3 minute read
President of College of Southern Maryland
A recent event that really inspired me to keep going was a college-wide Zoom after George Floyd’s murder. That incident, with the pandemic as a backdrop, had so many of us feeling overwhelmed and hopeless. When the college came together, and people shared their feelings, I had a glimmer of hope. It’s hope that sustains us, and I’m grateful to the CSM community for sustaining me.
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Born and raised in Panama, Maria Icaza later attended Cedar Crest College in Allentown, Pa., where she learned to fluently speak English. She spent a semester abroad at the Universite de La Sorbonne in Paris, France, studying the French language and culture. Upon graduating, she attended New England School of Law where she earned her Juris Doctor’s degree. After having met her husband in Law School, the pair moved back to Panama where she practiced law in a private firm for a decade.
In 2000, Maria and her husband relocated to St. Mary’s County and after five years in the area, she decided to open her own business. Following a visit from family one weekend, her mother-in-law from New Jersey expressed how much she loved Dunkin’ back home and made the suggestion to Maria. After finding that St. Mary’s County did not have a Dunkin’, Maria researched the opportunity and made the call to Dunkin’ Brands that following Monday. Maria has been a Dunkin’ franchisee since 2005 and opened her first store in 2007. To date, she currently owns and operates four Dunkin’ locations in two counties with the fifth store opening in the coming weeks.
Both as a Dunkin’ franchisee and a member of the community, Maria has strived to get involved in a number of different ways. Previously, she sat on the St. Mary’s County Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors for seven years and is currently a member of the Lexington Park Rotary Club. On a personal front, she is an avid supporter of Special Olympics and employs at least one special needs individual in each of her stores. As a Dunkin’ franchisee, she enjoys supporting local schools through sponsorships for special events, as well as donating to other charitable organizations in St. Mary’s and Calvert Counties. Since 2017, Maria’s restaurants have also participated in an annual charitable program through Dunkin’, which includes helping raise more than $75,500 toward Children’s National Health System through the market’s Iced Coffee Days program.
Maria’s mother is and has always been her greatest inspiration. After her father passed when she was at a young age, Maria observed and drew inspiration from her mother’s worth ethic and determination in handling raising a family of five while simultaneously running her father’s business.
Ma ry ann aL anham ,o f Co vi ng to nA lsin ah as wo rk ed in th ef in anc ia l in du st ry si nc e2 01 4. She is pass io na te abo ut emp owe ri ng peo ple to ac hie ve th ei rf in anc ia l go al sa nd bu il dw ea lth Ma ry anna reco gn iz es th ev alue of st ro ng co mmu ni ti es .S he is a men to rw ithth eD re am Qu een Fo unda ti on ,ana ss oc ia ti on of bu si ne ss wo men wh oe nc ou ra ge le ader shi piny ou nggi rl s. Ma ry anna is al so am ember of th eS ou th er nM ar yl and Wo men ’s Le ague ,S t. Ma ry’sB us in ess Pa rt ners ,a nd th eS t. Ma ry’sN AACP Ec ono mi cD ev elopm en tC omm it te e.
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We wouldliketohonor Anna Jonesfor hercommitmentto excellencetoherclientswhilecontinuallyservingthelocal communityandbeyond. Anna Jones,TeamLeaderof TheJones Team hasbeen givingbacktoChristmasConnectionforover25 years.
Fromorganizingbookbagdrivestocoat drives forthoseinour localschoolsandthoselessfortunate,Anna hasbeendedicated tothecommunityforover10years. Additionally,Anna sponsorsmultiplechildrenfromaroundthe world providing neededfood, clothing, costofschoolingandsupplies.
Takinginitiative,Annaorganizeda grouptosupportComfort Cases, aprogramforfosterchildrenprovidingbagswithclothes, toiletriesandotherpersonalitems forchildrenenteringthe foster caresystem.Thankyou,Annafor allyoudotosupportand serveothers!