The function of a job finder service states its intention in the title, to help the user find a job. A typical service provides a laundry list of results based upon a specific keyword or phrase, but in this method the true search begins. On average, it takes 43 days for an individual to successfully find a job. Shaving off a chunk of this time can come simply through a more sophisticated search engine, one that carters to each user individually. A notion largely unexplored by other competitors in the field, a personalized job finding service that continues the search even when the user is not and provides specific results based upon their “taste profile� form are a means of cutting back on that 43 day wait period.
The Interface
The app runs off a color palette identical to that of the Red-Throated Caracara which is recognizable as the very face of the app itself. The inspiration behind choosing this bird was in combination with its behavior patterns and from the joy that comes in simply saying the bird’s name. The overarching goal in this selection was to create some wholly recognizable and unique in this otherwise bland market sector.
Reds hold the domineering spot as the navbars and other static primary elements throughout the app. Blues are utilized as the secondary header bars and see the most attention from the user when using the app. Yellows are implemented to help break up the visual space should others colors begin to clash. Yellow is also used as a means to highlight elements like inputs or notifications due to how sparingly the color is used.
The advertisement on youtube runs through the key elements found within the app itself giving a brief rundown of what Careeracara does and why the user should pick it up.
The app runs off a color palette identical to that of the Red-Throated Caracara which is recognizable as the very face of the app itself. The inspiration behind choosing this bird was in combination with its behavior patterns and from the joy that comes in simply saying the bird’s name. The overarching goal in this selection was to create some wholly recognizable and unique in this otherwise bland market sector.
With 1/3 of the United States’ population of children being overweight or obese, the number draws even higher during the summer months where families may be unable to afford outside care or a means in which to help their children keep active and learning. Through the implementation of a contest hosted by Kool-aid, any and every child has the same opportunity to make it an unforgettable summer. With the contest set on varying tier levels, the only goal this summer is to make it a fun one. Installation pieces alongside poster and magazine ads will help inform the public of the contest while social media will track the results of the campaign. It’s time to make a splash this summer with Kool-aid.
sum mer t s e co nt KOOL-AID
The print ads take on the notion that the child’s imagination fueled with Kool-Aid is the perfect mix of ingredients in order to have an awesome summer. The Kool-Aid drink takes shape to whatever it is each child is wanting or desiring to do at that very moment they begin to pour.
The ads keep with the same layout throughout each variation having the scenario itself for each child being the only change seen. Emphasis was given to the most popular flavor options that Kool-Aid has to offer.
The ads being marketed to children and their families, were adapted to have a strong visual presence through color and the over-the-top effects utilized in each piece. The hope was to stop the viewer in their tracks.
To further reinforce the campaign, an installation featuring Kool-Aid’s titular character will provide the information regarding the summer contest as well as coupons that can be reimbursed at any retailer than sells the product. To help draw children and their families, a small play area will be provided along with drinks.
The webpage will provide all the information regarding contest rules, prizes, and any other questions a user might have. The contest rules are simple - Submit a video showing have you let your imagination overflow during summer.
The varying prize tier levels that an entry could win range from the Summer Splash Kit to the KoolAid trampoline and finally to the community water park installation for the big winners.All prizes are designed to keep kids active and outside fueling their imagination as they play.
M.E.Bus is a concept yet to be fully explored by others similar in the field, but that’s also where the challenge lies with it as well. Establishing the notion of the mobilized museum piece that comes straight to your door based upon the user’s imputed selection will be the challenge to instill within the consumer. It is currently an untapped resource that houses little awareness or resonance as a want or a need outside a wistful teacher or two. Formulating a strong brand identity through a recognizable character and providing an outlet of information through a functioning web-page is the opening steps to take with theis mobilized museum exhibit with ambition being the only limiting factor in this vast and untapped market... a hefty insurance policy might be nice too.
The concept and functionality behind the M.E. Bus brand is to run the out-of-rotation exhibits that will be donated by museums which will then listed upon the site for a consumer to request. Other interactive pieces and showcases will be personally constructed by the brand to further reinforce the each exhibit’s theme and direction.
The opening graphic is an interactive hot-mapping of Amebus in his various costumes related to each primary category found within the website. The character Amebus came from the fusion of M.E. Bus and an amoeba. He’s a character with a flexible design that carters to both younger and older crowds. If a time period or outfit comes to mind, you stick Amebus there.
The character Amebus is the primary visual in regards to the brand. He must in some manner or another be associated with every image or article depicting the brand. His character is unrestricted in terms of his costuming or action as long as it keeps in tune with his silly and clueless nature. The bus being the primary transportation of the exhibits is plastered head to toe in Amebus.
With the M.E. Bus brand being primarily marketed towards children and educational outlets, the list of potential products seems only limited to what the brand itself may be able to come up with. From supplemental books related to the exhibit to apparel and school supplies, Amebus’s face is everywhere.
John Butler Trio, a band with sizable success tied to their name, is currently in the holding pattern while they further develop their next album. In an effort to help satiate the fans in wait for the next release, a revitalization to one of their more popular and now dated tracks is a formidable way to settle the masses while also drawing more to the crowd. Focusing on kinetic typography, the goal is to establish a video with longevity in comparison to the now dated music track on their youtube channel. The video will reflect the band’s tone and personality through use of color and text - nothing more.
JOHn BUTLER TRIO “Better than”
Layout of text became an important element of a stanza if the camera wasn’t utilized exstensively. Bold text on a rough background was the baseline to be reused in each frame.
The colors and texture were utilized to help reinforce the grungy elements of the band, with the white text overlay employed to strike out at the view and providing a legible meanas of following along.
As of the last 5 years, gum has been a declining market due to the health issues that have been associated with sugar gum. Having struck a bit of hesitation in consumers, rather than attempt to throw another bid into the now health conscientious gum market that the other leading gum brands are employing, fixating more on the flavor of the gum itself and producing visuals that change the subject entirely away from “if this good for me” to “I have to get some of what they’re having,” is the most sound strategy at this point. At changing the conversation from something uncomfortable for the user to something that just makes them smile is a means of scoring major influence with the consumer. If you don’t like the conversation, change the topic.
Print Ads
With a few guinea pigs ready and willing to try some of 5Gum’s intense flavors, the following are the results from that testing.
While other gums are pushing towards the notion of “teeth whitening” or “made without sugar” slogans, this campaign seeks to change the conversation entirely to that of the flavor and how ridiculous it is in comparison to its competitors who speak little of flavor as of late.
Installation & Social Media
The monolith is an installation piece that a passerby can step into and experience the same intensity showcased within the print ads. When inside, they have the choice of selecting a packet of gum and whichever they choose changes the environment inside the monolith. With the use of lighting and temperature changing equipment such as fans and air conditioning, the users are blasted with warm or cool air without any real harm befalling them. The structure keeps in tune with 5Gum’s mysterious and alien branding.
With the popularity of snap chat, creating filters related to the gum flavor seemed only criminal not to do. With a quick snap of the camera, users can have their heads encased in ice or engulfed in flames.
A cohesive game touches upon the world, the atmosphere brought on by the characters, the music, but also the UI employed to help direct and assist the user. Theming is critical in establishing a believable and immersive world within a game. Kenshi is a game I believe a user can become completely lost within thanks to the rich world that the developers have created, but I’ve always felt they could’ve push the UI further to enrich the experience. With the game still within development, the UI may very well be addressed in the future. But as of now, in order to further the game’s overall appeal, the implementation of a new UI that better matches up with the game’s theme as well as providing a more user friendly design for newcomers is the overarching goal.
UI Redesign
Kenshi, a game that has captured my heart the moment I discovered it on Steam, is a world rich with atmosphere that has taken many hours from me without regret. The old design as seen on this page may come across as a bit daunting to any new player as it covers a fair chunk of the playable area. With so many buttons displayed at once it’s easy to become lost within it.
With the new design, I took the liberty to help disperse the elements across the screen, sectioning off and keeping all elements originally in place from the old design. The menus were styled crudely to reflect the world the game is set in with old, decrepit technology, unsophisticated marking, and metal rusted beyond belief. The majority of the elements, in an effort to save viewing space, have collapsible widgets to hide and open screens at whim. The last element which I believe the game lacked was that of a mini-map in the top righthand corner.
An additional pull-out menu that goes into more detail than the small icons, buttons and widgets found through the HUD.
A closer peek at the elements themselves. This project confirmed any and all thoughts I had of pursuing UI design in gaming. The combination of painting the elements while attempting to resolve spacial and organization issues was far more fun than I originally thought it to be. The project single-handedly solidified my confidence in my career direction.
A magazine centered upon minimalistic design with a focus on typography, Glyph Magazine is a way for like-minded individuals to share, explore, and connect with others while learning a thing or two along the way. Ranging from popular trends within the industry to a subscriber artwork showcase with in each issue, Glyph is a magazine wholly dedicated to its craft and won’t fail to deviate from it. Although numbers have dropped in terms of subscriber base for many of the larger publishers, genre expansion is larger than it ever has been and viewer readership has grown as a whole thanks to the web. With a market woefully unrepresented, Glyph has the opportunity to spearhead and claim the title as the typographic magazine.
Situated on minimalistic themes, the magazine relies on the white body and black text that comprise its form in order to capture the attention of individuals passing by.
Base structure for the index page detailing the typical information associated with these pages.
Base structure for lengthy articles striving for legibility and visual appeal.
An animated logo is utilized in web space as an introductionary graphic for the magazine online. watch?v=mgTe2dKE3VQ
Messages on recycling have a general negative connotation following them which tend to tune a listener off instantly. Changing the message from one that targets and blames the viewer to one that elicits a response of lightheartedness is the primary goal.Through the use of an interactive, digital museum piece reminiscent to that of a “choose your own adventure book,� patrons will create their own recyclable character and follow them from the beginning of its journey to its end all the while learning about pollution and the affects of recycling along the way. A museum space will be the targeted location due to the increasing traffic seen within the past few years primarily from schools, tourists, and locals from the community with an average net return rate of every $1spent to $7 earned. Promotion will be the determining factor of success as advertising will specifically target the locals through the use of billboards, posters and signage to help promote the event.
Upon starting the app, users are requested to create a can of their choosing to use as their character throughout the story. Users interactive with the pieces very much like a “Choose Your Own Adventure� book where every outcome is influenced by the user.
Set to a more modern visual style, the branding relies on solid, vibrant backgrounds with white, outlined imagery.
At the bottom of each new panel is information regarding the environment and the impact each stages has upon it. The app’s intention is to be both an educational and memorable experience.
Each new panel is listed as a “Fate Stage” where the user’s choice helps to dictate what may happen next to their created character. Each story branches down separate paths as a result of each choice.