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Curriculum Vitae Mariana Guerrero, PhD Clinical Assistant Professor, Radiation Oncology Department University of Maryland School of Medicine


December 20th, 2013

Contact Information: Business Address: Business Phone Number: Fax: E-mail: Foreign Languages:

Department of Radiation Oncology 22 South Greene Street, Room GGJ15 Baltimore, MD 21201 (410) 328-7023 (410) 328-2618 Spanish (native), English (fluent), French (proficient)

Education 1989 1995

Licentiate (B. S.), Physics, University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina Ph.D., Physics, University of California, Irvine, California, Thesis Advisor - Professor Clare C. Yu

Post-Graduate Education and Training 1996 - 1999 2001 - 2004

Postdoctoral Fellow, Los Alamos National Laboratory, mentor Dr. James Gubernatis Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Maryland School of Medicine, mentor Dr. Allen Li

Certifications 2006-2016

American Board of Radiology, Therapeutic Radiological Physics.

Employment History Academic Appointments 2004 - 2005 2009 - present

Clinical Assistant Professor, part-time, Radiation Oncology, UMSOM Clinical Assistant Professor, part-time, Radiation Oncology, UMSOM

Other Employment 1988 -1990 1991 1995 2006 - 2010

Teaching Assistant, Department of Physics, University of Buenos Aires Teaching Assistant, Department of Physics, University of California, Irvine Research Assistant, Department of Physics, University of California, Irvine Part-Time Medical Physicist, Department of Radiation Therapy, Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Washington, DC

Mariana Guerrero, PhD

Professional Society Memberships 1992-2001 2003-present 2003-present 2010-present

Member, American Physical Society Member, American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) Member, Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine Member, American Society of Therapeutic Radiation Oncology (ASTRO)

Honors and Awards 1989 1990-1991 1995

Honor Diploma, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina Regents and Tuition Fellowship, University of California, Irvine, CA. Regents Dissertation Fellowship, University of California, Irvine, CA.

Clinical Activities 2004-2005

As Assistant Professor, University of Maryland School of Medicine  Responsible for all Physics clinical coverage of the satellite facility located at Montgomery General Hospital in Olney, MD.  Commissioning of the Prowess Panther IMRT treatment planning system.  Commissioning of new version of Variseed planning system.


As Medical Physicist at VA Hospital, Washington, DC  Commissioning of the Eclipse planning system for new Varian 21EX linac  Key role in Implementation of record and verify ARIA system  Commissioning and development of intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) program for prostate cancer  Commissioning of Portal Dosimetry capabilities.  Key role in Department’s American College of Radiation Oncology (ACRO) accreditation  Key role in Department’s American College of Radiology (ACR) accreditation  Acceptance and quality assurance program development for Varian OBI system  Acceptance and quality assurance program development GE CT scanner  Clinical coverage of External beam treatments


As Assistant Professor, University of Maryland School of Medicine  Responsible for overseeing prostate seed implants program (I-125 and Cs-131) ‐ Acceptance and commissioning of new Variseed Software versions ‐ Training of several staff members on prostate implants planning and radioactive source handling. ‐ Acceptance and commissioning of new ultrasound units ‐ Quarterly audits  Clinical coverage of External beam treatments  Clinical coverage of high-dose-rate brachytherapy treatments  Clinical coverage of Yttrium-90 liver infusions  Clinical coverage of Thermal Therapy  Responsible for annual and monthly Linear Accelerator Quality Assurance

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Mariana Guerrero, PhD

Administrative Service Institutional Service 2010-2011 2012 2012-present 2013-present 2013-present 2013

Chair, Brachytherapy committee Member, Residency Program kick-off committee Member, Residency Program committee Chair, Residency Program Operations subcommittee Member, Residency program Curriculum and Competency subcommittee Representative of the Department of Radiation Oncology at the SOM council.

National Service 2003-present 2007 2011-present 2013

Manuscript Reviewer, International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics; Physics in Medicine and Biology and Medical Physics Journal Book reviewer for International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics Associate Guest Editor, Medical Physics Abstract Reviewer, 2013 AAPM meeting

Teaching Service

Undergraduate Programs Teaching 1988-1991

Teaching Assistant for the Department of Physics, University of Buenos Aires, (6 hours


Teaching assistant for the Department of Physics, University of California, Irvine (6 hours per week 25 students) Research project supervision of 1 undergraduate student in the T-11 group of Los Alamos National Laboratory, 1 hour/week over a year)

per week, 30 students) 1997-1998

Residency and Post-Graduate Program Teaching and Mentoring 2010-present 2010-present 2010-2011 2012-2013 2013 2013

Radiation Physics Teacher – Brachytherapy, University of Maryland Radiation Oncology Residency 3-hour block, 1 hour/week over 3 weeks, 7 residents. Radiation Physics Teacher – Prostate Brachytherapy, University of Maryland Radiation Oncology Dosimetry School, 2 students, 1 hour lecture/year, 2 office hours/year, 8 hours hands-on training/year per student. Mentoring for Medical Physics Postdoctoral Fellow, 1 hour/week over 2 years. Advisor for Junior Physics Resident (mentor and tutor), 0.5 hour/week over six months. Tutor-General Radiation Therapy Physics, University of Maryland Radiation Oncology Residency, Baltimore, Maryland Weekly 1.5-hour review sessions, 4 weeks/year, 1 to 2 residents. Physics Resident Mentor for the LDR brachytherapy rotation ( 1 resident, 1 officehour/week over 4-5 months, 30 hours hands-on training)

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Publications Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

M. Guerrero, Clare C. Yu, “Numerical renormalization group study of the one-dimensional Anderson lattice”, Physica B 206 & 207, 151-153 (1995). M. Guerrero, Clare C. Yu, “Kondo insulators modeled by the one-dimensional Anderson lattice: a numerical renormalization group study”, Phys. Rev. B 51 , 10301 (1995). M. Guerrero, R. M. Noack “Phase diagram of the one-dimensional Anderson lattice”, Phys. Rev. B 53, 3707 (1996). Clare C. Yu, M. Guerrero “An Anderson impurity in a semiconductor”, Phys. Rev B 54, 8556 (1996). Role: Develop the computer program and perform calculations. M. Guerrero, Herve M. Carruzzo, “Effect of dispersion in the f-band of the 1D Anderson lattice model”, Phys. Rev. B, 54, 16562 (1996). M. Guerrero, J. E. Gubernatis and S. Zhang, “Quantum Monte Carlo study of hole binding and pairing correlations in the three-band Hubbard model”, Phys. Rev. B 57, 11980 (1998). M. Guerrero, G. Ortiz and J. E. Gubernatis, “Correlated Wave-Functions and the Absence of Long Range Order in Numerical Studies of the Hubbard Model”, Phys. Rev. B., 59, 1706 (1999). J. Bonca, J. E. Gubernatis, M. Guerrero, E. Jeckelmann and S. R. White, “Stripes in the threechain Hubbard ladder: a comparison of density matrix renormalization group and constrainedpath quantum Monte Carlo approaches”, Phys. Rev. B 61, 3251 (2000). Role: Develop part of the computer programs and perform some of the calculations. M. Guerrero, G. Ortiz and J. E. Gubernatis “Pairing correlations in the attractive Hubbard model on chains, ladders, and squares”, Phys. Rev. B 62, 600 (2000). J. E. Gubernatis, M.Guerrero “Random walk beyond Hartree-Fock”, Computer Physics Communications, 128, 201 (2000) Role: Help gather the information from our previous work for the review article. M. Guerrero, R. M. Noack “Ferromagnetism and phase separation in one-dimensional d-p and periodic Anderson models”, Phys. Rev. B 63, 144423 (2001). M. Guerrero, Robert D. Stewart , Jian Z. Wang and X. Allen Li “Equivalence of the linearquadratic and two-lesion kinetic models.” Phys Med Biol. 47(17), 3197-209 (2002). Wang JZ, M Guerrero, Li XA “How low is the alpha/beta ratio for prostate cancer?” Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2003 Jan 1;55(1):194-203. Role: Provided expertise and advice on the direction of the research during weekly meetings over several months. M Guerrero, Li XA, Ma L. “A technique to sharpen the beam penumbra for Gamma Knife radiosurgery” Phys Med Biol. 2003 Jun 21;48(12):1843-53. M Guerrero, Li XA “Analysis of a large number of clinical studies for breast cancer radiotherapy: estimation of radiobiological parameters for treatment planning” Phys Med Biol. 2003 Oct 21;48(20):3307-26. M. Guerrero, X. Allen Li, M.A. Earl, M. Sarfaraz E. Kiggundu “IMRT Concomitant Boost for Breast Radiotherapy: a feasibility study”, Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2004 Aug 1;59(5):151322. M. Guerrero and X. Allen Li, “Extending the linear-quadratic model for large fraction doses pertinent to stereotactic radiotherapy”, Phys Med Biol. 2004 Oct 21;49(20):4825-35. David J. Carlson, Robert D. Stewart, X. Allen Li, Ph.D., Kristofer Jennings, Ph.D.,* Jian Z. Wang, Ph.D. and M Guerrero, Ph.D., “Comparison of in vitro and in vivo α/β ratios for prostate cancer”, Phys Med Biol. 2004 Oct 7;49(19):4477-91.

Role: Provided expertise on how to perform the data analysis. Page 4

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M. Guerrero, X. Allen Li, Lijun Ma, Jeannette Linder, Chad DeYoung, Beth Erickson “Simultaneous integrated IMRT boost for locally advanced gynecological cancer: radiobiological and dosimetric considerations.” Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 62(3):933-9 (2005). M. Guerrero, X. Allen Li “Halftime for repair of sublethal damage in normal bladder and rectum: an analysis of clinical data from cervix brachytherapy” Phys Med Biol. 51: 4063-4071 (2006). M. Guerrero, “Comparison of fractionation schedules in the large heterogeneity limit”, Med Phys. 36(4): 1384-8. (2009). M. Guerrero, M. Carlone “Mechanistic Formulation of a Lineal-Quadratic-Linear (LQL) Model: Split-Dose Experiments and Exponentially Decaying Sources”, Med Phys. 37(8):4173-81 (2010). Jidong Hou, M. Guerrero, Warren D. D’Souza “Deformable planning CT to cone-beam CT image registration in head-and-neck cancer”, Med Phys., 38(4):2088-94 (2011). Role: Mentored J. Hou on the data gathering and analysis methods. PI for the IRB protocol. Jidong Hou, M. Guerrero, Warren D. D’Souza “Response Assessment in Locally Advanced Head and Neck Cancer Based on RECIST and Volume Measurements Using Cone Beam CT Images”, Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment, in press. Role: Mentored J. Hou on the data gathering and analysis methods. PI for the IRB protocol. G. Lasio, M. Guerrero, W. Goetz, F. Lima and J. Baulch, “Effect of Dose-Per-Pulse and Pulse Repetition Frequency in X-Ray Beam Irradiation of In-Vitro Cell Cultures”, submitted to Radiation research Role: Helped develop the experimental design and dosimetry methodology. Participated of several measurements. M. Guerrero, Shan Tan and Wei Lu “Radiobiological Modeling based on FDG PET data for Esophageal Cancer”, in preparation. Role: Develop a novel method of radiobiological modeling and analyzed the data.

Abstracts/Proceedings National 1.


M. Guerrero and Clare C. Yu, “Low energy excitations of the one dimensional Anderson lattice”, March Meeting of the American Physical Society, Pittsburgh, PA, contributed talk, 1994. M. Guerrero and Clare C. Yu, “Phase diagram of the one dimensional Anderson lattice”, March Meeting of the American Physical Society, San Jose, CA, contributed talk, 1995. M. Guerrero and Clare C. Yu, “Effect of dispersion in the f-band of the 1D Anderson lattice model”, March Meeting of the American Physical Society, St. Louis, MO, contributed talk, 1996. M. Guerrero et al, “Quantum Monte Carlo study of BCS correlations in the 2-D Hubbard model”, March Meeting of the American Physical Society, Los Angeles, CA, contributed talk, 1998. M. Guerrero et al, “Stripes in a three-chain Hubbard ladder”, March Meeting of the American Physical Society, Los Angeles, CA, contributed talk, 1998. M. Guerrero et al, “Ferromagnetic ground-state in a one-dimensional d-p model”, March Meeting of the American Physical Society, Los Angeles, CA, contributed talk, 1998. M. Guerrero et al, “Ground state ferromagnetism in the one-dimensional d-p and periodic


Anderson model”, ESCM2000: Electronic structure and magnetism in complex materials, Washington DC, poster, 2000. M. Guerrero et al “Equivalence of the linear-quadratic and two-lesion kinetic models”,

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


AAPM annual meeting in Montreal, poster, 2002. M. Guerrero et al “A technique to sharpen the beam penumbra for Gamma Knife radiosurgery”, AAPM annual meeting in Montreal, poster, 2002. Page 5

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14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

M. Guerrero et al “Analysis of a large number of clinical studies for breast cancer radiotherapy: estimation of radiobiological parameters for treatment planning”, AAPM annual meeting, San Diego, CA, contributed talk, 2003. M. Guerrero, X. Allen Li, M.A. Earl, M. Sarfaraz E. Kiggundu “IMRT Concomitant Boost for Breast Radiotherapy: a feasibility study”, AAPM annual meeting, Pittsburg, PA, contributed talk, 2004. M. Guerrero, X. Allen Li, Lijun Ma, Jeannette Linder, Chad DeYoung, Beth Erickson “Simultaneous integrated IMRT boost for locally advanced gynecological cancer: radiobiological and dosimetric considerations”, ASTRO annual meeting, Atlanta ,GA, poster, 2004. M. Guerrero and X. Allen Li “A Biophysical Model for Adaptive Radiotherapy Based On Tumor Volume Regression During Radiation Treatment” AAPM annual meeting, Seattle, WA, poster, 2005. M. Guerrero and X. Allen Li “Halftime for Repair of Sublethal Damage in Normal Bladder and Rectum: An Analysis of Clinical Data From Cervix Brachytherapy” AAPM annual meeting, Seattle, WA, poster, 2005. M. Guerrero and I. Patel “A Portal Image based Quality Assurance program using a commercial portal dosimetry software”, AAPM annual meeting, Minneapolis, MN, poster discussion, 2007. M. Guerrero, X. Allen Li and C. Ramsey “Radiobiological modeling for lung tumor volume regression during the course of radiatiotherapy”, ASTRO annual meeting, Boston, contributed talk, 2008. M. Guerrero and I. Patel “Comparison of IMRT Verifications with a Two-Dimensional Array of Diodes and a Commercial Portal Dosimetry System”, AAPM annual meeting, Anaheim, CA, contributed talk, 2009. M. Guerrero and M. Carlone “Mechanistic Formulation of a Lineal-Quadratic-Linear (LQL) Model: Split-Dose Experiments and Exponentially Decaying Sources”, AAPM 2 annual meeting, Anaheim, CA, poster, 2009. Jidong Hou, M. Guerrero, Warren D. D’Souza “RECIST and Volumetric Measurement On ConBeam CT Images for Treatment Assessment of Head and Neck Cancer”, Imaging for Treatment Assessment in Radiation Therapy (ITART), Maryland, poster, 2010. M. Guerrero, Jidong Hou, Warren D. D’Souza “What Does Volume Regression Tell Us about Radiosensitivity of Tumors?”, Imaging for Treatment Assessment in Radiation Therapy (ITART), Maryland, contributed talk, 2010. M. Guerrero, H. Zhang, Warren D. D’Souza “Does jaw tracking improve the dose distribution in intensity-modulated volumetric arc therapy for head and neck?” AAPM annual meeting, Philadelphia, PA, poster, 2010. J. Hou, M. Guerrero, M. Suntha, W. D’Souza “Response Monitoring for Concurrent ChemoRadiation Therapy of Head and Neck Cancer: Pre-Treatment PET SUV and Tumor Regression”, ASTRO annual meeting, Chicago, poster, 2010. M. Guerrero, Shan Tan and Wei Lu “Radiobiological Modeling based on FDG PET data for Esophageal Cancer” ASTRO annual meeting, Boston, MA, contributed talk, 2012. G. Lasio, M. Guerrero, W. Goetz, F. Lima and J. Baulch, “Effect of Dose-Per-Pulse and Pulse Repetition Frequency in X-Ray Beam Irradiation of In-Vitro Cell Cultures” AAPM annual meeting, Indianapolis, IN, snap oral presentation, 2013. M. Guerrero, Shan Tan and Wei Lu “Radiobiological modeling of tumor control probability using FDG PET imaging results combined with tumor volume” AAPM annual meeting, Indianapolis, IN, oral presentation, 2013.

International 1.

M. Guerrero and Clare C. Yu, “Numerical renormalization group study of the one-dimensional Page 6

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Anderson lattice”, International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, poster, August 1994. M Guerrero et al “Equivalence of the linear-quadratic and two-lesion kinetic models”, AAPM annual meeting in Montreal, Canada, poster, 2002. M. Guerrero “Interplay in Radiobiological Parameters in BED Calculations for a LinearQuadratic-Linear Model”, AAPM annual meeting, Vancouver, Canada, contributed talk, 2011. M. Guerrero, “Radiobiological Modeling of High Dose per Fraction’, World Congress of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineer Beijing, China, 2012.

Major Invited Speeches Local 1.

M. Guerrero, “Selective Internal Irradiation Treatment (SIRT) for liver metastasis and hepatocellular carcinoma”, American Association of Medical Dosimetry annual meeting MidAtlantic chapter, Virginia, 2012.

National 2. 3. 4.

M. Guerrero, “Study of Stripe Phases and Superconductivity in an Electronic Model for High Temperature Superconductors”, Department Colloquium, Physics Department, San Diego State University, 1998. M. Guerrero, “Search for Superconductivity in Hubbard Models Using the Constrained Path Monte Carlo”, American Physical Society annual meeting, Atlanta, GA, 1999. M. Guerrero, “Mechanistic Linear-Quadratic-Linear (LQL) Model for Large Doses Per Fraction”, American Association on Physicists in Medicine, Charlotte, NC, 2012.

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