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Curriculum Vitae Ilana Suez Mittman, PhD, MS, CGC Education Ph.D., Health Policy & Management Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University M.S., Human Genetics University of California, Berkeley

2005 Baltimore, MD


B.Sc., Biology Hebrew University

Berkeley, CA 1979 Jerusalem, Israel

Certifications Diplomate, American Board of Genetic Counseling Diplomate, American Board of Medical Genetics

Memberships Academy for Health Equity American Public Health Association (APHA) Board of Directors, Black-Jewish Forum of Baltimore (BLEWS) Community-Campus Partnership for Health (CCPH) Genomics Forum of the American Public Health Association Health Professionals for Diversity Coalition (HPDC) Kellogg Fellowship Leadership Alliance (KFLA) National Society of Genetic Counselors (NSGC)

1993 1987

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Employment History Workforce Diversity Director Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Office of Minority Health and Health Disparities, Baltimore, MD

2/2006 - Present

Project Director Howard University College of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics and Child Health, Division of Medical Genetics, Washington, DC


Project Director /Genetic Counselor Genetic Linc: Liaisons Into Cultures, Sinai Hospital of Baltimore, Department of Women's and Children's Services, Baltimore, MD

1993 - 1997

Research Associate /Genetic Counselor University of Maryland, Baltimore, Division of Medical Genetics, Baltimore, MD

1991 - 1992

Project Director SFGHPerinatal Genetics, University of California at San Francisco Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, San Francisco General Hospital, San Francisco, CA

1987 - 1991

Program Coordinator University of California, San Francisco, Northern California Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center, San Francisco General Hospital, San Francisco, CA

1985 - 1987

Genetic Counselor Prenatal Diagnostics, Inc. Mountain View, CA


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Faculty Appointments Instructor University of Maryland, Baltimore, Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Baltimore, MD

11/2006 - Present

Assistant Professor Howard University College of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics and Child Health, Division of Medical Genetics, Washington, DC

1999 - 2000

Clinical Assistant Professor Howard University College of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics and Child Health, Division of Medical Genetics, Washington, DC

1996 - 1999

Adjunct Professor Howard University College of Medicine, Department of Pediatrics and Child Health, Division of Medical Genetics, Washington, DC


Honors and Awards Pre-Doctoral Fellowship in Health Policy Research, W.K. Kellogg Foundation

2000 - 2005

Outstanding Service Award, University of California at San Francisco, School of Medicine


National Service Founding Member, Academy for Health Equity Inaugural Meeting Member, Health Disparities Working Group for the National Society of Genetic Counselors (NSGC)

6/2008 June 25-27, 2008 2005 - present

Member and Book Reviewer, Journal of Genetic Counseling, Editorial Board

1999 - 2001

NSGCLiaison, Genetic AwarenessCoalition (GAC)

1999 - 2001

Member, Steering Committee, Secretary's Advisory Committee on Genetic Testing (SACGT)

1999 - 2000

Chair, Diversity Task Force, National Society of Genetic Counseling


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First Chair and Founding Member, NSGCSpecial Interest Group (SIG): "Building Bridges, Counselors Promoting Diversity"

1996 to 1999

Public Policy Advocacy Secretary’s Advisory Committee on Genetics, Health and Society, College Park, MD. Provided testimony: “Targeting Socially Identifiable Groups for Genetic Studies: The Caseof the Ashkenazi Jewish Community and the Fallacy of the Model Minority”

November, 2006

Secretary's Advisory Committee on Genetic Testing (SACGT), Washington, DC.Provided testimony on the need to involve diverse communities in genetic policy making

June 30, 1999

The National Dialogue on Genetics, College Park, MD. Co-chaired a national symposia on genetics and diversity issuesattended by more than 100 scholars from around the nation. Meeting proceedings were disseminated to genetic policy makers, community leaders and genetic professionals

March, 1997

The Task Force on Genetic Testing, NIH-DOEWorking Group on April, 1996 Ethical, Legal, and Social Implications of Human Genome Research, Baltimore, MD. Provided testimony on genetic services to vulnerable communities NIH-DOEEthical, Legal and Social Implications Program of Human Genome Research (ELSI), Bethesda, MD. Served as a consultant on a two-day long range planning program charged with soliciting advice on how to best direct the resources of ELSI over the following five years


Academic Teaching Faculty, 6th Annual Summer Workshop Disparities in Health in America Center for Research on Minority Health, Department of Disparities Research, the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Thesis Advisor, Arcadia University, Glenside, PA Department of Genetic Counseling Ms. Michelle Lyons, a Candidate for Masters degree in Genetic Counseling

June 21 – 25, 2008

5/2008 -

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Guest Lecturer Academic-Community Partnerships: Initiating and Maintaining Effective Collaborative Partnerships with Communities. University of Maryland School of Medicine. Community-Based Participatory Research: Theories and Methods. PREV789; crn20279(3 credits)


Guest Lecturer Culturally Responsive Healthcare The Anesthesiologist in Society Seminar Johns Hopkins School of Medicine


Guest Lecturer Qualitative Research Methodology Howard University School of Arts and Sciences Doctorate Program in Genetics and Human Genetics


Guest Lecturer Health Disparities 101 Howard University School of Arts and Sciences Masters Program in Genetics and Human Genetics (GENE238/239, 2 CR) Small Group Discussion Facilitator Facilitated two one hour small group casediscussions of second year medical students for the University of Maryland School of Medicine, Pathophysiology and Therapeutics II (MSPR-522). “A casestudy of BiDil, the first race-targeted drug”


Guest Lecturer on Health Disparities Howard University School of Arts and Sciences, Graduate Studies in Genetics and Human Genetics, Genetic Counseling Training Program, Advanced Topics in Genetic Counseling, Washington, DC

2000- Present

Program Co-Director /Instructor/Thesis Asdvisor Howard University School of Arts and Sciences, Graduate Studies in Genetics and Human Genetics, Genetic Counseling Training Program, Washington, DC

1996 - 2000


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Grant Support Principal Investigator Federal Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) # MCJ-111012. Improving Accessto and Utilization of Genetic Services among an Indigent African American Population in the District of Columbia: A hospital-based program to provide culturally sensitive genetic counseling and education to an underserved African American patient population served by Howard University. $470,960/ 10/97 – 9/00 Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) # MCJ-241010 / Genetic LINC; Liaisons Into Cultures. A project aimed at increasing minority recruitment and retention in medical genetics; and developing a community-based, model program to provide genetic counseling and education to African American and Russian immigrant communities in Northwest Baltimore. A collaborative effort between Sinai Hospital of Baltimore and Howard University. $504,898/ 10/94 – 9/97 Private National March of Dimes. 4-FY97-0658. The National Dialogue on Genetics. A supplemental grant to offset the cost of a national conference on diversity and genetics held at College Park, MD. $5,000/ 01/98 – 3/98

Publications Journals Mittman IS and Katy D. Diversity in genetic counseling: past, present and future. Journal of Genetic Counseling. In Print. Publication date, August, 2008. Published on line June 17, 2008. Mittman I, Maman S and Bowie J. Exploring the discourse between genetic counselors and Orthodox Jewish community members. Patient Education and Counseling, 65 (2): 230-236, 2007. Mittman I. Genetic education to African American and Russian immigrant communities in Northwest Baltimore. Chapter 7, pp 84-96. In the Human Genome Project and Minority Communities: Ethical, Social and Political Dilemmas. Zilinskas, R.A. and Balint, P.J. Greenwood Publishing Group, Praeger Publishers, 2001.

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Mittman I, and Secundy MG. A national dialogue on genetics and minority issues. Community Genetics, 1 (3):190-200, 1998. Mittman I. Genetic education to diverse communities employing a community empowerment model. Community Genetics, 1 (3):160-165, 1998. Mittman I. Cromblehole WR, Golbus MS, and Green JR.Reproductive genetic counseling to Asian Pacific and Latin American immigrants. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 7 (1):49-70, 1997. Weil Jand Mittman I. A teaching framework for cross-cultural genetic counseling. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 2 (3) 159-169, 1993. Mittman I. Immigration and the provision of genetic counseling services. Birth Defects Original Articles Series. Genetic Services for Underserved Populations. 26(2):139-146, 1990. Mittman I. A model perinatal genetics program. Birth Defects: Original Articles Series. Genetic services for underserved populations. 26(2):93-100, 1990.

In Preparation Lin-Fu JS,Lee MT, Mittman IS and Chen M. Health disparities in Asian Americans: Perspectives for the 21st century. To be submitted to the Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved.

Other Publications Mittman, I. The casefor cultural competency in psychology. The Newsletter of the Maryland Board of Psychologists. Volume 2, Issue, 2. Fall, 2007. Mittman I. Shidduchim and genetic health. Where, What, When: the community newsletter of the Baltimore Orthodox Jewish community September 10, 2006. Mittman I. Oberstein F, and Sperling M. Genetics in Our Daily Life. Where, What, When: the Community Newsletter of the Baltimore Orthodox Jewish community. May 10, 2006. Mittman I. We must all be equal partners in the new age of genetics [Commentary]. The Scientist, 11 (20):8, 1997. Bowles, B.; Chen, L.; Israel, J.; Fine B.; and Mittman, I. Seeking a common ground. A dialogue between disability rights and genetics. Perspectives in Genetic Counseling, 18(3), 1996. Mittman I. Overcoming barriers: A minority genetic counselor’s story. Perspectives in Genetic Counseling, Vol 17(3), 1995. Mittman I. Encouraging diversity among genetic counselors. Perspectives in Genetic Counseling, 17(3) 1995.

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Mittman I. Conflict between ancient culture and modern technology [CaseReport]. NSGCPerspectives, 10(1):3-4, 1988. Mittman I. All you wanted to know about sickle cell trait [Pamphlet]. UCSF Publications, 1986.

Accepted Abstracts (Partial List) Mittman, I. Can enhanced workforce diversity in genomics lower health disparities in genetic care? Oral presentation. The Inaugural Session of the Genomics Forum at the 136th APHA Annual Meeting. October 27, 2008, San Diego, CA. Mittman IS, Mann DA, Hussein CA, and Russell, M. Ascertaining resident physicians’ attitudes, perceptions and practices related to cultural competency training. Accepted as an ePoster for the Sixth National Conference on Quality Health Care for Culturally Diverse Populations, September, 2008, Minneapolis, MN. Mittman IS, Nathan-Pulliam S, and Hussein CA. Generating evidence-based data on the clinical utility of increasing cultural competency among health care providers serving medically underserved areas. Accepted as an oral presentation, American Public Health Association, annual conference, November 5, 2007, Washington, DC. Mittman IS, PA Smith, David M and Hussein CA. Innovations in reducing health disparities: fostering systems’ change and increasing health workforce diversity. Oral Presentation, the Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association, November 6, 2006, Boston, MA. Hussein CA, Smith PA, David Mann and Mittman, IS. Fostering state-institution partnerships in increasing cultural competency in health care delivery. Poster Presentation, the Fifth National Conference on Quality Health Care for Culturally Diverse Populations. Seattle, Washington October, 2006., Seattle, WA. Mittman IS, Harrison BH, Heading VE and Murray RF. Genetic counseling services at a minority serving institution: Addressing the needs of high risk, underserved populations. Oral presentation, the 50th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics. The Am Jof Human Genetics, Suppl to Vol 67 (4): 32, 2000. Kline AD, Halpin Gand Mittman I. Genetic education of primary care physicians: a study of knowledge, interest and attitudes. Poster Presentation, the Annual Conference of the American Society of Human Genetics. Suppl to Vol 61 (4): A189, 1997. Mittman I and Rachinskaya Y. Enhancing awarenessof Jewish genetic diseaseamong Russian immigrants: a neglected Ashkenazi Jewish population. The Annual Meeting of the National Society of Genetic Counselors. Vol 6 (4): 483, 1997. Mittman I. Genetic education to ethnically diverse communities: a community empowerment model. The Annual Conference of the American Society of Human Genetics. Suppl to Vol 61 (4): A190, 1997.

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Mittman I Munawar SFand Headings VE. Assessing the psychological impact of reproductive technology on women. The Am Jof Human Genet, Suppl to Vol 57(4), 1995. Mittman I and Shapiro SL. Community empowerment and genetic education. The Annual Conference of the National Society of Genetic Counselors, 1995. Mittman I, Crombelholme WR and Golbus MS. From home deliveries to informed consent: reproductive genetic services to new immigrants from third world countries. Am JHuman Genet, 49(4):312, 1991. Crombelholme WR, Mittman I, Green JRand Golbus MS. Pre- and post- amniocentesis questionnaire for counseling efficacy in multicultural patients. Am JHuman Genet, 49(4): 315, 1991. Pearle PRP,Mittman I and Mentzer WC. Counseling for hemoglobinopathies when an accurate diagnosis is not available. The Sixteenth Annual National Sickle Cell Centers Conference. Fenolio KR, Pearle PRP,Mittman I and Mentzer WC. Enhancing participation in a hemoglobin trait counseling program. The Fifteenth Annual National Sickle Cell Conference, 1990. Fenolio KR, Lee ES,Mittman I, Crombelholme WR and Golbus MS. Genetic counseling in an Asian immigrant population. Am JHuman Genet, 43(3): A166, 1988. Mittman I. Fenolio KR, Lee ES,Garza VF, Crombelholme WR, Perino JPand Golbus, MS. Perinatal genetic services tailored for a multi-ethnic, low income patient population at a county hospital. Am JHuman Genet, 43(3): A 241, 1988. Lassman M, Schonberg R, Mittman I, Lustig L and Mentzer WC. Acceptance of prenatal diagnosis for hemoglobinopathies. Am JHuman Genet, 39(3):A178, 1986.

Major Invited Speeches Session Moderator, Genomics Relevance on Addressing Health Disparities. APHA Annual Meeting, genomics Forum, October, 2008, San Diego, CA Minority Outreach Technical Assistance: A State Community Partnership Model. The International Conference on Urban Health. October 31, 2007. Enhancing Culturally Competent Health Care in Maryland: A State’s Effort to Eliminate Health Disparities. Special Dean’s Lecture. Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. October 26, 2007. Community-BasedParticipatory Research - Institutional Review Boards and Grant Review Sections: The Need for Cultural Sensitivity. Community-BasedParticipatory Research Noontime Seminar Series, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Health Behavior and Society and the Urban Health Institute. March 20, 2007.

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Cultural Competency in Medical Care. Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Maryland AIDSAdministration. Baltimore, MD. February 22, 2007. Cultural Competency: The Need to IncreaseAwarenessand Skills Among Professionals. Maryland State Health Occupations Boards and the Commissions. November 20, 2006. Workforce Diversity and Health Disparities. Medical Assistance Personal Care Services Educational Conference. University of Maryland Baltimore County Technology Center, Catonsville, MD. June 1, 2006. Targeting the Orthodox Jewish Community in Baltimore for a Study on Reproductive Genetic Interventions. Health, Behavior and Society Seminar. Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD. April 4, 2006. What Will this Test tell Me? Genetic Testing, Counseling and Risk Communication. Human Genetics, Environment, and Communities of Color: Ethical and Social Implications. Columbia University Lerner Hall, New York, NY. February 4, 2002. Minority Recruitment and Retention in the Genetic Counseling Profession. Cultural Diversity in Genetics. Annual Conference of TexGeneand the Genetic Alliance. Corpus Christi, TX. May 19, 2000. Genetic Counseling: A New Frontier. Bridges to Biomedical Career. Arizona State University West, Science Night. Glendale Community College, Glendale, Arizona. June 2, 1999. Genetic Education to African American and Russian immigrant Communities in Northwest Baltimore. The Human genome Project and Minority Communities. University of Maryland, Baltimore, Baltimore, MD. June 20, 1997. Genetic Services to Vulnerable Communities. Seminar of the Knight Center for Specialized Journalism. University of Maryland College Park, College Park, MD. April, 1997.

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Volunteer Activities International RescueCommittee 3516 Eastern Avenue, Baltimore MD

2005 – 2006

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