You need to know the facts about Precious Gems
• Gems are one of the most effective in astrology for wellness. • With the help of ancient history, it is clear that gems were widely used in ancient times. • These precious gems were worn by kings, queens and emperors to gain astrological benefits and to complement their overall appearance. • Similarly, people wear precious gems in the form of various jewelry items. • Now the question arises as to what exactly is at work behind these gems. • You need to know about precious gems and how they can help you improve your life experience. • Are they purely magical or scientific instruments? Let's see.
• First of all, let us learn about the scientific mechanisms involved in the operation of gems. • To the common man, how do these gems work? • We will explore this concept starting from human birth. • Most of you know that at any given date, time and place, one of the 12 sings always appears. • This is called ascending sign, ascension or marriage. • When a child first grows up from its mother, then a special sign rising in the sky at that time.
• As well as all the planets, wherever they are in transition. • They all report that they have a positive or negative effect on the baby. • At that time the ascension or sign of that original germination becomes the first house of the horoscope and all the planets are arranged in different houses of the horoscope according to their transition status at the time of birth of the child.
• To take a scientific approach to this concept, consider all the twelve houses in the horoscope. • The 12 energy points in the human body that register, store, and emit energy. • Thus, at the time of the original birth, some energy centers record negative energy and others record positive energy. • So no other energy is recorded. • This simply means that some horoscope houses have good and bad planets or positive and negative planets, while some are empty. • Depending on the nature of the energy, the planet may act as a good or bad planet for certain local people.
• Depending on the degree and location of a particular energy center, the planet can be strong or weak, clean or suffering. • Gems come into play here. • If a planet received positive energy at birth. • It becomes a favorable planet for that person and an expert astrologer can read it from his horoscope. • However, if it is weakened as a result of placement illness or another concept. • This simply means that the planet will be beneficial to the original inhabitants.
• Because it is useless, it will not give the expected result. • So, after analyzing the horoscope, wearing the gemstone for the specific planet is prescribed to give energy to the weak but good and positive planet. • There are some planets in the horoscope that give the most positive results with some negative effects or side effects. • Some horoscopes have planets. • Which are giving the majority of negative results with some positive results.
• For example, a certain gem can be beneficial for your professional life but it can be harmful for your marital life. • Moreover, a gem can give you good health and longevity. • However, it also indicates that you will suffer financial loss.