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1 CURRICULUM VITAE Name : Douglas Owen Frost Citizenship : U.S.A. Professional Employment : Professor (Tenured) - Dept. of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, 7/93 - present Visiting Professor (Sabbatical with Profs. Stanley Watson and Huda Akil) - Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience Institute, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 1/06- 8/06 Associate Professor - Dept. of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, 10/88 - 6/93 Associate Director - Kennedy Laboratory, Dept. of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, 10/88 - 6/93 Associate Professor - Neuroscience Program, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 10/88 - 6/93 Associate Professor - Section of Neuroanatomy, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, 7/86 - 9/88 Assistant Professor - Section of Neuroanatom y, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, 9/80 - 6/86 Maitre Assistant - Institute of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1/79 - 8/80 Premier Assistant - Institute of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, 9/75 - 12/78 Education : Ph.D. Psychology and Brain Science, M.I.T. M.S. Electrical Engineering, M.I.T. B.S. Electrical Engineering, M.I.T.

1975 1971 1971

Honors : Collegium Internationale Neuro- Psychopharmacologicum, Full Member - 2008- Present Society for Neuroscience Grass Foundation Traveling Lecturer - 2005 National Association for Research in Schizophrenia and Depression, Distinguished Investigator Award - 2004 Raines Medical Research Foundation, Visiting Professor, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia - 2003 Siemens Foundation Lecturer, Munich, Germany - 2002 Humbolt Stiftung Fellow - 1993 American- Swiss Foundation for Scientific Exchange, Fellow - 1975 - 1976 Woodrow Wilson Fellow - 1969 - 1970 Society of Sigma Xi (Research Honorary) - 1969 - present Eta- Kappa Nu (Electronics Engineering Honorary) - 1969 - present New York State Regents Scholar – 1966 Memberships : Society for Neuroscience International Brain Research Organization Collegium Internationale Neuro- Psychopharmacologicum Active Grants : Principal investigator, R01 MH074083, National Institute of Mental Health, Antipsychotic drugs and cortical development, 2006- 2011. Co-Investigator, Veterans' Administration Research Service REAP Award, Mechanisms of neuronal degeneration, 1999- 2008, (Paul Fishman, PI).


Pending Grant Application Co-Investigator, National Institute of Mental Health, Function of CACNA1C (CaV1.2) in mood disorder pathophysiology, 2010- 2015, (Todd Gould, PI) Past Grants : Co-principal investigator, European Training Program Grant, 1977 (with E. Poeppel) Coinvestigator, Swiss National Science Foundation, Grant #3.776, 1977- 1980, H. Van der Loos, PI Principal investigator, National Institutes of Health, Grant #R01- EY03465, 1980- 1992, Development of the mammalian visual system Principal investigator, March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation, Basil O'Connor Starter Research Grant #5- 417, 1983- 1986 Principal investigator, "Bridging Grants" from the Burroughs- Wellcome Foundation, 1984 & 1987 Principal investigator, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Grant #0212/87 for international collaboration in research, 1987- 1991 Principal investigator, Milton Fund, 1990 Co-investigator, National Institutes of Mental Health, Grant #RO1- MH40157, 1991- 1993, M. Carlson, PI Principal investigator, March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation, Basic Research Grants #1- 1060, 11148, FY 91- 0121 & FY92-0858, 1987- 1993 Principal investigator, National Institutes of Mental Health, Grant #RO1- MH49568, Functional plasticity of the developing nervous system, 1992- 1998 Principal investigator, German Academic Exchange Service Travel Grant, 1993 Principal investigator, National Eye Institute, #5 R01- EY11434, Molecules regulating visual neuron number and axon growth, 1997- 2001. Consultant, Medical Research Council (Canada) grant #MT- 13359, M. Ptito, PI, 1997- 2000 Principle investigator, March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation Grant #6- FY98-0394, Neurotrophins in normal and hypoxic motor development, 1998- 2000 Principal investigator, Hereditary Disease Foundation, Neurotrophin signaling in Huntington’s Disease, 2001- 2003 Principle investigator, Stanley Foundation, Grant #01- 206, Effects of antipsychotic drugs on the development of cerebral circuitry 2001- 2003. Principal investigator, National Institutes of Health, Grant #R21- DA13628, Effects of M-amphetamine on neural circuit development, 2001- 2004 Principal investigator, National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression, Distinguished Investigator Award, Complexity of neurotrophin signaling in schizophrenia, 2004- 2005 (no- cost extension, 2005- 2007). Service: Federal Study Sections National Science Foundation, Developmental Neuroscience Panel, 1998- 2001 NIH/NIMH Special Emphasis Panel, "Research Career Development in Mental Disorders of Children" (ZMH1 CRB-H(01), 1999 NIH Study Section, “Brain Disorders and Clinical Neuroscience”, ZRG1 BDCN-5, 2001- 2004 NIH Special Emphasis Panel, “Brain Disorders and Clinical Neuroscience”, ZRG1 F01- N (20) (S), 20062007 NIH Study Section, “Developmental Brain Disorders” (DBD), 2009 Ad hoc reviewer for numerous other NIH and NSF study sections Society for Neuroscience President elect, President, Past president, Baltimore Chapter, Society for Neuroscience, 1995- 1998 Program Committee, Society for Neuroscience (National Organization), 1996- 1999

3 Ad hoc grant reviewer National Institutes of Health National Science Foundation March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation Spinal Cord Research Foundation Medical Research Council (Great Britain) US-Israel Binational Foundation Medical Research Council (Canada) Journal Reviewer Nature, Journal of Comparative Neurology, Neuroscience, Brain Research, Developmental Brain Research, Neuroscience Letters, Experimental Brain Research, Somatosensory Research, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, Journal of Neuroscience, Journal of Neurophysiology, Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, Visual Neuroscience, Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, European Journal of Neuroscience, Cerebral Cortex, Journal of Neurochemistry Other Scientific Adviser, Rodin Remediation Academy, 1986 - 2003. Symposium session organizer - "New approaches to the functional development of the neocortex", Annual meeting, Society for Neuroscience, 13- 18 November, 1988. 1988. Outside consultant on "Basic Mechanisms of Cortical Injury: Relevance to IVH" Program Project Grant from NINDS to Yale Medical School, Laura Ment, MD, PI, 1993 - 1998. Symposium Organizing Commit tee, The Cholinergic Synapse: Structure, Function and Regulation, November 6-10, 1994, 1993- 1994 – Vice president, University of Maryland Chapter of American Association of University Professors, 1998 - 1999 President, University of Maryland Chapter of American Association of University Professors, 1999 2000 Co-organizer, International Symposium on Schizophrenia and Neuroplasticity, 9-14 September, 2000, Zinal Switzerland, 2000. Symposium session organizer - "Schizophrenia and Neuroplasticity", International Congress on Schizophrenia Research, Whistler, British Columbia, Canada, 28 April - 2 May, 2001, 2001. Yale Medical School 1985- 1988 - Graduate Admissions Committee, Section of Neuroanatom y, Yale Medical School 1986- 1988 - Member, Yale Animal Care and Use Committee Harvard Medical School/Massachusetts General Hospital 1988- 1989 - Massachusetts General Hospital Animal Care and Use Committee 1989- 1990 - Executive Committee, Neuroscience Center, Dept. of Neurology, Mass. General Hospital University of Maryland School of Medicine Committees 1994 - Interdepart mental Neuroscience Planning Committee 1995 - SRIS review commit tee 1996- 1999 - Appointment, Promotion and Tenure Committee 2000 - Organization Structure & Performance/Faculty Recruitment, Development & Retention Subcommit tee of the School of Medicine Strategic Plan 2000- 2005 Steering Committee 2003 - 2007 - Departmental representative to the Faculty Assembly of the U of M School of Medicine 2007 – Program in Neuroscience Curriculum Committee 2009 – Present - Toxicology Program Admissions Committee 2009 – Departmental Appointment, Promotion and Tenure committee Dept. of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, University of Maryland Committees 1993 - 3 Departmental promotion committees - L. Malkas, W. Randall, J. Warnick

4 1993 - Committee on adjunct appointments 1994- 1996 - Departmental Seminars 1994 - Chair, Committee on future directions and development of department 1994 - Departmental DRIF Committee 1994 - Space/resources Commit tee 1997- 99 - Chairman, depart mental appointment, promotion and tenure committee 2000 – Departmental promotion committee Dept. of Anesthesiology University of Maryland Committees 1994- 95 - Faculty search committee Program in Neuroscience, University of Maryland Committees 1996- 1997 Co-chair, Seminar committee 2007 Program in Neuroscience Curriculum Committee Toxicology Program, University of Maryland Committees 2009 Graduate admissions committee Teaching : Lowell Institute School, M.I.T., Computer program ming,instructor, 1969 – 1970. Dept. of Psychology and Brain Science, M.I.T., Physiological psychology, teaching assistan, 1971 – 1973. Dept. of Anatomy, University of Lausanne School of Medicine, Gross anatomy dissection and lecturing, 1975 – 1980. Section of Neuroanatomy, Yale Medical School, Multiple courses in neuroscience, 1982- 1989. Section of Neuroanatomy, Yale Medical School, Medical Neuroscience (Lectures & Labs), 1981- 1989. Dept. of Neurobiology, Harvard Medical School, Medical Neuroscience (Lectures & Labs), 1990- 1993. Program in Neuroscience & Graduate Program in Life Sciences, U of MD Medical School, Principles of Neuroscience, 3 lectures/year, 1994- Present. Dept. of Pharmacology & Graduate Program in the Life Sciences, U of MD Medical School, Graduate course in principles of neuropharmacology, 2 lectures and discussion sections/year, 1998- Present. Dept. of Pharmacology & Graduate Program in the Life Sciences, U of MD Medical School, Graduate course in principles of neurotoxicology, 2 lectures and discussion sections/year, 2007- Present. U of MD Medical School, Medical Pharmacology/Pathophysiology & Therapeutics, 1995- 2008. Program in Neuroscience & Graduate Program in Life Sciences, U of MD Medical School, Course director and lecturer, Graduate course in developmental neurobiology, 1996- Present. Mentoring : Supervision of research students working in my laboratory - has so far included 21 post- doctoral fellows, 9 graduate rotation students, 8 medical students, 17 undergraduate rotation students and thesis research supervision for 7 undergraduate honors thesis students. 12 PhD thesis committees at Yale Medical School, U. of Montreal, U. of Maryland Baltimore, and the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences, 1988- Present. Senior Mentor to Dr. Todd Gould, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, U. of Maryland Medical School, 2009- Present. Other Professional Experience : Student - International Summer School in Neurobiology, Nyon, Switzerland, 1973 Graduate student observer - Neuroscience Research Program, 1972 - 1973 Graduate student - Eaton- Peabody Laboratory of Auditory Physiology and Communications Biophysics Group, Research Laboratory of Electronics, M.I.T., 1969 - 1971 Research assistant - experimental psychology (for Prof. R. Held, M.I.T.), 1968 - 1969 Systems engineer - Gruman Aricraft Engineering Corp., Bethpage, N.Y. 1967- 1969 (summers) Electronics technician - Rodale Electronics Corp., Garden City, N.Y., 1966 (summer)


6 Publications Frost, D.O., Effects of electrical stimulation of the crossed olivo- cochlear bundle on tone evoked cochlear microphonics. S.M. Thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1971. Poppel, E., Held, R. and Frost, D.O., Residual visual function after brain wounds involving the central pathways in man. Nature, 1973, 243 , 295- 296. PMID: 4774871. Frost, D.O., Factors influencing the development and plasticity of retinal projections in the Syrian hamster. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Psychology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1975. Frost, D.O. and Poppel, E., Programming of human saccadic eye movements as a function of stimulus eccentricity: Indications of a functional subdivision of the visual field, Biological Cybernetics, 1976, 23 , 39- 48. Caviness, V.S., Frost, D.O. and Hayes, N.L., Barrels in somatosensory cortex of normal and reeler mutant mice, Neurosci. Letters, 1976, 3, 7-14. PMID: 19604860 So, K.-F., Schneider, G.E. and Frost, D.O., Postnatal development of retinal projections to the lateral geniculate body in Syrian hamsters, Brain Research, 1978, 142 , 343- 352. PMID: 630390 Frost, D.O. and Schneider, G.E., Plasticity of retinofugal projections after partial lesions of the retina in newborn Syrian hamsters, J. Comp. Neur., 1979, 185 , 517- 568. PMID: 438369 Innocenti, G.M. and Frost, D.O., Effects of visual experience on the maturation of the efferent system to the corpus callosum. Nature, 1979, 280 , 231- 234. PMID: 450139 Frost, D.O., So, K.-F., and Schneider, G.E., On the development of retinal projections in the Syrian hamster, Neuroscience, 1979, 4, 1649- 1677. PMID: 514512 Frost, D.O. and Caviness, V.S., Radial organization of thalamic projections to the neocortex in the mouse. J. Comp. Neurol., 1980, 194 , 369- 394. PMID: 7440806 Caviness, V.S. and Frost, D.O., Tangential organization of thalamic projections to the neocortex in the mouse. J. Comp. Neurol., 1980, 194 , 335- 368. PMID: 7440805 Innocenti, G.M. and Frost, D.O., The postnatal development of visual callosal connections in the absence of visual experience or of the eyes. Exp. Br. Res., 1980, 39 , 365- 375. PMID: 7398830 Frost, D.O., Orderly anomalous retinal projections to the medial geniculate, ventrobasal and lateral posterior nuclei of the hamster. J. Comp. Neurol., 1981, 203 , 227- 256. PMID: 7309922 Frost, D.O., Retinal projections to somatosensory and auditory systems develop after brain lesions early in life. Dev. Br. Res., 1982, 3, 627- 635. PMID: 6176298 Caviness, V.S. and Frost, D.O., Architecture of thalamocortical projections in reeler mutant mice. Neurol., 1983, 219 , 182- 202. PMID: 6194186

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Frost, D.O., Axonal growth and target selection during development: Retinal projections to the ventrobasal complex and other "nonvisual" structures in neonatal syrian hamsters. J. Comp. Neurol., 1984, 230 , 576- 592. PMID: 6520252 Innocenti, G.M. and Frost, D.O. and Illes, J., Maturation of visual callosal connections in visually deprived kittens: A challenging critical period. J. Neurosci., 1985, 5, 255- 267. PMID: 3973665

7 Frost, D.O. and Métin, C., Induction of functional retinal projections to the somatosensory system. 1985, 317 , 162- 164. PMID: 4033796


Frost, D.O., Edwards, M.A., Sachs, G. and Caviness, V.S., Retinotectal projections in the reeler mutant mouse: Relationships among axon trajectories, arborization patterns, and cytoarchitecture. Developmental Brain Research, 1986, 28 , 109- 120. PMID: 3730887 Frost, D.O., Development of permanent, surgically- induced retinal projections to the medial geniculate, ventrobasal and lateral posterior nuclei in syrian hamsters. J. Comp. Neurol., 1986, 252 , 95- 105. PMID: 3793977 Garraghty, P.E., Frost, D.O. and Sur, M., The morphology of retinogeniculate x- and y- cell axonal arbors in dark- reared cats. Exp. Brain Res., 1987, 66 , 115- 127. PMID: 3582526 Campbell, G. and Frost, D.O., Target- controlled differentiation of axon terminals and synaptic organization. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 1987, 84 , 6929- 6333. PMID: 2443913 Sur, M., Frost, D.O. and Hockfield, S., Expression of a cell surface antigen on Y-cells in the cat lateral geniculate nucleus is regulated by visual experience. J. Neurosci., 1988, 8, 874- 882. PMID: 3346725 Campbell, G. and Frost, D.O., Synaptic organization of anomalous retinal projections to somatosensory and auditory thalamus: Target- controlled morphogenesis of axon terminals and synaptic glomeruli. J. Comp. Neurol., 1988, 272 , 383- 408. PMID: 2843579 Métin, C. and Frost, D.O., Visual responses of neurons in somatosensory cortex of hamsters with experimentally induced retinal projections to somatosensory thalamus. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 1989, 86 , 357361. PMID: 2911580 Frost, D.O. and Moy, Y.P., Effects of dark rearing on the development of visual callosal connections, Exp. Br. Res., 1989, 78 , 203- 213. PMID: 2591513 Frost, D.O., Moy, Y.P. and Smith, D.C., Effects of alternating monocular occlusion on the development of visual callosal connections. Exp. Br. Res., 1990, 83 , 200- 209. PMID: 2073939 Bhide, P.G. and Frost, D.O., Stages of growth of hamster retinofugal axons: axonal pathways with multiple targets. J. Neurosci., 1991, 11 , 485- 504.

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Langdon, R.B. and Frost, D.O., Development of optic tract axons that project transiently to somatosensory thalamus in neonatal hamster. J. Comp. Neurol., 1991, 310 , 200- 214. PMID:1955582 Bhide, P.G. & Frost, D.O., Axon substitution in the reorganization of developing neural connections. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 1992, 89 , 11847- 11851. PMID: 1465409 Kadhim, H.J., Bhide, P.G. and Frost, D.O., Transient axonal branching in the developing corpus callosum. Cerebral Cortex, 1993, 3, 551- 566. PMID:8136653 Bhide, P.G., Fry, K.R., West, W.W. and Frost, D.O. An immunocytochemical marker for retinal ganglion cells in the Syrian hamster. J. Neurocyt., 1994, 23 , 167- 177. PMID:8006677 Métin, C., Irons, A. and Frost, D.O., Retinal ganglion cells in normal hamsters and hamsters with novel retinal projections. I. Number, distribution and size. J. Comp. Neurol., 1995, 353 , 179- 199. Boire, D., Morris, R., Ptito, M., LePore, F., and Frost, D.O. Effects of neonatal splitting of the optic chiasm on the development of feline visual callosal connections. Exp. Br. Res., 1995, 104 , 275- 286. PMID: 7672020


Ma, Y.-T., Hsieh, T., Forbes, M.E., Johnson, J.E. and Frost, D.O., BDNF injected into the superior colliculus reduces developmental retinal ganglion cell death. J. Neurosci., 1998, 18, 2097- 2107. Frost, D.O., Images in neuroscience. Brain development, IV. Axon routing and rerouting. 1998, 155, 861.

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Bhide, P.G. & Frost, D.O., Intrinsic determinants of retinal axon collateralization and arborization patterns. J Comp Neurol. 1999, 411 , 119- 129. PMID: 10404111 Frost, D.O., Boire, D., Gingras, G. and Ptito, M., Surgically- created neural pathways mediate visual pattern discrimination. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci., 2000, 97 , 11068- 11073. PMID: 10995465 Pollock, G.S., Vernon, E., Forbes, M.E., Yan, Q., Ma, Y.-T., Hsieh, T., Robichon, R., Frost, D.O., Johnson, J.E., Modulation of BDNF mRNA and protein levels by early visual experience and diurnal rhythms. J. Neurosci., 2001, 21 , 3923- 3931. PMID: 11356880 Frost, D.O., Ma, Y.-T., Hsieh, T., Forbes, M.E. and Johnson, J.E., Developmental changes in BDNF protein levels in the hamster retina and superior colliculus. J. Neurobiol., 2001, 49 , 173- 187. PMID: 11745656 Tamminga, C.A. and Frost, D.O., Changing concepts in the neurochemistry of schizophrenia, Am. J. Psychiatr., 2001, 158 , 1365- 1366. PMID: 11532717 Pollock, G.S. and Frost, D.O., Complexity in the modulation of neurotrophic factor mRNAs by early visual experience, Dev. Br. Res., 2003, 143 , 225- 232. PMID: 12855194 Pollock, G.S., Robichon, R., Boyd, K., Kerkel, K.A., Kramer, M., Lyles, J., Ambalavanar, R., Khan, A., Kaplan, D.R., Williams, R.W. and Frost, D.O. TrkB receptor signaling regulates developmental death dynamics, but not final number, of retinal ganglion cells, J. Neurosci., 2003, 23 , 10137- 10145. PMID: 14602830 Frost, D.O., Tamminga, C.A., Medoff, D.R., Caviness, V.S. Jr., Innocenti, G.M. and Carpenter,W.T. Jr., Neuroplasticity and schizophrenia, Biol. Psychiatr., 2004, 56 , 540- 543. PMID: 15476682 Turner, C.A., Calvo, N., Frost, D.O., Akil, H. and Watson, S.J., The fibroblast growth factor system is downregulated following social defeat, Neurosci. Lett., 2008, 430 , 147- 150. PMID: 18061349 Rodger, J. and Frost, D.O., Effects of trkB knockout on topography and segregation of uncrossed retinal projections, Exp. Neurol., 2009, 195 , 35- 44. PMID: 19283373 Halliwell, C., Comeau, W., Gibb, R., Frost, D.O. and Kolb, B., Factors influencing frontal cortex development and recovery from early frontal injury, Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 12 , 269- 278 , 2009. PMID: 20477557 Frost, D.O., Cercio Page, S. Carroll, C. and Kolb, B., Early Exposure to Haloperidol or Olanzapine Induces LongTerm Alterations of Dendritic Form, Synapse, 64, 191- 199, 2010 . PMID: 19862684 Frost, D.O., Gibb, R. and Kolb, B., Trick or Treat? Neurodevelopmental Consequences of Pharmacotherapy for Affective Disorders, Neuropsychopharmacology, 35 (1), 344- 345, 2010. PMID: 20010711 Milstein, J.A.*, Vinish, M.*, Adle, T., Robson, S., Enos, J.K., Fomum Mugri, Kolb, B. and Frost, D.O. , Peripubertal olanzapine treatment induces deficits in social interaction and working memory in rats. Biological Psychiatry, submitted for publication. (*indicates equal contribution to the research).

Vinish*, M., Milstein, J.A.*, Swanson, T., Carroll, C., Enos, J.K., Elnabawi, A. Kolb, B. and Frost, D.O., Peripubertal olanzapine treatment alters the development of cortical circuitry and dopamine receptor binding. Submitted for publication.

9 (*indicates equal contribution to the research). Vinish, M., Milstein, J.A., Bailey, A., Kolb, B., Cheer, J.F. and Frost, D.O., Peripubertal olanzapine treatment alters conditioned increases in response salience and alters dopaminergic function in the nucleus accumbens. Manuscript in preparation. Ghose, S., Gao, X.-M., Roberts, R.C., Tamminga, C.A., Frost, D.O., Schizophrenia- associated increases in BDNF mRNA in specific populations of hippocampal dendrites, Manuscript in preparation, 2011. Marchese, M., Garzon, D., Cercio, S., Roberts, R., Fahnestock, M. and Frost, D.O., Transcript- specific alteration of hippocampal BDNF mRNA expression in schizophrenia , Manuscript in preparation, 2011. Reviews Frost, D.O. and Innocenti, G.M., Effects of sensory experience on the development of visual callosal connections. In: H. Jasper, F. Lepore, M. Ptito (Eds.), Two Hemispheres - One Brain , 1986, Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York, pp. 255- 266. Frost, D.O., Mechanisms of structural and functional development in the thalamus: Retinal projections to the auditory and somatosensory systems in normal and experimentally manipulated hamsters. In: M. Bentivoglio and R. Spreafico (Eds.), Cellular Thalamic Mechanims, 1988, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 447- 464. Frost, D.O., Transitory neuronal connections in normal development and disease. In: C. Von Euler, I. Lundberg, G. Lennerstrand (Eds.), Brain and Reading , 1989, Wenner- Gren International Symposium Series, Vol. 54, MacMillan Press, Ltd., London, pp. 17- 26. Frost, D.O., Visual processing by novel, surgically induced neural circuits. In: A. Björklund, A. Aguayo, D. Ottoson, (Eds.), Brain Repair , 1990, Wenner- Gren International Symposium Series, Vol. 56, MacMillan Press, Ltd., London, pp. 309- 325. Métin, C. and Frost, D.O., Réorganisation des voies visuelles induite par des lesions centrales précoces, Médecine / Sciences, 1990, 6, 842- 853. Frost, D.O., Sensory processing by novel, experimentally induced cross- modal circuits, Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 1990, 608 , 92- 112. PMID: 2075969 Métin, C. and Frost, D.O., Visual responses of neurons in somatosensory cortex of hamsters with experimentally induced retinal projections to somatosensory thalamus. In: B.L. Finlay, G. Innocenti, H. Scheich (Eds.), The Neocortex: Ontogeny and Phylogeny , 1991, NATO ASI Series A: Life Sciences, Vol. 200, Plenum, New York, pp. 219- 228. Frost, D.O., Cross- modal sensory connections in normal and experimentally altered brains. In: G. Adelman, B. Smith (Eds.), Neuroscience Year: Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Supplement 2 , 1992, Birkhäuser Boston, Boston, pp. 46- 49. Frost, D.O. Visual processing by novel, surgically created neural circuits. In: D. M.-K. Lam and G.M. Bray (Eds.), Regeneration and plasticity in the mammalian visual system , 1992, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, pp. 197- 219. Frost, D.O., Cross- modal projections in the study of central nervous system development. In: V.A. Casagrande and P. Shinkman (Eds.), Advances in Neural and Behavioral Development , 1994, Ablex, Norwood, NJ, pp 123- 147.

10 Frost, D.O., Book review of "Synaptic plasticity - Molecular, cellular and functional aspects", 1995, J. Cog. Neurosci., 7, 421- 422. Frost, D.O., Cross- modal sensory connections in normal and experimentally altered brains. In: G. Adelman, B. Smith (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, 2nd Ed. , 1999, Birkhäuser Boston, Boston, pp. 498- 501. Frost, D.O., Functional organization Neuroscience, 1999, 15 , 1-6.

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Frost, D.O. and Cadet, J.L., Effects of drug- induced neurotoxicity on development of neural circuitry: A hypothesis. Br. Res. Rev., 2000, 34 (3), 103- 118. PMID: 11113502 Frost, D.O., BDNF/trkB signaling in the developmental sculpting of visual connections, Prog. Br. Res., 2001 134 , 35- 49. PMID: 11702553 Ptito, M., Giguère, J-F, Boire, D., Frost, D.O. and Casanova, C., When the auditory cortex turns visual, Prog. Br. Res., 2001 134 , 447- 458. PMID: 11702560 Frost, D.O., Cross- modal sensory connections in normal and experimentally altered brains. In: G. Adelman, B. Smith (Eds.), Neuroscience Year: Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, Supplement 3 , 2003, Birkhäuser, Boston. Abstracts Frost, D.O. and Guinan, J.J., Effects of electrical stimulation of the crossed olivocochlear bundle on cochlear microphonic potential. MIT Research Laboratory of Electronics Quarterly Progress Report , 1971, 102 , 157158. Frost, D.O., Poppel, E. and Harvey, L.O., Properties of visually- elicited saccadic eye movements as a function of target eccentricity. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Opthalmology, Sarasota, Florida, April 24- 28, 1972. Poppel, E., Frost, D.O. and Held, R., Saccadic eye movements in partially blind patients. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for Research in Vision and Opthalmology, Sarosota, Florida, April 2428, 1972. Frost, D.O. and E. Poppel, Programming of saccadic eye movements as a function of stimulus eccentricity. Abstracts, 3rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, Ca., Nov. 7-l0, 1973. Frost, D.O. and Caviness, V.S., Pattern of thalamic projections to the neocortex of normal and reeler mutant mice. Abstracts, Fourth Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, St. Louis, Mo., October 20- 24, 1974. Frost, D.O. and Poppel, E., Programming of human saccadic eye movements as a function of stimulus eccentricity., Pfluger's Archiv, 1974, 347 (S), R64. Frost, D.O. and Schneider, G.E., Plasticity of retinotectal projections after partial lesions of retina in Syrian hamsters, Society for Neuroscience, 1975, 1, 495. Frost, D.O. and Schneider, G.E., Normal and abnormal uncrossed retinal projections in Syrian hamsters as demonstrated by Fink- Heimer, and autoradiographic techniques, Society for Neurosci., 1976, 2, 812. So, K.-F., Schneider, G.E. and Frost, D.O., Normal development of the retinofugal projections in Syrian hamsters, Anat. Rec. 1977, 187 : 719.

11 Shipley, M.T., Rice, F.L., Frost, D.O. and Kohler, C., Cortico- cortical connections of the barrel field in mouse somatosensory cortex: Reciprocal connections with frontal cortex, Acta Anat., 1977, 99 , 315. Frost, D.O. and Caviness, V.S., Topological organization of murine thalamocortical projections, Neuroscience Letters, 1978, suppl. 1, S343. Innocenti, G.M. and Frost, D.O., Visual experience and the development of the efferent system to the corpus callosum, Society for Neurosci., 1978, 4, 475. Caviness, V.S. and Frost, D.O., Architecture of murine thalamocortical connections, Society for Neurosci., 1979, 5, 113. Frost, D.O., Ordered anamalous retinal projections to the medial geniculate, ventrobasal and lateral posterior nuclei. Neurosci. Abs., 1980, 6, 663. Innocenti, G.M. and Frost, D.O., Sensory influence on the postnatal reshaping of the corpus callosum temporal factors, Neuroscience Abstracts, 1980, 6, 249. Innocenti, G.M. and Frost, D.O., Importance de la fonction visuelle et de l'integrite de la peripherie sensorielle dans le développement des connections interhemispheriques chez le chat. Acta Anatomica, 1980, 108 , 263. Innocenti, G.M. and Frost, D.O., Time- course of layer- specific effects of visual deprivation on the formation of connections in the visual cortex. Neuroscience Letters, 1981, suppl. 7, S201. Caviness, V.S. and Frost, D.O., Distribution of thalamic terminals within neocortical fields of the reeler mouse. Neurosci. Abs., 1981, 7, 178. Frost, D.O., Structure and function of ectopic projections from the eye to the auditory and somatosensory systems. Paper presented at: First World Congress of the International Brain Research Organization, Lausanne, Switzerland, March 31 - April 6, 1982. Frost, D.O., Caviness, V.S. and Sachs, G.M., Fiber abnormalities of thalamus and midbrain in reeler mutant mice. Neurosci. Abs., 1982, 8, 821. Frost, D.O., Development of retinal projections to the auditory and somatosensory systems. Neurosci. Abs., 1983, 9, 26. Campbell, G. and Frost, D.O., Synaptic organization of anomalous retinal terminals within somatosensory thalamus after neonatal brain lesions in hamsters. Neurosci. Abs., 1985, 11 , 977. Frost, D.O. and Métin, C., Experimentally stabilized retinal projections to the hamster ventrobasal complex are functional. Neurosci. Abs., 1985, 11 , 804. Garraghty, P.E., Frost, D.O. and Sur, M., Physiologically identified retinogeniculate axons develop normally in dark- reared cats. Neurosci. Abs., 1985, 11 , 1015. Hockfield, S., Sur, M., Frost, D. and McKay, R., The expression of a Y-cell antigen is developmentally regulated in cat lateral geniculate nucleus. Invest. Ophthal. & Vis. Sci., 1985, 26 , 287. Frost, D.O and Dean, C., Effects of dark rearing on the maturation of feline visual callosal connections. Neurosci. Abs., 1986, 12 , 1371. Langdon, R.B., Freeman, J.M. and Frost, D.O., Trajectories and branching patterns of optic tract axons that project transiently to somatosensory thalamus in the neonatal hamster. Neurosci. Abs., 1987, 13 , 1023.


Freeman, J.M. and Frost, D.O., Synapse formation by optic tract axons that project somatosensory and auditory nuclei in the neonatal hamster. Neurosci. Abs., 1987, 13 , 1023.



Métin, C. and Frost, D.O., Visual responses of somatosensory cortex neurons in hamsters with stabilized retinal projections to somatosensory thalamus. Neurosci. Abs., 1987, 13 , 1023. Métin, C., Frost, D.O. and Imbert, M., Visual properties of neurons in the somatosensory cortex of hamsters with an aberrant retino- VB projection. Program for "Cellular Thalamic Mechanisms", satellite symposium to the second meeting of the International Brain Research Organization, Verona, Italy, 22- 25 August, 1987. Bhide, P.G., Lieberman, A.R. and Frost, D.O., Evidence that dendrites of hamster geniculate neurons establish contact with retinal axons in the optic tract at the time and at the site of emission of retino- geniculate branches. J. Anat., 1988, 158 , 210- 211. Bhide, P.G., Lieberman, A.R., and Frost, D.O., Postnatal development of neurons and optic tract axon arbors in the hamster dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus: in vitro HRP study. Neurosci. Abst., 1988, 14 , 1111. Frost, D.O., Moy, Y.P., and Smith, D.C., Effects of alternating monocular occlusion on maturation of feline visual callosal connections. Neurosci. Abs., 1988, 14 , 1112. Frost, D.O., Sanes, J., McConnell, S., O'Leary, D., and Bear, M., Workshop: New approaches to the functional development of the neocortex. Neurosci. Abs., 1988, 14 , 300. Métin, C. and Frost, D.O., Ganglion cells in the hamster retina. Neurosci. Abs., 1989, 15 , 1207. Bhide, P.G., West, W.C., and Frost, D.O., Development of permanent retinal projections to somatosensory and auditory thalamic nuclei in hamsters: A DiI study. Neurosci. Abs., 1990, 16 , 336. Irons, A., Métin, C., and Frost, D.O., Retinal ganglion cells in hamsters with retinal projections to the ventrobasal and medial geniculate nuclei. Neurosci. Abs., 1990, 16 , 336. Kadhim, H.J., Bhide, P.G., West, W.C., Frost, D.O., Axonal branching in the developing hamster corpus callsoum. Neurosci. Abs., 1991, 17 , 765. Kennedy, D.N. and Frost, D.O., High resolution magnetic resonance imaging of the hamster brain. Neurosci. Abs., 1991, 17 , 877. Yamasaki, E.N., Schaetz, C.R., Frost, D.O., Morphology of hamster retinal ganglion cells. Neurosci. Abs., 1991, 17 , 1374. Kadhim, H.J., Bhide, P.G., Frost, D.O., Branchement transitoire des axones du développement. Proc. Soc. Europ Neurol. Pédiatr., 20th annual meeting, 4-7 Dec., 1991.




Métin, C., Yamasaki, E.N. and Frost, D.O., Distribution, number and morphology of ganglion cells in normal hamsters and in hamsters with novel retinal projections. Abstract, European Winter Conference on Brain Research, La Plagne, France, 14- 21 March, 1992. Frost, D.O., Bhide, P.G., Campbell, G., Métin, C., Rothblat, L., Schaetz, C. and Yamasaki, E.N., Function of novel, surgically induced visual circuits. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 4, 189, (1992). Bhide, P.G., West, W.C., Fry, K.R. and Frost, D.O., An immunochtochemical marker for hamster retinal ganglion cells. Neurosci. Abs., 18 , 1313, 1992.

13 Rothblat, L.A. and Frost, D.O., Behavioral function of novel neural connections. 1992.

Neurosci. Abs., 18 , 1316,

Yamasaki, E.N. and Frost, D.O., Morphology of retinal ganglion cells in operated hamsters with novel retinal projections. Neurosci. Abs., 18 , 1313, 1992. Frost, D.O., Zhang, X.-F., Huang, P.L. and Fishman, M.C., Effect of nitric oxide synthase knockout or blockade on the development of retinal projections. Neurosci. Abs., 20 , 1318, 1994. Frost, D. O., Ma, Y.-T. Hsieh, T. Forbes, M. E. Yan, Q. and J. E. Johnson, BDNF injected into retinal targets reduces developmental ganglion cell death. Neurosci.Abs., 23 , 615, 1997. Ma, Y.-T., Hsieh, T., Forbes, M. E., Johnson, J. E and D. O. Frost, BDNF protein levels in developing hamster visual system. Neurosci.Abs., 23 , 329, 1997. Hoffer, Z.S., Capra, N.F., Hsieh, T. and Frost, D.O., Corticopontine projections in the Syrian hamster. Neurosci Abs., 23 , 1800, 1997. Ptito, M., Gingras, G., Cassidy, G., Boire, D. and Frost, D.O., Visual discriminative capabilities of hamsters with surgically induced retinal projections to the auditory cortex. Neurosci. Abs., 23 , 1994, 1997. Frost, D.O., Ma, Y.-T., Pollock, G., Robichon, R., Lyons, W.E., Ambalavanar, R. and Kaplan, D.R., Role of trkB ligands in the developmental death of hamster retinal ganglion cells. Neurosci. Abs., 24 , 1998, 294. Johnson, J.E., Forbes, M.E., Ma, Y.-T., Hsieh, T. and Frost, D.O., Visual experience alters trafficking of BDNF in the visual cortex. Neurosci. Abs., 24 , 1998, 33. Giguère, J.-F., Desautels, A., Ptito, M., Frost, D.O., and Casanova, C., Visual neurons in auditory cortex of hamsters with novel retinal projections to the medial geniculate body, Neurosci. Abs., 24 , 1998, 306. Frost, D.O., Pollock, G.S. Forbes, M.E. Yan, Q.,Ma, Y.-T., Hsieh, T., Johnson, J.E., Effects of dark or light rearing on visual system BDNF protein and mRNA levels, Neurosci. Abs., 26 , 2000, 847. Pollock, G.S. Boyd, K.A., Kerkel, K.A., Lyles, J., Frost, D.O., Role of trkB ligands in developmental retinal ganglion cell death, Neurosci. Abs., 26 , 2000, 847. Ambalavanar, R., Richardson- Woodley, C., Abrams, C., Farrow, S., Frost, D., Role of trkB ligands in developmental cell death in midbrain areas A9/A10 and formation of nigrostriatal projections, Neurosci. Abs., 26 , 2000, 847. Pollock, G.S., and Frost, D.O., Complex modulation of neurotrophin mRNA expression by early visual experience, Neurosci., Abs., 27 , 2001. Frost, D.O. and Pollock, G.S., Normal segregation of contralateral and ipsilateral reinogeniculate projections in mice with null mutations of the full- length trkB receptor, Neurosci., Abs., 27 , 2001. Frost, D.O. and Pollock, G.S., Effects of visual experience on trkB phosphorylation in mouse primary visual cortex. Program No. 629.6, 2002 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner, Washington DC: Society for Neuroscience, CD-ROM, 2002. Pollock, G.S., Kahn, A.F. and Frost, D.O., Altered topography of uncrossed retinocollicular projections in mice with null mutations of the full- length trkB receptor (trkBFL). Program No. 332.12, 2002 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner, Washington DC: Society for Neuroscience, CD-ROM, 2002.

14 Boyd, K., Graham, D., Shaikh, S. and Frost, D.O., Haloperidol inhibits maturation of murine pyramidal cells. 2003 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner, Washington DC: Society for Neuroscience, CD-ROM, 2003, Abstract #846.15. D.O. Frost, G.S. Pollock, K. Messmer, R.W. Williams, TrkB signaling regulates dynamics of developmental reginal ganglion cell death but not final number. 2003 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner, Washington DC: Society for Neuroscience, CD-ROM, 2003, Abstract #787.16. Tamminga, C.A., Gao, X.M., Roberts, R.C., Conley, R. and Frost, D.O., Region- specific changes in BDNF expression in schizophrenia. 2004 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner, Washington DC: Society for Neuroscience, CD-ROM, 2004, Abstract #109.11. Cerceo, S., Jahangiri, A., Shaikh, S. and Frost, D.O., Methamphetamine alters the development of cortical dendrites. 2004 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner, Washington DC: Society for Neuroscience, CD-ROM, 2004, Abstract #118.4. Messmer, K., Oyler, G.A., Tsai, Y.C., Fishman, P.S. and Frost, D.O., Ubiquitination regulates trkB receptor signaling. 2004 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner, Washington DC: Society for Neuroscience, CD-ROM, 2004, Abstract #726.19. Oyler, G.A., Messmer, K., Tsai, Y.C., Frost, D.O. and Fishman, P.S., Decreased aggregation of polyglutamineexpanded huntingtin in presence of E4s, 2004 Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner, Washington DC: Society for Neuroscience, CD-ROM, 2004, Abstract #1015.20. Ghose, S., Gao, X.-M., Lewis- Amezcua, K., Frost, D.O. and Tamminga, C.A., Rostrocaudal differences and correlations between BDNF and NMDA receptor mRNA in the hippocampus and in schizophrenia, International Congress on Schizophrenia Research, Savannah GA, 3-7 April, 2005. Ghose, S., Gao, X.-M., Stan, A., Lewis- Amezcua, K., Frost, D.O. and Tamminga, C.A., Relationship between glutamatergic markers and BDNF along the rostrocaudal axis of the hippocampus in schizophrenia. Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner, Washington DC: Society for Neuroscience, CD-ROM, 2005, Abstract # 912.15 Turner, C.A., Gula, E., Frost, D.O., Calvo, N., Akil, H., Watson, S.J., FGF2: A novel antidepressant? Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner, Washington DC: Society for Neuroscience, CD-ROM, 2006. Ghose, S., Chin, R., Gao, X.-M., Stan, A., Lewis- Amezcua, K., Frost, D., Roberts, R., Tamminga, C.A., Distinct gene expression correlations in schizophrenia between NR1 and GAD67 with BDNF in the anterior hippocampus. Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner, Washington DC: Society for Neuroscience, CD-ROM, 2006. Frost, D.O. Cerceo, S., Carroll, C. and Kolb, B., Exposure of the developing brain to antipsychotics induces long term behavioral and structural changes. Abstract Viewer/Itinerary Planner, Washington DC: Society for Neuroscience, CD-ROM, 2007.

15 Colloquia and Invited Talks The retinal projections of hamsters subjected to early congenital or experimental partial retinal lesions. Paper presented at the International Summer School in Neurobiology - Structural, Functional and Chemical Characteristics of Developing Neurons and Neuron Sets, Nyon, Switzerland, Aug. 29 - Sept. 7, 1973. Factors influencing the development and plasticity of retinal projections Sept. 2, 1975 Thesis Defense, M.I.T. Sept. 11, 1975 Dept. of Neurobiology, Harvard Medical School. Nov. 26, 1975 Institut d'Anatomie Normale, Faculté de Medecine, Université de Lausanne. Nov. 28, 1975 Unité 94 - Laboratorie de Neuropsychologie Experimentale. Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Medicale, Bron, France. Dec. 15, 1975 Max- Planck Institut für Psychiatrie - München Apr. 28, 1976 Physiology Laboratory, Cambridge University, Cambridge Apr. 30, 1976 National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill, London May 25, 1976 Dept. of Neuroscience, Children's Hospital Medical Center, Dept. of Neurology & Neuropathology, Harvard Medical School. Boston, Mass. Oct. 26, 1976 Section on Neuropsychology, Laboratory of Psychology, National Institute of Mental Health, Washington, D.C. Oct. 28, 1976 Dept. of Anatomy, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisc. Two approaches to studying the development of the central nervous system Oct. 15, 1976 Dept. of Psychology, Clarke University Oct. 27, 1976 Dept. of Anatomy, Johns Hopkins University Medical School Nov. 1, 1976 Dept. of Anatomy, School of Medicine, University of California at Los Angeles Nov. 2, 1976 Dept. of Biology, University of California at San Diego Nov. 3, 1976 Division of Biology, California Institute of Technology Sept. 28, 1977 Max- Planck Institut für Biophysikalische Chemie, Göttingen, Germany Binocular interactions in the development of the hamster visual system July 6, 1978 Institut d'Anatomie, Faculté de Medecine, Université de Lausanne. Nov. 3, 1978 Dept. of Anatomy, School of Medicine, University of Utah, Salt Lake City Visual experience and the development of the efferent system to the corpus callosum in the cat Oct. 18, 1978 Dept. of Psychology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. Oct. 19, 1978 Dept. of Neurobiology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass. Oct. 25, 1978 Section of Neuroanatomy, Yale University Medical School, New Haven, Conn. Nov. 2, 1978 Dept. of Anatomy, School of Medicine, University of Utah, Salt Lake City. Feb. 20, 1979 Friedrich Miescher Institut, Basel, Switzerland Jan. 7, 1981 Dept. of Physiology, Medical College of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. April 20, 1981 Dept. of Physiology, University of Maryland Medical School, Baltimore, Md. Nov. 1, 1984 Dept. of Biology, State University of New York, Albany, N.Y. Architecture of thalamocortical projections in the mouse July 16, 1979 Institut für Medizinische Psychologie der Universität, München. Dec. 21, 1981 Section of Neuroanatomy, Yale University Medical School, New Haven, Conn. Retinal connections to somatosensory and auditory systems: Neuroplasticity and its limits in thalamic afferents Nov. 24, 1980 Section of Neuroanatomy, Yale University Medical School, New Haven, Conn. Dec. 1, 1980 Dept. of Biology, Yale University, New Haven, Conn. Jan. 6, 1981 Dept. of Anatomy, University of Pennsylvania Medical School, Philadelphia, Pa. April 21, 1981 Depts. of Anatomy and Physiology, Johns Hopkins Medical School, Baltimore, Md. Oct. 1, 1982 Dept. of Ophthalmology, University of Washington Medical School, Seattle, Wash.

16 What's wrong with reeler? Soma- axon interactions in a mutant mouse January 10, 1983 Institut d'Anatomie et d' Embryologie Spéciale Université de Fribourg, Switzerland. January 21, 1983 Institut d' Anatomie, Université de Lausanne, Switzerland. Retinal projections to the auditory and somatosensory systems in normal newborn, and operated hamsters January 9, 1984 Neurologisches Klinik, Universität Freiburg, Germany. January 10, 1984 Dept. de Biologie Moleculaire, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France (in French). January 12, 1984 Unité 94 - Laboratoire de Neuropsychologie Experimentale. Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Medicale, Bron, France (in French). January 24, 1984 Dept. of Medical Pharmacology, CNRS, University of Milano, Italy October 23, 1984 Dept. of Physiology, University of California, San Francisco, California November 1, 1984 Dept. of Biology, State University of New York, Albany, N.Y. January 11, 1985 Dept. of Anatomy, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia Structure and function and development of retinal projections to the auditory and somatosensory systems March 7, 1985 Dept. of Psychology and Brain Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass. March 8, 1985 Eunice Kennedy Shriver Center for Mental Retardation, Waltham, Mass. October 28, 1985 Dept. of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, University of Colorado, Boulder, Co. Dec. 9, 1985 Laboratory of Experimental Neuropsychology, Universite' du Quebec, Trois Rivières, Que., Canada (in French) Dec. 10, 1985 Dept. of Psychology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, N.S., Canada Dec. 11, 1985 Neuroscience Unit, Montreal General Hospital, Montreal, Que., Canada Jan. 21, 1986 Dept. of Biology, Yale University, New Haven, Ct. March 5, 1986 Eaton- Peabody Laboratory for Auditory Physiology, Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary, Boston, Mass. March 14, 1986 Dept. of Anatomy, The University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, Ct June 30, 1986 Dept. of Anatomy and Embryology, University College, London, England July 1, 1986 National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill, London, England July 2, 1986 Dept. of Physiology, University of Oxford, Oxford, England July 3, 1986 Institute of Psychiatry, Maudsley Hospital, London, England Sept. 8, 1986 Abteilung für Physikalische Biologie, Max- Planck Institut für Entwicklungsbiologie, Tübingen, Germany Sept. 23, 1986 Laboratoire des Neurosciences de la Vision, Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris VI, Paris, France (in French) Dec. 15, 1986 Dept. of Physiology, University of Sydney, Sydney,Australia Feb. 4, 1987 Dept. of Neurosurgery, Yale Medical School, New Haven, Ct July 15, 1987 Dept. of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Wayne State University School of Medicine, Detroit, Mich. Dec. 3, 1987 Dept. of Biology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich. Dec. 8, 1987 Dept. of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital,Boston, Mass. Feb. 19, 1988 Institute of Anatomy, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland Feb. 26, 1988 Dept. de Biologie Moleculaire Institut Pasteur, Paris, France (in French) Feb. 29, 1988 Hirnforschungs Institut, Zürich, Switzerland Apr. 6, 1988 Neuroscience Unit, Montreal General Hospital, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Apr. 7, 1988 Dept. de Psychologie, Université de Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (in French) Apr. 11, 1988 Dept. of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC Apr. 26, 1988 Dept. of Psychology, Cornell University, Ithica, NY Nov. 30, 1988 Neuroscience Series, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA. Jan. 31, 1989 Salk Institute, LaJolla, CA. March 7, 1989 Dept. of Neurobiology, Duke University, Durham, NC

17 April 18, 1989 May 30, 1989 June 12, 1989 Sept. 25, 1989 Dec. 6, 1989 Dec. 12, 1989 Jan. 3, 1990 Feb. 7, 1990 April 20, 1990 May 7, 1990 Nov. 6, 1990 Nov. 7, 1990 Nov. 28, 1990 Nov. 30, 1990 8 Jan., 1991 18 April, 1991 20 May, 1991 6 Dec., 1991 3 Feb., 1992 14 April, 1992 15 April, 1992 27 April, 1992 29 April, 1992 6 May, 1992 25 Jan., 1993 25 Feb., 1993 15 March, 1993 9 Aug., 1993 25 Jan., 1994 14 Feb., 1994 24 March, 1994 20 April, 1994 21 April, 1994 20 March, 1995 8 June, 1995

Interdepart mental Neuroscience Seminar Series, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD Mailman Research Center, McLean Hospital, Belmont, MA Dept. of Neurobiology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA The Neurosciences Institute, Rockefeller University, New York, NY Laboratory of Neurobiology, The Rockefeller University, New York, NY Dept. of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Mass. Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA Dept. of Anatomy, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA Dept. of Physiology, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD Behavioral Neurology Group, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA. Center for Neural Science, Brown University, Providence, RI Program in Neuroscience, Children's Hospital Medical Center, Boston, MA Section of Neuroscience, Tufts University Medical School, Boston, MA Neuroscience Unit, Montreal General Hospital, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Dept. de Psychologie, Université de Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (in French) Depts. of Biochemistry and Biology, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA Montreal Neurological Institute, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Maryland Psychiatric Research Center, Baltimore, MD Dept. of Cellular and Developmental Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA National Institute of Mental Health, Poolesville, MD Dept. of Neurobiology, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC Depts. of Ophthalmology and Neurobiology & Anatomy, Bowman- Gray Medical School, Winston- Salem, NC Dept. of Neurology, Hahnemann University Medical School, Philadelphia, PA Center on Aging and Nutrition, Tufts New England Medical Center, Boston, MA Dept. of Biology, Bates College, Lewiston, ME Dept. of Anatomy, Georgetown University School of Medicine, Washington, DC Fidia- Georgetown Institute for Neuroscience, Washington, DC Dept. of Pharmacology, University of Maryland Medical School, Baltimore, MD Max- Planck Institut für Entwicklungbiologie, Tübingen, Germany Dept. of Physiology, University of Maryland Dental School, Baltimore, MD Dept of Anatomy & Neuroscience, University of Utah Medical School, Salt Lake City, UT Neuroscience Center, Johns Hopkins Medical School, Baltimore, MD Dept. of Anatomy, Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences, Bethesda MD Dept. of Neurology, VA Medical Center, Baltimore, MD Developmental Biology Unit, University of California Medical School, San Francisco, CA Dept. of Anesthesiology, University of Maryland Medical School, Baltimore, MD

Growth states of developing retinal axons 13 May, 1992 Neuroscience Seminars, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA Why do axons branch? 21 March, 1995 Developmental Biology Unit, University of California Medical School, San Francisco, CA Novel, surgically- induced retinal connections: lessons for development and function 9 October, 1996 Montreal Neurological Institute, Montreal, Canada 17 October, 1996 Kernan Rehabilitation Hospital, Baltimore, MD 15 October, 1997 Dept. of Neurology, UMAB School of Medicine, Baltimore MD 9 March, 2000 PET Center, University of Aarhus, Aarhus, Denmark 22 October, 2003 Dept. of Zoology, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia Development of visual axons and the role of neurotrophins: A work in progress 2 July, 1998 Institute of Medical Psychology, University of Magdeburg Medical School, Germany


Neurotrophic factors and the development of neural connections in the visual and nigrostriatal systems 11 Aug., 1998 Biogen Corp., Cambridge, MA Neurotrophins as therapeutic agents in neurodegenerative disease 1 Dec., 1999 Neurodegeneration and Regeneration Research Group, UMB School of Medicine, Balt., MD Neurotrophins and visual system development 10 Feb., 1999 Research Unit., Dept. of Neurology, Montreal General Hospital, Montreal, Canada 11 Feb., 1999 Montreal Neurological Institute, Montreal, Canada 17 Feb., 1999 Maryland Psychiatric Research Center, Baltimore, MD 17 June, 1999 Max- Planck Institut fuer Hirnforschung, Frankfurt, Germany 18 June, 1999 Ecole Normale Superièure, Paris France (In French) 21 June, 1999 Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa Italy 28 Sept., 1999 Dept. of Anatomy and Neurobiology, UMB School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 8 March, 2000 Dept. of Neuroscience Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden 8 June, 2000 Section of Neurobiology, Yale Medical School, New Haven, CT 24 Oct., 2000 National Institute of Child Health and Development, Bethesda, MD 29 April, 2002 Dept. of Anatomy, Pharmacology and Forensic Medicine, U. of Turin, Italy 30 April, 2002 Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa Italy 2 April, 2002 Dept. of Medical Psychology, U. of Munich, Germany 2 April, 2002 Max- Planck- Institute for Neurobiology, Munich- Martinsried, Germany 6 April, 2002 Dept. of Neurobiology, University of the Ruhr, Bochum, Germany 8 April, 2002 Center for Neurobiology, University of Hamburg, Germany 18 Nov., 2002 Ecole d’ Optometrie, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Que. Canada Neurotrophins, neural circuit development and neurological disease 29 Oct., 2003 Center For Neuroscience/Dept. of Human Physiology, Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia 30 Oct., 2003 Dept. of Optometry and Vision Sciences, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia 31 Oct., 2003 Division of Neuroscience, John Curtin School of Medical Research, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia 3 Nov., 2003 Dept. of Anatomy and Developmental Biology, School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia 4 Nov., 2003 Institute for Biomedical Research, The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia Neuroplasticity in Health and Disease 21 Oct., 2003 Dept. of Zoology, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia The neurotrophic hypothesis is more complicated than you think ! 19 Oct., 2004 Dept. of Psychiatry, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX 8 Feb., 2006 Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience Institute, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 13 April, 2006 Canadian Center for Behavioral Neuroscience University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, AL, Canada 8 Feb., 2007 Dept. of Neuroscience, University of New Mexico School of Medicine, Albuquerque, NM 27 April, 2007 Dept. of Psychology, University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada Neurotrophin signaling and psychotropic drugs as modulators of neuroplasticity in health and disease 2 July, 2007 Dept. of Neurology, Cincinnati Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH Effects on neural development of early life exposure to antipsychotic and antidepressant drugs and their modulation by the environment 4 Nov., 2009 School of Pharmacy, University of Maryland, Baltimore, Baltimore, MD

19 Invited papers and symposia : Development and plasticity of retinofugal projections in the Syrian hamster. Paper presented at the Third Annual Symposium on Ocular and Visual Development - Establishment of Neuronal Connections, Pennsylvania College of Optometry, Philadelphia, Pa., October 21 - 23, 1976. Binocular interactions in the development of the hamster visual system. Paper presented at the Bat- Sheva Seminar on Interactions Between Neurons and Target Cells, Jerusalem, Israel, March 27 - April 7, 1978. Considerations sur l'architecture des connections thalamocorticales, Paper presented at the l7th Specialized Meeting of GRECO, Unit 94 of INSERM (National Institutes of Health and Medical Research), Bron, France, June 5 - 6, 1980 (in French). Effects of visual experience on the development of the feline corpus callosum. Paper presented at the 6th International Symposium of the Center for Research in Neurological Sciences, University of Montreal: Two Hemispheres, One Brain (Dedicated to Roger Sperry) Montreal, May 16- 18, 1984. Altered neural connections induced by lesions early in development: structural and functional considerations. Paper presented at the 4th Rodin Symposium- Hemispheric specialization, visual function and dyslexia, Kings College, Cambridge, England, June 26- 29, 1986. Retinal projections to the auditory and somatosensory systems in neonatal and neonatally operated adult hamsters. Paper presented at satellite symposium to the European Neuroscience Association Meetings Structure and Function in the Visual System, Lyon, France, September 10- 12, 1986. Feelings about seeing - retinal projections to somatosensory and auditory systems. Yale Neuroscience Winter Retreat, Woods Hole, Mass., February 27- March 1, 1987. Mechanisms of structural and functional development in the thalamus: studies of retinal projections to the auditory and somatosensory systems in normal and experimentally manipulated animals. Paper presented at satellite symposium to the second meeting of the International Brain Research Organization, Verona, Italy, August 22- 25, 1987. Anatomy and physiology of retinal projections to the auditory and somatosensory systems. Paper presented at the European Winter Conference on Brain Research, Tignes, France, March 6-12, 1988. Transient, immature neuronal connections as a substrate for the formation of anomalous pathways. Paper presented at the Rodin Remediation Foundation, First Congress, "Identification and Remediation of Dyslexia and Dysphasia," Uppsala, Sweden, June 22, 1988. Transient retinal projections in normal development and their experimental stabilization. Lecture presented at "Cours du troisième cycle" - Sensory systems, Faculty of Medicine, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, August 30- September 2, 1988. How specific are specific sensory cortices? Paper presented at symposium "New approaches to the functional development of the neocortex", Annual meeting, Society for Neuroscience, 13- 18 November, 1988. Normally transient and experimentally stabilized retinal projections to the auditory and somatosensory systems. Paper presented at specialized panel "Commonalities in development and plasticity of connections at sequential levels in the vertebrate visual system", Winter Conference on Brain Research, Snow Bird, Utah, January 22- 27, 1989.

20 Function of experimentally stabilized retinal projections to the somatosensory system. Paper presented at workshop "Intermodal competition and compensation in the formation of sensory systems", Winter Conference on Brain Research, Snow Bird, Utah, January 22- 27, 1989. Visual processing by the somatosensory system following early lesions. Paper presented at symposium "Development and neural bases of higher cognitive functions", Sugarloaf Conference Center, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, May 20- 24, 1989. Structure, function and development of surgicaly induced retinal projections to the somatosensory system. Paper presented at the Wenner- Gren International Symposium "Brain Repair, Stockholm, Sweden May 25- 27, 1989. Retinal projections to the auditory and somatosensory systems. Paper presented at NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Alagna Valsesia, Italy, August 26- September 1, 1989. Functional plasticity in sensory systems. Paper presented at symposium "Aspects of development and plasticity in the visual system", European Winter Conference on Brain Research, Les Arcs, France, 3-10 March, 1990. Structure, function and development of retinal projections to the auditory and somatosensory systems. Paper presented at The Fourth Annual Retina Research Foundation Symposium, "Regeneration and plasticity in the visual system", Baylor College of Medicine, The Woodlands, TX, 10- 11 May, 1991. Function of novel, surgically- induced visual circuits. Paper presented at the IVth International Symposium on Neural Transplantation, George Washington University, Washington, DC, 12- 16 July, 1992. Novel, surgically- induced neural connections: lessons for development, function and disease states. Plenary lecture presented at the 6th International Congress on Schizophrenia Research, Colorado Springs, CO, 12- 16 April, 1997. Neurophysiological and behavioral function of retinal projections to the auditory and somatosensory systems. Paper presented at the European Winter Conference on Brain Research, Arc, France, March 7-14, 1998. Visual System Damage - Neurophysiological and behavioral function of retinal projections to the auditory and somatosensory systems. Paper presented at the European Neuroscience Association Symposium "Residual Function and Plasticity", Berlin, Germany, July 1-2, 1998. Concepts of Neuroplasticity - Paper presented at symposium on "New Visions for the Neurosciences and Medical Psychology: SYNTOPIA - Coming together from different places and different disciplines", Munich, Germany, 27- 28 April, 2000. Role of Neurotrophins in the Development of Visual Connections. Paper presented at symposium on "Vision: From Neurons to Cognition", Montreal, Canada, May 8-9, 2000. Neurotrophins and Visual System Development. Paper Presented at the International Symposium on Schizophrenia and Neuroplasticity, Zinal, Switzerland, 9-13 September, 2000. Neurotrophins and Visual System Development. Paper Presented at symposium "Schizophrenia and Neuroplasticity", International Congress on Schizophrenia Research, Whistler, British Columbia, Canada, 28 April - 2 May, 2001. Neuroplasticity in Health and Disease – Siemens Foundation Lecture, Munich, Germany, May 2, 2002.

21 Neurotrophins, Neural Circuit Development and Neurological Disease – Raines Foundation Visiting Professor Lectureship, Perth, Australia, Oct. 15, 2003 The Neurotrophic Hypothesis is More Complicated Than You Think! – Plenary Lecture, Second International Congress on Neurodegeneration, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sept. 20- 24, 2004. The Neurotrophic Hypothesis is More Complicated Than You Think! – Society for Neuroscience Grass Foundation Traveling Lecturer, Southern Ontario Neuroscience Association, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, June 3, 2005. Behavioral and Neurobiological Sequelae of Peripubertal Olanzapine Treatment - Conference Neuroplasticity, Invited lecture, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, February 18, 2010.


Long- term behavioral and neurobiological sequelae of adolescent treatment with atypical antipsychotics – Paper Presented at symposium “Early life pharmacotherapy for psychiatric disease: A two- edged sword”, 66 th Annual Meeting, Society of Biological Psychiatry”, San Francisco, CA, May 12- 14, 2011.

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