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CHRISTINA I CHRISTOU, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD CONTACT INFORMATION Mailing Address: Email: Foreign Languages:

11325 Little Patuxent Parkway, Apt 317 Columbia, MD 21044 313-334-3100 (Primary) Christou.ci@gmail.com Greek (Native)

EDUCATION 1992 1997 2004

Sc.B., Biophysics, Brown University, Providence, RI M.S., Physics, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC Master Thesis Title: Projectile Electron Loss Cross Sections for LowEnergy (14-25 keV) Collisions of He+ Ions with Gas Targets. Ph.D., Biomedical Physics, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC Dissertation Title: Electron Emission from Condensed Targets by 2-MeV Proton Impact.


Post-Doctoral Research Assistant, Accelerator Laboratory, East Carolina University, Physics Department, Greenville, NC Clinical Medical Physics Resident, Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI


Certified in Therapeutic Medical Physics, American Board of Radiology, Tucson, AZ

EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Academic Appointments 2011 – Present

Assistant Professor, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Radiation Oncology Department, Baltimore, MD

CHRISTINA I CHRISTOU, PhD Christou.ci@gmail.com


Other Employment 1991 1992 – 1993 1993 – 1996 1996 – 1997 1997 – 1998 1998 – 2004 2007 – 2008 2009 – 2011

Research Assistant, Brown University, Physics Department, Providence, RI Private pre-college student tutor, Larnaca, Cyprus Graduate Research and Teaching Assistant, East Carolina University, Physics Department, Greenville, NC Graduate Teaching Assistant, University of Maryland, Physics Department, College Park MD Graduate Assistant, East Carolina University School of Medicine, Department Physiology, Greenville, NC Graduate Research and Teaching Assistant, East Carolina University, Physics Department, Greenville, NC Medical Physicist, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA Physics Customer Support Specialist, Varian Medical Systems Ltd, Crawley, UK

PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS AND SOCIETIES 1991 – Present 1997 – Present 1999 – 2008 1999 – Present 2002 – 2006 2002 – Present 2009 – Present 2010 – Present 2012 – Present

APS (American Physical Society) – Full Member 2005 AWIS (Association for Woman in Science) - Full Member 2005 Biophysical Society - Full Member 2005 AAPM (American Association of Physicists in Medicine) – Full Member 2005 RRS (Radiation Research Society Scholar-in-Training, Student Member ΣΧ (Sigma Xi) Scientific Research Society ASTRO (American Society for Radiation Oncology) – Associate Member 2012 ESTRO (European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology) – Full Member 2010 IPEM (Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine) – Overseas Associate 2012

HONORS AND AWARDS 1988 – 1992 1988 – 1992 1995 2001 2002

Brown University scholarship recipient in support of undergraduate studies Fulbright scholarship (AMIDEAST) award recipient for undergraduate studies in Biophysics at a US institution Inducted to membership in the Phi Beta Delta (ΦΒΔ) international honors society Inducted to membership in the honor society of Phi Kappa Phi (ΦΚΦ) Inducted to membership in the Sigma Xi (ΣΧ) scientific research society in recognition of scientific achievements

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Scholar-in-Training (SIT) travel grant award from Radiation Research Society (RRS) to present research at the 23rd International Conference on Radiation Research (ICRR) in Brisbane Australia

CLINICAL EXPERTISE Clinical Therapy Medical Physics Experience Acceptance Testing, Commissioning and Algorithm Configuration As a member of the Eclipse TPS Helpdesk team, assisted numerous customers to set up their options in administration within Eclipse treatment planning system, define their treatment units, import measured data and successfully configure their Eclipse treatment planning algorithms (PBC, AAA, DVO, PGO, PRO, eMC and GGBP and PDIP). Provided both phone email and online support (via smart connect) to troubleshoot through initial configuration, upgrade issues as well as general questions on issues associated with the use of and results obtained with individual algorithms. Provided general advice on ‘good beam data collection’ practices and instrumentation, and offered guidance and comments on overall beam data evaluation. As a primary member of the University of Michigan Radiation Oncology Department iX4 acceptance testing and commissioning team was involved on all aspects of acceptance and commissioning of a new Varian Clinac® iX4 including: Clinac installation, isocenter setting and klystron change (involving close interactions with onsite installers and service engineers) Participated in all aspects of mechanical, laser and dosimetric acceptance testing of the Varian Clinac® iX4. Performed radiation surveys, and conducted linac head wrap to establish machine hot spots and determine maximum leakage dose rates. A major part of my commissioning duties also centered on performing extensive commissioning measurements including Beam profiles and percent depth dose (PDDs) scans (using the Wellhöfer 3D Blue Phantom tank and the Scanditronix Wellhöfer OmniPro-Accept dataacquisition system) for open and wedged photon fields as well as for all electron cone/cutout combinations. Machine output and dose rate adjustment. Spot output factor measurements (wedge factors, tray factors, electron cutout factors). In air measurements (Sc and Sb). MLC scew and offset QA. Brachytherapy HDR 192Ir source exchange and calibration (for GammaMed high-dose remote afterloader unit).

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HDR daily, monthly, and quartely quality assurance in accordance with 10CFR35 regulations. HDR patient simulation and treatment planning using BrachyVisionTM. Plan check and treatment delivery. HDR treatment planning and delivery using the Plato-Nucletron treatment planning program and the Nucletron MicroSelectron high-dose remode afterloader. LDR eye plaque treatment planning and delivery, including ordering and handling procedures for radioactive 125I seed. Hot lab techniques for LDR Eye Plaque preparation using silastic insert templates. Treatment planning for LDR based on the COMS protocol using UMPLAN (an in house treatment planning software). LDR prostate implants using 125I seeds and VariSeedTM Treatment planning software. Special Procedures Treatment planning, QA and delivery for linac based Stereotactic Radiosurgery (SRS) using the Brown-Roberts-Wells (BRW) stereotactic frame and CT-compatible target localization assembly (Radionics; Burlington, MA). Treatment planning and delivery for linac based Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT). Routine TBI patient simulation, treatment planning, setup and treatment. TBI and TSET special and annual QA measurements. Peripheral patient dose estimations and in vivo dose verifications (e.g. pacemaker, gonadal shield patient cases, TSET patient treatments). Commissioning, QA and clinical implementation of BrainLab ExacTrac® medical system. IMRT and Rapid ArcTM Treatment Planning and QA Treatment plan preparation and evaluation using UMPLAN and Eclipse treatment planning systems. Extensive insiders knowledge was gained on the Eclipse treatment planning system through my Eclipse TPS helpdesk experience, helping customers troubleshoot various issues encountered during planning with the system and also through my role in teaching the Varian IMRT physics course. IMRT commissioning requirements and specific patient QA procedures including: QA plan preparation to perform individual beam fluence based QA Ion chamber point measurement, FILM, and MapCHECK™ IMRT QA procedures Use of RIT and MapCHECK™ software for firm IMRT QA film analysis Use of Varian Portal Dosimetry solution for IMRT patient QA Exposure to RapidArc TM treatment planning and QA through training as a member of the Varian Eclipse helpdesk team and handling related customer support issues.

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Dosimetric Devices Highly familiar with Varian Portal Imager equipment and Varian Portal Dosimetry solution. Guided multiple customers to successfully configure and use their systems as a clinical solution to imaging, and QA dosimetry needs. Knowledgeable on TLD batch calibration procedures and systematic clinical use for in vivo patient dose verification. Experience on RPC TLD procedures for linac output verification by an independent lab. Adept in calibration procedures for cylindrical, parallel plate ion chambers, and well chambers. Experience in the use of photon and electron diodes for relative measurements and/or beam scans. Systematic use of film dosimetry based on HD curves. Evaluated the OneDoseTM and OneDosePlusTM dosimetry systems (Sicel Technologies) for potential clinical use as TLD replacement. Routine radiation survey techniques and the use of radiation survey instruments such as Geiger counters and radiation survey ion chambers. Calibration and use of typical and specialized equipment for radiation measurements and QA, including Daily QA 3™, MapCHECK™ and Profiler™. Daily, Monthly, and Annual Linac and CT simulator QA Routine monthly and Annual QA of CT simulator. Photon and electron output checks as per TG51, using cylindrical and parallel ion chambers respectively, in liquid water medium. Mechanical, safety, laser, and film based linac (Varian) quality assurance in accordance with TG40. Varian Portal Vision QA and maintenance. Use of the Argus Software package for QA review (daily, monthly, Annual, IMRT). Routine Clinical Duties Exposure with multiple planning systems (ECLIPSE, Pinnacle3, UMPLAN, HELAXTMS, OncentraTM) for conformal, 4D, IMRT, and arc therapy treatment planning for multiple sites. Treatment plan evaluation, routine and special hand calculations, weekly chart checks. On call physics support including but not limited to: equipment and software issues, patient simulation, setup and treatment issues and, physician consultation regarding specifics of individual patient treatments. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE 2006 – 2007

UMI (University of Michigan) In-vivo Dosimetric Devices Team Member, University of Michigan Medical School, Radiation Oncology Department, Ann Arbor, MI Page 5 of 13

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2006 – 2007 2007 –2007 2009 – 2011 2009 – 2011 2010 – 2011 2011 – Present 2011 – Present 2011 – Present 2011 – Present 2011 – Present 2011 – 2012 2012 – Present

2013 – Present


UMI Acceptance Testing and Commissioning Team Member, University of Michigan Medical School, Radiation Oncology Department, Ann Arbor, MI UMI Pacemaker Policy Group Member, University of Michigan Medical School, Radiation Oncology Department, Ann Arbor, MI Varian EMEA (Europe-Middle East-Asia) Physics Helpdesk Team Member, Varian Medical Systems UK, Ltd, Crawley, UK Varian EMEA Physics and Applications Helpdesk Workshops Organizing Team Member, Varian Medical Systems International, Zug, Switzerland Varian TPS (Treatment Planning System) QRT (Quality Review Team) Member, Varian Medical Systems , Palo Alto, CA UMMC (University of Maryland Medical Center) IT Steering Internal and External Committee, University of Maryland Medical Center, Radiation Oncology Department, Baltimore, MD UMMC Physics Clinical Research Committee, University of Maryland Medical Center, Radiation Oncology Department, Baltimore, MD UMMC Varian Service Group, University of Maryland Medical Center, Radiation Oncology Department, Baltimore, MD UMMC Physics Division and Physics Clinical Ops Group, University of Maryland Medical Center, Radiation Oncology Department, Baltimore, MD CMRO (Central Maryland Radiation Oncology) Aria Upgrade Advisory Team, University of Maryland Medical Center, Radiation Oncology Department, Baltimore, MD UMMC Radiation Oncology Clinical Practice Guidelines (including Sarcoma and Pacemaker Policy Subgroups), University of Maryland Medical Center, Radiation Oncology Department, Baltimore, MD UMMC EMR (Electronic Medical Records) Implementation Project: Technical, Clinical and Pacemaker EMR Subgroups, University of Maryland Medical Center, Radiation Oncology Department, Baltimore, MD UMMC Raysearch TPS Implementation Project: TPS Commissioning Subgroup University of Maryland Medical Center, Radiation Oncology Department, Baltimore, MD


Private Tutoring/Mentoring Larnaca, Cyprus Tutor for O and A LEVEL physics, mathematics and chemistry for precollege students

1993 – 1996

East Carolina University, Physics Department, Greenville, NC Undergraduate Mechanics Laboratory (Instructor) Undergraduate Electricity, Magnetism and Modern Physics Undergraduate Astronomy Laboratory (Instructor) Page 6 of 13

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1996 – 1997

Univ. of Maryland, Physics Department, College Park, MD Undergraduate Mechanics Laboratory (Instructor) Undergraduate Physics of Music Laboratory (Instructor) Homework Recitation Instructor and Grader (Physics – various subjects)

1998 – 2004

East Carolina University, Physics Department, Greenville, NC Graduate Biophysics Course (Teaching Assistant and Grader) Undergraduate Mechanics Laboratory (Instructor) Undergraduate Electricity, Magnetism and Modern Physics Laboratory (Instructor)

2005 – 2007

University of Michigan Medical School, Radiation Oncology Department, Ann Arbor, MI Radiation Therapy Physics for Radiation Oncology Resident(Teaching Assistant and Grader) Radiation Therapy Physics for Radiation Therapy Technology students (Teaching Assistant and Grader)

2009 – 2011

Varian Medical Systems UK, Ltd, Crawley, UK London Varian IMRT School (Multiple dates, 2009). As offered to customers by Varian Medical Systems International and held in collaboration with Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK Eclipse Application and Administration Onsite Customer Training (September, 2009). Trinity College Division of Radiation Therapy, Dublin, Ireland Dijon, France Varian IMRT School (October, 2009). As offered to customers by Varian Medical Systems International and held in collaboration with Centre Georges-François LECLERC, Départment Radiothérapie, Dijon, France Eclipse A10 Administration an Application New Customer Onsite Training (February, 2011). Ospedale Civile Maria Paterno’Arezzo, Radiation Oncology Department, Ragusa, Italy

2012 – Present

University of Maryland Medical Center, Radiation Oncology Department, Baltimore, MD Medical Physics Resident Program Faculty Mentor in Treatment Planning I Rotation (1 Medical Physics Resident 2012; 1 Medical Physics Resident 2013)

2012 – Present

University of Maryland Medical Center, Radiation Oncology Department, Baltimore, MD Resident and Dosimetry Physics Lecture Series 2012: Classical Treatment Planning Part I (Substitute Faculty) Resident and Dosimetry Physics Lecture Series 2013: Treatment Planning: Classical, 3DCRT (9 students)

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CHRISTINA I CHRISTOU, PhD Christou.ci@gmail.com


RESEARCH EXPERTISE Multidisciplinary Areas of Interest/Background • Radiation Therapy Medical Physics • Oncology and Hematology

• Atomic and Biomedical Physics • Biochemistry and Physiology

Specific Past Research Projects • PhD Research at 2MeV ECU Accelerator Facility (Sputter Ion Source Beamline). Developed and conducted an ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) experiment to measure low-energy electron emission spectra following 2-MeV proton impact, utilizing a time-of-flight (TOF) technique. This included constructing the beamline and performing the necessary beam diagnostics, in addition to setting up and testing the electronic data acquisition instrumentation. As part of the TOF technique, used a 2MHz radiofrequency (RF) pulser to pulse the 2-MeV proton beam, achieving a time resolution in the electron emission spectra of less than 1.2 ns. Collected double differential electron emission spectra from micron-thin metal foils and cryogenically frozen targets using Microchannel Plate (MCP) detectors. Also collected proton Rutherford backscattered spectra using solid state detectors. Used concurrent 5-keV Ar+ beams to simultaneously sputter clean both the forward and backward foil sides. Utilized an ion-mass spectrometer to monitor background gases inside the UHV chamber. Determined the thickness of the frozen substrates, by interfacing the chamber pressure ion gauge output with a LabVIEW subroutine writing a short subroutine in SigmaPlot™. Developed short SigmaPlot™ subroutines to analyze and organize the data collected which are of significant importance as sensitive tests for current Monte Carlo (MC) electron transport codes as systematically used in radiation biology. (Accelerator Laboratory, Physics Department, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC.) • MS Research at ECU Accelerator Facility (Low-Energy RF Source Beamline). Constructed a low-energy (keV) beamline experiment using an RF source. Measured electron loss cross sections in low-energy (keV) ion-gas collisions using an electrostatic analyzer and a multichannel plate (MCP) detector. (Accelerator Laboratory, Physics Department, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC.) • Biochemistry Laboratory Research. Developed a research project to investigate the roles of p53, proteasome and caspases in apoptotic cell death in cell cultures. (Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, East Carolina University School of Medicine, Greenville, NC.) • Biophysics Laboratory Research. Assisted on a project involving the measurement of the transmembrane potential in frog skin. The project was targeted at investigating the mechanism of action of therapeutic ultrasound and distinguishing thermal versus non-thermal mechanisms of action. (Biophysics Laboratory, Physics Department, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC.) • Hematology Laboratory Research. Initiated project to measure the role of circulating endothelial cells in disease, particularly as potential indicators in cancer diagnosis. (Division of Hematology/Oncology, Department of Internal Medicine, East Carolina University School of Medicine, Greenville, NC.) • Laser Optics Laboratory Project. Initiated a project for infrared characterization of normal and cancerous (blood) cells. Assisted on a project for laser trapping of cells. (Laser Optics Laboratory, Physics Department, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC.) • Graduate Summer Project. Developed a proposal for a project to quantify and optimize the effectiveness of Photodynamic therapy using cultured cells. (Laser Optics/Biophysics Laboratory Collaboration, Physics Department, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC.)

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• Physiology Summer Project. Researched literature and wrote an internal paper on somatosensory system plasticity and phantom limb syndrome. (Department of Physiology, East Carolina University School of Medicine, Greenville, NC.) • Undergraduate Astrophysics Lab Project. Worked on the fabrication of a bolometer to be used for detecting anisotropies in cosmic background radiation. The project involved the use of a thin film deposition and etching technique in a clean room to deposit a pattern of superconductor material onto a thin sapphire substrate. (Department of Physics, Brown University, Providence, RI.)

PUBLICATIONS Peer-reviewed (Books) 1. Christou, C.I. (1997). Projectile Electron Loss Cross Sections in Low-Energy (14-25 keV) Collisions of He+ Ions with Gas Targets. Master Thesis, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC. 2. Christou, C.I. (2004). Electron Emission from Condensed Targets by 2-MeV Proton Impact. PhD Dissertation, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC. Peer-reviewed Journal Articles (In proceedings) 1. Christou*, C.I., Shinpaugh, J.L., Justiniano, E.L.B., and Toburen#, L.H. (2003). Electron Spectra from Proton Impact on Thin Layers of SF6 Frozen on a Copper Substrate. Proceedings of the 23rd Werner Brandt Conference. Alverez, I., Cabrera-Trujillo, R., Cisneros, C., Cruz, S.A., Rickards, J., and Soullard, J. eds., Playa del Carmen, Q. Roo, Mexico, 2003, pg. 139-143. 2. Toburen#, L.H., Friedland, W., Dingfelder, M., Öztürk, N., Christou*, C.I., DuBois, R.D., Lapicki, G., Shinpaugh, J.L., Drexler, C.G., Justiniano, E.L.B. and Paretzke, H.G. (2003). Secondary Electron Production and Transport Induced by Fast Protons in Thin Foils. In Applications of Accelerators in Research and Industry; Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry CAARI, Duggan, J.L., and Morgan, I.L., eds., American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings Woodbury, NY. AIP 680: pg. 28-31. Abstracts, and Presentations (Including those in proceedings) 1. Shinpaugh#, J.L., Christou*, C., Joyce J., Toburen, L.H. (March, 1996). Projectile-Electron Loss in Low-Energy Collisions of He+ with Gas Targets. Presented at the 1996 DAMOP Meeting in Ann Arbor, MI. Bulletin of the American Physical Society. 2. Li*#, Yong-Qing, Christou, C., Hu, X.-H., Mumtaz, A. (November, 1999). Optical Heterodyne Detection of Laser-Trapped Biological Particles. 66th Annual Southeastern Section Meeting of the American Physical Society.

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3. Christou*, C., Li#, Yong-Qing, Hu, X.-H., Mumtaz A. (November, 1999). Infrared Characterization of Normal and Cancerous Tissues, Cell Lines and Blood. 66th Annual Southeastern Section Meeting of the American Physical Society. 4. Toburen#, L.H., Friedland, W., Dingfelder, M., Öztürk, N., Christou*, C., DuBois, R.D., Lapicki, G., Shinpaugh, J.L., Drexler, C.G., Justiniano, E.L.B., and Paretzke, H.G. (November, 2002). Secondary Electron Production and Transport Induced by Fast Protons in Thin Foils. Presented at the 17th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry CAARI held in Denton, TX. To be published in Applications of Accelerators in Research and Industry; Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry CAARI held in Denton, TX, November, 2002, J.L. Duggan and I.L. Morgan eds., American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings Woodbury, NY. 5. Christou* C., Shinpaugh, J.L., Justiniano, E.L.B., Toburen#, L.H. (July, 2003). LowEnergy Electron Emission from Solid SF6 Induced by Fast Protons. In Book of abstracts: 23rd International Conference on Photonic, Electronic, and Atomic Collisions, Stockholm. We201. 6. Christou*, C., Shinpaugh, J.L., Justiniano, E.L.B., Toburen#, L.H. (July, 2003). LowEnergy Electron Emission from Condensed-Phase Targets Induced by Fast Protons. International Seminar on Ion-Atom Collisions, Helsinki, Finland. 7. Toburen*#, L.H., Dingfelder, M., Öztürk, N., Friedland, W., Christou, C., Shinpaugh, J.L., Justiniano, E.L.B., Wilson, W.E. and Paretzke, H.G. (August, 2003). Monte Carlo Modeling of Low-Energy Electron Transport Induced by Ionizing Radiation in a Cellular Environment. In the proceedings of the World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Sydney, Australia. 8. Toburen*#, L.H., Dingfelder, M., Öztürk, N., Friedland, W., Christou, C., Shinpaugh, J.L., Justiniano, E.L.B., Wilson, W.E. and Paretzke, H.G. (August, 2003). Radiation Induced Low-Energy Electron Transport in a Tissue Environment. In the proceedings of the 12th International Congress of Radiation Research, Brisbane, Australia, p. 98. 9. Christou*, C.I., Shinpaugh, J.L., Dingfelder, M., Justiniano, E.L.B., Öztürk, N., Toburen#, L.H. (August, 2003). Secondary Electron Emission from Biologically Relevant Targets: An Experiment to Test Monte Carlo Electron Transport Codes. In the proceedings of the 12th International Congress of Radiation Research, Brisbane, Australia. P. 204. 10. Toburen*#, L.H., Christou, C.I., Conticchio, C.D., Dingfelder, M., Lapicki, G., Shinpaugh, J.L. (October, 2003). Modeling Energy Deposition by Ionizing Radiation in a Cellular Environment. Book of abstracts for the U.S. Department of Energy Low Dose Radiation Research Program Workshop IV, Washington, DC. 11. Toburen*#, L.H., Christou, C.I., Conticchio, C., Dingfelder, M., Lapicki, G., Shinpaugh, J.L. (April, 2004). Sensitivity of Monte Carlo Track Simulation to Electron Scattering Cross Page 10 of 13

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Sections. Program and Abstracts, Radiation Research Society’s 51st Annual Meeting, Saint Louis, MO. Na/CD-ROM. 12. Christou*, C.I., Shinpaugh, J.L., Justiniano, E.L.B., Dingfelder, M., Toburen#, LH. (March, 2004). Electron Emission Yields from Condensed Targets Following 2-MeV H+ Impact. Presented at the March Meeting of the American Physical Society, Montreal, Canada. Book of abstracts: Bulletin of the American Physical Society. 49(1). 13. Christou*, C.I., Shinpaugh, J.L., Justiniano, E.L.B., and Toburen#, L.H. (July 12 – 14, 2004). Fast Proton Induced Electron Emission from Thin Layers of Gases Frozen on Copper. Presented at the 24th Werner Brandt Workshop, Berlin Germany. 14. Toburen#, L.H., Christou*, C.I., Shinpaugh, J.L. (July, 2004). Electron Emission from Molecules Frozen on Thin Copper Substrates Induced by Fast Proton Transmission: Focusing on Measurements for Water. Presented at the 21st International Conference on Atomic Collisions in Solids, Genova, Italy. 15. Shinpaugh, J.L., Christou*, C.I., Justiniano, E.L.B. and Toburen#, L.H. (October 10-15, 2004). Low-Energy Electron Emission from Condensed-Phase Targets Induced by Fast Protons. Presented at the 18th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry. Denton, TX 16. Toburen*#, L.H., Dingfelder, M., Gersh, J.A., Lapicki, G., Christou, C.I., Conticchio, C.D., Shinpaugh, J.L. (April 2005). Modeling Energy Deposition by Ionizing Radiation in a Cellular Environment. Presented at the DOE Contractor’s meeting. Bethesda, MD.

(REVISED 10/13/2013)

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Certificate of training awarded for completing humane animal treatment course conducted at East Carolina University School of Medicine. (Greenville, NC, July, 1998).

Completed short course on the principles and use of flow cytometry instrumentation and was qualified as a user for the flow cytometry facilities at East Carolina University School of Medicine. (East Carolina University, Greenville, NC, February, 2000).

Qualified operator to run the 2-MeV tandem accelerator at the East Carolina University Physics Department accelerator facility. (East Carolina University, Greenville, NC).

Refresher structured clinical rotation at the Leo Jenkins Radiation Oncology Department Clinic of the Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University. (January 2005- April 2005).

Attended Seminar and Workshop on “Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy in Oncology”. (Greenville, NC, January, 2005).

Attended SEAAPM Spring Symposium on “The New Radiation Shielding Methodologies for Medical Imaging and Therapy – A primer for the Next 30 Years”. (Charleston, SC, March, 2005).

Certificate of completion of sixteen hour education course in “IMRT, IGRT, SBRT: Advances in the Treatment Planning and Delivery of Radiotherapy”. (38th San Francisco Radiation Oncology Conference, San Francisco, CA, April, 2005).

Diploma awarded for the completion of a two year Medical Physics residency program at the University of Michigan, Radiation Oncology Department. (Ann Arbor, MI, June, 2007).

Certificate of training for completing Nucletron Training course. Planning Version 14.2”. (Columbia, MD, September, 2007).

Certificate of attendance for completing IMRT Training course offered by D3 Radiation Planning in collaboration with the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Center of Continuing Education in the Health Sciences, “The Clinical Application of IMRT”. (Pittsburgh, PA, October, 2007).

Varian Medical Systems International Internal Workshop, “European Physics Team Workshop (2009)”. (Zug, Switzerland, February, 2009).

Certificate for attendance for “Varian Medical Systems International RapidArc™ Workshop” (16 hours). (Zug, Switzerland, February, 2009).

Certificate of attendance for completing “Varian Medical Systems International Eclipse Management Course” (32 hours). (Zug, Switzerland, February, 2009).

Certificate of attendance for completing “Varian Medical Systems International Eclipse Application Course” (24 hours). (Zug, Switzerland, March, 2009).

Certificate of attendance for completing “Varian Medical Systems International Eclipse Clinical Practice Course” (8 hours). (Zug, Switzerland, March, 2009).

Certificate of attendance for completing “Varian Medical Systems International IMRT School Physics Course” held at Royal Marsden Hospital (32 hours). (London, UK, March, 2009).

Certificate of attendance for completing “Varian Medical Systems Portal Dosimetry Course”. (Las Vegas, NV, May, 2009).

Certificate of attendance for completing “Varian Advanced Techniques (IMRT/RapidArc™) Physics Course” (28 hours). (Zug/Luzern, Switzerland, October, 2009).

“Brachytherapy Treatment

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Varian Medical Systems International internal workshop, “European Helpdesk Team Workshop (2010)”. (Crawley, UK, January, 2010).

Varian Medical Systems internal training, “Argus Internal Training”. (Las Vegas, NV, January, 2010).

Varian Medical Systems International internal workshop, “European Physics Team Workshop (2010)”. (Helsinki, Finland, February, 2010).

Varian Medical Systems International onsite customer training, “Argus Onsite Customer training”. (City General Hospital, Stoke-On-Trent, UK, March, 2010).

Varian Medical Systems International internal workshop, “5th EMEA Clinical Helpdesk Meeting)”. (Buc, France, May, 2010).

Certificate of attendance for completing “Oncology Information System Administration” (28 hours). (Zug, Switzerland, July, 2010).

Certificate of attendance for completing “Internal Training ARIA/Eclipse 10” (28 hours). (Zug, Switzerland, August, 2010).

Varian Medical Systems International internal workshop, (Organizer and participant). “Portal Dosimetry Troubleshooting Workshop”. (Bern, Switzerland, September, 2010).

Certificate of attendance for attending “Rapid Arc Symposium at UCLH” (University College London Hospital, London, UK, October, 2010).

Certificate of attending, “Negotiation Skills Course”, a professional training course provided by Thales Training & Consultancy (2 days). (Crawley, UK, November, 2010).

Certificate of Achievement for completing “Varian Eclipse Service (Internal) Course” (7.5 days). (Las Vegas, NV, February, 2011).

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