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October 10, 2006

CURRICULUM VITAE Eric P. Slade EDUCATION Brown University, Ph.D., Economics, 1997 Thesis Advisor: Anthony Lancaster Brown University, A.M., Economics, 1992 Northwestern University, B.A., Economics, 1989


Research Health Scientist, Mental Illness Research and Education Clinical Center, Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center, Baltimore, MD.


Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD.


Assistant Professor, Department of Health Policy and Management, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD.


Lecturer, Department of Economics, Brown University, Providence, RI.


Research Assistant, Department of Economics, Brown University, Providence, RI.


Teaching Assistant, Department of Economics, Brown University, Providence, RI.

1994 (summer)

Research Assistant, Poverty and Human Resources Division, World Bank, Washington, DC.

1992 (summer)

Research Assistant, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Washington, DC.


International Center for Mental Health Policy and Economics, Adam Smith Award, 2003, awarded to Eric Slade and David Salkever for the article, “Symptom Effects on Employment in a Structural Model of Mental Illness and Treatment: Analysis of Patients with Schizophrenia” (Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics, 4(1), 2001, pp. 2534). Johns Hopkins University, Center for Adolescent Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, Development Award, 2002-2003.

GRANT SUPPORT Active 2006-2008

Principal Investigator, "Access Criteria and The Cost of Mental Health Intensive Case Management," Department of Veterans Affairs, Total Cost: Page 1

$430,000. 2005-2010

Co-Investigator (PI: Weist), "School Mental Health Program and Policy Analysis Centers: Advancing Mental Health Services in Schools," Human Resources Services Administration and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Total Cost: $1,815,588


Co-Investigator (PI: Rosenberg), "The STIRR Intervention for Dually Diagnosed Clients," National Institute of Mental Health, Total Cost: $776,000


Co-Investigator (PI: Ialongo), “Center for Prevention and Early Intervention,” National Institute of Mental Health, Total Cost: $2,650,000


Principal Investigator, “Elementary School Climate and Child Behavior Problems,” National Institute of Mental Health, Total Cost: $100,000

Inactive 1999-2004

Co-Investigator (PI’s: Steinwachs and Lehman), “Center for Research on Services for Severe Mental Illness,” Total Cost: $3,573,697


Principal Investigator, “Cost-Sharing and Service Use in the U.S. Schizophrenia Care and Assessment Program,” The Medstat Group, Total Cost: $85,000


Principal Investigator, “Parental Investments and Children's Mental Health,” National Institute of Mental Health, Research Career Award, Total Cost: $650,000


Co-Investigator (PI: Salkever), “Economic Analysis of Cost and Effectiveness of Schizophrenia Treatment,” The Medstat Group, 1998-2003, Total Cost: $536,440


Co-Investigator (PI: Eaton), “Epidemiological Catchment Area Study FollowUp,” National Institute of Mental Health, Total Cost: $1,243,000


Co-Investigator (PI: Anderson), “The Cost of Health Care in OECD Countries,” The Commonwealth Fund, Total Cost: $150,000


Principal Investigator, “Job Mobility and Health Insurance Coverage,” Bureau of Labor Statistics Project Grant, Total Cost: $25,000

Pending 2006-2010

Co-Investigator, “Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Schizophrenia,” National Institute of Mental Health.

PUBLICATIONS Journal Articles (Peer Reviewed) 1.

Henderson JV, and Slade EP, Development Games in Non-Monocentric Cities, Journal of Urban Economics 34: 207-229, 1993.


Slade EP and Salkever DS, Symptom Effects on Employment in a Structural Model of Mental Illness and Treatment: Analysis of Patients with Schizophrenia, Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics 4(1): 25-34, 2001.


Slade EP, and Anderson G, The Relationship Between Per Capita Income and Diffusion of Page 2

Medical Technologies, Health Policy 58: 1-14, 2001. 4.

Mark T, Dirani R, Russo P, and Slade EP, Access To New Medications To Treat Schizophrenia, The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research 29(1): 15-29, 2002.


Slade EP, Effects Of School-Based Mental Health Programs On Mental Health Service Use By Adolescents At School And In The Community, Mental Health Services Research 4(3): 151-166, 2002.


Slade EP, and Anderson G, Health Plan Options at Fortune 100 Companies: What Coverage Is Available for Consumers of Mental Health Care? Psychiatric Services 54(6): 815-817, June 2003.


Slade EP, The Relationship Between School Characteristics and The Availability of Mental Health Counseling and Related Health Services in Middle and High Schools in the U.S. Journal of Behavioral Health Services and Research 30(4): 382-392, 2003.


Salkever DS, and Slade EP, Employment Retention by Persons with Schizophrenia Employed in Non-Assisted Jobs. Journal of Rehabilitation 69(4): 18-25, 2003.


Salkever DS, Slade EP, Karakus M, Russo P, and Palmer L. Estimation of Antipsychotic Effects on Hospitalization Risk in a Naturalistic Study with Selection on Unobservables, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 192(2): 119-128, 2004.

10. Slade EP, and Wissow LS, Spanking in Early Childhood and Later Behavior Problems: A Prospective Study of Infants and Young Toddlers, Pediatrics, 113(5): 1321-1330, 2004. 11. Slade EP, Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Parent Perception of Child Need for Mental Health Care Following School Disciplinary Events, Mental Health Services Research, 6(2): 7592, 2004. 12. Slade EP, Salkever D, Rosenheck R, Swanson J, Swartz M, Shern D, Gallucci G, Harding C, Palmer L, Russo P, Hough R, Barrio C, Garcia P. Cost-Sharing Requirements and Access to Mental Health Care Among Medicare Enrollees With Schizophrenia, Psychiatric Services, 56(8): 960-966, 2005. 13. Salkever DS, Slade EP, Karakus M. Differential Effects of Atypical vs Typical Antipsychotic Medication on Earnings of Schizophrenia Patients: Estimates from a Prospective Naturalistic Study. Pharmacoeconomics, 24(2): 123-139, 2006. 14. Slade EP, Wissow LS. The Influence of Childhood Maltreatment on Adolescents' Academic Performance, Economics of Education Review, In Press, April 2006. Book Chapters 1.

Moffitt R, and Slade E, Health Care Coverage for Children Who Are On and Off Welfare, The Future of Children: Welfare to Work 7(1), Spring 1997.


Slade EP, and Albers LA, Syndromal Effects of Psychiatric Disorders on Labor Force Exits. In D Salkever and A Sorkin, eds., Research in Human Capital and Development: The Economics of Disability, Stamford, CT, JAI Press, March/April 2000, pp. 211-228.


Salkever DS, Slade EP, and Karakus M, Gender-Specific Patterns of Employment and Employment Transitions for Persons with Schizophrenia: Evidence from the Page 3

Schizophrenia Care and Assessment Program (SCAP). In: DE Marcotte and V WilcoxGok, eds., Research in Human Capital and Development: The Economics of Gender and Mental Illness, Vol. 15, Oxford, England, Elsevier Ltd., 2004, pp. 109-31. Governmental Reports 1.

Slade EP, Schreter R. 2005. White Paper on Acute Mental Health Care in the U.S.: A Report to the Acute Care Work Group. Prepared for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C.

Published Abstracts 1.

Slade EP, Effects Of School-Based Mental Health Programs On Mental Health Service Use By Adolescents At School And In The Community, Data Trends, 70, December 2002.


Salkever DS, Slade EP, Karakus M, Palmer L, Russo PA. Estimation of Endogenous Antipsychotic Treatment Effect Models for Psychiatric Hospitalization Among Persons With Schizophrenia, The Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics, 6(1), March 2003, pp. S42-S43.

Working Papers Slade EP, Steinwachs D, Skinner EA, Lehman A, Consumer Empowerment: Relationship to Standards of Evidence-Based Care, June 2004. Slade EP. Access to Primary Care Services among Adolescents and Young Adults, unpublished manuscript, University of Maryland, Baltimore, August 2005.


December 12, Johns Hopkins University, Dept. of Economics, Applied Microeconometrics Seminar, “The Effect of the Propensity to Change Jobs on Estimates of ‘Job-Lock’,” Baltimore, MD.


June 29, 8th Annual Health Economics Conference, University of Minnesota, “The Effect of the Propensity to Change Jobs on Estimates of ‘Job-Lock’,” Minneapolis, Minnesota. November 4, Johns Hopkins University, Population Center, “Volunteering and Health in Older Adults,” Baltimore, Maryland. November 18, Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, “Volunteering and Retirement,” Cincinnati, Ohio.


January 23, Gerontology Grand Rounds, “Volunteering and Health in Older Adults,” Johns Hopkins Bayview, Baltimore, Maryland.


June 28, Association for Health Services Research, “The Relationship Between National Income and Diffusion of Medical Technologies,” Chicago, Illinois.


June 25, Association for Health Services Research (Poster Presentation), “Syndromal Effects of Psychiatric Disorders on Labor Force Exits,” Los Angeles, CA. Page 4

July 20, National Institute of Mental Health, “Punishment and Children's Use of Mental Health Services: The Economic Determinants of Parenting Strategies Over the Life-Course,” NIMH Challenges of the 21st Century: Mental Health Services Research, Washington D.C. September 18, National Institute of Mental Health, “Exploring the Potential Productivity and Employment Implications of Symptom Reductions for Patients with Schizophrenia,” Tenth Biennial Research Conference on the Economics of Mental Health, Rockville, Maryland. 2001

July 1, “Effects of School-Based Mental Health Programs on Mental Health Service Use By Adolescents at School and In the Community,” Advancing Latino Mental Health Services Research Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico. August 9, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, “Effects of School-Based Mental Health Programs on Mental Health Service Use By Adolescents At School and In the Community,” NICHD 2001 Add Health Users Workshop, Bethesda, Maryland.


April 1, National Institute of Mental Health, “Employment and Mental Illness”, Session Discussant, NIMH Advances in Mental Health Services Conference, Washington DC. July 25, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, “Escalation of Weapon Use among Adolescents,” NICHD Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health: Data User’s Conference, Bethesda, Maryland. September 23, National Institute of Mental Health, “Estimation of Endogenous Antipsychotic Treatment Effects on Psychiatric Hospitalization Risk among Persons with Schizophrenia in the Presence of Unobservable Selection Factors,” NIMH Advancing Mental Health Care Financing, Bethesda, Maryland. December 11, The Urban Institute, “Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Child Mental Health Service Use Following School Disciplinary Events,” Washington, DC.


March 4, University of South Florida, Florida Mental Health Institute, “Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Child Mental Health Service Use Following School Disciplinary Events,” The 16th Annual Research Conference: A System of Care for Children’s Mental Health: Expanding the Research Base, Tampa, FL. March 29, International Center of Mental Health Policy and Economics, “Estimation of Endogenous Antipsychotic Treatment Effects on Psychiatric Hospitalization Risk among Persons with Schizophrenia in the Presence of Unobservable Selection Factors,” Mental Health Policy and Economics: The Value of Research, Venice, Italy. March 29, International Center of Mental Health Policy and Economics, “Economics of Bipolar Disorder,” Session Chair, Mental Health Policy and Economics: The Value of Research, Venice, Italy. June 15, International Health Economics Association, “Applied Econometrics,” Global Health Economics: Bridging Research and Reform, 4th World Congress, San Francisco, CA. October 24, Pennsylvania State University, Department of Health and Policy Administration, “Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Parent Perception of Child Need for Mental Health Care Following School Disciplinary Events,” State College, PA.


February 12, The Medstat Group, “Effects of Cost-Sharing and Gray-Zone Financing on Access to Care for Patients with Schizophrenia,” Cambridge, MA. Page 5

February 20, RAND Corporation, “Effects of Cost-Sharing and Gray-Zone Financing on Access to Care for Patients with Schizophrenia,” Washington, DC. February 25, National Institute of Mental Health, “Economic Approaches to the Evaluation of Preventive Interventions,” Preventing Child and Adolescent Mental Disorders, Research Roundtable on Economic Burden and Cost Effectiveness, Washington, DC. February 27, Louis de la Parte Florida Mental Health Institute, University of South Florida, “Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Parent Perception of Child Need for Mental Health Care Following School Disciplinary Events,” Tampa, FL. March 2, Ingenix Corporation, “Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Parent Perception of Child Need for Mental Health Care Following School Disciplinary Events,” Auburndale, MA. March 5, Magill University, Department of Psychiatry, Transpsychiatry Seminar, “Symptom Effects on Employment in a Structural Model of Mental Illness and Treatment: Analysis of Patients with Schizophrenia,” Montreal, CA. March 8, University of Florida, School of Health Policy and Administration, “Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Parent Perception of Child Need for Mental Health Care Following School Disciplinary Events,” Gainesville, FL. July 20, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, “The Effects of Maltreatment on Adolescents’ Academic Performance,” NICHD Add Health Data Users’ Conference, Rockville, MD. August 17, The Johns Hopkins University, Department of Biostatistics, Causal Inference Working Group, “Regression Discontinuity Designs in Mental Health,” Baltimore, MD. September 27, National Institute of Mental Health, “Adolescent Emotional Problems and Academic Performance,” The Twelfth Biennial Research Conference on the Economics of Mental Health, Enhancing the Impact of Mental Health Services: Economic Incentives and Research, Chevy Chase, MD. November 3, The Johns Hopkins University, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Department of Mental Health, “Adolescent Emotional Problems and Academic Performance,” Baltimore, MD. December 14, Department of Veterans Affairs, Baltimore VAMC, “A Primer on Medicare Prospective Payment System for Inpatient Psychiatric Hospitalizations,” Baltimore, MD. 2005

March 18, Dartmouth College, Department of Psychiatry, "Earnings as an Outcome of Maintenance Antipsychotic Treatment for Schizophrenia: Instrumental Variables Estimates from a Prospective Longitudinal Study," Hanover, NH. March 30, University of Maryland, Department of Psychiatry, "The Influence of Childhood Maltreatment on Adolescents' Academic Performance," Baltimore, MD. April 19, University of Maryland, Dept. of Child Psychiatry, "The Influence of Childhood Maltreatment on Adolescents' Academic Performance," Baltimore, MD. June 9, University of Massachusetts, Dept. of Psychiatry, "The Influence of Childhood Maltreatment on Adolescents' Academic Performance," Worcester, MA. July 8, Johns Hopkins University, Dept. of Mental Health, "Economic Evaluation in Mental Health Research," Baltimore, MD. Page 6

October 28, Johns Hopkins University, National Prevention Science Meeting, "Cost Measurement in Evaluations of Prevention Programs for Children," Baltimore, MD. November 7, Dept. of Veterans Affairs, MIRECC Science Meeting, "Using ProClarity Desktop for Analysis of VA Administrative Data," Baltimore, MD.

PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Writer: Acute Care Workgroup, White Paper on Acute Mental Health Care in the U.S., Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), 2004. Member: Executive Committee, Center for Research on Services for Severe Mental Illness, Johns Hopkins University (2000-2002) Consultant: National Review Panel, 2002 National Research and Services Administration Conference, Washington DC., 2002 Consultant: National Review Panel, Child Mental Health Foundations and Agencies Network (FAN), 2003. Grant Reviewer: Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Children, Youth, and Families, September 2004, Rockville, MD. Grant Reviewer: National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Mental Health, March 2006, Washington, DC. Reviewer for Journals: American Economic Review, Demography (Associate Editor, 19951996), American Journal of Public Health, International Journal of Health Services, Southern Economic Journal, Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics, Health Policy, Journal of Health Economics, Public Health Reports, Psychiatric Services, Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, Schizophrenia Bulletin, Medical Care.

PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS International Health Economics Association (since 1996) American Economics Association (since 1995)


Courses Taught (since 1993): health economics, urban economics, population economics, introductory econometrics, cost-benefit analysis, and cost-effectiveness analysis.

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