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CURRICULUM VITAE Patricia Langenberg, PhD Professor and Vice Chair Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine University of Maryland School of Medicine Baltimore, Md 21201 EDUCATION: 1953



Iowa State University, Mathematics and Statistics (dual major) University of California, Berkeley, California Secondary Teacher's Certificate, Mathematics, (27 graduate credits)



Temple University, Philadelphia, Mathematics



Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, Mathematics/Statistics


Clinical trials, meta-analysis, survival analysis, research in women's health, biostatistical applications in health research.

EMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCE: 1975-1978 1978-1980

Instructor, La Salle College, Philadelphia, PA, Mathematical Sciences Department Assistant Professor


Assistant Professor, Temple University, Department of Statistics


Assistant Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago, School of Public Health, Program in Epidemiology/Biostatistics, Associate Professor Adjunct Associate Professor Assistant Professor of Epidemiology, College of Medicine, Department of Medicine (Joint appointment). Assistant Professor, College of Associated Health Professions, Department of Nutrition and Medical Dietetics (Joint Appointment) Associate Professor, School of Medicine, University of Maryland Baltimore, Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine Vice-Chair, Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, (Acting Chair, 1/98-6/98) Professor, Division of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics

1986-1990 1990-1996 1986-1990 1989-1990 1990-1997 1995-present 1997-present


1982-1983 1984-1990 1988-1990 1992-1993 1993-present 1993-1997 1997-1999 2001-present 2001-2006 2002-present 2003-present 2004-present 2004-2006 2007-present 2005-present 2008-present

Director, Graduate Studies, Department of Statistics, Temple University Director, Biostatistical Consulting Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago Chair, Committee on Educational Programs, School of Public Health, University of Illinois at Chicago Co-Chair, MD/PhD Subcommittee, Task Force on Graduate Education, School of Medicine, University of Maryland at Baltimore Chair, Women's Health Research Group, University of Maryland, Baltimore Co-Chair, Advisory Board, DEPM Research Services Co-Director, Center of Excellence in Women's Health Director, Graduate Programs, DEPM Director, Biostatistics Core, General Statistical Research Center (GCRC) and Member, GCRC Advisory Committee (GAC) BIRCWH Internal Advisory Committee, Chair Data Safety Monitoring Committee, Maryland Psychiatric Research Center, member Observational Studies Monitoring Board, NICHD, member Graduate Council, Course Approval Committee, Chair Graduate Council, Graduate Faculty Committee MPH Executive Committee, MPH Steering Committee, Accreditation Committees GPILS Program Director, Epidemiology and Human Genetics

PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS: 1976-present 1980-present 1980-1995 1980-present 1996-present

American Statistical Association The International Biometric Society The Institute of Mathematical Statistics Caucus for Women in Statistics Society for Clinical Trials

HONORS AND AWARDS: 1953 1989 1986+


Phi Kappa Phi, Pi Mu Epsilon, Mortar Board Faculty inductee, Delta Omega Public Health Honorary Who's Who of American Women Who's Who in the Midwest Who's Who in Medicine and Healthcare Who's Who in Cancer Research American Men and Women of Science Hall of Fame, Roosevelt High School, Des Moines, Iowa

EDITORIAL TASKS: Editorial Board, Journal of Women’s Health Reviewer, Journal of the American Statistical Association Reviewer, Annals of Statistics Reviewer, American Journal of Otolaryngology 2

Reviewer, Reviewer, Reviewer, Reviewer, Reviewer, Reviewer, Reviewer, Reviewer, Reviewer, Reviewer, Reviewer, Reviewer, Reviewer, Reviewer, Reviewer,

Archives of Ophthalmology Technometrics Journal of Quality Technology American Journal of Public Health Communications in Statistics Simulation and Computation Annals of Internal Medicine Medical and Pediatric Oncology Controlled Clinical Trials American Journal of Managed Care Clinical Drug Investigation Health Psychology Women’s Health Issues Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology Annals of Epidemiology

MAJOR CONSULTANT, PEER REVIEW, AND MEMBERSHIP ACTIVITIES: National: 1981-1986 1986-1991 1989-1990 1990-1992 1990-1991 1990-1992 1993 1995 1995-1997 1995-2000 2004-present 2008

Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies, Treasurer Committee on Women in Statistics, American Statistical Association Northeastern Illinois Chapter, ASA, President and Program Chair ASA Council of Chapters, Chapter Representative National Research Council, Doctoral and Postdoctoral Mathematics Study Planning Group, Commission on Physical Sciences, Mathematics and Applications Caucus for Women in Statistics, Secretary National Cancer Institute, Special Review Panel American Academy of Microbiology Colloquium on Global Issues in Water Quality, Guayaquil, Ecuador Council of Sections Representative, American Statistical Association Scientific Merit Review Board, Rehabilitation Research and Development Service, Department of Veterans Affairs Chair, 1997-2002 Observational Studies Monitoring Board, NIAMS, Member NIH Review Panel, New Interventions for Menopausal Symptoms, member

Local: 1985-1988 1995-1997 1999-present 2003-present

Statistical Analysis Sub-committee of the Neonatal Screening Committee, Illinois Department of Public Health Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Center for Alternative Medicine Pain Research and Evaluation Member, Governor's Council on Women's Health Promotion, State of Maryland Member, Data Safety Monitoring Board, Maryland Psychiatric Research Center 3

UNIVERSITY COMMITTEE AND SERVICE ACTIVITIES: Temple University: 1981-1983 1982-1983 1981-1983

Committee on the Status of Women Faculty Senate Consultant, Data Analysis Laboratory

Department of Statistics: 1980-1981 1981-1983 1981-1982

Undergraduate Affairs Committee Graduate Affairs Committee Faculty Recruiting Committee, Chair

University of Illinois at Chicago: 1983-1990 1985-1989

Chancellor=s Committee on the Status of Women UIC Computer Policy Committee

School of Public Health: 1983-1986 1985-1990 1986-1990 1987-1988

Admissions Committee Committee on Educational Programs Executive Committee Advisor, International Student Association

University of Maryland at Baltimore: 1990-1997 1991-1992 1991-1995 1992-present 1991-present 1994-1995 1996 2001-present 2001-present 2002 2004-2006 2006

Women's Forum, University of Maryland System, Executive Committee Resources Sub-committee, School of Medicine Accreditation Institutional Review Board Chair, Women’s Health Research Group Medical School Council, Regular or Alternate Member Graduate Council, UMBGS, New Course Committee, Member Gender Salary Equity Study, Medical School (with P.D.Wilson) Residency Advisory Committee, Member Director, Biostatistical Core, General Clinical Research Center, Member, Executive Committee and Advisory Committee (GAC) RAAC Sub-Committee on Graduate Programs, School of Medicine Graduate Council, Member and Chair, New Course Committee, 2004-5, Program Review Committee, 2005-2006 SPH Strategic Planning, Organization subcommittee.

Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine: 1990-1991 1991-1992 1992-present 1993-2002 1995-2000

PhD Re-activation Committee, Chair PhD Curriculum Committee, Chair Graduate Program Committee, Chair 2001-present Computer Committee Space Committee; Chair 1999-2000 4

1997-present 2004-present

Appointments, Promotions and Tenure Committee MPH Steering Committee

TEACHING ACTIVITIES: La Salle College: 1976-1980

Finite Mathematics Calculus Linear Algebra Abstract Algebra Introduction to Computing (average class size=40, all above)

Temple University: 1980-1983

Undergraduate (average class size= 45): Statistical Methods and Concepts Selected Statistical Topics Basic Quantitative Foundations for Business and Economics. Graduate Theory of Probability Theory of Statistics Mathematical Analysis for Statistics Matrix Algebra for Statistics. University of Illinois at Chicago (Graduate): 1983-1990 Biostatistics in Public Health I,II Statistical Computing Clinical Trials Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics Biostatistical Consulting Multivariate Analysis Survival Analysis Regression Analysis University of Maryland at Baltimore: Graduate: 1991-1993 Experimental Epidemiology and Clinical Trials (Lecturer) 1992-2007 Research Practicum I, II (Co-instructor and Biostatistical Consultant) 1991-1993 Statistical Methods in Epidemiology (Coursemaster) 1994-2004 Advanced Statistical Methods in Epidemiology (Coursemaster) 2003-2007 Clinical Trials (co-coursemaster) 2005-2006 Survival Analysis 2006Analysis of Longitudinal and Clustered Data 1991-2001 1994-2001 1983-present

Medical: Introductory Epidemiology (Small Group Leader) Preventive Medicine (Preceptor) 37 PhD Committees (member) 2 PhD Committees (Chair) 10 MS Committees (member) 1 MS Committee (Chair)

FUNDED RESEARCH (selected): 5

University of Illinois at Chicago (funding totals unknown): 1984-1987 1985-1989 1985-1989 1986-1991 1987-1990 1987-1990 1987-1991 1988-1991 1988 1990

Co-investigator, NCI Grant, Adenomatous Colonic Polyps, A Vitamers and MFO Induction PI, Phyllis Bowen, PhD, RD Co-investigator, NCI Grant, Metabolism of Beta-Carotene in Hypocartenemic Patients PI, Sohrab Mobarhan, M.D. Statistician, NCI Grant, Evaluation of the PDQ System PI, Ron Czaja, Ph.D. Principal Investigator, (Statistical Core), NCI Program Project, CCSP: Evaluating Strategies for Community Interventions for Cancer Prevention. PI, Richard Warnecke,PhD Statistical Consultant, NIH Grant: An Expert System for Stroke. PI, Daniel B. Hier, MD, Michael Reese Hospital Statistical Consultant, NIH Grant: Immunologic Function in Infants of Drug Addicted Mothers, PI, Kenneth C. Rich, MD Co-investigator, NCI Grant, Long Term Effects of Cholesterol Lowering Diets in Women. PI, Phyllis Bowen, PhD, RD Co-investigator, U.S. Department of Education Grant, An Educational Behavioral Program for PKU. PI, Kimberlee Michals, PhD Co-investigator, Illinois Cancer Council Grant: The Effect of Dietary Fat Reduction on Estradiol Binding. PI, Victoria Persky, MD. Statistical Director, Sub-contract with University of Chicago Beautiful Babies Project: Beautiful Babies Evaluation. PI, Dee Burton, PhD

University of Maryland at Baltimore: 1990-1993 1990-1995

1991-1995 1991-1996

1992-1993 1992-1996

Biostatistician, NCI Grant, Mechanisms of Drug Resistance in Acute Myeloid Leukemia P.I., Charles A. Schiffer, MD Total Direct Costs: $607,930 Biostatistician, NCI Grant, Phase I in Pharmacokinetic Study of New Anti-Cancer Agents P.I., David Van Echo, MD Total Direct Costs: $1,741,74 Biostatistician, AHCPR Grant, Effectiveness and Outcomes of Hysterectomy P.I., Kristen H. Kjerulff, Ph.D. Total Direct Costs: $1,268,215 Statistician, NIH Grant, Clinical Stroke Research Center, Project III, Prediction of Ischemic Stroke Progression P.I., Thomas R. Price, M.D. Total Direct Costs: $3,764,108 Statistician, AMFAR Grant, Cervical Disease in HIV Infected Women P.I. Suzanne Gagnon, M.D., U. of Kansas Total Direct Costs: $59,447 Statistician, NEI Grant, Ischemic Optic Neuropathy Decompression Trial 6

1993-1995 1993-1998

1993-1997 1994-1996

1994-1996 1995-1996



1998-2002 1997-2002

1997-1999 1997-2001 1998-2001 1998-2002

CoordinatingCenter P.I., Kay Dickersin, Ph.D. Total Direct Costs: $2,428,469 Co-investigator, NIH Grant, Risk Factors Associated with Uterine Fibroid Growth P.I. Kristen Kjerulff, PhD Total Direct Costs: $912,307 Biostatistician, NIA Grant, FIRST Award: Epidemiologic Study of Bone Density in Mothers and Daughters P.I., Kathleen Fox, PhD Total Direct Costs: $521,862 Co-investigator, NCI Grant, Maryland WIC 5-A-Day Promotion Program P.I. Stephen W. Havas, M.D., M.P.H. Total Direct Costs: $1,491,434 Biostatistician, NICHD and Office of Research on Women=s Health NIH: An Expanded Examination of Non-hysterectomy Fibroid Cases P.I., Kristen Kjerulff Total costs: $49,656 Biostatistician, AHCPR Grant: Supplement: Cost of Elective Hysterectomy P.I., Kristen Kjerulff Total costs: $160,329 Biostatistician, W. Alton Jones Foundation Grant, Mercury in Brazil: From Gold to Fish to Humans P.I.: Ellen Silbergeld, PhD Total Direct Costs: $50,000 Biostatistician, Susan Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Grant: Reducing Variability in Screening Mammography P.I., Wendy Berg, MD Total Direct Costs: $39,999 Deputy Director and Statistician, Coordinating Center, AHCPR Grant, Surgical Treatment Outcomes Project for Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (STOP-DUB) P.I. Kay Dickersin, Ph.D. Total Direct Costs: $5.249.965 Sub-contract PI, Biostatistician, NEI Grant: IONDT Followup Study P.I., Kay Dickersin, Ph.D. Total Direct Costs: $5,249,965 Co-Investigator, AHCPR Grant: Hormone Replacement and Risk of Uterine Fibroid Growth P.I., Kristen Kjerulff, Ph.D. Total Direct Costs: $2,198,980 Co-Principal Investigator, Office of Women's Health, HHS: Center of Excellence in Women's Health P.I. Carl Weiner, MD Total Direct Costs: $276,000 Biostatistician, NCI Grant: Maryland WIC Healthy Eating for a Lifetime Program P.I. Stephen Havas, MD, MPH Total Direct Costs: $1,061,000 Biostatistician, NIH Grant: Use of Acupuncture for Dental Pain: Testing a Model P.I. Lixing Lao, PhD, L.Ac. Total Direct Costs: $265,207 Biostatistician, NIAMSD Grant: An RCT on Acupuncture Safety/Efficacy in Knee Osteoarthritis P.I. Brian Berman, MD Total Direct Costs: $436,205 7

1993-2001 2000-2002 2000.2005 2002-2007 2003.2007 2001.2005 2002.2007 2001.2005 2003.2005 2003.2006 2007-2012

Biostatistician, NCI Grant: Maryland WIC Healthy Eating for a Lifetime Program P.I. Stephen Havas, MD, MPH Senior Biostatistician, US Army Medical Research: Black & White Differences in Tamoxifen Metabolism P.I. Trudy L. Bush; Jodi Flaws Co-Investigator, NCI Grant: Nutrition Academic Award. P.I. Stephen Havas P. I., NIH K-12 Award, Building Interdisciplinary Research Careers in Women's Health (BIRCWH) Total Direct Costs: $2,285,605 Biostatistician, A Case Control Study of Interstitial Cystitis PI. John Warren, MD Locus of Care & Pressure Ulcers in Hip Fracture Patients PI. Mona Baumgarten, PhD Director, Biostatistics Core, General Clinical Research Center PI. Donald Wilson, PhD, Dean Biostatistician, Risk Factors for Hot Flashes in Mid-Life PI. Jodi Anne Flaws, PhD. Biostatistician, Gut Permeability in the Pathogenesis of Type 1 Diabetes PI. Alesssio Fasano, MD P. I., NIH K-12 Award, Building Interdisciplinary Research Careers in Women's Health (BIRCWH) Total Direct Costs: $2,299,837

For current support, see attached PUBLICATIONS (Refereed): 1.

Langenberg, Patricia and Srinivasan, R. (l979) Null distribution of the Hollander-Proschan Statistic for decreasing mean residual life, Biometrika, 679-80.


Langenberg, P. and Srinivasan R. (l98l) On the Colton Model for clinical trials with delayed observations normally distributed responses, Biometrics, 37, 143-l48.


Langenberg, P. and Srinivasan, R. (l982) On the Colton model for clinical trials with delayed observations-dichotomous responses, Biometrical Journal, 24, 3, l-l0.


Langenberg, P. and Srinivasan R. (l983) An approximation to the Bayes optimal multi-stage design in the Colton model for clinical trials. Biometrical Journal, 25, 1, 57-62.


Gorelick, Philip B., Caplan, L. R. , Hier, D., Patel, D., Langenberg, P., Pessin, M., Biller, J., Kornack, D. (1985) Racial Differences in the Distribution of Posterior Circulation Occlusive Disease. Stroke, 16,5,785-790.


Tsibris, John, Langenberg, P., Khan-Dawood, F., Spellacy, W.(1985) Cervicovaginal Peroxidases: Sex Hormone Control and Potential Clinical Uses. Fertility and Sterility, 44,2,236-40.


Hsuan, Francis, Langenberg, Patricia and Getson, Albert (1985) The {2}-inverse with applications in statistics. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 70, 241-248.


Srinivasan, R. and Langenberg, P. (1986) A two-stage procedure with controlled error probabilities for testing bioequivalence. Biometrical Journal, 7, 825-833. 8


Langenberg, Patricia and Iglewicz, Boris (1986) Trimmed Mean X-Bar and R Charts. American Journal of Quality Technology, 18,3,152-161.


Tsibris, J., Virgin, S., Khan-Dawood, F., Langenberg, P.,Thomason, J., Spellacy, W.(1986) Cervicovaginal Peroxidases: Markers of the Fertile Period. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 67,3,316-320.


Jones, C.W., Cunha-Vaz, J. G., Zeimer, R., Rusin, M., Langenberg, P., Vygantas, M., Tso, O., and Jonasson, O.(1986) Ocular Fluorophotometry in the Normal and Diabetic Monkey. Experimental Eye Research., 42 (5): 467-477.


Gorelick, P. B., Hier, D.B., Caplan, L.R., Langenberg, P. (1986) Headache in Acute Cerebrovascular Disease, Neurology, 36,1445-1450.


Cobleigh, M.A., Kennedy J., Shill J., Lindholm K., Langenberg P., Applebaum, E. (1986) Culture of Squamous Head and Neck Cancer on 3T3 Fibroblasts following Iso-kinetic Velocity Sedimentation, Cancer Research, 46,6364-6368.


Gorelick, P.B. , Rodin, M.B., Langenberg, P., Hier, D.B.,Costigan, J., Gomez, I, Spontak, S (1987) Is Acute Alcohol Ingestion a Risk Factor for Ischemic Stroke?, Stroke, 18,2,359-364.


Wilensky J.T., Gieser D.K., Mori M.T., Langenberg P.W., Zeimer R.C. (1987) Self-Tonometry to Manage Patients with Glaucoma and Apparently Controlled Intraocular Pressure, Archives of Ophthalmology, 105, 1072-1075.


Bauman J.L., Berk S.I., Hariman R.J., Langenberg P.W., Deal B.J., Beckman K., Brownstein S., Prechel D., Gallastegui J. (1987) Amiodarone for Recurrent Sustained Ventricular Tachycardia: Efficacy, Safety and Factors influencing Long-term Outcome, American Heart Journal, 114,6,:1436-1444.


Biary N., Pimental P.A., Langenberg P.W. (1988) A Double-Blind Trial of Clonazepam in the Treatment of Parkinsonian Dysarthria, Neurology, 38,255-258.


Raju T.N.K., Langenberg P.W., Sen A.K., Vidyasagar D. (1988) A Biostatistical Survey Questionnaire, Journal of Pediatrics, 112,6,859-863.


Menconi, S., Clark, J., Langenberg, P. (1988) A Preliminary Study of Potential Human Health Effects in Private Residences Following Chlordane Applications for Termite Control, Archives of Environmental Health, 43, 5, 349-352.


Orsay E.M., Turnbull T.L., Dunne M., Barrett J.A., Langenberg P., Orsay C.P. (1988) Prospective Study of the Effect of Safety Belts on Morbidity and Health Care Costs in Motor Vehicle Accidents, JAMA, 260, 24, 3598-3603; also in JAMA, Edition Francais (1989), 14, 180, 319; also in JAMA Southeast Asia edition, 1989, 5(3), 21-27.


Justice P.M., Kamath S., Langenberg P, Sandstead H.H., Milne D.B., Smith G.F.(1988) Micronutrients Status of Children with Down Syndrome: A Comparative Study of the Effect of Megadoses of Vitamins with Minerals or Placebo. Nutrition Research, 8, 1251-1258.


Gorelick P.B., Caplan L.R., Langenberg P., Hier D.B., Pessin M., Patel D., Taber J. (1988) Clinical and Angiographic Comparison of Asymptomatic Occlusive Cerebrovascular Disease. Neurology, 38,6,852-858. 9


Warnecke R.B., Gruder JC.L., Kviz F., Crittenden K., Mermelstein R., Lacey L., Langenberg P., Vidmar J., Flay B., Manfredi JC., Cook T. The Use of Television for Smoking Cessation: An Ongoing Planned Trial. Smoking and Health 1988, 381-383.


Friedman H., Mobarhan S, Hupert J, Lucchesi D., Henderson C, Langenberg P., Layden T.J. (1989) In Vitro Stimulation of Rat Liver Retinyl Ester Hydrolase by Ethanol. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 269,1,1-6.


Fayed Y.M., Tsibris J.C.M., Langenberg P.W., Robertson A.L. (1989) Human Uterine Leiomyoma Cells: Binding and Growth Responses to Epidermal Growth Factor, Platelet-derived Growth Factor and Insulin, Journal of Laboratory Investigation, 60,1,30-36.


Gorelick P.B., Rodin M., Langenberg P., Hier D.B., Costigan J. (1989) Weekly Alcohol Consumption, Cigarette Smoking and the Risk of Ischemic Stroke. Neurology, 39,339-343.


Henderson C.T., Mobarhan S., Bowen P., Sapuntzakis M., Friedman H., Langenberg P., Kiani R., Lucchesi D., Sugerman S. (1989) Normal Serum Response or Oral Beta-carotene in Humans, Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 8,6,625-635.


Kikendall J.W., Bowen P.E., Burgess M., Magnetti C., Langenberg P. (1989) Cigarettes and Alcohol as Risk Factors for Colonic Adenomas, Gastroenterology, 97,660-664.


Tsibris J.C.M., Lewis V., Langenberg P.W., Chatterton R.T., Spellacy W.N. (1989) Cervical Mucus Enzymes as Markers of the Woman's Fertile Period, International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Suppl. 1:73-82.


Orsay E.M., Dunne M., Turnbull T.L., Barrett J.A., Langenberg P., Orsay C.P. (1990) Prospective Study of the Effect of Safety Belts in Motor Vehicle Accidents, Annals of Emergency Medicine, 19:3,258-261.


Persky V., Ostrow D., Langenberg P., Ruby E., Bresolin L., Stamler J. (1990) Hypertension and Sodium Transport in 390 Healthy Adults in Chicago, Journal of Hypertension, 8,2,121-128.


Feldmann E., Daneault N., Kwan E., Ho K.J., Pessin M.S., Langenberg P., Caplan L.R. (1990) Chinese-White Differences in the Distribution of Occlusive Cerebrovascular Disease, Journal of Neurology, 40:1541-1545.


Warnecke R., Langenberg P., Gruder C.L., Flay B., Jason L. (1990) Factors Associated with Continuing Cessation among Participants in a Televised Smoking Cessation Program, Preventive Medicine, 18, 833-846.


Biary N., Koller W., Langenberg P. (1990) Correlation between Essential Tremor and Migraine Headache. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 53(12), 1060-1062.


Mobarhan S., Seitz H.K., Russell R.M., Mehta R., Hupert J., Friedman H., Layden T.J., Meydani M., Langenberg P. (1991) Age Related Effects of Chronic Ethanol Intake on Vitamin A status in Fisher 344 Rats, Journal of Nutrition, 121(4), 510-517.


Prewitt T.E., Schmeisser D., Bowen P.E., Aye P., Dolecek T.A., Langenberg P., Cole T., Brace L. (1991) Changes in Body Weight, Body Composition and Caloric Intake in Women Fed High and Low Fat Diets. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 54(2), 304-310. 10


Biary N., Saleh M.A.D., Langenberg P. (1991) The Effect of Flunarizine on Essential Tremor. Neurology, 41(2), 311-312.


Warnecke R.B., Flay B.R., Kviz F.J., Gruder C.L., Langenberg P., Aitken M., Wong S.C., Crittenden K., Mermelstein R., Cook T.D. (1991) Characteristics of Participants in a Televised Smoking Cessation Intervention, Preventive Medicine, 20, 389-403.


Raju T.N.K., Langenberg P., Sen A., Aldana O. (1992) How much 'Better' is Good Enough? The Magnitude of Treatment Effect Worth Detecting in Clinical Trials. American Journal of Diseases of Children, 146, 407-411.


Sugerman S.B., Mobarhan S., Bowen P.E., Stacewicz-Sapuntzakis M., Langenberg P., Henderson C., Kiani R., Friedman H., Lucchesi D. (1992) Serum Time Curve Characteristics of a Fixed Dose of Beta-carotene in Young and Old Men. Journal of the American College of Nutrition; 10,4:297-307.


Mangone C.A., Hier D.B., Gorelick P.B., Ganellen R.J., Langenberg P., Boarman R., Dollear W.C. (1991) Impaired Insight in Alzheimer's Disease. Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology, 4,4,189-93.


Warnecke R.B., Langenberg P., Wong S.C., Flay B.R., Cook T.D. (1992). The Second Chicago Televised Smoking Cessation Program: a 24-Month Follow-up. American Journal of Public Health, 82, 6, 835-840.


Persky V.W., Chatterton R.T., Van Horn L.V., Grant M.D., Langenberg P., Marvin J. (1992) Hormone Levels in Vegetarian and Nonvegetarian Teenage Girls: Potential Implications for Breast Cancer Risk. Cancer Research; 52,578-583.


Jodrell D.I., Egorin M.J., Canetta R.M., Langenberg P., Goldbloom E.P., Tan S., Wiltshaw E. (1992) Relationships between Carboplatin Exposure and Tumor Response and Toxicity in Patients with Ovarian Cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 10,4,520-528.


Prewitt T.E., Unterman T.G., Glick R., Cole T.G., Schmeisser D., Bowen P.E., Langenberg P. (1992) Relationships between Insulin-like Growth Factor-I (IGF-I) and Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) Cholesterol in Women during High and Low Fat Feeding. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 55,382-384.


Gleason L.A., Michals K., Matalon R., Langenberg P., Kamath S. (1992) A Treatment Program for Adolescents with Phenylketonuria. Clinical Pediatrics, 31, 6, 331-335.


Cole T.G., Bowen P.E., Schmeisser D., Prewitt T.E., Aye P., Langenberg P., Dolecek T.A., Kamath S. (1992) Differential Reduction of Plasma Cholesterol by the AHA Phase 3 Diet in Moderately Hypercholesterolemic, Premenopausal Women with Differing Body Mass Index. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 55, 385-94.


Kjerulff K.H., Guzinski G.M., Langenberg P.W., Stolley P.D., Kazandjian V.A. (1992) Hysterectomy: An Examination of a Common Surgical Procedure. Journal of Women's Health. 1,2, 141-147.


Kjerulff K.H., Langenberg P.W., Guzinski G. (1993) The Socioeconomic Correlates of 11

Hysterectomies in the United States. American Journal of Public Health, 83,1,106-108. 50

Kjerulff K.H., Guzinski G.M., Langenberg P.W., Stolley P.D., Moye N.E.A., Kazandjian V.A. (1993) Hysterectomy and Race. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 82,5,757-764.


Raju T.N.K., Langenberg P., Sen A. (1993) Treatment Effect Size in Clinical Trials: An Example from Surfactant Trials. Controlled Clinical Trials, 14: 467-470.


Dein F.J., Wilson A., Fischer D., Langenberg P. (1994) Avian Leucocyte Counting Using the Hemocytometer. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine; 25(3):432-437.


Raju T.N.K., Langenberg P. (1993) Pulmonary Hemorrhage and Exogenous Surfactant Therapy: A Meta-analysis. The Journal of Pediatrics, 123,4,603-610.


Chavez N., Sha L., Persky V., Langenberg P., Pestano-Binghay E. (1994) Effect of Length of U.S. Residence on Food Group Intake in Mexican and Puerto Rican Women. Journal of Nutrition Education, 26,2,79-86.


Scherer R.W., Dickersin K., Langenberg P. (1994) Full Publication of Results Initially Presented in Abstracts. Journal of the American Medical Association, 272,2,158-162.


Kjerulff K.H. and Langenberg P.W. (1995) A Comparison of Alternative Ways of Measuring Fatigue Among Patients Having Hysterectomy. Medical Care, 33, 4, AS156-AS163.


Lao L., Bergman S., Langenberg P., Wong R.H-., Berman B. (1995) Efficacy of Chinese Acupuncture on Postoperative Oral Surgery Pain. Oral Surgery Oral Medicine Oral Pathology. 79, 4, 423-428.


Udoff L., Langenberg P., Adashi E.Y. (1995) Combined Continuous Hormone Replacement Therapy: A Critical Review. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 86, 2, 306-316.


Berman BM, Lao L, Greene M, Anderson RW, Wong RH, Langenberg P, Hochberg MC (1995) Efficacy of traditional Chinese acupuncture in the treatment of symptomatic knee osteoarthritis: a pilot study. Osteoarthritis & Cartilage 3(2):139-42.


Lucas S.R., Sexton M., Langenberg P. (1996) Relationship between blood lead and nutritional factors in pre-school children: A cross-sectional study. Pediatrics, 97, 1, 74-78.


The IONDT Research Group (member writing committee) (1995) Optic Nerve Decompression Surgery for Nonarteritic Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy (NAION) is not Effective and May be Harmful. Journal of the American Medical Association. 273, 8, 625-632.


Kjerulff K.H., Erickson B.A., Langenberg P.W. (1996) Chronic gynecological conditions in American women: Findings from the National Health Interview Survey, 1984-1992. American Journal of Public Health, 86, 2, 195-199 .


Hammad T.A., Sexton M., Langenberg P. (1996) Relationship between Blood Lead and Dietary Iron Intake in Preschool Children. Annals of Epidemiology, 6, 30-33.


Berman B.M., Lao L., Greene M., Anderson R.W., Wong R.H., Langenberg P., Hochberg M.C. (1996) Efficacy of Traditional Chinese Acupuncture in the Treatment of Symptomatic 12

KneeOsteoarthritis: a Pilot Study, Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 3, 2, 139-42. 65

Kjerulff K.H., Langenberg P.W., Seidman J.D., Stolley P.D., Guzinski G.M. (1996) Uterine leiomyomas: Race differences in condition severity, symptoms, and age of diagnosis. Journal of Reproductive Medicine, 41, 7, 483-490.


Kjerulff KH, Guzinski G, Langenberg P, Pegues R (1996) Cost-Effectiveness of Laparoscopic-Assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy. Journal of the American Association of Gynecologic Laparoscopy, 3(4, Supplement):S22.


Treiman K., Freimuth V., Damron D., Lasswell A., Anliker J., Havas S., Langenberg P., Feldman R. (1996) Attitudes and Behaviors Related to Fruits and Vegetables among Low-income Women in the WIC Program. Journal of Nutrition Education, 28, 3, 149-156.


Bartman B.A., Clancy C.M., Moy E., Langenberg P. (1996) Cost Differences among Women=s Primary Care Physicians. Health Affairs, 15, 4, 239-245.


The IONDT Study Group. (1996) Characteristics of Patients with Nonarteritic Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy Eligible for the Ischemic Optic Neuropathy Decompression Trial. Archives of Ophthalmology,114, 1366-1374.


Fix A.D., Sexton M., Langenberg P., Santanello N., Hyndman S., Williams R. (1997) The Association of Nocturnal Asthma with Asthma Severity. Journal of Asthma, 34, 4, 329-335.


Hammad T.A., Havas S., Damron D., Langenberg P. (1997) Withdrawal rates for Infants and Children Participating in WIC in Maryland. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 97, 8, 893-895.


Havas S., Damron D., Treiman K., Anliker J., Langenberg P., Hammad T.A., Freimuth V., Feldman R. (1997) The Maryland WIC 5 A Day Promotion Program Pilot Study: Rationale, Results, and Lessons Learned. Journal of Nutrition Education, 29:343-350.


Langenberg P, Kjerulff K.H., Stolley P. (1997) Hormone Replacement and Menopausal Symptoms Following Hysterectomy. American Journal of Epidemiology, 146, 10.


Raju T.N.K., Langenberg P., Bhutani V., Quinn G.E. (1997) Vitamin E Prophylaxis to Reduce Retinopathy of Prematurity: A Reappraisal of Published Trials, Journal of Pediatrics, 131,6,844-850.


Stewart A., Davis P.,Kittner S., Langenberg P. (1997) The Effect on Risk Estimates of Excluding Cases from a Case-Control Study of Ischemic Stroke, Neuroepidemiology, 16,4,191-198.


Crawley B., Scherer R., Langenberg P., Dickersin K. (1997) Participation in the Ischemic Optic Neuropathy Decompression Trial: Sex, Race, and Age, Ophthalmic Epidemiology , 4,3,157173.


Riedel S.E., Fredman L., Langenberg P. (1998) Associations among Caregiving Difficulties, Rewards, and Burden in Caregivers to Older Post-rehabilitation Patients, Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 35B,3,165-174.


Shamoo A.E., Irving D.N., Langenberg, P. (1997) A Review of Patient Outcomes in 13

Pharmacological Studies from the Psychiatric Literature, 1966-1993, Science and Engineering Ethics, 3, 4, 395-406. 79

Sarwari A., Fredman L., Langenberg P. (1998) A Prospective Study on the Relationship Between Living Arrangement and Change in Functional Health Status of Elderly Women, American Journal of Epidemiology, 147,4,370-378.


Lilenbaum R.C., Langenberg P., Dickersin K. (1998) Single-agent versus Combination Chemotherapy in Advanced Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: a Meta-analysis of response, Toxicity, and Survival, Cancer, 82,1,116-126.


Thummala M.R., Raju T.N.K., Langenberg P. (1998) Single Umbilical Artery and the Risk for Congenital Malformations: A Meta-analysis, Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 33(4) 580-585.


The IONDT Research Group. (1998) The Ischemic Optic Neuropathy Decompression Trial (IONDT): Design and Methods, Controlled Clinical Trials, 19; 276-296.


Havas S, Anliker J, Damron D, Langenberg P, Ballesteros M, Feldman R. (1998) Final results of the Maryland WIC 5-A-Day Promotion Program. Am J Public Health, 88(8):1161-7.


Havas S, Treiman K, Langenberg P, Ballesteros M, Anliker J, Damron D, Feldman R (1998) Factors associated with fruit and vegetable consumption among women participating in WIC. J Am Diet Assoc. (10):1141-8.


Althuis MD, Fredman L, Langenberg PW, Magaziner J (1998) The relationship between insomnia and mortality among community-dwelling older women. J Am Geriatr Soc.6(10):1270-3.


Langenberg P, Kjerulff K.H., Stolley P (1998) HRT and Menopausal Symptoms after Hysterectomy. Menopause Digest 5: 27-31.


Anliker J, Havas S, Damron D, Ballesteros M, Langenberg P, Feldman R. (1999) Using peer educators in nutrition interventions research: lessons learned from the Maryland WIC 5 A day Promotion Program, J Nutrition Education; 31:347-354.


Kjerulff KH, Langenberg PW, Seidman JD, Stolley PD, Guzinski GM Symptoms and Condition Severity among Uterine Leiomyoma Hysterectomy Patients Journal of Reproductive Medicine 1999;


Wilson P.D., Langenberg P.(1999) Usual and Shortest confidence Intervals on Odds ratios from Logistic Regression. The American Statistician, 53 (4): 332-335.


Abbasi F., Krumholz A., Kittner S., Langenberg, P. (1999) Effects of Menopause on Seizures in Women with Epilepsy. Epilepsia, 40(2): 205-210.


Lao L., Bergman S., Hamilton G.R., Langenberg P., Berman B.M. (1999) Evaluation of Acupuncture for Pain Control after Oral Surgery: A Placebo-controlled Trial. Archives of Otolaryngology, 125(5):567-72.


Berman B.M., Singh B.B., Lao L., Langenberg P., Li H., Hadhazy V., Bareta J., Hochberg M., (1999) A Randomized Trial of Acupuncture as an Adjunctive Therapy in Osteoarthritis of the Knee. Rheumatology. 38: 346-354. 14


Anliker J, Damron D, Ballesteros M, Langenberg P, Havas S. (1999) Using the Stages of Change Model in a 5 A Day Guidebook for WIC. J of Nutrition Education, 31: 175A.


Damron D, Langenberg P, Anliker J, Ballesteros M, Feldman R, Havas S (1999) Factors Associated with Attendance in a Voluntary Nutrition Education Program. Am J Health Promotion, 13(5):268- 275.


Rhodes JC, Kjerulff KH, Langenberg PW, Guzinski GM (1999) Hysterectomy and Sexual Functioning. JAMA, 282:1934-1941.


Reynolds MW, Fredman L, Langenberg P, Magaziner J. (1999) Weight, Weight Change, Mortality in a Random Sample of Older Community-Dwelling Women. J of American Geriatric Soc, 47 (12):1409-14.


Havas S, Damron D, Langenberg P, Feldman R, Ballesteros M (2000) Use of Process Evaluation in the Maryland WIC 5 a Day Promotion Program. Health Education and Behavior ; 27 (2): 254-63..


Kaufman D, Dickersin K, Newman N, Kelman S, Wilson PD, Langenberg P for the IONDT Study Group (2000) Ischemic Optic Neuropathy Decompression Trial: Twenty-Four Month Update. Archives of Ophthalmology , 118: 793-798.


Kjerulff KH, Langenberg PW, Rhodes JC, Harvey LA, Guzinski GM, Stolley PD. (2000) Effectiveness of Hysterectomy. Obstetrics and Gynecology;95:319-26.


Kjerulff KH, Rhodes JC, Langenberg P, Harvey LA. (2000) Patient satisfaction with results of hysterectomy. Am J Obstetrics and Gynecology; 183 (6):1440-47.


Flaws JA, Rhodes JC, Langenberg P, Hirshfield AN, Kjerulff K, Sharara FI.(2000) Ovarian volume and menopausal status. Menopause;7,1:53-61.


Feldman RHL, Damron D, Anliker J, Ballesteros M, Langenberg P, DiClemente C, Havas S. (2000) The effect of the Maryland WIC 5 A Day Promotion Program on participants' stages of change for fruit and vegetable consumption. Health Education and Behavior; 27 (5): 649-63.


Berg WA, Campassi C, Langenberg P, Sexton MJ. (2000) Breast imaging reporting and data system: Inter and intraobserver variability in feature analysis and final assessment in mammography. Am J Roentgenology; 174 (6): 1769-77.


Althuis MD, Sexton M, Langenberg P, Bush TL, Tkaczuk K, Magaziner J, Khoo L. (2000) Surveillance for uterine abnormalities in tamoxifen-treated breast carcinoma survivors: a community based study. Cancer; 89 (4): 800-10.


Flaws JA, Rhodes JC, Langenberg P, Hirshfield AN, Kjerulff K, Sharara FI.(2001) Ovarian volume and menopausal status. Menopause Digest, 13(1):12-13.


Flaws JA, Langenberg P, Babus JK, Hirshfield AN, Sharara FI (2001) Ovarian volume and antral follicle counts as indicators of menopausal status. Menopause, 8 (3):175-180.


Cui Y, Blumenthal RS, Flaws JA, Whiteman MK, Langenberg P, Bachorik PS, Bush TL. (2001) Non15

high-density lipoprotein cholesterol as a predictor of cardiovascular disease mortality. Archives of Internal Medicine; 161:1413-1419. 108

Langenberg P, Ballesteros M, Feldman R, Damron D, Anliker J, Havas S. (2000) Psychosocial factors and intervention-associated changes in those factors as correlates of change in fruit and vegetable consumption in the Maryland WIC 5 A Day Promotion Program. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 22 (4): 1-10.


Wozniak MA, McCarthy M, Langenberg P, Price TR, Kittner SJ. Job characteristics influence return to work after ischemic stroke. Stroke 2001 Jan; 32 (1):129.


Cohn JA, Gagnon S, Spence MR, Harrison DD, Kluzak TR, Langenberg P, Brinson C, Stein A, Hellinger J and the Cervical Disease Study Group of the American Foundation for AIDS Research Community Based Clinical Trials Network (2001) The role of human papillomavirus deoxyribonucleic acid assay and repeated cervical cytologic examination in the detection of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia among human immunodeficiency visus-infected women. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 184 (3).


Whiteman MK, Cui Y, Flaws JA, Langenberg P, and Bush TL (2001) Media Coverage of Women's Health Issues: Is there a bias in the reporting of a hormone replacement therapy and breast cancer association. Journal of Women's Health and Gender-Based Medicine,10 (6):571-577.


Scherer RW, Langenberg P. Full publication of results initially presented in abstracts (Cochrane Methodology Review). In: The Cochrane Library, Issue 2, 2001. Oxford: Update Software.


Mori Y, Yin J, Rashid A, Leggett BA, Young J, Simms L, Kuehl PM, Langenberg P, Meltzer SJ, Stine OC. Instabilotyping: comprehensive identification of frameshift mutations caused by coding region microsatellite instability. Cancer Res. 2001 Aug 15;61(16):6046-9.


Kjerulff KH, Langenberg PW, Greenaway L, Uman J, Harvey LA. Urinary incontinence and hysterectomy in a large prospective cohort study in American women. J Urol. 2002 May;167(5):2088-92.


Newman NJ, Scherer R, Langenberg P, Kelman S, Feldon S, Kaufman D, Dickersin K for the Ischemic Optic Neuropathy Decompresion Trial Research Group. The fellow eye in NAION: Report from the Ischemic Optic Neuropathy Decompression Trial Follow-up Study. Am J Ophthalmol 2002; 134:317-328.


Cui Y, Whiteman MK, Langenberg P, Sexton M, Tkaczuk KH, Flaws JA, Bush TL. Can obesity explain the racial difference in stage of breast cancer at diagnosis between black and white women? Journal of Women's Health and Gender Based Medicine 2002;11 (6):527-535.


Cui Y, Whiteman MK, Flaws JA, Langenberg P, Tkaczuk KH, Bush TL. Body mass and stage of breast cancer at diagnosis. Int J Cancer. 2002 Mar 10;98(2):279-83.


Gallicchio L, Siddiqi N, Langenberg P, Baumgarten M. Gender differences in burden and depression among informal caregivers of demented elders in the community. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry. 2002 Feb;17(2):154-63.



Palmer MH, Baumgarten M, Langenberg P, Carson JL Risk factors for hospital-acquired incontinence in elderly female hip fracture patients. Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences. 2002 Oct;57(10):M672-7.


Ryder P, Thomas K, Langenberg P, Baumgarten M, Hearing impairment and behavioral disturbances in people with dementia aged 65 and older. Gerontologist. 2002 Oct; 42: 155-155.


Blackman JA, Coogan PF, Rosenberg L, Strom BL, Zauber AG, Palmer JR, Langenberg P, Shapiro S. Estrogen replacement therapy and risk of lung cancer. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2002 OctNov;11(7):561-7.


Brooks SE, Langenberg, Baquet CR, Moses G, Ghosh A, Khanna N. Early detection and screening for ovarian cancer: does physician specialty matter? J Assoc Acad Minor Phys. 2002 Jul;13(3):69-75.


Whiteman M.K., Staropoli C., Langenberg P., McCarter R., Kjerulff K., Flaws J.A. (2002) Smoking, body mass, and hot flashes in mid-life women. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2003 Feb;101(2):264272.


Takala SL, Langenberg P, Miller S, Zacur H, Flaws JA. Menopausal hot flashes may be associated with quality of life. American Journal of Epidemiology. 2003 Jun; 157(11): 393.


Dickersin K, Munro M, Langenberg P, Scherer R, Frick KD, Weber AM, Johns A, Peipert JF, Baruch M, Clark M. Surgical Treatments Outcomes Project for Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (STOP-DUB): Design and Methods. Controlled Clinical Trials. 2003 Oct;24(5):591-609.


Whiteman MK, Langenberg P, Kjerulff K, McCarter R, Flaws JA. A randomized trial of incentives to improve response rates to a mailed women's health questionnaire. J Womens Health 2003 Oct;12(8):821-8.


Sheth HR, Lord G, Tkaczuk K, Danton M, Lewis LM, Langenberg P, Lim CK, Flaws JA. Aging may be associated with concentrations of tamoxifen and its metabolites in breast cancer patients. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2003 Oct;12(8):799-808.


Havas S, Anliker J, Greenberg D, Block G, Block T, Blik C, Langenberg P, DiClemente C. Final results of the Maryland WIC Food for Life program. Prev Med 2003 Nov; 37(5):406-416.


Ballesteros MF, Dischinger PC, Langenberg P. Pedestrian injuries and vehicle type in Maryland, 1995-1999. Accid Anal Prev. 2004 Jan;36(1):73-81.


Gellman J, Hare JM, Lowenstein CJ, Gerstenblith G, Coombs V, Langenberg P, Brinker JA, Resar JR. L-arginine ameliorates the abnormal sympathetic response of the dysfunctional human coronary microvasculature. Angiology. 2004 Jan-Feb;55(1):1-8.


Warren JW, Jackson TL, Langenberg P, Meyers DJ, Xu J. Prevalence of interstitial cystitis in first-degree relatives of patients with interstitial cystitis. Urology. 2004 Jan;63(1):17-21.


Hartmann KE, Ma C, Lamvu GM, Langenberg PW, Steege JF, Kjerulff KH. Quality of life and sexual function after hysterectomy in women with preoperative pain and depression. Obstet Gynecol. 2004 Oct;104(4):701-9. 17


Whiteman MK, Miller KP, Tomic D, Langenberg P, Flaws JA. Tubal sterilization and hot flashes. Fertil Steril. 2004 Aug;82(2):502-4.


Taylor G, Wolff T, Khanna N, Furth P, Langenberg P. Genital dysplasia in women infected with human immunodeficiency virus.J Am Board Fam Pract.2004Mar-Apr;17(2):108-13.


Berman BM, Lao L, Langenberg P, Lee WL, Gilpin AMK, Hochberg MC. Effectiveness of Acupuncture as Adjunctive Therapy in Osteoarthritis of the Knee. Ann Intern Med. 2004; 141:901-910.


Kim PW, Perl TM, Keelaghan EF, Langenberg P, Perencevich EN Harris AD, Song X and Roghmann M. Risk of Mortality with a Bloodstream Infection is Higher in the Less Severely Ill at Admission. Am J Resp Crit Care Med. 2005 Mar 15; 171(6):616-20.


McGregor JC, Kim PW, Perencevich EN, Bradham DD, Furuno JP, Kaye KS, Fink JC, Langenberg P, Roghmann MC, Harris AD. Utility of the Chronic Disease Score and Charlson Comorbidity Index as comorbidity measures for use in epidemiologic studies of antibioticresistant organisms. Am J Epidemiol. 2005 Mar 1;161(5):483-93.


Furuno JP, Metlay JP, Harnett JP, Wilson J, Langenberg P, McGregor JC, Zhu J, Perencevich EN. Population antibiotic susceptibility for Streptococcus pneumoniae and treatment outcomes in common respiratory tract infections. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2006 Jan;15(1):1-9.


Bates MN, Hamilton JW, LaKind JS, Langenberg P, O'Malley M, Snodgrass W. Workgroup report: Biomonitoring study design, interpretation, and communication--lessons learned and path forward. Environ Health Perspect. 2005 Nov;113(11):1615-21.




Furuno JP, McGregor JC, Harris AD, Johnson JA, Johnson JK, Langenberg P, Venezia RA, Finkelstein J, Smith DL, Strauss SM, Perencevich EN. Identifying High-Risk Groups for Carriage of Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria. Arch Intern Med. 2006;166:580-585. Tomic D, Gallicchio L, Whiteman MK, Lewis LM, Langenberg P, Flaws JA. Factors associated with determinants of sexual functioning in midlife women. Maturitas. 2006 Jan 20;53(2):144-57. McGregor JC, Perencevich EN, Furuno JP, Langenberg P, Flannery K, Zhu J, Fink JC, Bradham DD, Harris AD. Comorbidity risk-adjustment measures were developed and validated for studies of antibiotic-resistant nosocomial infections. J Clin Epidemiol. 2006 Dec;59(12):1266-73. Epub 2006 Aug 10.


Gallicchio L, Whiteman MK, Tomic D, Miller KP, Langenberg P, Flaws JA. Type of menopause, patterns of hormone therapy use, and hot flashes. Fertil Steril. 2006 May;85(5):1432-40.


Miller SR, Gallicchio LM, Lewis LM, Babus JK, Langenberg P, Zacur HA, Flaws JA. Association between race and hot flashes in midlife women. Maturitas. 2006; 54:260-269.


Kreisel K, Boyd K, Langenberg P, Roghmann MC. Risk factors for recurrence in patients with Staphylococcus aureus infections complicated by bacteremia. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis. 2006 Jul;55(3):179-84. 18


Steven E Feldon, Lori Levin, Roberta W Scherer, Anthony Arnold, Sophia M Chung, Lenworth N Johnson, Gregory Kosmorsky, Steven A Newman, Joanne Katz, Patricia Langenberg, P David Wilson, Shalom E Kelman, Kay Dickersin and members of the Ischemic Optic Neuropathy Decompression Trial Research Group. Development and validation of a computerized expert system for evaluation of automated visual fields from the Ischemic Optic Neuropathy Decompression Trial. 2006 BMC Ophthalmology 6:34


Miller M, Langenberg P, Havas S. Impact of lowering triglycerides on raising HDL-C in hypertriglyceridemic and non-hypertriglyceridemic subjects. Int J Cardiol. 2006 Oct 17.


Ling H, Gadalla S, Israel E, Langenberg P, Zhan M, Dwyer DM, Groves C, Hopkins A, Steinberger EK. Oral cancer exams among cigarette smokers in Maryland. Cancer Detect Prev. 2006; 30(6):499-506.


Menis M, Kozlovsky B, Langenberg P, Zhan M, Dwyer DM, Israel E, Groves C,Hopkins A, Steinberger EK. Body mass index and up-to-date colorectal cancer screening among Marylanders aged 50 years and older. Prev Chronic Dis. 2006 Jul;3(3):A88.


Zuckerman IH, Langenberg P, Baumgarten M, Orwig D, Byrns PJ, Simoni-Wastila L, Magaziner J. Inappropriate drug use and risk of transition to nursing homes among community-dwelling older adults. Med Care. 2006;44:722-730.


Schilling C, Gallicchio L, Miller SR, Langenberg P, Zacur H, Flaws JA. Genetic polymorphisms, hormone levels, and hot flashes in midlife women. Maturitas. 2006 Dec 20


Schilling C, Gallicchio L, Miller SR, Langenberg P, Zacur H, Flaws JA. Current alcohol use, hormone levels, and hot flashes in midlife women. Fertil Steril. 2007 Jun; 87(6):1483-6.


Schilling C, Gallicchio L, Miller SR, Langenberg P, Zacur H, Flaws JA. Relation of body mass and sex steroid hormone levels to hot flushes in a sample of mid-life women. Climacteric. 2007 Feb;10(1):27-37.


Mikdashi J, Handwerger B, Langenberg P, Miller M, Kittner S. Baseline disease activity, hyperlipidemia, and hypertension are predictive factors for ischemic stroke and stroke severity in systemic lupus erythematosus. Stroke. 2007 Feb;38(2):281-5


Diggs C, Meyer WA, Langenberg P, Greenberg P, Horne L, Warren JW. Assessing urgency in interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome. Urology. 2007 Feb;69(2):210-4.


Scherer R, Langenberg P, von Elm E. Full publication of results initially presented in abstracts. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2007 Apr 18.


Whitcomb BW, Whiteman MK, Langenberg P, Flaws JA, Romani WA. Physical activity and risk of hot flashes among women in midlife. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2007 JanFeb;16(1):124-33.


Fink JC, Hsu VD, Zhan M, Walker LD, Mullins CD, Jones-Burton C, Langenberg P, Seliger SL. Center effects in anemia management of dialysis patients. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2007 19

Feb;18(2):646-53. 159

Pradhan EK, Baumgarten M, Langenberg P, Handwerger B, Gilpin AK, Magyari T, Hochberg MC, Berman BM. Effect of Mindfulness-Based stress reduction in rheumatoid arthritis patients. Arthritis Rheum. 2007 Sep 28;57(7):1134-1142


Greenberg P, Brown J, Yates T, Brown V, Langenberg P, Warren JW. Voiding urges perceived by patients with interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome. Neurourol Urodyn. 2007 Oct 11.


Dickersin K, Munro MG, Clark M, Langenberg P, Scherer R, Frick K, Zhu Q, Hallock L, Nichols J, Yalcinkaya TM; for the Surgical Treatments Outcomes Project for Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (STOP-DUB) Research Group. Hysterectomy Compared With Endometrial Ablation for Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Obstet Gynecol. 2007 Dec;110(6):1279-1289.


Pradhan EK, Baumgarten M, Langenberg P, Handwerger B, Gilpin AK, Magyari T, Hochberg MC, Berman BM. Effect of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction in rheumatoid arthritis patients. Arthritis Rheum. 2007 Oct 15;57(7):1134-42.


Postolache, Teodor T.; Lapidus, Manana ; Sander, Evan R.; Langenberg, Patricia ; Hamilton, Robert G.; Soriano, Joseph J.; McDonald, Jessica S.; Furst, Nancy ; Bai, Jie ; Scrandis, Debra A.; Cabassa, Johanna A.; Stiller, John W.; Balis, Theodora ; Guzman, Alvaro ; Togias, Alkis ; Tonelli, Leonardo. Changes in Allergy Symptoms and Depression Scores Are Positively Correlated In Patients With Recurrent Mood Disorders Exposed to Seasonal Peaks in aeroallergens. TheScientificWorld Journal, 2007, 7, 1968-1977.


Manheimer E, Zhang G, Udoff L, Haramati A, Langenberg P, Berman BM, Bouter LM. Effects of acupuncture on rates of pregnancy and live birth among women undergoing in vitro fertilisation: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ. 2008 Feb 7; [PMID: 18258932 ]


Rohl J, Kjerulff K, Langenberg P, Steege J. Bilateral oophorectomy and depressive symptoms 12 months after hysterectomy. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2008 Mar 21; [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 18359477


Warren JW, Brown J, Tracy JK, Langenberg P, Wesselmann U, Greenberg P. Evidence-based criteria for pain of interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome in women. Urology. 2008 Mar;71(3):444-8. PMID: 18342184


Perisse AR, Langenberg P, Hungerford L, Boulay M, Charurat M, Schechter M, Blattner W. The Use of Supplementary Techniques to Increase Recall of Sex Partners in a Network-Based Research Study in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Sex Transm Dis. 2008 Apr 10; [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 18418287 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]


Mortimore E, Haselow D, Dolan M, Hawkes WG, Langenberg P, Zimmerman S, Magaziner J. Amount of Social Contact and Hip Fracture Mortality. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2008 Apr 10; [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 18410322 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]


Delahanty JC, Diclemente CC, Havas S, Langenberg P. Smoking Status and Stages of Change for Dietary Behaviors Among WIC Women. Am J Health Behav. 2008 Nov-Dec;32(6):583-93. PMID: 18442338 20


Warren JW, Brown V, Jacobs S, Horne L, Langenberg P, Greenberg P. Urinary tract infection and inflammation at onset of interstitial cystitis/painful bladder syndrome. Urology. 2008 Jun;71(6):1085-90. PMID: 18538691


Langenberg, Patricia. (1989) Book Review, Statistics: The Essentials for Research, 3rd ed., Technometrics,30,4.

PUBLICATIONS (Not refereed): 1.

Langenberg, Patricia and Srinivasan, R. (l978) An Approximation to the Bayes optimal multi-stage design in the Colton model for clinical trials, Proceedings of the Pittsburgh Conference on Modeling and Simulation, l, 35-39.


Dein, F. Joshua, and Langenberg, Patricia (l98l) Avian Hematology: An Assessment, Proceedings of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians.


Srinivasan, R. and Langenberg, P.(1983) An indifference zone approach to bioequivalence. Technical Report No. 9 , Department of Statistics, Temple University.


Hsuan, Francis and Langenberg, P.(1983) The {2} - inverse with applications in statistics. Technical Report No. 2l, Department of Statistics, Temple University.


Orsay E.M., Turnbull T.L., Dunne M., Barrett J.A., Langenberg P., Orsay C.P. (1989) The Effect of Occupant Restraints on Children and the Elderly in Motor Vehicle Accidents, Proceedings for the 12th International Technical Conference Experimental Safety Vehicles, Gothenburg, Sweden.


Raju T.N.K., Langenberg P, Sen A., Aldana O. (1992) ADaha 9yi@ nin Ne Kadari Yeterlidir? AJDC╟ocuk Hastaliklan Dergisi, Sayi 2, 41-46.


Abbasi F., Krumholz A., Kittner S., Langenberg, P. (1997) Effects of Menopause on Epilepsy, 21st IEC Proceedings.

ABSTRACTS PRESENTED (selected): An approximation to the Bayes optimal multi-stage design in the Colton model for clinical trials. Pittsburgh Conference on Modeling and Simulation, 1979 (with Srinivasan). An indifference zone approach to bioequivalence. American Statistical Association Annual Meeting, Houston, l980 (with Srinivasan). A Permutation Test Statistic for Space-Time Interaction, American Statistical Society Annual Meeting, Detroit, 1981 (with Srinivasan). The {2} - inverse with applications in Statistics, American Statistical Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, l983 (with Hsuan). 21

Trimmed mean X-Bar and R Charts, American Statistical Association Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, 1985 (with Iglewicz). Survival Methods in Modeling Longitudinal Smoking Cessation Data, American Statistical Association Winter Meetings, San Diego, 1989. Educating Mathematical Scientists: Doctoral Study and the Postdoctoral Experience in the US (Report on the Commission Study), American Statistical Association Annual Meeting, Boston, 1992. Hormone Replacement and Menopausal Symptoms Following Hysterectomy, Congress on Women's Health, 1997 INVITED LECTURES: 1987

Lecture series, "Mathematics and Statistics for Biologists", Anesthesiology Residents Temple University


Presentation, "Biostatistical Methods in Cancer Research", Breast Cancer Coalition, Washington DC


Lecturer, Statistics in Neonatology, Specialty Review in Neonatology/Perinatology, The Cook County Graduate School of Medicine


UMS Women's Forum workshop presentation: Hormone Replacement Therapy following Hysterectomy


Mathematics Department/Sigma Xi Colloquium, Towson University: What is a PhD in Mathematics/Statistics Doing in a Department of Epidemiology?

Active Support 5 K12 HD42489-04 (Langenberg) 9/24/2007-7/31/2012 10% donated NIH (NICHD and ORWH) $2,483,826 Maryland’s Organized Research Effort in Women’s Health (MORE-WH) This project will provide interdisciplinary mentored training in women’s health research to junior faculty scholars in an effort to foster the expansion of women’s health research across a variety of disciplines. R01 DK65880-02 (Warren) 9/18/2003-8/31/2007 9% NIH $444,552 A Case Control Study of Interstitial Cystitis The objective of the study is to compare cases of Interstitial Cystitis with controls to identify possible risk factors for this painful and rare chronic condition. The cases will be followed over time to better understand the natural history of the condition. 1M01RR165001-03 (Wilson) 3/1/2002 – 2/28/2007 20% NIH $2,872,319 General Clinical Research Center The goals of the Biostatistics Core are to provide scientific consultation in biostatistical and epidemiological aspects of research. It includes study design, statistical power, analysis planning and implementation. It also includes outreach to new investigators; that is, helping less experienced 22

investigators frame a research question, develop hypotheses and specific aims, and identify a suitable study design such as case-control, prospective cohort, or randomized trial. U54 HD36207 (Albrecht) 4/1/2004-3/31/2009 6% National Institutes of Health (NICHD) $1,007,761 Project 3 of the Specialized Cooperative Centers Program in Reproduction Research: A Multidisciplinary Program in Female Reproduction Project Description: 1) Steroid hormone regulation of Ang-1, Ang-2, TSP-1, neuropilin-1, and Tie-2 expression in the baboon endometrium, 2) Role of VEGF in mediating estrogen action on angiogenesis and microvascular permeability in the baboon endometrium; and 3) Role of human endometrial VEGF and Ang-1 in mediating estrogen and progesterone action in angiogenesis and vascular remodeling. K01 AG022011 (I. Zuckerman) 04/01/04—03/31/09 2% (donated) NIA $119,750 Predicting Transitions Among Community-Dwelling Elders The research aim of this career development award is to provide mentored training for the applicant. Research objectives are to describe transitions from independent living situations among the elderly, to estimate the association between medication use factors and transitions, and to identify elders at risk for transitions. Role: Co-Mentor IP01 AT002605-01A1(Berman) 9/30/2005-8/31/2010 10% yrs 1-4; 15% yr 5 NIH/NCCAM $4,934,361 Arthritis and Traditional Chinese Medicine The primary objective of this proposal is to establish a Center for research in CAM that is focused on arthritis and TCM. The proposal contains three projects and three supporting cores that will examine the safety, efficacy and mechanism of action associated with common TCM treatments, acupuncture and herbs for arthritis. 5R21 AT001943-02 (Berman) 9/30/2005-9/29/2010 5% year 2; 10% year 3&4 NCCAM $3,710,493 Functional Bowel Disorders in Chinese Medicine This application responds to a NCCAM request for proposal among the current recipients of the Planning Grant for International Centers for Research on Complementary and Alternative Medicine. The proposal supports the development of an international research center with the Chinese University of Hong Kong. The goal for NIH is an international collaboration for research focused on indigenous medicine systems. The specific research focus for this grant is the Traditional Chinese Medicine systems and the TCM approach to the treatment of functional bowel disorders.


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