart in Dunkirk. The victim stated on December 5th at approximately 5:30pm they accidentally left their black and white clutch wallet in the shopping cart when they left. When the victim returned to the store the wallet had been removed from the shopping cart. The value of the stolen property is $20. Theft: 17-64091 On December 9, 2017 Deputy Barger responded to the Sunderland Park and Ride for the report of a theft from vehicle. The victim stated sometime between 6:45am and 8:45pm on December 9th an unknown suspect(s) removed their rear registration plate from the vehicle. The value of the stolen property is $135. Theft: 17-64145 On December 10, 2017 Deputy Spalding responded to the Mills Creek Boat Center, Lusby for the report of a theft. The victim stated an unknown suspect(s) stole their Loadstar tire from their trailer. The value of the stolen property is $200. Arrests: On December 6, 2017 Deputy Ostazeski responded to Peace Pipe Court, Lusby for the report of a theft and a subject with multiple warrants. While

responding to the residence it was confirmed through Emergency Communications that the subject at the residence had warrants through Hood two different counties. Deputy Ostazski arrived on scene and made contact with the suspect later identified as Andrew Hood (28) of Lusby. Deputy Ostazski placed Andrew under arrest for the outstanding warrants, and also informed him he was being accused of stealing prescription medicine. It was determined the prescription bottle Andrew had shown to the officers had multiple prescription and nonprescription medications inside he did not have a prescription for. Andrew was transported to the Calvert County Detention Center and charged with three counts of CDS: Possessionnot marijuana (Suboxone, Alprazolam, Amphetamine), CDS: Opiate without Prescription, and Theft: $100 to Under $1,500. On December 8, 2017 Deputy Boerum responded to Buckets Sports Bar, Lusby to assist Deputy Livingston with a disorderly subject. Deputy Abdulla Livingston made contact with a male later identified as Mustafa Abdualla (43) of Kansas City being disorderly in the bar. Deputy Livingston asked the male several items to leave, and helped

place him in his sober driver’s vehicle. Abdualla got back out of the vehicle, walked over to Deputy Livingston and began yelling profanities. Deputy Livingston placed Abdualla under arrest. Deputy Boerum placed Abdualla in his patrol vehicle and transported him to the Calvert County Detention Center where he was charged with Disorderly Contact and Fail Obey Reasonable/ Lawful Order of Law Enforcement Officer. On December 10, 2017 Deputy Sampson was on routine patrol in the area of the Prince Frederick Wawa when he observed a male walking across Wathen the parking lot who appeared to be confused and disoriented. Deputy Sampson approached the male subject later identified as Richard Wathen (34) of Huntingtown and noticed his pupils to be enlarged and that he was very fidgety. Deputy Sampson asked Mr. Wathen if he could perform a search of him for weapons on drugs and he stated he did not mind. While searching Mr. Wathen it was discovered he had several drugs and paraphernalia on him. Mr. Wathen was placed under arrest and transported to the Calvert County Detention Center and charged with three counts of CDS: Possession-not marijuana (Vyvanse, Amphetamine, and Alprazolam) and four counts of CDS: Possession of Paraphernalia.

Theft: On 12/4/17 at 6:36 pm, Trooper First Class Harrod responded to the Weis Market in Prince Frederick for a theft complaint. The manager reported a shopper had been observed putting items into a bag and leaving the store without payment. The vehicle registration and description in which the suspect left was given and a canvass of the area resulted in negative results. A description of the suspect was given and matched that of the owner of the vehicle. Surveillance footage was reviewed and showed two times in the same day that this suspect had removed items from the store without payment. Chasity M. Testa, 29 of Prince Frederick was served a Criminal Summons for Theft less than $100.00 x 2 on December 8th. Warrant Service / Possession of Marijuana & Oxcoydone: On

12/4/17 at 11:42 pm, Corporal Wiesemann and Trooper Keyser stopped a vehicle on Rt. 4 near HG Trueman Rd in Lusby for traffic violations. Allison R. Beyer, 31 of North Beach was found to have an open warrant through Prince George’s County. She was placed under arrest. Beyer was found to be driving on a suspended license. A search incident to the arrest revealed both marijuana and Oxycodone. Beyer was incarcerated at the Calvert County Detention Center. Theft / Phone Misuse / Harassment: On 12/6/17 at 5:08 pm, Corporal Oles received a complaint of theft, phone misuse and harassment from the victim living in Lusby. The victim reported Mitchell W. Ruslander, 26 of Lusby had stolen a cell phone from her and was making repeated calls and threats to both the

victim and her daughter. Cpl. Oles made contact with Ruslander and explained that all contact with the victim and her daughter was to stop and that he would be charged for the theft of the phone. Later that evening, the victim called and reported that Ruslander was continuing to text and call. On December 8th, Ruslander was served on a Criminal Summons for Theft, Telephone Misuse and Harassment. False Statement (Fraud): On 12/8/17 at 5:21 pm, Trooper First Class Harrod stopped a vehicle on Rt. 2 near Aspen Woods Dr. in Sunderland for traffic violations. In an attempt to avoid arrest from driving on a suspended license, the driver gave the name and birthdate of a relative. After checking the MVA photo of the owner of the vehicle, Claire K. Larsen, 29 of Chesapeake

Beach was able to be identified. She was arrested and incarcerated at the Calvert County Detention Center. DUI / Possession of Marijuana & Oxycodone: On 12/9/17 at 8:32 pm, Trooper First Class Matthews responded to the Bridge Liquor and Carryout on Hallowing Point Rd. in Prince Frederick to check the welfare of an unconscious female. After becoming conscious, Daria S. Moasser, 26 of Brandywine was determined to be operatiing the vehicle while under the influence of a controlled dangerous substance. Both Marijuana and Oxycodone were found in the vehicle during an incident to the arrest. She was arrested and incarcerated at the Calvert County Detention Center.


Maryland State Police Report

From MSP Barrack U, Prince Frederick msp.princefrederick@maryland.gov



The Calvert County Times

Thursday, December 14, 2017

School Superintendent to Host Luncheon

until 2 p.m. and will feature a Tex-Mex meal catered Calvert Community Foundation (CCF), which is in by the culinary arts students at the Career and Tech- partnership with Chesapeake Charities. The CCF is a nology Academy. Check-in will begin at 11:30. non-profit resource that provides community groups Dr. Curry said, “I am looking forward to sharing a simple, accountable method to fulfi ll their philanour most recent successes and outlining the chal- thropic missions. Chesapeake Charities is a 501(c) lenges of the near future.” (3) community foundation based in Queen Anne’s Proceeds from the luncheon will support the Cal- County that serves the Chesapeake Bay region. vert County School Foundation (CCSF), a 501(c)(3) that funds grants to foster the implementation of inFrom CCPS novative educational programs in the school system. To register, please send a check for $30 per person—of which $10 is a tax-deductible donation—made payable to Calvert County Public Schools to the attention Two seniors from Calvert County tive weeks in either the House of Delof Cheryl Wilkinson in Public Schools have been selected as egates or the Senate during the thirteenthe Department of Instruction at 1305 Dares student pages for the 2018 Maryland week session. Their duties include disBeach Road, Prince Fred- General Assembly in Annapolis. Antho- tributing materials to members on the erick, Maryland 20678. ny Proulx of Calvert High School and floor, running errands, answering the Registrations must be Chase Thomas of Northern High School phone, assisting visitors and delivering received by December will represent Calvert County during messages to members. Begun in 1970 by House Speaker 8, 2017. For more infor- the legislative session. Chann Cortes of Calvert High School was selected as the Thomas Hunter Lowe and approved by mation, Ms. Wilkinson the Maryland State Board of Education, alternate. can be reached at 443The students selected for this pres- the program is designed to interest youth 550-8081 or via email at wilkinsonc@calvert- tigious, highly competitive program in state government, foster leadership demonstrate a strong knowledge base, and provide students with worthwhile county.education. The CCSF operates as well as superior communication and experience in state government. under the umbrella of the problem-solving skills. From CCPS Student pages serve two nonconsecu-

Public Schools Students Chosen as General Assembly Pages

Dr. Daniel Curry

Superintendent of Calvert County Public Schools Dr. Daniel D. Curry cordially invites members of the community to the 1st Annual Superintendent’s Luncheon. The event will be held on January 18, 2018 at the Calvert High School Atrium from noon

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Thursday, December 14, 2017

The Calvert County Times

In Our Community


The Kids Get a Christmas Present American Legion Post 206 Hosts Annual Party

Patuxent Small Craft Guild Announces Canoe Winner The Calvert Marine Museum Patuxent Small Craft Guild (PSCG) maintains the historic boats in the museum’s collection, and preserves the art and skills of wooden boat building. These volunteers build and raffle a canoe each year to benefit on-going activities of the Guild. The winner of the 2017 canoe is Robert Whitehead, owner of S&W Controls, Inc., a Bugeye Society member and long-time museum supporter. “I’ve been buying chances for the last 20 years and told the gentlemen selling the tickets that I would win the boat this year,” said Whitehead. He had the choice of a 12-foot Plywood Canoe with paddles or a 14½-foot Plywood Montana Guide Boat with oars. He is pleased to add the Montana Guide Boat to his collection.

CMM photo: Pictured left to right is Ray Brule (PSCG member) with winner, Robert Whitehead

There were over 3,000 tickets sold last year at the museum’s annual events, which included the Maritime Festival, Patuxent River Appreciation Days and summer concerts. The winning ticket was bought at the Steve Miller Band with Peter Frampton concert in June. The 2018 canoe will be on display in the Exhibition Building starting in March and tickets will be on sale for $1 each or six for $5 in the Museum Store or at the Patuxent Small Craft Center. They will also be available at the museum’s annual events and 2018 summer concerts. The raffle winner will be announced in late November 2018. From CMM


In Our Community

The Calvert County Times

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Solomons CBL Staff Recognized for Years of Service

Staff at the Chesapeake Biological Laboratory (CBL) were recognized Thursday for longevity as part of an employee Town Hall meeting. “We want to acknowledge the experience and continuing contributions of our great staff,” said director Dr. Thomas Miller. “This group represents more than 75 years of service to CBL, the state, and UMCES.” Honored were: • Gus Mercanti, Annapolis, Associate Director was recognized for years of service and thanked as he retires in December. • Brian Duke, Hollywood, Facilities Manager, was honored for 5 years of service. • Cindy Dixon, Lusby, Accounting Associate, 25 years • Mike Santangelo, Rockville, Information Technology Manager, 25 years • Larry Lentner, IT Coordinator, 25 years • Dan Janzen, Lexington Park,

IT Support Specialist, 5 years Stacy Hutchinson, Chesapeake Beach, Associate Director of Administration, was also recognized as recipient of Honorable Mention for the University System of Maryland’s Board of Regents Staff Award 2016/17. The Chesapeake Biological Laboratory (CBL) is part of a network of laboratories across the state that comprise the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science (UMCES). UMCES is a leading environmental research and educational institution. Recently, C B L scientists have advised agencies on blue crab management to support the resurgence of blue crab in the Bay, created a citizen science program to understand dolphins in the Bay, and led projects to monitor water quality in Southern Maryland’s bays, creeks, and rivers . •

From CBL

Pet of the Week MEET CRICKET

Hello, my name is Cricket and I’m an approximately one year old black and tan male Beagle mix. I’m a FRIENDLY, OUTGOING boy that enjoys being with people. Now, I’m looking for a home with a large dog bed to call my own! I may have additional medical treatment because I tested heart worm positive and will need to be treated for this disease. But that won’t stop me from being a WONDERFUL part of your family! I’m hoping a HOLIDAY HERO steps up to help me on my journey to find a new home! PLEASE CHOOSE ME!! And remember, if there is room in the heart, there is room in the house! Come meet me and the wonderful gang at Tri-County Animal Shelter (6707 Animal Shelter Road, Hughesville) or call 301-932-1713 for more information. To see more of my amazing friends available for adoption, “like” us on Facebook @ Tri-County Animal Shelter Southern MD.

Stacy Hutchinson, Chesapeake Beach, Associate Director of Administration, was also recognized as recipient of Honorable Mention for the University System of Maryland’s Board of Regents Staff Award 2016/17.

MDVA Staff Attend White House Conference The MD Department of Veterans Affairs was represented at White House Conference on Veterans Affairs, held November 29, 2017. Attending the Conference were Robert Finn, MDVA Deputy Secretary, Sharon Murphy, Director of the MDVA Veterans Home Program and Denise Nooe, Deputy Director of Outreach & Advocacy. United States VA Secretary

David Shulkin addressed more than 200 leaders from 49 states, Guam and Tribal Territories who attended the conference. Conference attendees were also briefed by Secretary Alex Acosta of the US Department of Labor, Acting Secretary Eric Hargan of the US Department of Heath & Human Services, and Mr. Anthony Kurta of the US Department of Defense.

Attendees of the White House Conference on Veterans Affairs were also invited to a White House Tour. From left to right: Denise Nooe, Deputy Director, Outreach & Advocacy, Sharon Murphy, Director, Charlotte Hall Veterans Home program, and Robert Finn, MDVA Deputy Secretary.

The Calvert County Times

Thursday, December 14, 2017



The Angel Tree Program:

Giving Christmas to Needy Families By Dick Myers Editor Six-hundred and forty-six children. That’s how many needy kids are currently on the list to be recipients of Christmas presents with Calvert County’s Angel Tree Program. Jack Woodford of Trinity United Methodist Church in Prince Frederick is this year’s coordinator. “I was one of those kids many years ago,” Woodford explains as to why he’s involved now. Woodford is the main liaison with the Calvert County Department of Social Services, which selects the families to be recipients. And he coordinates a growing list of volunteers, including those from ten churches and five companies. Just as the smiling faces of kids receiving Christmas presents tells the story, the volunteers in this massive community endeavor get to bank the quiet satisfaction of helping others at just the right time for it. In Woodford’s case, he was a four-year old in New York state when his dairy-farmer father had a stroke right in front of him, leaving his family without any income at Christmas. He still gets teary-eyed talking about it so many years later. The organization that came to his family’s rescue was Seneca Santa, founded by a group of Watkins Glen, NY businessmen in the 1940s to provide Christmas gifts to underprivileged children. This year that organization will be serving 400 children Calvert County’s version was started in 1982 by Sean and Robin O’Connor who worked at Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant. “They saw a need,” Woodford explained. More recently Gus Wolf, who also works at Calvert Cliffs, was the overall coordinator before Woodford. Each year the Calvert County Department of Social Services (DSS) takes applications from among their clients. Those applications are screened by a committee of six DSS staffers, coordinated for the last four years by Patrice Brooks, When a family is deemed eligible they are assigned a number. And, each child is assigned a letter. Their names are not revealed. The tags are distributed to the churches and companies, whose volunteers purchase the appropriate clothing and toys for age and sex of the child. Each child has two tags for toys and one for clothing,

although some churches do more, Woodford said. Brooks said the committee decisions go fairly quickly because the DSS staff are familiar wit their clients and their families. Sometimes, though, a family that is needy may not meet the eligibility requirement of receiving a DSS service. For instance, they may be newly homeless. In those cases, DSS works with the coordinator to find someone who can supplement the families that have received tags. “If someone is really in need, we help them,” Brooks said. The churches involved this year in the Angel Tree program are: • All Saints Episcopal – Sunderland • Emmanuel UMC – Huntingtown • Huntingtown UMC – Huntingtown • Mt. Harmony UMC -- Owings • St. Paul’s UMC -- Lusby • Trinity UMC – Prince Frederick • St. John Vianney Roman Catholic Church – Prince Frederick • Jesus the Divine Word Roman Catholic Church – Huntingtown • Jesus the Good Shepherd Roman Catholic Church -- Owings • Saint Nicholas Lutheran Church – Huntingtown Companies participating this year are: • SMECO • Constellation/CCNPP • Kids’ Corner Learning Center • Dominion, Cove Point Gas Plant • United Way of Calvert County

Brooks has taken on the Angel Tree coordination as a collateral duty from her regular responsibilities at DSS. And, this time of year, she takes home last-minute Angel Tree work. That includes calls from volunteers who have questions about age or sex appropriate gifts. It’s a lot of work, but “it’s all good,” she said. One of the Angel Tree volunteers is Barbara Sprether, coordinator for Emmanuel United Methodist Church in

Jack Woodford and Hillary Daley at Trinity United Methodist Church in Prince Frederick.

At the fairgrounds last year.

Huntingtown. “I have done it at Emmanuel for quite a few years,” she said; when the former coordinator stepped down she stepped up to the plate. Her church is providing gifts for 25 children and 50 tags this year. ” It allows us to help someone who otherwise wouldn’t have a Christmas.” Sprether’s husband will be helping out this year at the fairgrounds. Up to this week the churches and companies have been collecting the presents at their own locations. Those unwrapped presents are delivered this week to the fairgrounds for sorting and in preparation for the families descending there to pick up the presents. This year that will happen on Saturday, Dec. 16. Hillary Daley of All Saints Episcopal Church in Sunderland is an example of volunteers who make it a family affair. Daley’s two children, aged nine and 11,ve become totally engaged in the opportunity to give during the holiday season. But it’s also fun for them. “They love seeing what other kids are asking for. They know it’s a real kid,” she said. If a receiving family agrees, Brooks said it is possible for the gift donor to meet with them to see in person who they have helped. Volunteers sometimes have to deal with the perception that some of the families receiving presents may not be deserving. They see them drive up to the fairgrounds in expensive cars. But Brooks points out that perception may not be reality -those cars may not be theirs’s, they may belong to a neighbor or friend. But Brooks does admit that some of the recipients may believe they are entitled to more. But she said those are a very small number compared to the many who are grateful for what they are getting. The excitement at the fairgrounds is evidence enough of that gratitude. Speaking of the fairgrounds, Woodford points out that they can always use extra help with distributing the gifts. So, if anyone would like to volunteer, just show up at the fairgrounds on Saturday, Dec. 16. Be there at 8 a.m. and cone prepared to work. dickmyers@countytimes.net



The Calvert County Times

Thursday, December 14, 2017

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The Calvert County Times

Thursday, December 14, 2017

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The Calvert County Times

In Remembrance Audrey Bowen Evans

Audrey Bowen Evans, 82 yrs., of Dowell, MD died at home on December 6, 2017. She was born on May 19, 1935 in Prince Frederick, MD to Jesse L. Bowen and Viola Tucker Bowen. She attended the public school system of Calvert County and graduated from Calvert High in 1953. Upon graduation she and several classmates were hired to administrative positions at FBI Headquarters in Washington, DC where they shared an apartment. It was during this time that she met, and married, Edward ‘Ted” Evans on June 11, 1955. Upon his discharge from the Marines they returned to Calvert County to begin their life together. They raised their four children while living in Huntingtown. When Patty, her youngest, entered school Audrey returned to the working world. She was a Secretary / Title Searcher for the law firm of Harkness / Ward. She then was hired as a Deputy Clerk in the office of the Clerk of Circuit Court for Calvert County. She later served as the Clerk of Circuit Court for 20 years, having been elected five times to that position. During those years she was actively involved in many civic and charitable organizations. She enjoyed travel; annual family vacations at the Outer Banks, NC, the Gulf Coast of Florida during winter, seeing the USA in a crosscountry RV trip, were among her favorites.

She is survived by her husband Ted; sons, Mike Evans (Susan) and Tim Evans (Karen) both of St. Leonard, MD; daughters, Kathy Evans of Lusby, MD, and Patty Castillo (Rory) of Burke, VA; Eight grandchildren and Five great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents, and her sisters, Patricia Dekdebrun and Diane O’Dell. Pallbearers were Eric Evans, Charlie Evans, Jesse Evans, Ryan Evans, Pat Buckler, and Donnie O’Dell. Honorary Pallbearers will be Orval Lee Bowen, Bobby Lusby, George Lusby, William Bowen, Eddie Bowen, and Jesse Thurlow. Funeral Services were held on Monday, December 11, 2017 at 11 a.m. in Trinity United Methodist Church, 90 Church Street, Prince Frederick, MD with Dr. James Swecker officiating. Interment followed in Asbury Cemetery, Prince Frederick, MD. Memorial Contributions may be made in Audrey’s memory to Trinity United Methodist Church, 90 Church St., Prince Frederick, MD 20678. To leave the family a condolence please visit www.rauschfuneralhomes.com.

Doris Greenwell Marshall Doris Greenwell Marshall, 86, of Deale, MD passed away December 10, 2017 at her residence. She was born November 15, 1931 in Greenock, now Lothian, MD to Norman Edward and Eva Lucille (Stallings) Greenwell. She attended Anne Arundel County Schools and was a graduate of Southern High. Doris married Gene Upton Marshall on June 20, 1952 in West River, MD and the couple made their home in Deale. Doris was a member of Grace Brethren Church of Calvert County. She enjoyed quilting, crocheting and spend-

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Thursday, December 14, 2017

The Calvert County Times runs complimentary obituaries as submitted by funeral homes and readers. We run them in the order we receive them. Any submissions that come to guyleonard@countytimes.net after noon on Mondays may run in the following week’s edition.

ing time with her grandchildren. Doris was preceded in death by her husband on September 4, 2005. Surviving are her children Faith Ann Marshall Hance and her husband Paul of Port Republic, MD, Stuart C. Marshall of Deale, MD and Gene A. “Chip” Marshall and his wife Amy of West River, MD; grandchildren Rhyan M Hance and his wife Kate, Brandon M. Hance and his wife Meghan, Ashley M. and Chase C. Marshall; great grandchildren Matthew, Connor, Lucy, Julia and Nora Hance; sister Frances Lowman of Annapolis, MD; and brothers Norman R. “Mike” Greenwell and his wife Genie and D. Ray Greenwell and his wife Mary all of Annapolis, MD. A Life Celebration Service will be held Thursday, December 14, 2017 ay 11 a.m. at Grace Brethren Church of Calvert County, 9870 Old Solomons Island Road, Owings MD 20736. Interment will be at Woodfield Cemetery, Galesville MD 20765. Memorial contributions may be made to Grace Brethren Church, 9870 Old Solomon Isl. Rd. Owings MD 20736; Phone: 301-8552955; website: http://calvertgrace.org Funeral arrangements handled by Rausch Funeral Home.

Gale Sharon Parks (Gower),

Gale Sharon Parks (Gower), 70, of Broomes Island, MD lost her battle with cancer on Thursday the 7th of December 2017 at Calvert Memorial Hospital. She was born in Baltimore, MD in 1947 as the eldest daughter of F. Harold “Chum” Gower and Wilma Ruth Sturm. Gale is survived by her sister Vicki; three loving children Jamie, Kirk, and Danny; and life partner Loch Weems. She also leaves her three legged “son” Rusty and grand doggy LB. Gale also leaves many loved nieces/nephews, their children, and friends. She is predeceased by her brother Ivan. Ms. Parks worked and volunteered for over 25 years at the Calvert Marine Museum before retiring. Known for her infectious laughter and compassionate heart she was loved by many. She inspired many young people in soccer as Coach Parks. She enjoyed cooking for family and friends especially during Thanksgiving. Gale also enjoyed fishing and hunting. A true Marylander, her favorite places to visit were Western Maryland, Smith Island, and Baltimore. Funeral arrangements were handled by Rausch Funeral Home.

To Place A Memorial, Please Call 301-373-4125 or send an email to



The Calvert County Times

Thursday, December 14, 2017




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The Calvert County Times



Thursday, December 14

Annmarie Garden In Lights Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Join us for Annmarie Garden In Lights, a magical holiday light show that takes visitors on a beautiful walk through the glittering woods. As you stroll the protected path, you will be surrounded by spectacular “light sculptures” depicting sea creatures, wintry wonderlands, enchanted gardens, wild animals, outer space, airplanes, pirates, princesses, superheroes, and much more. Don’t forget to ask for a “Holiday I Spy” program. After your walk, warm up in the Arts Building where you will find nightly entertainment, beautiful exhibits, great shopping, and a holiday cafe! Tonight’s entertainment: EZ Man—classic rock. Holiday Sweater Night—wear your festive sweater and enjoy $1 off admission (cannot be combined with other offers). Hardesty Haven Holiday Cafe OPEN NIGHTLY! Gift Shop & Ornament Show OPEN NIGHTLY! Holiday PopUp Shops OPEN every Friday & Saturday night! No smoking. No pets except on Pet Night (Jan. 1). For detailed schedule, visit www.annmariegarden.org. Rockin’ Holiday Concert Huntingtown High School, 4125 N. Solomons Island Rd., Huntingtown, MD 20639 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM We invite you to “A Rockin’ Holiday Concert” featuring the band “Warren Drive” and The Huntingtown High School Jazz Ambassadors. The concert will be on Thursday, December 14 at 7:00 p.m. in the Huntingtown High School auditorium. Tickets are available now at: eotsp.booktix.com. Prices: $10 adult, $7 child. For more information, email canesband@gmail.com.

Friday, December 15

Annmarie Garden In Lights Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Join us for Annmarie Garden In Lights, a magical holiday light show that takes visitors on a beautiful walk through the glittering woods. As you stroll the protected path, you will be surrounded by spectacular “light sculptures” depicting sea creatures, wintry wonderlands, enchanted gardens, wild animals, outer space, airplanes, pirates, princesses, superheroes, and much more. Don’t forget to ask for a “Holiday I Spy” program. After your walk, warm up in the Arts Building where you will find nightly entertainment, beautiful exhibits, great shopping, and a holiday cafe! Tonight’s entertainment: Sax Appeal (inside)— Jazz mix; Mill Creek MIddle School Chamber Chorus (outside)—enjoy car-

oling along the Path; Hardesty Haven Holiday Cafe OPEN NIGHTLY! Gift Shop & Ornament Show OPEN NIGHTLY! Holiday Pop-Up Shops OPEN! For detailed schedule, visit www.annmariegarden.org. The Arts Building is handicap accessible. The 1/4 mile walking path is dimly lit. Guests with vision and/ or mobility issues are encouraged to take advantage of our Golf Cart Tour Nights on Dec. 11 & 18. For more information, call 410-326-4640. Admission (ages 4 & up): $6.00. Children 3 & under: FREE. Annmarie Members: FREE American Legion 206 Meeting American Legion Post 206, 3330 Chesapeake Beach Rd, Chesapeake Bch 20732 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM All members of the American Legion Stallings-Williams Post 206 are encouraged to attend the regular meeting, starting at 7:00 p.m., in the Upper Level Meeting Hall at the American Legion Post in Chesapeake Beach on Route 260. For information call 410-257-9878. www.ALpost206.org. Karaoke at the American Legion American Legion Post 206, 3330 Chesapeake Beach Rd, Chesapeake Bch 20732 8:00 PM Join us for a good time from 8:00 p.m. to midnight. at the American Legion Stallings Williams Post 206 in the Lower Level Lounge. No cover charge. The Post is located at 3330 Chesapeake Beach Road East on Route 260 in Chesapeake Beach. Public welcome. Questions may be directed to 410-257-9878 www.ALPost206.Org

Saturday, December 16

Breakfast with Santa Calvert High School 8:00 AM - 12 Noon The Prince Frederick Volunteer Rescue Squad presents Breakfast with Santa. The Prince Frederick Volunteer Rescue Squad invites you to bring your family and enjoy a home cooked breakfast. We are serving bacon, sausage gravy, scrambled eggs, waffles, pancakes, hash browns, juices, milk, and coffee. Bring your camera or phone and get a picture with Santa! Admission by donation. 410.535.9836; www.pfvrs.org; Facebook.com/pfvrs. Holiday Maker’s Market Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM Holiday Maker’s Markets—INDOOR! Visit our INDOOR holiday markets to find the perfect gift for everyone on your holiday list. Each market will feature a different selection of craftspeople selling everything from jewelry to small batch foods. Admission is free. Interested in having a booth at one of our markets? Email or call us to learn more.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

To submit your event listing to go in our Community Calendar, please email timescalendar@countytimes.net with the listing details by 12 p.m. on the Monday prior to our Thursday publication.

www.annmariegarden.org. info@annmariegarden.org; t. 410-326-4640. Holiday Craft Fair Northern High School, 2950 Chaneyville Road, Owings, MD 20736 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM The Northern Band Boosters presents its 15th Annual Holiday Craft Fair in the Northern High School cafeteria and Mary Harrison Center in Owings, Maryland on Saturday, December 16, 2017, 9:00-3:00, to benefit Northern High band programs. Shop from over 80 expert crafters and vendors for one of a kind gifts such as handmade jewelry, holiday decorations, gourmet food, sports memorabilia, artwork, and more. Door prizes awarded every hour. Santa and Mrs. Claus will visit before returning to the North Pole. Children make a craft in Santa’s workshop. Enjoy a holiday concert in the Mary Harrison Center auditorium. Free parking. Free admission—donations gladly received! Contact northernbandboosterscraftfair@ gmail.com for further information. 1st Annual Family Winter Festival Union Church, 8912 Chesapeake Av, North Beach 20714 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM FREE FAMILY WINTER FESTIVAL—Please join us from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. Saturday December 16, 2017, for the Union Church 1st Family Winter Festival. Fun & games for everyone including showing of “Rudolph”, Treats, & Crafts. The Church is located next to the North Beach Town Hall at 8912 Chesapeake Avenue. This free event is offered with the compliments of the Congregation. All are cordially invited. Questions may be directed to (410)257-3555. www. facebook.com/NBUnionChurch. Annmarie Garden In Lights Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Join us for Annmarie Garden In Lights, a magical holiday light show that takes visitors on a beautiful walk through the glittering woods. As you stroll the protected path, you will be surrounded by spectacular “light sculptures” depicting sea creatures, wintry wonderlands, enchanted gardens, wild animals, outer space, airplanes, pirates, princesses, superheroes, and much more. Don’t forget to ask for a “Holiday I Spy” program. After your walk, warm up in the Arts Building where you will find nightly entertainment, beautiful exhibits, great shopping, and a holiday cafe! Tonight’s entertainment: Calvert Brass Consortium (insdie)—festive brass ensemble. Haven Holiday Cafe OPEN NIGHTLY! Gift Shop & Ornament Show OPEN NIGHTLY! Holiday Pop-Up Shops OPEN! For detailed schedule, visit

www.annmariegarden.org. The Arts Building is handicap accessible. The 1/4 mile walking path is dimly lit. Guests with vision and/or mobility issues are encouraged to take advantage of our Golf Cart Tour Nights on Dec. 11 & 18. For more information, call 410-3264640. Admission (ages 4 & up): $6.00. Children 3 & under: FREE. Annmarie Members: FREE Bingo Every Saturday Mother Catherine Academy 38833 Chaptico Road Mechanicsville Md 20650 6:30 PM - 10:30 PM SATURDAY NIGHT BINGO! Doors open at 5 pm. Early Birds start at 6:30 pm. Regular Games start at 7:00 pm. $10 admission (includes one regular book). Progressive Money Ball! Door prizes. Concessions: Weekly specials along with regulars Pizza, Cheeseburgers,Hamburgers,Hot dogs and French Fries. Pull Tabs 1000.00 dollar payouts with some having multiple winners. Down lines and 3 Balls! $50 Early Birds; Either/Or Blackout 100.00. $100 Regular Games. Specials Guaranteed 200.00. Quickie 100.00. Bonanza 54# OR LESS 500.00 Consolation 100.00. Jackpot in 54 numbers or less $1000 (Progressive—$200 added each week). Consolation $500.Winner Take All Special. We are located on Route 238 Chaptico Road just one mile off of Route 5. Call 301-884-3165 for more information. Visit our website www.mothercatherine.org for Jackpot and Moneyball update. Christmas Caroling w/ Friendship Youth Friendship United Methodist Church & area 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM You’re invited to join the youth and families of Friendship Methodist for traditional caroling (especially to area shutins). Music, fun, laughs, refreshments, games, all free. What a way to celebrate the season! Friendship Methodist is one block east of Friendship Circle on Rt. 2; 1.3 miles north of the light at Rts. 2 & 260. 410-257-7133—friendshipmethodist.org—bsuedean@friendshipmethodist.org.

Sunday, December 17

Gingerbread Lighthouse Workshop Calvert Marine Museum, 14200 Solomons Island Rd. S, Solomons, MD 11:00 AM Sessions at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Build and decorate your own gingerbread lighthouse and keeper’s cottage! For ages 4—10. Register at the admissions desk on the day of the programs. Space is limited; $4 fee per child with museum admission. A Charlie Brown Christmas

Thursday, December 14, 2017

8912 Chesapeake Ave North Beach 20714 11:00 AM - 12 Noon Join us & be sure to bring the kids for a Charlie Brown Christmas performed by Union Church’s Youth Bible Study Group. Play will be performed in lieu of the sermon at 11:00 a.m. The Church is located next to the North Beach Town Hall at 8912 Chesapeake Avenue. All are cordially invited. Questions may be directed to (410)257-3555. www.facebook.com/NBUnionChurch. Gingerbread Lighthouse Workshop Calvert Marine Museum, 14200 Solomons Island Rd. S, Solomons, MD 2:00 PM Sessions at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Build and decorate your own gingerbread lighthouse and keeper’s cottage! For ages 4—10. Register at the admissions desk on the day of the programs. Space is limited; $4 fee per child with museum admission. Southern Md Youth Orchestra & Choir Holiday Concert Patuxent High School, 12485 Southern Connector Blvd, Lusby, MD 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM Enjoy the beautiful sounds of SMYOC singers and musicians as they perform in their Winter Concert: Peace, Peace ~ music for the season, both traditional and new. Bake sale items available for purchase during intermission. Free admission! To find out more about our SMYOC program, check out our website at www.smyoc.org/index.php. SMYOC Free Family Concert— ’Peace, Peace’ Patuxent High School, 12485 Southern Connector Blvd, Lusby, MD 20657 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM The Southern Maryland Youth Orchestra and Choir will be having their FREE Holiday concert on December 17th in the Auditorium of Patuxent High School, Lusby starting at 5PM. The concert will feature our 4 choirs singing traditional and new music for the season. Special appearances by members of our Youth Orchestra and our Pops band will also be performing. Join us for a bake sale and raffle and an afternoon of glorious music! Christmas Caroling Union Church, 8912 Chesapeake Av, North Beach 20714 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Join us at Union Church for a night of giving to the community through caroling to shut-in’s and others. Meet at the Church at 5:00 p.m.. The Church is located next to the North Beach Town Hall at 8912 Chesapeake Avenue. All are cordially invited to join in. Questions may be directed to (410) 257-3555. www. facebook.com/NBUnionChurch


The Calvert County Times

Annmarie Garden In Lights Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Join us for Annmarie Garden In Lights, a magical holiday light show that takes visitors on a beautiful walk through the glittering woods. As you stroll the protected path, you will be surrounded by spectacular “light sculptures” depicting sea creatures, wintry wonderlands, enchanted gardens, wild animals, outer space, airplanes, pirates, princesses, superheroes, and much more. Don’t forget to ask for a “Holiday I Spy” program. After your walk, warm up in the Arts Building where you will find nightly entertainment, beautiful exhibits, great shopping, and a holiday cafe! Tonight’s entertainment: Some Assembly (inside)—acoustic mix. Haven Holiday Cafe OPEN NIGHTLY! Gift Shop & Ornament Show OPEN NIGHTLY! Holiday Pop-Up Shops OPEN! For detailed schedule, visit www.annmariegarden. org. The Arts Building is handicap accessible. The 1/4 mile walking path is dimly lit. Guests with vision and/or mobility issues are encouraged to take advantage of our Golf Cart Tour Nights on Dec. 11 & 18. For more information, call 410-326-4640. Admission (ages 4 & up): $6.00. Children 3 & under: FREE. Annmarie Members: FREE

Monday, December 18

Annmarie Garden In Lights Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Join us for Annmarie Garden In Lights, a magical holiday light show that takes visitors on a beautiful walk through the glittering woods. As you stroll the protected path, you will be surrounded by spectacular “light sculptures” depicting sea creatures, wintry wonderlands, enchanted gardens, wild animals, outer space, airplanes, pirates, princesses, superheroes, and much more. Don’t forget to ask for a “Holiday I Spy” program. After your walk, warm up in the Arts Building where you will find nightly entertainment, beautiful exhibits, great shopping, and a holiday cafe! Tonight’s entertainment: Garrett Music Academy (inside)—student performances. Golf cart tours tonight for handicapped guests. Haven Holiday Cafe OPEN NIGHTLY! Gift Shop & Ornament Show OPEN NIGHTLY! Holiday PopUp Shops OPEN! For detailed schedule, visit www.annmariegarden.org. The Arts Building is handicap accessible. The 1/4 mile walking path is dimly lit. Guests with vision and/or mobility issues are encouraged to take advantage of our Golf Cart Tour Nights on Dec. 11 & 18. For more information, call 410326-4640. Admission (ages 4 & up): $6.00. Children 3 & under: FREE. Annmarie Members: FREE

Golf Cart Tours of Annmarie Garden In Lights Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Golf Cart Tours for our handicapped guests at Annmarie Garden In Lights! Join us for Annmarie Garden In Lights, a magical holiday light show that takes visitors on a beautiful walk through the glittering woods. As you stroll the protected path, you will be surrounded by spectacular “light sculptures” depicting sea creatures, wintry wonderlands, enchanted gardens, wild animals, outer space, airplanes, pirates, princesses, superheroes, and much more. Don’t forget to ask for a “Holiday I Spy” program. After your walk, warm up in the Arts Building where you will find nightly entertainment, beautiful exhibits, great shopping, and a holiday cafe! For more information, call 410-326-4640. Admission (ages 4 & up): $6.00. Children 3 & under: FREE. Annmarie Members: FREE. Career Night- Real Estate Mama Lucia (Dunkirk Location) 10136 Southern Maryland Blvd, Dunkirk, MD 20754 6:30 PM Looking for a Career Change? Want to be your own Boss? Make your own hours? Join EXIT 1 Stop Realty on Monday, December 18, 2017 for Dinner and a 30 minute presentation.. WHY EXIT? At Mama Lucia (in Dunkirk) 6:30 pm. If you are already a licensed Real Estate Agent and want to excel your career, stop by and see Why EXIT REALTY is growing and why you need to EXIT conventional Real Estate! Please RSVP to Exit 1 Stop Realty 301-855-7867 or by email exit1stoprealty@gmail.com.

Tuesday, December 19

Middleham Chapel Open To The Community Middleham and St. Peter’s Parish 10210 H G Trueman Rd, Lusby, MD 20657 12 Noon - 1:00 PM Middleham Chapel will be open to the community Noon—1:00 PM for Individual Quiet Prayer, Reflection or Meditation. Steak Night American Legion Post 206, 3330 Chesapeake Beach Rd, Chesapeake Bch 20732 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM Order your Steak direct from the GrillMaster. The $15.00 price tag includes all the trimmings and a beverage. From 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. hosted by the American Legion Stallings-Williams Post 206, on Route 260 in Chesapeake Beach, in the lower-Level dining room. Public welcome. For more information, call (410)257-9878. . www.ALpost206.org


Annmarie Garden In Lights Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Join us for Annmarie Garden In Lights, a magical holiday light show that takes visitors on a beautiful walk through the glittering woods. As you stroll the protected path, you will be surrounded by spectacular “light sculptures” depicting sea creatures, wintry wonderlands, enchanted gardens, wild animals, outer space, airplanes, pirates, princesses, superheroes, and much more. Don’t forget to ask for a “Holiday I Spy” program. After your walk, warm up in the Arts Building where you will find nightly entertainment, beautiful exhibits, great shopping, and a holiday cafe! Tonight’s entertainment: Calvert Youth Strings (inside)—festive & classical music. Superfan Night! Wear your favorite team jersey for $1 off admission! (cannot combine with other offers). Hardesty Haven Holiday Cafe OPEN NIGHTLY! Gift Shop & Ornament Show OPEN NIGHTLY! Holiday Pop-Up Shops OPEN! For detailed schedule, visit www.annmariegarden.org. The Arts Building is handicap accessible. The 1/4 mile walking path is dimly lit. Guests with vision and/or mobility issues are encouraged to take advantage of our Golf Cart Tour Nights on Dec. 11 & 18. For more information, call 410-3264640. Admission (ages 4 & up): $6.00. Children 3 & under: FREE. Annmarie Members: FREE Evening Mindfulness Practice Middleham and St. Peter’s Parish 10210 H G Trueman Rd, Lusby, MD 20657 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM Starting in September, each month, every 1st and 3rd Tuesday—the Southern Maryland Meditation Community will sponsor regular Evening Mindfulness Practice in the Great Hall, from 6:308:00, “We will come together for sitting and walking meditation followed by a discussion on practicing mindfulness in daily life.” No registration required, drop-ins welcome. All Are Welcome. For more information contact For information contact—Nancy Radcliffe @ 410-326-4070 or somdmeditationcommunity@hotmail.com Middleham and St. Peter’s Parish 10210 H G Trueman Rd, Lusby, MD 20657 t



The Calvert County Times

YoungatHeart By Office of Aging Staff

Holiday Closing

Calvert Pines, Southern Pines, and North Beach Senior Centers will be closed Monday, December 25 and Tuesday, December 26 for the Christmas Holiday. Meals on Wheels will not be delivered.

A Bluegrass Christmas with Unclouded Day

Local bluegrass band, Unclouded Day, will be performing a one hour Christmas show, Friday, December 22 at all three senior centers. Southern Pines 10 - 11 a.m., Calvert Pines 12:30 – 1:30 p.m., North Beach 2:45 – 3:45 p.m. Refreshments will be served. You don’t want to miss it!

Friends of Calvert County Seniors Punch & Paint Fundraiser

Bring a friend, paint, and enjoy refreshments while supporting a worthy cause assisting seniors in our community, Wednesday January 24, 2018, 6 – 8 p.m. (Snow date: January 31). Registration deadline is January 10, 2018. Fee is $25 per person, seating is limited. For more information, contact Liz Youngblood at the Office on Aging, 410-535-4606.

Calvert Pines Senior Center (CPSC)

in the dining room before lunch, Tuesday, December 19, 11 a.m. Bring in a new wrapped gift with a value of up to $5 and play a holiday gift exchange game, Thursday, December 21, 11 a.m.

North Beach Senior Center (NBSC)

Singing, dancing, comedy and more! Enjoy a holiday themed variety show by the Charles County Show Troupe, Wednesday, December 20, 10:30 a.m. Share your stories with others and listen in with our Scribblers Writing Group, Thursday, December 21, 1 p.m. Whether you’re an experienced writer or new, join us for a fun writing experience.

Southern Pines Senior Center (SPSC)

Ask the Expert Nurse will be at the center, Tuesday December 19, 10 a.m. to take blood pressures and assist you with any of your health questions. Enjoy a hot cup of cocoa with our open cocoa bar as you work on a glass holiday make-and-take at our Winter Solstice Celebration Activity, Thursday, December 21, 9 – 11:45 a.m. You can keep your work of art for yourself or give it to a loved one as a holiday gift.

Eating Together Menu Monday, December 18

Salisbury Steak w/Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Tossed Salad, Carrots, Dinner Roll, Brownie

Thursday, December 21

Tuesday, December 19

Pork Roast w/Gravy, Whipped Sweet Potatoes, Applesauce w/Cinnamon, California Blend, Dinner Roll, Pudding

Wednesday, December 20

Spicy Chicken & Rice Bake, Kale, Dinner Roll, Yogurt, Grapes

Roast Beef w/Gravy, Baked Potato, Spinach, Dinner Roll, Peaches Turkey w/Gravy, Stuffing, Mashed Potatoes, Cranberry Sauce, Broccoli, Dinner Roll, Fruited Jell-O

Events Thursday, December 14 Calvert Conversations 10:00-11:00am Local history lite! Listen to stories in the library’s living room; sometimes meetup at local places of interest. Call 410257-2411 for latest info. Calvert Library Twin Beaches Branch, 3819 Harbor Road, Chesapeake Beach, 410-257-2411. http://CalvertLibrary.info. On Pins & Needles 2:00-4:00pm Bring your quilting, needlework, knitting, crocheting or other project for an afternoon of conversation and shared creativity. No registration. Calvert Library Twin Beaches Branch, 3819 Harbor Road, Chesapeake Beach, 410-2572411. http://CalvertLibrary.info. Holiday Craft Night 6:30-7:30pm Drop in for a family fun night of crafts to celebrate the season! All ages welcome--no registration required! Calvert Library Twin Beaches Branch, 3819 Harbor Road, Chesapeake Beach, 410-257-2411. http://CalvertLibrary.info.

Friday, December 15 On Pins & Needles 1:00-4:00pm Bring your quilting, needlework, knitting, crocheting, or other project for an afternoon of conversation and shared creativity. Calvert Library Prince Frederick, 850 Costley Way, 410-535-0291 or 301-855-1862. http://CalvertLibrary. info.

Saturday, December 16

Join us and hear how Christmas is celebrated around the world

Friday, December 22

Lunches are served to seniors, aged 60-plus, and their spouses through Title IIIC of the Older Americans Act. Suggested donation is $3. To make or cancel a reservation call: Calvert Pines Senior Center at 410-535-4606 or 301-855-1170, North Beach Senior Center at 410-257-2549, or Southern Pines Senior Center at 410-586-2748. Lunches are subject to change.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Brain Games: Mahjongg, Scrabble & More 12:00-3:00pm Want to learn Mahjongg? Hope to make your Scrabble skills killer? Games are a great way to keep your brain sharp while having fun! Join us! Please register. Calvert Library Prince Frederick, 850 Costley Way, 410-535-0291 or 301855-1862. http://CalvertLibrary.info.

Monday, December 18 Books & Toys 10:00-11:00am El Deafo by Cece Bell. Book club for parents and caregivers, playtime for your tots! No registration. Calvert Library Southern Branch, 13920 H. G. Trueman Road, Solomons, 410-3265289. http://CalvertLibrary.info. Green Crafting 2:00-4:00pm Green Crafters will meet 2-4 on Mondays to make crafts out of materials that would typically be thrown out. Crocheting, needlework, sewing, and simple

tying techniques will be used. Calvert Library Southern Branch, 13920 H. G. Trueman Road, Solomons, 410-3265289. http://CalvertLibrary.info. Holiday Concert & Sing-along 7:00-8:00pm It’s a holiday tradition--Visit the library for a concert and sing-along! Very popular vocalists Emily Bowen Mudd, Nathan Bowen, Jennifer Cooper and Peter Crews will be accompanied by the talented Sandy Griese and will share some of their favorite tunes to get you in the holiday frame of mind. Calvert Library Prince Frederick, 850 Costley Way, 410535-0291 or 301-855-1862. http://CalvertLibrary.info. Manga Otaku Artist Nights 7:00-8:30pm On 1st Tuesdays and 3rd Mondays comics and manga fans ages 10 to 17 gather at the Twin Beaches Branch to learn the techniques of drawing for comics. Join us! Please register. Calvert Library Twin Beaches Branch, 3819 Harbor Road, Chesapeake Beach, 410-257-2411. http://CalvertLibrary.info.

Tuesday, December 19 Flying Needles 6:00-9:00pm Knitting, crocheting and portable crafting group open to anyone wanting to join in and share talents, crafting time or learn a new skill. No registration. Calvert Library Southern Branch, 13920 H. G. Trueman Road, Solomons, 410-3265289. http://CalvertLibrary.info. Tween 3D Printing Workshop 6:30-8:00pm Come get an intro to 3D design and make a fun object to take home! Participants will learn how to make simple 3D models using the website Tinkercad that can then be printed on our 3D printer. Grades 5-7. Please register. Calvert Library Prince Frederick, 850 Costley Way, 410-535-0291 or 301-855-1862. http://CalvertLibrary.info.

Wednesday, December 20 Book Discussion 2:00-3:30pm La’s Orchestra Saves the World by Alexander McCall Smith. La Stone is a widow who, as the Nazi threat looms, assembles a ragtag orchestra in rural Suffolk in hopes of altering “the temper of the world.” She falls for one of her recruits, a Polish pilot with a suspicious past. But patriotism trumps passion, leaving La to worry if her life will always be “a play in which I have no real part.” Calvert Library Fairview Branch, Rt. 4 and Chaneyville Road, Owings, 410-257-2101. http://CalvertLibrary. info.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

The Calvert County Times



A Holiday Wish With A Dash Of Sports There are these weird, explanation defying moments in life when, considering all facts and circumstances – the place, the company and how it and they make you feel – you conclude that you are, somehow and some way, in exactly the place where the governing cosmic forces have determined you should be. Such occasions can be powerful, pivot points in life – the day you met your spouse or the employment tip that led to a fulfilling career; others are more modest and simply fascinating for the sheer, unimaginable coincidence (or is it just that?). Regardless, when pondering the series of predecessor events that put you there, with these fine people, at that precise instant, it baffles the mind. Consider a few famous intersections of people and places. Paul McCartney and John Lennon met through Ivan Vaughan, McCartney’s classmate. Vaughan invited McCartney to check out a summer gig of The Quarrymen, a local Liverpool band with Lennon on guitar. That was July 1957. Seven years later Lennon, McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr – The Beatles - were performing on The Ed Sullivan Show. Pity those other Quarrymen… Four years after Lennon and McCartney’s introduction, two teenage acquaintances randomly met while waiting for a train. One happened to have Chuck Berry and Muddy Waters records under his arm. This led to a conversation about American blues – for which they had separately developed an affinity – and prompted the other to invite the owner of the rare vinyl gold over for a joint listen. And that’s how Mick Jagger’s records landed on Keith Richards’ turntable in 1961. The Rolling Stones are still going strong. There are endless, mind-blowing examples like these. Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak were introduced through a mutual friend, Bill Fernandez. And how about a few from the sports world (since sports is why you started reading this drivel)? How did Tom Brady, California native, end up attending the University of Michigan, fall-

ing to the sixth round of the NFL Draft and landing in New England with Bill Belichick? Tell me karmic forces didn’t influence the absolutely perfect marriage of player, style and team when Larry Bird and Magic Johnson were drafted by the Celtics and Lakers, respectively. Keeping it local, consider the truth-isstranger-than-fiction stories of Cal Ripken and John Riggins. The former grows up in Aberdeen, is drafted by the Orioles, plays for his dad and with his brother and eventually becomes the greatest player in Orioles’ history. The latter skips the 1980 season, is coaxed back in 1981 by rookie head coach Joe Gibbs and ends up winning a Super Bowl and in the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Those are all massive, planet-tilting collisions of spectacular forces. But we all have our own life-altering moments or more subtle experiences that land us in ideal situations with just the right people in just the right circumstance at just the right time. Here’s one of my own. My wife and I were in New Orleans recently. While touring the New Orleans Jazz Museum, we happened upon a picture of Mahalia Jackson and Duke Ellington. Several years ago she bought me a beautiful copy of Duke Ellington’s 1958 album Black, Brown and Beige featuring Mahalia Jackson. As we admired the picture, I reminded her of that treasured Christmas gift and, wouldn’t you know, as we turned to leave that record was proudly displayed in the case centered in the room. Of all the jazz artists and albums…my lady and I stumble on Duke, Mahalia and that specific record. Cool stuff. In these examples of wonderful coincidence and its alignment of people, places and time resides the essence of the holiday season: that we all find ourselves in the company of those we care about most. And that, despite a tumultuous and divisive year and all of life’s typical chaos, we are here, together…right where we’re supposed to be during this very special season. It’s my sincere wish that you enjoy such special moments with those you cherish most; and let us not forget those who, because of duty or other challenging circumstance, do not. Happy Holidays. Send comments to RonaldGuyJr@gmail.com

somdbmx.com For Full Schedule Go To

Races on Tuesdays & Thursdays




The Calvert County Times

Holiday Jazz Concert Includes Latin Ensemble CSM’s Holiday Jazz and Latin Ensemble Concert will be held at 8 p.m. on Dec. 16. at the College of Southern Maryland, La Plata Campus, Fine Arts Building, Theatre, 8730 Mitchell Road, La Plata. Solid Brass, CSM’s jazz ensemble, comprised of CSM students, local high school students, community members and professional musicians, will present its Holiday Jazz Concert. In addition, CSM’s Latin Ensemble, Ritmo Cache, which specializes in Sal-

sa, Mexican, Afro-Cuban, Merengue, Latin Jazz and other musical styles of Latin America, will perform in a performance rescheduled due to winter weather. Admission is $7 for adults, $5 seniors/military with ID/youth of high school age and younger; adult tickets are $5 when purchased before the day of the event. bxoffc@csmd.edu, 301-943-7828 or visit www.csmd.edu/Arts. From CSM.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

n O g n Goi In Entertainment

Thursday, Dec 14

Sunday, Dec 17

Tracey Allen Anglers Seafood Bar & Grill, Solomons 7:00 - 10:00 PM www.anglers-seafood.com

An Afternoon With The Grinch The Ruddy Duck, Solomons 2:00 PM http://www.ruddyduckbrewery.com Monday, Dec 18 BRA BLING

Swamp Candy The Ruddy Duck, Solomons 8:00 PM http://www.ruddyduckbrewery.com

Tuesday, Dec 19

Friday, Dec 15 Karaoke Anglers Seafood Bar & Grill, Solomons 9:00 PM - 1:00 AM www.anglers-seafood.com Pajama Party with the Johanssens The Ruddy Duck, Solomons 8:00 PM http://www.ruddyduckbrewery.com Entertainment The Brass Rail Sports Bar, Great Mills 8:00 PM - 12:00 AM

Ben Connelly Anglers Seafood Bar & Grill, Solomons 6:00 - 9:00 PM www.anglers-seafood.com

Wednesday, Dec 20 Wild Card Trivia Anglers Seafood Bar & Grill, Solomons 7:00 - 9:00 PM www.anglers-seafood.com

Thursday, Dec 21 Ryan Forrester Band The Ruddy Duck, Solomons 8:00 PM http://www.ruddyduckbrewery.com

DJ RAY in the House Anthony’s Bar & Grill, Dunkirk 9:00 PM www.anthonysdunkirk.com

Saturday, Dec 16 CSM’s Latin Ensemble, Ritmo Cache, performs at last year’s concert. The ensemble’s concert this month will be included with the CSM Holiday Jazz Concert on Dec. 16.

Publisher Associate Publisher General Manager Al Dailey Advertising Jen Stotler

Thomas McKay Eric McKay

Cowboy Crossing Anglers Seafood Bar & Grill, Solomons 8:00 PM - 12:00 AM www.anglers-seafood.com

The Calvert County Times is a weekly newspaper providing news and information for the residents of Calvert County. The Calvert County Times will be available on newsstands every Thursday. The paper is published by Southern Maryland Publishing Company,


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To be considered for publication, articles and letters to the editor submitted must include

Editor Dick Myers


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Photographers Frank Marquart, Mike Batson Contributing Writers Laura Joyce, Ron Guy, Linda Reno , Shelbey Opperman, Doug Watson

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County Times

n u F & GA M E The Calvert County Times

Thursday, December 14, 2017


WORD SCR AMBLE Rearrange the letters to spell something pertaining to the Traffic


Last Week’s

Puzzle Solutions


1. Crush 2. Razorbill genus 3. “Full House” actress Loughlin 4. Bluish green 5. Garlic mayonnaise 6. Attacks repeatedly 7. Secretion 8. Special instance 9. A handsome youth loved by Aphrodite 10. Tree genus in the mahogany family 11. Israeli city 13. Formed a theory 17. Remove

24. Type of light 25. Repeats 26. Certified public accountant 27. River in eastern France 28. Returned material authorization (abbr.) 29. Special __: military group 35. Ribonucleic acid 36. Not even 37. Power transmission belt 38. Doctor of Education 40. Type of nerve 41. Types of tops 42. Large primate 43. Flooded, low-lying land 44. Gritty 45. Gets up 47. Stake 48. Not the most 49. Swedish rock group 52. Expresses pleasure 53. Expression of boredom 54. Queen of Sparta 55. Where Adam and Eve were placed at the Creation

Kid'S Corner Creative Coloring

1. Make ale 5. Residue 8. Female parent 12. Succulent plants 14. OJ’s judge 15. Czech river 16. Embarrassing predicament 18. NHL legend Bobby 19. Sunfish 20. One who acclaims 21. On the __: running away 22. Oklahoma’s “Wheat Capital” 23. The Golden State 26. Merrymake 30. Siberian nomads 31. Pock-marked 32. Baleen whale 33. Leaf-footed bug genus 34. Treasure 39. Tanzanian shilling 42. Changed 44. Intestinal pouches 46. Walked in a celebratory way 47. South American mountain chain

49. Jai __, sport 50. Consumed 51. Firm 56. Pubs 57. Leafy drink 58. Cured 59. Northern wind of France 60. Tax collector 61. Respite from the sun 62. American spy Aldrich 63. Central Standard Time 64. Myanmar ethnic group

Word Scramble: LAPTOP



The Calvert County Times



Thursday, December 14, 2017




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Mon - Satfor8am to 5pm The Town of Leonardtown is accepting resumes a full-time Office Manager/ Procurement Manager. Responsibilities include9am directing day to day office funcSunday to 4pm tions of assigned staff, overseeing customer service, managing procurement functions for the office. Individuals must have good management and customer service skills and be able to multi-task. Bachelor’s degree in management or a related field or equivalent combination of experience and training is required. Experience in procurement preferred. Annual salary will start at $44,000 and up based on experience. Send resume and three professional references to Laschelle McKay, Commissioners of Leonardtown, POB 1, Leonardtown, MD 20650 or email to Leonardtown.commissioners@leonardtownmd.gov. Application deadline is January 5, 2018.

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St. Mary’s County l Calvert County

Countdown to




2017 Countdown to Christmas

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Inside... AnnMarie Gardens St. Maryʼs City Holiday Recipes Calvert Marine Museum Railway Museum Piney Point Exhibit St. Clementʼs Museum

4 6 8 10 12 14 15

Itʼs Lights On for the Season at Annemarie Garden 4

2017 Countdown to Christmas

Annmarie Garden In Lights is a magical tour that takes visitors on a beautiful trip through the glittering woods. As you stroll the protected path, you will be transported to a fantastical place of spectacular lights and amazing “light sculptures.” Guests will be surrounded by mythical beasts, wild animals, airplanes, pirates, princesses, circus performers, dinosaurs, and more. Because all the “light sculptures” are made at Annmarie, the designs are one-of-a-kind; nothing in this show is commercially available. It is all made just for visitors to Annmarie Garden In Lights! Enjoy the “Holiday I Spy Game,” nightly entertainment, special discount nights, sweet treats, and other fun activities. The schedule for the remainder of the holiday season is as follows: THURSDAY, DEC 14 EZ Man - classic rock; Holiday Sweater Night! Wear your festive sweater for $1 off admission. (cannot combine with other offers) FRIDAY, DEC 15 Sax Appeal (inside) - Jazz mix. Mill Creek

Middle School Chamber Chorus (outside) - enjoy caroling along the Path Holiday Pop-Up Shops SATURDAY, DEC 16 Calvert Brass Consortium (inside) - festive brass ensemble Holiday Pop-Up Shops *Indoor Holiday Makerʼs Market (9am-2pm) SUNDAY, DEC 17 Some Assembly (inside) - acoustic mix MONDAY, DEC 18 Garrett Music Academy (inside)- student PerformancesGolf Cart Tours for handicapped guests TUESDAY, DEC 19 Calvert Youth Strings (inside) - festive & classical music. Superfan Night! Wear your favorite team jersey for $1 off admission! (cannot combine with other offers) WEDNESDAY, DEC 20 Eric and Bob (inside) - popular acoustic music Military Night! Free admission for veterans and active duty service members (with valid ID) + 2 guests. Military Night is proudly sponsored by Chesapeake Orthodontics

Yappy holidays! GREAT GIFTS TO



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THURSDAY, DEC 21 David Norris - acoustic mix Wine & Lights Night, 6:30-8:30pm in the Daugherty Gallery - our 21 & older guests are invited to enjoy wine tasting with the Port of Leonardtown Winery (additional fees apply). FRIDAY, DEC 22 Southern Maryland Youth Orchestra & Choir (inside) - student orchestra and choir Holiday PopUp Shops SATURDAY, DEC 23 Dont Call Me Shirley - Rock mix Holiday PopUp Shops DEC 24 & 25 Garden in Lights Closed TUESDAY, DEC 26 Bootleggers - all women band! WEDNESDAY, DEC 27 Spencer Joyce - singer songwriter Military Night! Free admission for veterans and active duty service members (with valid ID)+ 2 guests. Military Night is proudly sponsored by Team Hyundai


THURSDAY, DEC 28 Melanie Young - harpist Educators Night! Free admission for Calvert & St. Maryʼs County teachers (with valid ID) +2 guests Educators Night is proudly sponsored by Dr. Koterwas Orthodontics FRIDAY, DEC 29 Jillian Fogelsanger - opera vocalist SATURDAY, DEC 30 Josh Riley (inside) - blues & country SUNDAY, DEC 31 Captain John (inside)- folk mix. New Yearʼs Eve Family Game Night! Enjoy a variety of familyfriendly games! MONDAY, JAN 1 Music with Susan J. Berman & Ray Saunders acoustic mix Pet Night! Bring your well-behaved pet on a short leash, pets are FREE thanks to our sponsor! Pet Night is proudly sponsored by Prince Frederick Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram Admission cost at the door (ages 4 & up) is $6; children 3 and under and Annmarie Members are Free. NEW this year: purchase advance tickets online and enjoy easy entry on the night of your visit! Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center is located at 13470 Dowell Road, Dowell, MD 20629; www.annmariegarden.org; 410-3264640 From Annemarie Sculpture Garden and Arts Center

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2017 Countdown to Christmas

Holiday Feasting Even John Deere toys are the best quality! Durable die-cast metal scale models are replicas of big John Deere machines. Let your little ones play with the best ...John Deere toys. "Carroll's Also Carries Licensed John Deere Memorabilia"

and Festivities at St. Maryʼs City By Guy Leonard Staff Writer

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THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2017 7 St. Maryʼs City opens a window onto the past of the mother county of Maryland and the Christmas season is no exception. Madrigal dinners, nights of feasting, music and firelight in the reconstructed State House of 1676 are hosted at the historic city each year and give attendees a glimpse of what holiday feasting was like in the 1600s. In the colony, madrigal dinners got their start when delicacies arrived with the tobacco fleet towards the end of the year, according to information from the historic city. Cool weather signaled time for butchering meat and decanting beverages that had fermented since the harvest. At the dinners, guests are treated to a roaring fire fed by a yule log, thought at the time of the colonists to be a harbinger of good fortune for the coming year. The musical tradition at the madrigal dinners stems from songs sung of the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem thousands of years ago, especially for those who were not able to read. Modern day guests at the dinners are treated to all the amenities of their counterparts from yesteryear, with wassail and appetizers above stairs and the dinner taking place in the Great Hall on the first floor. Reservations are required. guyleonard@countytimes.net

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2017 Countdown to Christmas

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2 8-ounce packages seamless crescent dough 2 8-ounce packages cream cheese 1 egg 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 3⁄4 cup sugar, divided Flour for dusting 1 tablespoon cinnamon 1⁄2 cup caramel topping 1. Preheat oven to 350 F. Unroll one package of crescent dough into a shallow baking pan. Roll out the dough to edges. 2. Heat the cream cheese in a microwave-safe bowl, uncovered, on high for 30 to 40 seconds, or until softened. Whisk until almost smooth. 3. Add the egg, vanilla and 1⁄2 cup of the sugar to the bowl. Whisk until smooth. Spread over the crescent dough. 4. Lightly sprinkle the flat side of a cut-

ting board with flour. Unroll the second package of crescent dough and roll it into a 13- by 12-inch rectangle. 5. Fold the dough in half from the short end; gently lift and place in the pan. Unfold and gently stretch the dough over the cream cheese layer; press the edges to seal. Cut off corners of dough hanging over and discard. 6. Bake 22 to 24 minutes, until golden brown. 7. Combine the remaining 1⁄4 cup sugar and cinnamon in a small bowl. Place the caramel topping in a 1-cup measuring cup. 8. Remove the pan from the oven. Immediately pour the caramel topping over the cheesecake and spread to the edges of the crust. Sprinkle with the cinnamonsugar mixture; let stand for 10 minutes. 9. Using a utility knife, cut into 4 x 6 rows to make 24 squares.

Chocolate Fudge Makes 24 squares

2 cups (12-oz. package) Nestlé® Toll House® Semi-Sweet Chocolate Morsels 1 can (14 oz.) Nestlé® Carnation® Sweetened Condensed Milk 1 cup chopped walnuts 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Line an 8- or 9-inch square baking pan with foil.

Combine the morsels and sweetened condensed milk in a medium, heavy-duty saucepan. Warm over the lowest possible heat, stirring until smooth. Remove from heat; stir in the nuts and vanilla extract. Spread evenly into the prepared baking pan. Refrigerate for 2 hours or until firm. Lift from the pan; remove the foil. Cut into 48 pieces.


Chocolate-Strawberry Pie Yields 1 pie

1 pint fresh strawberries, washed, trimmed and halved 1 store-bought (or homemade) chocolate cookie pie crust 2⁄3 cup sugar 1⁄4 cup cornstarch 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder 1⁄4 teaspoon minced crystallized ginger 1⁄8 teaspoon ground nutmeg Pinch of kosher or sea salt 6 large egg yolks 21⁄2 cups half-and-half 6 ounces bittersweet or semisweet chocolate, chopped 1⁄2 tablespoon rum extract 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Additional strawberries for garnish (optional)

1. Place the strawberry halves in a single layer in the bottom of the pie crust. 2. In a medium saucepan, whisk together the sugar, cornstarch, cocoa powder, ginger, nutmeg, and salt over medium heat. 3. Whisk in the egg yolks to create a thick paste. Gradually whisk in the halfand-half until the mixture thickens, about 5 minutes. Bring to a boil and cook for 1 minute. Remove from the heat. 4. Add the chocolate and whisk until combined. Add the rum and vanilla extracts. Cool the mixture for 4 minutes. 5. Pour the filling over the strawberries and up to the top of the crust. Chill the pie for 2 hours or until set. 6. Garnish with additional strawberries, if desired.

Wickedly Decadent

Chocolate Truffles Makes 24 squares

6 6 frais 2 ar 1⁄2 1⁄2 grated

ounces semisweet chocolate ounces very low-fat fromage tablespoons confectionersʼ sugteaspoon vanilla extract ounces semisweet chocolate,

1. Break the chocolate into a bowl over a pan of simmering water. Let it melt, stirring occasionally. 2. In a separate bowl, whisk together the fromage frais and sugar. Whisk in the vanilla. 3. When the chocolate is melted and smooth, remove from the heat and allow

to cool slightly. Slowly whisk the chocolate into the fromage frais mixture, using a rubber spatula to incorporate every bit of chocolate. Cover with plastic wrap and chill for an hour. 4. Line a baking sheet with waxed paper. Scatter the grated chocolate on a plate. Scoop out the chilled chocolate mixture in teaspoonfuls, roll into balls, then roll the balls in the grated chocolate and put on the prepared baking sheet. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until firm. 5. Put the truffles in small paper cases. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator until ready to use.


10 2017 Countdown to Christmas

The Holidays are Special at

By Dick Myers Editor

Calvert Marine Museum Calvert Marine Museum in Solomons is a special place during the holiday season. The museum has many holiday-themed programs. But itĘźs also a great shopping destination, with their museum store chock full of gift ideas with a special emphasis on the Chesapeake Bay and Southern Maryland. Christmas gifts available at the museum store include ornaments styled as mermaids, Drum Point and Cove Point lighthouses, and blue crabs. There also are a variety of Maryland Christmas cards and mugs with local views such as the Cove Point Lighthouse. Books are also a preferred gift for many on your shopping list. The museum sore has a wide variety of books with local themes. The museum store is open daily, 10 a.m.-4:45 p.m. except they will close early at 2 p.m. Christmas Eve.

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Some of the upcoming holiday events at the museum include: Gingerbread Lighthouse Workshop Sunday, December 17, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Build and decorate your own Gingerbread Lighthouse and KeeperĘźs House! Register at the admissions desk on program day. Space is limited. Appropriate for ages 4 and older. Cost is $1 per child with museum admission. Ornament Workshop Saturday, December 23, 1-3 p.m. Each participant will receive a kit and instructions to create three fun and festive holiday ornaments! Register at the admissions desk the day of the program. Space and materials are limited. Activity appropriate for ages 4 and older. Cost is $4 per child, with museum admission. Snow Globe Workshop Tuesday, December 26, every 30 minutes on the

half hour, starting at 1 p.m. while supplies last. Create your own winter wonderland in a jar with recycled materials. Sessions limited to 20 participants. Sign up in the Discovery Room. Ages 4 and older. Cost is $4 per child, with museum admission. Museum membership has many advantages, not the least of which is free admission to the museum for a year. Also included are: • Bugeye Times online newsletter • Opportunity to purchase presale concert tickets • 10% discount on the first hour of a Wm. B. Tennison charter • Opportunity to attend special events at the museum • Special email updates for CMM events and programs • 10% discount on Museum Store purchases • Education program discounts & birthday parties • Join one of the museum several clubs One of the upcoming members-only benefits is the NOON Yearʼs Eve Party on Sunday, December 31 from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Itʼs held in the Harms Gallery. Make a party hat, New Yearʼs wish ornament, and join the dance party with Bubbles the otter. Toast in the New Year with sparkling ginger ale and fishy snacks when the ball drops at high noon. FREE for members of all ages! The museum is closed to the public. Calvert Marine Museum is located at 14200 Solomons Island Road S., Solomons, MD 20688. For more information go to: http://www.calvertmarinemuseum.com/ dickmyers@countytimes.net


12 2017 Countdown to Christmas

Chesapeake Beach Railway Museum Presents Special By Dick Myers Editor

Holiday Events Close your eyes for a moment and envision what it must have been like in Chesapeake Beach in the late 1800s. The resort town had beachfront hotels, a race track, casino, bathhouse, and beaches, as well as a 1600-foot entertainment boardwalk built over the water. According to the Town of Chesapeake Beach, “Construction of the railway from Baltimore and Washington began in the late 1800s. On June 9, 1900, the first train arrived at Chesapeake Beach with a full load of passengers and much fanfare. The Great

Depression and the automobile brought an end to the railroad, and on April 15, 1935, the final train chugged away from the Chesapeake Beach station.” The story of that exciting era is told at the Chesapeake Beach Railway Museum. According to the town, “The site for the Railway Museum was donated in 1979 to the Calvert County Board of Commissioners by Gerald and Fred Donovan for $1/year for 99 years.” Although the museum, housed in the old train station, is normally closed this time of

the year, they will be open for two special holiday events for the entire family. The Annual Dramatic Reading of the Polar Express will be held on Friday, Dec. 15. The family-friendly sessions with Conductor John will be held at 5:30 and 7 pm. There also will be carols ad a holiday gift for those attending this free event. The Polar Express reading is made possible by members of the Friends of the Chesapeake Beach Railway Museum. The organization is a group of dedicated volunteers who generously donate their time and tal-


ents to help keep the museum operational. Then the next day, Saturday, Dec. 15, the town and the museum are hosting “Chronicles of Christmas Bus Tour of Chesapeake Melissa & Doug Beach.” It is billed as a whimsical event Wooden Play Sets Available where “the past ad the present cone together.” For the tour youʼll hop on the bus for a Melissa & Doug ride around town to see the light displays Wooden Play Sets Available while historians entertain with tales of Holiday traditions over the more than 100 years of the townʼs existence. Itʼs free but seat reservations must be made. The bus tours leave the town hall at 5:30, 6:30, 7:30 and 8:30 p.m. Call or text: Hilary 301-855-4028 to reserve up to 5 seats. This event is made possible by the Town of Chesapeake Beach and the Friends of the Chesapeake Beach Railway Museum. The museum is normally open mid-March Friendly, Hardworking, Qualified Staff to help you with all your DIY needs! leon_ace1@ through Email: November, with only weekends in March and hotmail.com November and additionally on weekdays April through October. For more Leonardtown Glass and Acrylic Sheet Cutting • Mower Special Order Services information go to their website www.cbrm. Tune Ups & Servicing • Screen Repair 20 lb propane exchange Ace Hardware org Keys Made (House & Auto) Specialty items for plumbing, welding, Shops At Breton Bay Computerized Paint Matching and air compressors Qualified Email: leon_ace1@ dickmyers@countytimes.net 40845 Merchants Ln Friendly, Hardworking, and stainless steel Home & Garden Rental Equipment Staff to help you with all your DIY needs! Galvanized, Email:brass, charlotte_ace2@ hotmail.com MD 20650 In Store Lock Servicing nuts, bolts, and screws by the eaches Leonardtown, hotmail.com Leonardtown Glass and Acrylic Sheet Cutting • Mower Special Order Services Blade Sharpening • Small Engine Repair Household and automotive supplies


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Christmas Exhibit 14 2017 Countdown to Christmas

Has A Military Twist For centuries now American fighting men and women have had to endure Christmas holiday seasons under fire both at home and abroad; the Christmas exhibit at Piney Point Lighthouse Museum in Piney Point memorializes their service and sacrifice during the holidays in those troubled times. The exhibit has postcards, songbooks and even pillow shams on display from the World War II era, encouraging citizens to support the war effort through buying war bonds or any way possible. The exhibit doesnʼt just deal with World War II but with soldiers in the Revolutionary War, the Civil War and even during the western expansion during Christmas.

The modern portion of the exhibit is provided by a private collector, who even puts on a show for children in period uniform. “These are all USO items,” said April Havens, who manages the exhibit at the museum. “Everything is military themed with a Christmas twist.” The exhibit is divided between the main museum building at the lighthouse keepers home which houses sketches and pictures of Civil War veterans during Christmas time. The “Holidays in Uniform” exhibit runs through

By Guy Leonard Staff Writer

Dec. 22, closed on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, from 12p.m. to 4p.m. and again from Dec. 23 to January 1 from 10a.m. to 4p.m. The museum is located at 44720 Lighthouse Road in Piney Point. guyleonard@countytimes.net

Christmas Dolls, Trains


on Display at

By Guy Leonard Staff Writer

St. Clementʼs Museum

Visitors to the St. Clements Island Museum in Coltonʼs Point this holiday season will see it transformed into a yuletide celebration of hearth and home at Christmas time with their Christmas in Maryland exhibit of trains and dolls. Rachel Harris, marketing and development coordinator for the St. Maryʼs County Museum Division, said the transformation has taken place for the past 32 years and has become a tradition attached to the museum that commemorates the founding of Maryland back in 1634.

“They have working trains that visitors young and adult can control,” Harris said. “And thereʼs a Christmas village scene with a working model train, too.” Dolls are positioned in front of photos of towns and cities in Maryland, showing Christmas in the state throughout the years. “Some of these photos are from yesteryear,” Harris said. “Itʼs very homey, we have a whole room full of doll houses. “This is a tradition of some 30 years. Itʼs for everyone.” The exhibit runs through Dec.22, Thursday

through Monday from 12p.m. and 4 p.m. The museum closes for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day but reopens Dec. 26 and runs daily through January 1, from 10a.m. to 4p.m. guyleonard@countytimes.net

16 2017 Countdown to Christmas

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