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CURRICULUM VITAE Stephen Geffry Reich, M.D., F.A.A.N. July 1, 2007

Personal Information Professional Address: Department of Neurology University of Maryland School of Medicine N4W46 22 S. Greene Street Baltimore, MD 21201 Phone: 410-328-2164 Fax: 410-328-0167 Email: Education University of Kansas


Tulane University

1976-1979 B.S. Mathematics B.A. Latin American Studies (with honors)

Tulane University School of Medicine



Post-Graduate Training Mt. Sinai Hospital

1983-1984 Internship in Internal Medicine Cleveland, Ohio

Case Western Reserve/ University Hospitals of Cleveland, Ohio


The Johns Hopkins Hospital June 1988

July 1987Fellow - Movement Disorders (Dr. Mahlon DeLong)

Certifications American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, 1989 Medical Licensures Ohio, 1983-1987

Resident in Neurology (Dr. Robert Daroff)

Maryland 1987-, #D3272, Expiration 9/30/07 Employment History Instructor, Neurology, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

July 1988-June 1990

Assistant Professor, Neurology, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine


Associate Professor, Neurology, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

1997-June 30, 2002

Co-Director, Johns Hopkins Parkinson’s Disease Center


Director, Johns Hopkins Parkinson's Disease Center

1994- June 30, 2002

Associate Professor, Neurology The University of Maryland School of Medicine

July 1, 2002-June 30, 2004

Co-Director, Maryland Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Center

July 1, 2002-

Professor, Neurology The University of Maryland School of Medicine

July 1, 2004-

Professor with tenure, Neurology July 1, 2006The University of Maryland School of Medicine Professional Memberships American Academy of Neurology 1986- (Fellow 2004) Movement Disorders Society, 2004American Neurological Association 2000American Association for the History of Medicine 1999-

Parkinson Study Group 1989-

Awards and Honors Pi Mu Epsilon, National Mathematics Honorary Society, Tulane University, 1978 Phi Alpha Theta, National History Honorary Society, Tulane University, 1979 President, The Tulane History of Medicine Society, 1978-1979 Isaac Ivan Lemann Award in the History of Medicine, Tulane Medical School, May 14, 1983 Mark Gibbs III Memorial Award, "for outstanding interest in University matters," Tulane Medical School, June 4, 1983 Student Speaker, Tulane Medical School graduation, June 4, 1983 Certificate Of Excellence in Teaching, presented by medical students, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Class of 1992 Hooded Students at graduation ceremony, elected by class of 1993, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine George J. Stuart Award "to an outstanding clinical teacher," presented by senior class, 1993, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Certificate of Excellence in Teaching, presented by medical students, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, class of 1996 Marshall at graduation ceremony, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 1994, (chosen by senior class). Grand Marshall at graduation ceremony, elected by class of 1996, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Professor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, 1997 Certificate of Appreciation from the Baltimore/Johns Hopkins Dystonia Support Group, 1998 American Neurological Association, 1999 American Parkinson's Disease Association Certificate of Appreciation, Anne Arundel Maryland County Chapter, 1999 Baltimore Best Doctors, Baltimore Magazine, March 1992, June 1995, November 2002 The Edmund G. Beacham Lecture, “Is Parkinson’s Disease Really a Waiting Room Diagnosis?” Current Topics in Geriatrics Course, Sponsored by The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and The American Geriatrics Society, Baltimore, MD, October 16, 2003 Teaching Commendation, Pathophysiology and Therapeutics 2003-2004, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Class of 2006 Fellow, American Academy of Neurology, 2004 Golden Hammer, Teaching award by Neurology residents, 2005 Teaching Commendation, Pathophysiology and Therapeutics 2004-2005, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Class of 2007 Teaching Commendation, Pathophysiology and Therapeutics, 2005-06, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Class of 2008

The “Buddy Award for Enduring Spirit” presented by the Parkinson’s Action Network at annual Udall dinner, 2006 Administrative Service Institutional Service University of Maryland (2002- ) Co-director, Neurology Residency Program, 2002Residency Oversite Committee, 2002Clinical Practice Committee, 2002-2004 Inpatient Committee, 2003-2004 Director, Neurology Outpatient Clinic, 2004Coordinator, Neurology Grand Rounds, 2003Interviewer, Medical School Admissions Committee, 2004Johns Hopkins (1987-2002) Neurology Quality Assurance Committee, Johns Hopkins, 1989 - 1991 Continuing Education Committee, Johns Hopkins, 1990 - 1997 Staff Conference Committee, Johns Hopkins, 1991 - 1992 Medical School Council, Johns Hopkins, 1992 - 1996 Medical School Admissions Committee, Johns Hopkins, 1993 - 1996 Educational Policy Committee, Johns Hopkins, 1996 - 1997 Committee on Revision of Promotion Guidelines, Johns Hopkins, 1997 Neurology Library Committee, Johns Hopkins, 1997 - 2000 Medical School Admission Committee (Application Screening), Johns Hopkins 1999 Director, Neurology Residency Selection, Johns Hopkins,1991 – 1998 Co-Director, Neurology for the Primary Practitioner Course, Sponsored by Department of Neurology, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, 1992 – 2000. Director 2001. Director, Neurology section of Topics in Internal Medicine, Johns Hopkins, 1993 – 2002. Medical Student Advisor, Johns Hopkins, 1995 – 2000 Local and National Service Ad Hoc reviewer for: Neurology Annals of Neurology Journal of Clinical Nutrition Dysphagia American Journal of Medicine The Lancet The Neurologist (Editorial board 1997- ) Journal of the Neurological Sciences

Bulletin of the History of Medicine Movement Disorders (Editorial board 2007-) The Johns Hopkins University Press Oxford University Press The New England Journal of Medicine Journal of Clinical Outcomes Management Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology CNS Spectrums European Journal of Neurology Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology Consultant Brain Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry Psychosomatics Editorial Board, The Neurologist, 1997 – Editorial Board, Movement Disorders, 2007Editorial Board, Practical Reviews in Neurology (Audiotape), 1998 – 2000. Board of Directors, The Society for Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, Chairman of the Board, 1992 – 1998; Chairman emeritus 1999Medical Advisory Board, The Society for Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, Europe, 1998Medical Advisor, Johns Hopkins Chapter of Dystonia Medical Research Foundation, 1997Professional Advisory Board, National Spasmodic Torticollis Association, 2000Neurology editor, Doody Book Review Service, 2004Grant reviewer: MRC Clinical Training Scientist Award for Applied Clinical Research Veteran's Administration Merit Review Grant American Academy of Neurology Presented highlights of movement disorders, 2004 annual meeting Abstract reviewer, Movement Disorders, 2005 annual meeting

Practice parameter committee, Diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease, 2004Executive committee, Section on Movement Disorders, 2005Co-chair, Plenary session: Movement Disorders- Genetics, Pathophysiology and Epidemiology, Annual meeting, 2005 American Neurological Association History Committee, 2004Parkinson Study Group Nominating Committee, 2007Dystonia Study Group Rating scales committee, 2006Movement Disorders Society Faculty, 2006 Annual Meeting, Kyoto, Japan

Teaching Service University of Maryland (2002- ) Medical Students Freshman orientation, small group leader, 2002 (12 students) Medical Student Lectures: Sophomore Pathophysiology & Therapeutics Course, Lecture: Motor Disorders 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 (150 students) Freshman Neurocience Course, Clinical Correlation: Motor Disorders, 2003,2004, 2005 (150 students) Sophomore Physical Diagnosis: The Neurological Examination, 2003, 2004, 2005 (150 students) Clinical correlation: The Cranial Nerves (Freshman class, 150 students), 2005 Director, Neurology section of Sophomore Physical Diagnosis course, 2003- (150 students) Neurology Attending, 2 Months/year; 3-5 students per rotation Advisor, Student Interest Group in Neurology Group leader, Transition to 3rd year orientation, 2005 Neurology Residents Lectures: The Neurological Examination, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005

Bell’s Palsy, 2002, 2003 Various other lectures in didactic series Monthly Movement Disorders video conference Neurology Attending One month/year inpatient ward (2-4 residents) One month/year inpatient consultation service (2-4 residents) Director, Annual Movement Disorders Course November 16, 2002 November 1, 2003 November 12, 2004 December 16, 2005

Johns Hopkins (1987-2002) Annual Clinical Correlation Lecuture: Motor Disorders, Freshman Class (120 students) 1989- 2001 Annual Lectures to Sophomore Class (120 students): The Neurological Examination 19892001; Localization in Clinical Neurology (1995-2002); Movement Disorders (1989-2002) Neuropathology Group Instructor (20 students), 1989-2000 Physician and Society course group instructor (12 students), 1995-2002 Clinical Skills group instructor (4 students), 1989-1991 Director, Neurology section of Clinical Skills (120 students) 1993-1998 Weekly outpatient rotation for Jr. and Sr. medical students (1 student per week), 19892002 Weekly bedside teaching rounds for Neurology clerkship (12 students) 2001-2002 Neurology clerkship lectures (6-10 per year, 12 students), Headache; Movement disorders, 1994-2002 Neurology Ward or Consult Attending (2-4 residents, 2-4 students); 1 month per year, 1988-2002 Neurology Resident lectures (15 residents), 2-5 per year, 1988-2002 Movement Disorders Outpatient rotation for residents in Neurology, Psychiatry, Internal Medicine, Physical Medicine 1988-2002 (6-10 rotators per year) Neurology outpatient rotation for Johns Hopkins Undergraduates, (1-3 students per year)1989-1997 Master Clinician Course for Johns Hopkins Undergraduates (6 students annually), 2 week course, 1999-2002 American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting 2001 Course instructor: “The Final Answer”

2003 Course director: “Parkinson-Plus Syndromes” Course faculty: Movement Disorders: “10 Pitfalls in the diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease” 2004 Course director: “Parkinson-Plus Syndromes” Facult, Crossfire course: “Movement disorders” Faculty, Movement Disorders course: “Eye movements in parkinsonism” 2005 Course director: “Parkinson-Plus Syndromes” 2006 Course director: “The 10 Most Common Pitfalls in the Diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease” 2007 Course director: “The 10 Most Common Pitfalls in the Diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease” Course director: “Clinical Pearls in Bedside Neurology.”

Grant Support Site Principal Investigator [2006-] Genetic and Environmental Risk Factors for PSP. 1RO1AG024040-01A2 NIH/NINDS (Dr. Irene Litvan, PI) [Total award requested: $3,416,007(final budget pending including individual site awards)] Principal Investigator [2006-]: GE Healthcare. An Open Label, Phase II Study to Assess the Safety and Efficacy of Technetium (99mTc) NC100697 Injection in Detecting or Excluding Dopaminergic Deficits in Subjects with 1 or More Signs of a Parkinsonian Syndrome [Total award: $58,375] Co-investigator [2004-2006]: Kyowa Pharmaceuticals. A Long-Term, Multicenter, Open-Label Safety Study with Oral 20 OR 40 MG/D Doses OF KW-6002 (Istradefylline) as Treatment for Parkinson’s Disease in Patients with Motor Response Complications on Levodopa Therapy [Total award: $80,000] Principal Investigator [2004-2005]: Guilford Pharmaceticals. A Phase II SingleCenter, Open Label Pilot Study to Evaluate the Effects of GPI 1485 1000mg qid on Objective Measures of Motor Activity and Olfactory Function in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease [Total award: $84,944] Principal Investigator [2004-]: Pathogenesis and Diagnosis of Multiple System Atrophy. 1PO1 NSO44233-01A1 NIH/NINDS (Cliff Shults, PI). [$28,000]. This is a multi-center program project to study pathogenic factors for MSA and to evaluate and refine clinical and laboratory assessments used to diagnose and follow the course of the illness.

Principal Investigator [2004-2006]:Validation of the ANAM Test Battery in Parkinson’s Disease, Department of Defense [Total Award: $409,869 (20% effort)]. The objective of this pilot study is to demonstrate the feasibility and clinical utility of selected tests from the Automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metrics (ANAM) test system for assessing cognitive, mood, and motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease. Co-Investigator [2002-]: A Phase II, Multi-Center, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel-Group, 2 Year Study to Evaluate the Effects of GPI 1485 (1000 mg QID) on (123 I) B-CIT/ SPECT Scanning and Clinical Efficacy in Symptomatic Parkinson's Disease Patients Receiving Dopamine Agonist Therapy [Total award: $168,960; Indirects: $33,792] Principal Investigator [2002-2005]: Cephalon & Parkinson Study Group. A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Dose Finding Study to Assess the Efficacy and Safety of CEP-1347 in Patients with Early Parkinson's Disease (PRECEPT) [Total award: $233,355; Indirects: $46,665] Principal Investigator [2000- 2001]: Multi-center, double-blind, placebo controlled study of the tolerability and effect of entacapone in Parkinson's subjects with end-ofdose wearing off symtoms occurring no earlier than four hours after their most recent carbidopa/levodopa dose. Novartis Pharmaceuticals [Total award: $36,832.41; Indirects: $7,734.80] Principal Investigator [2000- 2001]: Randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled, parallel group, six month safety, efficacy, and neuroimaging trial of AMG-474-00 in the treatment of patients with Parkinson's disease. AMGEN Pharmaceuticals [Total award: $48,300.00; Indirects: $10,143.00] Principal Investigator [2000-2002]: Multi-center, randomized, double-blind, double dummy, parallel group study comparing TV-1203/carbidopa/levodopa tablets with carbidopa/levodopa tablets in advanced Parkinson's disease patients with motor fluctuations. TEVA Pharmaceuticals/Parkinson Study Group [Total award: $29,014.25; Indirects: $ 7,253.56] Principal Investigator [2000- 2001]: "Treatment of Dementia in Parkinson's Disease with Aricept" Esai Pharmaceuticals (Ira Leroi, M.D. Principle Investigator) [5% effort]. Principal Investigator [5/01-5/04]: "Neurobiology of Dystonia" sponsored by NINDS (Hyder Jinnah, M.D., Principle Investigator; $1,106,792 total award; indirect $406,792.00) [10% effort, ending 6/30/02]. Principal Investigator [1999-]: "The Organized Genetics Initiative (PROGENI)," Multicenter investigation of suseptibility genes in Parkinson's disease, NINDS, (Cliff Shults, Principle Investigator) [Total award: $6,825.00; Indirects: $1,706.25]. Principal Investigator [1999-2001]: "Effects of Co-enzyme Q10 in early Parkinson's disease," Multicenter trial sponsored by NINDS Program Pilot Clinical Trial Grant for

Neurological Disease. [Total: $50,079.57; Indirects: $12,677.43] Principal Investigator [1997- 1999]: An open label, dose escalation, safety and tolerability study of botulinum toxin type B (BotB) in patients with cervical dystonia. Athena Neurosciences [Total award: $82,057.00; Indirects: $17,231.97]. Principal Investigator [1996]: "Phase II study of the sensitivity and specificity of Dopascan injection administered to healthy controls and subjects with Parkinson's disease, progressive supranuclear palsy, and essential tremor." Guilford Pharmaceuticals and Parkinson Study Group. [Total award: $85,117.50; Indirects: $17,874.75] Co-Investigator [1996-1999]: "Dopamine transporter imaging by PET in aging and disease" National Institute of Aging, James J. Frost, Principle Investigator. [Total award: $685,327.00, 15% effort] Principal Investigator [1995]: "Clinical assessment of SPECT imaging with Dopascan injections in patients with Parkinson's disease and healthy controls." Guilford Pharmaceuticals.[Total: $22,920.00; Indirects: $4,813.20] Principal Investigator [1992- 1994]: "Double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group comparison to assess the safety, tolerance, and efficacy of Pramipexole in advanced Parkinson's disease and to assess long-term safety with open label Pramipexole" Multi-center trial sponsored by Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. [Total $21,119.90; Indirects: $4,435.17] Principal Investigator [1989-1995]: "A triple-blind, randomized study comparing SINEMET CR (50/200) with SINEMET (25/100) in Parkinson's disease for patients on prior levodopa therapy." Multicenter trial sponsored by Merck Sharp & Dohme [Total: $ 101,901.00; Indirects: $26,494.51] Publications Refereed 1. Reich SG, Weiner SN, Chester S, Ruff RL. Clinical and radiologic features of spontaneous thigh muscle infarction in the diabetic. Clinical Nuclear Medicine 10:876-879, 1985. 2. Reich SG. Harvey Cushing's Guillain-Barre Syndrome: an historical diagnosis. Neurosurgery 21(2):135-141, 1987. 3. Reich SG. Destroyers and other verses: Henry Head, the Poet. Archives of Neurology 45(11):1257-1260, 1988. 4. Glass JD, Reich SG, DeLong MR. Wilson's disease: development of neurological disease after beginning penicillamine therapy. Archives of Neurology 47(5):595-6,

1990. 5. Koller WC, Block GA, Ahlskog JE, Cedarbaum JM, Cyaham G, Goetz C, Lewitt PA, Liss C, McLean L, Moses H, Reich SG, Singer C, Stellar S, Weiner WJ. Effect of MK458 (HPMC) in Parkinson's Disease previously untreated with dopaminergic drugs. Clinical Neuropharmacology 14(4):322-329, 1991. 6. Ventre J, Zee DS, Papageorgiov H, Reich SG. Predictive saccades in hemiparkinson disease. Brain 115:1147-1165, 1992. 7. Beck RW, et al. and the Optic Neuritis Study Group (S. Reich). A Randomized, controlled trial of corticosteroids in the treatment of acute optic neuritis. New England Journal of Medicine 326(9):581-588,1992. 8. Frost JJ, Rosier AM, Reich SG, Smith JS, Ehlers M, Snyder SH, Ravert HT, Dannals RF. PET imaging of the dopamine transporter in Parkinson's disease by 11-C-WIN 35,428, reveals marked declines in mild Parkinson's disease. Annals of Neurology 34:423-431, 1993. 9. Parkinson Study Group (S. Reich). Effects of Tocopherol and Deprenyl on the progression of disability in early Parkinson’s Disease. The New England Journal of Medicine 328(3): 176-183, 1993. 10. Beck RW, Cleary PA, Trobe JD, Kaufman DI, Kupersmith MJ, Paty D, Brown UT, Optic Neuritis Study Group (S. Reich). The effect of corticosteroids for acute optic neuritis on the subsquent development of multiple sclerosis. New England Journal of Medicine 329:17641769, 1993. 11. Repka MX, Claro MC, Loupe DN, Reich SG. Ocular motility in Parkinson's disease. Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus 33:144-147;1996. 12. Parkinson Study Group (S. Reich). Impact of deprenyl and tocopherol on Parkinson’s disease in DATATOP subjects not requiring levodopa. Annals of Neurology 1996;39:29-36. 13. Block G, Liss C, Reines S, Irr J, Nibbelink D, The CR First Study Group (S. Reich). Comparison of immediate-release and controlled release carbidopa/levodopa in Parkinson’s disease. European Neurology. 37:23-27; 1997 14. Lieberman A, Ranhosky A, Korts D, Pramipexole Study Group (S. Reich). Clinical evaluation of pramipexole in advanced Parkinson’s disease. Neurology 49:162-168, 1997. 15. Suarez JI, Verhagen, Metman L, Reich SG, Dougherty PM, Hallett M, Lenz FA. Pallidotomy for hemiballismus: efficacy and characteristics of neuronal activity. Annals of Neurology 42:807-811, 1997.

16. Riviere CN, Reich SG, Thakor NV. Adaptive fourier modeling for quantification of tremor. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 74;77-87,1997. 17. Zirh TA, Lenz FA, Reich SG, Dougherty PM. Patterns of bursting occurring in thalamic cells during Parkinson’s tremor. Neuroscience 83;107-121, 1998. 18. Hua SE, Lenz FA, Zirh TA, Reich SG, Dougherty PM. Thalamic neuronal activity correlated with essential tremor. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry 64;273-276, 1998. 19. Persico AM, Reich SG, Henningfield JE, Kuhar MJ, Uhl GR. Parkinsonian patients report blunted subjective effects of methylphenidate. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology 6:54-63, 1998. 20. Lenz FA, Suarez JI, Verhagen LM, Reich SG, Chen R, Karp BI, Hallett M, Eckel TS, Rowland LH, Hua S, Dougherty PM. Pallidal activity during dystonia: somatosensory reorganization and activity dependent changes in spontaneous activity. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 65: 767-770, 1998. 21. Parkinson Study Group (S. Reich). Mortality in DATATOP: a multicenter trial in early Parkinson’s disease. Annals of Neurology 1998;43:318-325. 22. Ilgin N, Zubieta JK, Reich SG, Dannals RF, Ravert HT, Frost JJ. Dopamine transporter imaging in Parkinson's disease and progressive supranuclear palsy. Neurology 52:1221-1226, 1999. 23. Girkin CA, Perry JD, Miller NR, Reich SG. Pachymeningitis with multiple cranial neuropathies and unilateral optic neuropathy secondary to Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Case Report and Review. Clinical Neuroophthalmology 18:196-200, 1999. 24. Pharr V, Litvan I, Brad DG, Troncoso J, Reich SG, Stark M. Ideomotor apraxia in progressive supranuclear palsy: a case study. Movement Disorders 14:162-165, 1999. 25. Zirh A, Reich SG, Dougherty PM, Lenz FA. Stereotactic thalamotomy in the treatment of essential tremor: re-assessment including a blinded measure of outcome. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 66:772-775, 1999. 26. Chambers CB, Lee JM, Tronocoso J, Reich SG, Muma NA. Overexpression of 4 repeat tau isoforms in progressive supranuclear palsy but not in Alzheimer's disease. Annals of Neurology 46:325-332, 1999. 27. Lenz FA, Jaeger CJ, Seike MS, Lin YC, Reich SG, et al. Thalamic single neuron activity in patients with dystonia: dystonia-related activity and somatic sensory reorganization. Journal of Neurophysiology 82:2372-92, 1999 28. Koller WC, Hutton JT, Tolosa E. Carbidopa/levodopa study group (S.Reich). Immediaterelease and controlled-release carbidopa/levodopa in the treatment of Parkinson's disease:

a five-year random mixed, multi-center study. Neurology 53:1012-1019, 1999. 29. Landau WM, Schmidt RE, McGlennen RC, Reich SG. Hereditary spastic paraplegia and hereditary ataxin part II: a family demonstrating a variety of phenotypic manifestations with SCA 3 genotype. Archives of Neurology 57:733-739, 2000. 30. Parkinson Study Group. (S.Reich). A multi-center asssessment of dopamine transporter imaging with DOPASCAN/SPECT in parksonism. Neurology 55: 1540 – 1547, 2000. 31. Krauss G, Bergin, A, Reich SG, Yong-Won C. Suppression of Post-Hypoxic Myoclonus with Levetiracetam, Neurology 56: 411-412, 2001. 32. Poorkaj P, Grossman M, Steinbart E, Payami H, Sadavnick A, Nochlin D, Tabira T, Trojanowski JQ, Borson S, Galasko D, Reich SG, Quinn B, Schellenberg G, Bird TD. The Frequency of Tau Gene Mutations in Familial and Sporadic Cases of non-Alzheimer Dementia. Archives of Neurology 58:383-387, 2001. 33. Weiner WJ, Factor SA, Jankovic J, Hauser RA, Tetrud JW, Waters CH, Shulman LM, Glassman PM, Beck B, Paume D, Doyle D, Pramipexole Study Group (S.Reich). The long term safety and efficacy of pramipexole in advanced parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders 7: 115-120, 2001. 34. Rajendran PR, Thompson RE, Reich SG. The use of alternative therapies by patients with Parkinson's disease. Neurology 57:790-794, 2001. (PR Rajendran received the G. Milton Shy medical student essay award from the American Academy of Neurology). 35. Reich SG. A medical mystery [Neurovignette photograph]. The Neurologist 7: 308, 2001. 36. Marsh L, Reich SG, Lyketsos K. Olanzapine for the treatment of psychosis in patients with parkinson's disease and dementia. Psychosomatics 42: 477-481, 2002. 37. Lenz FA, Jaeger CJ, Seike MS, Lin YC, Reich SG. Single neuron analysis of human thalamus in patients with intention tremor and cerebellar signs. Journal of Neurophysiology 87: 2084-2094, 2002. 38. Ramulu P, Moghekar A, Chaudhry V, Zee DS, Reich SG. Wernicke’s encephalopathy (NeuroImage). Neurology 59:846, 2002. 39. Shults CW, Oakes K, Kieburtz K, Beal MF, Haas R, Plumb S, Juncos JL, Nutt J, Shoulson I, Carter J, Kompoliti K, Perlmutter JS, Reich S, Stern M, Watts RL, Kurlan R, Mohlo E, Harrison M, Lew M, and the Parkinson Study Group. Effects of Coenzyme Q10 in early Parkinson’s disease- evidence for slowing of the functional decline. Archives of Neurology 59: 1541-1550, 2002. 40. Reider CR, Halter CA, Castellucio PF, Oakes D, Nichols WC, Foroud T, Parkinson Study Group (S.Reich). Reliability of reported age at onset for Parkinson’s disease. Movement Disorders 2002;18:275-279. 41. Reich SG. The cold hands sign of multisystem atrophy [NeuroImage]. Neurology

2003;60:719. 42. Reich SG, Marsh L. Ten Questions: Psychiatric aspects of Parkinson’s disease. The Neurologist 9:50-56, 2003. 43. Gilstad J, Reich SG. Chorea in an octogenerian. The Neurologist 2003;9:165-166. 44. Foroud T, Uniacke SK, Liu L, Pankratz N, Rudolph A, Halter C, Shults C, Karder K, Conneally PM, Nichols WC, Parkinson Study Group (S. Reich). Heterozygositiy for a mutation in the parkin gene leads to later onset Parkinson’s disease. Neurology 2003:60:796-801. 45. Pankratz N, Nichols WC, Uniacke SK, Halter C, Rudolph A, Shults C, Conneally PM, Toroud T, Parkinson Study Group (S. Reich). Significant linkage of Parkinson disease to chromosome 2q36-37. American Journal of Human Genetics 2003:72:1053-1057. 46. Optic Neuritis Study Group (S. Reich). High- and low-risk profiles for the development of multiple sclerosis within 10 year after optic neuritis. Archives of Ophthalmology 2003;121:944-949. 47. Leroi I, Brandt J, Reich SG, Lyketsos K, Grill S, Thompson R, Marsh L. Randomized placebo-controlled trial of donepezil for cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 2004;19:1-8. 48.

Olanow CW, Kieburtz K, Stern M, Watts R, Langston JW, Guarnieri M, Hubble J; US01 Study Team (SG Reich). Double-blind, placebo-controlled study of entacapone in levodopa-treated patients with stable Parkinson disease. Arch Neurol 2004;61:1563-1568.

49. Visser JE, Reich SG, Harris JC, Barabas G, Eddey GE, Jinnah HA. The motor disorder of Lesch-Hyhan disease. Nucleosides, Nucleotides, & Nucleic Acids 2004;23:1161-1164. 50. The Parkinson Study Group (Reich SG, Investigator). Levodopa and the progression of Parkinson’s disease. New England Journal of Medicine 2004;351:2498-2508. 51. Khosla J, Edelman MJ, Kennedy N, Reich SG. West Nile virus presenting as opsoclonusmyoclonus cerebellar ataxia. Neurology 2005;64:1095. 52. Nichols WC, Pankratz N, Hernandez D, Paisan-Ruiz, C, Jain S, Halter CA, Michaels VE, Reed T, Rudolph A, Shults CW, Singleton A, Forout T, Parkinson Study GroupPROGENI Investigators (S. Reich). Genetic screening for a single common LRRK2 mutation in familial Parkinson's disease. Lancet 2005;365:410-412. 53. Crone NE, Jinnah HA, Reich SG. Wilson disease presenting with an unusual cough. Movement Disorders 2005;20:891-893. 54.

Reich SG, Grill SE. Gustatory sweating: Frey’s syndrome. Neurology 2005;65:E24.

55. Gilman S, May SJ, Shults CW, Tanner CM, Kukull W, Lee VM, Masliah E, Low P, Sandroni P, Trojanowski JQ, Ozelius L, Foroud T; and The North American Multiple

System Atrophy Study Group (S. Reich) .The North American multiple system atrophy study group. J Neural Transm 2005;112:1687-1694 56. Reich SG. Invited commentary: New and reliable MRI diagnosis for progressive supranuclear palsy. Nature Clinical Practice Neurology 2006;2:12-13. 57. Blindauer K, Shoulson I, Oakes D, Kieburtz K, Schwid S, Fahn S, Stern M, Goetz C, Nutt J, Goren S, Sayag N, Scolnik M, Levy R, Eyal E, Salzman P, Pagano M; Parkinson Study Group (Reich SG). A randomized controlled trial of etilevodopa in patients with Parkinson disease who have motor fluctuations. Archives of Neurology 2006;63:210-216 58. Schneider SA, Edwards MJ, Grill SE, Goldstein S, Kanchana S, Quinn NP, Bhatia KP, Hallett M, Reich SG. Adult-onset primary lower limb dystonia. Movement Disorders 2006;2:767-771. 59. Shulman LM, Stevenson R, Anderson KE, Vaughan CG, Gruber-Baldini A, Reich SG, Weiner WJ. Subjective report vs. objective measurement of activities of daily living in Parkinson’s disease. Movement Disorders 2006;21:794-799. 60. Jinnah HA, Visser JE, Harris JC, Verdu A, Larovere L, Cebbalos-Picot, Neychev V, Torres R, Dulac O, Desguerre I, Schretlen DJ, Robey KL, Barabas G, Bloen BR, Nyhan W, de Kremer R, Eddey GE, Puig J, Reich SG. Delienation of the motor disorder of Lesch-Nyhan disease. Brain 2006;129:1201-1217. 61. Suchowersky O, Reich S, Perlmutter J, Zesiewicz T, Gronseth G, Weiner WJ. Practice parameter: diagnosis and prognosis of new onset Parkinson disease. Neurology 2006;66:968-975. 62.

Suchowersky O, Gronseth G, Perlmutter J, Reich S, Zesiewicz T, Weiner WJ. Practice parameter: neuroprotective strategies and alternative therapies for Parkinson disease. Neurology 2006;66:976-982.

63. Haines S, Chen H, Anderson KE, Fishman PS, Shulman LM, Weiner WJ, Reich SG. When do patients with Parkinson disease disclose their diagnosis? Neurology 2006;67:488-90. 64. Reich SG. Bell palsy: which side? (Teaching NeuroImage). Neurology 2007;682:E1. 65. Mutations in LRRK2 other than G2019S are rare in a North American-based sample of familial Parkinson disease. Pankratz N, Pauciulo MW, Elsaesser VE, Marek DK, Halter CA, Rudolph A, Shults CW, Foroud T, Nichols WC and the Parkinson Study Group-PROGENI Investigators (S. Reich). Movement Disorders 2006;21: 22572260. 66. Mutations in DJ-1 are rare in familial Parkinson disease. Pankratz N, Pauciulo MW, Elsaesser VE, Marek DK, Halter CA, Wojcieszek J, Rudolph A, Shults CW, Foroud T, Nichols WC and the Parkinson Study Group-PROGENI Investigators (S. Reich). Neuroscience Letters 2006;408:209-213.

67. R1514Q substitution in LRRK2 is not a pathogenic Parkinson disease mutation. Nichols WC, Marek DK, Pauciulo MW, Pankratz N, Halter C, Rudolph A, Shults C, Wojcieszek J, Foroud T and the Parkinson Study Group-PROGENI investigators (S. Reich). Movement Disorders 2007;22:254-257. 68. Ozelius Laurie J., Foroud T, May S, Senthil G, Sandroni P, Low PA, Reich SG, Colcher A, Stern MB, Ondo WG, Jankovic J, Huang N, Tanner CM, Novak P, Gilman S, Marshall FJ, Wooten GF, Chelimsky TC, Shults CW, and the North American Multiple System Atrophy Study Group. The G2019S mutation in LRRK2 is not associated with multiple system atrophy. Movement Disorders (in press). 69. Boatman DF, Miglioretti DL, Eberwein C. Alidoost M. Reich SG. How accurate are bedside hearing tests? Neurology 2007;68:1311-1314. 70. Reich SG. It is III alone, or III and IV? (Teaching NeuroImage). Neurology 2007;68:E34. 71. Anderson KE, Gruber-Baldine AL, Vaughn CG, Reich SG, Fishman PF, Weiner WJ. The impact of psychogenic movement disorders on psychiatric co-morbidity, disability, and quality of life compared to Parkinson’s disease. Movement Disorders (in press). 72. Solomon D, Ramat S, Tomsak RL, Reich SG, Shin R, Zee DS, Leigh RJ. Saccadic Palsy Following Cardiac Surgery: Characteristics and Pathogenesis. Annals of Neurology (in press). 73. May S, Gilman S, Sowell BB,Thomas RG, Stern MB, Colsher A, Tanner CM, Huang N, Novak P, Reich SG, Jankovic J, Ondo WG, Low PA, Sandroni P, Lipp A, Marshall FJ, Wooten F, Shults CW, and the North American Multiple System Atrophy Study Group. Potential Outcome Measures and Trial Design Issues for Multiple System Atrophy. Movement Disorders (in press). Non-Refereed 1. Reich SG. The tired patient - psychologic versus organic causes. Hospital Medicine 22(7):142-154, 1986. 2. Reich SG (ed). Zebras. Seminars in Neurology. 16(1) New York:Thieme Medical Publishers, March, 1996. 3. Wesselmann U, Reich SG. The Dynias. Seminars in Neurology. 16(1):63-74,1996. 4. Buchholz DB, Reich SG. The Managerie of migraine. Seminars in Neurology. 16(1):8393, 1996. 5. Purcell LL, Reich SG. Dysphagia in progressive supranuclear palsy (editorial). Dysphagia 12:144-145; 1997. 6. Hua S, Reich SG, Zirh AT, Dougherty PM, Lenz FA. The role of the thalamus and basal

ganglia in parkinsonian tremor: a review of the evidence. Movement Disorders 13 (Supplement 3): 40-42, 1998. 7. Reich SG. Psychogenic Tremor: Avoiding a Potentially Slippery Diagnostic Slope (Editorial comment). Neurology Network Commentary 3:285-289,1999. 8. Kuniyoshi S, Riley D, Zee DS, Reich SG, Whitney C, Leigh RG. Distinguishing progressive supranuclear palsy from other forms of Parkinson’s disease: evaluation of new signs. Annals of New York Academy of Sciences 956:484-486, 2002. 9. Reich SG (editor). Movement Disorders. Current Treatment Options in Neurology 6: 175-219, 2004. 10. Kemp LW, Reich SG. Hemifacial spasm. Current Treatment Options in Neurology 6:175-179, 2004. 11. Skidmore F, Reich SG. Tardive dystonia. Current Treatment Options in Neurology 2005;7:231236. 12. Reich SG. Movement Disorders (section editor). Current Treatment Options in Neurology 2005;7:203-243. 13.

Reich, SG. Psychogenic movement disorders.Seminars in Neurol 2006;26:289-296

14. Reich SG (editor). Psychogenic Disorders. Seminars in Neurology 2006(July);26.

Book Chapters 1. Reich SG, DeLong MR. Parkinson's Disease. In Johnson RT (ed). Current Therapy in Neurologic Disease. Philadelphia:BC Decker, 1990, 247-252. (Reprinted in: Kassirer JP (ed), Current Therapy in Internal Medicine (3rd Ed). Philadelphia: BC Decker, 1991, 1673-1677). 2. Alexander GE, Reich SG, DeLong MR. Torticollis. In Johnson RT (ed). Current Therapy in Neurologic Disease. Philadelphia:BC Decker, 1990, 275-278. 3. Reich SG, DeLong MR. Parkinson's Disease. In Johnson RT (ed). Current Therapy in Neurologic Disease. Philadelphia:BC Decker, 1990, 247-252. (Reprinted in: Kassirer JP (ed), Current Therapy in Internal Medicine (3rd Ed). Philadelphia: BC Decker, 1991, 1673-1677). 4. Alexander GE, Reich SG, DeLong MR. Torticollis. In Johnson RT (ed). Current Therapy in Neurologic Disease. Philadelphia:BC Decker, 1990, 275-278. 5. Reich SG, DeLong MR. Common Disorders of Movement: Tremor and Parkinson's Disease. In Barker LR, Burton JR, Zieve PD (eds). Principles of Ambulatory Medicine (Third ed). Baltimore: Williams and Wilkens, 1991, 1133-1143.

6. Reich SG. Progressive Supranuclear Palsy. In Johnson RT, Griffin J (eds). Current Therapy in Neurology.St. Louis, BC Decker, 1993, 250-253. 7. Reich SG. Common disorders of movement: Tremor and Parkinson's disease. In Barker LR, Burton JR, Zieve PD (eds). Principles of Ambulatory Medicine (Fourth ed.). Baltimore:Williams and Wilkens, 1995, 1217-1229. 8. Reich SG. Movement Disorders. In Stobo JD, Hellmann DB, Ladenson PW, Petty BG, Traill TA (eds). The Principles and Practice of Medicine. Stamford:Appleton and Lange 1996, 852-856. 9. Reich SG. Dystonia. In Johnson RT, Griffin JW (eds). Current Therapy of Neurologic Disease (Fifth edition). Philadelphia: Mosby 1996, 286-290. 10. Zirh TA, Reich SG, Perry V, Lenz FA. Thalamic single neuron activity in patients with dystonia. In Fahn S, Marsden CD, DeLong M. Advances in Neurology, Dystonia 3 Philadelphia: LippincottRaven, 1998, 27-32. 11. Reich SG. Common disorders of movement: tremor and Parkinson's disease: In Barker LR, Burton JR, Zieve PD (eds). Principles of Ambulatory Medicine (Fifth Edition). Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins 1274-1285, 1998. 12. Reich SG. Approach to the patient with a gait disorder. In Humes HD, et al. Kelley's Textbook of Internal Medicine (4th edition). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkens 2881-2884, 2000. 13. Reich SG. Approach to the patient with abnormal movements and tremors. In Humes HD, et al. Kelley's Textbook of Internal Medicine (4th edition). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkens, 2884-2888, 2000. 14. Reich SG. Parkinson's Disease and related disorders. In Humes HD, et al. Kelley's Textbook of Internal Medicine (4th edition). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkens 2915-2918, 2000. 15. Reich SG. Tremor. In: Slavney PR, Hurko O (eds). Common Neurologic and Psychiatric Disorders Seen and Treated by Primary Care Physicians. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press 214-230, 2001. 16. Reich SG, Flint PW, Purcell L,. Dyphagia and Dysarthria. In Johnson RT, Griffin J, McArthur JC: Current Therapy in Neurolgic Disease. St Louis: Mosby 322-324, 2002. 17. Reich SG, Jinnah H. Restless Legs Syndrome. In Katirji B, Kaminski HJ, Preston DC, Ruff RL, Shapiro BE: Neuromuscular Disorders in Clinical Practice. Boston: Butterworth-Henemann 13341341, 2002. 18. Reich SG. Parkinson’s Disease. In Albrecht G, Bichenbach J, Mitchell D, Snyder S, Schailak W. The Encyclopedia of Disability. Sage Press (in press). Abstracts

1. Reich SG. "Harvey Cushing's N.Y.D. (not yet diagnosed) malady." Neurology 36(4) (Suppl 1):126, 1986. 2. Reich SG, Ruff RL. Yawning man or blepharospasm-oromandibular dystonia? Brueghel's syndrome revisited. Neurology 36(4) (Suppl 1):211, 1986. 3. Reich SG. Destroyers and other verses: Henry Head the poet. Neurology 37(3) (Suppl 1):263, 1987. 4. Reed RC, Manon-Espaillat R, Osorio I, Reich SG, Salazar, R. Oral activated charcoal enhances elimination of intravenously administered phenytoin. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 41(2): 1987. 5.

Kaminski H, Hlavin ML, Reich SG. Hoover's Signs: The neurologic contributions of Charles Franklin Hoover. Neurology 38 (Suppl 1):385, 1988.

6. Ventre J, Zee DS, Papageorgiov H, Reich SG. Predictive saccades in hemiparkinson disease. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 1991. 7. Chaudry V, Course A, Reich SG. Sensory conduction block in the ataxic form of Guillain-Barre Syndrome. American Association for Electrodiagnostic Medicine, 1992. 8. Becker MW, Pardo CA, Brown CF, Reich SG, Crain BJ, Generalized variant of Pick's Disease with silver negative inclusions. Brain Pathology 4:515, 1994. 9. Ilgin N, Zubieta JK, Reich SG, Ravert TH, Dannals RF. Frost JJ. Differential diagnosis of Parkinson's disease and progressive supranuclear palsy with PET Imaging of the dopamine transporter. The Journal of Nuclear Medicine 36:99P, 1995. 10. Ilgin N, Zubieta JK, Reich SG, Ravert TH, Dannals RF, Frost JJ. Preclinical diagnosis of Parkinson's disease with PET imaging of the dopamine transporter. The Journal of Nuclear Medicine 36:98P, 1995. 11. Neumann S, Reich SG, Buchholz D, Purcell L, Jones B. Progressive supranuclear palsy: characteristics of dysphagia in 14 patients. Dysphagia Research Society, 1995. 12. Straumann D, Zee DS, Solomon D, Lewis RF, Reich SG. Violations of Listing's law in patients with cerebellar atrophy: angular velocity vectors of Upward Drifts are Eye-Fixed. Society for Neuroscience Abrstracts, 1995. 13. Miller NR, Reich SG, Burger PC. Progressive cranial neuropathies in a 60-year old man. 28th Walsh Society Meeting, Salt Lake City, February 10, 1996. 14. Ilgin N, Kruger MJ, Stumpf MJ, Bencherif JB, Zubieta JK, Reich SG, Dannals RF, Frost JJ. Statistical parametric mapping of dopamine transporter binding in Parkinson's disease by PET. Society of Nuclear Medicine, 1996. 15. Lieberman A, Pramipexole Advanced Study Group. Efficacy and safety of pramipexole in advanced Parkinson's disease patients with "wearing off" phenomena. American Academy of

Neurology, 1996. 16. Neumann S, Buchholz D, Reich SG, Goldberg P, Purcell L, Lenz F, Jones B. Dysphagia following pallidotomy for Parkinson's disease. Dysphagia 12:110, 1997. 17. Ilgin N, Reich SG, Bencherit B, Goldberg P, Stumpf M, Zubieta JK, Ravert HT, Frost JJ. Detection of dopamine transporter loss in Parkinson’s disease: a longitudinal study evaluating the progression of dopaminergic denervation. The Society of Nuclear Medicine, 1997. 18. Averbuch-Heller L, Stahl JS, Reich SG. Lid-eye incoordination in Parkinson’s disease. Society for Neuroscience, 1997. 19. Jinnah HA, Harris JC, Reich SG, Visser JE, Barabas G, Eddey GE. The motor disorder of Lesch Nyhan disease. 5th International Congress of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders, 1998. 19. Pulley MT, Chaudhry V, Crawford TO, Reich SG. Autosomal dominant demyelinating hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy segregating with familial Parkinson's disease in a large kindred. Neurology 50:A104, 1998. 20. Ilgin N, Bencherif B, Reich SG, Dannals, Ravert HT, Frost JJ. Analysis of dopamine transporter binding in Parkinson's disease by statistical parametic mapping. European Association of Nuclear Medicine Congress, Barcelona, Spain. 1999. 21. Rajendran PR, Thompson RE, Reich SG. The use of alternative therapies by patients with Parkinson's disease. Neurology 54 (suppl 3): A471, 2000. 22. Kuniyoshi SM, Riley DE, Zee DS, Reich SG, Leigh RJ. Evaluation of clinical signs to differentiate progressive supranuclear palsy from Parkinson’s disease. Neurology 56 (Suppl 3): A458, 2001. 23. Boatman D, Eberwein CA, Miglioretti D, Alidoost M, Reich SG. Evaluation of bedside tests of hearing. Neurology 56 (Suppl 3): A35, 2001. 24. Kuniyoshi S, Riley D, Zee DS, Reich SG, Whitney C, Leigh RG. Distinguishing progressive supranuclear palsy from other forms of Parkinson’s disease: evaluation of new signs. Annals of New York Academy of Sciences 956:484-486, 2002. 25. Reich SG, Lederman MB, Griswold ME. Errors and delays in diagnosing Parkinson’s disease. Ann Neurol 2002;52:S84. 26. Reich, SG. Steppage gait in Parkinson’s Disease. Movement Disorders 2003;18:1093. 27. Reich SG, O’Hearn E. Low ceruloplasmin in heterozygotes for Wilson’s disease: a copper herring. Ann Neurol 2003;54:S42. 28. Reich SG, Malecki E, Moliterno AB, Corse AM, Lee LA, Vogelsang GB. Manganeseinduced parkinsonism from total parenteral nutrition: report of a case and review of the

literature. Ann Neurol 2003;54:S73. 29. Reich SG, Grill SE, Goldstein S, Kanchara S, Hallett M. Adult-onset primary foot dystonia. Neurology 2004;62 (Suppl 5):A514. 30. Shulman LM, Anderson KE, Vaughn CG, Gruber-Baldini A, Fishman PS, Reich SG, Weiner WJ. Neurology 2004;62 (Suppl 5):A335. 31. Malecki EA, Vaughn CG, Anderson KE, Fishman PS, Reich SG, Weiner WJ, Shulman LM. What symptoms are most troubling to patients with Parkinson’s disease? Neurology 2004;62 (Suppl 5):A50. 32. Khosla J, Edelman MJ, Kennedy N, Reich SG. West Nile virus presenting as opsoclonusmyoclonus cerebellar ataxia. Ann Neurol 2004;56(suppl 8):S70. 33. Shulman LM, Stevenson R, Anderson KE, Vaughan CG, Gruber-Baldini A, Reich SG, Weiner WJ. Subjective patient-report versus objective performance-based measurement of activities of daily living in Parkinson’s disease. Ann Neurol 2004;56(suppl8):S54. 34. Haines S, Chen J, Anderson KE, Fishman PS, Shulman LM, Weiner WJ, Reich SG. Disclosing the diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease: patient experiences. Movement Disorders 2004;19:1126. 35. Olander EA, Shulman LM, Anderson KE, Reich SG, Vaughan CG, Weiner WJ. Urinary incontinence in Parkinson’s disease. Movement Disorders 2005;20(Suppl 10):S88. 36. Cornelius J, Reich SG. Diagnostic errors observed in patients referred to a Parkinson’s disease and movement disorders clinic. Neurology 2005;64(Suppl 1):A75-76. 37. Shulman LM, Gruber-Baldine AL, Anderson KE, Vaughn CG, Fishman PF, Reich SG, Weiner WJ. The evolution of disability in Parkinson’s disease. Neurology 2005;64(Suppl 1):A395. 38. Anderson KE, Gruber-Baldine AL, Vaughn CG, Reich SG, Fishman PF, Weiner WJ. The impact of psychogenic movement disorders on psychiatric co-morbidity, disability, and quality of life compared to Parkinson’s disease. Neurology 2005;64(Suppl 1):A419. 39. Reich SG, Verhagen-Metman L, Karp B, Bara-Jimenez W, Greene P, Eidelberg D, Fahn S, Breeze RE, Freed CR. Persistent dyskinesias following fetal dopamine neuron implantation for Parkinson’s disease. A case report with 9-year follow up. American Neurological Association, September, 2005. Shulman LM, Oh S, Anderson KE, Gruber-Baldini A, Fishman PS, Reich SG, WeinerWJ. Comparison of Disability and Quality of Life in Chronic Neurological Disorders. American Neurological Association, September, 2005.


Parkinson Study Group (S. Reich, Investigator). A randomized controlled trial of etilevodopa in Parkinson's disease patients with motor fluctuations. Movement


Disorders 2005;20:1237. Reich SG, Shulman LM, Anderson KE, Weiner WJ. Breathholding as a sign of a psychogenic movement disorder. Neurology 2006;66(Suppl 2):A368.


Shulman LM, Anderson KE, Gruber-Baldini AL, Reich SG, Fishman PS, Weiner WJ. Disease-specific or co-morbid factors- which has the greatest impact on quality of life in Parkinson’s disease? Neurology 2006;66(Suppl 2):A116.


Reich SG, Teubner-Rhodes D. Surprisingly normal handwriting: A sign suggestive of psychogenic tremor. Movement Disorders 2006;21(Suppl 15):S697.


45. Tanji H, Pretzer-Aboff I, Gruber-Baldini AL, Anderson KE, Reich SG, Fishman PS, Weiner WJ. Comparison of performance measures for assessment of gait, balance and mobility in patients with Parkinson's disease. Movement Disorders 2006;21(Suppl. 15):S507. 46. Shulman LM, Anderson KE, Gruber-Baldini AL, Reich SG, Fishman PS, Weiner WJ. Disease-specific or co-morbid factors- which has the greatest impact on disability in Parkinson's disease? Movement Disorders 2006;21(Suppl. 15):S509. 47. Shulman L, Baumgarten M, Gruber-Baldine AL, Anderson KE, Shardell M, Fishman P, Reich SG, Weiner W. Racial and socioeconomic disparities in patients with parkinsonism. Neurology 2007;68(Suppl 1):A104. 48. Shulman L, Gruber-Baldini AL, Anderson KE, Fishman PF, Reich SG, Weiner WJ. What is a clinically meaningful difference in the UPDRS? Neurology 2007;68(Suppl 1):A100. 49. Tanner C, Kukull W, Shults C, Comyns K, Bhudkikanok G, May S, Goldman S, Meng C, Gilman S, Chade A, Kasten M, Colcher A, Huang N, Jankovic J, Low P, Marshall F, Novak P, Ondo W, Racetter B, Reich S, Sandroni P, Stern M, Wooten GF. Head injury with amnesia and risk of multiple system atrophy. Neurology 2007;68(Suppl 1):A49. 50. Kane R, Reich S, Short P, Shulman L, Anderson K, Grattan L, Kent J, Weiner W. (July 2006). Sensitivity of the Automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metrics (ANAM) system for assessing cognitive changes in Parkinson’s disease. Paper presented at the joint meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, German Neuropsychological Society, & Swiss Neuropsychological Association Conference, Zurich, CH.

Brief Communications 1. Reich SG. Rocky mountain spotless fever (letter). Archives of Internal Medicine 143:181, 1983. 2. Reich SG. Hiccups (letter). JAMA 250:729 (Aug. 12), 1983. 3. Reich SG. It Has Been Said. Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 27(3):384-385, 1984.

4. Reich SG. (letter). Clinical-problem solving: still hazy after all these years. New England Journal of Medicine 332:333;1995. 5. Krauss GL, Bergin A, Cho YW, Reich SG, Kramer RE. (letter). Suppression of posthypoxic and post-encephalitic myoclonus with levetiracetam. Neurology 57:1145, 2001. 6. Reich SG. Forward in: Havemann J. A Life Shaken, My Encounter With Parkinson’s Disease. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University ix-xi, 2002. 7. Reich SG. Introduction in: Buchholz D. Heal Your Headaches. New York: Workman Publishing xiii-xiv, 2002 8. Shults C, Haas R, Oakes D, Kieburtz K, Plumb S, Shoulson I, Kurlan R, Beal MF, Juncos J, Watts R, Nutt J, Carter J, Kompoliti K, Perlmutter J, Reich S, Stern M, Molho E, Harrison M, Lew M (letter). Coenzyme Q10 in early Parkinson’s disease. Archives of Neurology 2003;60:1172-1173. 9. Reich SG, Weiner WJ (letter). Progression of dystonia in complex regional pain syndrome. Neurology 2005;64:2162-2163. 10. Reich SG. Review of: Frucht S, Fahn S. Movement Disorder Emergencies. Annals of Neurology 2005;58:816-817. 11.

Suchowersky O, Reich SG (letter) re: O. Suchowersky, G. Gronseth, J. Perlmutter, S. Reich, T. Zesiewicz, and W. J. Weiner. Practice Parameter: Neuroprotective strategies and alternative therapies for Parkinson disease (an evidence-based review): Report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology (Neurology 2006; 66: 976982). Neurology 2006 (Aug 15); Epub.

12. Weiner WJ, Reich SG (letter). Upper limb tremor induced by peripheral nerve injury. Neurology 2007;69:118. 13. Newman-Toker DE, Reich SG (letter). “Wrong way” nystagmus in the AICA syndrome. The Laryngoscope (in press). Invited Lectures 1. "Endocrinology, Art, and History," Tulane Medical School, Endocrinology Journal Club, New Orleans, LA, April 22, 1981. 2. "The Doctrine of Signatures," Tulane Medical School History of Medical Society, New Orleans, LA, May 12, 1983. 3. "Thigh Muscle Infarction in the Diabetic," Neurology Grand Rounds, University Hospitals of Cleveland, Cleveland, OH, September 20, 1984. 4. "The Medical Art of Edvard Munch," The Handerson Medical History Society, Cleveland,

Ohio, March 12, 1985. 5. "Headaches and Pregnancy," Obstetric Grand Rounds, University Hospitals of Cleveland, Cleveland, OH, November 22, 1985. 6. "Palatal Myoclonus," Neurology Ground Rounds, University Hospitals of Cleveland, Cleveland, OH, February 27, 1986. 7. "On Death, Hydrogen Ions, and Chateau Margaux: The H.L. Mencken - George Crile Connection," The Handerson Medical History Society, Cleveland, OH, March 4, 1986. 8. "Primary Writing Tremor: The 'ins and outs' of 'back and forth'," Neurology Grand Rounds, University Hospitals of Cleveland, Cleveland, OH, March 5, 1987. 9. "The Diagnosis and Treatment of Tremor," Medical Grand Rounds, Montgomery General Hospital, Olney, MD, November 5, 1987. 10. "The H.L. Mencken - Harvey Cushing Letters," Culpepper Lecture Series in the History of Medicine, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD, March 1, 1988. 11. "Update on Parkinson's Disease," Topics in Clinical Medicine, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD, May 12, 1989. 12. "Tremor," 17th Annual Geriatrics Symposium, Baltimore, MD, January 25, 1990. 13. "Parkinsonism," Neurology for the Primary Care Practitioner, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD, November 17, 1990. 14. "Essential Tremor," Department of Internal Medicine Grand Rounds, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD, March 2, 1991. 15. "Update on Parkinson's Disease," Department of Internal Medicine Grand Rounds, Franklin Square Hospital, Baltimore, MD, March 7, 1991. 16. "The Diagnosis and Treatment of Tremor," Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds, The University of Maryland School of Medicine, May 2, 1991. 17. "Update on Movement Disorder," Topics in Internal Medicine, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, May 9, 1991. 18. "Torticollis," American Spasmodic Torticollis Association, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, May 11, 1991. 19. "An Overview of Progressive Supranuclear Palsy," The Society for Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, May 18, 1991. 20. "The Use of Botulinum Toxin for the Treatment of Movement Disorders," Biennial Meeting of The Johns Hopkins Medical and Surgical Association Baltimore, MD, June 7, 1991.

21. "Parkinson's Disease," "The Diagnosis and Treatment of Tremor," Hamad Hospital, Doha, Qatar, June 18 and 20, 1991. 22. "The Effect of Neurological Illness on Handwriting," Association of Forensic Document Examiners, Boston, MA, October 13, 1991. 23. "Tremor," "Focal Dystonias and the use of Botulinum Toxin," Neurology for the Primary Practitioner, The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, MD, November 9, 1991. 24. "The Diagnosis and Treatment of Tremor," Grand Rounds, Harford Memorial Hospital, Havre de Grace, MD, November 20, 1991. 25. "New Knowledge for the Management of Parkinson's Disease," Bernadine Z. Paulshock lecture, Delaware Academy of Family Physicians Sixth Annual Geriatric Medicine Symposium, Wilmington, DE, December 3, 1991. 26. "Metoclopramide - Induced Movement Disorders," Medical Grand Rounds, Francis Scott Key Medical Center, Baltimore, MD, December 11, 1991. 27. "Movement Disorders, " Geriatric Symposium (Sponsored by Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, The American Geriatric Society and Gerontology Research Center), Baltimore, MD, February 5, 1992. 28. "Parkinson's Disease," Grand Rounds, Maryland General Hospital, Baltimore, MD, February 11,1992. 29. "Neurology," Recertification Board Review for Physician Assistants (Sponsored by The Maryland Academy of Physician Assistants and Essex Community College), Baltimore, MD, March 8, 1992. 30. "Differential Diagnosis of Movement Disorders," Imaging of Living Brain Chemistry in Health and Disease, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, MD, March 13, 1992. 31. "Deterioration Following Lumbar Puncture in an Alcoholic Man with Change in Mental Status," Department of Internal Medicine Morbidity and Mortality Conference, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, May 20, 1992. 32. "The ABC's and the DEF's of Parkinson's Disease," presented to the following Parkinson's Disease Support Groups: Columbia, MD (February 7, 1992), Bel Air, MD (March 13, 1992), Salisbury, MD (April 27, 1992), Hagerstown, MD (May 6, 1992), York, PA (May 14, 1992), Severna Park, MD (May 26, 1992), Hershey, PA (June 4, 1992). 33. "Dystonia Syndromes," Colloquia and Workshops on Laryngeal Disorders, The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, MD, September 10, 1992. 34. "The Neurologic Examination Made Ridiculously Simple," Maryland Academy of Physician Assistants, Baltimore, MD, October 2, 1992.

35. "Beyond James Parkinson: The Varied Symptoms of Parkinson's Disease," Parkinson's Disease Symposium (for patients), Sponsored by American Parkinson's Disease Center, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD, October 3, 1992. 36. "The Emergence of Cushing's Leadership," History of Neurosurgery Course, Congress of Neurosurgery, Washington, DC, November 3, 1992. 37. "Overview of Movement Disorders and Drug-Induced Movement Disorders," Professor's Rounds, Department of Internal Medicine, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, December 2, 1992. 38. "The Neurologic Examination: Back to the Basics," & "Drug-Induced Movement Disorders," Neurology for the Primary Practitioner, Baltimore, MD, December 12, 1992. 39. "Differential Diagnosis of Movement Disorders," Brain Imaging in Clinical Practice and Research, The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, MD, March 11, 1993. 40. "Neurology Review," 1993 Recertification Exam Review for Physician Assistants, Essex Community College, Baltimore, MD, March 14, 1993. 41. "Update on Parkinson's Disease," Department of Internal Medicine Grand Rounds, The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, MD, April 3, 1993. 42. "Transient Global Amnesia," Topics in Internal Medicine, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, MD, May 13, 1993. 43. "Parkinson's Disease," Grand Rounds, Harrisburg Hospital, Harrisburg, PA, May 26, 1993. 44. "Movement Disorders," Geriatric Fellows Conference, Francis Scott Key Medical Center, Baltimore, MD, June 14, 1993. 45. "Parkinson's Disease," The Johns Hopkins Health Plan, Eager Street Clinic, Baltimore, MD, June 15, 1993. 46. "Neurological Illness and Handwriting," Association of Forensic Document Examiners, Cleveland, OH, October 10, 1993. 47. "Movement Disorders," Interface of Medicine and Psychiatry Course, St. Joseph's Hospital, Baltimore, MD, November 6, 1993. 48. "Where is the lesion?: A Review of Clinical Localization," Neurology for the Primary Care Practitioner, Baltimore, MD, December 11, 1993. 49. "Neurological Evaluation in Patients with Syncope," Advances in Cardiac Diagnosis and Treatment (Sponsored by Johns Hopkins Department of Medicine), Baltimore, MD, January 21, 1994. 50. "Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders," Geriatrics Symposium, (Sponsored by The

American Geriatrics Society and Gerontology Research Center National Institute on Aging), Baltimore, MD, January 25, 1994. 51. "Pharmacological Treatment of Spasticity and Dystonia," Spectrum of Developmental Disabilities XVI (Kennedy Krieger Institute), Baltimore, MD, March 15, 1994. 52. "Parkinson's Disease," Grand Rounds, Harford Memorial Hospital, Havre de Grace, MD, May 11, 1994. 53. "Dystonia," Grand Rounds, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Sinai Hospital, Baltimore, MD, June 2, 1994. 54. "The Neurological Examination - Back to the Basics," Family Medicine Review Course, Eastern Virginia Medical School, Virginia Beach, VA, June 9, 1994. 55. "Update on Major Neurological Disorders," Maryland Association for Adult Day Care Conference '94, Baltimore, MD, October 7, 1994. 56. "An Update on Parkinson's Disease," Medical Grand Rounds, Suburban Hospital, Bethesda, MD, October 12, 1994. 57. "Head and Neck Manifestations of Movement Disorder," Second Colloquia and Workshops on Laryngeal Disorders, The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Department of Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, October 24, 1994. 58. "Movement Disorders," Neurology for the Primary Care Practitioner (Sponsored by Department of Neurology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine), Baltimore, MD, December 3, 1994. 59. "The Clinical Spectrum of Dystonia," Neurology Grand Rounds, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Cleveland, OH, February 24, 1995. 60. "The Clinical Spectrum of Dystonia," Neurology Grand Rounds, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, MI, March 31, 1995. 61. "Gait Disorders in the Elderly," Topics in Internal Medicine, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, MD, May 18, 1995. 62. "Diagnosis and Treatment of Parkinson's Disease," Maryland Academy of Family Physicians, 47th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions, Ocean City, MD, May 21, 1995. 63. "An Overview of Movement Disorders," Grand Rounds, Greater Baltimore Medical Center, June 15, 1995. 64. "Localization in Clinical Neurology," Grand Rounds, Suburban Hospital, Bethesda, MD, June 21, 1995. 65. "Delirium: How to Think Clearly about Confusion," Neurology for the Primary Care Practitioner, Baltimore, MD, December 2, 1995.

66. "The Clinical Spectrum of Dystonia," Neurology Grand Rounds, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, January 11, 1996. 67. "Update on Movement Disorders," Geriatric Medicine Symposium, Baltimore, MD January 26, 1996. 68. "Wilson's disease," Department of Internal Medicine Grand Rounds, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, March 15, 1996. 69. "Wilson's disease" Topics in Internal Medicine, Johns Hopkins Hospital, May 15, 1996. 70. "Geriatric Movement Disorders," New Jersey Academy of Family Practitioners, Atlantic City, NJ, June 27, 1996. 71. "Medical Therapy for Blepharospasm, Meige Syndrome, and Hemifacial Spasm," and "Alternative Therapies," Blepharospasm, Meige Syndrome, and Hemifacial Spasm 14th Annual International Conference and Scientific Symposium, Baltimore, MD, August10, 1996. 72. "Overview of Movement Disorders," Neurology for the Primary Care Practitioner, Baltimore, MD, December 17, 1996. 73. "Update on Parkinson’s Disease," Saturday Medicine, Johns Hopkins Department of Internal Medicine, January 18, 1997. 74. "The Clinical Spectrum of Tremor," Neurology Grand Rounds, Johns Hopkins Hospital, January 30, 1997. 75. "The Clinical Spectrum of Movement Disorders--New and Old Therapies," Neurosurgery Grand Rounds, Johns Hopkins, February 26, 1997. 76. "Movement Disorders," 14th Annual Symposium on Practical Neurology for the Primary Care Physician, St. Joseph Medical Center, Baltimore, MD, March 22, 1997. 77. "The Clinical Spectrum of Movement Disorders," Grand Rounds, Union Memorial Hospital, Baltimore, MD, April 3, 1997. 78. "Task Specific Movement Disorders," Topics in Internal Medicine, Johns Hopkins, May, 1997. 79. "The Clinical Spectrum of Movement Disorders," Geriatric Medicine Symposium, Baltimore, MD, August 22, 1997. 80. "The Clinical Spectrum of Movement Disorders," American Academy of Otolaryngology, San Francisco, CA, September 8, 1997. 81. "Case Studies in Parkinson’s Disease," Kaiser Permanente, Falls Church, VA, October 30, 1997.

82. "Movement Disorders," Primary Care Geriatrics, Kaiser Permanente, Fairfax Hospital, Fairfax, VA, November 22, 1997. 83. "Waiting Room Diagnosis of Movement Disorders, " American College of Physicians, Maryland Chapter Scientific Meeting, Ellicott City, MD, December 5, 1997. 84. "Waiting Room Diagnosis of Movement Disorders, " Neurology for the Primary Care Practitioner, Baltimore, MD, December 6, 1997. 85. "The Clinical Spectrum of Movement Disorders, " Maryland Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Baltimore, MD, March 21, 1998. 86. "Parkinson's Disease, " American Gerintological Association, Baltimore, MD, April 27, 1998. 87. "The Neurological Examination for Internists, " Topics in Internal Medicine, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, May 7, 1998. 88. "Where is the Lesion: Case Studies in Neurological Localization, " Saturday Medicine, Johns Hopkins Medical Institution, Baltimore, MD, May 16, 1998. 89. "An Update on Parkinson's Disease, " Alzheimer's Disease Research Center, Bayview Medical Center, June 9, 1998. 90. "Movement Disorders, " Johns Hopkins Internal Medicine Board Review Course, Baltimore, MD, August 9, 1998. 91. "Movement Disorders in Psychiatric Patients," Dominion Hospital, Falls Church, VA, October 7, 1998. 92. "Doctor, I Shake," Geriatric Medicine Conference (sponsored by Bayview Medical Center), Baltimore, MD, October 9, 1998. 93. "Update on Parkinson’s Disease," Internal Medicine Grand Rounds, Maryland General Hospital, November 10, 1998. 94. "Where is the Lesion?" Grand Rounds, Harbor Hospital, Baltimore, MD, January 22, 1999. 95. "Metoclopramide-Induced Extrapyramidal Side Effects," Medical Grand Rounds, Johns Hopkins, February 12, 1999. 96. "The Clinical Spectrum of Dystonia," Neuroscience Conference, Christiana Hosptial, Newark Delaware, April 29, 1999. 97. "Ten Pitfalls to Avoid in the Diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease," Topics in Internal Medicine, Johns Hopkins, May 6, 1999.

98. "An Update on Parkinson’s Disease," Family Practice Grand Rounds, York Hospital, York, PA, July 8, 1999. 99. "Movement Disorders," Johns Hopkins Internal Medicine Board Review Course, Baltimore, August 1, 1999. 100. "Pitfalls in the Diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease", Current Topics in Geriatrics, Baltimore, September 17, 1999. 101. "Overview of Movement Disorders" and "Doctor I Shake", American College of Nurse Practitioners National Clinical Symposium, Nashville, TN, October 7, 1999. 102. "Pitfalls in the Diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease", Neurology for The Primary Care Practitioner, Baltimore, December 11, 1999. 103. "The Neurological Examination", Grand Rounds, St. Agnes Hospital, Baltimore, January 20, 2000. 104. "Dysphagia in Movement Disorders", 8th Multidiscipliary Symposium on Dysphagia, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, MD., March 23, 2000. 105. "Waiting Room Diagnosis of Movement Disorders", and "10 Pitfalls to Avoid in the Diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease", 51st Annual Post-Graduate Spring Symposium, Carilion Roanoke Memorial Hospital, Roanoke, VA., March 24, 2000. 106. "Parkinsonian Syndromes", Neurology Grand Rounds, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD., April 19, 2000. 107. "Ten Pitfalls to Avoid in the Diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease", Grand Rounds, Carlisle Hospital, Carlisle, PA., May 12, 2000. 108. "The Clinical Spectrum of Dystonia", Neurology Grand Rounds, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, D.C., May 24, 2000. 109. "Movement Disorders" Johns Hopkins Internal Medicine Board Review Course, Baltimore, July 22, 2000. 110. "Tremor: The Ins and Outs of Back and Forth," Current Topics in Geriatrics, Baltimore, MD, October 12, 2000. 111. "Medical Therapy of Blepharospasm," NINDS and Benign Essential Blepharospasm Research Foundation Brainstorming Session, Washington, D.C., November 17, 2000. 112. "Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders," Topics in Ambulatory Medicine, Baltimore, MD, December 6, 2000. 113. "Update on the Treatment of Parkinson's Disease," Neurology for the Primary Care Practitioner, Baltimore, MD, December 9, 2000.

114. "The Clinical Spectrum of Dytonia," Neurology Grand Rounds, University of Mississippi, Jackson, MS, February 6, 2001. 115. “The Spinocerebellar Ataxias,” Neurology Grand Rounds, Johns Hopkins, March 22, 2001 116. "Pitfalls in the Diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease," Medical Grand Rounds, Greater Baltimore Medical Center, Towson, MD, March 29, 2001. 117. "Update in the Treatment of Parkinson's Disease," Grand Rounds, Carlisle Hospital, Carlisle, PA., March 30, 2001. 118. “Funny Faces,” Topics in Internal Medicine, Johns Hopkins, May 11, 2001. 119. “Movement Disorders,” Johns Hopkins Internal Medicine Board Review Course, July 24, 2001. 120. “10 Pitfalls in the Diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease,” Current Topics in Geriatrics, Johns Hopkins Geriatric Center, Baltimore, MD, September 20, 2001. 121. “Funny Faces,” Saturday Medicine, Johns Hopkins, October 6, 2001. 122. “The Neurological Examination,” Grand Rounds, Harbor Hospital, Baltimore, MD, November 30, 2001. 123. “Bell’s Palsy,” Johns Hopkins Neurology for the Primary Care Practitioner Course, Baltimore, MD, December 8, 2001. 124. “Involuntary Movements in the Elderly,” Current Topics in Geriatrics, Sponsored by Johns Hopkins Geriatrics Center, Baltimore, MD, October 10, 2002. 125. “Bell’s Palsy,” Medical Grand Rounds, Greater Baltimore Medical Center, October 24, 2002. 126. “Classification and Phenomenology of Movement Disorders,” Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Update, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD, November 16, 2003. 127. “10 Pitfalls in the Diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease,” Grand Rounds, Frederick Memorial Hospital, Frederick, MD, December 19, 2002. 128. “The Clinical Spectrum of Movement Disorders,” Geriatric Psychiatry Grand Rounds, University of Maryland School of Medicine, December 22, 2002. 129. “Differential Diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease and Related Movement Disorders,” Parkinson’s Disease and Related Movement Disorders in Primary Care Course, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, MD, Feb 8, 2003. 130. “Movement Disorders: An Update.” Practical Neurology for the Primary Care Physician, St.

Joseph Hospital, Baltimore, MD, March 22, 2003. 131. “The Clinical Spectrum of Dystonia,” Neurology Grand Rounds, The University of Maryland, April 23, 2003. 132. “Update on Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders,” Town Gown Symposium, Department of Neurology, The University of Maryland, June 4, 2003. 133. “Clinical Management of Parkinson’s Disease,” Johns Hopkins Bayview Neurology Conference, June 16, 2003. 134. “Etiology and Pathology of Blepharospasm,” Benign Essential Blepharospasm Research Foundation annual meeting, Philadelphia, PA, Aug 23, 2003. 135. “Is Parkinson’s Disease Really a Waiting Room Diagnosis?” [Edmund G. Beacham lecture] and “Tics, Twitches and Tremors: Approach to Patients with Movement Disorders,” Current Topics in Geriatrics Course (sponsored by Johns Hopkins and The American Geriatrics Society), Baltimore, MD, Oct 16, 2003. 136. “Parkinsonian Syndromes: Clinical Clues,” and “The Focal Dystonias,” Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Update, University of Maryland, Baltimore, Nov 1, 2003. 137. “Update on Movement Disorders,” Annual Town-Gown conference, Department of Neurology, University of Maryland, Baltimore, June 2, 2004 138. “Classification and Phenomenology of Movement Disorders,” 3rd Annual Update on Movement Disorders, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD, November 12, 2004. 139. “Movement Disorders for the Otolaryngologist,” Grand Rounds, Otolaryngology, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, MD, March 28, 2005 140. “Movement Disorders for the Otolaryngologist,” Grand Rounds, Otolaryngology, University of Maryland, April 28, 2005. 141. “Everything the Internist Needs to Know about Parkinson’s disease,” 5th Annual Update in Internal Medicine, University of Maryland, May 24, 2005. 142. “Update on Movement Disorders,” Annual Town-Gown conference, Department of Neurology, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD, June 1, 2005 143. “Parkinson’s disease for the Internist,” Grand Rounds, Greater Baltimore Medical Center, Baltimore, MD, September 22, 2005 144. “Bell’s Palsy,” Grand Rounds, St. Agnes Medical Center, Baltimore, MD, October 6, 2005 145. “Update on Movement Disorders,” American Academy of Neurology Fall Conference, Philadelphia, PD, October 30, 2005

146. “The Clinical Spectrum of Gait Disorders,” Neurology Grand Rounds, University of Maryland, December 14, 2005 147. “Update on Movement Disorders,” American Academy of Neurology Winter Conference, Las Vegas NV, January 14, 2006 148. “The Clinical Spectrum of Gait Disorders,” Grand Rounds, Union Memorial Hospital, Baltimore, MD, Feb 16, 2006. 149. “10 Pitfalls in the Diagnosis of Parkinson's disease,” Annual Geriatrics Course, Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, MD, February 9, 2006 150. “Movement Disorders,” Rehabilitation Medicine Grand Rounds, Sinai Hospital, Baltimore, MD, February 10, 2006 151. “Disclosing the Diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease,” World Congress of Parkinson’s Disease, Washington, DC, February 22, 2006. 152. “Movement Disorders: Some Instructive Cases,” Town Gown Conference, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD, June 7, 2006. 153. “Parkinsonian Syndromes,” Videocourse, Movement Disorders Society Annual Meeting, November 1, 2006, Kyoto, Japan. 154. “Movement Disorders the Internist Need to Know,” Medical Grand Rounds, St. Agnes Hospital, Baltimore, MD, January 11, 2007. 155. “Psychogenic Movement Disorders,” Neurology Grand Rounds, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD, January 17, 2007. 156. “Common Movement Disorders in the Elderly,” Johns Hopkins Current Topics in Geriatrics Course, Baltimore, MD, February 15, 2007. 157. “Psychogenic Movement Disorders,” Psychiatry Grand Rounds, St. Vincent’s Medical Center, New York, NY, February 22, 2007. 158. “The Clinical Spectrum of Gait Disorders,” Neurology Grand Rounds, Case Western Reserve, Cleveland, Ohio, March 23, 2007. 159. “Psychogenic Movement Disorders,” Town-Gown Symposium, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD, June 13, 2007.

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