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Tribute to Founding Teacher




Why did I stay at Somerset College for 37 years?

The answer is simple. I have been blessed to have a job that I was happy to come to every day and the good health to allow me to do it. My job changed continually from Maths teacher to Head of House - Laver to Senior Mistress to Deputy Head and finally, completing the full circle, Chemistry teacher. The staff are supportive and friendly and the students, in the main, are delightful to teach.

My rewards have been many but the biggest reward is when a past student thanks me for the influence I had on their lives.

Retirement has not been as different as I expected it to be, thanks to Covid-19. As I live with my daughter I was homeschooling my grandson who is 12 and my granddaughter who is nearly 15. When that is finished for the day I garden, do crosswords and other brain games or knit trauma teddies for Red Cross and blanket squares for other charities. Now homeschooling is finished, I do miss it.

I think it will be some time before my retirement will include going back to the gym and enjoying outings with other past Somerset staff. Joining a choir and a Mahjong group are also on my bucket list.

Bev Gallus Former Founding Teacher of Somerset College

One Constant

When I think of Bev, I visualise her steady gait, Kind demeanour, And her strength in the face of All sorts of adversity.

I see commitment to a cause, To her love of Chemistry, And the scores of students Who flourished under her wing, And still do!

I see the one constant in the face of unrelenting change, At least for a time,

Bev, A teacher, Cut from a different tartan cloth, Steady, reliable, The engine room of the school, (In her time), Once encountered, never forgotten!

- Michael Brohier Deputy Headmaster The “Pinkies” immediately spring to mind! In the days before electronic supervision sheets, these were pink supervision sheets (fondly known as “pinkies”) that Bev would carefully organise in countless piles around the shelves in her room (how she did this on a Camp Week still beats me!) and put into pigeon holes each morning.

I have memories of myself and other teachers hovering behind her - very politely of course – with tension and expectation, hoping we wouldn’t get one, while she very calmly and professionally placed them in each pigeon hole.

- Helen Moffat t Teacher

Bev was a wonderful colleague and the ultimate professional. It was a privilege to work with her. I don’t remember anyone ever disagreeing with Bev or speaking ill of her. Her quiet, calm and polite demeanour was her tower of strength.

-Andrew Wrigley Teacher

Bev Gallus is an inspirational teacher. The rapport she had with students was genuine, nurturing, contagious and above all underpinned by the passion she had for great teaching and maximising student learning in her class. Bev Gallus may have been diminutive in size, but a giant in the class room. Her Chemistry knowledge so vast, and her patience with her students so broad. As a team member, her extensive experience over the years was invaluable and as an advocate for positive change she was always at the front-line, rising to new challenges.

Bev’s legacy lives on through the numerous Somerset Teachers that she taught during her time at the College. Somerset College was blessed to have had Bev Gallus as an integral member of its community.

- Christine Wylie



A few years ago, we had a coaching system introduced whereby we would observe and provide feedback to teachers in other faculties. I was paired with Bev. I felt silly trying to think of ways to suggest that she could improve! Anyway, we went along with it. The thing that stayed with me was her tremendous classroom presence and the respect that her students had for her.

- Chris Enwright

To sum up Bev Gallus in a few short sentences is a very difficult thing to do. Bev, in her various roles at the College, was always warm, quick to laugh at funny situations (especially if she was involved), empathetic and understanding but definitely displayed a firm hand when direction was needed and ultimately always a lady. I could not have asked for a better role model for my early years of teaching and I regret not having learnt even more from her.

Bev always had the respect of everyone she dealt with, the school community, the staff and the students. Her rapport with students is enviable - what other staff member had their Teacher

own rapper name – Bevy G!

- Sue Roberts Head of Performing Arts

I have had the honour and privilege of working closely beside Bev since 2010. Professionally, Bev believed in me and helped me develop confidence in my ability, inspiring me to take on all opportunities and to always set high standards for myself to achieve.

Personally, Bev supported me through challenging personal struggles encouraging me to always be optimistic. Whilst, I can not thank Bev enough for her support as a colleague, it is her friendship that I will always be most thankful for.

- Lisa Beere

Head of House - Veivers I didn’t work with Bev for long, just one year. I wished it had been for longer. I found her to be a very honourable person who worked hard for each of her students until her very last day of school. I hope to sustain this kind of effort in my own career. The kind of teacher that younger teachers can look up to. I hope you are enjoying a well-earned retirement.

- Rob Hughes


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