Kirri & her husband Doug have had one of the toughest, most heartbreaking parental journeys - filled with love, sorrow and everything in between. She shares her highs and lows with us. Following last issue’s heart-wrenching story of Kirri & Doug’s loss of Felix, here’s another of Kirri’s blogs... You can read more on her blog:
When I read back this particular blog I get goosebumps thinking of how things could have been. We spent several days on more than one occasion not knowing if our Little Lady would make it into this world and worrying what the future may hold for her. I write my blog in the hope that any family who has been through any kind 30 somethingNew THE PARENTING MAGAZINE FOR DORSET FAMILIES
of trauma with their children may feel that they are not alone. In this particular instance ultrasound anomalies and difficult discussions, they can all be really traumatic. It’s also scary how common these issues are, and yet how little support there is for these families. I know now that every decision we made with Arlia was the right one, but it can be so hard to see the road ahead when you are in a difficult position. I hope that our story can help anyone out there who may have faced difficult discussions and decisions know that there can be light at the end of the tunnel.
Kirri x