Somervale School Prospectus 2010-11

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An Arts College specialising in English, Music and Media

Welcome To The

Somervale School Prospectus

I am very proud to be the Headteacher of Somervale School. Pupils at Somervale enjoy the benefits of being in a small school. Now the partnership with Norton Hill brings huge new advantages to both schools and all their pupils. As Headteacher of both schools, it is my job to make sure we maximise all these advantages, whilst the two schools continue to flourish in their own right.

young people and not just some of them, is an exciting challenge. I will ensure that in this task I will be as successful as I have been at Norton Hill.

As a small school, Somervale offers greater opportunities for pupils to be involved and to lead activities. Linking with a larger school will maintain a broad curriculum and ensure economies of scale. Joint working and new developments will build on Somervale’s strong foundations.

With extensive building improvements, rising exam results and changes to the pastoral structure, the school is progressing rapidly.

I have found Somervale a friendly, exciting and forward looking school, where the small school ethos ensures that every child is known and valued. Staff and students work hard together to achieve high standards.

Peter Beaven Headteacher For me, the chance to work across the whole community, to serve all the



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We will raise standards of achievement for every student. We will insist on high standards of work, behaviour and uniform. We will provide a wide and varied curriculum that meets everyone’s needs and prepares young people for life in the adult world.

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We have a very strong system of pastoral care – we are known for our excellent transition from primary school to Year 7. There is a very wide range of extra-curricular opportunities for students. Students are involved in taking the lead and are proud of their school.

Learning •

There will be a particular emphasis on the basics in English and Maths. Students will have an impressive range of subjects to choose from as they move up through the key stages. Our dedicated and experienced staff are all committed to high standards and enjoy working with young people. The Media Arts specialism ensures we have an enviable range of the very latest digital resources which will enhance all students’ learning.

“I am very privileged to be the Headteacher of Somervale School. Everyone at the school is committed to working with the students and their parents to help our young people to achieve their very best and to mature into responsible young adults.” Peter Beaven, Headteacher

“Rigorous academic monitoring of the pupils’ work and progress is a strong feature of the school.” OFSTED


Learning at Somervale The Somervale curriculum ensures students are given a very good grounding in the basics of English and Maths as well as providing a broad and balanced curriculum. Choice and variety of subjects increase as students move up through the school.

“The school provides a broad and balanced curriculum which meets students’ needs.” OFSTED


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English Maths Science French Spanish (from Yr 8) Geography History Religion, Ethics & Critical Thinking (RE@CT) Design & Technology PE Art Music Information and Communication Technology Learning for Life (Citizenship, Personal, Social and Health Education)



Students can also choose to study: • • • •

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English Maths Science Religion, Ethics & Critical Thinking (RE@CT) Information & Communication Technology PE Citizenship (with Careers & Guidance) Sex & Relationships Education

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Art Biology Business & Admin Diploma Catering Chemistry Construction Diploma Creative & Media Diploma Dance Drama Engineering Diploma French Geography Graphic Design History IT Diploma Music PE Physics Product Design Spanish Textiles

Students can choose to study from an unusually wide range of subjects thanks to our Federation with Norton Hill and our links with Norton Radstock College. • • • • • • •

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Art Biology Business Studies Chemistry Critical Thinking Drama & Theatre English Literature & English Language Fashion French Geography Health & Social Care History Information & Communication Technology Leisure & Recreation Media Studies Music BTEC

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PE Politics Photography Pure Maths with Mechanics Pure Maths with Statistics Physics Product Design Psychology Religious Studies Sociology Textiles Travel and Tourism

“Students are keen to learn. They are given a number of opportunities to work together and assess each other’s progress and this helps them engage in and enjoy their learning...” Her Majesty’s Inspector

Homework and the School Diary Homework is set regularly and every student has a school diary in which to record work set. Homework encourages initiative and selfdiscipline in students. Tasks vary but will include written work of all kinds, as well as research, learning and revision.

The Library The Somervale library is to be extended from September 2010 to enhance it as a study facility. It is an excellent resource for reading and research. It is open to all students before and after school as well as throughout the day. It is well stocked with books and magazines and has a suite of computers for independent research work. Students also have the opportunity to train as librarians.

Information & Communication Technology (ICT) The school has six main computer areas, including the Media Suite which offers state of the art TV and radio recording studio, digital video and media software. Music has a suite of Apple Mac computers and a music recording studio and there is computer provision in many other areas of the school.

Student Assessment Students are assessed regularly and parents are informed about their child’s progress through formal reports and progress updates three times a year, scheduled parents’ meetings and academic review day.

“Students are actively involved in their own learning and work well together and are regularly involved in assessing their own work.” OFSTED


Media Arts at Somervale Somervale School became a Media Arts College in September 2000 and was re-designated as a Media Arts College for a third time in July 2010. From September 2010 the school will benefit from a further £250,000 of capital and resource investment in its Specialism. From January 2009 the school became host to Somer Valley FM our own community radio station broadcasting on 97.5FM.

The students will now have access to: • • • • •

An internal radio recording studio An audio recording studio A TV recording studio Two video editing suites A media computer suite using the latest digital i-Mac computers • Class sets of video camcorders

Our students have the opportunity to: “Somervale is a hub school for the Creative and Media Diploma. The pilot is proving popular and attracting new students. Somer Valley FM, is going from strength to strength and is having a positive impact on the local community.” Her Majesty’s Inspector

• Take the Creative & Media Diploma from 14/16 and A level Media Studies • Use media equipment and expertise in a wide range of subjects such as Science, Geography and Religious Education We have a cinema quality screen, digital projector and sound system in the main hall which we use to show films and media work created by the students. We extend our media arts expertise to the wider community too. Many students in our partner primary schools and Fosseway Special School have enjoyed working with Somer Valley FM through our community out-reach projects.

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Able, Gifted amd Talented Students Here at Somervale School we have a strong identification programme and support students across all Key Stages. Students are identified for their gifts and talents in specific subjects and receive support to develop these abilities. In the past we have completed the NACE Challenge Award. We have many opportunities in and out of the curriculum for students to participate in.

Great Opportunities We provide a wide range of additional opportunities for able, gifted and talented students at Somervale School. These include:

“The school has developed a clear set of criteria and procedures to identify gifted and talented students, and offers them a good range of extra challenges… High attaining students do well.” OFSTED

• Early entry at GCSE in Maths & English and Triple Science at KS4. • Personalised mentoring • A wide variety of extra-curricular activities including school productions. • Participation in our ‘Beautiful Futures Team’ • Author visits • Maths Challenge • Engineering day • Guest speakers across all years • Instrumental lessons • Bath Spa mentoring including the Sixth Form • Junior Sports Leaders Award • Ten Tors • Duke of Edinburgh • Aim Higher University visits Many Somervale students are members of the National Association for Gifted and Talented Youth.


Pastoral Care at Somervale Somervale has always had a very strong pastoral system which ensures we care for each and every individual. All students belong to a Tutor Group and are supported by their pastoral team.

Recognising Achievement

Special Educational Needs

A wide range of Tutor activities are organised throughout the year for students including competitions, fundraising, trips and community service.

Additional support for students with learning or social needs is provided by a team of well qualified, experienced staff. Support is given for reading and writing - individual support for social needs is also a great strength of the team. Our special needs suite is a warm, welcoming environment. Students can use interactive ICT facilities to ensure high-quality, individualised learning. Daily lunchtime clubs also offer support with homework and social needs.

We make sure achievements are recognised through rewards which are given in recognition of good work or progress and for service to the school or community.

Student Responsibilities Somervale students play a key role in decision making on school matters and in the running of the school. They are represented through the School Council and many older students act as mentors to younger ones. A large number of Year 10/11 students help with additional responsibilities around the school e.g. through the senior students scheme and coaching and officiating in sport within the Junior Sportsleader programme.

“Both of my children were encouraged to achieve to their best ability at Somervale. They thrived in the school’s caring and purposeful atmosphere and both have gone on to university with confidence and enthusiasm...� Parent of two former pupils

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Careers and Guidance This begins in Key Stage 3 as students consider options for Key Stage 4 and becomes a comprehensive programme as students turn their attention to life after school, fully supported by the Connexions careers service. All students in Year 10 participate in work experience.

Becoming a Somervale Student Somervale School extends a welcome to parents and friends who are free to visit us at any time by reporting to school reception. We are particularly pleased to welcome visitors to see the school at work.

A Smooth Transition to Somervale Every autumn we hold an Open Evening when children in their final year at primary school are invited to come with their parents to Somervale to meet our students and teachers. Our students act as guides and hosts for the evening, during which time senior staff lead a question and answer session on school policies and educational issues. There are lots of activities which help make the transition from primary school to Somervale as smooth and successful as possible. These activities include master classes, competitions and activity days such as: • • • •

Science Sport Music Radio production

Pastoral staff visit all Year 6 students coming to Somervale during the summer term. They also speak to Year 6 teachers at the primary schools.

We hold an Induction Day in July where students get a chance to experience new lessons and begin the process of making new friends. This is followed by an information evening for students and parents.

“My child’s transition from primary school was handled in a very sensitive and professional manner and there was a great deal of interaction leading up to the big day. As a result, she has had an excellent start to her secondary education, her confidence has grown considerably and we are delighted with her progress.” Parent of a Year 7 Student


Extra-Curricular Activities As an Extended School, Somervale runs a wide range of extra-curricular activities throughout the year. Here are some examples: ANNUAL ACTIVITIES • • • • • •

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Enrichment days in the summer term Biology & Environment field trips Carol service Geography field trips Golden Cap Camp (running since 1949) Humanities visits (e.g. synagogues, churches and museums) Media Studies trips to France Music and Drama productions Normandy visits for all Year 7 students School Production Sixth Form revue Spain visit for Year 8 students Ski trip University Visits Work experience for all Year 10 students

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WEEKLY ACTIVITIES • • • • • • • • • •

Gardening club Wildlife club Choir Computer club Dance club Feature writing for the newsletter Rock groups Science club String group GCSE and A level revision classes



Sports and Music • Activities Somer Valley FM radio Homework club • Library IT club • • •

Inter school matches in numerous different sports Mentoring for exam success Theatre visits to Bath and Bristol Visits to local businesses Whole year social activities, (for example to ice rinks, bowling or theme parks)

The school is rightly proud of its track record on ‘sustainability’ led by our market gardening business, ‘The Beautiful Futures’ team. Their inspiration has led to the school being the first in the Local Authority to gain the Eco Schools Green Flag Award and its achievements were also recognised by the Local Council when the team won the school ‘The Chairman’s Award’ for its work on sustainability. The team hosts an annual ‘Gardening for All’ evening which welcomes the whole community.

Music at Somervale Music plays a unique and important part at Somervale School and is taught in a splendid purpose built Music Centre opened by Michael Eavis in July 2003. The Centre has two classrooms, four practice rooms and a large store. The department boasts a suite of powerful mini-Mac computers with recording and sequencing software and students are able to make sound recordings.

Students are taught Music as part of the National Curriculum and there are plenty of opportunities to learn a musical instrument from flute and violin to electric guitar and drums. There are numerous extra-curricular activities in Music including a choir, string group, fusion band and rock groups to name but a few. The Music Department is also a Yamaha teaching school and 30 students have keyboard and electric guitar lessons with our trained Yamaha school teachers. Members of the wider school community are welcome to these lessons which take place after school. The school also offers all Year 7 students the opportunity for Yamaha lessons within the curriculum. There are lots of opportunities for students to perform in public - these include concerts, our annual carol service, the spring concert and numerous performances in the local community. Somervale students have enjoyed a very high level of success in Music and have gone on to study at, amongst other places, the Royal Academy, Sir Paul McCartney’s School of Music in Liverpool and a scholarship at Oxford University.


Sport at Somervale Sport is particularly strong at Somervale School. In Years 7 to 9, students enjoy a wide range of sports in PE lessons including netball, football, rugby, athletics, basketball, trampolining, tennis, cricket, rounders, table tennis and health related exercise. This continues into Years 10 to 13 where students can also study PE to GCSE and A level. The school makes extensive use of sports coaches, for example from Bath Rugby Club.

A Wide Range of Sporting Activities There is a very wide range of sporting extracurricular activities and Somervale School has an enviable record in winning numerous leagues and competitions. Our Year 11 football boys’ team were Somerset County Cup finalists in 2010 and our Golf Team won the B&NES Cup. There are regular inter tutor competitions. The school was awarded the prestigious Sports England Sportsmark Award in 2010 in recognition of the very wide range of activities on offer and the high standards achieved. The PE Department also looks to develop students through leadership programmes. For example, 40% of Year 10 students this year are involved in the Junior Sports Leader Award. Somervale students also help organise festivals and run training sessions for children from local primary schools. Our School Sports Coordinator runs numerous festivals and competitions with our partner primary schools.

“My son is very happy at Somervale and is always keen to go to school in the morning. He enjoys all aspects of school life especially the after school sports clubs.” Year 8 parent

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Outdoor Activities and Cultural Visits Somervale has a long tradition of providing outdoor activities and cultural experiences for its students. These range from a nearly 50 year long tradition of Golden Cap Camp to foreign trips to Normandy and Spain. The school provided real challenges for outdoor enthusiasts such as the Ten Tors Challenge and the Duke of Edinburgh up to Gold standard. Within the curriculum there is Geography and History fieldwork as well as activities in Science week such as the Bristol Zoo visit.

Somervale’s cultural activities & trips include:

Theme Days • Holocaust memorial days • Festival Theme Day • Commonwealth Theme Day Arts Extra: every fortnight students are given the opportunity to choose an art or recreation activity from a wide range of options. In 2010 this led to a memorable school production of ‘The Witches’.

Languages Visits

The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme and Ten Tors Students have the opportunity to participate in the scheme at bronze, silver and gold levels, developing key skills valued by employers. We also enter successful teams for the annual Ten Tors event on Dartmoor.

International Visits Somervale students also enjoy other visits abroad. We have organised:

Every student in Year 7 has the opportunity to visit Normandy to practise their French and to experience French culture first hand.

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Skiing trips to Europe and North America Geography visit to Paris Media Studies visits to New York Travel and tourism visit to Egypt

Later in Year 8 students get a similar opportunity to visit northern Spain.

Enrichment Days Somervale students also enjoy a variety of enrichment activities during the last two days of the academic year.

“Students have many opportunities to go on trips both locally and abroad and to participate in productions ...Visiting speakers are well used to widen students’ experience...” OFSTED


Somervale Sixth Form Centre Students staying on in the Sixth Form enjoy the best of both worlds; the benefits of continuity of study in their home school whilst enjoying the richness and diversity of a curriculum which is offered to all students across the Federation.

Great Sixth Form Opportunities We offer students who stay on Post-16 at Somervale a chance to get involved in the life of the school through such things as mentoring, community service, outdoor pursuits and coaching within their home school. However, we also offer some activities across the Federation which benefit all, such as Higher Education visits and preparation for university application and learning about university finance.

Somervale boasts excellent Sixth Form opportunities and can offer:

“Sixth Formers are upbeat about the quality of provision and the progress they are making.” Her Majesty’s Inspector

• A very wide range of courses across the Federation • Quality teaching ensuring very high standards of achievement, including Oxbridge entrance • Strong pastoral care through a tutor and Head of Sixth Form – this includes help with future career planning and academic tutoring interviews • New private study facilities for Sixth Form students in the Learning and Resource Centre • Strong links with local universities enabling students to attend residential Summer Schools to Oxford University, Bristol University & the University of the West of England • Full and varied tutorial programme helping students prepare for their future, culminating in the ‘Next Step Forward’ week in July • A full and active role in the life of the school, for example as mentors to younger students • Plenty of opportunities for travel – Sixth Form overseas visits have included New York, France, and Egypt • Positive working relationships with teachers Please contact the school for a separate Sixth Form prospectus.

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Somervale School - Serving The Community From Timsbury B3355

From Radford HAM LANE

From Hallatrow

From Camerton




High Littleton Camerton Clutton Wellow Timsbury Temple Cloud Peasdown Radford Hallatrow St. John Paulton Farrington Gurney Radstock Chewton MIDSOMER NORTON Mendip Kilmersdon Emborough Coleford Chilcompton Holcombe Stratton-on-the-Fosse Stoke St. Binegar Michael Nettlebridge Gurney Slade



From Peasdown St. John


From Farrington Gurney








From Clapton






From Clapton



From Haydon





From Chilcompton



A367 From Stratton-on-the-Fosse

Redfield Road, Midsomer Norton, Radstock BA3 2JD Telephone: 01761 414276 | Fax: 01761 410613 | Email: Headteacher: Peter Beaven B.A., M.B.A.

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