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Curriculum Vitae Thomas J. MacVittie, MS, PhD Professor December 15, 2013 University of Maryland School of Medicine Preclinical Radiobiology Laboratory Department of Radiation Oncology 10 South Pine Street, MSTF 6-34-E Baltimore, Maryland 21201-1595 Phone: 410-706-5255 Fax: 410-706-5270 or -6697 Email: tmacvittie@som.umaryland.edu Education 1964


Biology, Alfred University, Alfred, NY.



Natural Sciences, Radiation Biophysics (Major) State University of New York at Buffalo, NY.



Radiation Biology, State University of New York at Buffalo, NY.

Employment Experience Government/Industry Positions 1970-1972

Radiobiologist, United States Army Medical Research Laboratory, Ft. Knox, KY.


Research Physiologist, Experimental Hematology Department, Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute (AFRRI), Bethesda, MD 20889.


Chief, Hematology Division, Experimental Hematology Department, Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute, Bethesda, MD 20889.


Chairman and Project Leader, Experimental Hematology Department, Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute, Bethesda, MD 20889.


Vice President Biological Research, Pro-Neuron, Inc., Rockville, MD 20852

Academic Position 2008-present

Principal Investigator for the subcontract with AEOLUS, Inc. under the BARDA Â BAA-BARDA-09-34, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21201



Director of the Preclinical Radiobiology Research GLP Laboratory at the University of Maryland, School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD 21201 Responsibilities as director of the GLP Laboratory include:  Responsible for the development of the study protocol.  Responsible for the planning, conduct and documentation of the study.  Responsible for the development, approval, and review of revisions of the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP).  Responsible for providing resources and study personnel to perform technical functions.  Responsible for ensuring that all safety procedures and SOPs are followed by study personnel.  Responsible for the data reviews required by the SOPs.  Resposnible for the supervision and evaluation of 3 research associates and administrative staff


Principal Investigator of the Consortium for Medical Countermeasures Against Radiological Threats (MCART I)


Pricipal Investigator of the Consortium for Medical Countermeasures Against radiological Threats (MCART II)


Professor, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Depts. of Radiation Oncology and Pathology, Baltimore, MD 21201

Professional Memberships 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

International Society for Experimental Hematology American Society of Gene Therapy American Society of Hematology European Society of Radiation Biology International Association of Radiopathology International Society of Cell Therapy Radiation Research Society

Administrative and Scientific Service National and International Service and Selected Major Presentations:


Member, NATO, Radiation Study Group (RSG)-5, Panel VIII on Assessment of Ionizing Radiation Injury in Nuclear Warfare.


US/UK Nuclear Warfare Combat Casualty Care Workshop. Member of Radiobiology Working Group, Bethesda, MD, 13 Oct 1983.


NATO, Radiation Study Group (RSG) II, Panel VIII Meeting. Physics and Medicine of Wound Ballistics and Casualty Care. Munich, Germany, 23-27 Sept 1985.


Workshop on Short-Term Health Effects of Reactor Accidents: Chernobyl. August. Brookhaven National Lab., LI, NY. 1986.


NATO, Radiation Study Group (RSG)-11, IV Symposium the Provision of Blood for Military Casualties. Lyon-Bron, France, Oct. 1986.


LD50/30 Workshop, Defense Nuclear Agency.Treatment Issues. Alexandria, VA March 9-10, 1987.


US/UK NAVY Nuclear Warfare Combat Casualty Care Workshop.


Member Radiobiology

Working Group, Bethesda, MD March 23-27, 1987. 1987-1989

Member, Science Subpanel on Pre-Disaster Planning for Human Health Effects Research. Under, Committee on Interagency Radiation Research and Policy Coordination (CIRRPC).


Radiation Emergency Assistance Center/ Training Site (REAC/TS) Invited Speaker: International Conference “The Medical Basis for Radiation Accident Preparedness: II Clinical Experience and Follow Up Since 1979”; Title: “Potentail improvement in the management of of seriously irradiated personnel”, 20-22 Oct, Oak Ridge, TN.


Military Trauma Cooperative Mtg.- Sponsored by Letterman Army Inst. of Research, Denver, CO. Apr. 5-6, 1988.


The First Consensus Development Conference on the Treatment of Radiation Injuries. Prresentation title: “Rescue of lethally irradiated canines with therapeutic use of recombinant human G-CSF or GM-CSF”, 10-13 May, Wash., D.C.


The 22nd Annual Scientific meeting of The European Society for Radiation Biology. Title: “therapeutic use of recombinant cytokines in a canine model of sublethal and lethal whole-body irradiation.” 12-16 Sept. ,Brussels, Belgium


Member, NATO, Radiation Study Group (RSG)-23, Panel VIII. Assessment, Prophylaxis and Treatment of Ionizing Radiation Injury in Nuclear Environments. Chairman for Prophylaxis and Treatment Subgroup.


NATO, Radiation Study Group (RSG)-23, Panel VIII Inaugural Meeting, Assessment, Prophylaxis, and Treatment of Ionizing Radiation Injury in Nuclear Environment. Selected chair: Prophylaxis and Treatment subgroup. Paris, France, April 3-5, 1991.


The Presidential Symposium at the 20th Annual meeting of International Society for Experimental Hematology (ISEH). Title: “In vivo effects of a GM-CSF/IL-3 fusion protein (PIXY-321) in sublethally irradiated monkeys. 21-25 July, Parma, Italy.


The Behringwerke Satellite Symposium: Cytokines: from lab to clinic. In association with 20th Annual Meeting of the ISEH. Title: “ Cytokine therapy in canine and nonhuman primate models of radaiation-induced marrow aplasia”. 21-25 July, Parma, Italy.


The Annual Meeting of the German Instiutue of Radiobiology. Tit;e: “Recent advances in the therapy of radiation-induced marrow aplasia using recombinant cytokines”. 26-28 February, Munich, Germany.


The International Radiation Therapy Workshop; sponsor Amgen Corp. Title: “Use of recombinant G-CSF in the treatment of radiation-induced marrow aplasia”. 23-24 June, Wash, D.C,


The World Health Organization (WHO) Workshop on Radiation Accident Preparedness. Title; “New treatment strategies for radiation-induced marrow aplasia”. 30 November, Ulm, Germany.


Keystone Symposia: Title: “Preclinical efficacy of soluble rhIL-1 and TNF receptors on hemodynamic, metabolic and circulating levels of inflammatory cytokines”. 6 February, Keystone, CO.


NASA Review Committee: Radiation Biology Review Committee. Dr. David Black Chairman, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Radiobiology Group Leader, Houston, TX


1992, 1994

World Health Organization: Scientific Advisor, 4th & 5th Coordination Meetings of WHO Collaborating Centers in Radiation Emergency Medical Preparedness and Assistance. Ulm, Germany (1992) and Paris, France (1994).


The 41st radiation research Society Meeting, Title; “Cytokine therapy in preclinical models of radiation-induced marrow aplasia”. 21-25 March, Dallas, TX


Symposium on Platelets and Cellular Support in Clinical Oncology: Title: “Comparative therapeutic efficacy of combination IL-6 and IL-3 cytokine protocols in a nonhuman primate model of radiation-induced marrow aplasia”. 29 September to 1 October, Arlington, VA.


Subject Expert; Radiation Biology, IAEA, National Research Council, Office of Science and Engineering.


Meeting; The Immunocompromised Surgical Patient: Mechanisms and Therapy in Trauma and Burns: Title; “Efficacy of soluble receptors for tumor necrosis factor and interleukin-1 in a nonhuman primate model of endotoxin shock”. 15-19 January, Snowbird, UT


Member DoD American Delegation to Russian-American Workshop on "Research on Radiation Effects". Nuclear Safety Institute, Moscow, Russia 27-28 July 1994.


Scientific Advisory Council: Institute for Nuclear Safety and Protection. Radiation Biology Research Program. Fontenay-Aux-Roses, France.


Board Member: International Association of Radiopathology, Fontenay-Aux-Roses, France.


European Bone Marrow Transplant Meeting. Symposium on Preclinical and Clinical Biology of Megakaryocyte Growth and Development Factor (MGDF). Title: “Therapeutic efficacy of pegrHuMGDF in nonhuman primate models of radiation-induced myelosuppression and myeloablation wuth autologous bone marrow transplantation”. 2-6 March, Vienna, Austria.


Member: REAC/TS, Consensus Panel convened by D.O.E., Subject matter: “Use of the Radioprotector Ethyol (Amifostine) for Planned Radiation Exposures During Emergencies. 15-16 August 1996, Bethesda, MD.


Symposium on Nonhuman Primate Gene Therapy. Title: “The nonhuman primate: a model for cytokine-induced manipulation, selection and gene transduction of hematopoietic stem cells”. 910 May, New Orleans, LA


The Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine, Grand Rounds, Hematology Division. Title: New generation growth factors for the treatment of myelosuppressionand mobilization of hematopoietic progenitor cells”. 4 July, Baltimore, MD.


Satellite Symposium to the International Society of Hematology (ISH)-European Hematology Association (EHA). Emerging Technologies in Hematopoietic Growth Factors: From Concept to Patient. Title: “Platelet and dendritic cell growth factors in nonhuman primates”. 4 June, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


International Conference: Diagnosis and Treatment of Radiation Injury. Title: “New generation cytokines for the treatment of radiation-induced myelosuppression”. 31 August – 3 September, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.


Big Sky Oncology Conference: Presentation: “New cytokine-based research for enhancing recovery from radiation-induced myelosuppression”, 25-26 September, Big Sky, MT


Gordon Research Conference: Comparative Hematopoiesis. Discussion leader, Session Chair, Leucopoiesis and Transplanatation. 8-12 August, Tilton, NH



Member, Consensus Panel convened by Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute. Subject matter: Low Level Radiation Injury and Medical Countermeasures. Presentation: “Cytokinebased treatment of radiation injury: Potential benefits after low-level exposure”, 8-10 Nov 1999. Bethesda, MD.


Member, NIH, NHLBI Consultant, Special Emphasis Panel: Hematopoietic Stem Cell Biology, Bethesda, MD.


Member, Consensus Panel convened by Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute. Subject Matter: “Large-animal Models for Radiation Injury and Countermeasures.” 5 Jun 2001. Bethesda, MD.


Member, Interagency Workshop: Molecular and Cellular Biology of Moderate Dose radiation and Potential Mechanisms of Radiation Protection. 17-18 Dec 2001. Bethesda, MD.


Symposium: Preparedness Management and Medical and Biological Responses to Radiation Exposure: “Establishing a Treatment Protocol for Severely Irradiated Personnel in the Radiation Accident Scenario: The evolving preclinical data base for cytokine treatment of irradiated rhesus monkeys”. 5 July, 2003. Montreal, Canada.


Workshop: Non-human Primate Transplantation Techniques Workshop: “Radiation dose response, cytokine-induced mobilization, leukapheresis and dendritic cells. 31 Oct-1 Nov 2002. Bethesda, MD.


Workshop: Radiation Working Group and Strategic National Pharmaceutical Stockpile Program: Sponsors: CDC, FDA, DoD, DoE, NIH/NCI. “Preclinical Data Base in Support of CytokineTreatment of Irradiated Personnel: 22 Jan, 2003, Bethesda, MD.


Educational Session at ASH: The Hematologist and Radiation Casualties: “New Directions in Growth Factor Therapy”. Dec 2003. San Diego, CA


NIAID Special Emphasis Panel: Cooperative Research for the Development of Vaccines, Adjuvants, Therapeutics and Diagnostics for Biodefense. 3-5 Feb, 2004. Gaithersburg, MD.


NIAID: Animal Models for Radiation Injury, Protection and Therapy Workshop. 25-26 May 2004, Bethesda, MD


First Canadian Therapeutics Congress; Symposium on Biotechnology, Bioterrorism and Biotherapeutics. Presentation: “Defining the full potential of supportive care and cytokine therapy on the post radiation accident environment”. 4-6 June, Winnipeg, Manitoba


NIAID Special Emphasis Panel: Biodefense and Emerging Infectious Disease Research Opportunities, PA-04-119. Chairperson- PO1 review. Dec. 13, 2004.


Member: Neupogen/Acute Radiation Syndrome, NIAID/DAIT/FDA/CDER Division of Counterterrorism.


Member: Strategic National Stockpile Radiation Working Group Subcommittee meeting. Medical Management of High-Risk Febrile Neutropenia Consequent to Acute Radiation Syndrome. Bethesda, MD. Feb 23, 2005.


NIAID, Special Emphasis Panel: 1.) Nonhuman Primate Heart/Lung Transplantation Tolerance. 17 Mar 05. 2.) “Simian Vaccine Evaluation Units” RFP-NIH-NIAID-DAIDS-06-15. 17-18 Nov 05 3.) “Cooperative Research Partnerships for Biodefense”, RFA A1-05-019. 31Jan–2Feb 06.


Division of Allergy, Immunology and Transplantation (DAIT) and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease. (NIAID). Special Topic Meeting: Animal Models for ARS with a Focus on






Models of Gastrointestinal Toxicity. 21 Sept. 2006. Presentation: “Nonhuman Primate Models of Radiation-Induced Gastrointestinal Syndrome”, Bethesda, MD 2006

Radiation Carcinogenesis Workshop. Radiation Research Program, Div. of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis. Sept. 10-12, Washington, DC. Panel member.


Member International Council of Radiation Protection (ICRP) Task Group: Radiation Effect on Normal Tissues.


International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Consultant and Co-Chairman. “Radiobiological Studies of Normal Tissue Effects in the 1-10Gy Range and Higher, Relevant to Nuclear Accidents and other Radiation”. May 7-8, Vienna, Austria.


Board Member, National Biodefense Science Board. Appointed by The Secretary of Health Human Services (www.hhs.gov/aspr/omsph/nbsb)


BARDA: Blood and Tissue-Related Medical Countermeasures Working Group. Invited speaker, Presentation: Treatment of the ARS. Feb.19, Washington, D.C.


HHS/NIAID: Invited Speaker: Medical Countermeasures for Radiation Injury: Current and Evolving Technologies Workshop. “Medical Countermeaures Against the Acute Hematopoietic Syndrome and Relevant Animal Models”, August 17-20, New Delhi, India.


Korean Society of Radiation Bioscience/Italy-U.S.-Korea Radiation Seminar: Invited Speaker: “Medical Countermeasures Against Radiological and Nuclear Threats: An Overview”. 6-7 Nov, Korean Institute of Radiological and Medical Science, Daejeon, Korea


International Congress on Radiation Biology/Translational Research in Radiation Oncology/Indian Society for Radiation Biology: Invited Speaker: “Medical Countermeasures Against the Acute Hematopoietic and Gastrointestinal Syndromes”. Nov 10-12, Jaipur, India.


FDA/CBER/CDER and NIAID. Public Workshop on Animal Models for the Treatment of Acute Radiation Syndrome. Invited Speaker and Panel Member: 1) Presentations: “ARS Nonhuman Primate Research Platform: The Hematopoietic Syndrome” and 2) “ARS Nonhuman Primate Research Platform: The Gastrointestinal Syndrome and Associated Sequelae”. 17-18 Sept, Gaithersburg, MD


DAIT/NIAID/NIH. Workshop on Animal Models and Countermeasure Development for the Gastrointestinal Acute Radiation Syndrome. Invited Speaker: Animal Model Development for Gastrointestinal Radiation Injury. 2-3 Feb. 2009, Rockville MD.


European Bone Marrow Transplant Society; Invited speaker: Education Session for the Committee on Nuclear Accidents. Presentation: “An ARS Nonhuman Primate Research Platform: The Gastrointestinal Syndrome and Associated Sequelae”. 1 April, 2009, Goteburg, Sweden.


7th Annual Biodefense Vaccines and Therapeutics. Invited Panelist. Session: Enablers for Medical Countermaesure Development and Production. 15-17 June, 2009. Wash. D.C.


BARDA, Chemical, Biological, Radiological & Nuclear Medical Countermeasures Division Seminar Series. Invited speaker: “Acute and Delayed Effects of ARS: An animal model research platform to assess efficacy of medical countermeasures”. 14 August, 2009. Wshington, D.C.


European Radiation Research Society. Invited Speaker: “An ARS Animal Model Research Platform for Hematopoietic, Gastrointestinal and lung inury: Potential treatment modalities”. 26-29 August, 2009, Prague, Czech Republic.




Global Health Security Initiative (GHSI), Public Health Emergency, Medical Countermeasure Workshop. Invited Speaker: “Acute and Delayed Effects of the ARS: An animal model research platform to assess efficacy of medical countermeasures”. 4-5 November, 2009, Washington, D.C.


DAIT/NIAID/NIH: Workshop on “Countermeasure Development for Platelet Regeneration After Radiation Exposure. Invited speaker and Panelist. Title: Evaluation and Treatment of ARS Damage in the Rhesus Macaque: Establishing an ARS Research Platform, 22-23 Mar, 2010. Rockville, MD


DAIT/NIAID/NIH: Workshop on “Animal Models and Countermeasure Development for RadiationInduced Lung Damage”. Invited Speaker and Panelist. Title: An Animal Model Reseach Platform: Linkage Between the ARS and DEARE, 19-20 April, 2010, Rockville, MD


8th Annual Vaccines & Therapeutics Summit 2010. Co-organizer of Animal Model Forum: Panel Moderator and speaker within the Forum. Speaker: 1. Update on the Status of Animal Model Development Efforts. 2. Addressing Challenges of Animal Model Development through Collaboration for Rad Nuc Medical Countermeasure Development. 15 June, 2010. Almas Temple Club, Wash., D.C.


Public Meeting on the Draft Guidance for Industry. Animal Models – Essential Elements to Address Efficacy Under the Animal Rule. Docket Number: FDA-2009-D-0007. Speaker, Session III: Topic Area D – Design Considerations for the Animal Efficacy Studies. 5 Nov. 2010, FDA White Oak Complex, Silver Spring, MD


European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Invited Speaker: Acute and Delayed Effects of the ARS: Concurrent Hematopoietic, GI and Lung Sequelae. 3-6 April, 2011. Paris, France.


International Biodosimetry Research Symposium. Invited Speaker: A Nonhuman Primate Research Platform: Development of Biomarkers for Hematopoietic, GI, and Lung Sequelae. Armed Forces Radiobiolgy Research Inst. 18-19 April, 2011. Bethesda, MD.


Radiation Countermeasures Symposium: An AFRRI 50th Anniversary Event. Invited Speaker: Cytokines in the Treatment of Radiation Injury. Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Inst., 15 June, 2011. Bethesda, MD


NIAID/NCI/NIST Symposium. Radiation Dosimetry Standardization for Radiobiology: Radiation Dose is More Than a Number. Title: Large Animal Radiation Dosimetry. 15 - 16 Sept., 2011. Gaithersburg, MD.


International REAC/TS Symposium. Invited Speaker in Session: “Advances in Diagnosis and Management of the Acute Radiation Syndrome”. Title: Evidenced-Based Support for Treatment of Potentially Lethal Radiation-Induced Organ-Specific and Multiple Organ System Sequelae. 27-29 Sept, Miami, Fl.


Radiation Injury Treatment Network. Invited Speaker in Session: State of the Science Workshop: Radiation Exposure, Medical Countermeasures and Treatment. Title: “Medical Countermeasures for the ARS: Evidence-Based Support and the FDA Animal Rule”. 11 Oct, Chicago, IL.


FDA, Public Health Security Action team (PHSAT). Invited speaker: “Neupogen as a MCM Against the Hematopoietic Acute Radiation Syndrome (H-ARS): The best treatment protocol available today”. 27 Oct, 2011, Silver Spring, MD.


FDA, Pubic Health Security Action Team (PHSAT). Invited speaker. “The Hematopoietic Acute Radiation Syndrome: Radiation quality and animal model development”. 9 Nov, 2011, Silver Spring, MD.



International Congress of Radiation Protection Association (IRPA). Invited speaker. Session; Emergency Preparedness and Response. Symposium: Medical Countermeasures Against Serious Radiation Exposure. Title: Treatment of Potentially Lethal Radiation-Induced Acute Radiation Syndrome: Evidence-based support for medical countermeasures (MCM). 13-18 May, 2012; Glasgow, Scotland


Interagency Workshop (NIAID, FDA, TMT, DTRA, BARDA) Animal Model Development: Session on Veterinary and Supportive Care. Invited speaker, Title: “The Acute and Delayed radiation Sequelae: Medical management is the best medical countermeasure available today”. 17-18 Sept, 2012, Natcher Auditorium, Bethesda, MD.


FDA, Public Meeting: Regulatory Science Considerations for Medical Countermeasure Radiation Biodosimetry Devices. Session: Invited speaker, The Use of Animal Models in Radiation Biodosimetry Efficacy Testing. Title: “The Nuclear Event: What do we need in order to treat lethally irradiared personnel? – Do we need a number or set of signs/symptoms?”, 27-28 Sept. 2012, Silver Spring, MD.


HHS/ASPR/BARDA/NIAID Symposium: Development of Radiation Medical Countermeasures for FDA Licensure: Lessons learned & Paths Forward. Invited Panelist; January 24, 25, 2013; Natcher Auditorium, Rockville, MD.

2013 NIAID/OCTEC Forum: Radiological/Nuclear Medical Countermeasure (MCM) Forum. Panelist/Speaker. Title TBD, FDA, White Oak Campus; April 17, 2013, Silver Spring. MD 2013 Global Conference on Radiation Topics: Preparedness, Protection, Response, Research. Session:Radiation Health Effects and Countermeasures. Title: The influence of G-CSF administration on the absolute neutrophil:lymphocyte count (ANC:ALC) ratio in nonhuman primates (NHP) following exposure to totalor partial-body irradiation. 13-16 May, 2013, Munich, Germany. 2013

A CMCR and RITN Workshop: Mitgation and Treratment of Radiation Damage. Invited talk: Animal Models of Radiation Damage and Confounders. July 31- August 2, 2013; Baltimore, MD

Offices or Positions in Scientific Organizations: 1981-1984

Member of Nominating Committee, International Society for Experimental Hematology.


Chairman, Nominating Committee, International Society for Experimental Hematology.


Councillor, International Society for Experimental Hematology.


Member, Broad of Trustees, International Society for Experimental Hematology.


Member, Editorial Board: The Journal of Experimental Hematology

2002-Present Member, Editorial Board: Stem Cells Journal 2005-2009

Member, International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) Task Group “Tissue Reactions and other Non-Cancer Effects of Radiation”.


Board Member, The Inaugural, National Biodefense Science Board. Appointed by The Secretary of Health and Human Services (www.hhs.gov/aspr/omsph/nbsb).

Reviewer Journals 1. Experimental Hematology


2. Radiation Research 3. Science 4. J. of Leukocyte Biology. 5. International. Journal of Radiation Biology 6. Stem Cells 7. Blood 8. Blood, Guest Editor 9. Journal of Clinical Investigation 10. Journal of Cellular Physiology 11. Cancer, Chemotherapy and Pharmacology 12. Journal of Bone Marrow Transplantation 13. Molecular Therapy 14. International Journal of Immunopharmacology 15. Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology 16. American Journal of Physiology 17. PLoS ONE 18. Free Radicals in Biology and Medicine 19. BioMed Central Medicine Grants-Contracts 1. National Science Foundation 2. Radiation Research Review Committee, DCT, National Cancer Institute. 3. National Cancer Institute: Review Committee, Protection of Bone Marrow Against the Effects of Cytotoxic Drugs and X-irradiation 4. Member of Site Visit Sloan Kettering Memorial Cancer Institute, National Cancer Institute, 12-13 March, 1991. 5. Veteran Administration Grants Review 6. Dept. of Energy Grants Review 7. Israel Science Foundation Grants Review 8. NIH, NHLBI Consultant, Special Emphasis Panel: Hematopoietic Stem Cell Biology 9. NIAID Special Emphasis Panels: Scientific Review Groups: See above “National Service� 10. Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA): Radiation Biology 11. National Space Biology Research Institute (NSBRI): Radiation Biology Editorships of Symposia 1984

Response of different species to High Dose Total-Body Irradiation, proceedings for workshop at Radiobiology Institute, TNO, Rijswijk, The Netherlands, J.J. Broerse and T.J. MacVittie, editors. Martinus Nijhoff, Publisher. Dordrecht, The Netherlands. 1984.


The Pathophysiology of Combined Injury and Trauma: Radiation, Burn and Trauma, R.I. Walker, D.F. Gruber, T.J. MacVittie, and J.J. Conklin, editors. University Park Press, Baltimore, MD. 1985.


The Pathophysiology of Combined Injury and Trauma, Management of Infectious Complications in Mass Casualty Situations. D.F. Gruber, R.I. Walker, T.J. MacVittie, and J.J. Conklin, editors. Academic Press, Orlando, FL. 1987.


The First Consensus Development Conference on Treatment of Radiation Injuries. D. Browne, M.V. Pillai, J.F. Weiss, T.J. MacVittie, editors. Plenum Press. New York 1990.


The Second Consensus Development Conference on Treatment of Radiation Injuries. T.J. MacVittie, J.F. Weiss, D. Browne, editors. Pergamon Press. Elsevier Science Inc., Tarrytown, NY, 1996.

Convener, co-convener: Scientific Meetings, Symposia, Workshops 1.

5th Annual Meeting International Society for Experimental Hematology, Washington, DC 1976, Baum, S.J. and MacVittie, T.J.



1st International Meeting on Pathophysiology of Combined Injury and Trauma. April, 1983, Bethesda, MD at USUHS. Walker, R.I., Gruber, D.F., MacVittie, T.J. and Conklin, J.J. and Conklin, J.J.


Response of Different Species to High Dose Total-Body Irradiation. July 1983, Delft, The Netherlands. Co-Organizers J.J. Broerse, T.J. MacVittie.


The Second International Meeting on Pathophysiology of Combined Injury and Trauma. Mass Casualties: Management and Infectious Complications. Gruber, D.F., MacVittie, T.J., Walker, R.I., Conklin, J.J., 25 Feb. 1985, Wintergreen, VA.


The First Consensus Development Conference on The Treatment of Radiation Injuries, Dons, R.F., MacVittie, T.J., Mickley, G.A., Pillai, M. V., Weiss, J.F., Williams, C.D., and D. Browne. May10-13,1989, Washington, DC.


The Immunocompromised Surgical Patient: Mechanisms and Therapy in Trauma and Burns. Scientific Advisory Committee Member. Jan 25-29, 1992. Snowbird, Utah.


The Second Consensus Development Conference on The Treatment of Radiation Injuries, MacVittie, T.J., Weiss, J.F., Browne, D. April 14-17, 1993. Bethesda, MD.


The Immunocompromised Surgical Patient: Mechanisms and Therapy in Trauma and Burns. Coorganizer. Scientific Advisory Committee Member. Jan 15-19, 1994. Snowbird, Utah.


The Immunocompromised Surgical Patient: Mechanisms and Therapy in Trauma and Burns. Coorganizer. Scientific Advisory Committee Member. Jan 20-24, 1996. Snowbird, Utah.


The Immunocompromised Surgical Patient: Mechanisms and Therapy in Trauma and Burns. Coorganizer. Scientific Advisory Committee member. 31 Jan - 4 Feb, 1998. Snowbird, Utah.


International Conference: Diagnosis and Treatment of Radiation Injury. Program Committee. 31 Aug - 3 Sep 1998. Rotterdam, The Netherlands.


MCART, Lung Focus Group Meeting. Attendees: NIAID staff, CMCR and UMB investigators. 25 July, 2008, Baltimore, MD.


MCART, Gastrointestinal Focus team (GIFT) Meeting. Attendees: NIAID staff, CMCR, UMB and MCART investigators, external investigators.15 April 2009, Baltimore, MD.


MCART, Mechanism of Action Mtg: ARS and DEARE. Attendees: NIAID staff, UMB PRL, MCART PIs and co-investigators. 12-13 may, 2010, Baltimore, MD.


Animal Model Forum at 8th Annual Biodefense Vaccines & Therapeutic Summit 2010. Open mtg. Forum held on 15 June, 2010, Almas Temple Club, Wash. D.C. Co-Moderator of Panel Discussion: Key Challenges in Efficacy Studies Using Animals and Strategies for Addressing Challenges.


MCART, Research Discussion: ARS and DEARE Models; Research update on H-ARS, GI-ARS and Lung Injury. 26-30 July, 2010. Manchester, UK.

Teaching Service 1.

Member, Ph.D. Committee, Graduate School, Uniformed Service University of the Health Sciences (USUHS), Department of Physiology and Microbiology: Dr. Diana Linnekin.


Physiology Course, Lecture on Hemopoiesis. USUHS, Bethesda, MD. 1980-2000, 3 hrs/year, 120 -150 students, 1st year medical students, graduate students.


Extramural Faculty. Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education. Medical Planning and Care in


Radiation Accidents. Lecture on Therapeutic Use of Cytokines at Radiation emergency assistance Center/Training Site (REAC/TS), Oak Ridge, TN (twice/year). 1990-present, 2 hrs/year. 20-40 studentsdiverse background including Ph.D., MD, Nurse, DoD/DoE personnel. 4.

University of Maryland, School of Medicine, Dept. of Radiation Oncology, Baltimore, MD. Lecture (3) Series Entitled: "Cytokines as Therapeutic Agents in Marrow Aplasia". 1995, 20 staff and residents.


University of Maryland, School of Medicine, Dept. of Radiation Oncology, Baltimore, MD. Lecture in Radiobiology Course, "New Therapeutic Approaches for Marrow Aplasia". 1992-1995, 1 hr/year, 5-10 fellows, staff.


Medical Effects of Nuclear Weapons, (MENW) Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute. "New Generation Therapeutics for Marrow Aplasia and Sepsis". 1980-1994, variable number of presentations/yr., USA and Europe, 20-50 personnel; civilian, military, MD, Ph.D. and other.


Medical Effects of Ionizing Radiation Course (MEIR). Armed Forces Radiobiology Reseach Inst, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences. “The Acute Hematopoietic Syndrome: The best treatment protocol available today. Aug 2005 – present.

Research Supervision: Scientific Advisor, Postdoctoral, Visiting Scientists, Students. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Dr. M.L. Patchen National Research Council Fellow Dr. G.N. Schwartz, National Research Council Fellow Dr. L. Wathen, National Research Council Fellow Dr. W. Kaffenberger, Visiting Scientist, German Scientific Exchange Program Dr. G. Sigounas, National Research Council Fellow Dr. D. Browne, Visiting Scientist, United Kingdom Dr. F. Herodin, Visiting Scientist, France Ms. A. Ladd, Thesis Project Advisor, Univ of Maryland, Pathology Dept. Ms. K. Hankey, Thesis Committee Member, Univ of Maryland, Pathology Dept. Ms. E. Laiakis, Thesis Committee Member, Univ of Maryland, Radiation Oncology Ms. Laureanne Pilar E. Lorenzo, Thesis Committee member, Univer.of Maryland Mr. Umut Aypar, Thesis Committee member, Univ. of Maryland, Radiat Oncology

1980-1981 1981-1982 1982 1985-1986 1989-1992 1993 1993-1994 1999-2001 2000-2007 2002-2006 2008-2011 2008-2010

Publications Refereed Journals 1.

Gong, J.J., MacVittie, T.J., and Vertalino, J.E. (1969) A method for determining residual injury in the hematopoietic system of the X-irradiated rat. Radiat. Research. 37:467-477.


MacVittie, T.J. and McCarthy, K.F. (1974) Inhibition of granulopoiesis in diffusion chambers by a granulocytic chalone. Exper. Hematol. 2:182-194.


MacVittie, T.J. and McCarthy, K.F. (1975) The influence of a granulocytic inhibitor (chalone) on hematopoiesis in an in vivo culture system. Cell Tissue Kinet. 8:551-557.


McCarthy, K.F. and MacVittie, T.J. (1975) Erythrocytic committed hematopoietic stem cells in the peripheral blood of mice. Acta Hematol. 53:226-230.


Gambrill, M.R., Ledney, G.D., and MacVittie, T.J. (1976) Mitigation of graft-versus-host disease in lethally irradiated mice grafted with spleen cells adherent to glass beads. Transpl. 21:247-254.


MacVittie, T.J. (1977) Normal and sublethally irradiated stem and granulocyte progenitor cell regeneration in an in vivo culture system: The cellular response to humoral factors released through the action of cyclophosphamide. Radiat. Research. 71:193-203.


MacVittie, T.J. and McCarthy, K. F. (1977) The detection of in vitro monocyte-macrophage colony-forming cells in mouse thymus and lymph nodes. J. Cell. Physiol. 92:203-207.



Baum, S.J., MacVittie, T.J., Brandenburg, R.T., and Levin, S.G. (1978) Stimulatory effects of production from inflammatory exudates upon stem cell production. Exp. Hematol. 6:405-409.


Walker, R.I., MacVittie, T.J., Sinha, B.L., Ewald, P.E., Egan, J.E., and McClung, G.L. (1978) Antibiotic decontamination of beagles and consequences of this treatment on granulopoiesis. Lab. Animal Science 28:55-61.


MacVittie, T.J. and Walker, R.I., (1978) Endotoxin-alterations in canine granulopoiesis: Colony-stimulating factor, colony-forming cells in culture, and growth of cells in diffusion chambers. Exp. Hematol. 6:613618.


MacVittie, T.J. and Walker, R.I. (1978) Canine granulopoiesis: Alternations induced by suppression of gram-negative flora. Exp. Hematol. 6:639-647.


MacVittie, T.J. and Porvaznik, M. (1978) Detection of in vitro macrophage colony-forming cells (M-CFC) in mouse bone marrow, spleen, and peripheral blood. J. Cell. Physiol. 97:305-314.


McCarthy, K.F. and MacVittie, T.J. (1978) Velocity sedimentation studies on monocyte-macrophage colony-forming cells from marrow, spleen, blood, and peritoneal exudate. Exp. Hematol. 24:263-269.


McCarthy, K.F. and MacVittie, T.J. (1978) Population sizes of granulocytic-macrophage and monocytemacrophage colony-forming cells in S1/S1d mice. J. Reticuloendothelial. Soc. 6:673-678.


Snyder, S.L., Walker, R.I., MacVittie, T.J., and Sheil, J. M. (1978) Biologic properties of bacterial lipopolysaccharides treated with chronmium chloride. Can. J. Microbiol. 24:295-501.


Walker, R.I., Parker, G.A., and MacVittie, T.J. (1978) Evidence for platelet resistance to the synergistic effects of endotoxin and Thiamylal in tolerant dogs. Toxicon 17:415-418.


MacVittie, T.J. (1979) Alterations induced in macrophage and granulocyte-macrophage colony-forming cells by a single injection of mice with Corynebacterium parvum. J. Reticuloendothelial. Soc. 26:479-490.


Porvaznik, M. and MacVittie, T.J. (1979) Detection of gap junctions between the progeny of a canine macrophage colony-forming cells in vitro. J. Cell Biol. 8:555-564.


Walker, R.I., French, J.E., Walden, D.A., MacVittie, T.J., Parker, G. A., Sobocinski, P,Z., and Appelbaum, F.R. (1980) Protection of dogs from lethal consequences of endotoxemia with plasma or leukocyte transfusions. Adv. Shock Research. 4:889-101.


MacVittie, T.J. and Walker, R.I. (1980) Hematologic responses induced by endotoxin in normal and tolerant dogs. Exp. Hematol. 8:599-609.


Hagan, M.P. and MacVittie, T.J. (1981) CFU-s kinetics observed in vivo by bromodeoxyuridine and nearUV light treatment. Exp. Hematol. 9:123-128.


Weinberg, S.R., McCarthy, E.E., and MacVittie, T.J. (1981) Fetal murine hemopoiesis following in utero low-dose irradiation. J. Embryol. Exp. Morph. 62-37-46.


Weinberg, S.R., McCarthy, E.G., MacVittie, T.J., and Baum, S.J. (1981) Effect of low-dose irradiation on pregnant mouse hemopoiesis. Brit. J. Hematol. 48:127-135.


MacVittie, T.J. and Weinberg, S.R. (1981) Murine macrophage colony-forming cells (M-CFC): Their response to endotoxin in C3Heb/HeJ and C3H/HeJ mice. J. Reticuloendothelial. Soc. 29:413-422.


Cowall, D.E., MacVittie, T.J., Parker, G.A. and Weinberg, S.R. (1981) Effects of low-dose total-body irradiation on canine bone marrow function and canine lymphoma. Exp. Hematol. 9:581-587.


MacVittie, T.J. and Weinberg, S.R. (1981) Hematopoietic response of splenectomized C3HeB/FeJ and C3H/HeJ mice to lipopolysaccharide. Exp. Hematol. 9:950-955.


Weinberg, S.R. and MacVittie, T.J. (1981) Hemopoiesis in the splenectomized-pregnant mouse following low-dose total-body irradiation. Exp. Hematol. 9:950-955.


Jemionek, J.F., MacVittie, T.J., Byrnes, P.J., Schein, P.S. and Walden, D.A. (1982) Fractionation of mammalian bone marrow for counterflow centrifugation-elutriation using a continuous albumin gradient: Analysis of granulocyte-macrophage colony-forming units. Br. J. Hematol.



MacVittie, T.J., Patchen, M.L. and Walker, R.I. (1982) Hematopoietic responses to lipopolysaccharide in C57BL/10Sn and C57BL/10ScN strain mice.


Jemionek, J.F., Monroy, R.L., MacVittie, T.J., Contreras, T.J. and Espy, S.B. (1982) Bone marrow recovery of lethally irradiated canines using autologous bone marrow fractions obtained by counterflow centrifugation-elutriation. Br. J. Hematol. 51:585-594.


Patchen, M.L. and MacVittie, T.J. (1983) Temporal response of low dose glucan treatment on murine pluripotent stem cells and myeloid and erythroid progenitor cells. Acta Hematological. 70:281-288.


Patchen, M.L. and MacVittie, T.J. (1983) Dose-dependent responses of murine pluripotent and myeloid and erythroid progenitor cells following administration of the immunomodulating agent glucan. Immunopharmacol. 5:303-314.


Weinberg, S.R., MacVittie, T.J., McGarry, M.P. and Bakarich, A.C. (1983) Hemopoiesis in the beagle fetus after in utero irradiation. Int. J. Radiat. Biol. 44:367-75.


Weinberg, S.R., Bakarich, A.C., Ledney, G.D., McGarry, M.P., MacVittie, T.J. (1983) Hemopoiesis in the pregnant beagle following low-dose total-body irradiation and surgery. Experientia 39:864-866.


Patchen, M.L., MacVittie, T.J., Wathen, L.M.K. (1984) Effects of pre- and post- irradiation glucan treatment on pluripotent stem cells, granulocyte, macrophage and erythroid progenitor cells, and hematopoietic stromal cells. Experientia. 40:1240-1244.


Patchen, M.L., DiLuzio, N.R., Jacques, P. and MacVittie, T.J. (1984) Soluble polyglycans enhance recovery from cobalt-60-induced hemopoietic injury. J. Biolog. Response Modifiers. 3:627-33.


Fink, M.P., MacVittie, T.J. and Casey, L.C. (1984) Effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on renal function in septic dogs. J. Surgical Research. 36:516-525.


Fink, M.P., MacVittie, T.J. and Casey, L.C. (1984) Indomethacin restores normal hemodynamics in canine hyperdynamic sepsis. American College of Surgeons 1983 Surgical Forum, Vol. XXXIV.


Fink, M.P., MacVittie, T.J., Casey, L.C. (1984) Hemodynamics in canine hyperdynamic sepsis. Annals of Surgery 200(5):619-626.


Byrne, P., Tew, K., Jemionek, J., MacVittie, T.J., Erickson, L. and Schein, P. (1984) Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of the bone marrow sparing effects of the glucose chloroethylnitrosourea chlorozotocin. Blood. 63:759-767.


Brook, I., MacVittie, T.J. and Walker, R.I. (1984) Recovery of aerobic and bacteria from irradiated mice. Infect. and Immun. 46:270-271.


Fink, M.P., Gardiner, M. and MacVittie, T.J. (1985) Sublethal hemorrhage impairs the acute peritoneal inflammatory response in the rat. J. of Trauma, 25:234-237.


Walker, R.I., Brook, I., Costerton, J.W., MacVittie, T.J. and Mytal, M. L. (1985) Possible association of mucous blanket integrity with post irradiation colonization resistance. Radiat. Research. 104:346-357.


Hagen, M., MacVittie, T.J. Dodgen, D.P. (1985) Cell kinetics of GM-CSF in the steady state. Exp. Hematol. 13:532-38.


Bowers, G.J., MacVittie, T.J., Hirsch, E.F., Conklin, J.J., Nelson, R.D., Roethel, B.S. and Fink, M.P. (1985) Prostanoid production by lipopolysaccharide-stimulated kupffer cells. J. of Surg. Research. 38:501-508.


Neta, R., MacVittie, T.J., Schwartz, G.N. and Douches, S.D. (1985) Thymic hormones in radiationinduced immunodeficiency. I. Induction of mature IL-1 responsive cell in the thymus by thymosin fraction 5. Cellular Immunol. 94:480-490.


Bowers, G.J., Patchen, M.L., MacVittie, T.J., Hirsch, E., Fink, M. (1985) Comparison of the effects of soluble and particulate forms of glucan, an immunomodulator of prostaglandin synthesis by rat macrophages. Surg. Forum, 36:66-68.


Patchen, M.L. and MacVittie, T.J. (1985) Stimulated hemopoiesis and enhanced survival following glucan treatment in sublethally and lethally irradiated mice. Int. J. Immunopharmacol. 7:923-932.



Patchen, M.L. and MacVittie, T.J. (1985) Hemopoietic effects of intravenous soluble glucan administration. J. Immunopharmacol. 8:407-425.


Patchen, M.L. and MacVittie, T.J. (1986) Comparative effects of soluble and particulate glucans on survival in irradiated mice. J. Biolog. Response Modifiers, 5:45-60.


Patchen, M.L., MacVittie, T.J. and Brook, I. (1986) Glucan-induced hemopoietic and immune stimulation: Therapeutic effects in sublethally and lethally irradiated mice. Meth. and Find. Exptl. Clin. Parmacol. 8(3);151-155.


Brook, I., Walker, R.I. and MacVittie, T.J. (1986) Effect of irradiation dose on the recovery and anaerobic bacteria from mice. Canadian J. Microbiol. 32:719-722.


Bowers, G.J., Patchen, M.L., MacVittie, T.J., Hirsch, E. and Fink, M. (1986). A comparative evaluation of particulate and soluble glucan in an endotoxin model. Int. J. Immunopharm. 8:313-21.


Schwartz, G.N., Vigneulle, R.M. and MacVittie, T.J. (1986) Survival of erythroid burst forming units (BFUe) and erythroid colony forming units (CFU-e) in canine bone marrow cells exposed in vitro to 1 MeV fission neutron radiation. Radiat. Research. 108:336-347.


Schwartz, G.N., MacVittie, T.J., Monroy, R.L. and Vigneulle, R.M. (1986) Countercurrent centrifugal elutriation (CCE) Profiles of hematopoietic stem cells from normal and 5-fluorouracil treated mice Exp. Hematol. 14:963-970.


Snyder, S.L., Walder, T.L., Patchen, M.L., MacVittie, T.J. and Fuchs, P. (1986) Radioprotective properties of detoxified Lipid A from Salmonella Minnesota R595. Radiat. Research. 107:107-114.


Monroy, R.L., MacVittie, T.J., Darden, J.H. Schwartz, G.N. and Patchen, M.L. (1986) The Rhesus Monkey: A primate model for hemopoietic stem cell studies. Exp. Hematol. 14:904-911.


Patchen, M.L., D'Alesandro, M.M., Brook, I., Blakeley, W.F. and MacVittie, T,J. (1987) Glucan: Mechanisms involved in its "radioprotective" effect. J. Leuk. Biol. 8:313-321.


Natanson, C. Fink, M.P., Ballantyne, H.K., MacVittie, T.J., Conklin, J. J., Parrillo, J.E. (1986) Gram negative bacteremia produces both severe systolic and diastolic cardiac dysfunction in a canine model that simulates septic shock. J. Clin. Invest. 78:259.


Monroy, R.L., Vriesendorp, H.M., MacVittie, T.J., (1987) Improved survival of dogs exposed to fission neutron irradiation and transplanted with DLA identical bone marrow. Bone Marrow Transplantation, 2:375-384.


Monroy, R.L., Skelly, R.R., MacVittie, T.J., Davis, T.A., Sauber, J.J., Clark, S.C., Donahue, R.E. (1987) The effect of recombinant GM-CSF on the recovery of monkeys transplanted with autologous bone marrow. Blood. 70:1696-1699.


Kaffenberger, W., Gruber, D.F., MacVittie, T.J. (1987) Rat monocytes in a model of combined injury express the 0X8 antigen. J. Leuk. Biol. 42:181-187.


Walden, T.L. Jr., Patchen, M.L., MacVittie, T.J. (1988) Leukotriene-induced radioprotection of hematopoietic stem cells in mice. Radiat. Research. 113:388-395.


Natanson, C., Danner, R.L., Fink, M.P., MacVittie, T.J., Walker, R.I., Conklin, J.J., Parrillo, J.E. (1988) Cardiovascular performance with E.coli challenges in a canine model of human sepsis. Amer. J. Physiol. 254:H558-H569.


Monroy, R.L., Skelly, R.R., Taylor, P., Dubois, A., Donahue, R.E., MacVittie, T.J. (1988) Recovery from severe hemopoietic suppression using recombinant human granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor. Exp. Hematol. 16:334-348.


Brook, I., Walker, R.I., MacVittie, T.J. (1988) Effect of antimicrobial therapy on the bowel flora and bacterial infection in irradiated mice. Int. J. Radiat. Biol. 53:709-716.


Kaffenberger, W., Gruber, D.F., MacVittie, T.J. (1988) Flow cytometric characterization of rat thymus cells in a radiation-dominated model of combined injury. J. of Trauma, 28:593-601.



Schwartz, G.N., Neta, R., Vigneulle, R.M., Patchen, M.L., MacVittie, T.J. (1988) Recovery of hematopoietic colony-forming cells in irradiated mice pretreated with interleukin 1 (IL-1). Exp. Hematol., 16:752-757.


Pennington, L.R., Sakamoto, K., Popitz-Berger, F.A., Pescovitz, M.D., McDonough, M.A., MacVittie, T.J., Gress, R.E., Sachs, D.H. (1988) Bone marrow transplantation in miniature swine: I. Development of the model. Transplantation, 45:21-26.


Popitz-Berger, F.A., Sakamoto, K., Pennington, L.R., Pescovitz, M.D., McDonough, M.A., MacVittie, T.J., Gress, R.E., Sachs, D.H. (1988) Bone marrow transplantation in miniature swine: II. Transplantation, 45:227-31.


Sakamoto, K., Sachs, D. H., Shimada, S., popitz-Bergez, F.A., Pennington, L.R., Pescovitz, M.D., McDonough, M.A., MacVittie, T.J., Katz, S.I., Gress, R.E. (1988) Bone Marrow transplantation in miniature swine: III. Graft-versus-host disease and effect of T cell depletion of marrow. Transplantation. 45(5):869-875.


Bowers, T.J., Patchen, M.L., MacVittie, T.J. and Fink, M.P. (1989) Glucan enhances survival in an intraabdominal infection model. Surgery, J. Surgical Research. 47:183-88.


Schwartz, G.N., Patchen, M.L., MacVittie, T.J. (1989) Radioprotection of mice with interleukin-1: Relationship to the number of spleen colony forming units. Radiat. Research. 119:101-112.


Natanson, C., Eichenholz, P.W., Danner, R.L., Eichacher, P.Q., Hoffman, W.D., Kuo, G.C., Banks, S.M., MacVittie, T.J., Parrillo, J. E. (1989) Endotoxin and tumor necrosis factor challenges in dogs simulate the cardiovascular profile of human septic shock. J. Exp. Med., 169:823-832.


Patchen, M.L., MacVittie, T.J., Jackson, W.E. (1989) Postirradiation glucan administration enhances the radioprotective effects of WR2721. Radiat. Research. 117:59-69.


Natanson, C., Danner, R.L., Elin, R.J., Hosseini, J.M., MacVittie, T.J., Walker, R.I., Parrillo, J.E. (1989) The role of endotoxin cardiovascular dysfunction and mortality. E. coli and S. aureus challenges in a canine model of human septic shock. J. Clin. Invest. 83:243-251.


Neta, R., Monroy, R., MacVittie, T.J. (1989) Utility of interleukin-1 in therapy of radiation injury as studied in small and large animal models. Biotherapy, 1(4):301-311.


MacVittie, T.J., Monroy, R.L., Patchen, M.L. Souza, L.M., (1990) Therapeutic use of recombinant human G-CSF (rhG-CSF) in a canine model of sublethal and lethal whole body irradiation. Intl. J. Radiat. Biol. 57:723-736.


Schwartz, G.N., Patchen, M.L., Neta, R.N. and MacVittie, T.J., (1990) Radioprotection of mice with interleukin-1: Relationship to the number of erythroid and granulocyte-macrophage colony-forming cells. Radiat. Research. 121:220-226.


Patchen, M.L., MacVittie, T.J. and Weiss, J.F., (1990) Combined modality radioprotection: The use of glucan and selenium with WR-2721. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys, 18:1069-1075.


Patchen, M.L., MacVittie, T.J., Solberg, B., D. and Souza, L.M. (1990) Therapeutic administration of recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulating factor accelerates hemopoietic regeneration and enhances survival in a murine model of radiation-induced myelosuppression. Int. J. Cell Cloning. 8:107122.


Patchen, M.L., MacVittie, T.J., Solberg, B.D. and Souza, L.M. (1990) Survival enhancement and hemopoietic regeneration following radiation exposure: Therapeutic approach using glucan and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor. Exp. Hematol. 18:1042-1048.


Patchen, M.L., MacVittie, T.J., Williams, J.L., Schwartz, G.N. Souza, L.M. (1990) Therapeutic administration of interleukin-6 stimulates recovery from radiation-induced hemopoietic depression.Blood. 77:472-480.


Linnekin, D., Bowles, C.A., Murano, G., MacVittie, T.J. (1990) Migration of dog polymorphonuclear neutrophilic leukocytes to formylated polypeptides. Inflammation 14:691-695.



Danner, R.L., Natanson, C., Danner, Elin, R.J., Hosseini, J. M., Banks, S., MacVittie, T.J., Parrillo, J.E. (1990) Pseudomonas aeruginosa compared with Escherichia coli produces less endotoxemia but more cardiovascular dysfunction and mortality in a canine model of septic shock. Chest. 98:1480-1487.


Davis, T.A., Monroy, R.L., Skelly, R.R., Donahue, R.E., MacVittie, T.J. (1990) Differential augmentation of in vivo natural killer cytotoxicity in normal primates with recombinant human interleukin-1 and granulocytemacrophage colony-stimulating factor. Clin. Exp. Immunol. 79:436-442.


Natanson, C., Danner, R.L., Reilly, J.M., Doefler, M.L. Hoffman, W.D., Akin, G.L., Hosseini, J.M., Banks, S.M., Elin, R.J., MacVittie, T.J., Parrillo, J.E. (1990) Antibiotics versus cardiovascular support in a canine model of human septic shock. Am. J. Physiol. 259:H1440-1447.


Monroy, R.L., Davis, T.A., MacVittie, T.J. (1990) Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor: more than a hemopoietin. Clin. Immunol. Immunopathol. 54:333-346.


Zeman, G.H., Mohaupt, T.H., Taylor, P.L., MacVittie, T.J., Dubois, A., Vigneulle, R.M. (1990) Nonuniform irradiation of the canine intestine. II. Dosimetry. Rad. Research. 121:54-62.


Vigneulle, R.M., Herrera, J., Gage, T., MacVittie, T.J., Taylor, P., Zeman, G., Nold, J.B., Dubois, A. (1990) Nonuniform irradiation of the canine intestine, I. Effects Rad. Research. 121:46-53


Monroy, R.L., Davis, T.A., Donahue, R.E., MacVittie, T.J. (1991) In vivo stimulation of platelet production in a primate model using IL-1 and IL-3. Exp. Hematol. 19:629-635.


MacVittie, T.J., Monroy, R., Vigneulle, R.M., Zeman, G.H., Jackson, W.E. (1991) The relative biological effectiveness of mixed fission-neutron gamma radiation on the hematopoietic syndrome in the canine: Effect of therapy on survival. Radiat. Research. 128:S29-36.


Neta, R., Oppenheim, J.J., Schreiber, R.D., Chizzonite, R., Ledney, G.D., MacVittie, T.J. (1991) Role of cytokines (interleukin 1, tumor necrosis factor, and transforming growth factor ) in natural and lipopolysaccharide-enhanced radioresistance. J. Exp. Med. 173:1177-1182.


Eichacker, P.Q., Hoffman, W.D., Farese, A., Banks, S.M., Kuo, G.C., MacVittie, T.J., Natanson, C. (1991) TNF but not IL-1 in dogs causes lethal lung injury and multiple organ dysfunction similar to human sepsis. J. App. Physiol. 71:979-1989.


D'Alesandro, M.M., Gruber, D.F., O'Halloran, K.P., MacVittie, T.J. (1991) In vitro modulation of canine polymorphonuclear leukocyte function by granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor. Biotherapy. 3:233-239.


Seiler, F.R., Krumweih, D., Kreiter, H., MacVittie, T., Nothdurft, W., Brueckner, U.B., Messmer, K. (1991) Preclinical Stusies on the Efficacy of CSFs in Dogs and Subhuman Primates. Int’l J Cell Cloning 9:40-59.


Eichacker, P.Q., Farese, A., Hoffman, W.D., Banks, S., Mouginis, T., Richmond, S., Kuo, G.C., MacVittie, T.J., Natanson, C. (1992) Leukocyte CD11b/18 antigen directed monoclonal antibody improves early survival and decreases hypoxemia in canines challenged with tumor necrosis factor. Am Rev. Resp. Dis. 146:1023-1029.


Patchen, M.L., MacVittie, T.J., Souza, L.M. (1992) Postirradiation treatment with granulocyte colonystimulating factor and preirradiation WR-2721 administration synergize to enhance hemopoietic reconstitution and increase survival. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 22:773-779.


Monroy, R.L., Skelly, R.R., Davis, T.A., MacVittie, T.J. (1992) Therapeutic evaluation of interleukin-1 for stimulation of hematopoiesis in primates after autologous bone marrow transplantation. Biotherapy 4:97108.


Patchen, M.L., MacVittie, T.J., Solberg, B.D., D'Alesandro, M.M., Brook, I. (1992) Radioprotection by polysaccharides alone and in combination with aminothiols. Adv Space Research. 12:233-248.


Waisman Y., Eichacker, P.Q.,Banks, S.M., Hoffman, W.D., MacVittie, T.J., Natanson, C. (1993) Acute hemorrhage in dogs: construction and validation of models to quantify blood loss. J Appl. Physiol. 74:5109.


Danner, R.L., Eichacker, P.Q., Doerfler, M.E., Hoffman, W.D., Reilly, J.M., Wilson, J., MacVittie, T.J., Stueta, P., Parillo, J.E., Natanson, C. (1993) Therapeutic trial of lipid X in a canine model of septic shock. J Infect. Dis. 167:378-84.



Williams, D.E., Farese, A.M., Dunn, J., Park, L.S., Frieden, E., Seiler, MacVittie, T.J. (1993) A GMCSF/IL-3 fusion protein promotes neutrophil and platelet recovery in sublethally irradiated rhesus monkeys. Biotechnology Therapeutics. 4:17-29.


Patchen, M.L., Fischer, R., MacVittie, T.J. (1993) Effects of combined administration of IL-6 and G-CSF on recovery from radiation-induced hemopoietic aplasia. Exp. Hematol. 21:338-344.


Sigounas, G. and MacVittie, T.J. (1993) Transgenic Marrow Transplantation: A new in vivo and in vitro system for experimental hemopoiesis and radiobiology which employs sequential molecular monitoring of multiple genetic markers. Rad. Research. 135:206-211.


Farese, A.M., Williams, D.E., Seiler, F.R., MacVittie, T.J. (1993) Combination protocols of cytokine therapy with interleukin-3 and granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor, in a primate model of radiation-induced marrow aplasia. Blood 82: 3012-3018.


Patchen, M.L., Fischer, R., MacVittie, T.J., Seiler, F.R., Williams, D.E. (1994) Mast cell growth factor (c-kit ligand) in combination with granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor and interleukin-3: In vivo hemopoietic effects in irradiated mice compared to In vitro effects. Bio Therapy 7:13-26.


Eichacker, P.Q., Hoffman, W.D., Farese, A., Danner, R.L., Suffredini, A.F., Waisman, Y., Banks, S., Mouginis, T., Wilson, L., Rothlein, R., Elin, R.J., Hosseini, J.M., MacVittie, T.J., Natanson, C. (1993) Leukocyte CD18 monoclonal antibody worsens endotoxemia and cardiovascular injury in canines with septic shock. J. Appl. Physiol. 74:1885-92.


Hagen, M.P., Patchen, M.L., Weinberg, S.R., MacVittie, T.J. (1994) Erythroid progenitor (BFU-e, CFU-e) proliferation as inferred from 5' bromodeoxyuridine lethality. Exp. Hematol. 22:1221-1226


MacVittie, T.J., Farese, A.M., Patchen, M.L., Myers, L.A. (1994) Therapeutic efficacy of recombinant interleukin-6 alone and combined with recombinant human interleukin-3 in a nonhuman primate model of high dose, sublethal radiation-induced marrow aplasia. Blood 84: 2515-2522


Eichacker, P.Q., Waisman, Y., Natanson, C., Farese, A., Hoffman, W.D., Banks, S.M., MacVittie, T.J., (1994) Cardiopulmonary effects of granulocyte colony stimulating factor in a canine model of bacterial sepsis. J Appl. Physiol. 77:2366-2373.


Patchen, M.L., MacVittie, T.J. (1994) Granulocyte colony stimulating factor and amifostine synergize to enhance hemopoietic reconstitution and increase survival in irradiated animals. Seminars in Oncology 21:26-32.


Farese, A.M., MacVittie, T.J., Myers, L.A. (1994) Therapeutic efficacy of recombinant human leukemia inhibitory factor in a primate model of radiation-induced marrow aplasia. Blood 84:3675-3678


Herrera, J.L., Vigneulle, R.M., Gage, T., MacVittie, T.J., Nold, J.B., Dubois, A. (1995) Effect of radiation and radioprotection on small intestinal function of canines. Digestive Diseases and Sciences 40:211-218.


Farese, A.M., Hunt P., Boone, T., MacVittie, T.J. (1995) Recombinant human megakaryocyte growth and development factor stimulates thrombocytopoiesis in normal primates. Blood 86:54-59.


Farese, A.M., Herodin, F., McKearn, J.P., Baum, C., Burton, E., MacVittie, T.J. (1996) Acceleration of hematopoietic reconstitution using the synthetic cytokine, SC-55494 (a high affinity IL-3 receptor agonist) following radiation-induced, bone marrow aplasia. Blood 87:581-592.


MacVittie, T.J., Farese, A.M., Herodin, F., Baum, C., McKearn, J.P. (1996) Combination therapy for radiation-induced bone marrow aplasia in nonhuman primates using synthokine (SC-55494) and rhGCSF. Blood 87:87:4129-4135.


Farese, A.M., Hunt, P., Grab, L.B., MacVittie, T.J. (1996) Enhancement of hematopoietic reconstitution in nonhuman primates following radiation-induced marrow aplasia by the combined administration of recombinant human megakaryocyte growth and development factor and granulocyte colony stimulating factor. J Clin Inves 97:2145-2151.


Farese, A.M., MacVittie, T.J., Lind, L. B., Smith, W.G., McKearn, J.P. (1998) The combined administration of daniplastim and Mpl-Ligand augments the hematopoietic reconstitution observed with single cytokine administration in a nonhuman primate model of myelosuppression. Stem Cells 16 (Suppl 2):143-154.


Rosenzweig, M., MacVittie, T.J., Harper, D., Hempel, D., Glickman, R. L., Johnson, R. P., Farese, A.M.,


Whiting-Theobald, N., Linton, G.F., Yamasaki, G., Jordan, C.T., Malech, H.L. (1999) Efficient and durable gene marking of hematopoietic progenitor cells in nonhuman primates. Blood 94:2271-2286. 121.

MacVittie, T.J., Farese, A. M., Davis, T. A., Lind, L. B., McKearn, J. P. (1999) Myelopoietin, a chimeric agonist of human interleukin-3 and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor receptors, mobilizes CD34+ cells that rapidly engraft lethally x-irradiated nonhuman primates. Exp. Hematol. 27:1557-1568.


MacVittie, T.J., Farese, A. M., Smith, W.G., Baum, C. M., Burton, E., McKearn, J. P. (2000) Myelopoietin, an engineered chimeric IL-3 and G-CSF receptor agonist, stimulates multilineage hematopoietic recovery in a nonhuman primate model of radiation-induced myelosuppression. Blood 95:837-845.


Farese, A.M., Smith, W.G., Giri, J.G., Siegel, N., McKearn, J.P, MacVittie, T.J. (2001) Promegapoietin, an engineered chimeric IL-3 and mpl-L agonist stimulates hematopoietic recovery in an abbreviated schedule following radiation-induced myelosuppression in nonhuman primates. Stem Cells, 19:329-338.


King, A., Horowitz, D., Dillon, S., Levin, R., Farese, A., MacVittie, T., Pelus, L. (2001) Rapid mobilization of murine hematopoietic stem cells with enhanced engraftment properties and evaluation of hematopoietic progenitor cell mobilization in rhesus monkeys by a single injection of SB-251353, a specific truncated form of the human CXC chemokine GROb. Blood, 97:1534-1542.


Farese, A.M., Casey, D.B., Smith, W.G., Vigneulle, R.M., McKearn, J.P., MacVittie, T.J. (2001) Leridistim, a chimeric dual G-CSF and IL-3 receptor agonist, enhances multilineage hematopoietic recovery in a nonhuman primate model of radiation-induced myelosuppression: Effect of schedule, dose and route of administration. Stem Cells, 19:522-533.


Farese, A.M., Casey, D.B., Vigneulle, R.M., Siegel, N.R., Finn, R.F., Klover, J.A., Smith, W.G., McKearn, J.P., MacVittie, T.J. (2001) A single dose of pegylated leridistim significantly improves neutrophil recovery in sublethally irradiated rhesus macaques. Stem Cells, 19:514-521.


McAfee J.G., MacVittie, T.J. (2001) The impact of recent advances in immunology and cancer therapy on nuclear medicine. Semin Nucl Med 31(4):342-9.


Zamboni, W.C., D’Argenio, D.Z., Stewart, C.F., MacVittie, T.J., Delauter, B.J., Farese, A.M., Potter, D.M., Kubat, N.M., Tubergen, D., Egorin, M.J. (2001) Clin Cancer Res Aug; 7(8):2301-2308.


MacVittie, T. J., Farese, A. M., (2002) Cytokine-based treatment of radiation-injury: Is there a potential benefit following low level radiation exposure. J. of Military Medicine, 167, Suppl. 1:068-070.


Vigneulle, R.M., Srinivasan, S., Fasano, A., MacVittie, T.J. (2002) Structural and functional alterations of the gastro-intestinal tract following radiation-induced injury in the rhesus monkey. Digestive Diseases and Sciences 47:1480-1491.


Farese, A.M., MacVittie, T.J., Roskos. L., Stead, R. B. (2003) Hematopoietic recovery following autologous bone marrow transplantation in a nonhuman primate: Effect of variation in treatment schedule with PEG-rHuMGDF. Stem Cells 21:79-89.


Smith, D.E, Hanna, R., Friend, D., Moore, H., Chen, H, Farese, A.M, MacVittie, T.J., Virca, G.D., Sims, J.E., (2003) The soluble form of IL-1 receptor accessory protein is abundant in normal serum and enhances the ability of soluble type II IL-1 receptor to inhibit IL- action. Immunity 18:87-96.


Coleman, C.N., Blakely, W.F., Fike, J.R., MacVittie, T.J., Metting, N.F., Mitchell, J.B., Moulder, J.E., Preston, R.J., Seed, T.M., Stone, H.B., Tofilon, P.J., Wong, R.S.L. (2003) Molecular and cellular biology of moderate-dose (1-10 Gy) radiation and potential mechanisms of radiation protection: Report of a workshop at Bethesda, MD, Dec 17-18, 2001., Radiation Research 159:812-834.


Farese, A.M., Yang, B-B., Roskos, L., Stead, R.B., MacVittie, T.J. (2003) Pegfilgrastim, a sustainedduration form of filgrastim, significantly improves neutrophil recovery after autologous marrow transplantation in rhesus macaques. Bone Marrow Transplantation 32:399-404


Poliakova, L., Pirone, A.T., Farese, A.M., MacVittie, T.J., Farney, A. (2004) Presence of nonhematooietic side cells in the adult human and non-human primate pancreas. Transplantation Proceedings 36:399404.


Koopman, G., Niphuis, J., Haaksma, A.G., Farese, A.M., Casey, D.B., Kahn, L.E., Mann, D., MacVittie, T.J., Woulfe, S.L., Heeney, J.L. (2004) Increase in plasmacytoid and myeloid dendritic cells by


progenipoietin-1, a chimeric Flt-3 and G-CSF receptor agonist, in SIV-infected rhesus macaques. Hum Immunol. 65(4):303-16. 137.

Waselenko, J.K., MacVittie, T.J., Blakely, W.F., Pesik, N., Wiley, A. L., Dickerson, W.E., Tsu, H., Conifer, D.L., Coleman, C. N., Seed, T., Lowry, P., Armitage, J.O., Dainiak, N. (2004) Medical management of acute radiation syndrome: recommendations of the strategic national stockpile radiation working group. Annals of Internal Medicine. Ann Intern Med 140(12):1037-51.


Stone, H.B., Moulder, J.E., Coleman, C.N., Ang, K.K., Anscher, M.S., Barcellos-Hoff, M.H., Dynan, W.S., Fike, J.R., Grdina, D.J., Greenberger, J.S., Hauer-Jensen, M., Hill, R.P., Kolesnick, R.N., MacVittie, T.J., Marks, C., McBride, W.H., Metting, N.F., Pellman, T., Purucker, M., Robbins, M.E., Schiestl, R.H., Seed, T.M., Tomaszewski, J.E., Travis, E. L., Wallner, P.E., Wopert, M., Zaharevitz, D., (2004) Models for evaluating agents intended for the prophylaxis, mitigation and treatment of radiation injuries report of an NCI workshop, December 3-4, 2003. Radiation Research 162:711-728.


Yusibov, V., Mett, V., Mett, V., Davidson, C., Musiychuk, K., Gilliam, S., Farese, A., MacVittie, T., Mann, D. (2005) Peptide-based candidate vaccine against respiratory syncytical virus. Vaccine 23:2261-65.


Koopman, G, Mortier, D, Niphuis, H, Farese A.M., Kahn LE, Mann, D, Wagner R, MacVittie T.J,, Woulfe S.L., Heeney JL. (2005) Systemic mobilization of antigen presenting cells, with a chimeric Flt-3 and GCSF receptor agonist, during immunization of Macaca mulatta with HIV-1 antigens is insufficient to modulate immune responses or vaccine efficacy. Vaccine. 23(33):4195-4202.


MacVittie TJ, Farese AM, Jackson W 3rd. (2005) Defining the Full Therapeutic Potential of Recombinant Growth Factors in the Post Radiation-Accident Environment: The effect of supportive care plus administration of G-CSF. Health Phys. 89(5):546-55.


Brenner, S., Ryser,M.F., Choi, U., Whiting-Theobald, N., Kuhlisch, E., Linton, G., Kang, E., Lehmann, R., Roesler, J., Rosen-Wolff, A., Rudikoff, A.G., Farese, A.M., MacVittie, T.J., Horwitz, M.E., Malech, H.L. (2005) Polyclonal long-term MFGS-gp91phox marking in rhesus macaques after non-myeloablative transplantation with transduced autologous peripheral blood progenitor cells. (2005) Molecular Therapy, 14(2):202-11.


Cheng X, MacVittie T, Meisenberg B, Welty E, Farese A, Tadaki D, Takebe N. (2007) Human brain endothelial cells (HUBEC) promote SCID repopulating cell expansion through direct contact. Growth Factors. Jun; 25 (3):141-50.


Ossetrova, N.I., Farese, A.M., MacVittie, T.J., Manglapus, G.L., Blakely, W.F. (2007) The use of discriminant analysis for evaluation of early-response multiple biomarkers of radiation exposure using non-human primate 6-Gy whole-body radiation model. Radiation Measurements. 42(6-7) 1158-1163.


Harris, K.M., Lenz, P., Hankey, K.G., MacVittie, T., Farese, A., Nakajima, K., Hasumi, K., Mann, D. L. (2008) Products of anti-DC3/anti-CD28 activated lymphocytes induce differentiaion and maturation of dendritic cells and has adjuvant-like activity in vitro and in vivo. Clinical Immunology 129(1):58-68.


Jacqueline P. Williams, J.P., Stephen L. Brown, S.L., Georges, G.E., Hauer-Jensen, M., Hill, R.P., Huser, A.K., Kirsch, D.G., MacVittie, T.J., Mason, K.A., Medhora, M.M., Moulder, J.E., Okunieff, P., Otterson, M.F., Robbins, M.E., Smathers, J.B.,McBride, W.H., (2010) Animal Models for Medical Countermeasures to Radiation Exposure. Radiation Research 173, 557–578.


Farese, A.M., Cohen, M.V., Stead, R.B., Jackson III, W., MacVittie, T.J. (2012) Peg-filgrastim, administered in an abbreviated schedule, significantly improves neutrophil recovery after high-dose, radiation-induced myelosuppression in rhesus macaques. Rad Research, 178(5):403-13.


Farese, A.M., Cohen, M.V., Katz, B. P, Smith, C. P. Jackson III, W., Cohen, D.M., MacVittie, T.J. (2012) A nonhuman primate model of the hematopoietic acute radiation syndrome plus medical management. Health Phys. 103(4):367-382.


MacVittie,T.J., Farese, A.M., Bennett A, Gelfond D, Shea-Donohue T, Tudor G, Booth C, McFarland E, Jackson III W. (2012) The acute gastrointestinal sub-syndrome of the acute radiation syndrome: A rhesus macaque model. Health Phys. 103(4):411-426.


MacVittie,T.J., Bennett A, Booth C, Tudor G, Garofalo M, Ward A, Shea-Donohue T, Jackson III W. (2012) The prolonged gastrointestinal syndrome in rhesus macaques: The relationship between


gastrointestinal, hematopoietic and delayed multi-organ sequelae following acute radiation exposure. Health Phys. 103(4):427-453. 151.

Booth, C., Tudor, G., Tudor, J., Katz, B., MacVittie, T.J. (2012) The acute gastrointestinal syndrome in high-dose irradiated mice Health Phys. 103(4):383-399.


Booth, C., Tudor, G., Tonge, N., Shea-Donohue, T., MacVittie, T.J. (2012) Evidence of delayed gastrointestinal syndrome in high-dose irradiared mice. Health Phys. 103(4):400-410.


Plett, P.A., Sampson, C.H., Chua, H.L., Joshi, M., Booth, C., Gough, A., Johnson, C. S., Katz, B.P., Farese, A.M., Parker, J., MacVittie, T.J., Orschell, C. M. (2012) Establishing a murine model of the hematopoietic syndrome of the acute radiation syndrome. Health Phys.103(4):343-355.


Chua, H.L., Plett, P.A., Sampson, C.H., Joshi, M., Tabbey, R., Katz, B., MacVittie, T.J. and Orschell, C.M. (2012) Long-term hematopoietic stem cell damage in a murine model of the hematopoietic syndrome of the acute radiation syndrome. Health Phys. 103(4):356-366.


Farese, A.M., Cohen, M.V., Katz, B. P, Smith, C. P. Gibbs, A.M., Cohen, D.M., MacVittie, T.J. (2013) Filgrastim improves survival in lethally irradiated nonhuman primates. Rad Research, 179(1):89-100.


Farese, A.M., Brown, C.R., Smith, C. P. Gibbs, A.M., Katz, B. P, Johnson, C.S., Prado, K., MacVittie, T.J. (2014) The ability of filgrastim to mitigate mortality following LD50/60 total-body irradiation is administration time-dependent. J Health Phys 106(1):39-47.


MacVittie, T.J., Bennett, A., Cohen, M.V., Farese, A.M., Higgins, A., Hankey, K.G., (2014) Immune Cell Reconstitution After Exposure to Potentially Lethal Doses of Radiation in the Nonhuman Primate. J Health Phys 106(1):84-96.


Garofalo, M.C., Bennett, A., Farese, A.M., Ward, A.A., Taylor-Howell, C., Cui, W., Gibbs, A., Lasio, G., Jackson, W., MacVittie, T.J. (2014) The delayed pulmonary syndrome following acute high-dose irradiation: A rhesus macaque model. J Health Phys 106(1):56-72.


Garofalo, M.C., Ward, A.A., Farese, A.M., Bennett, A., Taylor-Howell, C., Cui, W., Gibbs, A., Prado, K., Jackson, W., MacVittie, T.J. (2014) A Pilot Study in Rhesus Macaques to Assess the Treatment Efficacy of a Small Molecular Weight Catalytic Metalloporphyrin Antioxidant (AEOL 10150) in Mitigating RadiationInduced Lung Damage. J Health Phys 106(1):73-83.


Dörr, H., Lamkowski, A., Gräßle, D., Bennett, A., Shapiro, A., Farese, A.M., Garofalo, M., MacVittie, T.J., Meineke, V. (2014) Linking the Human Response to Unplanned Radiation and Treatment to the Nonhuman Primate Response to Controlled Radiation and Treatment. J Health Phys 106(1):129-134.

Manuscripts in Preparation: 1.

MacVittie, T.J., Farese, A.M., Jackson, III, W. The Hematopoietic Syndrome of the Acute Radiation Syndrome in Rhesus Macaques: A systematic review of the lethal dose response relationship.

Publications as Manuscript or Chapters in Books, Proceedings, or Publications 1.

MacVittie, T.J. and Weatherly, T.L. (1977) Characteristics of the in vitro monocyte-macrophage colonyforming cells detected within mouse thymus and lymph nodes. IN: Experimental Hematology Today. S.J. Baum and G.D. Ledney, eds. Springer-Verlag, NY, pp. 147-156 (Egon Lorenz Symposium).


Ledney, G.D., MacVittie, T.J., Stewart, D.A., and Parker, G.A. (1978) Colony-forming cells (CFC) in the thymus and mesenteric lymph nodes of mice engrafted with Lewis Lung (3LL) carcinoma cells. IN: Experimental Hematology Today, S.J. Baum and G.D. Ledney, eds., Springer-Verlag, NY, pp. 73-83.



MacVittie, T.J. and Weinberg, S.R. (1980) Murine hematopoiesis: Responses of pluripotent stem cells (CFU-s) and granulocyte-macrophage colony-forming cells (GM-CFC) to endotoxin and C3Heb/FeJ and C3H/HeJ mice. IN: Experimental Hematology Today, S.J. Baum, G.D. Ledney, D.W. VanBekkum, eds., S. Karger, NY, PP. 19-28.


MacVittie, T.J. and McCarthy, K.F. (1980) Growth of canine bone marrow and peripheral blood mononuclear cells in in vivo plasma clot diffusion chambers in mice: Cytopoietic activity, GM-CSF content and physical separation. IN: Brookhaven National Laboratory Symposium of Diffusion Chamber Cultures., E.P. Cronkite and A.L. Carsten, eds., Springer-Verlag, NY, pp. 95-109.


MacVittie, T.J. and Weinburg, S.R. (1980) An LPS-responsive cell in C3H/HeJ mice: The peritoneal exudate-derived macrophage colony-forming cell (M-CSF). IN: Perspectives in Immunology, E. Skamene, P.A.L. Longshavn, and M. Landy, eds., Academic Press, NY, pp. 511-518.


Ledney, G.D., Moniot, J.V., Stewart, D.A., Gambrill-Shatsky, M.R., Gruber, D.F., MacVittie, T.J. and Exum, E.D. (1981) Colony-forming cells from mice engrafted with Lewis lung (3LL) carcinoma cells. IN: Experimental Hematology Today, S.J. Baum and G.D. Ledney, eds., Karger, NY, pp. 215-225.


MacVittie, T.J., O'Brien, A.D., Walker, R.I. and Weinburg, S.R. (1982) The inflammatory response of LPSsensitive C3H/HeN and LPS-resistant C3H/HeJ strain mice to bacterial infection with S. typhimurium and K. pneumoniae. IN: Macrophage and NK Cell Regulation and Function, S.J. Normann, E. Sorkin, and D. Wilkins, eds., pp. 325-333.


Patchen, M.L. and MacVittie, T.J. (1982) Use of glucan to enhance hemopoietic recovery after exposure to cobalt-60 irradiation. IN: Macrophage and NK cell Regulations and Function, S.J. Normann and E. Sorkin, eds., Plenum Publishing Co., Ltd., London, pp. 267-272.


MacVittie, T.J., Monroy, R.L., Gruber, D.F., Smith, M., Murano, G., French, J., Casey, L., Walker, R.I. and Conklin, J.J. (1982) Hemopoietic response to 150 rad cobalt-60 gamma or mixed 0.8 MeV neutrongamma radiation in a canine model of combined injury. IN: Proceedings of the 1982 Workshop of the Research Study Group on the Assessment of Ionizing Radiation Injury in Nuclear Warfare.


MacVittie, T.J., Monroy, R.L., Patchen, M.L. and Darden, J.H. (1984) Acute lethality and radiosensitivity of the canine hemopoietic system to cobalt-60 gamma and mixed neutron-gamma irradiation. IN: The Response of Different Species to High-Dose Total-Body Irradiation, J.J. Broerse and T.J. MacVittie, eds., pp. 113-130., Martinus-Nijhoff, Dordrecht, The Netherlands.


MacVittie, T.J., Monroy, R.L., Fink, M.P., Gruber, D.F., Patchen, M.L., Murano, G., Smith, M., Casey, L., Waler, R.I. and Conklin, J.J. (1985) Canine hematopoiesis in a model of combined injury. IN: The Pathophysiology of Combined Injury and Trauma, R.I. Walker, D.F. Gruber, T.J. MacVittie and J.J. Conklin, eds., University Park Press. Baltimore, MD. pp 93-104.


Murano, G., MacVittie, T.J., Smith, M., Conklin, J.J., Casey, L. and Walker, R.I. (1985) Hemostatic changes in a canine model of combined injury. IN: The Pathophysiology of Combined Injury and Trauma, R.I. Walker, D.F. Gruber, T.J. MacVittie and J.J. Conklin, eds., University Park Press. Baltimore, MD. pp 105-110.


Conklin, J.J., Walker, R.I. and MacVittie, T.J. (1985) Pathophysiology of combined injury and trauma: An overview. IN: The Pathophysiology of Combined Injury and Trauma, R.I. Walker, D.F. Gruber, T.J. MacVittie and J.J. Conklin, eds., University Park Press. Baltimore, MD. pp 3-10.


Gruber, D.F., MacVittie, T.J., Pavlovskis, O.R., Walker, R.I. and Conklin, J. J. (1985) Immunologic and hematologic perturbations in models of combined injury. IN: Immunologic Consequences of Thermal and Traumatic Injury, J. Ninneman, ed., J. of Burn Care and Rehabilitation, 6:179-187.


MacVittie, T.J. (1985) Monocyte-macrophage colony-forming cells. IN: Current Methodology in Experimental Hematology, S.J. Baum, ed., Karger, Basel, Switzerland. Biblotheca Hematologic, pp. 112130, Vol. 48.



Conklin, J.J., Walker, R.I., Fink, M.P., Natanson, C., Parrillo, J.E., Danner, R.L., Bowles, C., Patchen, M.L., Gruber, D.F. and MacVittie, T.J. (1985) Pathophysiology derangements in a septic canine model of combined injury. IN: the Pathophysiology of Combined Injury and Trauma: Management of Infectious Complications in Mass Casualty Situations. Gruber, D.F., MacVittie, T.J., Walker, R.I. and Conklin, J.J. (eds.) University Park Press.


Neta, R., Schwartz, G.N., MacVittie, T.J. and Douches, S.D. (1985) Thymic hormones in thymus recovery from radiation injury. IN: Experimental Hematology Today-1985, S.J. Baum, D.H. Pluznik and L.A. Rozenszajn, (eds.), Springer-Verlag, NY, pp. 6-13


Monroy, R.L., Zeman, G.H., Patchen, M.L., Darden, J.D., Feser, C.L. and MacVittie, T.J. (1985) Reevaluation of the Neutron Effectiveness in the Canine Model. IN: The Proceedings of the 1098 Workshop of the Research Study Group on the Assessment of Ionzing Radiation Injury in Nuclear Warfare, Ottawa, Canada.


Vriesendorp, H.M., Johnson, P.M., Monroy, R.L., MacVittie, T.J. and van Bekkum, D.W. (1987) Influence of three interrelated total body irradiation parameters-quality, dose, nonuniformity on outcome of allogeneic bone marrow transplantation in dogs. IN: Progress in Progress in Bone Marrow Transplantation, UCLA Symposia, New Series, Gale, R., Chaplin, (eds) VO1. 53:141-148.


Patchen, M.L., MacVittie, T.J. and D'Alesandro, M.M. (1987) Radiation-induced hematologic and nonspecific immunologic effects in the canine. IN: analytical Application of Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence, J. Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


Brook, I., Walker, R.I., MacVittie, T.J. (1988) Effect of antimicrobial therapy on the bowel flora and bacterial infection on Infections in Immunocompromised Host, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands


Vriesendorp, H.M., MacVittie, T.J. (1989) Animal Models for Radiation Accidents. IN: Bone Marrow Transplantation: Current Controversies, UCLA symposia, Robert P. Gale, Richard Champlin (eds), Alan r. Liss, Inc., pp. 659-670.


Monroy, R. L., Davis, T.A., Skelly, R.R., Donahue, R. E., MacVittie, T.J (1989) The comparative effects of colony stimulating factors on the lymphohematopoietic responses of primates. IN: Comparative Effects of Recombinant Myeloid Colony Stimulating Factors in Man (W.P. Peters, Ed.) Futura Publishing.


Monroy, R. L., Davis, T.A., Skelly, R.R., Donahue, R. E., MacVittie, T.J (1989) Primate studies with combined factor therapies. IN: Autologous Bone Marrow Transplantation, The Fourth International Symposium. (K.A. Dicke and G. Spitzer, Eds.) University of Texas, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, pp. 645-650.


Cervany, T.J., MacVittie, T.J., Young, R.W. (1989) Acute Radiation Syndrome in Humans. IN: Textbook of Military Medicine: Medical consequences of nuclear warfare. (Zajtchuk, R., Jenkins, D. P., Bellamy, R. F., Ingram, V. M. eds.) TMM Publications, Office of the Surgeon General. Falls, Church, VA, pp 3-15.


MacVittie, T.J., Monroy, R.L. (1990) Potential improvement in the survival of seriously irradiated persons. IN: The Medical Basis for Radiation Accident Preparedness: II. Clinical Experience and Follow-up since 1979. (eds) Ricks, R.C. and Fry, S.A. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co.


MacVittie, T.J., Monroy, R.L. (1990) Rescue of lethally irradiated animals: Therapeutic use of rhG-CSF and rhGM-CSF in preclinical models of radiation-induced marrow aplasia. IN: Treatment of Radiation Injuries, (eds) Browne, D., Weiss, J., MacVittie, T.J., Pillai, M.V., Plenum Press, New York.


Davis, T.A., Monroy, R. L., Donahue, R. E., MacVittie, T.J (1990) “GM-CSF: a regulatory molecule for NK activity in the bone marrow� In: Molecular and Cellular Biology of Cytokines. (Dinarello, C.A., Kluger, M., Powanda, M., and Oppenheim, Eds).


Monroy, R.L., Davis, T.A., MacVittie, T.J. (1990) Short analytical review: Granulocyte-macrophage


colony-stimulating factor: More than a hemopoietin. Clin. Immunol. Immunopathol. 54:333. 30.

MacVittie, T.J., Monroy, R.L., Farese, A.M., Patchen, M.L., Seiler, F.R., Williams, D.E. (1991) Cytokine therapy in canine and primate models of radiation-induced marrow aplasia. Rizzoli, V., Schulz, G., Seiler, F.R. (eds) Behring Inst. Mitt. 90:1-13.


Patchen, M.L., MacVittie, T.J., Souza, L.M. (1992) Synergy between G-CSF and WR-2721: Effects on enhancing hemopoietic reconstitution and increasing survival following exposure to ionizing radiation. IN: Combination Therapies for the Treatment of Cancer and Infectious Diseases. A.L. Goldstein, ed. Plenum Publishing, New York, NY. pp 215-222.


Patchen, M.L., MacVittie, T.J., Solberg, B.D., Fischer, R., Souza, L.M. (1993) Cytokine treatment of radiation-induced hemopoietic suppression: Results of interleukin-6 and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor in a murine radiation model. IN: Host Defense Dysfunction in Trauma, Shock, and Sepsis. E. Faist, Meakins, and Schildberg, eds. Springer Verlag, Berlin. pp 693-698.


Patchen, M.L., Fischer, R., MacVittie, T.J., Seiler, F., Williams, D.E. (1994) Single and combination cytokine therapies for treatment of radiation-induced hematopoietic injury: Effects of c-kit ligand and interleukin-3. IN: Molecular Biology of Haematopoiesis. Abraham, N.G., Shadduck R.K., Levine, A.S., Takaku, F. eds, Intercept Ltd. Andover, Hamshipre, UK. pp. 83-94.


Patchen, M.L., MacVittie, T.J. (1994) Granulocyte colony stimulating factor and amifostine synergize to enhance hemopoietic reconstitution and increase survival in irradiated animals. In: Semin Oncol, Oct; 21 (5 Suppl 11): 26-32.


MacVittie, T.J. and Farese, A.M. (1995) Experimental approaches to treatment of radiation-induced hemopoietic injury. Lord, B., and Hendry, J., eds. IN: Radiation Toxicology: Bone Marrow and Leukemia. Taylor and Francis, London. pp 141-193.


Farese, A. M. and MacVittie, T.J. (1997), Efficacy of MPL ligand and other thrombopoietic cytokines in animal models. Kuter, D., Hunt, P., Sheridan, W. P., Zucker-Franklin, D., eds. IN: Thrombopoiesis and the thrombopoietins; molecular, cellular, and clinical biology. Humana Press. Totowa, NJ. pp 321-347.


Farese, A. M., MacVittie, T.J., Schiffer, C. A. (1996), Potential impact of MPL ligand and other thrombopoietic cytokines on transfusion medicine practice. Blajchman, M.A. ed. IN: Transfusion Medicine Reviews, W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, PA. 11:243-255.


MacVittie, T.J. (1997) Commentary: Therapy of radiation injury. Stem Cells 15 (suppl 2): 263-268.


MacVittie, T.J. and Farese, A.M. (2001) Cytokine-based treatment for acute radiation-induced myelosuppression: Preclinical and clinical perspective. Ricks, R.C., Berger, M.E., O’Hara, Jr., F. M ed. IN: The Medical Basis for Radiation-Accident Preparedness: The Clinical Care of Victims, The Parthenon Publishing Group, Pearl River, NY. pp 53-72.


Coleman, C.N., Blakely, W.F., Fike, J.R., MacVittie, T.J., Metting, N.F., Mitchell, J.B., Moulder, J.E., Preston, R.J., Ricks, R.C., Seed, T.M., Stone, H.B., Tofilon, P.J., Wong, R.S.L. (2003) Molecular and cellular biology of moderate-dose (1-10 Gy) radiation and potential mechanisms of radiation protection: Report of a workshop at Bethesda, Maryland, December 17-18, 2001. Radiation Research 159: 812-834


MacVittie, T.J. and Farese, A.M. (2003) New directions in growth factor therapy. Dainiak, N., Waselenko, J.K., Armitage, J., MacVittie, T.J., and Farese, A. M. ed. IN: The hematologist and radiation casualties. The American Society for Hematology Education Program Book, Washington, D.C. pp 488-496


Farese, A. M., MacVittie, T.J. (2003) Hematopoietic growth factors: preclinical studies of myeloid and immune reconstitution. Morstyn, G., Foote, M.A., Leishchke, G., eds. IN: Hematology growth factors for oncology. Humana Press. Totowa, NJ. pp 185-207


Stone, H.B., Moulder, J.E., Coleman, C.N., Aig, K.K., Anscher, M.S., Barcellos-Hoff, M.H., Dyan, W.S.,


Fike, J.R., Grdina, D.J., Greenberger, J.S., Hauer-Jensen, M., Hill, R.P., Kilesnick, R.N., MacVittie, T. J., Marks, C., McBride, W.H., Metting, N., Pellmar, T., Purucker, M., Robbins, M.E., Schiestl, R. H., Seed, T.M., Tomaszewski, J.E., Travis, E.L., Wallner, P.E., Wolpert, M., Zaharevitz, D. (2004) Models for evaluating agents intended for the prophylaxis, mitigation and treatment of radiation injuries report of an NCI workshop, Dec 3-4, 2003. Radiation Research 162:711-728. 44.

National Biodefense Science Board (NBSB) Medical Countermeasures Working Group. (2010) Executive Summary: Where are the Medical Countermeasures? Protecting America’s Health from CBRN Threats: A Report of the National Biodefense Science Board. Biosecurity and Bioterrorism: Biodefense Strategy, Practice, and Science. Vol 8, Number 2, pp 203-207, 2010


Farese, A.M., Cohen, M.V., MacVittie, T.J. (2012) G-CSF enhances recovery and survival from severe radiation-induced myelosuppression. Molineux, G., Arvedson, T. and Foote, M.,eds. IN: Twenty Years of G-CSF, Milestones in Drug Therapy, Part 3, 365-380, Springer Basel AG, Switzerland.


Stewart, F.A., Alkleyev, M., Hauer-Jensen, M. Hendry, J.H., Kleiman, N.J., MacVittie, T.J., Aleman, B.M., Edgar, A.B., Mabuchi, K., Muirhead, C.R., Shore, R.E., Wallace, W.H. Authors on behalf of the ICRP. (2012) ICRP Publication 118: ICRP Statement on Tissue Reactions and Early and late Effects of Radiation in Normal Tissues and Organs – Threshold Doses for Tissue Reactions in a Radiation Protection Context. Editor C.H. Clement. Annals of the ICRP 41: Issues1-2, February-April, pp 1-322, 2012.


MacVittie T.J. and Farese A.M. (2013) Evidence-Based Support for the Treatment of Potentially Lethal Hematopoietic Acute Radiation Syndrome. IN: Chapter based on REAC/TS mtg and Presentation. O’Hara, Jr. F.M., ed. The Parthenon Publishing Group, Pearl River, N.Y. In Press

Abstracts: Primary Author Presentations 1.

MacVittie, T.J. and McCarthy, K.F. (1973) Inhibition of granulopoiesis in diffusion chambers by a granulocyte chalone. Presented at 2nd Annual Meeting of International Society for Experimental Hematology. Paris, France, 25-29 June.


MacVittie, T.J. and McCarthy, K.F. (1974) The effect of granulocyte chalone on the growth of hematopoietic stem cell and myelopoietic progenitor cell in in vivo diffusion chamber culture. Presented at the Third Annual Meeting of the International Society for Experimental Hematology, Houston, TX.


MacVittie, T.J. and McCarthy, K.F. (1974) Increased proliferation of hematopoietic stem cells within diffusion chambers implanted into irradiated mice pretreated with cyclophosphamide. Radiat. Research. 59:291. Presented at 5th International Congress of Radiation Research, Seattle, WA.


MacVittie, T.J. (1975) In vitro forming of cells within mouse lymphoid organs. Presented at 18th Annual Meeting American Society of Hematology, Dallas, TX.


MacVittie, T.J. and Weatherly, T.L. (1976) Characteristics of the in vitro monocyte-macrophage colonyforming cells within mouse lymphoid organs. Exp.Hematol 4 (4). Presented at 5th International Society of Experimental Hematology, Washington, D.C. (Egon Lorenz Symposium).


MacVittie, T.J. and Porvaznik, M. (1977) Detection of monocyte-macrophage colony-forming cells in murine bone marrow, spleen and peripheral blood. Presented at 6th International Society of Experimental Hematology, Basel, Switzerland.


MacVittie, T.J. (1978) Alterations induced in the hematopoietic pluripotential stem cells (CFU-s) granulocyte-macrophage progenitor cells (CFU-c) and monocyte-macrophage progenitor cells (M-CFC) by a single injection of Corynebacterium parvum. Presented at 7th International Society of Experimental hematology, Chicago, IL (Egon Lorenz Symposium).


MacVittie, T.J. and Walker, R.I. (1978) Consequences of antibiotic decontamination on canine granulopoiesis. Presented at 16th Meeting of Association for Antibiotics, Madison, WI.



MacVittie, T.J. (1979) Murine hematopoiesis: Response of pluripotent stem cells (CFU-s), granulocytemacrophage (GM-CFC) and macrophage colony-forming cells (M-CFC) to endotoxin in C3Heb/Hej and C3H/HeJ mice. Presented at 9th Meeting of the International Society for Experimental Hematology, Rotterdam, The Netherlands (Egon Lorenz Symposium).


MacVittie, T.J. and McCarthy, K.F. (1979) Growth of canine bone marrow and peripheral blood mononuclear cells in in vivo plasma clot diffusion in mice: Cytopoietic activity, GM-CSF content, and physical separation. Presented at Brookhaven National Laboratory Workshop on Diffusion Chamber Culture.


MacVittie, T.J. and Weinberg, S.R. (1980) Murine macrophage colony-forming cells (M-CFC): Their response to endotoxin in C3Heb/FeJ and C3H/HeJ mice. Presented at International Symposium of the Canadian Society for Immunology on Genetic control of Natural Resistance to Infection and Malignancy, Montreal, Canada.


MacVittie, T.J. and Weinberg, S.R. (1980) Bone marrow hematopoietic and inflammatory response of splenectomized C3Heb/FeJ and C3H/HeJ mice to an I.P. Injection of E. coli LPS-w. Presented at 9th Meeting International Society for Experimental Hematology, Dallas, TX.


MacVittie, T.J., Walker, R.I. and Patchen, M.L. (1981) LPS-induced, dose dependent, hematopoietic response in LPS-resistant C3H/HeJ and C57BI/10ScN mutant mice. Presented at the 10th Meeting International Society for Experimental Hematology, Munich, Germany.


MacVittie, T.J., O'Brien, A.D., Walker, R.I., and Weinberg, S.R. (1982) Inflammatory response of endotoxin-sensitive (C3H/HeN, C57BL/10Sn) and endotoxin-resistant (C3H/HeJ, C57BL/10ScN) strain mice to infection with S. typhimurum, E. coli. Presented at 9th International Reticuloendothelial Society Congress, Davos, Switzerland.


MacVittie, T.J., O'Brien, A.D., Walker, R.I. and Weinberg, S.R. (1982) Hemopoietic and inflammatory response to infection with S. typhimurium and K. pneumoniae in LPS-resistant C3H/HeJ and LPSsensitive C3H/HeN strain mice. Presented at 11th Annual Meeting of International Society for Experimental Hematology, Baltimore, MD.


MacVittie, T.J., Monroy, R.L., Gruber, D.F., Smith, M., Murano, G., French, J., Casey, L., Walker, R.I. and Conklin, J.J. (1982) Hematopoietic response to 150 rad cobalt-60 gamma or mixed 0.8 MeV neutrongamma radiation in a canine model of combined injury. Presented at the NATO RSG 5, Panel VIII Meeting, AFRRI, Bethesda, MD.


MacVittie, T.J., Casey, L., Smith, M., Fink, M., Murano, G., Gruber, D. F., Patchen, M.L., Walker, R.I.,; Gelston, H. and Conklin, J.J. (1983) Canine hemopoiesis: The response to infection with E. coli. UCLA Symposium on Normal and Neoplastic Hematopoiesis. J. Cellular Biochemistry, Supl. 7B (ed. C. F. Fox), Alan R. Liss, Inc., NY, Steamboat Springs, CO.


MacVittie, T.J., Monroy, R.L., Patchen, M.L. and Darden, J.J. (1983) Relative biology effect: The canine hemopoietic response to sublethal total-body irradiation with cobalt-60 or mixed 0.8 MeV neutron-gamma radiation. Presented at 7th International Congress of Radiation Research, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


MacVittie, T.J., Fink, M., Patchen, M.L., Gelston, H., Murano, G., Walker, R.I., Conklin, J.J. (1983) Canine Hemopoiesis: Response to experimental E. coli infection in the normal and cobalt-60 irradiated dogs. Presented at 12th Annual Meeting of International Society for Experimental Hematology, London, England.


MacVittie, T.J., Fink, M., Patchen, M.L., Gruber, D.F., Patchen, M.L., Murano, G., Smith, M., Casey, L., Walker, R.I. and Conklin, J.J. (1983) Canine hematopoiesis in a model of combined injury. Presented at First International Symposium on Pathophysiology of Combined Injury and Trauma, Bethesda, MD.



MacVittie, T.J., Monroy, R.L., Patchen, M.L. and Darden, J. H. (1983) Acute lethality and radiosensitivity of the cane hemopoietic system to gamma and mixed neutron-gamma irradiation. Workshop on Response of Different Species to High Dose Total-body Irradiation, Radiobiological Institute TNO, Rijswijk, The Netherlands.


MacVittie, T.J., Patchen, M.L., Monroy, R.L. and Schwartz, G.N. (1984) The enrichment of committed progenitor cells from rhesus monkey bone marrow using soy bean agglutination. Presented at 13th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Experimental Hematology, Atlanta, GA.


MacVittie, T.J. (1984) The ontogeny of murine macrophage colony-forming cells (M-CFC). Presented at 3rd International Congress of Inflammation. Sept. 1-8, Paris, France.


MacVittie, T.J., Monroy, R.L., Patchen, M.L., et al. (1985) Neutron effectiveness in the canine model of hemopoietic radiation injury. Presented at NATO RSG-5 Panel Mtg. Ottawa, Canada, October 14-18.


MacVittie, T.J., D'Alesandro, M.M., Fink, M.P., Patchen, M.L., et al. (1987) Hyperdynamic gram negative sepsis in the canine: Hematologic and hemopoietic effects. Presented at the Immune Consequences of Thermal Traumatic Injury, January 20-24, Snowbird, Utah.


MacVittie, T.J., D'Alesandro, M.M., Monroy, R.L., Patchen, M.L. and Donahue, R.E. (1987) Infusion of recombinant human granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor into primates: Action on hemopoiesis and activation of circulating neutrophils. Presented at "Hemopoietic Growth Regulation" Meeting, April 20-21, Durham, NC.


MacVittie, T.J., D'Alesandro, M.M., Monroy, R.L., Patchen, M.L. and Donahue, R.E. (1987) Recombinant human granulocyte-macrophage stimulating factor (rhGM-CSF): Effects of in vivo infusion into primates on hemopoiesis and activation of circulating neutrophils (PMNL). Presented at the 16th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Experimental Hematology, August 24-27, Tokyo, Japan.


MacVittie, T.J., D'Alesandro, M.M., Monroy, R.L., Farese, A.M., Patchen, M.L., Clark, S., Donahue, R. (1988) Stimulation of hematopoiesis in canine by in vivo administration of recombinant human GM-CSF (rhGM-CSF). Presented at UCLA Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology. Growth Factors and their Receptors: Genetic Control and Rational Application. 24-30 Jan., Keystone, CO. J. Cell Bioch., Suppl., 12A, P. 152.


MacVittie, T.J., Monroy, R.L., D'Alesandro, M.M., Kaffenberger, W. Patchen, M.L., Donahue, R.E. (1988) In vivo effects of infusion into normal and irradiated non-human primates of recombinant human granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (rhGM-CSF): Marrow granulopoiesis, hematology and activation of circulating neutrophils. Presented at International Conference on Biological Effects of Large Dose Ionizing and Non-Ionzing Radiation. Mar., 28-01 Apr., Hangzhou, China.


MacVittie, T.J., Schwartz, G.N., Monroy, R.L., Patchen, M.L., Farese, A.M., Benjamin, W., Lomedico, P. (1988) Stimulation of hemopoiesis in canines by in vivo administrative of recombinant human Interleukin1. Presented at 17th Annual Mtg. Internat'l Soc. Exp. Hematol. 21-25 Aug., Houston, TX.


MacVittie, T.J., Schwartz, G.N., Vriesendorp, H., Monroy, R.L., Darden, J., Farese, A., Souza, L. (1988) Stimulation of granulopoiesis in normal and sublethally irradiated canines in vivo administration of recombinant human granulocyte colony stimulation factor (rhG-CSF). Presented at 5th International Symposium on Infections in the Immunocompromised Host, June 5-8, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands.


MacVittie, T.J. (1988) Potential improvement in the management of seriously irradiated persons. REACT/TS International Conference, "The Medical Basis for Radiation Accident Preparedness: II. Clinical Experience and follow-up since 1979." October 20-22, 1988. Oak Ridge, TN.


MacVittie, T.J., Vriesendorp, H., Monroy, R., Souza, L. Donahue, R.E., Patchen, M.L., Brandenburg, R., Konradi, L. (1989) Rescue of lethally irradiated canines using rhG-CSF or rhGM-CSF. 18th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Experimental Hematology. Paris, France. July, 1989.



MacVittie, T.J., Souza, L., Donahue, R.E., Monroy, R.L., Vriesendorp, H., Patchen, M.L., Schwartz, G. (1989) Therapeutic use of recombinant cytokines in a canine model of sublethal and lethal whole body irradiation. European Society of Radiation Biology, Brussels, Belgium, Sept., 1989.


MacVittie, T.J. (1989) Rescue of lethally irradiated canines with therapeutic use of recombinant human GCSF or GM-CSF. MRAT First Consensus Development Conference on the Treatment of Radiation Injuries, Washington, DC, 10-13 May, 1989.


MacVittie, T.J., Souza, L.M., Donahue, R.E., Monroy, R.L., Vriesendorp, H., Patchen, M.L., Schwartz. G.N. (1990) Therapeutic use of recombinant granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulation factors in a canine model of sublethal and lethal whole-body irradiation. Presented at the Immunocompromised Surgical Patient Meeting, Snowbird, Utah, P. 11.


MacVittie, T.J., Farese, A.M., Patchen, M.L., Monroy, R.L., Souza, L. M. (1990) Combined modality protocols with recombinant human (rh)GM-CSF, and rhG-CSF, and rhG-CSF, and recombinant canine GCSF (rcG-CSF) in the normal canine. Presented at the 19th Annual Mtg. of Int. Soc. for Exp. Hematol., Aug 26-30, Seattle, WA.


MacVittie, T.J., Vigneulle, R.M., Monroy, R.L. (1990) Lethality syndromes in the canine after irradiation with mixed fission neutrons, and gamma rays: effect of therapy on survival. Presented at the International Colloquium on Neutron Radiation Biology, Nov. 5-7, Rockville, MD.


MacVittie, T.J., Farese, A.M., Patchen, M.L., Monroy, R., Souza, L.M. , (1991). Single and combined modality protocols with recombinant human GM, and recombinant human G-CSF, and recombinant canine G-CSF in the normal and irradiated canine. 2nd International Congress on the Immune Consequences of Trauma, Shock and Sepsis. Mar. 6-9, Munich, Germany.


MacVittie, T.J., Farese, A.M., Patchen, M.L., Williams, D.E. (1991) Hematologic effects in in vivo administration of recombinant GM-CSF/IL-3 fusion protein (PIXY321) in normal primates. 20th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Experimental Hematology. July, Parma, Italy.


MacVittie, T.J., Waisman, Y., Farese, A.M., Natanson, C., Patchen, M.L., Souza, L.M., Eichacker, P.Q. (1992) Garm negative sepsis: prophylaxis in a canine model using recombinant canine granulocyte colony stimulating factor (rcG-CSF). The Immunocompromised Surgical Patient: Mechanisms and Therapy in Trauma and Burns. Jan 26-29, Snowbird, UT.


MacVittie, T.J., Brandenburg, R., Farese, A.M., Patchen, M.L., Weiss, J., Scheffler, B. (1992) Enhanced recovery from supralethal radiation exposure using combined modality WR2721 plus recombinant human G-CSF. Annual Meeting for the American Association for Cancer Research. May 21-23, San Diego, CA.


MacVittie, T.J., Waisman, Y., Farese, A.M., Natanson, C., Patchen, M.L., Souza, L.M., Eichacker, P.Q. (1992) Prophylaxis in canine model of gram negative sepsis using recombinant canine granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (rcG-CSF). 21st Annual Meeting for the International Society for Experimental Hematology. July 26-30, Providence, RI. Exp. Hematol. 20:254a, 771.


MacVittie, T.J., Kittell, C., Kirschner, K., Agnosti, J., Williams, D., Widmer, M. (1992) Effect of soluble RHU Receptors IL-1 on hemodynamics metabolism, hematology, and circulating levels of inflammatory cytokines in a non-human primate model of endotoxin shock. 2nd Conference of the International Endotoxin Society. August 17-20, Vienna, Austria.


MacVittie, T.J., Farese, A.M., Kirschner, K.F., Patchen, M.L., Myers, L.A. (1992) Therapeutic efficacy of rhIL-6 in a nonhuman primate model of high dose, sublethal, radiation-induced marrow aplasia. The 34th Annual Meeting for the American Society of Hematology. Dec. 4-8, Anaheim, CA.



MacVittie, T.J., Kittell, C.L., Kirschner, K.F., Farese, A.M., Agosti, J. Williams, D.E., Widmer, M. (1993) Preclinical efficacy of soluble rhuIL-1 and TNF receptors on hemodynamic, metabolic, and circulating levels of inflammatory cytokines in a nonhuman primate model of endotoxin shock. Keystone Symposia, Cytokines and Cytokine Receptors: From Cloning to the Clinic. Jan 31-Feb. 7, Keystone, CO. J. Cellular Biochemistry. (Suppl 17B):E413a, 105.


MacVittie, T.J., Farese, A.M., Patchen, M.L. (1993) Cytokine therapy in preclinical models of radiationinduced bone marrow aplasia. Second Consensus Development Conference on The Treatment of Radiation Injuries. Apr 14-17. Bethesda, MD.


MacVittie, T.J., Farese, A.M., Kirschner, K.F., Kittell, C.L., Patchen, M.L., Waisman, T., Eichacker, P.Q., Natanson, C., Widmer, M., Agosti, J., Williams, D.E. (1993) Prophylaxis and therapy in preclinical models of lethal gram negative sepsis and sublethal endotoxic shock: use of recombinant canine G-CSF ands soluble receptors for Il-1 and TNF. Second Consensus Development Conference on “The Treatment of Radiation Injuries�. Apr 14-17. Bethesda, MD.


MacVittie, T.J., Farese, A.M., Patchen, M.L. (1993) Cytokine Therapy in Preclinical Models of RadiationInduced Marrow Aplasia. 8th Symposium on Molecular Biology of Hematopoiesis. July 9-13. Basel, Switzerland.


MacVittie, T.J., Farese, A.M., Patchen, M.L., Myers, L.A. (1993) Comparative therapeutic efficacy of combination recombinant human IL-6 and IL-3 cytokine protocols in a primate model of radiation-induced marrow aplasia. 22st Annual Meeting for the International Society for Experimental Hematology. Aug 2226. Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Exp. Hematol. 21:592a, 1171.


MacVittie, T.J., Farese, A.M., Patchen, M.L. (1993) Comparative therapeutic efficacy of combination IL-6 and IL-3 cytokine protocols in a primate model of radiation-induced marrow aplasia. Serono Symposium on Platelets and Cellular Support in Clinical Oncology. Sept. 30 - Oct 2, Arlington, VA.


MacVittie, T.J. (1994) Anti-TNF and -IL-1 Interventions: Efficacy of Soluble rhuIL-1 Receptors. Third International Congress on the Immune Consequences of Trauma, Shock and Sepsis: Mechanisms and Therapeutic Approaches. Munich, Germany.


MacVittie, T.J., Dobson, M.E., Farese, A.M., Virca, G.D., Sims, J.E., Dower, S.K., Cross, A., Hoover, D., Kirschner, K.F., Agosti, J., Williams, D.E., Widmer, M.B. (1994) Comparative efficacy of soluble rhuIL-1 receptors type I and II in modulating the hemodynamic, metabolic and inflammatory cytokine response in a nonhuman primate model of endotoxin shock. 23rd International Meeting of the Society of Experimental Hematology. Aug 21-25, Minneapolis, MN. Exp Hematol 22:25a, 683.


MacVittie, T.J., Herodin, F., Farese, A.M., Grab, L.B., Baum, C., McKearn, J.P. (1995) Combination therapy for radiation-induced bone marrow aplasia in nonhuman primates using synthokine SC-55494 and rhG-CSF. American Society for Bone Marrow Transplantation. Jan 26-28, Keystone, CO.


MacVittie, T.J., Farese, A.M., Grab, L.B., Hunt, P. (1995) Effect of delayed administration of recombinant human megakaryocyte growth and development factor on hematopoietic reconstitution in nonhuman primates following radiation-induced marrow aplasia. The 24th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Experimental Hematology, Aug 27-31, Dusseldorf, Germany. Exp Hematol 23:311a, 830.


MacVittie, T.J., (1995) Cytokine Therapy for Radiation-Induced Bone Marrow Aplasia. The International Meeting for Radiation Research, Aug. 27-31, Wurzburg, Germany.


MacVittie, T.J., Farese, A.M., Grab, L.B., Baum, C., McKearn, J.P. (1995) Stimulation of multilineage hematopoietic recovery in a nonhuman primate, bone marrow aplasia model by a multifunctional agonist of human IL-3 and G-CSF receptors. 37th Annual Meeting for the American Society of Hematology. Dec 1-5, Seattle, WA.


MacVittie, T.J., Farese, A.M., Herodin, F., Grab, L.B., Baum, C., McKearn, J.P. (1996) Stimulation of multilineage hematopoietic recovery in a nonhuman primate, bone marrow aplasia model by Synthokine


(SC55494) and rhG-CSF or Myelopoietin. The Immunocompromised Surgical Patient: Mechanisms and Therapy in Trauma and Burns. Jan 21-24, Snowbird, UT. 59.

MacVittie, T.J., Farese, A.M., Grab, L.B. Vigneulle, R.M., Dacquel, L., Stead, R. B. (1996) Efficacy of PEG-rHuMGDF in nonhuman primate models of radiation-induced myelosuppression or myeloablation with autologous bone marrow transplantation. Satellite symposium to European Bone Marrow Transplantation Meeting. Mar 3-7, Vienna, Austria.


MacVittie, T.J., Farese, A.M., Davis, T.A., Lind, L.B., McKearn, J.P. (1996) Mobilization of CD34+ and hematopoietic clonogenic cells in normal nonhuman primates using myelopoietin, synthokine, G-CSF and synthokine plus G-CSF. 38th Annual Meeting for the American Society of Hematology, Dec 6-10, Orlando, FL. Blood 88:642a, 2557.


MacVittie, T.J., Farese, A.M., Lind, L.B., Stead, R.B., Hunt, P., J. P. McKearn. (1997) Effect of combination cytokines or chimeric cytokine receptor agonists on hematopoietic regeneration following radiation-induced myelosuppression. 19th Annual Phagocyte Workshop, Apr 25, Washington, D.C.


MacVittie, T.J. (1997) Cytokine-based therapy for radiation-induced myelosuppression. Radiation Research Society Meeting. May 3-6, Providence, RI.


MacVittie, T.J., Farese, A. M., Lind, L.B., Smith, W.G., Streeter, P., McKearn, J. P. (1997) ProgenipoietinG stimulates hematopoietic recovery following myelosuppression. 39th Annual Meeting for the American Society of Hematology, Dec. 5-9, San Diego, CA. Blood 90:581a. 2586.


MacVittie, T.J., Farese, A. M., Lind, L.B., Smith, W.G., McKearn, J. P. (1997) Abbreviated schedule of myelopoietin administration stimulates multilineage hematopoietic regeneration after X-irradiation. 39th Annual Meeting for the American Society of Hematology, Dec. 5-9, San Diego, CA. Blood 90:186b, 3559.


MacVittie, T.J., Farese, A. M., Smith, W.G., McKearn, J. P. (1998) New generation growth factors (GF) for the treatment of radiation-induced myelosuppression: chimeric GF receptor agonists. International Conference on Diagnosis and Treatment of Radiation Injury, 31 Aug- 3 Sept. Rotterdam, The Netherlands


MacVittie, T.J., Farese, A.M., Dacquel Smith, L., Casey D.B., Smith, W.G., Woulfe, S. L., Streeter, P.R., McKearn, J.P. (1998) Member of the progenipoietins, a family of chimeric Flt-3 ligand and G-CSF receptor agonists mobilize hematopoietic progenitor cells with different kinetics and efficiency in nonhuman primates. 40th Annual Meeting for the American Society of Hematology, Dec 4-8, Miami, Fl. Blood 92:682a


MacVittie, T.J., Farese, A. M. (1999) Cytokine-based treatment of radiation injury: Is there a potential benefit following low level radiation (LLR) exposure? International Conference on Low-level Radiation Injury and Medical Countermeasures, Nov 8-10. Bethesda, MD


MacVittie, T.J., Casey D.B., Kahn, L. E., Farese, A.M., Redinger, C. J., Woulfe, S. L. (1999) Progenipoietin, a chimeric Flt-3 and G-CSF receptor agonist, mobilizes type 1 and type 2 phenotypic dendritic cells in rhesus macaques. 41th Annual Meeting for the American Society of Hematology, Dec 37, New Orleans, LA Blood 94:48a, abstract 201.


MacVittie, T.J., Farese, A. M., Jackson, W. (2004) Defining the full potential of supportive care and cytokine therapy in the post radiation accident environment. National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements Fortieth Annual Meeting, Apr 14-15, Crystal City, VA


MacVittie, T.J., Farese, A. M,, Jackson, W. (2004) Defining the full potential of supportive care and cytokine therapy in the post radiation accident environment. First Canadian Therapeutics Congress, June 4-6, Winnipeg, Manitoba


MacVittie, T.J., Farese, A. M., Jackson, W. (2004) Establishing a treatment protocol for severely irradiated personnel in the radiation accident scenario: The evolvling preclinical data base. European Radiation


45th Annual

Research Society, Aug 24-28, Budapest, Hungary. 72.

MacVittie, T.J., Farese, A.M., Veirs, M., Fasano, A. (2007) New Generation Therapeutics: Potential Medical Countermeasures Against Radiation-induced Gastrointestinal or Hematopoietic Syndromes. 10th Annual Force Health Protection Conference, Aug 4-10, Louisville, KY


MacVittie, T.J. (2008) The National Biodefense Science Board: Objectives and membership. Institute of Medicine of the National Acadamies. 20 May, Wash. D.C.


MacVittie, T.J., Farese, A.M. (2008) Medical Countermeasures Against the Acute Hematopoietic Syndrome: The best treatment available today. Medical Countermeasures for Radiation Injury Conference, Aug. 17-21, New Delhi, India.


MacVittie, T.J. Farese, A.M. (2008) Medical countermeasures Against the Acute Radiation Hematopoietic and Gastrointestinal Syndrome: The best treatment available today. The International Conference on Radiation Biology and Translational Research in Radiation Oncology. 10-12 Nov., Jaipur, India.


MacVittie, T.J., Farese, A.M., Cohen, M.V., Booth, C., Potten, C., McFarland, E. (2009) Evaluation and treatment of ARS damage in the rhesus macaque: establishing an ARS animal research platform. 37th Annual Mtg of European Radiation Research Society, Aug 26-29, Prague, CZ.


MacVittie, T.J., Farese, A.M., Cohen, M.V., Bennett, A., Jackson, W. III, Ossetrova, N.I., Blakely, W.F. (2011) A Nonhuman Primate Research Platform: Development of Biomarkers for Hematopoietic, GI, and Lung Sequelae. International Biodosimetry Research Symposium. Armed Forces Radiobiology Rseearch Inst. 18-19 April, Bethesda, MD.


MacVittie, T.J., Farese, A.M., Cohen, M.V., Jackson, W. III (2011) Cytokines in the Treatment of Radiation Injury. Radiation Countermeasure Symposium, Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute. 15 June, Bethesda, MD.


MacVittie, T.J., Farese, A.M., Bennett, A., McFarland, E. Tudor, G., Tudor, J., Shea-Donohue, T., Gelfond, D. Ward, A., Cohen, M.V., Fasano, A., Potten, C., Booth, C. (2011) The Lethal Dose Response Relationship and Time Course of Morbidity and Mortality in a Nonhuman Primate Model of the Acute Gastrointestinal (GI) Sub-Syndrome o fthe Acute Radiation Syndrome. Presented at 14th International Congress of Radiation Research. 28 Aug – 1 Sept, Warsaw, Poland.


MacVittie, T.J., Farese, A.M. (2012) Treatment of potentially lethal radiation-induced acute radiation syndrome: Evidence-based support for medical countermeasures. International Radiation Protection Association. Glasgow, Scotland, UK, May 13-15


MacVittie, T.J., Bennett, A., Farese, A.M., Blakely, W.F., Ossetrova, N.I., Smith, C., Gibbs, A. (2013) The influence of G-CSF administration on the absolute neutrophil: lymphocyrte count (ANC: ALC) ratio in nonhuman primates (NHP) following exposure to total- (T) or partial-body irradaiation (PBI). Presented at The Global Conference on Radiation Topics: Preparedness, Response, Protection, and Research. 13-16 May, Munich, Germany.


MacVittie, T.J., Bennett, A., Cohen, M.C., Farese, A.M., Higgins, A., Hankey, K. (2013) Immune cell reconstitution after exposure to potentially lethal doses of radiation in the nonhuman primate. 59th Annual Meeting of Radiation Research Society, Sept. 15-19, New Orleans, LA.


Abstracts: Co-Author Presentations 1.

Ledney, G.D., Moniot, J.J., Gambrill, M.R., and MacVittie, T.J. (1976) Mitogenic and colony-forming unit responses of spleen cells from mice engrafted with Lewis Lung (3LL) carcinoma cells. Presented at 5th Meeting of the International Society for Experimental Hematology, Washington, DC.


Baum, S.J., MacVittie, T.J., Brandenburg, R.T. and Levin, S.G. (1976) Stimulation of stem cell release by humoral agents produced in inflammatory exudates. Presented at 5th Meeting of the International Society for Experimental Hematology, Washington, DC.


McCarthy, K., Trisler, D., Donlon, M., MacVittie, T.J. and Shain, W. (1977) Antigens on mouse lymphocytes recognized by rabbit antiserum neural tissues with human fibroblast VA2. Presented at 6th International Society for Experimental Hematology, Basel, Switzerland.


Ledney, G.D. and MacVittie, T.J. (1977) Colony-forming cells in thymuses and mesenteric lymph nodes of mice implanted with Lewis Lung (3LL) carcinoma cells. Presented at 6th International Society for Experimental Hematology, Basel, Switzerland.


McCarthy, K.F. and MacVittie, T.J. (1978) Velocity sedimentation studies on monocyte-macrophage colony-forming cells from marrow, spleen, blood and peritoneal exudate. Presented at 7th International Society for Experimental Hematology, Chicago, IL.


McCarthy, K.F. and MacVittie, T.J. (1978) Velocity sedimentation studies on monocyte-macrophage colony-forming cells. Presented at 15th National Reticuloendothelial Society Meeting, Charleston, SC.


Porvaznik, M. and MacVittie, T.J. (1978) Detection of gap junctions between in vitro macrophage colonyforming cells (M-CFC) derived from dog bone marrow. Presented at Cell Biology Meeting, Galveston, TX.


Jemionek, J. J., Contreras, T.J. Weinberg, S.R., MacVittie, T.J., Hartwig, V., and Walden, D. (1979) Separation of canine bone marrow stem cells by counterflow centrifugation elutriation using a continuous albumin density gradient. Presented at 8th International Society for Experimental Hematology, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.


McCarthy, K.F., MacVittie, T.J., and Belotti, M. (1979) Population sizes of monocyte-macrophage colonyforming cells in SL/SL mice. Presented at 8th International Society for Experimental Hematology, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.


Cowall, D.E., MacVittie, T.J., Parker, G.A., and Weinberg, S.R. (1979) Effects of low-dose total-body irradiation on canine bone marrow function. Presented at American Society Hematology Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.


Baum, S.J., Weinberg, S.R., McCarthy, E.G., and MacVittie, T.J. (1980) Hematopoietic recovery in the pregnant mouse following low-dose irradiation. Presented at 9th Annual Meeting International Society for Experimental Hematology, Dallas, TX.


Weinberg, S.R., McCarthy, E.G., MacVittie, T.J., and Baum, S.J. (1980) Effect of in vitro low-dose irradiation on fetal liver hematopoiesis. Presented at 9th Annual Meeting International Society for Experimental Hematology, Dallas, TX.


Jemionek, J.F., MacVittie, T.J., and Walden, D. (1980) Fractionation of canine and human bone marrow aspirates by counterflow centrifugation elutriation for analysis of GM-CSF activity. Presented at 9th meeting International Society for Experimental Hematology, Dallas, TX.


Baker, W.H., MacVittie, T.J., and Daxon, E.G. (1981) Survivability of gamma and neutron-irradiated mice and stem cell seeding efficiencies post bone marrow transplantation. Presented at 29th Annual Meeting of Radiation Research Society, Minneapolis, MN.



Baker, W.H. and MacVittie, T.J. (1981) Comparative survival, seeding efficiencies, and hematopoietic repopulation in neutron and gamma-irradiated mice. Presented at 10th Meeting International Society for Experimental Hematology, Munich, Germany.


Patchen, M.L. and MacVittie, T.J. (1981) Dose-dependent effects of commercially available glucan on murine pluripotent stem cells and myeloid and erythroid progenitor cells. Presented at 10th Meeting International Society for Experimental Hematology, Munich, Germany.


Patchen, M.L. and MacVittie, T.J. (1982) Use of glucan to enhance hemopoietic recovery after exposure to cobalt-60 irradiation. Presented at 9th International Reticuloendothelial Society Congress Davos, Switzerland.


Wathen, L.K., MacVittie, T.J., and Patchen, M.L. (1982) Stromal and hemopoietic progenitor cell recovery patterns after neutron irradiation. Presented at 30th Annual Meeting of Radiation Research Society, Salt Lake City, UT.


Weinberg, S.R. and MacVittie, T.J. (1982) Perturbations in murine hemopoiesis of fetal, neonatal, and young adult mice after prenatal low-dose irradiation with cobalt-60. Presented at 11th Meeting International Society for Experimental Hematology, Baltimore, MD.


Patchen, M.L. and MacVittie, T.J. (1982) The immunomodulating agent glucan enhances hemopoietic recovery after exposure to cobalt-60 irradiation. Presented at 11th Meeting International Society for Experimental Hematology, Baltimore, MD.


Weinberg, S.R., MacVittie, T.J., and McGarry, M.P. (1982) Fetal beagle hemopoietic perturbations induced by low-dose ionizing radiation after in utero exposure. Presented at Annual Meeting of American Society of Hematology, Washington, DC.


Fredrickson, T., Hartley, K., Rowe, W., Hagen, M., Patchen, M.L. and MacVittie, T.J. (1982) A murine model for chronic myelogenous leukemia. Presented at Annual Meeting of American Society of Hematology, Washington, DC.


Patchen, M.L. and MacVittie, T.J. (1982) Effects of a soluble glucan on hemopoietic stem cell proliferation. Presented at 2nd International Conference on Immunopharmacology, Washington, DC.


Catravas, G.N., Monroy, R.L., MacVittie, T.J., Court, L., Gourmelon, P., and Mestries, J.P. (1983) Collaboration: AFRRI and Centre de Recherches due Service de Sante des Armes 92140 Clamart, France. Effect of Sublethal Doses of Enhanced Neutron Radiation on the Hemopoietic System of the Rhesus Monkey. Presented at 7th International Congress of Radiation Research, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


Monroy, R.L., Darden, J.H., MacVittie, T.J. (1983) Characterization of the Hematopoietic Syndrome in the Canine after Exposure to Neutron Irradiation. Presented at 7th International Congress of Radiation Research, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


Patchen, M.L., Walker, R.I., Brook, I., and MacVittie, T.J. (1983) Glucan enhances survival of lethally irradiated mice. Presented at 7th International Congress of Radiation Research, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


Patchen, M.L., DiLuzio, N., Jacques, P., and MacVittie, T.J. (1983) Collaboration: AFRRI, Tulane School of Medicine, and Catholic University of Louvain, Brussels, Belgium. Effect of nine soluble polyglycans on radiation induced hemopoietic depletion. Joint Congress of the European Tissue Culture Society and Reticuloendothelial Society, Budapest, Hungary.


Patchen, M.L., MacVittie, T.J., and Wathen, L.K. (1983) Effects of pre- and post-irradiation glucan treatment on pluripotent stem cells, granulocytes, macrophage, and erythroid progenitor cells and hemopoietic stromal cells. Presented at 12th Annual Meeting International Society for Experimental Hematology, London, England.



Monroy, R.L., MacVittie, T.J., Patchen, M.L. and Darden, J.H. (1983) Separation of pluripotent stem cells from the monkey bone marrow by counterflow centrifugation elutriation. Presented at 12th Annual Meeting International Society for Experimental Hematology, London, England.


Conklin, J.J., Walker, R.I., and MacVittie, T.J. (1983) Combined injury and trauma: An overview. Presented at First International Symposium on Pathophysiology of Combined Injury and Trauma, Bethesda, MD.


Fink, M.P., MacVittie, T.J. and Casey, L.C. (1983) Indomethacin (INDO) restores normal hemodynamics in hyperdynamic sepsis. Presented at the Surgical Forum-American College of Surgeons Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA. Patchen, M.L., MacVittie, T.J., and Gleston, H.M. (1983) Preliminary studies on the effects of glucan-P and glucan-F on canine hemopoiesis. Presented at First International Symposium on Pathophysiology of Combined Injury and Trauma, Bethesda, MD.



Murano, G., MacVittie, T.J., Smith, M., Conklin, J.J., Casey, L., and Walker, R.I. (1983) Hemostatic changes in a canine model of combined injury. Presented at First International Symposium on Pathophysiology of Combined Injury and Trauma, Bethesda, MD.


Fink, M.P., MacVittie, T.J., and Casey, L.C. (1983) Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) decrease renal blood flow (RBF) in septic dogs. Presented at 17th Annual Meeting Association for Academic Surgery, Syracuse, NY.


Walker, R.I., Brook, I. and MacVittie, T.J. (1984) Colonization abnormalities in irradiated mice. Presented at American Society of Microbiology, St. Louis, MO.


Schwartz, G.N., Monroy, R., and MacVittie, T.J. (1984) Countercurrent centrifugation elutriation (CCE) characteristics of murine hematopoietic stem cells. Presented at Radiation Research Society, Orlando, FL.


Gruber, D.F., MacVittie, T.J., Pavlovksis, O.R., Walker, R.I., and Conklin, J.J. (1984) Immunologic and hematologic perturbations in models of combined injury. Presented at Symposium on Immune Consequences of Thermal and Traumatic Injury, Snowbird, UT.


Bowles, C.A., Jerome, L.J., McCartney, D.M., McCoy, J.L., Gruber, D.F., and MacVittie, T.J. (1984) Functional activity in vitro of neutrophils from dogs receiving irradiation, surgery, and sepsis. Presented at Immune Consequences of Thermal and Traumatic Injury, Snowbird, UT.


Pennington, L.R., Popitz-Bergez, F.A., Ilstad, S.J., MacVittie, T.J., Pescovitz, M.D., Terrill, R.E., Williams, G.M., and Sachs, D.H. (1984) Mixed bone marrow reconstitution in miniature swine as an approach to specific allograft tolerance. Presented at 10th International Congress of the Transplantation Society, Minneapolis, MN.


Monroy, R.L., Darden, J.H., MacVittie, T.J., Patchen, M.L., and Schwartz, G.N. (1984) Transplantation of a hemopoietic stem cell population isolated by counterflow centrifugation elutriation from monkey bone marrow. Presented at 13th Annual Meeting of International Society of Experimental Hematology, Atlanta, GA.


Bowles, C., Fink, M., Gruber, D., MacVittie, T.J., McCoy, J., Walker, R.I., and Conklin, J.J. Variation in canine neutrophil responsiveness in vitro following donor irradiation, surgical trauma, or E. coli sepsis. (1984). Presented at 21st National Meeting of Reticuloendothelial Society, 14-17 Oct., Montreal, Canada.


Patchen, M.L. and MacVittie, T.J. (1984) Glucan-mediated modulation of hemopoiesis: Effects on hemopoietic recovery and survival in irradiated mice. Presented at 13th Annual Meeting of International Society of Experimental Hematology, Atlanta, GA.



Patchen, M.L., MacVittie, T.J., Brook, I. and Walker, R.I. (1984) Glucan therapy enhances hemopoietic repopulation, inhibits sepsis and enhances survival in irradiated mice. Presented at 10th International Congress of Reticuloendothelial Society, Ito, Japan.


Natanson, C., Fink, M.P., Conklin, J.J., MacVittie, T.J., Ballantyne, H. K. and Parrillo, J.E., (1984) Severe Reversible myocardial dysfunction characterizes a canine model of severe gram negative sepsis. Presented at the 57th Meeting of the American Heart Association. 12-15 November, Miami Beach, FL.


Natanson, C., Fink, M.P., Conklin, J.J., MacVittie, T.J., Ballantyne, H. K. and Parrillo, J.E., (1984) Severe reversible myocardial dysfunction characterizes and canine model of severe gram negative sepsis. Presented at the 57th Meeting of the American Heart Association. 12-15 November, Miami Beach, FL.


Bowers, G., MacVittie, T.J., Nelson, R., Roethel, R., Fink, M.P. (1984) Thromboxane (TX) production by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulated Kupffer cells. Presented at Association for Academic Surgery Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.


Neta, R., Schwartz, G.N., MacVittie, T.J., Brook, I., and Douches, S.D. (1985) Effectiveness of thymic hormones in recovery of radiation-induced immune deficiency in mice is strain dependent. Presented at the FASEB Annual Meeting, April 21-26, Anaheim, CA.


Natanson, C., Fink, M.P., Danner, R.L., Ballantyne, H.K., Walker, R.I., Conklin, J.J., MacVittie, T.J., Durakovic, A., Alling, D.W., and Parrillo, J.E. (1985) Bacteremia-induced reversible myocardial depression in a canine sepsis model: Increasing the number of bacteria produces a dose-dependent decrease in myocardial function. Presented at Society of Critical Care Medicine. 21-25 May, 1985.


Natanson, C., Fink, M.P., Ballantyne, H.K., Conklin, J.J., MacVittie, T.J., and Parrillo, J.E. (1985) Profound but reversible myocardial dysfunction in a canine model of sepsis. Presented at American Fed. for Clin. Research. 6 May, Washington, DC.


Natanson, C., Fink, M.P., Danner, R.L, Ballantyne, H.K., Scheer, G.L., Conklin, J.J., MacVittie, T.J., Walker, R.I., and Parrillo, J.E., (1985) Increasing the number of bacteria correlates with increasing cardiovascular dysfunction in a canine model of sepsis. Presented at Amer. Fed. for Clin. Research. 6 May, Washington, DC.


Patchen, M.L. and MacVittie, T.J. (1985) Comparative survival-enhancing capabilities of particulate and soluble glucans in irradiated mice. Presented at 2nd International Symposium on Pathophysiology of Combined Injury and Trauma. 25 Feb., Wintergreen, VA.


Patchen, M.L. and MacVittie, T.J. (1985) Hemopoietic effects of intravenous soluble glucan. Presented at 3rd International Congress on Immunopharmacology, 6-9 May, Florence, Italy.


Patchen, M.L. and MacVittie, T.J. (1985) Stimulated hemopoiesis and enhanced survival in sublethally and irradiated mice treated with glucan. Presented at Symposium on Immunomodulators 12-14 May, Prague, Czechoslovakia.


Bowers, G., Patchen, M.L., MacVittie, T.J. and Fink, M.P., (1985) Glucan enhances survival in an intraabdominal infection model. Presented at Society of Air Force Clinical Surgeons, 28 Apr-2 May, San Antonio, TX.


Neta, R., Schwartz, G.N., MacVittie, T.J., and Duches, S., (1985) Thymic hormones in thymus recovery from radiation injury. Presented at 14th Annual Meeting International Society for Experimental Hematology, 14-16 July, Jerusalem, Israel.


Bowers, G., Patchen, M.L., MacVittie, T.J. and Fink, M.P., (1985) Comparison of the effects of soluble and particulate forms of glucan and immunomodulators on prostaglandin (PG) synthesis by rat peritoneal macrophages (PMO). Presented at Surgical Forum 13-18 Oct., Chicago, IL.



Conklin, J.J., Walker, R.I., Fink, M.P., Natanson, C., Parrillo, J.E., Danner, R.L., Bowles, C., Patchen, M.L., Gruber, D.F., and MacVittie, T.J., (1985) Pathophysiologic derangements in a septic canine model of combined injury. Presented at the 2nd International Symp. on Pathophysiology of Combined Injury and Trauma. 26-28 Feb. Wintergreen, VA.


Bowers, G., Patchen, M.L., MacVittie, T.J., Nelson, R., Fink, M.P., (1985) A comparative evaluation of particulate and soluble glucan in an endotoxin model. Presented at the 3rd International Immunopharmacology Meeting.


Bowles, C.A., Fink, M.P., Walker, R.I., Conklin, J.J., Linnekin, D.M., and MacVittie, T.J. (1985) Functional activity of canine lymphocytes and neutrophils following total body irradiation or E. coli sepsis. Presented at 2nd International Symposium on Pathophysiology of Combined Injury and Trauma. 25-28 Feb. Wintergreen, VA.


D'Alesandro, M.M., Patchen, M.L., Solberg, B., and MacVittie, T.J. (1985) Effects of particulate glucan on murine peritoneal macrophages 5'-nucleotidase, leucine aminopeptidase, and alkaline phosphodiesterase ectoenzyme activities. Presented at 3rd International Immunopharmacology Meeting 06-09 May, Florence, Italy.


Danner, R.L., Natanson, C., Elin, R.J., Peart, K.W., Hosseini, J. M., Flynn, M., MacVittie, T.J., Conklin, J.J., Walker, R.I., Parrillo, J.E., Endotoxin (E) blood concentrations correlate with hypotension and systemic vascular resistance (SVRI) in a canine model of Escherichia coli (EC) sepsis. Presented at National American Federation for Clinical Research, May, 1986.


Natanson, C., Danner, R.L., Peart, K. W., Walker, R.I., Conklin, J.J., MacVittie, T.J., and Parrillo, J.E. (1986) Sepsis-Induced myocardial dysfunction causes a loss of the linear starling relationship between ventricular preload and performance. Presented at the National American Federation for Clinical Research, May, 1986.


Natanson, J.C., Cunnion, R.E., Barrett, D.A., Peart, K.W., Danner, R.L., Conklin, J.J., MacVittie, T.J., Walker, R.I., Ferrans, V.J., and Parrillo, J.E. (1986) Reversible myocardial dysfunction in canine model of septic shock is associated with myocardial microcirculatory damage and focal neutrophil infiltration. Presented at the National American Federation for Clinical Research, May, 1986.


Natanson, C., Danner, R.I., Peart, K. W., Barrett, D.A., Walker, R.I., Conklin, J.J., MacVittie, T.J., Parrillo, J.E. (1986) Pre-sepsis ejection fraction predicts survival in a canine model that simulates human septic shock. Presented at the National American Federation for Clinical Research, May, 1986.


Natanson, C., Danner, R.L., Peart, K.W., Barrett, D.A., Walker, R.I., Conklin, J.J., MacVittie, T.J., and Parrillo, J.E. (1986) Different microorganisms produce similar myocardial dysfunction in a canine model that simulates human sepsis. Presented at the National American Federation for Clinical Research, May, 1986.


Natanson, C., Danner, R.L., Peart, K.W., Barrett, D.A., Conklin, J.J., MacVittie, T.J., and Parrillo, J.E. (1986) The ejection fraction predicts survival in a canine model that simulates human septic shock. Presented at the Society of Critical Care Medicine, May, 1986.


Natanson, C., Danner, R.L., Peart, K.W., Barrett, D.A., Walker, R.I., Conklin, J.J., MacVittie, T.J., and Parrillo, J.E. (1986). Different microorganisms produce similar severe systolic myocardial dysfunction in a canine model that simulates human sepsis. Presented at the Society of Critical Care Medicine, May, 1986.


Natanson, C., Fink, M.P., Danner, R.L., Peart, K.W., Walker, R.I., Conklin, J.J., MacVittie, T.J., and Parrillo, J.E. (1986) Diastolic volume/pressure relationships in a canine model of septic shock. Ventricular dilation is associated with survival. Presented at the Society of Critical Care Medicine, May, 1986.


Natanson, C., Danner, R.L., Peart, K.W., Walker, R.I., Conklin, J. J., MacVittie, T.J. and Parrillo, J.E.,


(1986) Loss of linearity of the Frank-starling relationship during sepsis induced ventricular dysfunction. Presented at the Society of Critical Medicine, May, 1986. 70.

Danner, R.L., Natanson, C., Peart, K.W., Barrett, D.A., MacVittie, T.J., Walker, R.I., Conklin, J.J., and Parrillo, J.E. (1986) Different microorganisms produce similar hemodynamic changes but different endotoxin concentrations, in a canine model of septic shock. Presented at the Society for Critical Care Medicine, May, 1986.


Natanson, C., Fink, M.P., Danner, R.L., Peart, K.W., Walker, R.I., Conklin, J.J., MacVittie, T.J., and Parrillo, J.E. Septic shock induced myocardial dysfunction produces a reversible abnormality of the diastolic volume/pressure (compliance) relationship. Presented at the National American Federation for Clinical Research, May, 1986.


Synder, S.L., Walker, T.L., Patchen, M.L., MacVittie, T.J., and Fuchs, P. (1985) Radioprotective properties of detoxified lipid A from Salmonella Minnesota R595. Presented at 33rd Radiation Society Meeting, May, 1985, Los Angeles, CA.


D'Alesandro, M.M., Gruber, D.F., Patchen, M.L., and MacVittie, T.J. (1985) Oxidative response capabilities of neutrophils from a canine model of gram negative sepsis. Presented at the Society of Analytical Cytology Meeting. Hilton Head, NC 22-25 Nov.


Kaffenberger, W., Gruber, D.F., Davis, T.A., and MacVittie, T.J. (1985) Flow cytometric analysis of rat thymic lymphoctye subpopulations following irradiation, thermal injury and combined injury. Presented at Society of Analytical Cytology Meeting, Hilton Head, NC, 22-25 Nov.


Bowers, G.J., Patchen, M.L., MacVittie, T.J., and Fink, M.P. (1985) Release of thromboxane A2 (TXA2) and PG12 by glucan-stimulated peritoneal macrophages. Surgical Forum Chicago, IL Abstracts.


Vriesendorp, H.M., Monroy, R., Johnson, P.M. and MacVittie, T.J. (1986) Effects of total body irradiation (TBI) quality on allogeneic bone marrow transplantation. Presented at UCLA symposia for Recent Advances in Bone Marrow Transplantation, 13-18 April, Keystone, CO.


Kaffenberger, W., Gruber, D.F., Davis, T.A., MacVittie, T.J., (1986) Expression of OX8 surface antigens on rat mononuclear cells. Presented at International Symposium on Clinical Cytometry and Histometry, 20-26 April, Schloss Elmau, Germany.


Vigneulle, R.M., MacVittie, T.J., Dubois, A., Selitti, D.F., Zeman, G., Cattau, E.L., Johnson, D.A., and DeBell, R.M. (1986) Radiosensitivity of the jejunum of the canine as evaluated by the microcolony assay. Radiation Research Society Meeting, April 1986, Las Vegas, NV.


Selitti, D.F., Vigneulle, R.M., MacVittie, T.J., Mohaupt, T., Cattau, E.L., Johnson, A.A., and Dubois, A. (1986). Hypoproliferation in the canine jejunum following irradiation: Evidence for a local (non-systemic) control mechanism. Amer. Fed. Clin. Res. Washington, DC.


Schwartz, G.N., Vigneulle, R.M., and MacVittie, T.J. (1986) Survival of erythroid burst forming units (BFUe) and erythroid colony forming units (CFU-e) in canine bone marrow cells exposed in vitro to 1 MeV fission neutron radiation. Presented at International Society for Experimental Hematology. Buffalo, NY, 14-17 August 1986.


Neta, R., Schwartz, G.N., MacVittie, T.J., Oppenheim, J.J. and Douches, S.D. (1986) Hematopoietic effects of the radioprotectant, IL-1. Presented at 23rd National Reticuloendothelial Society, Denver, CO 28 September - 01 October.


Patchen, M.L., MacVittie, T.J., D'Alesandro, M.M. (1986) Radiation-induced hematologic and non-specific immunologic effects in the canine. Presented at 4th International symposium on Bioluminescence and Chemiluminescence. Freiburg, Germany 8-10 September.


Bowers, G.J., Bowers, D.F., Patchen, M.L., MacVittie, T.J., and Hirsch, E.F. (1987) Disturbance in


hepatocellular ultrastructure in glucan-treated rats following endotoxin challenge. Presented at the Immune Consequences of Thermal and Traumatic Injuries, January 20-24, Snowbird, UT. 84.

D'Alesandro, M.M., MacVittie, T.J., Kaffenberger, W., Fink, M.P., Bowles, C., Linnekin, D., Natanson, C., Patchen, M.L., Parrillo, J., Sauber, J., Conklin, J.J. and Walker, R.I. (1987) Canine hyperdynamic sepsis: Neutrophil membrane potential, metabolic and functional defects. Presented at The Immune Consequences of Thermal and Traumatic Injuries, January 20-24, Snowbird, UT.


Schwartz, G.N., MacVittie, T.J., Hagan, M.P. Vigneulle, R.M. Douches, S.D., Oppenheim, J.J., and Neta, R. (1987) Cell cycle kinetics of hemopoietic colony-forming cells in mice administered interleukin-1 (IL-1). FASEB, March 29-April 2, Washington, DC.


Monroy, R.L., Skelly, R.R., Davis, T.A., MacVittie, T.J., Sauber, J.J., Clark, S., and Donahue, R.E. (1987) Enhanced hematopoietic recovery after bone marrow transplantation in a monkey using recombinant human granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF). Presented at FASEB, March 29April 2, Washington, DC.


Schwartz, G.N., MacVittie, T.J., Hagan, M.P., Vigneulle, R.M., Douches, S.D., and Neta, R.N. (1987) Early hematopoietic recovery in irradiated mice pretreated with interleukin-1 (IL-1). Presented at International Congress on Radiation Research, Edinburgh, Scotland, July.


Vigneulle, R.M., MacVittie, T.J., DeBell, R., Mohaupt, T., Feser, C., Brandenburg, R. Huff, L. (1987) Increased survival in dogs exposed to pulsed fission neutrons with support therapy: Effects on hemopoietic parameters. Presented at ISEH, Tokyo, Japan, August.


Monroy, R.L., Skelly, R.R., Dubois, A., Sauber, J.J., Donahue, and MacVittie, T.J. (1987) Enhancement of hematopoietic recovery in irradiated primates with recombinant human granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (rhGM-CSF). Presented at Conference on Hematopoietic Growth Factors, April 20-21, Durham, NC.


Natanson, C., Danner, R.L., MacVittie, T.J., Akin, G.L., Ratica, D.M., Stewart, J., Walker, R.I., Conklin, J.J., and Parrillo, J.E., (1987) Endotoxin administration to dogs simulates a cardiovascular profile of human septic shock. Presented at Society of Critical Care Medicine.


Schwartz, G.N., MacVittie, T.J., Hagan, M.P., Vigneulle, R.M. (1987) Proliferation kinetics of bone marrow cells in mice administered interleukin-1 (IL-1). Presented at XII International Meeting of the Society for Analytical Cytology, 5 August, Cambridge, England.


Monroy, R.L., Skelly, R.R., Donahue, R.E., MacVittie, T.J. (1987) Regulation of hemopoiesis by recombinant human GM-CSF: Effect of time of in vivo treatment on bone marrow regeneration in the primate. Presented at Molecular Hemopoiesis Symposium, Rye, New York, 6-7 November.


Linnekin, D.M., Monroy, R.L., Donahue, R.E., MacVittie, T.J. (1987) Effects of in vivo administration of recombinant human granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (rhGM-CSF) on neutrophil chemotaxis in a primate model. Presented at American Society of Hematology Meeting, Washington, DC. 7-10 December.


Monroy, R.L., Skelly, R.R., Davis, T.A., Benjamin, W., Lomedico, P., Dinarello, C.A., Donahue, R.E., MacVittie, T.J. (1987) Effect of ι or β interleukin-1 on the recovery of primates after radiation and autologous bone marrow transplantation. Presented at American Society of Hematology Meeting. Washington, DC, 7-10 December.


Patchen, M.L., MacVittie, T.J. (1988) Low-dose WR2721 in combination with prophylactic or therapeutic glucan treatment: Radioprotective and hemopoietic effects. Presented at International Conference on Biological Effects of Large Dose Ionizing and Non-ionizing Radiation. March 28-01 April, Hangzhou, China.



Natanson, C., Danner, R.L, Akin, G.L. Reallyl, J.M., Doerfler, M.E., Hoffman, W.D., MacVittie, T.J., Banks, S.M., and Parrillo, J.E. (1988) Antibioitics, fluids and dopamine in a lethal canine model of septic shock (Ss): Effects on survival. Presented at Society of Critical Care Medicine, 17th Annual Education and Scientific Symposium, May 31 -3 Jun, Orlando, FL


Schwartz, G.N., MacVittie, T.J., Monroy, R.L., Benjamin, W., Lomedico, P. (1988) Bone marrow cells from Interleukin-1 (IL-1) injected dogs produce hemopoietic colony stimulating factors (CSF). Presented at 17th Annual Meeting International Society for Experimental Hematology, Houston, TX, 21-25 August.


Monroy, R.L., Skelly, R.R., MacVittie, T.J., Davis, T.J., Davis, T.A., Donahue, R.E. (1988) Cytokine regulation of hemopoiesis in vivo using a primate model. Presented at 17th Annual Meeting International Society for Experimental Hematology, Houston, TX, 21-25 August.


Brook, I., Walker, R.I., MacVittie, T.J. (1988) Effects of Antimicrobial Therapy on bowel flora and bacterial infection in irradiated mice. Presented at 5th International Symposium on Infections in The Immunocompromised Host, June 5-8, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands.


Schwartz, G.N., Patchen, M.L., MacVittie, T.J. (1988) Effects of recombinant interleukin-1 (rIL-1) on granulocyte and macrophage progenitor cells in normal and irradiated mice. Presented at 25th Nat'l Meeting for Soc. of Leuk. Biol., October 27-30, Washington, DC.


Danner, R.L., Natanson, C., Doerfler, M.E., Eichacker, P.Q., Reilly, J. M., Ratica, D., MacVittie, T.J., Parrillo, J.E. (1988) A therapeutic trial of lipid X in a canine model of septic shock. Presented at 28th ICAAC Mtg. Los Angeles, CA.


Linnekin, D.M., Monroy, R.L., Murano, G., Donahue, R.E., MacVittie, T.J. (1988) Recombinant human granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (rhGM-CSF) primes and recruits rhesus monkey neutrophil (PMN) responses to N-Formyl-L-leucine-L-phenylalanine (FMLP). Presented at 25th Nat'l Mtg. for Soc. of Leuk. Biol., October 27-30, Washington, DC.


Patchen, M.L., MacVittie, T.J., Solberg, B.D., Souza, L. (1988) Survival enhancement and hemopoietic regeneration following radiation exposure. Therapeutic approach using glucan, a macrophage activator, in combination with granulocyte colony stimulating factor. Presented at 25th Nat'l Mtg. for Soc. of Leuk. Biol. October 27-30, Washington, DC.


Monroy, R.L., Skelly, R.R., Davis, T.A., Donahue, R.E., MacVittie, T.J. (1988) Low levels of IL-1 down modulate the hematopoietic response of GM-CSF in combined therapy using normal primates. Presented at Amer. Soc. Hematology, Dec. San Antonio, TX.


Davis, T.A., Monroy, R.L., Skelly, R.R., Donahue, R.E., MacVittie, T.J. (1988) Differential augmentation of in vivo natural killer cytoxicity in normal primates with rhIL-1 and GM-CSF. Presented at Amer. Soc. Hematology, Dec. San Antonio, TX.


Patchen, M.L., and MacVittie, T.J. (1988) Hemopoietic effects of Biostim: Intravenous versus oral administration. Fourth International Conference on Immunopharmacology, Abstracts, Osaka, Japan, p. 51.


Patchen, M.L., and MacVittie, T.J. (1988) Low-dose WR-2721 in combination with prophylactic or therapeutic glucan treatment: Radioprotective and hemopoietic effects. International Conference on Biological Effects of Large Dose Ionizing and Non-Ionizing Radiation, Abstracts, Hangzhou, China, p. 75.


Patchen, M.L., MacVittie, T.J., Brook, I., and Elliott, T. (1988) Therapeutic use of glucan in radiationinjured mice: Survival enhancing and hemopoietic effects. Fourth International Conference on Immunopharmacology. Abstracts, Osaka, Japan, p. 118.


Patchen, M.L., Solberg, B., MacVittie, T.J. (1989) Particulate and soluble glucans increase the D0 of murine CFU's and GM-CSF. European Society for Radiation Biology, Brussels, Belgium.



Monroy, R.L., Davis, T.A., Donahue, R., MacVittie, T.J. (1989) IL-1 and Il-3: Single and combination factor effects on hematopoiesis in primates. International Society for Experimental Hematology, Paris, France.


Monroy, R.L., Davis, T.A., Donahue, R., MacVittie, T.J. (1989) Stimulation of megakaryocytopoiesis and platelet production in vivo using IL-1 and IL-3. 5th Annual Symposium on the Molecular Biology of Hematopoiesis. July 10-12, Innsbruck, Austria. Leukemia Res. 13:11 Suppl.1 Abstract #3


Monroy, R.L., Davis, T.A., Noldy, K., Clark, M., Hyde, J., and MacVittie, T.J. (1989) Enhanced hematopoietic stem cell recovery in the peripheral blood of rhesus monkeys treated with interleukin-1 (IL1) and interleukin-3 (IL-3). AMUS Convention, Nov 11-17, San Diego CA.


Davis, T.A., Monroy, R.L., Donahue, R., MacVittie, T.J. (1989) GM-CSF, a regulatory molecule for NK activity in the bone marrow. 2nd Annual Cytokine


Davis, T.A., Monroy, R.L., Skelly, R. R., Donahue, R., MacVittie, T.J. (1989) In vivo differential augmentation of NK activity with IL-1 and GM-CSF. FASEB p A819, Abstract #3446.


Patchen, M.L., MacVittie, T.J., Solberg, B., Souza, L. (1989) Therapeutic administration of recombinant human granulocyte colony stimulating factor, UCLA Symposium, Tamarron, CO.


Vriesendorp, H.M., Stinson, R., Onyekwere, O., Klein, J., Leichner, P., Order, S., MacVittie, T.J., Souza, L., Williams, J. (1989) Hematologic toxicity of 90Yttrium antiferritin treatment. 31st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology, December 2-5, Atlanta, GA. Blood 74:23A.


Monroy, R.L., Davis, T.A., Donahue, R.E., MacVittie, T.J. Collection of enriched peripheral blood stem cells from primates treated with IL-1 and Il-3 In Vivo. (1989).


Sigounas, G., Jaenisch, R., MacVittie, T.J., Hankins, W.D. (1989) Transgenic transplantation: a new In Vivo system for experimental hemopoiesis which employs sequential molecular monitoring of multiple genetic markers. (1989) 31st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology, Atlanta, GA. Blood 74:49A.


Natanson, C., Eichacker, P.Q., Hoffman, W.D., Banks, S.M., MacVittie, T.J., Parrillo, J.E. (1989) Human recombinant Interleukin-1 produced minimal effect on canine cardiovascular function. Clinical Research 37:346, 1989.


Eichacker, P.Q., Natanson, C., Hoffman, W.D., Danner, R.L., Banks, S.M., Richmond, S.E., MacVittie, T.J., Parrillo, J.E. (1989) Pulmonary neutrophil infiltration in dogs with bacterial sepsis versus endotoxin infusion. Clinical Research, 37:474, 1989.


Eichacker, P.Q., Natanson, C., Hoffman, W.D., Banks, S.M., Richmond, S.E., MacVittie, T.J., Parrillo, J.E. (1989) The effects of human recombinant interleukin-1 on canine alveolar neutrophil number and lung function. Clinical Research, 37:344, 1989.


Eichacker, P.Q., Natanson, C., Danner, R.L., Hoffman, W.D., Banks, S.M., Richmond, S.E., MacVittie, T.J., Parrillo, J.E. (1989) Serial measures of total body oxygen consumption in canine bacterial sepsis: importance of volume administration in a hyperdynamic response. Clinical Research, 37:343, 1989.


Eichacker, P.Q., Natanson, C., Danner, R.L., Hoffman, W.D., Banks, S.M., Richmond, S.E., MacVittie, T.J., Parrillo, J.E. (1989) Lung neutrophil and pulmonary dysfunction in a canine model of sepsis. Clinical Research, 37:343, 1989.


Natanson, C., Danner, R.L., Reilly, Doerfler, M.L., Hoffman, W.D., MacVittie, T.J., Banks, S.M., Elin, R.J., Hosseini, J.M., Parrillo, J.E. (1989) Role of endotoxemia, cardiovascular support and antibiotic therapy in a canine model of human septic shock. Clinical Research, 37:346, 1989.


Patchen, M.L., Solberg, B.D., and Souza, L.M., (1990) Survival enhancement and hemopoietic regeneration following radiation exposure: Therapeutic approach using glucan and granulocyte colony-


stimulation factor. The Immunocompromised Surgical Patient Meeting, Snowbird, UT. p. 244. 126.

Farese, A. Eichacker, P., Patchen, M., Eichenholtz, P. Natanson, c., MacVittie, T.J. (1990) In vivo infusion of recombinant human TNF (rhTNF) in normal canines effects the number and function of circulating neutrophils (PMNs). 74th Annual Meeting for the Federations of American societies for Experimental Biology. FASEB, 90, Wash., D.C., Apr. 1-6, FASEB Journal 4:A524.


Patchen, M.L., MacVittie, T.J., Williams, J.L., Schwartz, G.N., Souza, L.M. (1990) Therapeutic administration of IL-6 stimulates recovery from radiation-induced hemopoietic suppression. FASEB, Washington, D.C. the FASEB Journal. 4:A1038.


Eichacker, P.Q., Banks, S.M., Hoffman, W.D., Danner, R.L. Mouginis, T., Richmond, S., Farese, A., Parrillo, J.E., MacVittie, T.J., Natanson, C. (1990) Pulmonary injury in a lethal canine model of human bacterial sepsis. Presented at the Annual Meeting for the American Federation of Clinical Research 38:260A.


Eichacker, P.Q., Hoffman, W.D., Mouginis, T., Richmond, S., MacVittie, T.J., Natanson, C. (1990) The relationship of oxygen consumption to oxygen delivery differs in anesthetized compared to conscious dogs. American Review of Respiratory Disease, 141:A513, 1990.


Eichacker, P.Q., Hoffman, W.D., Kuo, G., Richmond, S., Banks, S.M., MacVittie, T.J., Natanson, C. (1990) Tumor necrosis factor but not Interleukin-1 produces sustained reversible hypoxemia alveolar protein and neutrophil accumulation and hemodynamic depression in a canine model. American Review of Respiratory Disease, 141:A513, 1990.


Eichacker, P.Q., Gruber, D., Mouginis, T., Hoffman, W.D., Banks, S.M., Farese, A.M., Richmond, S., MacVittie, T.J., Natanson, C. (1990) Antibody against neutrophil adhesion complex CDW11 does not improve survival or prevent cardiopulmonary abnormalities after tumor necrosis factor infusion in dogs. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Federation of Clinical Research. 38:260A.


Eichacker, P.Q., Banks, S.M., Hoffman, W.D., Richmond, s., Mouginis, t., Danner, R.L., Parrillo, J.E., MacVittie, T.J., Natanson, C. (1990) Levels of total body oxygen consumption and oxygen extraction do not differ between survivors and nonsurvivors in a canine model of human bacterial sepsis. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Federation of Clinical Research. 38:260A.


Eichacker, P.Q., Banks, S.M., Alling, D.W., Hoffman, Mouginis, T., Richmond. S., MacVittie, T.J., Natanson, C. (1990) The relationship of oxygen consumption to oxygen delivery differs in anesthetized vs conscious dogs. Critical Care Medicine, 18:5183, 1990.


Eichacker, P.Q., Banks, J.M., Hoffman, W.D., Richmond, S., Mouginis, T., Danner, R.L., Parrillo, J.E., MacVittie, T.J., Natanson, C. (1990). Levels of total body oxygen consumption and oxygen extraction do not differ between survivors and nonsurvivors in a canine model of human bacterial sepsis. Clinical Research. 38:260A.


Washburn, L.C., Lee, Y-CC, Sun T.T. H., Byrd, B.L., Holloway, E.C., Crook, J.E., Patchen, M.L., MacVittie, T.J., Souza, L.M., Steplewski. (1990) Adjunctive use of G-CSF with radioimmunotherapy using Y-90 labeled monoclonal antibodies. Presented at 27th Annual Mtg. of the Society of Nuclear Medicine, June 19-22, Wash. D.C.


Patchen, M.L., MacVittie, T.J., Williams, J.L., Schwartz, G.N., Souza, L.M., (1990) Therapeutic administration of IL-6 stimulates recovery from radiation-induced hemopoietic depression. Presented at 19th Annual Mtg. of Int. Soc. for Exp. Hematol. Aug 26-30, Seattle, WA. Exp. Hematol. 18:606.


Sigounas, G., Jaenisch, R., MacVittie, T.J., (1990) Transgenic hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) as probes for lymphohematopiesis and experimental transplantation. Presented at 19th Annual Mtg. Int. Soc. of Exp. Hematol. Aug. 26-30, Seattle, WA. Exp. Hematol. 18:704.


Farese, A.M., Eichacker, P.Q., Patchen, M.L., Bowles, C., Danner, R., Natanson, C., MacVittie, T.J.,


(1990) Gram negative hyperdynamic sepsis in the canine: Systemic and pulmonary neutrophil kinetics and functions. Presented at 19th Annual Mtg. Int. Soc. Exp. of Hematol., Aug. 26-30, Seattle, WA. Exp. Hematol. 18:697. 139.

Monroy, R.L., Stilwell, G.E., Davis, T.A., MacVittie, T.J. (1990) Modulation of myeloid progenitor cell responsiveness within 24 hours after IL-1 treatment of primates. Presented at 19th Annual Mtg. Int. Soc. of Exp. Hematol. Aug 26-30, Seattle, WA. Exp. Hematol. 18:598.


Kessler, S.W., Davis, T.A., Skelly, R.R., MacVittie, T.J., Monroy, R.L. (1990) Transplantation of CD34positive bone marrow cells into rhesus monkeys. Presented at 19th Annual Mtg. Int. Soc. of Exp. Hematol. Aug. 26-30, Seattle, WA. Exp. Hematol. 18:677.


Patchen, M.L., MacVittie, T.J., Baker, W.P., Souza, L.M., (1990) Postirradiation administration of G-CSF increases the survival-enhancing effects of the radioprotectant WR-2721. Presented at the European Society of Radiation Biology, Sept. 23-26, Dublin, Ireland.


Vigneulle, R.M., MacVittie, T.J., Heman-Ackah, L.M., Cha, A., Stiefel, S. (1990) Intestinal syndrome lethality in canines: correlation of survival time with history of the small intestinal mucosa. Presented at the International Colloquium on Neutron Radiation Biology. Nov. 5-7, Rockville, MD.


Patchen, M., MacVittie, T.J., Souza, L.M. (1991) Postirradiation treatment with granulocyte colonystimulating factor combined with preirradiation treatment with WR-2721 synergize to enhance hemopoietic reconstitution and to increase survival. 7th International Conference on Chemical Modifiers of Cancer Treatment. Feb. Clearwater, FL.


Patchen, M.L., MacVittie, T.J., Solberg, B.D., Williams, J.L., Souza, L.M. (1991) Use of cytokines for the treatment of radiation-induced hemopoietic suppression: results of recombinant human granulocyte colony-stimulation factor and recombinant human interleukin-6 in a murine radiation model. 2nd International Congress on the Immune Consequences of Trauma, Shock and Sepsis. Mar. 6-9, Munich, Germany.


Farese, A.M., Eichacker, P.Q., Patchen, M.L., Natanson, C., MacVittie, T.J. (1991) Gram negative hyperdynamic sepsis in the canine: systemic and pulmonary neutrophil kinetics and function. 2nd International Congress on the Immune Consequences of Trauma, Shock and Sepsis. Mar. 6-9, Munich, Germany.


Neta, R., Oppenheim, J.J., Ledney, G.D., MacVittie, T.J. (1991) Role of cytokines in natural and LPSenhanced radioresistance. Keystone Symposium, Cytokines and Their Receptors: From Cloning to Clinic. Apr. Keystone, CO.


Eichacker, P.Q., Farese, A., Hoffman, W., Banks, S.M., Waisman, Y., Danner, R.L., MacVittie, T.J., Natanson, C. (1991) Alveolar neutrophils are maximal during recovery of pulmonary function in an canine model of human septic shock. Annual Meeting for the American Federation of Clinical Research. May, Seattle, WA.


Waisman, Y., MacVittie, T.J., Farese, A., Banks, S.M., Hoffman, W.D., Souza, L., Natanson, C., Eichacker, P.Q. (1991) Granulocyte colony stimulating factor-induced leukocytosis does not alter lethality or depress cardiopulmonary function in a canine model of human bacterial sepsis. Annual Meeting for the American Federation of Clinical Research. May, Seattle, WA.


Eichacker, P.Q., Hoffman, W.D., Farese, A., Mouginis, T., Banks, S.M., Richmond, S., Kuo, G., MacVittie, T.J., Natanson, C., (1991) Monoclonal antibody against leukocyte CDW11b/18 adhesion complex reduces early deaths and hypoxemia after tumor necrosis factor challenge in canines. Annual Meeting of the Society for Critical Care Medicine. May, Washington, D.C.


Eichacker, P.Q., Hoffman, W.D., Farese, A., Mouginis, T., Banks, S.M., Richmond, S., MacVittie, T.J., Natanson, C. (1991) Monoclonal antibody against leukocyte CDW11b/18 adhesion complex reduces early deaths and hypoxemia after tumor necrosis factor challenge in canines. Meeting of the American


Thoracic Society. May, Anaheim, CA. 151.

Eichacker, P.Q., Mouginis, T., Farese, A., Hoffman, W., Banks, S.M., Suffredini, A., Waisman, H., Danner, R.L. MacVittie, T.J., Natanson, c. (1991) Serum tumor necrosis factor increases early and Transiently in Chronic Canine Model of Septic Shock. Meeting of the American Thoracic Society. May, Anaheim, CA.


Mouginis, T., Natanson, C., Hoffman, W., Banks, S., Suffredini, A., Waisman, Y., Danner, R.L., Richmond, S., MacVittie, T.J., Eichacker, P.Q. (1991) Serum tumor necrosis factor increases early and transiently in a chronic canine model of septic shock. Annual Meeting of the Society for Critical Care Medicine. May, Washington, D.C.


Eichacker, P.Q., Waisman, Y., Banks, S.M., Richmond, S., MacVittie, T.J., Natanson, C. (1991) Effects of pentothal anesthesia on oxygen delivery and consumption in a canine model. Annual Meeting of the Society for Critical Care Medicine. May, Washington, D.C.


Eichacker, P.Q., Waisman, Y., Hoffman, W., Banks, S.M., Richmond, S., MacVittie, T.J., Natanson, C. (1991) Effects of Pentothal Anesthesia on Oxygen Delivery and Consumption in a Canine Model. Annual Meeting for the American Federation of Clinical Research. May, Seattle, WA.


Williams, D.E., Farese, A., Dunn, J., Frieden, E., Park, L.S., MacVittie, T.J. (1991) In vivo effects of a GMCSF/IL-3 fusion protein (PIXY 321) in sublethally irradiated monkeys. 20th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Experimental Hematology. July, Parma, Italy.


Farese, A.M., McLaughlin, E.K., Tropea, M.M., Andersen, T., MacVittie, T.J. (1992) In vitro effects of recombinant human IL-1, IL-8 and TNF on canine neutrophil function. Conference on the Immunocompromised Surgical Patient: Mechanisms and Therapy and Burns. Jan 26-29, Snowbird, UT.


Patchen, M.L., MacVittie, T.J., Aukerman, S.L., Ralph, P. (1992) Hemopoietic effects of in vivo macrophage colony-stimulating factor administration in normal mice and canines. Conference on the Immunocompromised Surgical Patient: Mechanisms and Therapy in Trauma and Burns. Jan 26-29, Snowbird, UT.


Patchen, M.L., Williams, D.E., MacVittie, T.J. (1992) Evaluation of the ability of mast cell growth factor to enhance recovery from radiation-induced hematopoisis. Keystone Symposia on Hematopoiesis. Feb 27Mar 5. Tamarron, CO.


Farese, A.M., McLaughlin, E.K., Kirschner, K.F., Nash, R., MacVittie, T.J. (1992) Stimulation of canine neutrophils by human interleukin-8 (rhIL-8) or phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) following in vivo administration of either recombinant canine granulocyte (rcG-CSF) or granulocyte-macrophage colonystimulating factor (rcGM-CSF). 21st Annual Meeting of the International Society for Experimental Hematology. July 26-30, Providence, RI. Exp. Hematol. 20:244a, 768.


Kirschner, K.F., Kittell, C.L., Farese, A.M., Widmer, M., Williams, D.E., MacVittie, T.J. (1992) Differential expression of cytokines and tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) in plasma of nonhuman primates subjected to sublethal endotoxic shock. 21st Annual Meeting of the International Society for Experimental Hematology. July 26-30, Providence, RI. Exp. Hematol. 20:274a, 776.


Patchen, M.L., Fischer, R., MacVittie, T.J., Souza, L.M. (1992) Effects of combination interleukin-6 (IL-6) and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) therapy on recovery from radiation-induced hemopoietic aplasia. July 26-30, Providence, RI. Exp. Hematol. 20:248a, 769.


Neta, R., Williams, D., Oppenheim, J.J., Ledney, G.D., MacVittie, T.J. (1992) Obligatory interaction of IL1, IL-6, TNF and c-kit ligand/MGF in radioprotection of mice. (1992) 8th International Congress of Immunology. August 23-28, Budapest, Hungary.


Farese, A.M., McLaughlin, E.K., Eichacker, P., Natanson, C., MacVittie, T.J. (1993) The stimulation of canine neutrophils by rhIL-8 or phorbol-12-myristate, 13-acetate following the prophylactic administration


of rcG-CSF before and after the induction of gram negative sepsis. Keystone Symposia, Cytokines and Cytokine Receptors: From Cloning to the Clinic. Jan 31-Feb. 7, Keystone, CO. J. Cellular Biochemistry. (Suppl 17B)E108a,62. 164.

Patchen, M.L., Fischer, R., MacVittie, T.J. (1993) Hemopoietic effects of stem cell factor and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, alone and in combination, in aplastic irradiated mice. Jan 31-Feb 7, Keystone, CO. J. Cellular Biochemistry. (Suppl 17B) E133a, 68.


Eichacker, P.Q., Waisman, Y., Natanson, C., Farese, A.M., Hoffman, W., Banks, S.M., Elin, R., Hosseini, J., MacVittie, T.J. (1993) Recombinant granulocyte colony-stimulating factor reduces endotoxemia and improves cardiovascular function and survival during bacterial sepsis in non-neutropenia canines. Annual Meeting for American Federation of Clinical Research. April 30, Washington, D.C.


Eichacker, P.Q., Hammond, W., Farese, A.M., Hoffman, W., Danner, R.L., Banks, S.M., MacVittie, T.J., Natanson, C. (1993) Serial serum granulocyte colony stimulating factor levels in a canine model of bacterial sepsis. Annual Meeting for American Federation of Clinical Research. April 30, Washington, D.C.


Patchen, M.L., MacVittie, T.J., Fischer, R. (1993) Single and combination cytokine therapies for the treatment of radiation-induced hemopoietic injury. Second Consensus Development Conference on The Treatment of Radiation Injuries. April 14-17, Bethesda, MD.


Patchen, M.L., Fischer, R., MacVittie, T.J., Seiler, F. Williams, D.E. (1993) Single and combination cytokine therapies for the treatment of radiation-induced hemopoietic injury: effects of c-kit ligand and interleukin-3. 8th Symposium Molecular Biology of Hematopoiesis. July 9-13, Basel, Switzerland.


McKearn, J.P., Baum, C.M., Olins, P.O., Paik, K.K., Klover, J.A., Donnelly, A., Bell, L.D., Klein, B.K., Bauer, C.S., Goldberg, S.B., Abegg, A., MacVittie, T.J., Farese, A.M. (1993) Synthetic IL-3 receptor agonists with selective biological activity. 8th Symposium Molecular Biology of Hematopoiesis. July 9-13, Basel, Switzerland.


Farese, A.M., Kirschner, K.F., Patchen, M.L., Zsebo, K.M., MacVittie, T.J. (1993) The effect of recombinant canine stem cell factor and/or recombinant canine granulocyte colony-stimulating factor on marrow aplasia recovery in lethally irradiated canines. 22nd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Experimental Hematology. Aug 22-26, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Exp Hematol. 21:585a, 1169.


Patchen, M.L., MacVittie, T.J. (1993) Ethyol plus granulocyte colony-stimulating factor therapy enhances recovery from superlethal radiation exposures: preclinical experience in animal models. 22nd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Experimental Hematology. Aug 22-26, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.


Patchen, M.L., Fischer, R., MacVittie, T.J., Seiler, F., Williams, D.E., (1993) Mast cell growth factor (c-kit ligand) in combination with granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor and interleukin-3: in vivo hemopoietic effects in irradiated mice compared to in vitro effects. 22nd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Experimental Hematology. Aug 22-26, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.


Williams, D.E., Farese, A., MacVittie, T.J. (1993) PIXY321, but not GM-CSF plus IL-3, promotes hematopoietic reconstitution following lethal irradiation. 35th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology. Dec. 3-7, St. Louis, MO. Blood 82:366a, 1448.


Patchen, M.L.,Fischer R., MacVittie, T.J. (1994) Effects of delayed G-CSF administration on the acceleration of hemopoietic recovery in radiation-induced aplastic mice. Keystone SymposiaHematopoiesis. Jan 4-11, Breckenridge, CO. J. Cellular Biochemistry.


Farese, A.M., MacVittie, T.J., Myers, L.A. (1994) Therapeutic efficacy of recombinant human leukemia inhibitory factor in a primate model of radiation-induced marrow aplasia. Keystone SymposiaHematopoiesis. Jan 4-11, Breckenridge, CO. J. Cellular Biochemistry.



Williams, D.E., Park, L.S., Farese, A., MacVittie, T.J. (1994) Preclinical and clinical biology of PIXY321. 23rd Annual Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology. Hematopoiesis. Jan 4-11, Breckenridge, CO. The Journal of Cellular Biochemistry Suppl 18A, 4.


Farese, A.M., Myers, L.A., MacVittie, T.J. (1994) Therapeutic efficacy of the combined administration of either recombinant human interleukin-6 and rh-granulocyte colony stimulating factor or rh-granulocytemacrophage colony stimulating factor in a primate model of radiation-induced marrow aplasia. 23rd International Meeting of the Society of Experimental Hematology. Aug 21-25, Minneapolis, MN. Exp Hematol 22:27a, 684.


Eichacker, P.Q., Waisman, Y., Natanson, C., Farese, A., Hoffman, W., Wilson, L., Banks, S.M., MacVittie, T.J. (1994) Recombinant G-CSF increases endotoxin clearance, reduces serum TNF levels and improves survival in a canine model of septic shock. Third International Congress on the Immune Consequences of Trauma, Shock, and Sepsis-Mechanisms and Therapeutic Approaches. 2-5 March, Munich, Germany. Intensive Care Medicine 20:558a, S142.


Myers, L.A., MacVittie, T.J., Farese, A.M. (1994) Preclinical evaluation of leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) in health and radiation treated non-human primates. Conference on Interleukin-6-type Cytokines, Sponsored by the New York Academy of Sciences, June 19-22, Poznan, Poland.


Farese, A.M., Herodin, F., Grab, L.A., Varma, N., Baum, C., Burton, E., McKearn, J.P., MacVittie, T.J. (1994) Therapeutic efficacy of synthokine SC-55494 in a nonhuman primate model of high dose, sublethal, radiation-induced marrow aplasia. The 36th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology. Dec 3-7, Nashville, TN. Blood 84:Suppl 1, 28a,102.


McKearn, J.P., Bauer, C., Klein, B., Olins, P., Paik, K., Donnelly, A., Kahn, L.E., Thomas, J., Hood, W., Staten, N., Mori, N., Baum, C.M., Farese, A., Herodin, F., MacVittie, T. (1994) Evaluation of synthetic cytokine agonist of the human IL-3 receptor with significantly improved activity relative to native IL-3. The 36th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Hematology. Dec 3-7, Nashville, TN. Blood 84:Suppl 1, 422a, 1672.


Farese, A.M., Hunt, P., Grab, L.B., Matlick, D.R., MacVittie, T.J. (1995) Modulation of megakaryocytopoiesis in normal and sublethally irradiated nonhuman primates by recombinant human megakaryocyte growth and development factor (r-HuMGDF). American Society for Bone Marrow Transplantation. Jan 26-28, Keystone, CO.


Grab, L.B., Farese, A.M., Hunt P., Herodin F., Matlick, D.R., MacVittie, T.J. (1995) In vitro and ex vivo marrow-derived clonogenic activity from normal and recombinant human (r-Hu) Megakaryocyte growth and development factor (MGDF)-treated primates. American Society for Bone Marrow Transplantation. Jan 26-28, Keystone, CO.


Farese, A.M., Hunt, P., Grab, L.B., MacVittie, T.J. (1995) Enhancement of hematopoietic reconstitution in nonhuman primates following radiation-induced marrow aplasia by the combined administration of recombinant human megakaryocyte growth and development factor and granulocyte colony stimulating factor. The 24th Annual Meeting for the International Society for Experimental Hematology, Aug 27-31, Dusseldorf, Germany. Exp Hematol 23:520a, 901.


Farese, A.M., Hunt, P., Grab, L.B., MacVittie, T.J. (1995) Evaluation of administration protocols of pegylated-megakaryocyte growth and development factor on platelet recovery in a primate model of radiation-induced bone marrow aplasia. 37th Annual Meeting for the American Society of Hematology. Dec 1-5, Seattle, WA.


Farese, A.M., Hunt, P., Grab, L.B., MacVittie, T.J. (1996) Efficacy of pegylated recombinant human megakaryocyte growth and development factor (PEG-rHuMGDF) alone and in combination with recombinant human granulocyte colony stimulating factor (rhG-CSF) in irradiated nonhuman primates. The Immunocompromised Surgical Patient: Mechanisms and Therapy in Trauma and Burns. Jan 21-24, Snowbird, UT.



Giri, J.G., Kahn, L., Staten, N., Wood, D., Favara, J., Pegg, L., Thomas, J., Burnette, B., Hirsh, J., Huynh, M., Monahan, J., Farese, A., MacVittie, T., Baum, C., McKearn, J. (1996) An engineered novel factor for expansion and development of platelet producing cells. 25th Annual Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology. Molecular Regulation of Platelet Production. Feb 24-28, Taos, NM.


Farese, A.M., Grab L.B., Vigneulle, R.M., Dacquel, L., Stead, R.B., MacVittie, T.J., (1996) Therapeutic efficacy of PEG-rHuMGDF in a nonhuman primate model of myeloablation with autologous bone marrow transplantation. 4th International Symposium of Recent advances in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Apr 11-13, San Diego, CA


McKearn, J., Monahan, J., Hood, W., Donnelly, A., Ellison, S., Kahn, S., Giri, J., Grab, L., Farese, A., MacVittie, T., (1996) Myelopoietin- A multifunctional chimeric protein family. 25th Annual Meeting for the International Society for Experimental Hematology, 23-27 August, New York, NY. Exp Hematol 24:712a, 1154.


Giri, J.G., Kahn, L.E., Staten, N.R., Wood, D.C., Favara, J.P., Abegg, A.L., Pegg, L.E., Thomas, J.W., Huynh, M.S., Monahan, J., Farese, A., MacVittie, T., Baum, C.M., Blystone, L.W., McKearn, J.P. (1996) An engineered novel factor for expansion and development of platelet producing cells. 25th Annual Meeting for the International Society for Experimental Hematology, 23-27 August, New York, NY. Exp Hematol 24:259a, 1072


Farese, A.M., Stead, R.B., Roskos, L., Lind, L.B., Cheung, E., Vigneulle, R.M., Ritchey, B., MacVittie, T.J. (1996) Hematopoietic recovery following autologous bone marrow transplantation: Effect of pretreatment and/or therapeutic administration of PEG-rHuMGDF. 38th Annual Meeting for the American Society of Hematology, Dec 6-10, Orlando, FL. Blood 88:600a, 2389.


Giri, J.G., Kahn, L.E., Doshi, P.D., Minster, N.I., Streeter, P.R., Pegg, L.E., Thomas, J.W., Abegg, A. L., Favara, J.P., Staten, N.R., Huynh, M.S., Monahan, J.B., Wood, D.C., Burnette, B.L., Villani-Price, D., Farese, A. M., MacVittie, T.J., Smith, W.G., McKearn, J.P. (1996) Promegapoietin, an engineered chimeric growth factor for platelet producing cells. 38th Annual Meeting for the American Society of Hematology, Dec 6-10, Orlando, FL. Blood 88:351a, 1393.


Kahn, L.E., Blystone, L.W., Villani-Price D., Smith, W.G., Farese, A.M., MacVittie, T.J., Lazzaro, N.C., Bloss, J.L., Komocsar, W.J., McKearn, J.P., Giri, J.G. (1996) In vitro and in vivo biology of an engineered novel factor for expansion and development of platelet producing cells. 38th Annual Meeting for the American Society of Hematology, Dec 6-10, Orlando, FL. Blood 88:351a, 1394.


Farese, A.M., Lind, L.B., Giri, J.G., Kahn, L., McKearn, J.P., MacVittie, T.J. (1997) A single dose of promegapoietin stimulates platelet recovery similar to a daily or an abbreviated administration schedule following myelosuppression in nonhuman primates. Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology, Hematopoiesis, Feb 10-17, Tamarron, CO.


Malech, H., Jordan, C., Whiting-Theobald, N., Lu, F., Vowells, S.J., Farese, A. M., Lind, L., Davis, T., Rosenzweig, M., Lyman, S., MacVittie, T.J. (1997) flt-3L with G-CSF effectively mobilizes CD34+ cells to peripheral blood and enhances cycling of the most primitive CD38+ subset in the monkey. 19th Annual Phagocyte Workshop, April 25, Washington, D.C.


Farese, A.M., Nash, R., MacVittie, T.J. (1997) The stimulation of canine neutrophils by recombinant human interleukin-8 or phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) following in vivo administration of either recombinant canine granulocyte (rcG-CSF) or granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (rcGMCSF). 19th Annual Phagocyte Workshop, April 25, Washington, D.C.


Giri, J.G., Smith, W.G., Kahn, L.E., Wood, D.C., Staten, N.R., Abegg, A. L., Donnelly, A., Pegg, L.E., Thomas, J.W., Villani-Price, D., Lind, L., Farese, A. M., MacVittie, T.J., McKearn, J.P. (1997) Promegapoietin, a chimeric growth factor for platelet restoration. 10th Symposium: Molecular Biology of Hematopoiesis and Treatment of Leukemias and Lymphomas, July 2-6, Hamburg, Germany.


Smith, W.G., MacVittie, T.J., Farese, A. M., Davis, T. D., Lind, L. B., McKearn, J. P. (1997) Mobilization of


progenitor cells into peripheral blood in normal nonhuman primates using myelopoietin.10th Symposium: Molecular Biology of Hematopoiesis and Treatment of Leukemias and Lymphomas, July 2-6, Hamburg, Germany. 199.

Kahn, L.E., Farese, A.M., MacVittie, T.J., Strauss-Schoenberger, J.M., Minster, N.I., Lind, L.B., McKearn, J.P., Streeter, P.R. (1997) Progenipoietin-G promotes in vivo expansion of hematopoietic progenitor cells in mice and in nonhuman primates. 39th Annual Meeting for the American Society of Hematology, Dec. 5-9, San Diego, CA. Blood 90:58a, 248.


Giri, J.G., Smith, W.G., Kahn, L.E., Streeter, P., Minster, N., Baum, C., Lind, L., Farese, A.M., Lin, J., Roecklein, B., MacVittie, T.J., McKearn, J.P. (1997) Promegapoietin, a chimeric growth factor for megakaryocyte and platelet production. 39th Annual Meeting for the American Society of Hematology, Dec. 5-9, San Diego, CA. Blood 90:580a, 2583.


McKearn, J., Giri, J., Welply, J., Caparon, M., Polazzi, J., Kahn, L., Shieh, J.J., Hood, W., Monahan, J., Grabbe, E., Abegg, A., Donnelly, A., Feng, Y., Baganoff, M., McWherter, C., Goldberg, S., Zurfluh, L., Smith, W., Klein, B., Farese, A., MacVittie, T.(1997) Structure and function of myelopoietins, a family of hematopoietic growth factors. 39th Annual Meeting for the American Society of Hematology, Dec. 5-9, San Diego, CA. Blood 90:58a, 249.


Roskos, L., Stead, R., Harker, L., Cebon, J., Basser, R., Begley, G., Farese, A., MacVittie, T., Tomita, D., Paine, T., Cheung, E. (1997) A cytokinetic model of platelet (PLT) production and destruction following administration of PEG-rHuMGDF. 39th Annual Meeting for the American Society of Hematology, Dec. 59, San Diego, CA. Blood 90:171a, 755.


Farese, A.M., MacVittie, T.J., Lind, L.B., McKearn, J.P. (1997) The combined administration of daniplestim and Mpl-Ligand augments the hematopoietic reconstitution observed with single cytokine administration in a nonhuman primate model of myelosuppression. 39th Annual Meeting for the American Society of Hematology, Dec. 5-9, San Diego, CA. Blood 90:185b, 3554.


Farese, A.M., MacVittie, T.J. Lind, L.B., Stead, R.B., (1997) Hematopoietic recovery following autologous bone marrow transplantation: Effect of an abbreviated, high dosage administration schedule of PEGrHuMGDF. 39th Annual Meeting for the American Society of Hematology, Dec. 5-9, San Diego, CA. Blood 90:94a, 411.


Fasano, A., MacVittie, T.J., Srinivas, S., Margaretten, K, Vigneulle, R.M. (1998) Intestinal epithelial cell functions and structural integrity in irradiated rhesus monkeys. American Gastroenterological Association, May 16, New Orleans, LA.


Rosenzweig, M., MacVittie, T., Harper, D., Hempel, D., Glickman, R., Johnson, R. P., Farese, A., Lind, L., Lyman, S., Theobald, N., Linton, G., Jordan, C., Malech, H. (1998) Efficient and persistent gene marking of hematopoietic progenitor cells in nonhuman primates. Keystone Symposia: Gene Therapy Strategies for Hematopoietic Cells. Jan 10-15, Lake Tahoe, NV.


Farese, A. M., Smith, W.G., McKearn, J. P. MacVittie, T.J. (1998) Progenipoietin-G, an engineered chimeric agonist for flt-3 and G-CSF receptors stimulates multilineage hematopoietic recovery following radiation-induced myelosuppression. International Conference on Diagnosis and Treatment of Radiation Injury, 31 Aug- 3 Sept. Rotterdam, The Netherlands


Klein, B., Thomas, J., Klover, J., Shieh, J.J., Donnelly, A., Abegg, A., Dacquel Smith, L., Webster, H., Farese, A., MacVittie, T., McKearn, J. (1998) Comparison of daniplestim and human interleukin-3 impact of structure on functional activity. 40th Annual Meeting for the American Society of Hematology, Dec 4-8, Miami, Fl. Blood 92:174b


Woulfe, S. L., Streeter, P.R., Kahn, L.E., Minster, N.I., MacVittie, T.J., Farese, A.M., McKearn, J.P. (1998) Expansion of functionally competent multi-lineage hematopoietic cells using the novel chimeric hematopoietic growth factor, progenipoietin. 40th Annual Meeting for the American Society of Hematology, Dec 4-8, Miami, Fl. Blood 92:377a



Siegel, N., Villani-Price, D., Abrams, M., Galluppi, G., Abegg, A., Burnette, B., Finn, R., Frazier, R., Heeren, R., Sobacke, S., Woodward, H., Giri, J., Kahn, L., Pegg, L., Staten, N., Braford-Goldberg, S., Summers, N., Smith, W., Farese, A., MacVittie, T., McKearn, J. (1998) Pharmacokinetic differences observed for assorted promegapoietin molecules in rhesus monkey studies. 40th Annual Meeting for the American Society of Hematology, Dec 4-8, Miami, Fl. Blood 92:175b


Smith, W.G., Giri, J.G., Abegg, A., Donnelly, A., Paik, K., Hood, W. P., Monahan, J.B., Welply, J., Polazzi, J., Caparon, M., Klein, B., Farese, A.M., Lind, L.B., Dacquel Smith, L., MacVittie, T.J., McKearn, J.P. (1998) Preclinical pharmacology of the myelopoietin leridistim, a multifunctional agonist of IL-3 and GCSF receptors. 40th Annual Meeting for the American Society of Hematology, Dec 4-8, Miami, Fl. Blood 92:380a


Farese, A.M., MacVittie, T.J., Dacquel Smith, L., Smith, W.G., Woulfe, S.L. (1998) Progenipoietins, chimeric agonists of Flt-3 and the G-CSF receptors, stimulate multilineage hematopoietic recovery in myelosuppressed nonhuman primates. 40th Annual Meeting for the American Society of Hematology, Dec 4-8, Miami, Fl. Blood 92:507a


Farese, A.M., Roskos, L., Cheung, E., Stead, R.B., Yin, S.M., MacVittie, T.J. (1998) A single administration of r-metHuG-CSF-SD-01 (SD/01) significantly improves neutrophil recovery following autologous bone marrow transplantation. 40th Annual Meeting for the American Society of Hematology, Dec 4-8, Miami, Fl. Blood 92:112a


Farese, A.M., Roskos, L., Cheung, E., Stead, R.B., Yin, S.M., MacVittie, T.J. (1999) A single administration of r-metHuG-CSF-SD-01 (SD/01) significantly improves neutrophil recovery following autologous bone marrow transplantation. American Society for Bone Marrow Transplantation. Feb 28-Mar 6, Keystone, CO.


Zamboni, W., D’Argenio, D., Stewart, C., MacVittie, T., Tubergen, D., Egorin, M. (1999) Pharmacodynamic (PD) model of topotecan (TPT) induced time-course of neutropenia. AACR Annual Meeting, Apr 10-14, Philadelphia, PA.


Doshi, P.D., Klein, B.K., Streeter, P.R., Kahn, L.E., MacVittie, T.J., Farese, A.M., Fleming, W.H., McKearn, J.P., Woulfe, S.W. (1999) Progenipoietin, a chimeric growth factor which mobilizes hematopoietic progenitors and dendritic cells. 4th Congress European Haematology Association, Jun 912, Barcelona, Spain. Haematologica 84:79


King, A.G., Pelus, L.E., Farese, A., MacVittie, T. (1999) Rapid hematopoietic-progenitor cell (HPC) mobilization induced by a single dose of truncated Gro (SB-251353) in rhesus monkeys. 28th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Experimental Hematology, July 10-14, Monte Carlo, Monaco. Exp Hematol 27:113, abstract 292.


Farese A.M., Smith, W.G., Casey, D.B., Vigneulle, R.M., Oshetski, J.A., Cogburn, J.N., MacVittie, T.J., McKearn, J.P. (1999) An abbreviated schedule of leridistim, a multifunctional agonist of IL-3 and G-CSF receptors, induces multilineage recovery in a non-human primate myelosuppression model. 28th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Experimental Hematology, July 10-14, Monte Carlo, Monaco. Exp Hematol 27:97, abstract 231.


Farese, A.M., Casey, D.B., Vigneulle, R. M., Smith, W.G., Woulfe, S. L., MacVittie, T.J. (1999) Progenipoietin, in an abbreviated (QOD) schedule, stimulates superior multilineage hematopoietic recovery as compared to Flt-3L and/or G-CSF. 41st Annual Meeting for the American Society of Hematology, Dec 3-7, New Orleans, LA Blood 94:48a, abstract 200.


Farese, A. M., Roskos, L., Stead, R. B., MacVittie, T.J. (1999) r-metHuG-CSF-SD-01 (SD/01) significantly improves neutrophil recovery in myelosuppressed nonhuman primates. 41st Annual Meeting for the American Society of Hematology, Dec 3-7, New Orleans, LA Blood 94:49a, abstract 204.


Li, X., Hood. W. F., Klein, B. K. Polazzi, J. O., Welply, J. K., Smith, W. G., Shieh, J-J. J., Abegg, A. L.,


Farese, A. M., Casey, D. B., Vigneulle, R. M., MacVittie, T.J., McKearn, J. P., Monahan, J. B. (1999) The biological role of the IL-3 receptor agonist in myelopoietin-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation and proliferation in vitro and hematopoietic recovery in vivo. 41st Annual Meeting for the American Society of Hematology, Dec 3-7, New Orleans, LA Blood 94:472a, abstract 2104 222.

Orlic, D., Farese, A. M., Anderson, S., MacVittie, T.J., Bodine, D. M. (2000) Expansion of rhesus monkey hematopoietic stem cells in response to administration of leridistim or progenipoietin (ProGP). 29th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Experimental Hematology. July 8-11, Tampa, FL. Exp Hematol 28:93, abstract 199.


Farese, A.M., Casey, D.B., Vigneulle, R. M., Siegel, N.R., Finn, R.F., Smith, W.G.,McKearn, J.P., MacVittie, T.J. (2000) A single dose of Peg-leridistim Stimulates multi-lineage hematopoietic recovery in sublethally irradiated nonhuman primates. 42nd Annual Meeting for the American Society of Hematology, Dec 1-6, San Francisco, CA. Blood 96:295a, abstract 1272.


Farese, A.M., Redinger, C.J., Casey, D.B., Kahn, L.E., Fox, C.H., MacVittie, T.J. (2001) Progenipoietininduced dendritic cell (DC) mobilization and collection via apheresis in normal rhesus macaques. American Association for Cancer Research, Mar 24-28, New Orleans, LA, Proceedings of the American Association for Cancer Research 12:24, abstract 132.


Choi, U., MacVittie, T.J., Farese, A. M., Malech, H. L., Horwitz, M.E. (2001) Persistent low level retrovirus gene marking of hematopoietic stem cells following non-myeloablative chemotherapy conditioning in a rhesus macaque model. 4th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Gene Therapy. May 30-Jun 3, Seattle, WA.


Mense, M., Borschel, R., MacVittie, T., Farese, A., Hoover, D., (2001) Immunohistochemical findings in Brucella melitensis induced hepatitis in rhesus monkeys. American College of Veterinary Pathologist and American Society of Veterinary Clinical Pathology Meeting. Dec 1-5, Salt Lake City, UT.


Ladd, A.., Farese, A.., Redinger, C., Douek, D., Mann, D., Woulfe, S., MacVittie, T. (2001) Radiationinduced T cell deficiencies can be abbreviated with administration of the dual growth factor receptor agonist progenipoietin. 43rd Annual Meeting for the American Society of Hematology, Dec 1-6, Orlando, FL, Blood 98:296a, abstract 1247.


Koopman, G., Haaksma, A.G.M., Niphuis, H., Farese, A. M., Casey, D.B., MacVittie, T.J., Kahn, L.E., Woulfe, S. L., Heeney, J. L. (2001) Progenipoietin, a chimeric FLT-3 and G-CSF receptor agonist, mobilizes type 1 and type 2 dendritic cells in SIV infected rhesus macaques. Dutch Society for Immunology. Dec 20-21, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands.


Farese, A.M., Redinger, C.J., Woulfe, S.L., Kahn, L.E., Mann, D., Fox, C.H., MacVittie, T.J. (2002) Mobilization and in vivo expansion of dendritic cells by Progenipoietin (ProGP) in normal rhesus macaques. (2002) 7th International Symposium on Dendritic Cells, Sep 19-24, Bamberg, Germany.


Poliakova, L., Pirone, A., Farese, A., Farney, A., Ross, D., MacVittie, T. (2003) Adult tissue-derived side population (SP) cells in the pancreas, liver and bone marrow of the rhesus macaque. 6th International Congress of the Cell Transplant Society. April 2-6, Atlanta, GA.


Poliakova, L., Pirone, A., Farese, A., Bartlett, S., MacVittie, T., Farney, A.,(2003) Presence of nonhematopoietic side population cells in the adult human and non-human primate pancreas. 9th Congress of the International Pancreas and Islet Transplant Association. July 8-11, Dublin, Ireland.


Crook J. L., Takebe, N., Farese, A. M., Shumaker, J. M., Cheng, X., MacVittie, T. J., Meisenberg, B. R., (2003) Human brain endothelial cells (HuBECs) support ex vivo expansion of human cord blood CD34+ cells, as well as adult human bone marrow CD34+ cells. 45th ASH Meeting, Dec 6-9, San Diego, CA


Brenner, S., Choi, U., Whiting-Theobald, N., Linton, G., Kang, E., Rudikoff, A. G., Farese, A. M., MacVittie, T. J., Horwitz, M.E., Malech, H.L. (2003) Insertional analyses in rhesus monkey blood cells after non-myeloablative hematopoietic stem cell marking with a RD114 MFGS-gp91phox vector for


treatment of X-linked chronic granulomatous disease: pre-clinical safety studies. 45th ASH Meeting, Dec 6-9, San Diego, CA 234.

Lee, D., Tsvetnitsky, V., Kodihalli, S., Sharif, W., Farese, A., Veirs, M., MacVittie, T., Vlahovich, S., Stewart, D. (2005) Evaluation of granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor for acute radiation syndrome. 2005 CRTI Summer Symposium, 20-22 Jun, Gatineau, Quebec.


Takebe, N., Cheng, X., Farese, A.M., Welty, E., Meisenberg, B., MacVittie, T.J. (2005) Human brain endothelial cells (HUBEC) can expand both human bone marrow and cord blood SCID-repopulating cells (SRC) through cell contact rather than soluble factors. Dec 10-13, Atlanta, GA Blood 106:15a, abstract #36


Takebe, N., MacVittie, T.J.,Cheng, X., Farese, A.M., Welty, E., Meisenberg, B., (2005) Attenuation of surface CXCR4 down-regulation in human cord blood HSC during ex vivo expansion using the HUBEC co-culture system. Dec 10-13, Atlanta, GA Blood 106:311a, abstract #1068


Farese, A.M., Jackson, III, W., MacVittie, T.J., Defining the full potential of supportive care and cytokine therapy in the post radiation accident environment. 2006 International Conference, “Frontiers of Pharmacology and Toxicology�, Assessing the efficacy and safety of new drugs. Aug 28-31, Chicago. IL


Farese, A.M., Jackson,III, W., MacVittie, T.J., (2007) Medical Management Used Alone is an Effective Medical Countermeasure Against the Lethal Effects of Total Body Irradiation (TBI). 10th Annual Force Health Protection Conference, Aug 4-10, Louisville, KY


Farese. A.M., Bullock, K.N., Veirs, M.C., Smith, C. P., Katz, B., Juliar, B.E., MacVittie, T.J., (2007) Medical Management in Rhesus Macaques Increases Survival From the Lethal Acute, Radiation Hematopoietic Syndrome, 36th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Experimental Hematology Sep 28-30, Hamburg, Germany.


Ossetrova, N.I., Farese, A. M., MacVittie, T.J., Sandren, D.J., Gallego, S., Blakely, W. F., (2008) Improvement of radiation dose assessment using multiple-protein expression and hematological profiles. Partial-body Radiation Diagnostic Biomarkers and Medical Management of Radiation Injury Workshop. 56 May, Bethesda, MD


Booth, C., Tudor, G.L., Tudor, J., Potten, C.S., MacVittie, T., (2008) Screening oncology supportive care agents for potential biodefence applications: mucositits therapies. International Society of Oral Oncology/Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer, 26-28 Jun, Houston, TX.


Lerma, F., Lui, B., Wang, Z., Yu, C., Koshy, M., Farese, A., MacVittie, T., (2008) Online Re-planning using direct machine parameter optimization: A non-human primate lung irradiation study. Med. Phys., 35:6, 2711.


Gelfond, D., Fasano, A., Sun, R., Zhao, A., Mann, D., McFarland, E., MacVittie, T. J., Shea-Donohue, T., (2008) Structural, biological, and functional changes of the intestinal mucosa induced by total body irradiation in a non-human primate (NHP) model of radiation-induced gastrointestinal syndrome. AGA Mtg


Plett, A., Walters, A., West, E., Nguyen, N-T., Chua, H-L, Kohlbacher,K., Farese, A., MacVittie, T., Orschell, C.M., (2008) Hematopoietic parameters in lethally-irradiated C57BL/6 mice receiving radiomitigating does of granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (GCSF), pegGCSF, or pretreatment with amifostine. 54th Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society, 21-25 Sept, Boston, MA.


Plett A, Walters A., West E , Kohlbacher K, Nguyen N-T, Chua H-L, Juliar B, Farese A, Katz B, MacVittie TJ, Orschell CM, (2008) Feed and water as vehicles for efficacious deliver of antibiotics to lethallyirradiated mice: comparison of ciprofloxacin versus doxycycline and neomycin. 54th Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society, 21-25 Sept, Boston, MA.



Blakely WF, Ossetrova NI, Farese AM, MacVittie TJ, Sandren DJ, DiCarlo-Cohen AL, Goans RE. (2008) Early-response biological dosimetry using hematological profile. 54th Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society, 21-25 Sept, Boston, MA.


Farese AM, Veirs MC, Smith CP, Katz B, Juliar BE, MacVittie TJ (2008) Medical management alone increases survival of lethally irradiated nonhuman primates within the hematopoietic syndrome, 54th Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society, 21-25 Sept, Boston, MA.


Gelfond D, Shea-Donohue T, McFarland MC, Zhao A, Sun R, Booth C, Potten C, Farese AM, Fasano A, MacVittie TJ. (2008) Non human primate (NHP) model of radiation-induced gastrointestinal syndrome with emphasis on structural, biological and functional changes in the intestinal mucosa. 54th Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society, 21-25 Sept, Boston, MA.


Farese AM, Devens B, Lou L, MacVittie, TJ. (2008) Pharamcodynamic (PD) and Pharmacokinetics (PK) of a long-lasting G-CSF in a Primate Model of Radiation-Induced Neutropenia. 54th Annual Mtg of Radiation Research Society, 21-25 Sept, Boston, MA


Plett A, Devens B, Yonehiro G, Katz B, Juliar B, Lou L, MacVittie TJ, Orschell CM. (2008) Effect of Longlasting G-CSF to Increase Survival in Mice After lethal Doses of Total-Body Irradiation. 54th Annual Mtg of Radiation Research Society, 21-25 Sept, Boston, MA.


Plett A, Walter AM, Nguyen N-T, Chua HL, Kohlbacher K, Farese A, MacVittie TJ, Juliar B, Katz B, Orschell CM. (2008) Establishing a Mouse Model of the Hematopoietic Symdrome of the Acute Radiation Syndrome. 54th Annual Mtg of Radiation Research Society, 21-25 Sept, Boston, MA.


Higgins, A., Bennett, A., Cohen, M., Farese, A., MacVittie, T. (2009) Immune Reconstitution In The NonHuman Primate (NHP) Following Total Body Irradiation (TBI). Keystone Symposia, Immunologic Memory and Host Defense, 8013, Feb, Keystone, CO. Lerma, F., MacVittie, T., Farese, A., Wang, A., Amin, P. (2009) Late survival post acute total body irradiation in the rhesus macaque with bone marrow sparing. Med. Phys. 36:6, 2734.

253. 254.

Shea-Donohue T, Fasano A, Zhao A, Notari L, Stiltz J, DeVito J, McFarland E, Farese A, MacVittie T. (2009) Prolonged gastrointestinal syndrome observed in a nonhuman primate model of 5% shielded, high dose radiation exposure. 55th Annual Radiation Research Meeting, Oct 3-7, Savannah, GA.


Shea-Donohue T, Fasano A, Zhao A, Notari L, Stiltz J, DweVito J, McFarland E, Farese AM, MacVittie TJ. (2009) An Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS) nonhuman Primate (NHP) Research Platform: Prolonged Gastrointestinal (GI) Dysfunction Observed in NHP Surviving the Acute Heme and GI Syndromes. 55th Annual Radiation Research Society, 3-7 Oct, Savannah, GA.


Orschell, C.M., Plett, A., Yamin, M., Brines, M., Katz, B., Juliar, B., Farese, A., MacVittie, T. Booth, C., (2009) ARA290 is an efficacious radiomitigator of both the hematopoietic and gastrointestinal syndromes of the acute radiation syndrome. 55th Annual Radiation Research Meeting, Oct 3-7, Savannah, GA


Plett, A., Sampson, C., West, E., Nguyen, N., Chua, H.L., Farese, A., Parker, J., Katz, B., MacVittie, T., Juliar, B., Orschell, C.M. (2009) Relationship Between Dose of Total Body Irradiation (TBI) and Temporal Changes in Plasma Cytokines and Hematopoietic Cells. 55th Annual Radiation Research Meeting, Oct 37, Savannah, GA.


Plett A, Sampson C, West E, Nguyen N-T, Chua H-L, Farese AM, Parker J, Juliar B, Katz B, MacVittie TJ, Orschell CM. (2009) Morbidity and Mortality of Lethally Irradiated Mice Undergoing Periodic Blood Sampling. 55th Annual Radiation Research Society, 3-7 Oct, Savannah, GA.


King, G.L., Villa, V., Rahman, A., Mitchell, J., Farese, A.M., MacVittie, T.J., Blakely, W.F. (2009) ARS Severity-Response and “Early Humane Endpoint� Scoring System for Nonhuman Primate Radiation


Dose-Response Model. 55th Annual Radiation Research Meeting, Oct 3-7, Savannah, GA 260.

Ossetrova NI, Farese AM, MacVittie TJ, Cohen M, Rahman A, Sandgren DJ, Gallego S, Blakely WF. (2009) Early-phase and Organ-specific Protein Biomarkers for Radiation Dose and Injury Assessment. 55th Annual Radiation Research Meeting, Oct 3-7, Savannah, GA


Farese, A.M., Cohen, M.V., McFarland, E., Potten, C., Booth, C., MacVittie, T.J. (2009) Medical Countermeasures Against the Acute Hematopoietic and Gastrointestinal (GI) Syndromes. 37th Annual Meeting of the European Radiation Research Society, 26-29 Aug, Prague, CZ.


Farese AM, Cohen, M.V., Gibbs, A., Smith, C.P., Katz, B., Nguyen, J., Lerma, F., MacVittie, T.J., (2009) Filgrastim Administration Significantly Improves Survival in an LD 50/60 Model of Total Body Irradiation (TBI) in Nonhuman Primates (NHP). 55th Annual Meeting of Radiation Research Society, Oct 3 -7, Savannah, GA.


Chua H-L, Plett A, MacVittie TJ, Orschell CM. (2009) Relationship Between Dose of Total-Body Irradiation (TBI) and Temporal Changes in Plasma Cytokines and Hematopoietic Cells. 55th Annual Radiation Research Society, 3-7 Oct, Savannah, GA.


McFarland EC, Gibbs A, Cohen MV, Farese AM, MacVittie TJ. (2009) Clinical Signs of the Acute and Prolonged Radiation-Induced Gastrointestinal Syndromes in Rhesus Macaques. 60th AALAS National Mtg. Nov 8-12, Denver, CO


Higgins, A., Maciel, M., Sztein, M., MacVittie, T.J. (2010) Multichromatic Phenotypic Analysis of Peripheral Lymphocytes in Non-Human Primates (NHP) Following Total-Body Irradiation (TBI) with 5% Bone Marrow Shielding (BM5). 97th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Immunologists, May 7-11, Baltimore, MD.


Ossetrova NI, Farese AM, MacVittie TJ, Cohen M, Sandgren DJ, Blakely WF. (2010) Protein Biomarkers for Enhancement of Radiation Dose and Injury Assessment. International Symposium on EPR Dosimetry and Dating (EPR). Oct. 10-14, Mandelieu-la-Napoule, France.


William F. Blakely, W.F., Ossetrova NI,, Rahman A,, Cohen M.V., Farese AM, Sandgren DJ, MacVittie TJ (2010) Early-Response Biological Dosimetry using Hematological Profile - NHP dose response. 56th Annual Meeting of Radiation Research Society, Sept 25-29, Maui, HI.


Tigyi, G., Deng, W., Gududuru, V., McCool, W.S., Miller, D.D., Johnson, L.R., Emmons-Thompson, K., Yates, C.R., Balazs, L., Tolley, E. MacVittie, T.J.,Geng, Y., Rompay, K.V. (2011) Mitigation of the Hematopoietic- and Gastrointestinal-Syndromes by Rx100 Treatment. Presented at 14th International Congress of Radiation Research. 28 August -1 Sept., Warsaw, Poland.


Garofalo, M.C., Farese, A.M., Ward, A.A., Taylor-Howell, C.L., Cohen, M.V., Gibbs, A.M., MacVittie, T.J. (2011) AEOL-10150 (C45H56C15MnN12) as a Mitigator of Radiation-Induced Lung Damage in a Rhesus Macaque Model. Presented at the 14th Internatinal Congress of Radiation Research, 28 August -1 Sept., Warsaw, Poland.


Plett, P., Sampson, C.H., Chua, H.L., Joshi, M., Booth, C., MacVittie, T.J., Orschell, C.M. (2011) Necropsy Findings in C57Bl/6 Mice Exposed to the LD80/30 Dose of Ionizing Radiation: Further Characterization of a Murine Model of the Hematopoietic Syndrome of the Acute Radiation Syndrome. Presented at the 14th International Congress of Radiation Research. 28 August -1 Sept., Warsaw, Poland.


Booth, C., Tudor, G., MacVittie, T.J. (2011) Delayed Effects of Acute Radiation exposure (DEARE) in the Murine Intestine Following Exposure to High-Dose Radiation. Presented at the 14th International Congress of Radiation Research. 28 August -1 Sept.., Warsaw, Poland.



Shea-Donohue, T., Notari, L., Yan, S., Zhao, A., Vanuystel, T., Bennett, A., Ward, A., Tudor, G., Booth, C., Fasano, A., Farese, A., MacVittie, T.J. (2011) Long-lasting impairment of mucosal barrier function in the post-irradiation period impairs mucosal recovery and results in prolonged GI syndrome. Presented at the 14th International Congress of Radiation Research. 28 August – 1 Sept., Warsaw, Poland.


Sampson, C., Plett, A., Chua, H.L., Mandar, J., Yonehiro, G., Devens, B., Lenden, K., Katz, B., MacVittie, T.J., Farese, A. M., Orschell, C. M. (2011) Single injection of Maxy-G34 is as effective as 2 or 3 injections to increase 30-day survival of lethally-irradiated mice. Presented at the 14th International Congress of Radiation Research. 28 August – 1 Sept., Warsaw, Poland.


Chua, H. L., Plett, A., Sampson, C., Mandar, J., MacVittie, T. J., Orschell, C. M. (2011) Contribution of radiation-induced hematopoietic stem cell damage to long-term immune suppression in mice surviving lethal doses of ionizing radiation exposure. Presented at the 14th International Congress of Radiation Research. 28 August – 1 Sept. Warsaw, Poland.


Cui, W., Garofalo, M., Ward, A., Flinn, C., Farese, A., MacVittie, T. (2012) Decreased Nrf2 signaling contributes to radiation-induced lung fibrosis in a non-human primate model. Keystone Symposia: Fibrosis: Translation of Basic Research to Human Disease and Novel Therapeutics, Big Sky, MT,


Yan, S., Notari, L., Vanuytsel, T., Zhao, A., Bennett, A., Tudor, J., Tudor, G., Booth, C., Farese, A.M., MacVittie, T.J., Shea-Donohue, T. (2012) possible role of barrier dysfunction and inflammation in the alteration of the stem cell microenvironment. Presented at the Digestive Disease Week, 19-22 May, San Diego, CA.


Booth, C., Tudor, G., Tonge, T., Shea-Donohue, T., MacVittie, T.J. (2012) Animals that apparently recover from mucositis induced by high-dose irradiation develop delayed pathologies consistent with a failure to thrive. Presented at MASCC/ISCOO 2012 International Symposium of Suportive Care in Cancer. 28 – 30 June, New York City, NY.


Kim, J-H., Kumar, S., Cui, W., Kumar, V., Malhotra, S., MacVIttie, T.J., Timulappa, R., Biswal, S., (2012) Augumenting Nrf2 signaling by small molecule activator mitigates ionizing radiation-induced myelosuppression and mortalitly. Presented at the 58th Annual Meeting of Radiation Research Society, 29 Sept – 3 Oct., San Juan, Puerto Rico, Proceedings Abstract:MS202, pp42.


Farese, A.M., Ruo, C., Smith, C.P., Gibbs, A.M., Bennett, A., Katz, B., Prado, K., MacVittie, T.J. (2012) Delayed filgrastim administration does not improve survival in an LD50/60 model of total-body irradiation (TBI) in nonhuman primates (NHP). Presented at the 58th Annual Meeting of Radiation Research Society, 29 Sept – 3 Oct., San Juan, Puerto Rico, Proceedings Abstract:PS4-28, pp101.


Garofalo, M.C., Ward, A.A., Smith, C.P., Cui, W., Flinn, C.D., Melatakos, G.M., Cohen, D.M., TaylorHowell, C.L., Farese, A.M., MacVittie, T.J. (2012) Dose-dependent survival following whole thorax lung irradiation (WTLI) in a nonhuman primate (NHP) model of radiation-induced pulmonary injury. Presented at the 58th Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society. 29 Sept – 3 Oct, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Proceedings Abstract:PS6-05, pp128.


Cui, W., Garofalo, M.C., Flinn, C. D., Tabisz, S.R., Meletakos, G.M., MacVittie, T.J. (2012) Characterization of inflammatory cytokine and receptor expression in pulmonary tissue from a nonhuman primate (NHP) model of radiation-induced lung injury. Presented at the 58th Annual Meeting of the Radiarion Research Society. 29 Sept – 3 Oct, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Proceedings Abstract:PS3-07, pp77.


Hanbury, D.B., Dugan, G.O., Peiffer, A.M., Willard, S.L., Bourland, J.D., MacVittie, T.J., Cline, J.M. (2012) Single-dose total-body irradiation induces changes in grey and white matter, but not hippocampal volume in rhesus macaques. Presented at the 58th Annual Meeting of the Radiarion Research Society. 29 Sept – 3 Oct, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Proceedings Abstract:PS3-58, pp91.



Shea-Donohue, T., Notari, L., Vanuytsel, T. Yan, S., Bennett, A., Farese, A.M., Tudor, G., Booth, C., MacVittie, T.J. (2012) Characterization of the proloned post-irradiation gastrointestinal (GI) syndrome in mice. Presented at the 58th Annual Meeting of Radiation Research Society. 29 Sept – 3 Oct, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Proceedings Abstract:PS5-46, pp126.


Jung-Hyun, K., Kumar, S., Cui, W., Kumar, V., Malhotra, S., MacVittie, T.J., Thimmulappa, R., Biswal, S. (2012) Augmenting Nrf2 signaling by small molecule activator mitigates ionizing radiation-induced myelosuppression and mortality. Presented at the 58th Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society. 29 Sept – 3 Oct., San Juan, Puerto Rico.


Tudor, G., Orschell, C., McCreery, M., MacVittie, T.J., Booth, C. (2012) Identification, characteristics and resolution of “swollen muzzle” syndrome in mice exposed to high-dose (GI-ARS-inducing) radiation. Presented at the 58th Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society. 29 Sept – 3 Oct., San Juan, Puerto Rico, Proceedings Abstract:PS4-64, pp111-112.


Sampson, C., Garrett, J., Plett, A., Chua, H.L., Crisler-Roberts, R., Dynlacht, J., Parker, J., Venezia, R., Booth, C., MacVittie, T.J., Orschell, C.M. (2012) Characterization of “swollen muzzle” syndrome and identification of microbes in various tissues of lethally-irradiated C57Bl/6 mice exposed to LD50/30 dose of x-rays. Presented at the 58th Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society, 29 Sept – 3 Oct, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Proceedings Abstract:PS6-06, pp128-129.


Chua, H.L., Plett, A., Sampson, C., Joshi, M., MacVittie, T.J., Roberts, C.S., Orschell, C.M. (2012) Increased cell cycling among primitive hematopoietic cells in long-term survivors of lethal irradiation may contribute to residual bone marrow damage and increased incidence of hematopoietic neoplasias. Presented at the 58th Annual meeting of the Radiation Research Society, 29 Sept – 3 Oct, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Proceedings Abstract:PS5-39, pp124.


Dugan, G., Register, T.C., Sempowski, G.D., Black, L. A., MacVittie, T.J., Cline, J.M. (2012) Multiple organ systems are compromised in rhesus monkeys, 5-7 years after total body irradiation. Presented at the 58th Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society, 29 Sept – 3 Oct, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Proceedings Abstract:PS6-26, pp134.


Meineke, V., Shapiro, A., Dörr, H.D., Gräßle, D., Farese, A. M., Garofalo, M., Bennett, A., MacVittie, T.J., (2012) Linking the Human Response to Unplanned Radiation and Treatment to the Nonhuman Primate Response to Controlled Radiation and Treatment: A New Approach to Compare Human and Animal Data. European Radiation Research Meeting, 15-19 Oct., Vietri sul Mare, Italy.


Jones, J., Tudor, G., Booth, C., MacVittie, T.J., Kane, M. (2013) Evaluation of citrulline as a biomarker for radiation-induced gut damage. Presented at The Global Conference on Radiation Topics – Preparedness, Response, Protection, and Research, 13-16 May, Munich, Germany.


Cui, W., Garofalo, M., Hankey, K., Bartek, K., O’Brien, T., MacVittie, T.J. (2013) Expression of plasma TGF beta in nonhuman primates (NHP) exposed to whole thoracic lung irradiation (WTLI). Presented at The Global Conference on Radiation Topics – Preparedness, Response, Protection, and Research, 1316 May, Munich, Germany.


Scott, A.J., Jones, J., Kane, M., MacVittie, T., Ernst, R.K. (2013) Biomarker discovery utilizing MALDI imaging mass spectrometry to characterize radiation-induced tissue damage. Presented at The Global Conference on Radiation Topics – Preparedness, Response, Protection, and Research, 13-16 May, Munich, Germany.


Plett, P.A., Chua, H.L., Sampson, C.H., MacVittie, T.J., Orschell, C.M. (2013) Radiation dose-dependent changes on the absolute neutrophil: lymphocyte (ANC: ALC) in C57Bl/6 mice following total-body irradiation. . Presented at The Global Conference on Radiation Topics – Preparedness, Response, Protection, and Research, 13-16 May, Munich, Germany.



Chua, H.L., Wolfe, H.R., Plett, P.A., Sampson, C.H., MacVittie, T.J., Orschell, C.M. (2013) Age-related increases in inflammatory cytokines are exacerbated in aged mice survivors of acute total-body irradiation exposed in early adulthood. Presented at The Global Conference on Radiation Topics - Preparedness, Response, Protection, and Research. 13-16 May, Munich, Germany.


Farese AM, Smith, C.P., Brown, CR, Bennett, A., Katz, B., Prado, K.., MacVittie, T.J. The efficacy of GCSF to mitigate survival following LD50/60 total body irradiation (TBI) is dependent upon the timing of its initiation. (2013) ConRad 2013, the Global Conference on Radiation Topics (20th Nuclear Medical Defense Conference) May 13th – 16 Munich, GR.


Jones, J.W., Bennett, A., Farese, A.M., MacVittie, T.J., Kane, M.A. (2013) Biomarker discovery for radiation-induced tissue damage via un-targeted mass spectrometry-based metabolomics. American Society of Mass Spectrometry, 9-13 June, Minn, MN.


Farese, A.M., Hankey, K.G., Gibbs, A.M., Smith, C.P., Bennett, A., Katz, B., Johnson, C., MacVittie, T.J., (2013) Filgrastim administration significantly improved survival in an LD 50/60 model of total body irradiation (TBI) in nonhuman primates (NHP): Regulatory update and reanalysis. 59th Annual Meeting of Radiation Research Society, Sept. 15-19, New Orleans, LA.


Hankey, K.G., Farese, A.M., Gibbs, A.M., Smith, C.P., Blaauw, E., A., Katz, B., Johnson, C., MacVittie, T.J., (2013) Pegfilgrastim administration significantly improves survival in an LD 50/60 model of total-body irradiation (TBI) in nonhuman primates (NHP), 59th Annual Meeting of Radiation Research Society, Sept. 15-19, New Orleans, LA


Cui, W., Bennett, A., Zhang, P., Hankey, K., Taylor-Howell, C., MacVittie, T.J. (2013) Increased expression of protein cataboloism and ActRIIB pathway in a nonhuman primate (NHP) radiation-induced cachexia model. 7th International Conference of Society of Sarcopenia, Cachexia and Wasting Disorders (SCWD). 9-11 December, Kobe, Japan.

Major Invited Seminars/Presentations 1976

5th Annual Meeting of International Society for Experimental Hematology, Egon Lorenz Symposium, Washington, DC.


7th Annual Meeting of International Society for Experimental Hematology, Egon Lorenz Symposium, Chicago, IL.


8th Annual Meeting of International Society for Experimental Hematology, Egon Lorenz Symposium, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.


Brookhaven National Laboratory Symposium on diffusion chamber cultures. Brookhaven National Laboratory, Long Island, NY.


The International Symposium of the Canadian Society for Immunology on Genetic control of Natural Resistance to Infection and Malignancy, Montreal, Canada.


NATO, RSG 5, Panel VIII. Assessment of Ionizing Radiation Injury in Nuclear Warfare. The AFRRI. Oct 18. Bethesda, MD.


The International Reticuloendothelial Society Meeting on Macrophage and NK Cell Regulation and Proliferation, Davos, Switzerland.


Response of Different Species to High Dose Total-Body Irradiation. Rijswijk, The Netherlands.


16th Annual Meeting International Society for Experimental Hematology, Presidential Symposium, Tokyo, Japan.


Radiation Emergency Assistance Center/Training Site REAC/TS Invited Speaker: International


Radiobiological Inst., TNO,

Conference "The Medical Basis for Radiation Accident Preparedness: II. Clinical Experience and Following-up Since 1979." "Potential improvement in the management of seriously irradiated person." Oak Ridge, TN, October 20-22, 1988. 1989

The First Consensus Development Conference on The Treatment of Radiation Injuries, "Rescue of lethally irradiated canine with therapeutic use of recombinant human G-CSF or GM-CSF." Washington, DC May 10-13, 1989.


22nd Annual Scientific meeting of European Society for Radiation Biology, "Therapeutic use of recombinant cytokines in a canine model of sublethal and lethal whole body irradiation." Brussels, Belgium September 12-16, 1989.


Presidential Symposium 20th Annual Meeting ISEH, "In vivo effects of a GM-CSF/IL3 fusion protein (PIXY 321) in sublethally irradiated monkeys. Parma, Italy, 21-25 July, 1991.


Behringwerke Satellite Symposium Cytokines: from lab to clinic. In association with ISEH 20th Annual Meeting. "Cytokine therapy in canine and primate models of radiation-induced marrow aplasia." Parma, Italy, 21-25 July, 1991.


Annual Meeting of the Institute for Radiobiology "Recent advances in therapy of radiation-induced marrow aplasia using recombinant cytokines." Munich, Germany, Feb. 26-28, 1991.


International Radiation Therapy Workshop sponsored by AMGen Corp. "Use of Recombinant G-CSF in Treatment of Radiation-induced Marrow Aplasia." Washington, D.C. June 23-24, 1992.


World Health Organization (WHO)on Radiation Accident Preparedness, Ulm, Germany. "New Treatment Strategies for Radiation-induced Marrow Aplasia". Nov. 30, 1992


Keystone Symposia, Keystone, CO. " Preclinical Efficacy of Soluble rhuIL-1 and TNF Receptors on Hemodynamic, Metabolic and Circulating Levels of Inflammatory Cytokines in a Nonhuman Primate Model of Endotoxin Shock." Feb. 6, 1993.


41st Radiation Research Society Meeting, Dallas, TX. "Cytokine Therapy in Preclinical Models of Radiation-induced Bone Marrow Aplasia". Mar 21-25, 1993.


Eighth Symposium on Molecular Biology of Hematopoiesis, Basal, Switzerland. "Cytokine Therapy in a Primate Model of Radiation-induced Marrow Aplasia." July 9-13, 1993.


Symposium on Platelets and Cellular Support in Clinical Oncology sponsored by Serono, Arlington, VA. "Comparative Therapeutic Efficacy of Combination IL-6 and IL-3 Cytokine Protocols in a Primate Model of Radiation-induced Marrow Aplasia." Sept. 29-Oct 1, 1993.


Meeting for The Immunocompromised Surgical Patient: Mechanisms and Therapy in Trauma and Burns, "Efficacy of Soluble Receptors for Tumor Necrosis Factor and Interleukin-1 in a Nonhuman Primate Model of Endotoxin Shock." Snowbird, Utah, Jan 15-19, 1994.


Third International Congress on The Immune Consequences of Trauma, Shock and Sepsis: Mechanisms and Therapeutic Approaches. "Anti-TNF and -IL-1 Interventions: Efficacy of Soluble rhuIL-1 Receptors". Munich, Germany, 1994.


10th International Congress on Radiation Research, "Cytokine Therapy for Radiation-induced Bone Marrow Aplasia." Wurtzburg, Germany, Aug 27-31, 1995.


Meeting for The Immunocompromised Surgical Patient: Mechanisms and Therapy in Trauma and Burns, "Stimulation of multilineage hematopoietic recovery in a nonhuman primate, bone marrow aplasia model by Synthokine (SC55494) and rhG-CSF or Myelopoietin." Snowbird, Utah, Jan 21-24, 1996.


European Bone Marrow Transplant Meeting. Symposium on Preclinical and Clinical Biology of Megakaryocyte Growth and Development Factor (MGDF). “Therapeutic Efficacy of PEG-rHuMGDF in Nonhuman Primate Models of Radiation-induced Myelosuppression and Myeloablation with Autologous Bone Marrow Transplantation�. Vienna, Austria, Mar 2.6, 1996.



45th Annual Meeting of Radiation Research Society, Symposium entitled “Growth Factors in Normal Tissue Radioresistance”, Presentation: “Cytokine-based therapy for radiation-induced myelosuppression.” Providence, RADIATION-INDUCED, May 3-6, 1997.


Symposium on Nonhuman Primate Gene Therapy. Presentation: “The Nonhuman primate: A model for cytokine-induced manipulation, selection and gene transduction of hematopoietic stem cells.” New Orleans, LA, May 9-10, 1997.


University of Tennessee Medical Center: “Megakaryocyte Growth and Development Factor: Therapeutic efficacy for enhancing thrombocytopoiesis following myelosuppression or bone marrow transplantation.” Knoxville, TN, Sept 30, 1997.


Keystone Symposia on Molecular and Cellular Biology: Molecular regulation of platelet production. Presentation; “Therapeutic efficacy of thrombopoietic cytokines in a nonhuman primate model of radiation-induced myelosuppression or stem cell transplantation. Jan 10-15, 1998. Lake Tahoe, NV.


Radiation Workshop at Roundtop, “Growth Factors: Biological and Clinical Aspects”. “New generation growth factors for treatment of radiation-induced myelosuppression and immune reconstitution: Engineered Chimeric Growth Factor Receptor Agonists.” Roundtop, TX, Apr 30 - May 3, 1998.


Grand Rounds: The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Hematology Division. “New generation growth factors for the treatment of myelosuppression and mobilization of hematopoietic progenitor cells.” Baltimore, MD, June 1, 1998.


Satellite Symposium to ISH-EHA, “Emerging technologies in hematopoietic growth factors: From concept to patient.” Presentation: “Platelet and Dendritic Cell Growth Factors in Nonhuman Primates.” Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 4, 1998.


International Conference: Diagnosis and Treatment of Radiation Injury. “New generation cytokines for the treatment of radiation-induced myelosuppression.” 31 Aug - 3 Sep 1998. Rotterdam, The Netherlands


Big Sky Oncology Conference. “New cytokine-based research for enhancing recovery from radiationinduced myelosuppression.” Big Sky, MT, Sep 25-26, 1998.


Hematologic Malignancies: The Next Questions. receptor agonists.” Chicago, IL, Oct 8-10, 1998.


Symposium. Frontiers of Malignant Hematology II. “New generation growth factors for enhancing multilineage reconstitution of the hematopoietic system.” Montreal, Canada, June 17-19, 1999.


Symposium. Low Level Radiation Injury and Medical Countermeasures. “Cytokine-based treatment of Radiation Injury: Potential benefits after low level exposure.” Bethesda, MD, Nov 8-10, 1999.


Gordon Research Conference: “Comparative Hematopoiesis” Discussion leader, Session Chair, Leukopoiesis and Transplantation. Tilton, NH, Aug 8-12, 1999.


Radiation Therapy Symposium: Chimeric growth factor receptor agonists: Potential for therapy of radiation-induced myelosuppression. 6 Mar 2000, Bethesda, MD. Sponsored by Society for Experimental Biology.


12th Int’l Symposium, Supportive Care in Cancer. New generation growth factors for the treatment of radiation-induced myelosuppression and their potential for Immune reconstitution. Washington, DC Mar 23-25, 2000.


Symposium. Medical Defense Against Bioterrorism: Efficacy and Safety of New Products. "Chimeric growth factor receptor agonists: Immunotherapeutic potential". Bethesda, MD Dec 6-7, 2000.


Symposium. The Medical Basis for Radiation Accident Preparedness IV: REAC/TS Focus on Clinical Care. "Cytokine-based treatment for acute radiation-induced myelosuppression: Preclinical and clinical perspective". Mar 6-8, 2001, Orlando, FL.


Interagency Course: “The Scientific, Domestic and International Policy Challenges of Weapons of


“The new generation of chimeric growth factor

Mass Destruction and Terror Part II: Nuclear, Radiological, High Explosives, and Toxic Chemical Agents”. Lecture: “Cytokine-based treatment for acute radiation-induced myelosuppression: preclinical and clinical perspective.” Oct 9, 2001, Bethesda, MD. 2001

Interagency Workshop: Molecular and Cellular Biology of Moderate Dose radiation and Potential Mechanisms of Radiation Protection. “State of the Art: Treatment protocol for radiation-induced myelosuppression.” 17-18 Dec 2001, Bethesda, MD.


Radiobiology Education Workshop: Radiation Oncology Sciences Program, NCI. “Radiation Effects on Normal Hematopoietic Tissue: growth factors, stem cells and molecules.” 3-4 Dec 2004, Bethesda, MD


Strategic National Stockpile Radiation Working Group. “Establishing a Treatment Protocol for Severely Irradiated Personnel in the Radiation Accident Scenario: The evolving preclinical data base for cytokine treatment of irradiated rhesus monkeys and the existing data base in canines.” 22 Jan 2003, Bethesda, MD.


National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements Fortieth Annual Meeting.”Advances in Consequence Management for Radiological Terrorism Events” Lecture: “Defining the Full Potential of Supportive Care and Cytokine Therapy in the Post-radiation Accident Environment.” 14-15 Apr 2004, Crystal City, VA


NIAID Biodefense Workshop. Animal Models for Radiation Injury, Protection and Therapy. Panelist, Presentation: Nonhuman primate model for immune reconstitution post radiation exposure.


First Canadian Therapeutics Congress, Symposium on Biotechnology, Bioterrorism and Biotherapeutics. “Defining the full potential of supportive care and cytokine therapy in the post radiation accident environment.” , 4-6 June 2004, Winnipeg, Manitoba


European Radiation Research Society: Symposium: Radiation Emergency Medical Preparedness and Response. “Defining the Full Potential of Supportive Care and Cytokine Therapy in the Post Radiation Accident Environment.” 24-28 Aug 2004, Budapest, Hungary.


Armed Force Health Protection Conference. CBRNE: Radiation Exposure Assesment and Countermeasures. “Therapeutic contermeasures against acute hematopoietic syndrome: The best treatment protocol available today.” 10 Aug 2005, Louisville, KY.


Dept. of Health and Human Services. Special Topic Meeting. “Animal Models to Assess Medical Countermeasures Against the Acute Radiation Syndrome (ARS)”. 8 Jun 2006 DHHS, Washington, D.C.


Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences. Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute. Medical Effects of Ionizing Radiation. “Treatment Protocols for the Acute Hematopoietic Syndrome.” 2 Aug 2006, Bethesda, MD.


NIAID, DAIT, NIH: Special Topic Meeting. Animal Models for ARS: Focus on models of gastrointestinal toxicity. “Nonhuman Primate Model For Evaluation Of Hematopoietic And Gastrointestinal Acute Radiation Syndrome.” 21 Sep 2006, Bethesda, MD.


ESTRO Conference. Normal Tissue Responses to Radiotherapy: Pathogenic mechanisms as a basis for prophylaxis and mitigation. “Prophylaxis and Mitigation; Early Effects on Hematopoietic Syndrome”. 8 Oct 2006, Leipzig, GR.


National Space Biomedical Research Institute. Medical Radiation Countermeasures Workshop. “Novel Compounds for Use as Radioprotectants and/or Mitigators.” 30-31 Oct 2006, Houston, TX.


IAEA. Consultants Meeting. Radiobiological studies of normal tissue effects in the 1-10Gy range and higher, relevant to nuclear accidents and other radiation incidents. “Bone Marrow injury after irradiation, the use of growth factors to enhance recovery.” and “US Bioshield Nuclear Radiation Countermeasure Research Initiative”, May 7-8, 2007. Vienna, Austria.


37th Annual Mtg of European Radiation Research Society. “Evaluation and Treatment of ARS Damage


in the Rhesus Macaque: Establishing an ARS Animal Research Platform.� Aug 26-29, Prague, CZ ______________________________________ Thomas J. MacVittie

___________________ Date


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