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CURRICULUM VITAE ROBERT W. PETERS Professor of Medicine Division of Cardiology Department of Medicine University of Maryland Chief, Cardiology Section Baltimore VA Medical Center Baltimore, Maryland 21201 Office Location – 4D129A, VA Medical Center Phone: # 410 605 7191 Fax: # 410 605 7934 E-mail: EDUCATION and TRAINING: 1959 - 1963

Columbia University, New York City: B.A.

1963 - 1967

Chicago Medical School, Chicago, IL: M.D.

1967 - 1968

University of Southern California, Los Angeles County General Hospital (Internship), Los Angeles, CA

1968 - 1969

Michael Reese Hospital (Residency), Chicago, IL

1971 - 1972

George Washington University Hospital (Residency), Washington, DC

1972 - 1974

University of California San Francisco, Mount Zion Hospital (Cardiology Fellowship) San Francisco, CA


American Board of Internal Medicine


American Board of Internal Medicine Cardiovascular Subspecialty Exam


California (inactive); Maryland

1969 - 1970

U.S. Army Medical Corps Viet Nam

1970 - 1971

Walter Reed Army Hospital


Professor of Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine

1988 - Present

Chief, Cardiology Section Baltimore VA Medical Center

1979 - 1992

Associate Professor of Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine

1992 - Present

Professor of Medicine, University of Maryland School of Medicine

1979 - 1995

Director, Coronary Care Unit, Baltimore VA Medical Center

1977 - 1979

Assistant Professor of Medicine in Residence, University of California, San Francisco, Division of Cardiology

1976 - 1979

Director, Coronary Care Unit, San Francisco General Hospital

1975 - 1976

Acting Director, Coronary Care Unit, San Francisco General Hospital

1974 - 1975

Program Project Officer, National Medical Association Audiovisual Grant for Production of Self-Instructional Packets on Acute Myocardial Infarction

1974 - 1976

Instructor of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco Division of California

COMMITTEES: 1972 - 1974

Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee Mt. Zion Hospital

1975 - 1979

Critical Care Committee San Francisco General Hospital

1975 - 1979

CCU Discharge Planning Committee San Francisco General Hospital

1977 - 1979

Research Committee San Francisco General Hospital

1979 - 1983

Mortality Classification Committee Beta Blocker Heart Attack Trial (NHBLI)

1979 - 1981

Chairperson, CPR Committee Baltimore VA Medical Center

1981 - 1993

Chairperson, Critical Care Committee Baltimore VA Medical Center

1985 - Present

Chairperson, Human Research Subcommittee Baltimore VA Medical Center

1981 - 1994

CCU Committee Baltimore VA Medical Center

1987 - 1994

Publications and Ancillary Studies Committee, Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial (CAST)

1979 - 1981

Chairperson, CPR Committee Baltimore VA Medical Center

1983 - 1986

Research and Development Committee Baltimore VA Medical Center

1983 - 1991

Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee Baltimore VA Medical Center

1985 - 1990

Smoking Committee Baltimore VA Medical Center

1980 - 1992

Human Volunteers Research Committee University of Maryland School of Medicine (Institutional Review Board)

1986 - 1989

Research Committee, Maryland Affiliate of American Heart Association

1987 - Present

Member, VA Cardiology Field Advisory Group (National)

1993 - 1995

Member, Intravenous Cordarone Mortality Committee (Wyeth-Ayerst Research)

1998 - 1999 2001-present 2002-present

Member, Clinical Endpoints Adjudication Committee ELITE II Trial (Merck) Member, Advisory Group for the Centers for Medicare and Medicare Services (CMS) Cardiology Consultant, Geriatric Research Educational Clinical

Center, Department of Gerontology, University of Maryland 2004-present

Member, Advisory Committee, The Claude D Pepper Center, Geriatric Research Educational Clinical Center, University of Maryland


Member, Circulatory System Devices Advisory Panel, U. S. Food and Drug Administration TEACHING RESPONSIBILITIES Cardiology Blue Team Attending - VA Medical Center Electrophysiology Service Attending - VA Medical Center

4 months 52 weeks


Pharmacology Research Prize Chicago Medical School


Bronze Star U.S. Army Medical Corps


Honorary Alpha Omega Alpha Society Chicago Medical School


Visiting Professor of Medicine Mt. Zion Hospital and Medical Center San Francisco, California


Principal Investigator, Beta Blocker Heart Attack Trial (NHLBI)


Regional Advisory Groups (RAGS) VA


Coinvestigator, Persantine and Aspirin Reinfarction Study (Part II)


Principal Investigator, Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial (NHLBI)


Principal Investigator, Recainam Arrhythmia Suppression Trial (WyethAyerst Research)

1998 Principal Investigator, The Prophylaxis of Medical Patients for Thromboembolism (PROMPT) Pilot Study (VA Cooperative Study) 2002 Principal Investigator, Triggers of Ventricular Arrhythmias (TOVA) NHLBI 2002 Principal Investigator, A Simplified System for Internal Cardioversion of Atrial Fibrillation

PRESENTATIONS: 1. Cooperative prospective study of bundle branch block.. American Heart Association meetings, November, 1975. Anaheim, California. 2. Clinical implications of prospective studies of bundle branch block. Recent Advances in Internal Medicine. University of California, San Francisco, California. April, 1976. 3. Panel on antiarrhythmic drugs. Recent Advances in Internal Medicine. University of California, San Francisco, California. April, 1976. 4. Clinical applications of intracardiac electrogram. Academy for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation meeting. San Francisco, California. March, 1977. 5. Management of patients with AV or bundle branch block. American Medical Association meetings. San Francisco, California. June, 1977. 6. Prophylactic permanent pacemakers for patients with chronic bundle branch block. American College of Cardiology. Anaheim, California. March 6-9, 1978. 7. The pre-hospital phase of acute myocardial infarction. American College of Physicians. San Francisco, California. March, 1979. 8. Serial studies of infranodal conduction in patients with bundle branch block. American Heart Association meetings. Dallas, Texas. November, 1978. 9. Site and pattern of progressive atrioventricular block in patients with bundle branch block: A long-term collaborative study. American Heart Association meetings. Anaheim, California. November, 1979. 10. Serial electrophysiologic studies in patients with bundle branch block. American Heart Association Meetings. Dallas, Texas. November, 1981. 11. Graded influence of the H-V interval on the incidence of spontaneous infranodal block. American Heart Association Meetings. Dallas, Texas. November, 1981 12. Effects of acute changes in ventricular volume and pressure of AV conduction. American College of Cardiology Meetings. Atlanta, Georgia. April, 1982. 13. Permanent prophylactic cardiac pacing for patients with bundle branch block and syncope. American Heart Association Meetings. Dallas, Texas. November, 1982. 14. Electrophysiologic evaluation of patients with bundle branch block. American Heart Association Meetings. Dallas, Texas. November, 1982. 15. Electrophysiologic effects of cigarette smoking in man. American Heart Association

Annual Scientific Session. Anaheim, California. November, 1983. 16. Longterm Management of paroxysmal tachycardia by burst overdrive pacing. American College of Cardiology Meetings. Dallas, Texas. March, 1984. 17. Prognostic value of QTC prolongation: The BHAT experience. American Heart Association Annual Scientific Session. Miami Beach, Florida. November 1984. 18. Propranolol and the circadian variation in frequency of sudden cardiac death: The BHAT Experience. American Heart Association Annual Scientific Session. Anaheim, California, 1987. 19. Circadian Variation in sudden cardiac death in the Beta Blocker Heart Attack Trial, International Council on Circadian Variation, Boston, Massachusetts, Feb 1988. 20. Circadian Pattern of sudden arrhythmic death in the Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial, International Council on Circadian Variation, Palm Beach, Florida., May, 1990. 21. Circadian Variation of sudden arrhythmic death in patients receiving encainide or flecainide in the Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial. American Heart Association Annual Scientific Session, Dallas, Texas, November 1990. 22. Relationship of onset of acute myocardial infarction to time of awakening: The CAST experience, International Council on Circadian Variation, Key Largo, Florida, April 1991. 23. Overdrive Atrial Pacing for Management of Atrial Flutter World Congress of Cardiology/North American Society for Pacing and Electrophysiology Washington, D.C., May, 1991. 24. Relationship of onset of acute myocardial infarction to the time of awakening: The CAST Experience. American Heart Association Annual Scientific Session, Anaheim, California 1991. 25. Treatment of ventricular arrhythmias in the 1990's. 10th Annual Advances in Cardiology. San Francisco, California December 1992. 26. Uses and limitations of the implantable defibrillator. 10th Annual Advances in Cardiology. San Francisco, California December 1992. 27. Increased onset of acute myocardial infarction on Monday. American Heart Association Annual Scientific Session Atlanta, Georgia. November 1993. 28. Smoking Cessation and arrhythmic death. American Heart Association. Annual Scientific Session. Atlanta, Georgia, November, 1993.

29. Morning Peak in ventricular arrhythmias detected by time of implantable defibrillator therapy. American College of Cardiology Annual Scientific Sesssion; New Orleans, Louisiana, March 1995. 30. Seasonal variation in implantable cardioverter defibrillator therapy. American College of Cardiology Annual scientific Session; Anaheim, CA, March 2000.

INVITED ARTICLES: 1. Hirschfeld D, Peters RW, Abbott JA, Kunkle F, and Scheinman MM: The sick sinus and ailing atrium. Western Journal of Medicine, 12:473, December, 1974. 2. Peters RW: Differential diagnosis of chest pain. Emergency Medical Service 4:33, November-December, 1975. 3. Hart R, Peters RW, Rubinstein M, O'Young J, Thomas A and Scheinman MM: A review of instrumentation and therapeutic techniques in the diagnosis and management of patients with supraventricular tachycardia. Medical Instrumentation 12:268-273, 1978. 4. Peters RW, Scheinman MM: Emergency management of supraventricular tachycardia. Medical Clinics of North America 63:73-92, 1979. 5. Scheinman MM, Goldschlager N, Peters RW: Bundle branch block. Cardiovascular clinics 11:57-81, 1980. 6. Peters RW: Treatment of supraventricular tachycardia. Recenti Progressi on Medicina 71:48-68, 1981. 7. Peters RW: Emergency: Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia. Hospital Medicine 18(4):68c-68o, 1982. 8. Somelofski C and Peters RW: Antiarrhythmic drugs: The issue of compliance. Annals of the N.Y. Academy of Sciences 432:286-295, 1984. 9. Peters RW: Permanent cardiac pacing for complete heart block complicating acute anterior myocardial infarction. Proceedings in International Symposium on Progress in Clinical Pacing 1984. 10. Peters RW: Temporary transcutaneous pacing: New indications for an old technique. Journal of the Association of Operating Room Nurses 44:245-249, 1986. 11. Peters RW: Beta blockers and mortality following myocardial infarction: More questions than answers (editorial). Archives Internal Medicine 147:33, 1987. 12. Peters RW: Indication for pacing in acute myocardial infarction. Cardio 4:59, 1987. 13. Peters RW: Arrhythmias and chest pain. Chest pain and Cardiovascular Diagnosis 3:1987. 14. Peters RW, Fisher ML: Combined use of procainamide and beta blockers in the management of ventricular arrhythmias. Arrhythmia Clinics 4:10, 1987. 15. Tomasseli G, Peters RW, Guarnieri T: The automatic implantable cardioverter

defibrillator in clinical practice. Is it effective and when should it be used? Choices in Cardiology. 2:121, 1988. 16. Peters RW: Propranolol and the morning increase in sudden cardiac death (the BHAT Experience) American Journal of Cardiology 66:57-59, 1990. 17. Peters RW: Circadian rhythms and sudden cardiac death: Pathophysiologic insight gained from clinical trials. Current Concepts in Arrhythmia Management (Summer: 916, 1991). 18. Peters, RW, Gold MR: Arrhythmias developing after coronary artery bypass surgery. Cardio. Nov. 1992:31-40. 19. Peters, RW, Fisher ML: Clinical questions: When are ventricular extrasystoles important? Choices in Cardiology 7:237,1993 . 20. Peters, RW, Fisher ML: Clinical questions: Use of amiodarone. Choices in Cardiology 8:57-60, 1994 21. Peters,RW: Circadian incidence of arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death. Cardiovascular circadian rhythms 1994;5:1-8. 22. Peters RW, Brooks MM: Does smoking cessation cause a reduction in arrhythmic death? Cardiology Review 1996;13:11-14. 23. Peters RW: Circadian patterns and triggers of sudden cardiac death. Cardiology Clinics 1996;14:185-194. 24. Peters RW, Mergner W, Ghiorzi T, Benitez RM. A 70 year old man with atrial fibrillation and stroke. Maryland Medical Journal March/April 1999:74-79. 25. Peters RW. Heart block and conduction disturbances. In Current Treatment Options in Cardiovascular Disease (Ed. Francis GS) Current Science Inc. Philadelphia 1999;1:153-165. 26. Gold MR, Peters, RW. Permanent pacemakers in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy. Cardiac Electrophysiology Review 1999;2:381-383.. 27. Peters RW, Gold MR. Pacing for patients with congestive heart failure and dilated cardiomyopathy. Cardiovascular Clinics of North America 2000;18:55-66. 28. Peters RW, Gold MR. Implantable cardioverter defibrillators. Med Clin North Amer 2001;85:343-365. 29. Peters RW, Gold MR. Are there seasonal variations in the incidence of sudden cardiac death and life-threatening arrhythmias? J Critical Illness 2001;16:358-359..

31. Gold MR Peters RW. How much is the arrhythmic risk for heart failure patients and does resynchronization therapy modify it? Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Cardiac Arrhythmias, Venice 2001. 32. Peters RW, Gold MR. The influence of gender on arrhythmias. Cardiol Rev 2004;12:97-105. 33. Peters RW, Gold MR. Editorial: Chronobiology of arrhythmias: interesting curiosity or important clue to pathophysiology? J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 2002;10:1015-16. 34. Peters RW. Editorial: Obstructive sleep apnea and cardiovascular disease. CHEST 2005;127:1-3 35. Peters RW. How strong is the evidence that the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome improves outcomes in patients with obstructive sleep apnea? The Journal of Respiratory Diseases 2005;26:283. 36. Peters RW. Clinical Consultation: Reducing cardiovascular risks in patients with obstructive sleep apnea. The Journal of Respiratory Diseases (Supplement) July, 2006:6. 37. Anand RG, Peters RW, Donahue TP. Obesity and dysrhythmias. Journal of Cardiometabolism. (In Press).

REFEREED ARTICLES 1. Scheinman MM, Kunkle F, Peters RW, Hirschfeld D, Schoenfeld P, Abbott JA, Modin G: Atrial pacing in patients with sinus node dysfunction. American Journal on Medicine, 61:641, November, 1976. 2. Peters RW, Rubinstein M, and Scheinman MM: Precise "on-line" measurements of intracardiac electrograms. Journal of Electrocardiography, 9:329, 1976. 3. Peters RW, Scheinman MM: Effects of intravenous carnitive in patients with ventricular arrhythmias. Cardiovascular Medicine, 2:701, 1977. 4. Scheinman MM, Peters RW, Mies C and Modin G: Prognostic value of infranodal conduction time in patients with chronic bundle branch block. Circulation 56:240-245, 1977. 5. Peters RW, Norman A, Parmley W, Emilson B, Scheinman MM, Cheitlin M: Effect of methylprednisone on myocardial infarct size in man. Chest 73:483-488, 1978. 6. Peters RW, Shafton E, Frank S, Thomas A, and Scheinman MM: Uses and limitations of radio frequency-triggered pacemakers. A long-term follow-up study. Annals of Internal Medicine, 88:17-22, 1978. 7. Scheinman MM, Strauss HC, Abbott J, Peters, RW, Benditt DG, Evans GT, Wallace AG: Clinical and electrophysiologic evaluation of patients with sinus pauses and exit block. European Journal of Cardiology 8:41-60, 1978. 8. Massie B, Scheinman MM, Peters RW, Desai JM, Hirschfeld D, O'Young J: Clinical and electrophysiologic findings on patients with paroxysmal slowing of the sinus rate and apparent Mobitz type II AV block. Circulation 58:305-314, 1978. 9. Desai JM, Scheinman MM, Peters RW, and O'Young J: Electrophysiologic effects of disopyramide in patients with bundle branch block. Circulation 59:215-225, 1979. 10. Peters RW, Scheinman MM, Modin G, O'Young J, Somelofski CA, Mies C.: Permanent prophylactic pacing in patients with chronic bundle branch block. American Journal of Medicine 66:978-985, 1979. 11. Peters RW, Scheinman M, Raskin S, Desai J: Determination of His-Purkinje refractoriness in man by means of His bundle pacing. Circulation 60:956-959. 12. Scheinman MM, Remedios P, Cheitlin M, Peters RW, Holford M, Desai J, Abbott J: Effects of antiarrhythmic drugs on atrioventricular conduction in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Circulation 62:20-28, 1980. 13. Peters RW, Scheinman MM, Raskin S, Thomas AN: Unusual complications of

epicardial pacemakers. American Journal of Cardiology 45:1088-1094, 1980 14. Desai J, Scheinman MM, Hirschfeld D, Gonzalez R, Peters RW: Cardiovascular collapse associated with disopyramide therapy. Chest 79:545-551, 1981. 15. Gonzales R, Scheinman MM, Desai J, Kersh E, Peters RW: Enhanced atrioventricular nodal conduction in a patient with dual extranodal pathways. Journal of Electrocardiology 13(1), 85-92, 1980. 16. Peters RW, Scheinman MM, Gonzalez RP: Atrial and ventricular vulnerability in a patient with Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome. Pace 4:17-22, 1980. 17. Peters RW, Wohl BA, Fisher ML, Carliner NH, Plotnick GD: Nonoperative removal of a tined-tipped endocardial pacemaker catheter. Pace 5:129-132, 1982. 18. Wohl BA, Peters RW, Carliner NH, Plotnick GD, Fisher ML: Late unheralded pacemaker pocket infection due to staphylococcus epidermidis: A new clinical entity. Pace 5:190-195, 1982. 19. Gonzalez R, Scheinman M, Thomas A, Desai J, Peters RW, Dzinzio B: Electrophysiologic characterization of surgically induced HIS bundle rhythm in man. Pace 5:152-162, 1981. 20. Peters RW, Scheinman MM, Dhingra R, Rosen K, McAnulty J, Rahimtoola S, Modin G: Serial electrophysiologic studies in patients with chronic bundle branch block. Circulation 65:1480-1485, 1982. 21. Scheinman MM, Peters RW, Sauve MJ, Desai J, Abbott JA, Cogan J, Wohl B, William K: The value of the HQ interval in patients with bundle branch block and the role of prophylactic permanent pacing. American Journal of Cardiology 50:1316-1322, 1982. 22. Beta-Blocker Heart Attack Trial Research Group: A randomized trial of propranolol in patients with acute myocardial infarction. I. Mortality results. Journal of the American Medical Association 247:1707, 1982. 23. Plotnick GD, Fisher ML, Lerner B, Carliner NH, Peters RW, Becker L: Collateral circulation in unstable angina. Chest 82:719-725, 1982. 24. Fisher ML, Carliner NH, Becker LC, Peters RW, Plotnick GD: Serum creatine kinase in the diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction: Optimal frequency sampling. JAMA 249:393-394, 1983. 25. Peters RW, Resnick S, Fisher ML, Carliner NH, Plotnick GD, Scheinman MM: Acute changes in infranodal conduction time following left ventriculography and sublingual nitroglycerin administration in man. American Heart Journal 106:464-70,

1983. 26. Peters RW, Alikhan M, Morady F, Carliner NH, Scheinman MM: Unusual features of bypass conduction in Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome and atrial fibrillation. American Journal of Cardiology 52:1357-1359, 1983. 27. Peters RW, Hamilton BP, Hamilton J, Kuzbida G, Pavlis R: Mechanism of arrhythmias following abrupt clonidine withdrawal. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 34:435-439, 1983. 28. Kushner M, Magiros E, Peters RW, Carliner NH, Plotnick GD, Fisher ML: The electrophysiologic effects of oral cibenzoline. Journal of Electrocardiology 17:15-24, 1984. 29. Hall-Craggs M, Light P, Peters RW: Immune complex nephritis developing during treatment with the calcium-blocking agent nifedipine - A case report. Human Pathology 15:691-694, 1984. 30. Scheinman MM, Peters RW, Morady F, Sauve MJ, Malone P, Modin S; Electrophysiologic studies in patients with bundle branch block. Pace 6:1157-1165, 1983. 31. Fisher ML, Kelemen MH, Collins D, Holder L, Winzeberg G, Plotnick GD, Morris F, Moran G, Carliner NH, Peters RW, Strauss HW: Technetium-99m pyrophosphate infarct avid scintigraphy: Limitations in the diagnosis of patients with suspected acute myocardial infarction. American Heart Journal 110:347-353, 1985. 32. Peters RW, Nussbaum S, Mailhot J, Lief LH, Paley HW: Catheter-induced A-V nodal block occurring during electrophysiologic study, Pace 7:248-251, 1984. 33. Peters RW, Scheinman MM, Morady F, Jacobson L: Long-term management of recurrent tachycardia by cardiac burst pacing. Pace 8:35-44, 1985. 34. Peters RW, Kushner M, Knapp K: Giant pacemaker spikes: An electrocardiographic artifact. Chest 87:256-257, 1985. 35. Weber L, Nashel DJ, Peters RW: Persistent chest pain due to sternal wire sutures: A complication of coronary artery bypass surgery. Southern Medical Journal 78:10181019, 1985. 36. Morady F, Higgins J, Peters RW, Schwartz AB, Shen EN, Bhandari A, Scheinman MM, Sauve MJ: Electrophysiologic testing on bundle branch block and unexplained syncope. American Journal of Cardiology 54:587-591, 1984. 37. Ochitill HN, Havassy B, Byrd RC, Peters RW: Leaving a cardiology service against medical advice. J. Chronic Dis 38:79-84, 1985.

38. Carliner NH, Fisher ML, Plotnick GD, Garbart H, Rapport A, Kelemen MH, Moran GW, Gadacz T, Peters RW: Routine preoperative exercise testing in patients undergoing major non-cardiac surgery. American Journal of Cardiology 56:51-58, 1985. 39. Kmetzo, JJ, Peters RW, Plotnick GD, Carliner NH, Baumgartner WA, Fisher ML: Left atrial mass: Thrombus mimicking myxoma. Chest 88:906-907, 1986. 40. Berliner D, Okun M, Peters RW, Carliner NH, Plotnick GD, Fisher ML: Transcutaneous temporary pacing in the operating room. JAMA 254:84-86, 1985. 41. Fisher ML, Plotnick GD, Peters RW, Carliner NH: Beta-blockers in congestive cardiomyopathy: Conceptual advance or contraindication? American Journal of Medicine 80 (suppl 2B):59-66, 1986. 42. Weber L, Peters RW: Delayed chest wall complications of median sternotomy. Southern Medical Journal 79:723-727, 1986. 43. Kushner M, Peters RW: Prolonged sinus arrest complicating a thrombotic stroke. Pace 9:248-249, 1986. 44. Persantine-Aspirin Reinfarction Study Group: Persantine-aspirin reinfarction study part II: Secondary coronary prevention with persantine and aspirin. JACC 7:251-269, 1986. 45. Carliner NH, Fisher ML, Plotnick GD, Moran GW, Kelemen MH, Gadacz TR, Peters RW: The preoperative electrocardiogram as an indicator of risk in major noncardiac surgery. Canadian Journal of Cardiology 2:134-137, 1986. 46. Peters RW, Byington R, Arensberg D, Friedman LM, Romhilt DW, Barker A, Laubach C, Wilmer G, Goldstein S: Mortality in beta blocker heart attack trial: The circumstances surrounding death. J Chronic Dis 40:75-82, 1987. 47. Schamp DJ, Carliner NH, Peters RW: Pindolol therapy for bradycardia/tachycardia syndrome. Canadian Journal of Cardiology 3:212, 1987. 48. Celano C, Peters RW, Fisher ML: Coronary collateral blood flow in a patient with angiographically normal coronary arteries. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Diagnosis 13:325, 1987. 49. Peters RW, Benowitz NL, Valenti S, Modin G, Fisher ML: The electrophysiologic effects of cigarette smoking in patients with and without chronic beta blocker therapy. American Journal of Cardiology 60:1078, 1987. 50. Panos R, Sutton F, Young-Hyman P, Peters RW: Sudden Death Associated with Alcohol Ingestion. Pace 11:1988.

51. Peters RW, Hamilton B, Hamilton J: The Incidence of Chronic Arrhythmias Associated With Mild Hypocalcemia induced by low-dose diuretic therapy in hypertensive Southern Medical Journal. 82:966, 1989. 52. Peters RW, Muller JE, Goldstein S, Byington R, Friedman L. Propranolol and the Morning Increase in the Frequency of Sudden Cardiac Death (BHAT Study) American Journal of Cardiology. 63:1518, 1989. 53. The Cardiac Arrhythmia-Suppression Trial (CAST) Investigators. Preliminary report: Effect of encainide and flecainide on mortality in a randomized trial of arrhythmia suppression after myocardial infarction. New England Journal Medicine 1989; 321:406412. 54. Jafri SM, Tilley BC, Peters RW, Schultz LR, Goldstein S. Effects of cigarette smoking and propranolol in survivors of acute myocardial infarction American Journal of Cardiology. 217:271-276, 1990. 55. Peters RW, Byington RP, Barker A, Yusuf S. Prognostic valve of prolonged ventricular repolarization following myocardial infarction: The BHAT experience. J Clin Epidem 43:167-172, 1990. 56. Peters RW, Propranolol and the morning increase in sudden cardiac death (the BHAT Experience) American Journal of Cardiology 66:57-59, 1990. 57. Echt DS, Liebson PR, Mitchell JB, Peters RW, Obias-Manno D, Barker AH, Arensberg D, Baker A, Friedman L, Greene L, Hunther M, Richardson D and the CAST Investigators. Mortality and Morbidity in patients randomized to receive encainide, flecainide or placebo in the Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial. New Eng J Med 324:781-788, 1991. 58. Gillis AM, Peters Rw, Mitchell LB, Duff HJ, McDonald M, Wyse DG. Effects of left ventricular dysfunction on the circadian variation of ventricular premature depolarization. American Journal of Cardiology 69:1009-1014, 1992. 59. Peters RW, Buser GA, Kim HJ, Gold MR. Tricyclic overdose causing sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia American Journal of Cardiology 70: 1226-1228, 1992. 60. Peters, RW, Kim HJ, Buser GA, Gold MR. Ischemically-medicated sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia. Chest 104:1613-1614, 1993. 61. Peters, RW, Zoble RG, Liebson PR, Powitan Y, Brooks MM, Proschan M; Identification of a secondary peak in myocardial infarction onset 11-12 hours after awakening: The CAST experience J Am Coll Cardiol 22:998-1003,1993. 62. Peters RW, Mitchell LB, Brooks MM, Echt DS, Barker AH, Capone R, Liebson PR,

Greene LH for the CAST Investigators. Circadian Pattern of arrhythmic death in patients receiving encainide, flecainide or moricizine in the Cardiac Arrhythmia Suppression Trial. J AM Coll Cardiol 23:293-289, 1994. 63. Gottlieb SS, Riggio D, Lauria S, Peters, RW, Shorofsky SR, Cines M, Froman D, Gold MR. High dose oral amiodarone loading exerts important hemodynamic actions in patients with congestive heart failure. J Am Coll Cardiol 23:560-564;1994. 64. Peters, RW, Foster, AH; Shorofsky, SR; Nolan, DA; Gold, MR: Spurions discharges due to late insulation break in endocardial sensing lead for cardiovertor defibrillators, PACE 18:478-481,1995. 65. Peters, RW; Weiss, DN; Carliner, NH; Feliciano, Z Shorofsky, SR; Gold, MR: Overdrive pacing for atrial flutter. American Journal of Cardiology. 1994;74:1021-1023. 66. Riggio DW, Peters, RW, Feliciano Z, Gottlieb SS, Shorofsky SR, Gold MR,. Acute electrophysiologic effects of amiodarone in patients with congestive heart failure. Am J. Cardiol 1995;75:1158-1161. 67. Greenberg HM, Dwyer Jr. EM, Hochman JS, Steinberg JS, Echt DS, Peters RW: Interaction of ischemia and encainide/flecainide treatment: a proposed mechanism for the increased mortality in CAST I. British Heart Journal 1995;74:631-635. 68. Peters RW, Brooks MM, Todd L, Liebson PR, Wilhelmsen L: Smoking cessation and arrhythmic death: the CAST experience. J Am Coll Cardiol 1995;26:1287-1292. 69. Foster MT, Peters RW, Froman D, Shorofsky SR, Gold MR: Electrophysiologic effects and predictors of success of combination therapy with class Ia and Ib antiarrhythmic drugs for sustained ventricular arrhythmias. Am J Cardiol 1996;78:47-50. 70. Tummala RV, Riggio DR, Peters RW, Shorofsky SR, Gold MR: Chronic rise in defibrillation threshold with a hybrid lead system. Am J Cardiol 1996;78:309-312. 71. Peters RW, McQuillan S, Resnick SK, Gold MR: Increased Monday incidence of life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias: experience with a third generation implantable defbrillator. Circulation 1996;94:1346-1349. 72. Goldstein S, Zoble RG, Akiyama T, Cohen JD, Lancaster S, Liebson PR, Rapaport E, Goldberg AD, Peters RW, Gillis AM: The Relationship of Circadian Ventricular Ectopy To Cardiac Mortality. Am J Cardiol 1996;78:881-885. 73. Weiss DN, Gold MR, Peters RW: Rate-responsive pacing mimicking ventricular tachycardia. J Invas Cardiol 1996;8:228-230. 74. Peters RW, Brooks MM, Zoble RG, Liebson PR, Seals AA. Chronobiology of acute myocardial infarction (CAST experience). Am J Cardiol 1996;78:1198-1201.

75. Kirk MM, Shorofsky SR, Khalighi K, Kavesh NG, Peters RW, Gold MR. Chronic rise of monophasic defibrillation thresholds with a transvenous lead system. Am J Cardiol 1997; 79:502-505. 76. Khalighi K, Florin TJ, Peters RW, Shorofsky SR, Gold MR. Distortion of intracardiac electrograms following defibrillator shocks for atrial tachyarrhythmias. PACE 1997 20:1682-1685. 77. Gold MR, Peters RW, Johnson JW, Shorofsky SR. Complications associated with pectoral cardioverter-defibrillator implantation: comparison of subcutaneous and submuscular approaches. J Am Coll Cardiol 1996; 28:1278-82. 78. Gold MR, Peters RW, Johnson JW, Shorofsky SR. Complications associated with pectoral implantation of cardioverter-defibrillators. PACE 1997; 20:208-211 . 79. Khalighi K, Daly B, Leino EV, Shorofsky SR, Kavesh NG,Peters RW, Gold MR. Clinical predictors of transvenous defibrillation energy requirements. Am J Cardiol 1997; 79:150-153. 80. Peters RW, Kavesh N, Pelini M, Gold MR. Permanent pacing from the coronary sinus in a patient with an implantable defibrillator PACE 1997; 20:2286-2287. 81. Florin TJ, Weiss DN, Peters RW, Shorofsky SR, Gold MR. Induction of atrial fibrillation with low energy shocks in patients with implantable cardioverter defibrillators. Am J Cardiol 1997; 80:960-962. 82. Khalighi K, Peters RW, Feliciano Z, Shorofsky SR, Gold MR. Comparison of class I and class III antiarrhythmic drugs for the suppression of sustained ventricular tachycardia associated with coronary artery disease. Am J Cardiol 1997; 80:591-594. 83. Gold MR, Olsovsky MR, Pelini MA, Peters RW, Shorofsky SR. Comparison of single- and dual-coil active pectoral defibrillation lead systems. J Am Coll Cardiol 1998; 31:1391-4. 84. Gold MR, Khalighi K, Kavesh NG, Daly B, Peters RW, Shorofsky SR. Clinical predictors of transvenous biphasic defibrillation thresholds. Am J Cardiol 1997; 79:16231627. 85. Peters RW, Gilbert TB, Johns-Walton S, Gold MR. Lidocaine-related increase in defibrillation threshold. Anesth Analg 1997; 85:299-300. 86. Weiss DN, Shorofsky SR, Peters RW, Gold MR. The effect of delivered energy on defibrillation shock impedance. J Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiol 1998; 2:273-277. 87. Peters RW, Shorofsky SR, Pelini M, Olsovsky M, Gold MR. Overdrive atrial pacing

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23. Peters RW, Pugazhendhi, P, Ellenbogen KA. Indications for permanent and temporary cardiac pacing. In Cardiac Pacing 5th edition (Ed K Ellenbogen), Blackwell Scientific Publications, Cambridge, MA 2008, (In Press). 24. Peters RW, Gold MR. Newer applications of pacemakers. In: Cardiac Electrophysiology: From Cell to Bedside. 5th Edition (Ed Zipes DP) WB Saunders, Philadelphia (in Press). EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS: 1. Audiovisual Tape Cassette Series on Acute Myocardial Infarction (National Library of Medicine). Produced with funds granted from the National Medical Audiovisual Library, Maryland 21201 a. Margaretten W. and Scheinman MM: Anatomy and pathology of acute myocardial infarction. b. Parmley W: Pathophysiology of acute myocardial infarction. c. Peters RW and Goldman H: Diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction. d. Scheinman MM: Arrhythmias in myocardial infarction. e. Parmley W: Pump failure in myocardial infarction.

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