Plant defense inductor with chitosan
%w/w 1,5
Chitosan (Poli-2-Deoxy-2-aminoD-glucose)
Phosphorus (P2O5) Copper (Cu) Density: 1,1 gr/ml pH (solution 1%): 2- 3
12,0 3,5 Triple Elicitor
Oxidation reduction power
Photosynthesis efficiency
Pest resistance
Triple elicitor
Copper, Phosphite, Chitosan
is a foliar fertilizer, inducer-activator of the immune system of the plants through the SAR mechanism. It combines three active ingredients which are: chitosan, ions phosphite and complexed copper. Three elicitors that modulate the secondary metabolism, providing multiple ways of plants defense against different types of stress, both biotic and abiotic. The addition of the phosphite ion and chitosan helps to maintain a level of stable metabolic activity at the cellular level. Excellent complement to prevention of: Bacterial, wood fungi, acid rot, viral diseases, etc.
Dose No. of (cc/100L) App.
Onions and garlic 100 -300
Time of application
3 Apply post-transplant and repeat every 15 to 20 days
Cherry, peach, nectarine and plum 100 - 300
Kiwis 80 - 200
Flowering and leaf fall Bud to flowering From seedbed on. Apply every 15 to 20 days
Lettuce, cabbage, celery, chicory, artichokes, endives, 80 - 150 2 - 3 broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, cucumbers, melons, etc... Olive trees 100 - 300 2 - 3 Spring and late summer at the beginning of autumn Apple and pear 100 - 250 2 - 3
Spring and autumn
Orange, lemon, clementines, tangerines, Tangelos 100 - 300 and grapefruit
Spring, autumn and winter
Walnut, almond, hazelnut and chestnut 100 - 250
From budbreak or flowering
Tomato, potato, paprika, and chili 100 - 300
From second true leaf. Apply every 15 to 20 days
Table grapes and wine grapes 100 - 300
Budding flower
Applying you should take caution so that the used water has a pH not higher than 7,0 to avoid precipitation of the active ingredient. In the event that the water has a pH above 7,0 add prior dilution a pH controller. 1L
1000 L
Allowed in ecological agriculture. Regl. CE 834/2007, 889/2008 and 673/2016