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Southern Maryland Health


Winter 2014

Winter 2014 Features Best work-outs — for your brain


Cleaner eating, exercise for diabetes 8 Snacks for energy


Special this issue Get over stomach bugs faster Making dental health a priority



Dance, dance — for your body, mind 17

In every edition Heart, mind, soul Recipes

4 14 1913306

Southern Maryland Health



Southern Maryland Health

Winter 2014

Heart, mind, soul

Preventing the spread of illness

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I’ve been sick twice since November. As soon as my wedding was over, I came down with one truly vicious cold. Just days after our nuptials, mind you . . . on my honeymoon. It started with a sore throat that quickly became a fullblown head disaster I couldn’t control. After a quick stop at a drug store for tissues, throat lozenges and NyQuil, my new husband and I continued running around the mountains while I tried to contain my hacking cough and look adorable. An interesting challenge, indeed. By Thanksgiving I had (mostly) recovered, regaining my appetite just in time to chow down on my mom’s famous mashed potatoes. That was a happy time. But a run-in with three little cousins — all wiping runny noses at a holiday party — pushed me right back to my sick bed, meaning I’d approximately spent 50 percent of my new marriage ill by Christmas Day. Whether it’s simply been a vicious season for cold and flu viruses or I’m especially unlucky, I’m trying to beef up my immune system to help ward off germs. Here are a few tips to help prevent illness: • Keep your hands washed. It’s true what they say: frequent, thorough hand-washing remains the best way to keep bacteria and viruses from infiltrating the body. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds to remove invisible germs, dirt and grime. And because cold viruses on your hands can easily enter through your eyes and nose, try to refrain from touching those areas of your body. • Wipe the house down. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), rhinoviruses can live up to three hours on your skin and survive for up to three hours on objects like phones and stair railings. Using a virus-killing disinfectant on frequently touched items around the home — doorknobs, light switches, remotes, toys, faucets — can help prevent the spread of infection. • Avoid those who are sick. Though not always possible, try to steer clear of friends, family members or coworkers who are ill. Flu viruses and colds can travel up to 12 feet from a sneeze or cough, according to, and those who are doing both often are releasing germs into your space. The same goes for you, too: if you become ill, try to stay home and avoid being close to people. Keep sick kids home from school to help prevent the spread of infection. • Use hand sanitizers. Though washing hands in warm, soapy water is best for killing germs, using an alcohol-based sanitizer or lotion when you’re out and about is better than nothing at all. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend their use in a pinch. • Cover up. If you must sneeze or cough, cover your nose or mouth and do so into your elbow rather than your hand, the NIH recommends. Megan Johnson, editor

Winter 2014

Southern Maryland Health


The best work-outs . . . for your brain As we age, our bodies continue to need stimulation and exercise . . . and so do our brains. “Your brain is a thinking organ that learns and grows by interacting with the world through perception and action,” says the Franklin Institute ( “Mental stimulation improves brain function and actually protects against cognitive decline, as does physical exercise.” In order to stay sharp and help ward off dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, it’s important to get a mental and physical work-out. Because the human mind is able to continually rewire itself and grow new neurons, it’s important to learn new skills — no matter your age. “Severe mental decline is usually caused by disease, whereas most

age-related losses in memory or motor skills simply result from inactivity and a lack of mental exercise or stimulation,” the institute says. “In other words, use it or lose it.” According to the Alzheimer’s Association, “Mental decline as you age appears to be largely due to altered connections among brain cells. But research has found that keeping the brain active seems to increase its vitality and may build its reserves of brain cells and connections,” even resulting in new brain cells. The human mind can continue to expand and grow. Furthermore, putting your mind to the test as you age could help ward off memory loss and illness. “Low levels of education have been found to be related to a higher risk of Alzheimer’s later in life,” says the association. “This may be due to a lower level of life-long mental stimulation. Put another way, higher levels of educaSee Brain, Page 22




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Southern Maryland Health

Did you know?

Winter 2014 Prunes to the rescue! Dried plums aid digestion, are high in antioxidants, promote cardiovascular health and may help prevent premature aging.

Healthy foods for men looking to get in shape Men hoping to get in shape typically know that getting fit requires a combination of diet and exercise.While it might be easy to adapt to a new exercise regimen, many find it difficult to alter their diets. But a healthy diet does not have to be drab. Consider these ideas:

Turkey Each ounce of skinless turkey breast contains seven grams of muscle-building protein, which should interest those men looking to improve their physique. Turkey often has no saturated fat and is even high in vitamin B and zinc.

Beans Beans are loaded with protein and contain no saturated fat. Men who want to get the most bang for their bean should consider black beans, which have the most fiber per serving. Fiber swells in your stomach and makes you feel full, which can quell any hunger pangs you get during the day. This can

Doing away with trans fats In November 2013, the Federal Food and Drug Administration announced a plan to ban all trans fats from food. The plan had no firm deadline, but the agency said it will solicit advice from food manufacturers and restaurant chains for two months before officials determine how long the phase out will take. Certain foods may have different timelines depending on the availability of trans fats substitutes. Trans fats, typically created via the process of adding hydrogen to vegetable oils to make them semi-solid, are

help you avoid overeating.

Beef Beef might not be the first food men think of when they're trying to get in shape and improve their overall health, but beef is loaded with nutrients, including protein, B6 and B12, niacin, phosphorous, and selenium. When buying beef, look for lean cuts. They should not be too difficult to find, as the United States Department of Agriculture notes that today's beef is 20 percent leaner than it was as recently as a decade ago.

Yogurt Men who need to shed a few pounds should consider yogurt, which contains calcium thats help the body feel full as it effectively burns fat. In addition, yogurt contains active cultures that increase the amount of germfighting bacteria along the intestinal walls. Studieshavelinkedthoseculturestoareduced risk of getting a cold, so you might just avoid a cold while you're losing some weight.

Sweet potatoes Sweet potatoes protect the body against cell damage because they're loadedwithnutrientssuch as beta carotene, iron and vitamins C and E. Sweet potatoes also help your body's muscles recover after a tough workout.

frequently used to prolong the shelf life of processed foods. Many snack foods and packaged foods contain trans fats in the form of hydrogenated oils. Trans fats occur naturally in some meat and dairy products, but in small amounts. Research has shown that trans fats are more dangerous than other types of fats because they raise the level of LDL, or "bad cholesterol," in the blood, while also lowering the level of HDL, or "good cholesterol." The result can be clogged arteries and an elevated risk of heart disease. The Institute of Medicine has said there is no safe level of trans fats and that people should consume as little as possible. Health officials estimate that a ban on trans fats could help prevent 20,000 heart attacks and 7,000 deaths from heart disease a year.

Take-out food safety • Maintain consistent temperature. Hot foods should remain hot, ideally at 140 F or above. That tepid delivered pizza may not taste good cold, and it may be unsafe to eat as well. Cold food should be kept chilled. Bacteria can grow quickly between the temperatures of 40 F and 140 F. Foods should not be left at room temperature longer than two hours. If it is hot outside, then food should not remain out for more than one hour. • Eat food promptly. There is no guaranteed way to calculate just how long take-out food has been in transit or at an inconsistent temperature. If you will be dining later, separate food into smaller containers and put them in the refrigerator so they will cool down quickly and resist bacteria growth. Then reheat food again prior to eating. • Store leftovers in small containers. If you purchase a roast, turkey, chicken or ham, slice and cut it into smaller portions before storing. This enables the food to freeze or cool evenly and more quickly. Discard leftovers within three to five days of storing them in the refrigerator. • Heat foods evenly in the microwave. When quickly heating up take-out foods and leftovers, be sure to heat everything evenly. If your microwave does not have a turntable, stir and rotate food midway through the heating process. This will eliminate cold spots that allow bacteria to survive. • Keep in mind that pizza is perishable. It can’t be left on the counter for a long time and then safely eaten. As with any other food, pizza that has remained at room temperature for more than 2 hours should be thrown out.

Winter 2014

Organic not a fad Organic foods are not merely a passing trend. According to statistics tracking food purchases, more consumers are embracing organic foods. Whole Foods' "Food Shopping Trend Tracker Survey," which was conducted online by Harris Interactive between August 3 and August 7, 2012, indicated nearly three out of four Americans (73 percent) do not want to compromise on the food they buy, despite what foods costs at the store. Seventy-one percent of survey

Free Educational Seminar Hors d’oeuvres and refreshments served.

Articles in Southern Maryland Health are for informational purposes only and are not intended to provide medical advice. Neither the editors of Post Community Media, LLC, the author nor publisher take responsibility for any possible consequences from any treatment, procedure, exercise, dietary modification, action or application of medication which results from reading or following the information contained in this magazine. The publication of Southern Maryland Health does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your health care provider(s). Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician and/or other health care provider(s).

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participants said they prefer natural and organic foods over conventional foods, particularly if the prices are comparable. Nearly 27 percent of shoppers routinely devote more than 25 percent of their grocery store budgets to organic products, and nearly half are willing to pay higher prices for locally produced foods. Quality, selection and freshness of foods are the things driving many people to purchase organic and natural food items.

When You Need DISABILITY Benefits You need the BEST Representation!

Southern Maryland Health

Coverage under Social Security comes in the form of Social Security Disability (SSD) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). SSD is available to those who have worked and paid a minimum of 20 quarters over the course of the past 10 years. Persons failing to pay into the system sufficiently may be entitled to SSI as long as they do not reside in households with income of greater than $12,000 each year earned by a relative. The Social Security Administration (SSA) employs a medical and age-based analysis which imposes greater restrictions on an individual’s ability to work as a person ages. A person under the age of 50, for the most part, will be expected to prove disability from all work whereas a person age 55 or older, in many cases, will need to prove only the inability to perform their prior or similar work. A person considering application for disability benefits should seek a series of consultations prior to finalizing their decision. First, a potential claimant should review the terms of any private disability policy under which he/she is covered. Then, the individual should discuss their medical situation with their treatment provider(s). A fully supported medical record is essential for the

*Individual results may vary. There are risks associated with any knee surgical procedure, including MAKOplasty. Your doctor can explain these risks and help determine if MAKOplasty is right for you. ©MAKO Surgical Corp. 201241 r01 03/11

purpose of applying for disability. For this reason, all consults with specialists in order to confirm a definitive diagnosis should be undertaken before making an application for benefits. This is extremely important when private disability policies are concerned since a claimant must satisfy the applicable definition of “disability” within a specific waiting period (varying from 60 to 180 days). Once medical support for disability is established, the next consultation should be with a lawyer who has substantial experience in disability law. This consultation will help clarify any remaining medical and legal issues and can give greater guidance in coordinating a better presentation of an individual’s disability claim. The decision to stop working is economically and emotionally difficult. Much of our identity revolves around our work. To stop working means losing not only daily contact with familiar persons and places, but also facing isolation and uncertainty. Further, the average Social Security disability case can take up to a year or more to resolve, resulting in economic hardship. Private policies, depending on the length of waiting period or resistance from the insurer, can take similar lengths of time -- if not longer -- to pay benefits. Given the economic risk involved, an individual cannot be too careful in this process. Scott Elkind is a principal with Elkind & Shea, a law firm whose work focuses on disability and medical issues. He can be reached at 301-495-6665.



Southern Maryland Health

Winter 2014

Cleaner eating, exercise can reduce risk of diabetes According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 26 million Americans have diabetes — and an estimated 79 million adults are prediabetic. The illness affects 8.3 percent of all Americans and 11.3 percent of adults age 20 and older. Of all diabetics, some 27 percent do not even know they have the disease. With so many affected, how can you protect yourself? “Diabetes” is a term used to describe a group of metabolic diseases in which a person has high blood pressure resulting from the body’s cells not responding properly to insulin and/or inadequate insulin production. The disease is classified as type 1 (5 percent of all diagnosed adult cases) or type 2 (90-95 percent of cases), as well as gestational diabetes, which affects 2-10 percent of pregnant women. By far the most common, type 2 diabetes occurs because the body does not use insulin properly. The pancreas will initially make extra

insulin to account for the body’s resistance to it, but gradually the pancreas cannot produce enough to maintain normal blood glucose levels. The risk of developing type 2 diabetes increases with age. Though some cases of diabetes cannot be prevented, a healthy lifestyle can help delay or prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes.

What to consider • Talk to your doctor. Because diabetes can lead to serious complications and premature death, the CDC recommends talking to your health care provider about how to best manage your blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol. • Get to and maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight increases your risk of developing diabetes as well as suffering a heart attack or stroke. Focus on both physical activity and a healthy diet — tenets of success-

ful weight loss. Choose foods that are low in calories and fat. “Learn about what foods and drinks belong in a healthy diet, and proper portion sizes,” the CDC recommends. Those needing to lose a significant amount of weight should consult their doctor and consider working with a dietician to formulate a successful goal and meal plan. • Get routine care. Seeing your health care team at least twice a year for check-ups and routine exams can help find and treat problems before they magnify. • Get more fiber. A natural way to help the body control its blood sugar levels, fiber can lower the risk of heart disease. Adding more fiber to your diet will also make you feel fuller, reducing the chance you will overeat. Reach for high-fiber foods like vegetables, beans, fruits and unsalted, unsweetened nuts.

• Be physically active for 30-60 minutes on most days of the week. The CDC notes that clinical trials have shown losing 5 to 7 percent of body weight — 10 to 14 pounds for a 200-pound person — and getting at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity weekly reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes by nearly 60 percent in those at high risk for developing the disease. • Stay away from refined carbohydrates. Found in white bread, white rice and mashed potatoes, among other foods, refined carbohydrates can cause sustained spikes in blood sugar and insulin levels. Conversely, studies have shown that whole grains actually help protect the body against diabetes. Eating an extra two servings of whole grains daily can reduce one’s risk of type 2 diabetes by 21 percent. —MEGAN JOHNSON

Winter 2014

Southern Maryland Health


Get over stomach bugs faster At some point, most everyone has been stricken with a stomach bug — the uncomfortable, nauseated illness that sends us all straight to bed or a restroom. Sometimes called a “24-hour bug,” the stomach flu — officially known as viral gastroenteritis — can strike sufferers quickly. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), symptoms usually appear within 12-48 hours after exposure to the illness through a sick person, contaminated food or contaminated water. To try and heal itself, the body will purge the contents of the inflamed lining of the stomach and intestines — leading to typical symptoms of vomiting, diarrhea, pain or bloating in the stom-

ach as well as nausea, fever, lethargy and loss of appetite. The virus typically lasts one to three days, though some can affect sufferers longer. Dehydration is the most common complication of viral gastroenteritis. “When someone does not drink enough fluids to replace those that are

lost through vomiting and diarrhea, dehydration can result,” the NIH explains. “When dehydrated, the body does not have enough fluids to keep the proper balance of important salts or minerals, See Stomach, Page 20



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Southern Maryland Health

Winter 2014

Step away from the coffee . . . Snacks to keep you energized all day long Most of us are familiar with the afternoon doldrums — that point at which your energy levels drop and you feel tired, listless and desperately in need of caffeine. Because our core body temperature naturally dips between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m., we find ourselves feeling drowsy in response to the brain’s release of melatonin — the same chemical that makes us tired at bedtime. So how to power through it? Before you reach for a second cup of coffee, consider fueling up with healthy snacks designed to give you a boost — and keep you powered up all day.

Whole grains Full of iron, protein, fiber and magnesium, whole grain snacks contain B vitamins to help battle fatigue and stabilize blood sugar levels. Because our bodies take longer to absorb the complex carbohydrates found in whole wheat foods, the body can maintain stable blood sugar levels for extended periods of time . . . which means you enjoy more energy. Reach for whole grain Fig Newtons; whole grain, reduced-fat crackers, like Triscuits, with low-fat cheese; whole wheat bread or toast with light butter; rice cakes; natural popcorn; and whole-grain pretzels.

Fresh fruit Packed with vitamin C, fiber and antioxidants, fruit can give you an afternoon energy boost with its good carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. Apples, bananas, oranges and pears are portable and do not require refrigeration — perfect for keeping at your desk. Fruit’s natural sweetness takes longer to metabolize than typical processed sugars, like those in chocolate, so your body will have to work harder to digest it . . . perking you up.

Greek yogurt It’s not just for breakfast. Rich in calcium, protein, phosphorous and zinc, Greek yogurt is thicker than traditional yogurt and does not digest as easily — producing more sustained energy levels. Since traditional yogurt digests quickly, the boost it offers fades fast, too. The protein in Greek yogurt keeps you feeling full longer and can make a great snack. The low-calorie versions come in a variety of flavors — and can even be substituted for dessert. Frozen varieties of Greek yogurt are popular after-meal treats.

Edamame These boiled soybeans are rich in iron, omega-3 fatty acids, fiber and protein — each of which helps the body sustain energy levels. Edamame also contained molybde-

num, a trace mineral that helps cells function properly while enhancing alertness and improving concentration. Buy them at the grocery store, rinse and store in your office fridge for a quick snack that’s also fun to eat. Whether fresh or dried, they’re a convenient way to power through the afternoon.

Nuts Almonds are packed with ingredients that help increase energy, including phosphorous, vitamin B2, magnesium and vitamin E. These characteristics aid in the production of energy while also relieving anxiety and stress. Because almonds are also rich in fiber and protein, they take longer for the body to digest— and you enjoy an energy boost. Your appetite may also be curbed due to their healthy fats, and possibly avoid the fatigue that accompanies

overeating at lunchtime. Just avoid popping too many at once. Pay attention to the serving size and pre-portion them from larger bags before you start eating, or buy individually-packaged lower-calorie nuts.

Hummus Loaded with protein and fiber, hummus is a snack designed to stay with you. Combined with the bulk, fiber and good carbohydrates of vegetables, you’ll have an afternoon snack that will satisfy and delight. Consider enjoying zucchini, carrots, red peppers or mushrooms with your hummus — a chickpea-based spread — for energy, or snack on it with whole-grain crackers or pretzel sticks. —MEGAN JOHNSON

Winter 2014

Southern Maryland Health

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Southern Maryland Health

Winter 2014

Winter 2014

Southern Maryland Health




Southern Maryland Health

Winter 2014

Get cooking tonight

• One unique dinner — and a healthier substitution in dessert

Winter fruit-stuffed pork tenderloin

Double chocolate toffee cookies Ingredients: 3/4 cup Bertolli Extra Light Tasting Olive Oil 1 cup granulated sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 3 eggs 1 cup all purpose flour 1 cup cocoa powder 1 teaspoon baking soda 2 tablespoons hot water 1 teaspoon sea salt and extra for sprinkling 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips 1 cup toffee bits or chocolate toffee Directions: In a stand mixer, beat the olive oil, sugar and extract until well mixed. Beat in the eggs one at a time. Dissolve the baking soda in the hot water and set aside. Add cocoa powder, flour, and salt into the mixer. Mix until rich dough comes together. Add in the dissolved baking soda. Then mix in the chocolate chips and toffee. Scoop the dough using a small ice cream scoop onto a parchment lined baking sheet. Sprinkle a pinch of sea salt on top of each cookie dough ball. Bake at 350 F for 8 minutes, until the edges are set. Let cool completely on the baking sheet before transferring to wire rack or plate. Source: Brandpoint, Bertolli

Ingredients: 1/2 cup dried apricots 1/2 cup dried cherries 1/2 cup dried figs 2 pork tenderloins (about 3 pounds total) 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper 1 cup crumbled blue cheese 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 4 tablespoons butter 1/4 cup honey, preferably sourwood honey Directions: 1. Mince the apricots, cherries and figs by hand or in a food processor. 2. Slice the tenderloins lengthwise, almost all the way through. Open them up and lay them flat. Place each tenderloin on a large piece of plastic wrap. Cover with another piece of plastic wrap and pound each piece of meat with a meat tenderizer until it is about 1/2-inch thick. Remove the top piece of plastic. 3. Season the surface of the pork with the salt and pepper. Divide the fruit mixture in half and spread evenly on the cut surface of each tenderloin. Top each with half of the cheese. Roll up each tenderloin, using the bottom piece of plastic to help you, tucking in the fruit and cheese as you go. Tie kitchen string every 2 inches around the tenderloins, continuing to push in any fruit or cheese that may fall out. 4. Preheat the oven to 450 F. 5. Heat the oil in a large skillet over mediumhigh heat. Sear the tied tenderloins, turning as each side is browned. Be careful when searing the open side, as some fruit and cheese might fall out. You are just trying to seal in the meat juices, not trying to cook the pork all the way through. 6. Combine the butter and honey in a microwaveable bowl and microwave on high

for about 20 seconds, or until the butter is melted. Drizzle the butter over the tenderloins. 7. Place the tenderloins on a baking sheet. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes, or until the meat reaches an internal temperature of 150 F. Remove the baking sheet and allow the tenderloins to sit for at least 10 minutes before slicing. This will keep the juices in the meat rather than all over your kitchen counter. 8. Snip off and discard the strings. Slice the pork into 1-inch-thick pieces and serve. Serves 8. Source: Laurey Masterton’s “The Fresh Honey Cookbook” (Storey Publishing)

Did you know? Bake in a more eco-conscious way by purchasing ingredients

in bulk. Staples like sugar, butter, flour and leavening ingredients can be bought in larger quantities to minimize the number of trips to the grocery store — and help reduce your carbon footprint. You’ll spend less time driving and more time eating, too.

Winter 2014

Why make dental health a priority? More than just a pretty smile, your teeth — and oral health — can be crucial to your overall wellbeing. “Like many areas of the body, your mouth is teeming with bacteria — most of them harmless,” says the Mayo Clinic ( “Normally the body’s natural defenses and good oral health care, such as daily brushing and flossing, can keep these bacteria until control. However, without proper oral hygiene, bacteria can reach levels that might lead to oral infections, such as tooth decay and gum disease.” To protect your teeth, the clinic recommends practicing good hygiene by brushing at least twice a day, flossing daily, eating a healthy diet with limited between-meal

snacks and replacing your toothbrush every three to four months, or sooner if your bristles become frayed. Scheduling regular dental checkups and cleanings with a dentist is also an important step in maintaining your oral health. Beyond brushing, taking certain medications — like some antihistamines, painkillers and decongestants — can reduce saliva flow, preventing necessary saliva from washing away food and neutralizing acids produced by bacteria in the mouth. This process helps protect you from microbial invasion that can lead to disease. “Studies also suggest that oral bacteria and the inflammation associated with periodontitis — a See Dental, Page 18

Southern Maryland Health


Winter 2014

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16 Southern Maryland Health

Winter 2014

For your body and mind


Dance, dance

Improved posture, body toning, confidence building, bone strengthening . . . just a few of the many benefits of dance. But did you know your mind can benefit from cutting a rug, too? The health benefits of regular exercise are far-reaching, according to the AARP. Exercising increases the level of brain chemicals that encourage the growth of nerve cells — and dancers must remember steps and sequences, which boosts your memory skills and brain power. What else can it do? Like other low-impact, moderate activities like cycling, aerobics or brisk walking, dancing can increase your stamina, agility and flexibility as well as help reduce stress and tension. It can also help ward off illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, osteoporosis and depression, and

Southern Maryland Health


improve the condition of your lungs and heart. Dancers may also see a benefit through increased muscular strength and endurance, plus better balance and motor fitness. It can be effective for weight management, too. Dancing is especially beneficial for adults age 50 and older because it can be customized to reflect your own desired level of exertion, the AARP says. If you’re not ready to bust too many moves, you can start slowly and build your way up to a more rigorous style. Whether we’re talking line dancing, ballroom, folk, jazz, tap, salsa, waltz or more, the options are plentiful — and you can have fun while you groove. But how does dancing help the mind? A study led by the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, funded by the National Institute on Aging and published in the New England Journal of Medicine outlines a 21year profile of senior citizens aged 75 and older objectively See Dance, Page 21


Southern Maryland Health

Winter 2014

Dental Continued from Page 15

severe form of gum disease — might play a role in some diseases,” says the clinic. “In addition, certain diseases, such as diabetes and HIV/AIDS, can lower the body’s resistance to infection, making oral health problems more severe.” Oral health may also affect, be affected by or contribute to many conditions and diseases, the Mayo Clinic advises. They include: • Diabetes. Because diabetes reduces the body’s resistance to infection, the gums are at risk.“Gum disease appears to be frequent and severe among people who have diabetes,” the clinic states. “Research shows that people who have gum disease have a harder time controlling their blood sugar levels.” • Cardiovascular disease. Research suggests that heart disease, stroke and clogged arteries could be linked to the inflammation and infections that oral bacteria can cause. • Pregnancy and birth. Periodon-

titis has been linked to premature birth and low birth weight. • Endocarditis. An infection of the inner lining of the heart, endocarditis typically occurs when bacteria or other germs from another part of your body — like the mouth — spread through the bloodstream and attach to damaged areas in the heart. • Osteoporosis. Periodontal bone loss and tooth loss could be linked to osteoporosis, which causes the bones to become weak and brittle. • Alzheimer’s disease. Tooth loss before age 35 might be a risk factor for the disease, the Mayo Clinic notes. Because of potential links to illness and disease, be sure to tell your dentist if you’re taking any medications or have had any changes to your overall health — especially if you’re battling a chronic condition, like diabetes. Remember that, according to the American Dental Association, dentists’ areas of care extend beyond the teeth and gums. Your

visit could include an examination of the muscles of the head, neck and jaw, the tongue, salivary glands, the nervous system of the head and

neck and other areas. Regular check-ups can help ensure you look and feel your best.


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Winter 2014


Southern Maryland Health



Southern Maryland Health

Winter 2014

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Dr. Blucher and his family have now completed their move to full time St. Mary’s county residency from Ellicott City. Now that his move is complete we are able to extend his office hours with Solomons Island Dental Associates. As of January 2014, Dr. O’Roark and Dr. Blucher are now accepting new patients to the practice. Solomons Island Dental Associates are participating providers with all insurance PPO plans and offer services covered by CareCredit.

Stomach Continued from Page 9

known as electrolytes. Infants, young children, older adults and people with weak immune systems have the greatest risk of becoming dehydrated.” So how to protect yourself — and recover faster? Because viruses are present in the stool and vomit of those infected, the NIH cautions, those with the illness can contaminate surfaces, objects, food and drink, especially if their hands are not thoroughly and frequently washed. Avoid touching your own mouth — and remember the best defense against illness is to wash one’s own hands as often as possible.Try not to share food, drink or eating utensils with others. If you do become ill, you probably won’t feel any desire for food — but it’s recommended sufferers stay away from eating, especially if you are vomiting regularly. While the stomach is irritated, it’s best to try sipping clear broth and liquids that are easy on the digestive system. If

you begin to feel better and can stomach heartier foods, the NIH recommends gradually reintroducing bland, easy-to-digest foods like rice, potatoes, bread, lean meat, applesauce or bananas into your diet. Avoid sugary, fatty foods as well as caffeine, alcohol and dairy products until you make a full recovery. You could get over the stomach flu faster if you be sure to rest — so don’t get up unless it’s necessary. Sleep and be sure to stay as hydrated as possible by drinking fruit juices, sports drinks, caffeine-free soft drinks and broths to replace your body’s loss of salt, electrolytes and fluids, the NIH states. Beverages like Pedialyte are recommended for children and the elderly. Know that gastroenteritis often heals on its own — but if you find your symptoms are persisting, you have a high fever or see blood in your stool, see your doctor. What you presume to be a virus could actually be another condition or bacterial infection requiring antibiotics. —MEGAN JOHNSON


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If you are new to the area, or just looking for a change to a low pressure, family oriented, dental practice, that can complete most procedures “inhouse” Solomons Island Dental Associates is the practice for you. If you find yourself in the area please take a minute and stop by and meet the staff, enjoy the waterfront view, and see for yourself why our patients call Solomons Island Dental Associates one of the best practices in the southern Maryland area.

Winter 2014

Southern Maryland Health

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Dance Continued from Page 17

A few spots to bust a move — or three

• So. Md. Boot Scooters (bootscootmeasured for mental acuity by monitoring rates of dementia. • So. Md. Traditional Music & Dance They sought to determine if ( any cognitive recreational • Aqua Squares Dance Club activities (crossword puzzles, ( reading, playing an instru• Calvert County Dept. of Parks and ment) or physical ones (swimRecreation ( ming, bicycling, playing tennis, • Elite Gymnastics & Recreation Center doing housework) had a signif( icant benefit to the mind. • St. Mary’s Dept. of Recreation and Though almost none of the Parks ( physical activities seemed to • Charles County senior centers offer protection against ( dementia, dancing frequently /senior-centers) resulted in a 76 percent reduced risk of dementia — the greatest benefit of any activity studied, mental or physical. new pathways. The more difficult Because “persons with higher the routines, the more paths you’ll educational levels are more resist- create. ant to the effects of dementia as a Intelligence must be used or lost, result of having a greater cognitive the study outlines — so feel the beat reserve and increased complexity of and go for it. neuronal synapses,” the study said, If you’re not sure where to start, dancers participating in mentally engaging activities lower their risk of look into dance classes at gyms and dementia by putting their minds — senior centers. Local dance groups meet regularly for fun and friendand bodies — to good use. When it comes to improving your ship, too, and Southern Maryland is mind, it pays to participate in activ- home to many dance studios offerities that require quick decision- ing a variety of classes for all ages making. Dancers learn new skills and skill levels. Find what works for while getting exercise — and the you and your schedule and give it a challenge of a new education means whirl. your brain will generate the need for —MEGAN JOHNSON

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Southern Maryland Health

Winter 2014

Karen Acton, CEO Megan Johnson, editor

Southern Maryland Health

Cover design by Brandon Young

For advertising opportunities: In Charles County, call 301-764-2812 or email

is published by Post Community Media, LLC

In St. Mary’s County, call 301-866-6402 or email

In Calvert County, call 301-855-1029 or email

Brain Continued from Page 5


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tion appear to be somewhat protective against Alzheimer’s, possibly because brain cells and their connections are stronger. Well-educated individuals can still get Alzheimer’s, but symptoms may appear later because of this protective effect.” To get started, think about challenging yourself. A study funded by the National Institute on Aging and published in the New England Journal of Medicine found doing crossword puzzles at least four times a week could result in a 47 percent reduced risk of developing dementia. Working on puzzles and staying curious, involved and committed to lifelong learning is a good way to keep the mind healthy and engaged, the Alzheimer’s Association says. Attending lectures, plays and shows, playing games, educational and recreational reading, gardening and trying memory exercises are other ways to engage the brain. The association suggests enrolling in continuing education courses through local community groups, schools, colleges or senior centers, where new skills will call upon the mind to expand. Try other neural building and strengthening routines by changing up everyday movements, the

Franklin Institute suggests. An easy challenge is to switch up how you brush your teeth, dial the phone, use a computer mouse or operate the TV remote: by using your opposite hand. Though it may feel uncomfortable at first, your mind will learn a new skill — and become more precise and accurate with practice. Breaking routines is a great way to give your mind a work-out. The Alzheimer’s Association recommends adding small changes to routines to increase mental stimulation, like taking a daily walk — and then changing up your route. Take a different drive to work or another way around the office, or go shopping at a new grocery store where you won’t immediately know where to find everything on your list. Instead of always starting in produce, shimmy over to the frozen foods and work “backwards.” Other ways to put your brain to the test? Get dressed or wash your hair with your eyes closed, relying on memory and touch to complete your task. Listen to the rain and tap your fingers simultaneously, the Franklin Institute says. You can also listen to music and smell flowers or watch clouds while completing a manual task, like playing with modeling play or knitting, which combines the use of two senses at once. It’s all about the challenge — and continuing to learn. —MEGAN JOHNSON



Southern Maryland Health

Page 23

Page 24


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