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Curriculum Vitae Hao Zhang, PhD Instructor, Department of Radiation Oncology University of Maryland School of Medicine Date

December 06, 2013

Contact Information Business Address:

Business Phone Number:

Department of Radiation Oncology 22 South Greene Street Baltimore, Maryland 21201 (410)706-6510





Foreign Languages:

Chinese (native)

Education 2001

B.S., Electrical Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology


M.S., Electrical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison


Ph.D., Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Thesis Advisor – Professor Leyuan Shi and Professor Robert Meyer “A New Framework for Radiation Treatment Planning”

Post Graduate Education and Training 2008-2011 Fellowship, Radiation Oncology, University of Maryland School of Medicine

Employment History Academic Appointments 2011-present Instructor, Radiation Oncology, University of Maryland School of Medicine

Other Employment 2002-2003

Project Assistant, Electrical Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison


Research Assistant, Industrial and Systems Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Professional Society Memberships 2003-

General Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)


General Member, Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences (INFORMS)


INFORMS Optimization Society


INFORMS Health Applications Society


INFORMS Computing Society


Junior Member, American Association of Physicists in Medicine


Mid-Atlantic Chapter of American Associate of Physicists in Medicine (MAC-AAPM)


INFORMS Multiple Criteria Decision Making Section


Full Member, American Association of Physicists in Medicine

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Maryland Chapter of INFORMS

Honors and Awards 2006 Travel Fund Award, 2006 NSF Design, Service and Manufacturing Grantees and Research Conference 2007 Outstanding Teaching Assistant in College of Engineering, University of Wisconsin-Madison 2008 Vilas Travel Grant Award, University of Wisconsin-Madison 2008 AAPM John R. Cameron Young Investigator Competition Finalist (Top 10 of 140) 2011 AAPM Research Seed Funding Initiative Award ($25,000) (2 awardees nationally) 2012 1st Place Poster Award at 2012 SNM Annual Meeting 2012 Best In Physics, 54th AAPM Annual Meeting 2012 John S. Laughlin Science Council Research Symposium Award

Administrative Service Institutional Service 2011-

Organizer, Physics Journal Club, Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD

Local and National Service National Service 2008

Reviewer, Journal of Scheduling


Session Chair, INFORMS Annual Meeting


Reviewer, Discrete Event Dynamic Systems


Reviewer, Health Care Management Science (7 different times)


Abstract Reviewer, American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) Annual Meeting


Reviewer, Operations Research


Reviewer, International Journal of Radiation Oncology * Biology * Physics

International Service 2006

Reviewer, International Journal of Operational Research


Reviewer, Radiotherapy and Oncology


Editorial Board, International Journal of Business Analytics (IJBAN)

Teaching Service Undergraduate Student Teaching 2006-2007

Teaching Assistant and Lab Instructor Simulation and Probabilistic Modeling/Simulation Modeling Laboratory (ISyE 320/321) 40 undergraduates, 10 hours/week, 2 semesters

Graduate Student Teaching 2007

Grader, Performance Analysis of Manufacturing Systems (ISyE 643) 10-15 graduate students, 2 hours/week, 1 semester

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Post-Doctoral Fellows Mentoring Current Post-Doctoral Fellows Hamid R. Ghaffari


Innovative Scheduling Inc.

Grant Support Active Grants: 1/01/14 – 12/31/14

(PI 3%) “Using ‘Big Data’ Concept for Outcome Prediction in Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer” Department of Radiation Oncology Seed Grant

1/01/14 – 12/31/14

Annual Direct Costs:


Total Direct Costs:


(Co-investigator 1%) “Minimizing Toxicity using Function Based Treatment Planning: Pilot Clinical Trial” Department of Radiation Oncology Seed Grant

7/01/12 – 6/30/15

Annual Direct Costs:


Total Direct Costs:


(PI 10%) “Combined Functional and Anatomic Imaging based Radiotherapy Treatment Planning” Varian Medical Systems Research Grant

7/01/13 – 6/30/17

Annual Direct Costs:


Total Direct Costs:


(Co-investigator 8%) “Quantitative PET/CT Analysis to Improve Evaluation of Tumor Response” NIH/NCI R01 Annual Direct Costs: Total Costs:



Completed Grants: 07/01/11 - 12/31/12

(PI: 5%) “Towards Physiological Radiotherapy to Improve Patient Outcome” American Association of Physicists in Medicine Research Seed Funding Initiative Award Annual Direct Costs:


Total Direct Costs:


Patents 1.

US Patent Pending (13/172,010), Techniques for Compensating Movement of a Treatment Target in a Patient


Filed, Individually optimized uniform enhancement in contrast enhanced computed tomography (CT)

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scans 3.

Filed, Functional imaging based radiotherapy with motion management

Publications Peer-reviewed Journal Articles 1.

Meyer, RR, Zhang, HH, Goadrich, L., Nazareth, DP, Shi, L., D’Souza, WD. A multi-plan treatment planning framework: A paradigm shift for IMRT, International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics, Vol. 68(4), pp. 1178-1189, 2007.


D’Souza, WD, Zhang, HH, Nazareth, DP, Shi, L., Meyer, RR. A nested partitions framework for beam angle optimization in intensity-modulated radiation therapy, Physics in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 53, pp. 3293-3307, 2008.


Zhang, HH, Shi, L., Meyer, RR, Nazareth, D., D’Souza, WD. Solving beam angle selection and dose optimization simultaneously via High-Throughput Computing, INFORMS Journal on Computing, Vol. 21(3), pp. 427-444, 2009.


Zhang, HH, D’Souza, WD, Shi, L., Meyer, RR. Modeling plan-related clinical complications using machine learning tools in a multi-plan IMRT framework. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics. Vol. 74, pp. 1617-1626, 2009.


Zhang, HH, Meyer, RR, Wu, J., Naqvi, SA, Shi, L., D’Souza, WD. A two-stage MC sequential linear programming approach to IMRT dose optimization. Physics in Medicine and Biology. Vol. 55, pp. 883-902, 2010.


D’Souza, G., Zhang, HH, D’Souza, WD, Meyer, RR, Gillison, ML. Moderate predictive value of demographic and behavioral characteristics for a diagnosis of HPV16-positive and HPV16-negative head and neck cancer. Oral Oncology. Vol. 46, pp. 100-104, 2010.


Zhang, HH, Meyer, RR, Shi, L., D’Souza, WD. Minimum knowledge base for predicting organ-at-risk dose-volume levels and plan-related complications in IMRT planning. Physics in Medicine and Biology. Vol. 55, pp. 1935-1947, 2010.


Zhang, HH, Gao, S, Chen, W, Shi, L., D’Souza, WD, Meyer RR. A surrogate-based metaheuristic global search method for beam angle selection in radiation treatment planning. Physics in Medicine and Biology. Vol. 58, pp. 1933-1946, 2013.


Zhang, HH, Yi, BY, Betzel, GT, D’Souza, WD. Beam controlled arc therapy – A novel delivery concept for stationary targets. Physics in Medicine and Biology. Vol. 58, pp. 7117-7129, 2013.


Tan, S., Zhang, HH, Zhang Y., Chen, W., D’Souza WD, Lu, W. Predicting pathologic tumor response to chemo-radiotherapy with histogram distances characterizing longitudinal changes in 18F-FDG uptake patterns. Medical Physics. Vol. 40, pp. 101707, 2013.


Xue, M., Zhang, H., Kligerman S., Klahr, P., D’Souza, W., Lu, W. Individually Optimized Uniform Contrast Enhancement in CT Angiography for the Diagnosis of Pulmonary Thromboembolic Disease – A Simulation Study. Medical Physics. Vol. 40, pp. 121906, 2013.


Zhang, H., Tan, S., Chen, W., Kligerman, S., Kim, G., D’Souza D., Suntharalingam, M., Lu, W. Modeling pathologic response of esophageal cancer to chemo-radiotherapy using spatial-temporal FDG-PET features, clinical parameters and demographics. International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics. In press.


Price, S., Golden, B., Wasil, E., Zhang, H. Data mining to aid beam angle selection for intensity-modulated radiation therapy of locally advanced head and neck tumors. Information Systems and e-Business Management, Special Issue on Healthcare Informatics and Decisions. Under review.


Gao, S., Meyer, RR, Zhang, HH, Shi, L., D’Souza, WD. A new machine learning method for beam angle selection in radiation treatment planning. Optimization Methods and Software. Under revision.

Hao H Zhang



Zhang, H., Meyer, R., Shi, L., D’Souza, W. A treatment planning method for better management of radiation induced oral mucositis for locally advanced head and neck cancer. Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment. Under review.


Gao, S., Meyer, RR, Zhang, HH, Shi, L., D’Souza, WD. A threshold model perspective on quality control for Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy planning. Physics in Medicine and Biology. Under review.


Price, S., Golden, B., Wasil, E., Zhang, H. Robust scheduling guidelines for a multi-room Proton Therapy Treatment Center. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences. Under review.


Lu, W., Tan, S., Chen, W., Kligerman, S., Feigenberg, S., Zhang, H., Suntharalingam, M., D’Souza WD. Pre-chemoradiotherapy FDG PET/CT can not identify residual metabolic-active areas within individual esophageal tumors. British Journal of Radiology. Under review.

Peer-reviewed Conference Proceedings 1.

Zhang, H., Chandorkar, M., Venkataramanan, G.. Development of Static Switchgear for Utility Interconnection in a Microgrid. Power and Energy Systems, 7th IASTED International Multi-Conference, Palm Springs, CA, Feb. 24-26, 2003. pp. 235-240.


Price, S., Golden, B., Wasil, E., Zhang, H. Optimizing Throughput of a Multi-Room Proton Therapy Treatment Center. 2013 Winter Simulation Conference, Washington DC, December 8-11, 2013.

Book Chapters 1.

Zhang, HH, Meyer, RR, Shi L., D’Souza, WD. “Machine learning applications in radiation therapy” in Machine Learning Algorithms for Problem Solving in Computational Applications: Intelligent Techniques, IGI Global, pp. 59-84, June 2012.

Invited/Proffered Oral Presentations 2.

Pan Y., Shi L., Zhang, HH. A New Solution Approach to General Min-Max Sequencing Problem. The 6th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, WCICA 2006. Vol. 1, pp. 1359-1364.


Zhang, HH, Shi L., Meyer, RR, D’Souza, WD. Using Nested Partitions for Beam Angle Selection in Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, November 5-8, 2006.


D’Souza, WD, Zhang, HH, Nazareth, D., Shi L., Meyer, RR. Plan Space Modeling and Decision Support System for Multi-Plan IMRT Framework, 49th AAPM Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, July 22-26, 2007. (Reviewer’s choice selection, top 10 of 1150)


Zhang, HH, Shi L., Meyer, RR, D’Souza, WD. High-Throughput Computing Using a Nested Partitions Framework for Radiation Treatment Planning, INFORMS Midwest Regional Conference, Northwestern University, August 24-25, 2007.


Zhang, HH, Shi L., Meyer, RR, D’Souza, WD, D’Souza, G., Gillison, M. Identifying Classifiers for Head and Neck Cancer and HPV Using Machine Learning Algorithms, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, November 4-7, 2007.


Zhang, HH, Shi L., Meyer, RR, D’Souza, WD. Solving Beam Angle Selection and Dose Optimization Simultaneously via High-Throughput Computing, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, November 4-7, 2007.


D’Souza, WD, Zhang, HH, Wu, J., Shi L., Meyer, RR. A "Slicing" Approach for IMRT Optimization Using Linear Programming, 50th AAPM Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, July 27-31, 2008.


Zhang, HH, Meyer, RR, Shi L., D’Souza, WD. A Unified Approach to Beam Angle Selection and Dose Optimization with High-Throughput Computing for IMRT, 50th AAPM Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, July 27-31, 2008.


Zhang, HH, Meyer, RR, Shi L., D’Souza, WD. Machine Learning Tools for Predicting Clinical

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Complications in a Multi-Plan IMRT Framework, 50th AAPM Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, July 27-31, 2008. (AAPM John R. Cameron Young Investigator Competition Finalist, Top 10 of 140) 11.

Zhang, HH, D’Souza, WD, Meyer, RR, Shi L. A “Slicing” Approach for IMRT Optimization Using Linear Programming, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Washington DC, October 12-15, 2008.


Zhang, HH, D’Souza, WD, Meyer, RR, Shi L.. Solving Beam Angle Selection and Dose Optimization Simultaneously via High-Throughput Computing, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Washington DC, October 12-15, 2008. (2008 Pierskalla Prize Finalists)


Zhang, HH, D’Souza, WD, Meyer, RR, Shi L.. Machine Learning for the Prediction of Organ Damage from Cancer Radiotherapy, 15th IFAC Symposium on System Identification, Saint-Malo, France, July 6-8, 2009.


Meyer, RR, Zhang, HH. Sequential Linear Programming for Large-Scale Dose Optimization, INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, October 11-14, 2009.


D’Souza, WD, Meyer, RR, Zhang, HH. A Two-Stage Approach to IMRT Dose Optimization, INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, October 11-14, 2009.


Zhang, HH, Meyer, RR, Shi L., D’Souza, WD. Minimum Knowledge Base for Predicting Organ-at-Risk Dose-Volume Levels and Complications, INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, October 11-14, 2009.


D’Souza, WD, Malinowski, K., Zhang, HH. Machine Learning for Intra-Fraction Tumor Motion Modeling with Respiratory Surrogates, 8th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications: Special Session on Machine Learning Methods for Modeling Treatment Outcomes in Cancer. Miami, Florida, December 13-15, 2009.


Zhang, HH, Shi L., Meyer, RR, D’Souza, WD. Machine Learning for Modeling Dose-Related Organ-at-Risk Complications after Radiation Therapy, 8th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications: Special Session on Machine Learning Methods for Modeling Treatment Outcomes in Cancer. Miami, Florida, December 13-15, 2009.


Zhang, HH, Meyer, RR, Naqvi, SA, Shi L., D’Souza, WD. Atlas-Based Dose Optimization via Linear Programming for IMRT Using a High-Throughput Computing Environment, 52nd ASTRO Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, October 31-November 4, 2010.


Meyer, RR, Chen, W., D’Souza, WD, Shi L., Zhang, HH. Radiation Treatment Planning: Beam Angle Selection, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas, November 7-10, 2010.


Zhang, HH, D’Souza, WD, Meyer, RR, Shi L. Cluster-Based Linear Program for Solving Large-Scale Radiation Treatment Planning Problem, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Austin, Texas, November 7-10, 2010.


Zhang, HH, D’Souza, WD, Shi L., Meyer, RR. Machine Learning for Modeling Treatment-Plan Surface to Predict Complications after Radiotherapy, 5th INFORMS Workshop on Data Mining and Health Informatics, Austin, Texas, November 6, 2010.


Zhang, HH, Meyer, RR, Naqvi, SA, Shi L., D’Souza, WD. Clinical Evaluation of Fixed-Field IMRT Plans and IMAT Plans in Locally Advanced Head and Neck Cancer, 52nd AAPM Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, July 18-22, 2010.


Zhang, HH, Betzel, GT, Yi, BY, D’Souza, WD. Beam Controlled Arc Therapy: A Novel Delivery Concept for Stationary Targets, 2011 Joint AAPM/COMP Meeting, Vancouver, July 31 – August 4, 2011.


Mistry, NN, Zhang, HH, Ballard, R., Hou, J., Feigenberg, S., D’Souza, WD. High-Resolution Regional Ventilation and Perfusion Imaging in the Lung using 4D-CT, 53rd ASTRO Annual Meeting, Miami Beach, Florida, October 2-6, 2011.


Meyer, RR, Gao, S., Chen, W., Shi L., D’Souza, WD, Zhang, HH. Beam Angle Selection in Radiation

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Treatment Planning – A Challenging Global Optimization Problem, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Charlotte, North Carolina, November 13-16, 2011. 27.

Zhang, HH, Mistry, N., Meyer, RR, D’Souza, WD. Organ Function Based Radiation Treatment Planning, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Charlotte, North Carolina, November 13-16, 2011.


Tan, S., Zhang, H., Kligerman, S., Chen, W., Kim, G., Feigenberg, S., D'Souza, W., Suntharalingam, M., Lu, W. FDG-PET Histogram Distances: Novel Predictors of Tumor Response to Chemoradiotherapy, 54th AAPM Annual Meeting, Charlotte, North Carolina, July 29-August 2, 2012.


Lu, W., Tan, S., Kligerman, S., Chen, W., Feigenberg, S., Zhang, H., Suntharalingam, M., D'Souza, W. Can Pre-Chemoradiotherapy FDG PET/CT Identify Residual Metabolically Active Areas Within Individual Esophageal Tumors? 54th AAPM Annual Meeting, Charlotte, North Carolina, July 29-August 2, 2012.


Zhang, H., Diwanji, T., Mistry, N., Lu, W., D’Souza, W. Personalized Utility Function for Radiotherapy Based on Pulmonary Ventilation of Locally Advanced Lung Cancer Patients, 54th AAPM Annual Meeting, Charlotte, North Carolina, July 29-August 2, 2012.


Zhang, H., Tan, S., Chen, W., Kligerman, S., Kim, G., D'Souza, W., Suntharalingam, M., Lu, W. Modeling Pathologic Response of Locally Advanced Esophageal Cancer to Chemoradiotherapy Using Spatial-Temporal FDG-PET Features, Clinical Parameters and Demographics, 54th AAPM Annual Meeting, Charlotte, North Carolina, July 29-August 2, 2012. (BEST IN PHYSICS and Science Council Research Symposium Oral Presentation)


Meyer, RR, Gao, S., Shi L., D’Souza, WD, Zhang, HH. Machine Learning for Beam Angle Selection in Radiotherapy, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, October 14-17, 2012.


Meyer, RR, Gunawardena, A., Zhang HH. Optimal Intensity Modulated Arc Therapy, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, October 14-17, 2012.


Stuart, P, Zhang, HH, Golden, B. Data Mining to Aid Beam Angle Selection for Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, October 14-17, 2012.

35. Zhang, HH., D’Souza, WD, Shi L., Meyer, RR. Iterative Linear Programming Approach for IMRT Dose Optimization, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, October 14-17, 2012. 36. Ghaffari, H., Mistry, N., D’Souza, W., Zhang, H. Functional Imaging-Based Treatment Planning for Locally Advanced Lung Cancer. 2013 Varian Research Partnership Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia, March 18-20, 2013. 37. Price, S., Golden, B., Wasil, E., Zhang, H. Data Mining Evaluated IMRT Plans to Aid Future Beam Angle Selection. Production and Operation Management Society Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado, May 3-5, 2013. 38. Stanojevic, D., D’Souza, W., Meyer, R., Zhang, H. A Patient Population Based Approach for Disease Site Specific IMRT Treatment Planning. INFORMS 2nd Conference on Healthcare, Chicago, Illinois, June 23-26, 2013. 39. Zhang, H., D’Souza, W., Ghaffari, H. A Robust Semi-infinite Linear Programming Approach for Radiotherapy Planning. INFORMS 2nd Conference on Healthcare, Chicago, Illinois, June 23-26, 2013. 40. Anderson, D., Golden, B., Zhang, H. Prostate Cancer Detection using MRI Data. INFORMS 2nd Conference on Healthcare, Chicago, Illinois, June 23-26, 2013. 41. Price, S., Golden, B., Wasil, E., Zhang, H. Simulating Potential Facility Layouts for Proton Therapy Treatment Centers. INFORMS 2nd Conference on Healthcare, Chicago, Illinois, June 23-26, 2013. 42. Ghaffari, H., Shi, X., Mistry, N., D’Souza, W., Zhang, H. Functional Imaging Based Radiotherapy

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for Locally Advanced Lung Cancer with Motion Management. 55th AAPM Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana, August 4-8, 2013. 43. Stanojevic, D., D’Souza, W., Meyer, R., Zhang, H. Population-Based IMRT Beam Aperture Shape Inference Using Retrospective Treatment Plan and Patient Data. 55th AAPM Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana, August 4-8, 2013. 44. Xue, M., Zhang, H., Kligerman, S., D’Souza, W., Klahr, P., Lu, W. Individually Optimized Contrast Injection in CT Angiography for the Diagnosis of Pulmonary Thromboembolic Disease. 55th AAPM Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana, August 4-8, 2013. 45. Ghaffari, H., D’Souza, W., Zhang, H. Ventilation Map based Radiotherapy for Locally Advanced Lung Cancer with Motion Management. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, October 6-9, 2013. 46. Zhang, HH, Prado, K., Langen, KM, Mehta, MP, Regine, WF, D’Souza, WD. Achieving Optimal Patient Setup Imaging and Treatment Workflow Configurations in Multi-Room Proton Centers via Monte Carlo Simulation. RSNA Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, December 1-6, 2013. Poster Presentations, Abstracts, Proceedings 1.

Shi L., Meyer, RR, W. D’Souza, Zhang, HH. Using Nested Partitions for Beam Angle Selection in Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy. NSF Design, Service, and Manufacturing Grantees and Research Conference, St. Louis, Missouri, July 2006.


Nazareth, D., Zhang H., Meyer, RR, Shi L., D’Souza, WD. A Nested Partitions Framework for Beam Angle and Dose Optimization in IMRT, 48th AAPM Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, July 30 - August 3, 2006.


Zhang, HH, D’Souza, WD, Shi L., Meyer, RR. High-Throughput Computing in Condor Using a Nested Partitions Framework for IMRT Beam and Dose Optimization, 49th AAPM Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, July 22-26, 2007.


Zhang, HH, Meyer, RR, Shi L., D’Souza, WD. Minimum Multi-Plan IMRT Framework Knowledge Base for Predicting Organ-at-Risk Dose-Volume Levels and Complications, 51st AAPM Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, October 26-30, 2009.


Guerrero, M., Zhang, HH, Naqvi, SA, D’Souza, WD. Jaw Tracking for Intensity Modulated Arc Therapy: Is There An Advantage? 52nd AAPM Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, July 18-22, 2010.


Zhang, HH, Meyer, RR, Naqvi, SA, Shi L., D’Souza, WD. The Role of IMRT and IMAT in Targets of Varying Complexity, 52nd AAPM Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, July 18-22, 2010.


Chen, W., Zhang, HH, Meyer, RR, Shi L., D’Souza, WD. Beam Angle Selection via Nested Partitions-Based Global Search Using a Fast Beam Set Scoring Process, 52nd ASTRO Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, October 31-November 4, 2010.


Yousuf, MA, Malinowski, KT, McAvoy, TJ, Zhang, HH, Naqvi, SA, D’Souza, WD. Dosimetric Improvement via Real-Time Dynamic Couch-Based Intra-Fraction Motion Tracking for 3D conformal and IMRT Plans, 52nd ASTRO Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, October 31-November 4, 2010.


Hou, J., Reese, AS, Zhang, HH, D’Souza, WD. Dosimetric Discrepancy Investigation with Cone-Beam CT for Adaptive RT of Head-and-Neck Cancer, 2011 Joint AAPM/COMP Meeting, Vancouver, July 31 – August 4, 2011.

10. Zhang, HH, Mistry, N., D’Souza, W. Beyond Utilizing Functional Imaging for Contours and Visualization, Towards Physiological Radiotherapy to Improve Patient Outcome, 2011 Joint AAPM/COMP Meeting, Vancouver, July 31 – August 4, 2011. 11. Zhang, H., Tan, S., Chen, W., Kligerman, S., Kim, G., D'Souza, W., Suntharalingam, M., Lu, W. Tumor Response Models in Predicting Pathologic Response of Esophageal Cancer to Neoadjuvant

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Chemoradiotherapy Using Spatial-Temporal FDG-PET Features, Society of Nuclear Medicine 2012 Annual Meeting, Miami, Florida, June 9-13, 2012. (Featured in Oncology Highlights of the meeting) 12. Meyer, RR, Gao, S., Shi, L., D’Souza, WD, Zhang, HH. Utilizing Machine Learning Techniques for Beam Angle Selection in Radiation Treatment Planning, 54th AAPM Annual Meeting, Charlotte, North Carolina, July 29-August 2, 2012. 13. Lu, W., Tan, S., Kim, G., Feigenberg, S., Zhang, H., Kligerman, S., Chen, W., D'Souza, W., Suntharalingam, M. Pre-Chemoradiotherapy FDG PET/CT Can Not Identify Residual Metabolically Active Areas In Patients With Locally Advanced Esophageal Cancer, 54th ASTRO Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, October 28-31, 2012. 14. Zhang, H., Ghaffari, H., D’Souza, W. Functional Imaging Based Radiotherapy for Locally Advanced Lung Cancer with Motion Management. Joint Workshop: Technology for Innovation in Radiation Oncology, Bethesda, Maryland, June 13-14, 2013. 15. Zhang, H., Prado, K., Mehta, M., Regine, W., D’Souza, W. Achieving Optimal Treatment Workflow Configurations in Multi-Room Proton Centers Via Monte Carlo Simulation. 55th AAPM Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana, August 4-8, 2013. 16. Zhang, H., Stanojevic, D., Meyer, R., D’Souza, W. A Patient Population Based Approach for Disease Site Specific Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) Treatment Planning. 55th AAPM Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, Indiana, August 4-8, 2013. 17. Sours, C., Mistry, N., Zhang, H., Kwok, Y., Mehta, M., Regine, W., D’Souza, W., Gullapalli, R. Feasibility Study Testing the Incorporation of Resting State fMRI Data in Radiation Therapy Planning to Limit Dose to Cognitive Function Networks in Patients with Primary Brain Tumors. 55th ASTRO Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, September 22-25, 2013. 18. Ghaffari, H., Yang, X., D’Souza, W., Zhang, B., Zhang, H. Assessing Tumor Coverage and Organ-At-Risk Doses during Intra-Fraction Motion via Probability Mass Function of Real-Time Respiratory Trajectories. 55th ASTRO Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, September 22-25, 2013. 19. Zhang, H., Anderson, D., Golden, B., Mistry, N., Gullapalli, R., Naslund, M., Wong, J., D’Souza, W. Prostate Cancer Foci Detection and Aggressiveness Identification Using Multiparametric MRI/MRS and Supervised Learning. 55th ASTRO Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, September 22-25, 2013. 20. Xue, M., Zhang, H., Kligerman, S., Klahr, P., D’Souza, W., Lu, W. Individually optimized uniform enhancement in CT angiography for the diagnosis of pulmonary thromboembolic disease – a simulation study. RSNA Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, December 1-6, 2013.

Major Invited Speeches Local 1.

Zhang, HH, Operations Research in Radiation Treatment Planning, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, 2009

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