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What’s the buzz? A self-reported addition to SOMnews for the School of Medicine community to share their successes.



Maryland School




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In the News A job well done to all who have kept us in the media spotlight! J Maureen Black, PhD, John A. Scholl Professor of Pediatrics, co-published an editorial regarding the Maryland Women, Infants, and Children’s program and its services in the December 10, 2007, issue of the Baltimore Sun.

Alessio Fasano, MD

J Alessio Fasano, MD, professor, Department of Pediatrics, was featured in a December 16, 2007, front page story in the Baltimore Sun on celiac disease. Additionally, Dr. Fasano was featured in a news brief regarding his discovery of zonulin, a protein that regulates the movement of fluids and molecules in and out of the intestine, in the December 17, 2007, issue of the American Gastroenterological Association’s online newsletter.

J Susan K. Fried, PhD, professor, Department of Medicine, was interviewed by reporter Allison Aubrey of National Public Radio for a story regarding over-consumption of caloric beverages and weight gain during the holidays. The interview aired on November 22, 2007.

J Todd Gould, MD, assistant professor, Department of Psychiatry, was featured in an article in the in-cites Scientists section of the in-cites Web site. According to a recent analysis of Thomson Scientific’s Essential Science Indicator data, Dr. Gould’s work has entered the top one percent in the field of psychiatry/psychology. His current record in this field includes five papers cited a total of 496 times. His overall citation record in the database includes 28 papers cited 1,061 times to date (as of the end of 2007), which includes highly-cited papers in the Todd Gould, MD Neuroscience & Behavior and Molecular Biology & Genetics catagories. The interview can be found at scientists/ToddGould.html. J Wendy Lane, MD, MPH, assistant professor, Departments of Epidemiology & Preventive Medicine and Pediatrics, contributed to an article which appeared in the September 6, 2007, issue of, an online newsletter for Americans who have military affinity. The article was about families cracking under the pressure of a spouse being deployed.

Susan K. Fried, PhD

the buzz

Publications ­ Hats off to those who have been published! J Gad Alon, PT, PhD, associate professor, Department of Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Science, published an article entitled “Stimulating Technology: Incorporating Electrotherapy in Physical Rehabilitation” in the October 2007 issue of Physical Therapy Products.

Gad Alon, PT, PhD

J Mary Beth Bollinger, DO, associate professor, and Carol J. Blaisdell, MD, clinical associate professor, both from the Department of Pediatrics, coauthored “Transition to Managed Care Impacts Asthma Health Care Utilization by Children Insured by Medicaid” in the Journal of Asthma, 2007;44:717-722.

a preventive HIV vaccine. Drs. DeVico, Lewis, and Charurat are all also faculty members of the Institute of Human Virology. J Lisa Dixon, MD, professor, Department of Psychiatry, published “The Ten Commandments of Services Research” in Psychiatric Services, 2007 Dec;58(12):1606. J Melissa Houston, MD, MPH, assistant professor, Department of Pediatrics, authored a manuscript entitled “More Than Just Vaginal Intercourse” in the Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, 2007 Oct; 20 (05). J Margaret M. McCarthy, PhD, professor, Department of Physiology, published a review entitled “Estradiol and the Developing Brain” which was featured on the cover of Physiological Reviews, Vol. 88, No. 1, January 2008 edition, pages 91-124.

J Marcelo Cardarelli, MD, MPH, assistant professor, Department of Surgery, co-published “Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation after Cardiac Arrest in Children—What Do We Know?” in the March 2008 issue of the European Journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery. J Anthony DeVico, PhD, professor, and Manhattan Charurat, PhD, MS, assistant professor, both from the Department of Medicine, George K. Lewis, PhD, professor, Department of Microbiology & Immunology, and Robert C. Gallo, MD, professor, Department of Medicine, and director, Institute of Human Virology, were among the co-authors of “Antibodies to CD4-induced Sites in HIV gp120 Correlate with the Control of SHIV Challenge in Macaques Vaccinated with Subunit George K. Lewis, PhD Immunogens” in the October 2007 issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The paper described recent Robert C. Gallo, MD promising findings from the institute’s research into

Margaret M. McCarthy, PhD,

J William Romani, PT, PhD, assistant professor, Department of Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Science, co-authored a research report entitled “A Wellness Service Learning Project Improves the Perception of Professional Empowerment in Physical Therapy Students” in the fall issue of the Journal of Physical Therapy Education. William Romani, PT, PhD

J Haiqing Shen, PhD, postdoctoral fellow, and Alan Shuldiner, MD, professor, both from the Department of Medicine, worked as part of an international consortium to identify a common genetic variant that influences adult height. This work appeared online in the journal Nature Genetics. Alan Shuldiner, MD

the buzz

Grants &


Congratulations to our very productive faculty on their recent grants and contracts! J Brian Berman, MD, professor, Department of Family & Community Medicine, and director of the Center for Integrative Medicine, received $5 million from an anonymous donor to further the center’s work to evaluate complementary and alternative therapies and develop clinical models that offer patients integrative care. The gift will allow the center to broaden its investigation of the use of traditional Chinese medicine and mind/body therapies for particularly burdensome health care problems, such as pain management in osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. J Da-Wei Gong, MD, PhD, associate professor, Department of Medicine, received a one-year $250,000 renewal research contract from Pfizer, Inc. for his work entitled “The Use of ALT Isoenzyme Analysis to Investigate Drug-induced Hepatoxicity.” Brian Berman, MD

J Anupama Kewalramani, MD, assistant professor, Department of Pediatrics, received a $50,000 one-year grant from the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology for its 2007-2008 Young Faculty Support Award. The title of her grant is “Fresh Food Skin in Eosinophilic Esophagitis Patients.” J The Department of Medicine’s Division of Rheumatology has been awarded a two-year $200,000 institutional grant entitled “Novel Molecular Mechanisms of Pulmonary Fibrosis in Rheumatic Diseases” from the Arthritis Foundation. Sergei P. Atamas, MD, PhD, associate professor, Department of Medicine, is the principal investigator on this study. J Tony Passaniti, PhD, associate professor, Department of Pathology and Program in Oncology, received a four-year $842,000 Veterans Affairs merit grant for his work entitled “Transcriptional Regulation of Tumor Growth.”

Robert Redfield, MD

J Robert Redfield, MD, professor, Department of Medicine, and associate director, Institute of Human Virology, received an $800,000 grant from the

Centers for Disease Control and the government of Rwanda to enhance Rwanda’s anatomical pathology services. The one-year grant, which will be implemented by Niel Constantine, PhD, professor, Department of Pathology and Institute of Human Virology, will provide Rwanda with a state-of-the art digital pathology system, including real-time remote tissue analysis and diagnotics interpretation involving Rwandan pathologists, histotechnologists and laboratory managers and their counterparts in the University of Maryland Niel Constantine, PhD School of Medicine. Dr. Redfield also received $950,000 from the Treatment and Research AIDS Center in Rwanda to provide a senior mentoring team to Rwandan Ministry of Health officials involved in the care and treatment for people living with HIV/AIDS. The mentoring team will consist of a senior-level infectious disease physician, a nurse educator, a continuous quality improvement advisor, an adherence and community health advisor and a tuberculosis program advisor. J Patrick W. Reed, PhD, post-doctoral fellow, Department of Physiology, received an additional competing one-year $30,000 research grant from the FSH Society, Inc. (aka The Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy Society) for his work entitled “Analysis of Changes in the Proteome in Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy.” J Rebecca L. Wald, PhD, assistant professor, Department of Medicine and Institute of Human Virology, received a two-year $337,500 R21 grant from the National Institute of Nursing Research. Her project, entitled “Cognitive Biases and Interpretive Schemas in Antiretroviral Therapy DecisionMaking,” examines irrational beliefs and biased reasoning in patient decision-making about whether to accept antiretroviral therapy for HIV. J Paul A. Welling, MD, professor, Department of Physiology, received a four-year $1,275,000 competing renewal for his Na- Rebecca L. Wald, PhD tional Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases research grant entitled “Polarized Trafficking of K+ Channels in the Kidney.”

the buzz


Grants and Contracts continued J Jian-Min Zhang, MD, assistant professor, Department of Psychiatry, received a Building Interdisciplinary Research Careers in Women’s Health (BIRCWH) K-12 IV grant that provides two to three years of funding for mentored research and training related to women’s health. Dr. Zhang will study the neurobiology underlying gender differences in vulnerability to depression.

Ruixin Zhang, PhD

J Ruixin Zhang, PhD, assistant professor, Department of Family & Community Medicine, received a two-year $412,500 award from the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine for his project entitled “Effects of Electroacupuncture on Chemotherapy–induced Pain.” This is Dr. Zhang’s first National Institutes of Healthsponsored grant.



Thanks to those who selflessly donate their time, talent and energy! J Paula Richey Geigle, PT, PhD, assistant professor, Department of Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Science, organized physical therapy student volunteers to perform scoliosis screenings for students in the 4th through 7th grades at the Dr. Rayner Browne Academy Community School in Baltimore in December 2007. Paula Richey Geigle, PT, PhD

& Awards

Congratulations to the following who have received honors and awards! J Ahmet Baschat, MB, BCh, associate professor, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences, received the Dru Carlson Memorial Award for Best Research in Ultrasound and Genetics for his work entitled “Integration of Venous Doppler and Biophysical Profile Provides Optimal Delivery Timing in Fetal Growth Restriction” at the Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine’s President’s (SMFM) Award Ceremony. The President’s Award Ceremony was part of the SMFM Annual Meeting held in Dallas in February 2008. J Nicola Heller, PhD, post-doctoral fellow, Center for Vascular and Inflammatory Diseases, was selected as a fellow of the Strategic Training in Allergy Research Program sponsored by the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI). Dr. Heller will receive an all-expenses-paid trip to the AAAAI annual meeting in Philadelphia in March 2008 and will present her research, “Type I IL-4 Receptor Complex Selectively Activates the Tyrosine Phosphorylation of IRS-2.” J Amal Mattu, MD, associate professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, received the 2008 National Educator of the Year Award from the American Academy of Emergency Medicine. The award was based on his educational contributions to the specialty in the areas of emergency cardiology and electrocardiography. J Jonathan Skupsky, MD/PhD student, Center for Vascular and Inflammatory Disease, was accepted into the 2008 Strategic Training in Allergy Research Amal Mattu, MD Program sponsored by the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI). Mr. Skupsky will receive an all-expenses-paid trip to the AAAAI annual meeting in Philadelphia in March 2008 and will present his research on hemophilia and the role of regulatory T cells in tolerance to therapy.

the buzz

Events, Lectures

& Workshops

­ Kudos to our colleagues who are experts in their fields and give their all to represent the School of Medicine! J Toni Antalis, PhD, professor, Department of Physiology and Center for Vascular and Inflammatory Diseases, chaired the 2008 Gordon Research Conference entitled “Plasminogen Activation and Extracellular Proteolysis.” The conference was held in February 2008 in Ventura, California. J Maureen Black, PhD, John A. Scholl Professor of Pediatrics, organized an international conference entitled “Child Toni Antalis, PhD Development from a Global Perspective: Lost Potential, Modifiable Risk Factors, Successful Programs & Future Goals” which was sponsored by the Rockefeller Foundation and held in Bellagio, Italy, in October 2007. The conference was attended by representatives from 11 countries and major international agencies such as the World Health Maureen Black, PhD Organization, UNICEF and the World Bank. J Lisa Dixon, MD, professor, and Melanie Bennett, PhD, clinical assistant professor, both from the Department of Psychiatry, presented at an MD-QUIT conference about the challenges and opportunities of smoking cessation among persons with psychiatric disorders at the Turf Valley Conference Center in December 2007.

Joyelle Dominique, MS

J Joyelle Dominique, MS, clinical care and research laboratory director, Institute of Human Virology, presented “Management of Clinical Laboratory: Key Aspects for Maintenance of Equipment” at the Centers for Disease Control and World Health Organization—African Regional Office meeting on clinical laboratory testing harmonization and

standardization in Maputo, Mozambique, in January 2008. The presentation focused on resource-limited settings in the developing world. J Richard L. Eckert, PhD, John F. B. Weaver Endowed Professor and chair, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, was the meeting organizer for the 2nd International Symposium on Translational Cancer Research held in Mumbai, India, in December 2007. In addition, Dr. Eckert gave a lecture at the symposium entitled “Making Sense of Skin—Polycomb Genes and Nutrition-Based Cancer Prevention.”

Richard L. Eckert, PhD

J Robert Edelman, MD, professor, Departments of Medicine and Pediatrics, presented an invited seminar on “Ethical Issues Surrounding Vaccine Trials in Humans” at the Pfizer 2007 Vaccinology Seminar Series, which was held at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo in October 2007. This lecture series provided an educational opportunity for the academic and pharmaceutical communites to interface with prominent researchers and educators in the field of vaccinology. The seminars are linked to multiple participating sites around the country and to Pfizer, Inc. employees globally. J Paula Richey Geigle, PT, PhD, assistant professor, Department of Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation, presented a clinical session entitled “Aquatic Physical Therapy” at the American Physical Therapy Association’s National Student Conclave, in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, in October 2007. J Laurel J. Kiser, PhD, associate professor, and Deborah Medoff, PhD, assistant professor, both from the Department of Psychiatry, and Maureen Black, PhD, professor, Department of Pediatrics, presented “Urban Poverty, Childhood Complex Traumatic Stress Symptoms, and Family Processes” at The International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies Annual Meeting in Baltimore in November 2007.

the buzz

Laurel J. Kiser, PhD


Events, Lectures and Workshops continued The Department of Neurology members listed below co-presented at the 132nd Annual Meeting of the American Neurological Association in Washington, DC, in October 2007: J John Cole, MD, assistant professor, Marcella A. Wozniak, MD, PhD, associate professor, Barney J, Stern, MD, professor, and Steven J. Kittner, MD, professor, presented “Neuroserpin Polymorphisms and Stroke Risk in a Biracial Population: The Stroke Prevention in Young Women Study.” J Allan Krumholz, MD, professor, Ana Sanchez, MD, fellow, and Jennifer Hopp, MD, assistant professor, presented “Acute Clinical and EEG Responses to Intravenous Benzodiazepines Predict Subsequent Outcomes in Suspected Nonconvulsive Status.” J Karen E. Anderson, MD, assistant professor, R. Jake Mullins, research assistant, Paul S. Fishman, MD, PhD, professor, Stephen G. Reich, MD, professor, William J. Weiner, MD, professor and chair, and Lisa M. Shulman, MD, associate professor, presented “Do Psychiatric Symptoms Have a Greater Impact on Quality of Life in the Early or Advanced Parkinson’s Disease?” J Mackenzie Carpenter, MD, resident, R. Jake Mullins, research assistant, Karen E. Anderson, MD, assistant professor, Paul S. Fishman, MD, PhD, professor, Stephen G. Reich, MD, professor, William J. Weiner, MD, professor and chair, and Lisa M. Shulman, MD, associate professor, presented “What Motor Symptoms Have the Greatest Effect on Patient-Reported Disability in Parkinson’s Disease?” J Eric McDade, DO, resident, Karen E. Anderson, MD, assistant professor, R. Jake Mullins, research assistant, and Lisa M. Shulman, MD, associate professor, presented “Is Depression Greater in Young-Onset or Late-Onset Parkinson’s Disease?” J Charlene E. Hafer-Macko, MD, associate professor, and Brian C. Salter, MD, fellow, presented “Myostatin, a Key Regulator of Skeletal Muscle Mass, is Increased in Skeletal Muscle after Stroke.” J James W. Russell, MD, associate professor, presented “Differential Regulation of TGFB is Associated with Diabetic Neuropathy” and “Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor Agonists Prevent Early Neuropathy in Diabetic Animals.” J Walter Royal, MD, associate professor, presented “Occupational Categories at Risk for Multiple Sclerosis: A Case-Control Study.”

Myung Park, MD

J Myung Park, MD, assistant professor, Department of Medicine, presented “Clinical and Investigational Utility of MRI and Other Diagnostic Tools: New Views of the Right Heart” at the American Heart Association Meeting in Orlando, Florida, in November 2007. Additionally, Dr. Park presented “Vascular Complications of Systemic Sclerosis: Long-Term Treatment Strategy for PAH,” at the American College of Rheumatology Meeting in Boston in November 2007.

J William F. Regine, MD, professor and chair, Department of Radiation Oncology, gave an invited lecture entitled “Malignant Gliomas, Hope & Life: Using Biology to Refine Treatment Ground Rounds” at the Rocky Mountain Cancer Center in Casper, Wyoming, and Prince William Hospital in Manassas, Virginia, in November 2007.

William F. Regine, MD

J Wendy Sanders, MA, assistant dean for Faculty Affairs and Professional Development, conducted a Grant Writing Workshop for the faculty at Villa Julie College on January 7, 2008. This workshop was part of a National Institutes of Health grant awarded to Villa Julie College in order to stimulate interest in conducting research. J Jill Whitall, PT, PhD, professor, Department of Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Science, co-organized Wendy Sanders, MA the annual meeting of the Motor Development Research Consortium that was held in UMB’s Allied Health Building in November 2007. The three-day conference attracted 50 participants to hear 21 research reports and two invited scholars, Dr. Stewart Mostofsky from Johns Hopkins University and Dr. Dale Ulrich from the University of Michigan.

the buzz

Jill Whitall, PT, PhD


New Faculty We welcome our new faculty!

We applaud our colleagues on their recent appointments!

J Margaret Chesney, PhD, joined the Department of Medicine with a joint appointment in the Department of Family & Community Medicine as a professor. Additionally, Dr. Chesney will serve as the Center for Integrative Medicine’s first associate director. Prior to joining the University of Maryland, Dr. Chesney served for five years as the first deputy director of the National Institutes of Health’s Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), which is the primary federal agency supporting scientific research in this field. Prior to joining NCCAM, Dr. Chesney was professor Margaret Chesney, PhD of medicine and epidemiology at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) School of Medicine where she was director of the Behavioral Medicine and Epidemiology Core of the UCSF Center for AIDS Research.

Donate Your Hair to Locks of Love! April 29, 2008 6:00 pm MSTF Auditorium

If you are interested in donating your hair to a good cause, join Brian Harkavy, MSII, who has organized a community hair-cutting event to collect a mass donation for Locks of Love. Locks of Love is an organization that accepts hair donations to create prosthetics for financially disadvantaged children suffering from long-term hair loss due to alopecia areata and other diseases. The prostheses help to restore the self-esteem and confidence of these children, enabling them to face the world and their peers.

J Dhan V. Kalvakolanu, PhD, professor, Department of Microbiology & Immunology and Program in Oncology, has been elected to the editorial board of the Journal of Biological Chemistry. J Thomas A. MacVittie, PhD, professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, was appointed as a voting member of the National Biodefense Science Board (NBSB). The Dhan V. Kalvakolanu, PhD primary goal of the NBSB is to provide expert advice and guidance to the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services on scientific, technical and other matters of special interest regarding activities to prevent, prepare for and respond to adverse health effects of public health emergencies resulting from current and future chemical, biological, radioThomas A. MacVittie, PhD, logical and nuclear agents, whether naturally occurring, accidental or deliberate. J Michael T. Shipley, PhD, Donald E. Wilson Distinguished Professor and chair, Department of Anatomy & Neurobiology, and director, Program in Neuroscience, was elected by the Association for Anatomy, Cell Biology and Neurobiology Chairs (AACBNC) to a threeyear term as representative to the Council of Academic Societies. Dr. Shipley recently completed his term as immediate past-president of AACBNC.

The event will be filmed for possible inclusion in a documentary about the charity. Please contact Brian if you would like to participate, or have questions, at Information on hair donation guidelines can also be found at

Michael T. Shipley, PhD

the buzz

Mark Your Calendars! School of Medicine Pre-commencement Ceremony

Friday, May 16, 2008 8:00 to 10:00 am Joseph P. Meyerhoff Symphony Hall Keynote Speaker: Francis Collins, MD, PhD Francis S. Collins, MD, PhD, a physician-geneticist, is noted for his landmark discoveries of disease genes, and his leadership of the Human Genome Project (HGP). He is director of the National Human Genome Research Institute. With Dr. Collins at the helm, the HGP has attained several milestones, while running ahead of schedule and under budget. A working draft of the human genome was announced in June 2000, and he was joined by President Bill Clinton and rival scientist Craig Venter, PhD, in making the announcement. An initial analysis was published in February 2001. HGP scientists continued to work toward finishing the sequence of all three billion base pairs by 2003, coinciding with the 50th anniversary of Watson and Crick’s seminal publication of the structure of DNA.

14th Annual Historical Clinicopathological Conference “Humanoid Praying Mantis” Friday, May 16, 2008 1:30 to 3:00 pm Davidge Hall

This annual conference is devoted to the modern medical diagnosis of disorders that affected prominent historical figures. This year’s program patient was not yet 40 years old at the time of his death, having ruled Eygpt for 17 years. During his reign, the patient fomented revolution within his own kingdom, elevating Aten, the Sun-disc, above all other gods in Egypt’s pantheon, eclipsing even tbe all-powerful Amun, who had ruled in Thebes as king of the gods for centuries. Free attendance; tickets not required.

UMB Commencement

Friday, May 16, 2008 3:00 pm • 1st Mariner Marina

For tickets call 6.7476.

Buzz Contacts Many thanks to the following people who serve as your liaisons for the information you see in What’s the Buzz? Please send information (within the realm of the categories listed above) that you would like to see in the Buzz to the appropriate person within your department, program, center or office. Anatomy & Neurobiology:   Carolyn Craighead Anesthesiology: Linda Keevican Biochemistry & Molecular Biology:   Bruce Reinecke Dermatology: Betty Satosky

Diagnostic Radiology & Nuclear   Medicine: Nan Knight Emergency Medicine:   Linda Kesselring Epidemiology & Preventive   Medicine: Cindy Geppi Family & Community Medicine:   Michael Cuneo MD/PhD Program: Nancy Malson Medical & Research Technology:   Cynthia Stambach Medicine: Molly Lutz Microbiology & Immunology:   Michaélé Witcher Neurology: Paula Gilley Neurosurgery: Terry Roberts Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproduc  tive Sciences: Adrian Bergin Ophthalmology: Nancy Cook

Orthopaedics: Sandy Regula Otorhinolaryngology: Bryan Ambro Pathology: Carmen Wooden Pediatrics: Bonnie Winters Pharmacology & Experimental   Therapeutics: Anne Nourse Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation   Science: Alyssa Menkes Physiology: Ken Fahnestock Psychiatry: Vee Porter-Brown Radiation Oncology: Bill Gardiner Surgery: Program in Comparative Medicine:   Deborah Sanchez Program in Complementary   Medicine: Amy Martin Burns Program in Genetics & Genomic   Medicine: Pam Shinnick

Program in Minority Health & Health   Disparities: Claudia Baquet Program in Neuroscience:   Tom McHugh Program in Oncology: Stephen Long Program in Trauma: Cynthia Rivers Center for Health Policy & Health   Services Research: Shiraz Mishra Center for Integrative Medicine:   Amy Martin Burns Center for Mucosal Biology   Research or MBRC: Pam King Center for Research on Aging:   Kara Longo Center for Vaccine Development:   Gloria Smedley Center for Vascular & Inflammatory   Diseases: Vanessa Foreman

the buzz

Institute for Genome Sciences:   Lori McKay Institute of Human Virology:   Tim McCoy Office of Admissions: Mickey Foxwell Office of Development: Michelle Healy Office of Information Services:   Jim McNamee Office of Policy & Planning:   Meseret Bezuneh Office of Faculty Affairs &   Professional Development:   Stacie Small Office of Public Affairs:   Heather Graham Office of Student Affairs:   Dawn Roberts Office of Research & Graduate   Studies: Tom Hooven

Attention all SOM Medical and Graduate Students!

Buzz Information Link for Students A hyperlink is available on the School of Medicine Website for you to submit information to the Buzz to acknowledge honors, prizes, presentations, leadership positions and other noteworthy accomplishments. Go to: Public_Affairs/buzz.asp

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