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The Somerville Association President’s Report 2020-2021

This has, of course, been a year when alumni and Association activity has been more or less entirely online. It will be wonderful to resume face-to-face contact but a mixed economy surely beckons. The pandemic has hugely accelerated the adoption of what used to be known as ‘videoconferencing’, with the software maturing at pace. Somerville has upgraded its technology, with generous support from many alumni. And the hugely successful online Auction encapsulates the benefits. It brought together our scattered alumni to create an amazing list of offerings, more than 1,000 bids, and raised £96,000 for the college. As a happy purchaser I hope very much that this is the first of many.


The Spring Meeting was also, of course, virtual – and with record numbers attending. It was wonderful to welcome Xand van Tulleken (1996, Physiological Sciences), recovered from his own terrifying bout with Covid, and in great form. Another benefit of the format was that we were able to take some great questions from participating children, online with their parents. The same month saw Somerville celebrate 100 years of PPE, with an excellent panel and high online turnout. As a PPE graduate in attendance, I thought this was one of the occasions when an online format provided some major benefits, not least the way that people could and did get re-acquainted in the chat. The short notes that many of us provided were also fascinating because they focused on the degree, rather than on Oxford life more generally, and they are available to download online at https://bit.ly/3aUWwd5. I hope the college has some more great degree-specific anniversaries coming up – this format definitely deserves repeating.

Other online highlights were the Climate Change Seminar and a discussion with Martin Desmond Roe (1997, Lit. Hum.) about his Oscar-winning short film Two Distant Strangers. The Principal hosted informal ‘meet the Principal’ events on Zoom for alumni in Asia, Europe and North America. The Somerville London Group hosted a wide range of talks, and their book club is also flourishing; there are several other Somerville book clubs and if anyone would like details please email elizabeth. cooke@some.ox.ac.uk

However we also hit the downside of pandemic life. For the second year, the college had to cancel our wonderful Commemoration Service and substitute an online Commemoration. This annual service is always greatly appreciated by the families and friends of Somervillians who have died during the previous year. Hopefully 2022 will see its return.

Finally, this year, like so many others, has seen Somervillians honoured in the New Year and Queen’s Birthday Honours – and marks the first appearance there of ‘Somerville man’ in the person of Dan York-Smith (1998, Modern History), Director, Strategy, Planning and Budget, HM Treasury. He received a CB for public service, continuing the core Somerville tradition of service to society. Other Somervillians honoured this year were:

Diana Evans (1978, English). MBE for Services to Heritage

Mary Jones (2005, Jurisprudence). Lately Deputy Director, Home Affairs and EU Exit, Cabinet Office. OBE for Public Service.

Prof. Farah Bhatti (1984, Physiological Sciences). First female consultant cardiothoracic surgeon in Wales. OBE for Services to Diversity in the NHS in Wales.

Narmada Helen de Silva (1989, Experimental Psychology). Deputy Director, Strategic and Cross Cutting Policy Group, HM Revenue and Customs. OBE for Public Service.

Dr Rachel Glennerster (1985, PPE). Chief Economist Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office. CMG for Services to International Development.

Katherine Edda Escott (née Deakin, known as Kata and married to Fellow Somervillian Harry; 1997, Lit Hum). Strategy Director, Ministry of Defence. CB for Public Service.

On behalf of the Somerville Association, I would like to congratulate them all; and also extend my thanks to the Association committee and year reps for all their work on behalf of the college, and to Liz Cooke and Lisa Gygax for, as always, offering enormous ongoing support to the Association and to alumni everywhere.

ALISON WOLF (Potter, 1967)

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