Spring Issue 2012
Extraordinary something
“In my experience, women bent on being Christlike and sincerely working for the betterment of their families are invariably traordinary.�
Anne C. Pingree
General Relief Society, 2nd Counselor, 2002-2007
note from the editor:
Jan Tolman
Welcome to our first issue of Something Extraordinary
This was the phrase Emma Smith used when she described what could be accomplished by women in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. As an organized sisterhood, under the Priesthood, she was sure we would do something extraordinary.
This magazine was created with all of this in mind. To unite together in solidarity, in this difficult world, and to stand as examples with an open invitation to all. There is plenty around us that is lovely, and of good report, and we hope that you’ll find it here. This is our effort to celebrate the work When I began learning about the of women; and offer a comfortable history of the women of Relief Society, place to unite, share ideas, and be my heart filled with love and pride. valiant together. Those women were extraordinary. Everything they did was centered We think women are pretty around their love of the gospel and extraordinary. We can’t hear enough their desire to be a part of the work of about our history, our families, our the Lord. Our love and desire equals strivings to live as Jesus Christ lived. our early sisters. The Relief Society is We hope these pages will feed you and led by God who needs us to fulfill His motivate you to make your life---ends, we can be valiant; we can live in something extraordinary. the world, but not of the world; and we can help in the work of saving souls.
WE are going to do
-Emma Smith
Jan has been married for over 30 years. While raising six kids, she managed to volunteer at the Humanitarian Center and the Church History Museum which fostered her longing to connect with sisters all over the world. Jan enjoys reading, designing art quilts, and studying the history of the Relief Society.
Married 11 years to her best friend. Mother of four energetic kids who keep her full-time home life far from boring. In between cleaning spills and kissing boo-boos Callie finds escape in singing while playing the piano, and getting lost in a good book.
Kimberly will soon graduate with a degree in music education. Currently she is student teaching as a choral conductor. Kimberly spends her free time singing, playing the piano, and arranging music. The scriptures give her joy and she hopes to spread that joy to others who read this magazine.
From working professional to (even harder working) new mommy, Rochelle is enjoying learning how to manage her family’s new life day by day. Sensitive, vivacious, and a bit silly Rochelle is always ready to laugh. She enjoys life, family, food, and does her best to live by the advice her Mother gave her every morning on the way out the door, “Be nice to someone new today.�
table of contents:
4 – Editors note 6 – Contributors 10 – How Relief Society Came To Be
12 – Relief Society Reenactment 18 – Ask in Faith, Believing 22 – Elder Bednar’s 5 Principles for Scripture Study 24 – POLL: Scripture Study Tips 28 – Family Home Evening the “Fun” Commandment 33 – 50 Family Home Evening Ideas
38 – I Love These Walls… 40 – More Than Just Food 42 – Pancake Recipe 44 – Evil Jungle Princess Recipe 46 – Chocolate-Mint Brownie Recipe 48 – Feast Upon the Words 52 – Beautiful Plan 54 – In the Sacred Grove 58 – Look to the Rainbows 60 – POLL: Inspiring Women 62 – We CAN
64 – Charity Challenge
the IN mid1800’s women’s societies were cropping up all over the nation’s eastern seaboard. These popular groups brought women together. It was in Nauvoo that Sarah Granger Kimball decided to organize a small sewing group in her home, similar to these societies. When Joseph Smith heard about this group, he loved the idea, apologized for not acting more quickly, and invited all of the women to a meeting at his Red Brick Store. He explained to them that the Lord had something better for the women of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Once organized, under the Priesthood, the women would continue a legacy of eternal purposes and destiny that all women of God, in all dispensations, had previously worked toward. Joseph explained that women, from the beginning of time, had been organized whenever the Priesthood was on the earth. When Emma Smith was called as the first Relief Society President, she asked Elizabeth Ann Whitney and Sarah Cleveland to serve as her counselors, and Eliza R. Snow was called as secretary. Eliza kept a Minute Book to record those first meetings in Nauvoo. As the Relief Society met together regularly, Joseph, and some of the Brethren
attended, encouraging them and teaching them important doctrines that give women power to fulfill their destiny; our destiny. During that period of time, women had few rights and privileges. The women of Nauvoo were willing to help build a temple, but they didn’t understand their role in the temple. They didn’t even know they would ever be allowed inside the temple. When Joseph turned the key for the Relief Society, he gave women power of Presidency. He also turned the key, giving women power from on high to gain all the knowledge, power, and wisdom of salvation. When Joseph told them they would be able to receive all the blessings of the temple unto salvation, electricity went through the room; they could not contain themselves. These women understood and expressed their desires to play a vital part in the restoration of all things as well as the hopes of gaining eternal life with their families. Today, Relief Society sisters live all over the world; 6 million women strong. We have our own building, “in the shadow of the Salt Lake Temple” (Sarah Granger Kimball suggested this possibility). Our leaders speak to us, in the beautiful Conference Center that fills to capacity, as we drink in their words. Through satellite, and the Internet, we can see one another, know each other’s struggles, and define ourselves in our sisterhood. As we value the history of our organization, let us remember those original purposes--of personal faithfulness and trust in our Savior, Jesus Christ, strengthening our families in the gospel, and serving one another, as Jesus Christ continues to serve us--and let us continue forth toward the destiny our Heavenly Father has for each one of His beloved daughters; to use our examples for good that we may all sit in heaven together (as Lucy Mack Smith envisioned).
Reenactment Relief Society
The first meeting of the Relief Society was held in the upstairs room of the Red Brick store in Nauvoo. 20 women attended. Joseph called the meeting to set to completion the restoration of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by organizing the women.
Thanks to Heather Farrell, www.womeninthescriptures.blogspot.com, any of us can reenact the first meeting of the Relief Society. Because of the record, known as The Nauvoo Relief Society Minute Book, we have a detailed outline of the events that took place. Heather has put it all into a Reader’s Theater/ Play so that we can pretend we were all there participating, and making these commitments to the society personally. Dressed up in shawls and bonnets, these women, in a care facility, participated with excitement as they realized what was going to happen. Many of these women have served as Relief Society Presidents, and a few have even served on the General Board. They were delighted to participate in this important part of our history. Joseph Smith presided, and conducted, that first meeting. He brought with him John Taylor and Willard Richards. John Taylor set the counselors apart while Willard Richards took the minutes for the meeting. Emma Smith, Sarah Cleveland, Elizabeth Ann Whitney, Eliza R. Snow, and Elmira Coles were actually called and set apart at that first meeting. After reading Doctrine and Covenants 25, Joseph explained that Emma had actually been called at the time the section was revealed, years earlier. She
was called an Elect Lady. She was taught that we are all elect ladies, because of our role on earth and the eternities. The first order of business was a name. What would the women call themselves. The men assumed the women would want to be a benevolent society, like so many other societies that were being organized throughout the nation. But Emma spoke up and said that it was her understanding that this society was going to be different. It should not follow the other societies. Thanks to the minutes, we have the record of an interesting interchange. Emma was adamant that our name should be RELIEF Society, not BENEVOLENT Society. The men tried to convince her, but she was not to be convinced. Finally, the men gave in. What an empowering bit of knowledge. We women picked the name of our own society. We picked it because we wanted to be different from the world. We understood that we were different from the world; that we were organized under the priesthood, to participate with the priesthood, to save souls.
Granted, none of us were professional actors that night. Not all of us were even dressed up. And it may have even been a tiny bit disorganized. But the words, taken right out of The Minute Book, are powerful. They show how serious our fellow sisters were, as they argued their valid points...and won. Be sure to read the full record of The Minute Book at www. josephsmithpapers.org. You can see the original record, as well as a clear transcription of the words. Read it carefully and regularly. A celebration in our Relief Societies could be offered every year with reverence and enthusiasm.
relief society
strengthening personal testimony
believing ask in
One of the promises repeated most in the scriptures is that of “Ask and ye shall receive. Knock and it shall be given unto you.” 1 Mormon Channel hosts a monthly Question and Answer broadcast in which Church leaders answer questions posed by members of the church. The Ensign and New Era often have Q&A sections. These Church programs show that as members of the Church, we have questions and desire the answers.
their father had taught them concerning the symbols of that vision. Nephi is discouraged by his murmuring brethren, and asks them this simple question: Have ye inquired of the Lord? 2
This simple question speaks of Nephi’s We love our Church leaders and their ability unfailing faith. Nephi knows that if he asks, to give us council and answer our questions. he will receive the answer he needs. But perhaps we may think this is enough. And [Laman and Lemuel] said unto me: We When faced with gospel question, have not; for the Lord maketh no such thing let us not forget the importance of known unto us. 3
learning for ourselves.
Nephi is a great example of one who asked so that he might know for himself. Shortly after experiencing the vision of the Tree of Life, he hears his brothers arguing about what
Laman and Lemuel also show the measure of their faith in their reply. To them, asking doesn’t necessarily mean receiving an answer. Perhaps they fully lack the belief to ask, or they are simply too lazy to do so. Regardless,
asking, then receiving, does not come hand-inhand in their experience, and so they don’t make any effort to ask the Lord. Instead they choose to murmur about what they don’t understand.
The state of our heart is an issue of righteous desire, not perfection. A softened heart is one who humbly accepts God’s will. When we accept His will, we are obedient to God’s commands. Our obedience shows God we respect spiritual Nephi, ever patient, and unwilling to let his things. When we show respect toward spiritual brethren fall if he has a chance to help them, things first, we are then worthy to gain access to goes on to teach the method by which we can all spiritual knowledge. obtain answers.
Gaining our own personal revelation of spiritual things takes work.
Do ye not remember the things which the Lord hath said?—If ye will not harden your hearts, and ask me in faith, believing that ye shall receive, with Laman and Lemuel were unwilling to put in diligence in keeping my commandments, surely the work. They murmured until their younger these things shall be made known unto you. 4 brother came along to explain Lehi’s teachings to them. Just as a child must first be spoon-fed by Nephi teaches that worthiness is of great others, we too begin as spiritual infants, needing importance to the Lord in order to receive an the aid of another to teach us gospel truths. But answer from Him. If our hearts are hardened in only certain truths can be transferred, and just pride, and we are unwilling to bend our will to as the 10 virgins each need their own oil for the Lord’s and obey His commandments, we will their lamps, we too must grow spiritually to feed have difficulty receiving the answers we seek. ourselves on the truths of the gospel. Growth of this kind takes concentrated effort in the form of The Apostle Peter taught: “But the natural man personal goals in consistent gospel study, faith receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for and prayer. they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.” 5 The work aspect of gaining knowledge for ourselves can feel overwhelming. Let us choose Answers from God are broadcast by and through to be like Nephi, who when faced with something the Holy Ghost. If we are not spiritually tuned to difficult to understand, said this: “[I, Nephi] the Spirit’s voice, we cannot hear His answers. having great desires to know of the mysteries of God, wherefore, I did cry unto the Lord; and Does this mean we must be perfectly behold he did visit me, and did soften my heart obedient before we can gain that I did believe all the words which had been understanding? spoken by my father.” 6
Heavenly Father wants us to ask. He reminds us to knock. Joseph Smith taught, “Ask your Heavenly Father, in the name of His Son Jesus Christ, to manifest the truth unto you, and if you do it with an eye single to his glory, nothing doubting, He will answer you by the power of his Holy Spirit: You will then know for yourselves and not for another. You will not then be dependent on man for the knowledge of God; nor will there be any room for speculation. No; for when men receive their instruction from Him that made them, they know how He will save them.”7 It is astounding that by asking God, we can be given access to pure truth from the source of
all light and truth! Not only will we receive the answers to our questions, but we will be filled with Lehi’s promise, with “peace…as a river, and thy righteousness as the waves of the sea.” 8 Exercise faith by asking. Believe that when you go to the Lord, he will open your mind, increase your understanding and bless you with the assurance of undeniable truth.
1 Matt 7:7-8, D&C 6:5 2 1 Nephi 15:8 3 1 Nephi 15:9 4 1 Nephi 15:11 5 1 Cor 2:14 6 1 Ne 2:16 7 Joseph Smith. To the Honorable Men of the World,” The Evening and the Morning Star, Aug. 1832, 22; emphasis added 8 1 Nephi 20:18
Elder Bednar’s
for making scripture study more
& Effective:
“By the power of the Holy Ghost, each of us can receive a spiritual witness independent of any other person and “know for yourselves” that Jesus is the Savior and our Redeemer.” Elder David A. Bednar
1 PRAYER- Invite the Spirit, so that your mind and your heart may be open to spiritual learning. 2 WORK-this starts out as making time for your study, it ends up by making your study more than just reading: looking up that reference, delving deeper into a topic, searching for greater understanding about something you’ve read. 3 BE CONSISTENT- give yourself a specific scheduled time and place. It is the consistent feeding of our spirits that make the difference. 4 PONDER- this may happen during your scheduled time. It most likely will happen at other times. As your daily study increases, you will be prompted to turn off the worldly noise around you and allow for greater time pondering the things of the Lord. 5 WRITE DOWN IMPRESSIONSElder Richard G. Scott of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles frequently emphasizes
writing down spiritual impressions and thoughts.
Roxsann I read every morning while I eat breakfast...this way I remember not to only nourish my body, but also nourish my spirit at the same time.
Ma I make it a rule I can reading until I read m
Christauna Give yourself permission to start small, like only a verse if that’s all you can manage. It eventually snowballs. Jen I’ve heard others mention that they had to trick themselves into reading by leaving their scriptures OPEN on a bed side table or even put their remote control inside their scriptures so that when it came time to watch TV, an activity they do when they have spare time, that it reminded them that they needed to read the scriptures first. Kendra I am NEVER EVER EVER allowed to turn off lights until I’ve read, EVER. Once you miss once you’ll miss every other day. But if you decide to do it no matter how late it gets a lot easier to make it a habit.
Fa I made the decision tha (including any devices) etc. until I had read my meant some days I did until late afternoon or were in bed. I mostly re but I still keep firm
arcy n’t read my recreational my spiritual reading.
aith at I would not get online ) to check email, blogs, y scriptures. At first that dn’t get on the computer r evening after the kids ead early morning, now, m in my decision.
Ralph If the idea is to liken the scriptures, you put yourself in the story you are studying and keep track of what you’ve read and apply it to the day. Gloria I get up before anyone else and it is part of my “quiet” time before the world starts crowding in. It makes a difference in how I deal with the challenges of the day. Kara Sis. Dalton once advised our stake to “be 100%” in many things, such as daily prayer and scripture study. However, she also stressed that if we have a day where we aren’t “100%”- say we forget to read before heading out the door on a busy morning- we shouldn’t let that keep us from being 100% the next day. Don’t get discouraged, and don’t let one missed day turn into a missed week. Tammy Just a bit at a time. It will become habit as you fall in love with Jesus & His love letter to us.
strengthening eternal relationships
▪▪ Conducting ▪▪ Opening Song ▪▪ Opening Prayer ▪▪ Family Business ▪▪ Scripture/Thought ▪▪ Lesson/Activity ▪▪ Closing Song ▪▪ Closing Prayer ▪▪ Treat
Evening the
Family Home
commandment Jan I grew up in a home that didn’t have Family Home Evening every Monday night. I remember one time though, my parents invited another family over and we shared a lesson with them. I remember us teenagers were bored out of our minds, while our parents had a lively discussion going on. Not the best memory to recall, but that experience, plus the fact that my husband grew up with similar experiences in his home, formulated our challenge in obeying this directive from our prophets.
We wanted our children to understand that the gospel is important in our home; that you are never too young, or too old, to live, understand, or teach the gospel. We both felt that Family Home Evening was important, but needed to be fun, interesting, and geared toward the audience--the audience being everchanging over the years. As a newly married couple, we started reading the New Testament together, that very first Monday. As the babies came along, we taught simple lessons. Babies can learn very quickly who Jesus is. My husband likes to say that you should start children young, so it becomes a part of their spiritual DNA. Our children have never known a time when we didn’t have Family Home Evening. But that’s not to say it always went smoothly. We’ve gone through the “Family Home Screaming” period, scheduling
In 1915 the First Presidency promised the Saints if they held Family Home Evening, “...great blessings will result. Love at home and obedience to parents will increase. Faith will be developed in the hearts of the youth...”
problems, and smoldering nuclear teenager phases just like everyone else. So, we adapt and try again. Now, as empty nesters, we’ve had to yet again reinvent our Monday evenings. And we have, quite nicely, by teaching a Book of Mormon class at a care facility. We still meet with our children one weekend a month to have food, a short lesson, and activity. Is it possible to start holding Family Home Evening with children already set in the old habits? Absolutely! Be prepared for trial and error, a little bribery, and lot’s of patience. It may never be as perfect as you would like (it never is). Just don’t give up. Keep trying and keep modifying. Family Home Evening has been around a long time. It was first announced by the First Presidency, in 1915, as a new Church-wide practice. The evening was to be set apart for “prayer, hymns, family topics, and specific instructions on the principles of the gospel.” In 1964, Pres. McKay reintroduced the Family Home Evening program announcing that “Monday evening has been set aside by the entire Church for holding Family Home Evening.” In 2003, Pres. Hinckley said, “We are fearful that this very important program is fading in too many areas. Brethren, there is nothing more important than your families. You know that. This program
was begun back in 1915...It was to be a time of teaching, of reading the scriptures, of cultivating talents, of discussing family matters. It was not to be a time to attend athletic events or anything of the kind. I am satisfied that this program came under the revelations of the Lord in response to a need among the families of the Church. Family Home Evening is just one of many “family” oriented activities the Church promotes. We should be striving to incorporate scripture reading, family prayer, meal times, family council, and parent-child interviews into our schedules. Is that too much family time for you? The Lord must know something we don’t quite realize. Sure, the family is under attack, but sometimes we don’t recognize that we are losing the battle. In his April 2010 Conference address, Elder David A. Bednar said, “There is a spiritual early warning system that can help parents in Zion to be watchful and discerning concerning their children. This early warning system applies to children of all ages and contains three basic components:
1 2 3
Reading and talking about the Book of Mormon with your children,
Bearing testimony of gospel truths spontaneously with your children, and
Inviting children as gospel learners to act and not merely be acted upon.
“Parents who do these things faithfully will be blessed to recognize early signals of spiritual growth in our challenges with their children and be better prepared to receive inspiration to strengthen and help those children.” -Elder David A. Bednar
He concludes with these words, “I bear witness that parents who consistently [follow this system] will be blessed with eyes that can see afar off and with ears that can hear the sound of the trumpet. The spiritual discernment and inspiration you will receive from the combination of these three holy habits will enable you to stand as watchmen on the tower for your families--watching...with all perseverance---to the blessing of your immediate family and your future posterity.”
But, families come in all shapes and sizes. And because we have been commanded to strengthen the family on Monday nights, what this evening really does is strengthen individuals, who belong to our heavenly family, who want to return back to our heavenly home. There is something every person can do to strengthen themselves on Monday nights. Single people can come together, just as easily as families, with a simple invitation. Family Home Evening is for singles, couples, and families of all types The number one thing to always and sizes. remember is that Family Home Evening does not have to be complicated. During Following are examples of activities that family council, pull out your Family can be done in a variety of circumstances. Home Evening job chart and make sure Give one a try this very next Monday. everyone knows their assignment for the following Monday. Support, and help, “The ideal way to transform your one another in your assignments.
There is nothing quite like watching a two year old conduct your Family Home Evening, or a mother helping a child give a lesson, or a teenager doing the hand motions to a Primary song, or all the children charging toward the kitchen to be the first one to get the treat. Honestly speaking, there is nothing like watching your children succeed at little responsibilities of a sacred nature.
home into a house of learning is to hold family home evening faithfully. The Church has reserved Monday evening for that purpose. In 1915, the First Presidency instructed local leaders and parents to inaugurate a home evening, a time when parents should teach their families the principles of the gospel...Faith will be developed in the hearts of the youth of Israel, and they will gain power to combat the evil influence and temptations which beset them.”
fabu N U F &
Family Home Evening Ideas
If your family has never had a regular Family Home Evening tradition, the best way to start is to start now. Successes turn into good stories and failures turn into legends. Just don’t stop trying. Allow each individual in your family the ability to stand against the storms of life. I testify that Heavenly Father will bless you for your efforts.
Decide today that you won’t let anything interfere with your Monday nights. Start with dinner together with a simple lesson and activity afterward.
The Church offers lots of ideas in FHE Manuals, Church Magazines, Lesson Manuals, For the Strength of Youth, Preach My Gospel, etc. Also, go to www.lds.org to find talks, links, places to visit, etc. The Church has given us a lot of information to help our families.
Help your children achieve their awards with Church programs: Faith in God, Duty to God, Cub Scouts, Scouting, and Personal Progress.
Using a scripture 4 story, create a play. Perform it for one another, or invite the grandparents over.
Give variety to your gatherings throughout the month: Scripture lesson, games, outings, doctrinal discussions, specific topics to help personal situations, just to name a few. On the other hand, you may want to pick a theme for the entire year. For example, study and memorize the
Articles of Faith, scripture mastery, a book of scripture, etc. Show a travel video from the country of your family’s origins. Take a virtual trip, follow it on a map, eat foods, share customs and traditions, etc. Have a lesson in the mountains, at the seashore, or wherever you can experience the Lord’s creations. Have a “Complimentary Evening”. One person sits in the middle of a circle while everyone says nice things about him or her. Go to a hospital, or care facility, and visit with the people. Tell stories, sing, put on a play, read to them, ask them about their life, etc.
Create a FHE care package and give it to a neighbor, a distant relative, or a missionary. Go to the nearest temple and discuss covenants, eternal marriage, true love, Jesus Christ, symbolism, etc.
Gather a group together and study the gospel as friends and neighbors.
A husband and wife can come prepared with 10 marriage tips using past Ensign articles. Discuss them, then practice them. Recreate Lehi’s Dream through art or activity.
13toys, or crocheted hats together. 23Home Teacher’s family over Make some quilts, hygiene kits,
A single mother can invite her
Every Monday, be working on these projects until you are ready to deliver them to the appropriate recipients. Instead of just visiting, have important gospel discussions while you’re working. Get on Skype and have FHE on-line with someone you love. Have a gospel question and answer evening. If you don’t know the answers, use the scriptures, or good Internet sources, and discover the answers together.
to give her children blessings. Both her family and his family can receive blessings. Beat The Band--The parents’ music against the teenagers music. Sing, or play, them one for one. Or learn how to conduct the hymns together, or just have a fun jam session of favorite songs. Have a testimony meeting together.
Spend the evening watching those old Church videos that still tug at our hearts. Make your own movies (from scripture stories, modern-day life situations, etc.), then pick another evening to enjoy watching them together. Spend the evening without electricity, gas, or running water. Prepare your meal from whatever you have on hand, or your 72 hour kits. Spend another evening updating and refilling your 72 hour kits. Read from the Conference Addresses and apply them to your own family situation. Use the Temple Prep manual to teach your children how to prepare for the temple.
can play, and play hard. No tears, just a great stress reliever.
14 15 16
17 18 19
24 25
27family game where everyone Develop a traditional, active
stick people, finger puppets, etc. Or teach a lesson using modern technology: on-line sources, Citation, Mormon Messages, etc. Pick one story from each of our Latter-day prophets. Play a guessing game matching the story to the prophet. Prepare other guessing games with other people from family, Church, or scripture history. (File these away because you will want to use them over and over again.) Make a family flag together, write a family song, or create a family handshake, motto, or shout. For a large group, organize a Round Robin, where a theme is picked and each station supports, or builds on, the previous station: 1-discuss a principle in the scriptures, 2-share a story of a person who exemplifies the principle, 3-tell a story where the principle is applied, 4-demonstrate the principle with a game, role-play, etc., 5-have a treat that may not have anything to do with the principle. Discuss the differences between men and women. Teach manners, etiquette, polite conversation, etc. Teach how marriages work, show how to get along with others, get the family to serve one another.
Act out Elijah and the wicked priests of BAAL. Without letting it get out of hand, put teenagers and fire together.
Cook the entire dinner, or just a treat, together, and make enough to deliver to an unsuspecting family. Look at old family photos and tell stories about these family members. Teach a lesson using old technology: flannel board,
35budgeting, savings, deferred Teach about finances,
gratification, etc. Play scripture pictionary, charades, or mastery guessing games. Prepare children for missions or running their own homes:
Teach your children that gospel concepts can be found in every aspect of our lives. Fill a bag with random items laying around the house. Each person picks out an item and must connect it to the gospel in any way they can (and we mean ANY WAY they can). Bonus points for the most creative answers! Extra bonus points for adding a scripture story.
cooking, sewing, making repairs, etc. Teach what morality is--the differences between right and wrong, moral behavior, and thinking. Many holidays fall on Monday. Use these days to really plan something special as a family--a short trip, a competition, a project, etc. Grandparents can continue gathering the extended family together never letting the tradition of family fun, spiritual growth, and testimony die. Create challenges for your family to perform during the week, then report on the following Monday. i.e., No TV for the week, only listen to 14th Century music, cook one entire meal for the family, clean a cluttered area of the house, start a gospel discussion with someone, etc. Spend the evening writing to missionaries, grandparents, people who are sick, or lonely. Be sure to add drawn pictures as well as photographs. Assign out to each person a name from Church History (Church leader, pioneer, woman, ancestor, etc.) and have that person
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of their allowance, etc. to give to the Bishop each month. Have a discussion of what skills are of interest to your children and plan a way to train in these skills. Provide a way for each child to learn how to save for a mission and support themselves through college. Pick an ancestor to research. Gather any information from home, or on-line by doing a google search. Go to www.new. familysearch.org to check on temple work, pedigrees, books on the family line. You will need your membership number to register on this site. Plan a trip to the Family History Library, or order microfilms at your local Family History Center. While you’re at it, volunteer to do some Indexing. It’s easy and rewarding. Go out and wipe snow off of car windows, shovel driveways, rake leaves, clean storm drains, etc. The Monday before Christmas, you may want to designate as the day you go through toys, closets, boxes, etc., or take a trip to the store, and pick out some nice things to give to the Homeless Shelter, halfway house, neighbor, or whomever.
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give an oral report on him or her. Talk about the history of the Relief Society, its accomplishments, and how the Priesthood and Relief Society work together to bring about the purposes of the Lord. Discuss Fast Offerings. How is it used, and different from tithing. Make a little bank where children can put their change, portion
“The ideal way to transform your home into a house of learning is to hold family home evening faithfully. The Church has reserved Monday evening for that purpose. In 1915, the First Presidency instructed local leaders and parents to inaugurate a home evening, a time when parents should teach their families the principles of the gospel. The Presidency wrote: “If the Saints obey this counsel, we promise that great blessings will result. Love at home and obedience to parents will increase. Faith will be developed in the hearts of the youth of Israel, and they will gain power to combat the evil influence and temptations which beset them.”
inviting the spirit to strengthen our home
i love these
Walls... AS
a young girl my family and I were preparing to move from our small duplex into a house my parents had worked hard to buy. As my mother was eagerly packing boxes she heard me crying in the next room, and she came to find out what was wrong. Sniffling I said, “I don’t want to move, I love it here”. She consolingly responded, “don’t be sad sweetie, we will take all the things you love with us; all of your toys, your clothes, and your bed. The only things that we won’t bring with us is the roof and walls.” Weeping, I desperately responded, “But…I love the roof…and I love these walls”. Though my family teases me that I have always been a bit melodramatic, I know in this case, it was more than that. The reason my 5 yearold self so desperately wanted to keep my beloved roof and walls was because that little duplex had become a home, my home. It wasn’t so much the actual wood, brick, and mortar that I loved, it was the feeling that resided within. I now know that same feeling of peace, security, and happiness can reside in any house, ranch, tent, apartment, trailer, or other dwelling, because those feelings do not come from the physical material that make up a house, but the spiritual. “Establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God.” (D&C 88:119.)
It is up to you to “establish” your home. We are told that “building our homes as fortresses of righteousness for protection from the world takes constant labor and diligence.” It is going to be a lot of work, but that protection received is worth the effort. The storm outside is raging; the world getting more wicked daily. We have been told if our homes are gospel centered and a place where the Holy Spirit can reside, “the storms of the evil one can be stopped at the very entrance of our homes.” I am confident no matter where we live, as we receive these blessing, we will love our homes, we will want to shout “I love the roof… and I love these walls…and I love the blessing of protection, comfort, and happiness that come from establishing a House of God.” What a privilege it is to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I am so grateful to have a living Prophet, Apostles, and other Church leaders who guide and help me protect my family. I am grateful for the beautiful plan of happiness. I am grateful that I get to choose how to live my life, and how to establish my home. I know that if we follow the guidance we have been given, if we establish a house of God, we will be blessed and protected.
The righteous molding of an immortal soul is the highest work we can do, and the home is the place to do it. Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin (April 1993, CR)
“Home,” President Ezra Taft Benson has said, “is love, understanding, trust, welcome, and a sense of belonging.” (Ensign, Nov. 1981)
more than just
I love family traditions, especially when they involve food! I love the way that food can bring people together. Many of our family’s traditions are tied to some sort of special food item. I am excited to share some of them with you, and hope that you make a conscious choice to make your own family “food” traditions.
the food: Pancakes
Throughout my childhood nearly every time my daddy had a day off, he would wake up and make a big breakfast, which always included pancakes! I remember waking up to delicious smells, and hearing him in the kitchen. My entire family would get out of bed and gather in the kitchen to watch him carefully mix the batter to Breakfast perfection, then cook a masterpiece in any may not be your shape we wanted. Though, the Mickey Mouse thing, (It wasn’t my shaped pancakes were amazing, the best mother’s, yet she loved those part of the breakfast was the time spent mornings too). Find something talking, laughing, playing, and just simply being together as a family.
that works for your family. It isn’t about the recipe you make, rather the memories that are created as you are gathered together.
thefood :
My husband took me to my favorite Thai restaurant the night he proposed. While I think most of our family traditions should include all of our family members, I think it is important to have a few romantic traditions that are just for you and your spouse. Because of our romantic connection to Thai food, my husband and I find a night each year (around our anniversary) when the two of us can be together and make a new Thai recipe. We reminisce and laugh as we prepare our dinner together and then Choose a fun enjoy a romantic evening eating and romantic food tradition talking. We find that it is a delectable way to strengthen our relationship. you can start with your spouse.
Pick something that has special meaning for the two of you. Perhaps something you had on your first date, or something that reminds you of your honeymoon. Its not about a certain type of food you love, rather it is something that will remind you, It is critical to and your sweetheart, why create traditions that work you fell in love. for you and your family. It isn’t about the food (though it doesn’t hurt). Rather it is the firm commitment : Brownies to strengthening your family. You can adapt to the needs of your family, but We just discovered a quaint remain committed to the tradition you bakery that has insanely create. Be consistent. Do things that will delicious brownies. They are keep your family connected, because those over three dollars a piece, so relationships can last forever (I think this we found a matching recipe. I brownie tradition will last forever, don’t know exactly how yet… but because I am pretty sure these will they are so good I am determined be served in heaven)!
the food
to make some sort of tradition that includes these brownies!
Buttermilk Pancakes ingredients: 1 1/2 cup milk 3 TB white vinegar 2 cups all-purpose flour 1/4 cup white sugar 2 ts baking powder
1 ts baking soda 1 ts salt 2 eggs 2 TB melted butter Cooking spray
Combine milk and vinegar, in bowl and set aside. Combine flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Beat eggs and butter into milk. Combine dry and wet ingredients and whisk until no longer lumpy. Heat skillet to medium heat. Once warm coat with cooking spray. Pour small amounts of batter onto skillet. Once bubbles appear on surface, flip with a large spatula. Cook until both sides are lightly browned.
Vanilla (Buttermilk) Syrup
(We referred to this as Vanilla Syrup so the kids will eat it!) ingredients: 1 c. buttermilk 1 cube butter 1 1/2 c. sugar 1/2 tsp. soda 1 tsp. vanilla
Place buttermilk, butter and sugar in large saucepan. Boil 4-5 minutes. Do not overcook. Take off heat and add vanilla and soda. Whisk until mixture stops rising to top of pan. Makes 2 1/2 - 3 cups.
evil jungle princess: -adapted from Thaifoon Rice: 2 cups Jasmine Rice 3 cups water Sauce: 1 Tbsp Red Curry Paste 1 tsp Lemon Juice 2-3 Tbsp Lime juice 2 Tbsp Sugar 1 Tbsp Fish Sauce 1 Tbsp Peanut Butter 2 Tbsp Sweet Chili Sauce 13 oz Coconut Milk
SautĂŠ: Chicken Breasts (cut into strips) 1/2 cup fresh green beans 1/2 cup Red bell pepper- (cut into strips) 1/2 cup Asparagus spears 1 can Bamboo Shoots 1 tsp Lime Juice Topping: 3 Tbsp Fresh Thai Basil (chopped) 1 Tbsp Fresh Mint leaves (chopped) Roasted Peanuts- chopped
Cook the rice in a rice cooker of over the stove.
Chop your veggies. Use any type you want. We love mushrooms and peppers, so we used those with fresh green beans and bamboo shoots.
Saute your chicken in a pan with butter. Season with salt and pepper.
Make the thai sauce. If you don’t want to make the sauce from scratch, you can buy Pangai Sauce from an Asian Market and just heat that up.
Once chicken has browned and is mostly cooked, begin sauteing the veggies with the chicken. Mix in the Thai sauce and simmer.
To serve; use a bowl to shape your rice. Pour the chicken mixuture over the rice. Top with crushed peanuts, fresh basil, and serve with a lime wedge.
chocolate-mint brownies: Brownies: 1 cup butter 4 oz. unsweetened chocolate 2 cups sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla
4 eggs 1 cup all-purpose flour 1 cup semisweet chocolate chips
Instructions: Melt chocolate and butter in a double boiler on the stove. stirring continually. Take off heat and let cool slightly. Add sugar, eggs and vanilla, mix well. Add the flour and stir to combine. Add chocolate chips. Spread mixture into a buttered 9 x 13 baking dish. Bake at 350 for 25-30 minutes. Cool. Do not overcook. Mint Filling: 1 cup softened butter 3 cups confectioners sugar 2-4 drops mint flavoring 2 drops green food coloring Instructions: In mixer, beat butter and confectioners sugar until smooth. Add mint flavoring and food coloring. Mix to combine. Once brownies are cooled carefully spread filling over the top. Chill. Ganache: 3/4 cup semisweet chocolate chips 1/2 cup heavy cream Instructions: Add chocolate chips and cream to double boiler. Stir continually until melted. Do not let it boil. Immediately pour over brownies. Let brownies stand for 30 minutes. Serve and enjoy!
upon the WO
Conference food that fills our body while the prophets fill our soul.
Conference never tasted so good...
strengthening our individual worth by understanding our divine nature
Think of the last time you received a thoughtful note or card from someone. How did it make you feel? It takes very little effort to send a note, but can have a profound effect on its receiver. We invite you send a kind note to someone this month.
Beautiful P lan
A couple of months ago, I received a birthday card from my grandparents, the front of it said, “God has a beautiful plan for your life.” Being a young single adult, now in my late 20s, I found myself not looking forward to this birthday. Receiving this card helped me put in perspective that Heavenly Father does have a plan for me. It’s different than mine, but it will bring me happiness if I continue to trust in Him. When we trust in Him, He will lead us to becoming our very best selves. “Being a woman of faith often means that we continue to live worthy of promised blessings, even when the realization of those blessings is beyond our sight. We know that part of saying ‘Thy will be done’, is putting the timetable for the fulfillment of promised blessings into the Lord’s hands and remaining faithful in all things.” (CD, Women of Faith) by
Sacred ... grove In the
Before I left on my mission, my family took a trip to Palmyra to visit our grandparents. While we were there, my grandmother took me to the side and suggested that I take some time in the Sacred Grove by myself. At first I didn’t think much of it, but then as a family, we went in the grove. Married couples went by themselves, and those that were single went by themselves. I went into the grove, holding my Book of Mormon, by myself. As soon as I found a place to rest, I looked all around me. Everywhere was rich and luscious green. I felt safe in the midst of all the trees. As I sat on a provided bench, I began praying. I remembered Joseph Smith’s experience in the grove, he recounts, “After I had retired to the place where I had previously designed to go, having looked around me, and finding myself alone, I kneeled down and began to offer up the desires of my heart to God. I had scarcely done so, when immediately I was seized upon by some power which entirely overcame me” (JS-History 1:15) Much like Joseph Smith, as I started praying, I was overcome with a wave of emotions. Feelings of inadequacy, fear as a soon-to-be missionary, and just of a young woman venturing out into life, encompassed me.
When filled with God’s love, we can do and see and understand things that we could not otherwise do or see or understand. Filled with His love, we can endure pain, quell fear, forgive freely, avoid contention, renew strength, and bless and help others in ways surprising even to us. (John H. Groberg, Oct. 2004)
Joseph Smith describes the rest of his experience, “I saw a pillar of light exactly over my head, above the brightness of the sun, which descended gradually until it fell upon me. When the light rested upon me, I saw two personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description, standing above me in the air. One of them spake unto me, calling me by name and said, pointing to the other—This is my Beloved Son, Hear Him!” (JS-History 1:16-17).
I did not see a light and I did not see two personages, but I feel like I was being held by my Father in Heaven that day in the Sacred Grove. My feelings of fear and inadequacy subsided and I was left strengthened and humbled. I learned to “be still and know that I am God” (D&C 101:16). That memory has been a gentle reminder of my divine nature as a Woman of God. We forget so easily that we are sons and daughters of a Heavenly Father who loves us. Elder Holland has said, “Your Heavenly Father knows your name and knows your circumstances. He knows your fears and frustrations, as well as your hopes and dreams. And He knows what you can become through faith in His name” ( “To Young Women” Ensign Nov. 2005). He knows and loves you. Just as He called Joseph
by name in 1820, He calls each of us by name and guides us to become “true followers of his son, Jesus Christ [and] be like Him…that we may be purified even as He is pure.” ( Moroni 7:41) I have noticed that when I am selfish, and I am not making an effort in living obediently the commandments of God, I don’t remember the love Heavenly Father has for me. Our prophets have taught us how to remember Him. We must pray daily, read the Book of Mormon, and serve one another. This will keep us in remembrance. I testify to you that when I remember Him, I feel His love. I promise that you will feel Heavenly Father’s love too.
Look to the Kimberly
Last summer, I had the opportunity to go to Argentina for a choir tour. You have to understand that singing gives me great joy, and it was amazing to be able to sing for appreciative audiences across the world. While walking through the park, at Iguazu Falls, the primary song Heavenly Father Loves Me kept playing through my mind. The beautiful scenery and the numerous rainbows reminded me of the love that Heavenly Father has for me. Beautiful music makes me happy, but knowing that I am a daughter of a Heavenly Father who loves me brings me everlasting joy. Though I was finding happiness through singing beautiful music, there were times that I felt alone. There was one experience on this trip where I felt just that. We were in San Juan, near Mendoza. We made arrangements where we were to stay with families in the
area. These families had very little money and could only house one choir member. 90% of the choir, who spoke very little or no Spanish, went by themselves to stay with these host families who spoke very little English. Even though the family was very kind and generous, the language barrier was hard on me. I found myself crying in the little room I was staying in one night. I felt very alone and forgotten. In the Old Testament, we learn, with the story of Noah and the Ark, that rainbows symbolize covenants (Genesis 9). There were rainbows all over the place at Iguazu Falls. Seeing them reminded me that as I continue to keep my covenants, Heavenly Father will always be there for me, especially in the lonely times in my life. Whenever you feel lost and alone, don’t forget to look at the rainbows.
Question: If you could thank any woman, who has inspired you to live the gospel better, what would you say to her?
The woman I think of is my Great, Great, Great, Great, Grandmother. Aurelia Spencer Rogers, the 1st General Primary President. What I would tell this amazing woman is.... Thank you so much for your sacrifice and your testimony. Because of you I was born in the covenant and had you, a strong women to help guide me and to help remind me of what is important in life. Thank you for your example, I hope that I have lived my life and will continue to live my life in a way that is pleasing to you and to my God. --Rebecca My young women’s president/advisor when I was a Laurel and a woman in my ward for whom I used to babysit. Were it not for them, I would probably not be active in the church today. They did not give up when I began to pull away and helped me to see that there is room for many different women in our church. --Marie I love Sister Beck because she knows the doctrines of the gospel and teaches them clearly and powerfully, making no apology for the truth. --Stephanie I really admire Emma Smith, for her open and loving heart, and firmness when she felt something was incorrectly handled. She endured so very much... I would love to sit down with her. Her whole life was filled with so much outward service, and a willingness to love. --Liz
I LOVE Sister Beck! She speaks powerfully about what women need to hear. My Mia Maid leader taught me how to make bread. I still use her recipe today! I have also passed it on to many others. I know for a fact it has now been made in China and Mongolia and other parts of the world. How’s that for influence? --Montserrat My mom and my sister first and foremost...but I LOVE Eliza R Snow. Her interest in studying doctrine and her great ability to articulate them inspire me. She had a wonderful and expansive view of womanhood. I also love and miss Chieko Okazaki. What a powerhouse...what an amazing teacher. --Britt
Eliza R. Snow I can’t wait to sit at her feet. --Marsha My great-great-great grandmother was 17 when she and her family crossed the plains with the Willie Handcart Company. My great-grandmother Sarah, who moved her large (yet, young) family to southern Alberta from southern Utah (very different climate!) with her husband to ranch near Glenwood. She fed hundreds of men, delivered babies, taught in church, saved her daughter from frostbite, sent many sons on missions and to war. --Cheryl
EVE! Her willingness to take the leap. I wonder if she knew how maligned Sister Beck and Sister Dew are two of she would be throughout all of history? my heroes. I think they have taught us --Elizabeth so powerfully about the divine roles of women. I feel like they have been Esthers in that way -- women for our Emma Smith!!!!!!!!! She is the first time, cutting through to core truths that person that came to my mind. She are so needed in the face of the myths has shaped my life and goals I strive swirling around us. --Michelle for. Emma Smith plays a big role in my hopes for a better marriage. I have worked hard in our three years to There are too many to count. I am really become so secure with myself and my inspired by my own family, my friends, marriage that we can both be utilized and role models at church. What I by Heavenly Father in building up the appreciate about them is their individual kingdom and helping any way we can. I commitment to live the gospel, constant have felt my capacity to love others grow devotion to service without recognition, as I have studied and tried to follow the and strong dedication to their families. example of Emma! --Mandee --Tiffany
We care and nourish
Carolyn Shirley retired from teaching a few years ago and decided she wanted to make a difference in the world. She shared her idea with a few friends who were eager to help. Their first meeting was three years ago. They’ve accomplished much in that time. Another member of their group, Sandy Osborn, says, “I think one of the reasons that our group is successful is that it is fun. There is lots of laughter and camaraderie while we are together. There is no financial obligation whatsoever. We have a little donation can, that people can donate if they wish towards a project, and we have a few ladies who cannot come because they work during the day or live far away and these ladies do make financial donations to help us purchase supplies for our projects. When we collect items for a cause, many people in the community donate as well. We are often overwhelmed at the outpouring of love and generosity by those in our community.”
At first, Carolyn came up with most of the ideas. When she couldn’t sleep at night, she would get up and start browsing on the internet for service ideas. The other members of the group have learned how to keep their eyes and ears open. Sometimes they see something in the newspaper or hear something on the news. Sometimes a friend or relative will mention a need that they have heard about. Once a service group is established, you will find that there are so many ways to serve. We can all do a little bit. Sandy says, “We feel great joy in our service and have developed deep and lasting friendships with the lovely ladies that we serve with. In the scope of world wide needs, we have only put a drop in the bucket, but every drop of extra love sent out to the world eventually will be felt by someone, somewhere. Our hope and prayer is that whoever receives our gifts of love will know that they are loved and will feel the love of the Savior in their life.
This is a list of just a few projects they’ve undertaken. •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• ••
A van load of beans and rice delivered to Rosarita, Mexico Baby Quilts - Local Hospitals School Kits - Afghanistan T-shirt Dresses, Flip-flops and tee-shirts ~ Village of Hope Foundation Crafts, Quilts and Holiday Decor ~ Mothers Without Borders Supplies ~ Women and Children’s Crisis Center Freezer Meals ~ for local families Missionary Christmas Stockings Grocery and Manufacture Coupons for Servicemen and Families Valentines for patients in local hospital and their Gift Shop 552 Mini-cheesecakes, 400 cupcakes and 300 sugar cookies for a friend’s daughter’s reception Comfort Pillows for patients getting treatment at local hospitals Bake Sale ~ for a friend’s hearing aids Quilt and Recipes for a friend who lost her home in a fire right before Christmas Ongoing projects such as RoseAnn Gunther’s Hearts and Hands for Humanity. (RoseAnn Gunther initiated the kits now used at the Humanitarian Center in Salt Lake City.)
Charity Challenge
For our Charity Challenge, this month, we would like to invite you to initiate a service group. It can be large or small. Find some local people or organizations to help and spread your nurturing wings. This is what WE CAN (We Care And Nourish) has done. This group of just a few women use as their motto this statement by Mother Teresa,
“ We can do no great things, only small things with great love.�
“If you want to make a difference in the world,
you have to be
from the world.� -Sister Elaine S. Dalton
We are daughters of o
who loves us, an
nd we love Him
our Heavenly Father,