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Non-Traditional Students Essay example

With today's changing world and the economy the way it is, it is not uncommon for people of all ages to enter the college setting. In fact, two–thirds of students entering the college setting are classified non–traditional (Brown, 2007). Bill (2003) found that there was an 11% increase of non–traditional student enrollment from 1991–1998 displaying 35% in 91 and 46% in 1998. These numbers have since increased according to Jacobson & Harris (2008) showing that half to 75% of undergraduates consist of the non–traditional student sitting the reasons for reentering the college setting to be economic. What exactly defines a non–traditional student and what services may they need in comparison to the traditional student. According to...show more content...

Non–traditional students need services that aid them with their self–confidence. The non–traditional student may need added encouragement from the counselor that the choice that has been made suits his career options. He may need assurance that he correctly using the internet to research occupations of interest. The traditional student on the other hand may find it beneficial to be a part of peer counseling programs or internships.


Question # 2

Career Counseling can be beneficial to everyone that seeks employment. However, when seeking advice and assistance on something as important as a career, people should know the credentials of the counselor. Many individuals that pursue career counseling follow a variety of code of ethics and ethical guidelines according to Brown (2007). With this being said, it is important that career counseling practice should be regulated.

According to Porter, Gildon, & Zgliczynski (2000), people claiming to be counselors is a serious problem in the state of California because no formal standards are set for appropriate licensure except for that of a marriage counselor. This lack of standards and credentials causes many problems for those seeking advice and assistance with a particular problem. More importantly, the public is not protected even if they take a case to court and the "counselor" is found guilty. What is to be taken away? He can continue to practice because he does not have a certificate to begin with. Lreh

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