Cory Lake Isles - Islander September 2024

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Tampa Police Dept. vacation watch request

Report to city of Tampa overgrown lot complaint

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A Decade of Literary Bonding

Since its inception in 2011, the women’s book club of Cory Lake Isles has become a cornerstone of our community’s social and intellectual life. Founded by a group of dedicated residents, including the visionary Colleen Carpenter, the club has grown into a vibrant gathering where literature, laughter, and friendship intersect.

Meeting monthly, this group of avid readers has explored the pages of a variety of books, engaging in lively discussions that delve into themes, characters, and the broader implications of each story. “To date,” said Colleen, reflecting on the club’s impressive journey, “we have read over 120 books.” This impressive tally is a testament to the members’ commitment to both their love of reading and their desire to connect with others in meaningful ways.

Each month, the women gather to dissect the latest selection, which ranges from contemporary fiction to historical narratives, and occasionally, thought-provoking non-fiction. The diversity in their reading list reflects the varied interests and backgrounds of the members, making each discussion rich with different perspectives.

However, the book club is more than just a literary forum; it’s a space where friendships are forged and strengthened. The camaraderie among the members is palpable, as they not only share their thoughts on the month’s read but also their lives, joys, and challenges. The group has become a support network, offering more than just intellectual stimulation—it provides emotional sustenance as well.

The longevity and success of the book club can be attributed to the spirit of inclusivity and respect that Colleen and the original members instilled from the beginning. For many members, the book club is a cherished tradition that brings a sense of continuity and connection in an ever-changing world. It’s a reminder that while our daily lives may be filled with the hustle and bustle, there’s always time to pause, pick up a book, and immerse ourselves in a different world—if only for a little while.

As the book club approaches its 13th year, the members look forward to many more years of reading, discussing, and, most importantly, enjoying each other’s company. The club is not just about the books; it’s about the relationships that have grown around them.

Understanding Florida’s Helmet Laws

As we enjoy outdoor activities in Cory Lake Isles like biking, skateboarding, or riding motorcycles, it’s important to know and follow Florida’s helmet laws. Wearing a helmet isn’t just about following the rules—it’s about protecting ourselves from serious injuries. In this article, we’ll cover the helmet laws in Florida, how to choose the right helmet, and the risks of not wearing one.

Helmet Laws in Florida

For Bicycles: In Florida, anyone under the age of 16 must wear a helmet while riding a bicycle. This law applies to both riders and passengers. While it’s not required for those 16 and older, wearing a helmet is still strongly recommended to reduce the risk of head injuries.

For Skateboards: If you’re under 16 and riding a skateboard, you must wear a helmet. Skateboarding can be risky, especially on uneven surfaces or in busy areas, so wearing a helmet is crucial for safety.

For Motorized Bicycles: A motorizedbicycle, sometimes called an e-bike, combines the features of a regular bike with a small engine. In Florida, anyone under 16 must wear a helmet while riding a motorized bicycle. As with regular bikes, helmets are recommended for all ages, even if the law doesn’t require it.

For Motorcycles: Motorcycle riders and passengers under 21 years old must wear a helmet at all times. If you’re 21 or older, you can ride without a helmet, but only if you have at least $10,000 in health insur-

ance coverage for injuries in case of an accident. Despite the law allowing adults to ride without helmets, doing so greatly increases the risk of serious injury.

Risks of Not Wearing a Helmet

Not wearing a helmet while biking, skateboarding, or riding a motorcycle can have serious consequences. Head injuries are one of the most common and severe types of injuries in these activities. Without a helmet, you’re more likely to suffer from concussions, skull fractures, or traumatic brain injuries, which can lead to long-term health issues or even death.

According to studies, wearing a helmet can reduce the risk of head injury by up to 85%. That’s why it’s so important to always wear a helmet, no matter how short the ride or how safe you feel.

Penalties for Not Wearing a Helmet

If you’re caught not wearing a helmet when it’s required, you could face fines. In Florida, the penalty for not wearing a helmet can include a citation and a fine, which can vary depending on the specific situation. For example, the fine for not wearing a helmet while riding a bike can be around $30. For motorcycle riders, the fines can be even higher, especially if you’re also lacking the required insurance coverage.

Choosing the Right Helmet

Selecting the right helmet is key to staying safe. Here are some tips to help you pick the best helmet:

1. Look for Safety Standards: Make sure the helmet meets safety standards. In the U.S.,

helmets should have a sticker showing they meet the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) standards.

2. Choose the Right Type: Different activities require different helmets. A bike helmet is not the same as a motorcycle helmet. Make sure you choose a helmet designed for the specific activity you’ll be doing.

3. Check the Fit: A helmet should fit snugly but not be too tight. It should sit level on your head, not tilted back, and the front of the helmet should cover most of your forehead.

4. Adjust the Straps: The straps should form a “V” shape under your ears, and when fastened, the helmet should not move more than an inch in any direction. You should be able to open your mouth comfortably without the helmet moving.

5. Replace When Needed: Helmets don’t last forever. If your helmet has been in a crash, is cracked, or is more than five years old, it’s time to replace it.


Stay Safe, Wear a Helmet

Wearing a helmet is a simple step that can make a huge difference in your safety. Whether you’re biking, skateboarding, or riding a motorcycle, a helmet is your best defense against serious injuries. By following Florida’s helmet laws and choosing a helmet that fits properly, you’re not only following the law but also protecting yourself and your loved ones.

Remember, safety starts with you—always wear a helmet!

Understanding Electric Scooters and Their Use in Cory Lake Isles

As the landscape of personal transportation continues to evolve, electric scooters, commonly known as e-scooters, have emerged as a popular, eco-friendly, and convenient way to get around. With their rising popularity, it is crucial for Cory Lake Isles residents to fully understand what e-scooters are, the laws governing their use, and how to safely operate them within our community.

What Exactly Is an Electric Scooter?

An electric scooter, or e-scooter, is a two-wheeled vehicle designed for personal transport. Unlike mopeds or motorcycles, e-scooters do not have a seat; the rider stands on a platform, gripping the handlebars, and controls the vehicle's movement using a throttle and brake system. The electric motor powers the scooter, propelling it forward, and the rider can control the speed through the handlebars. Depending on the model, e-scooters may either have a hand-operated brake on the handlebars or a footbrake located at the rear of the scooter.

E-scooters became legal in Florida in 2019, following the passage of legislation by the Florida Legislature and its subsequent signing into law by Governor DeSantis on June 18, 2019. Since then, e-scooters have rapidly gained popularity across the state as a practical and fun mode of transportation, especially in urban areas.

Traffic Laws for Florida E-Scooters

While e-scooters offer a flexible and accessible way to travel, it’s important for riders to be aware of and adhere to Florida's specific traffic laws that govern their use. These laws are designed to ensure both the safety of e-scooter riders and the broader community. Here’s a breakdown of the key regulations:

• Minimum Age Requirement: E-scooter riders must be at least 16 years old to legally operate the vehicle. However, unlike other motorized vehicles, a driver’s

license is not required to ride an e-scooter in Florida.

• Road Use Restrictions: E-scooters are generally prohibited from being ridden on roads where the posted speed limit is 25 miles per hour or less. This is particularly relevant for our community in Cory Lake Isles, where all roads have a 25 mph speed limit. E-scooters can, however, cross these roads at intersections. This restriction is in place to protect both e-scooter riders and other road users, as e-scooters typically have lower speeds and less protection compared to other vehicles.

• Bike Lane Usage: Where bike lanes are available, e-scooters are permitted to travel within them. Riders must ensure that they adhere to the speed limit within the bike lane, which is capped at 15 miles per hour. This allows e-scooter riders to travel safely alongside cyclists while maintaining a reasonable speed that minimizes the risk of accidents.

• Sidewalk Usage: E-scooters can be operated on sidewalks, but with strict conditions. When riding on a sidewalk, the maximum speed limit is 7 miles per hour, and riders must always yield the right of way to pedestrians. This ensures that the sidewalks remain safe and accessible for all users, especially in areas where foot traffic is heavy.

• License Requirements for Road

Use: While a driver’s license is not required to operate an e-scooter generally, riders who wish to operate their e-scooter on Florida roads (where legally permitted) must possess a valid driver’s license. This stipulation is in place to ensure that those who do ride on roads have a basic understanding of traffic laws and road safety.

E-Scooter Use in Cory Lake Isles: What Residents Need to Know

For residents of Cory Lake Isles, it’s important to recognize how these laws apply within our community. Given that all roads within Cory Lake Isles have a speed limit of

25 mph, e-scooters are not permitted to be ridden on the streets.

E-scooter users are required to utilize the sidewalks, keeping in mind the 7 mph speed limit and the requirement to yield to pedestrians.

While the law does not mandate that riders over the age of 16 wear a helmet, we strongly encourage all e-scooter users to wear one. Helmets are a simple yet effective way to protect yourself from serious injury in the event of an accident. For those under 16, helmet use is required by law.

Additionally, e-scooter operators are not required to have a special license, register the vehicle, or carry insurance. However, this lack of formal requirements does not absolve riders from the responsibility of operating their e-scooter safely and respectfully. This includes being vigilant about traffic rules, staying aware of their surroundings, and ensuring that their use of the sidewalk does not impede or endanger pedestrians.

Promoting Safe and Responsible E-Scooter Use

As e-scooters become more common in our community, it’s vital that we all contribute to a culture of safety and respect. E-scooters are a fantastic way to reduce our carbon footprint and enjoy the outdoors, but their benefits are best realized when used responsibly.

We encourage all residents who are considering using an e-scooter to familiarize themselves with both state laws and community guidelines. By doing so, you’ll not only protect yourself but also help to maintain the peaceful and secure environment we cherish here in Cory Lake Isles. Let’s work together to ensure that e-scooters are used safely, legally, and considerately within our community. Whether you’re an experienced rider or new to the world of e-scooters, your commitment to following the rules and prioritizing safety will make Cory Lake Isles a better place for everyone.

Life-Saving CPR Classes Taught in Cory Lake Isles

In a community like Cory Lake Isles, the safety and well-being of our residents are of utmost importance. This dedication to community care is beautifully exemplified by one of our own residents, Gwenette Bodie RN. Gwenette has generously volunteered her time and expertise to teach CPR classes to fellow residents, equipping them with the skills needed to save lives in emergencies.

Gwenette, a certified CPR instructor with years of experience, recognized the critical importance of this life-saving skill and took it upon herself to share her knowledge with the community. "Knowing how to perform CPR can make all the difference in those crucial moments before emergency responders arrive," Gwenette explains. "It’s a skill that everyone should have, whether you’re caring for family members, neighbors, or even strangers."

The classes, held at the Beach Club, have been met with enthusiasm from residents eager to learn or refresh their CPR skills. Gwenette’s teaching approach is hands-on, ensuring that each participant feels confident in their ability to perform CPR correctly. The training covers essential techniques such as chest compressions, rescue breathing, airway obstruction, and how to use an automated external defibrillator (AED).

One of the key messages Gwenette emphasizes is the importance of remaining calm and acting quickly in an emergency. "In those first few minutes after someone goes into cardiac arrest, your actions can significantly increase their chances of survival," she says. By teaching residents how to recognize the signs of a heart attack and respond effectively, Gwenette is

empowering our community to be better prepared in case of an emergency.

Residents who have attended the class have praised Gwenette for her clear instruction and dedication. "She’s incredibly patient and knowledgeable," one participant shared. "I feel much more confident now that I know what to do in an emergency."

Gwenette’s volunteer work is not just about teaching a skill; it’s about fostering a sense of community responsibility and care. Through her efforts, she is helping to create a safer environment in Cory Lake Isles, where residents look out for one another and are prepared to act in times of need.

As a community, Cory Lake Isles is fortunate to have individuals like Gwenette who are willing to share their time and talents for the greater good. Her CPR classes are more than just lessons—they are an investment in the health and safety of everyone in Cory Lake Isles.

For those who haven’t yet had the opportunity to participate, additional free classes will be scheduled in the coming months. Keep an eye on the Islander for dates and times. Whether you’re a seasoned caregiver or someone new to first aid, Gwenette’s classes offer invaluable training that could one day help save a life.

Contact Gwenette directly via email ( for information regarding the costs associated with scheduling a CPR class at a location of your choice (work, church, school, etc) that offers an American Heart Association certificate upon the completion of the class. This class is for individuals that require that they be “certified” in CPR.

Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office Underwater Recovery Team Conducts Critical Training at Cory Lake

In a community as picturesque as Cory Lake Isles, the sight of uniformed officers conducting specialized training on our tranquil waters might seem out of the ordinary. However, this unusual activity was a vital component of the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office Underwater Recovery Team’s recent intensive training program. Their presence underscores the importance of readiness and the invaluable role they play in responding to water-related emergencies throughout the county. The Underwater Recovery Team is an elite unit composed of 10 highly skilled divers who are trained to handle the most challenging and dangerous situations in and around bodies of water. Their responsibilities extend far beyond what many might imagine, encompassing everything from evidence recovery in criminal investigations to performing underwater rescues in lifethreatening situations. The team is always on standby, prepared to respond at a moment’s notice to any call for help involving the county’s numerous lakes, rivers, and coastal areas.

Training is the backbone of their operation, ensuring that when an emergency

arises, the team can perform their duties with precision and efficiency. To maintain this level of preparedness, the Underwater Recovery Team engages in rigorous training exercises 1-2 times per month. These sessions are designed to simulate a wide variety of scenarios that the team might encounter in real-life situations, helping them to hone their skills and remain sharp under pressure.

The recent training exercise at Cory Lake Isles was part of a particularly intensive two-week program. During this time, they practiced a range of techniques and operations critical to their role. One of the most challenging components of their training is deploying from a helicopter into the water—a maneuver that requires not only physical strength and precision but also exceptional coordination and communication.

Deploying from a helicopter is a skill that the team must master, as it can be crucial in situations where access by boat or land is impossible or too slow. The ability to quickly insert into a water environment from above allows the team to reach victims or recover evidence in the shortest

possible time, which can be the difference between life and death in certain emergencies. Practicing this skill in Cory Lake’s unique environment ensures that the team is familiar with the local terrain and conditions, which is particularly important should they ever need to respond to an emergency within our community.

The significance of this training taking place in our very own Cory Lake cannot be overstated. By choosing to conduct their exercises here, the Underwater Recovery Team is not only refining their skills but also becoming intimately familiar with the specifics of our lake. This familiarity could prove invaluable in an actual emergency, allowing the team to navigate the waters more efficiently and respond more effectively. For residents of Cory Lake Isles, this training provides a profound sense of security, knowing that the team is well-prepared to handle any water-related emergency that might arise in our area.

Moreover, the presence of the Underwater Recovery Team highlights the broader commitment of the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office to ensuring the safety and well-being of all county residents. Their

dedication to ongoing training and readiness exemplifies the professionalism and care that the Sheriff's Office brings to every aspect of their work. It is through these rigorous training programs that the team remains prepared to face the unpredictable and often dangerous situations they encounter in their line of duty.

As we reflect on the recent training exercises, it’s important to recognize the personal sacrifices and dedication of the men who make up this elite team. Their willingness to undertake such demanding and, at times, perilous training ensures that they are always ready to protect and serve, regardless of the challenges they may face.

The community of Cory Lake Isles owes a debt of gratitude to the Underwater Recovery Team for their continued commitment to safety. We are fortunate to have such a highly trained and dedicated group of professionals who not only serve the entire county but have also taken the time to prepare specifically for emergencies that could occur in our own backyard. Their work, often unseen and underappreciated, is a vital part of what makes Hillsborough County a safe place to live.

As we go about our daily lives, enjoying the beauty and tranquility of Cory Lake, we can take comfort in knowing that the Underwater Recovery Team is ready, should the unthinkable ever happen. Their recent training in our lake is a testament to their readiness and to the Sheriff's Office’s commitment to the safety of all its residents. We thank these brave and dedicated men for their service and for choosing Cory Lake Isles as their training ground.

When Is It Time to Restring Your Tennis Racquet?

For avid tennis players, maintaining your equipment is key to ensuring a strong performance on the court. One of the most important aspects of racquet maintenance is restringing. But how do you know when it’s time to have your tennis racquet restrung? Here are some key signs that indicate it’s time to refresh your strings and get your game back on track.


Loss of Tension

Over time, tennis strings naturally lose tension, which can significantly affect your control and power. If you notice that your shots aren’t landing where you intend them to or that your racquet feels less responsive, it might be due to loose strings. A racquet with less tension can result in the ball flying off the strings unpredictably, making it harder to control your shots.

2. Changes in Sound

Experienced players can often tell when their racquet needs restringing just by the sound it makes when hitting the ball. If the sound has changed from a sharp “ping” to a dull “thud,” it’s a clear sign that your strings have lost their optimal tension and need to be replaced.

3. Fraying or Notching

Visible signs of wear and tear on your strings, such as fraying or notching (when the strings start to cut into each other), indicate that they’ve been through a lot of use. These signs are especially common in multifilament strings, which are softer and more prone to wear. When your strings start to look worn out, it’s time to consider a restring.

4. Lack of Spin or Power

If you notice a drop in the spin or power you’re able to generate, your strings might be the culprit. As strings wear out, they lose their ability to snap back into place quickly, which is what helps generate spin. Additionally, old strings don’t absorb the impact of

the ball as effectively, which can reduce your power.

5. Frequency of Play

Even if you don’t notice specific issues with your racquet, how often you play should be a factor in deciding when to restring. A general rule of thumb is to restring your racquet as many times per year as you play per week. For example, if you play three times a week, you should consider restringing your racquet about three times a year. If you’re a frequent player, the constant impact on your strings will cause them to wear out faster.

6. Competing or Playing in Tournaments

If you’re preparing for a tournament or important match, it’s wise to restring your racquet beforehand, even if it hasn’t shown obvious signs of wear. Fresh strings can provide the extra confidence and performance boost you need to play at your best.

Elevate Your Game with a Properly Strung Tennis Racquet

At Cory Lake Isles, our vibrant tennis community thrives not only on the excitement of on-court action but also on the quality of our equipment. MJS Tennis, renowned for its comprehensive tennis programs and expert instruction, extends its expertise to a crucial aspect of your tennis experience: racquet stringing and customization.

Expert Racquet Stringing can be a Game Changer. The right stringing can transform your racquet, enhancing your play and prolonging the life of your equipment. MJS Tennis offers masterful racquet stringing services, ensuring that each racquet is strung to perfection. Whether you’re seeking improved control, power, or a balance of both, our stringing professionals utilize their deep knowledge and experience to cater to your specific needs.

Mobile Stringing Services is a provided convenience at your doorstep. In a com-

munity as dynamic as Cory Lake Isles, convenience is key. That’s why MJS Tennis brings its stringing expertise directly to you through our mobile racquet services. This innovative offering eliminates the need to travel, saving you time and hassle. They understand the demands of busy schedules and the desire to stay active, so our mobile services are designed to fit seamlessly into your routine.

MJS Tennis can easily revitalize old racquets and make them feel brand new. Have you recently uncovered old racquets while tidying up the garage? Before considering discarding them, consider this: a simple upgrade could breathe new life into those forgotten pieces of equipment. An over grip and a fresh set of strings can transform an outdated racquet into a modern, highperformance tool. MJS Tennis’s racquet customization services ensure that your old gear performs like new, allowing you to make the most of your investment. Their commitment to excellence extends beyond standard services. MJS Tennis provides tailored solutions to meet your individual preferences and playing style. From string tension adjustments to grip modifications, they address each aspect of your racquet to enhance your overall game. Their goal is to ensure that every player, from novice to advanced, has access to equipment that complements their needs and elevates their performance.

Maybe you are in need of a new racquet and need help deciding what racquet would be best suited for your game. MJS can help you to select the proper racquet. Taking advantage of MJS Tennis’s racquet stringing and mobile services is simple. For inquiries or to schedule a mobile service, call 813492-9591. Their professional team is ready to assist you, providing top-notch service and expert advice to keep your game at its best.


Aluna's Zodiac


Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) – Happy birthday Virgo! This month’s partial eclipse asks you to be clear about relationships. You’re so critical of yourself, but are the issues stemming from you, or from the other person? It’s time to set strong boundaries, especially if substances are involved. You also deserve healthy, respectful communication without vagueness or mind games! Seek out perspective of friends who give you direct and loving opinions.

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) – Mars brings powerful career opportunities! This can even be manifestations of situations you’ve been meditating about for months or years! You can also triumph over long standing subconscious issues, especially related to eating or body image. See yourself lovingly and clearly. Meditation continues to help re-wire your beliefs from childhood or old traumas. You’ll have more financial and relationship success!

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) – Mars asks you to put extra time and effort into yoga or meditation. Get creative with your spirituality if things feel “stale”. Take walks in nature. Try a new class, teacher or technique. Like Virgo friends, be wary of selfdeception in relationships. Strive to see things clearly without giving yourself excuses. You also can be underestimating your talents with art, creativity or athleticism. Explore without fear and just play!

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) – The partial eclipse can bring a wonderful job promotion that you’ve been visualizing or hoping for. Meditate on the feeling of deserving your good fortune! Mars brings a burst of financial abundance, as well as the courage to deal with

any debt issues. You can make strides in paying things off. You’ll also feel super sexy and revive sparks in your partnership, or if single, meet a new love!

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) – Meditate on your inner critic. Observe how it depletes your energy and motivation. This month’s eclipse gives you the power to rewire your subconscious mind and be free from those negative messages! You can also make lasting changes to your health by confronting addictions to substances or foods that cause inflammation or other issues. Surround yourself with friends who are making similar self-improvement.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 –Feb. 18) – This month’s eclipse heals issues around intimacy and sexuality. You may have hormone imbalances, past trauma, negative family beliefs or other “stuff’ that cause mysterious and hard to fix issues that deplete your pleasure and ability to bond. It’s a powerful time where you can have shifts from meditation, therapy, deep prayer work or even yoga. You can also remove deep-seated financial blocks as well. Being in your own body and daily reality is profoundly spiritual!

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) – This month’s eclipse asks you to see your relationships with eyes wide open. Is there a healthy balance of giving and receiving? Are you seeing your partner clearly as they are today, not as you hope the to be in the future? If starting a new bond, watch out for being swept away by romance. Ask a trusted pal for clear opinions! Health-wise, meditate about developing the the courage to let go of foods, substances and habits that drain your vital energy!

Aries (March 21 – April 19) - It’s a great time for deep meditation and exploring your dreams! Work with forgiving yourself for ways that you don’t measure up to your own standards and have “failed”. You’ll be able to tap back into enthusiasm and motivation if that yucky unconscious load is dumped out of your brain and your soul! You also can have great work opportunities you can jump on and feel like your best self!

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) – Have the courage to be your real self with friends. Speak up about your interests and you’ll be surprised how they support you. This month’s eclipse is about breaking through co-dependence. It’s empowering you to see how you can be authentic and not make waves. Ironically, social bonds will be stronger! In a similar way, “speak up to the Universe” in your prayer and meditation time. By sending a clear signal to about your desires, your needs can be met!

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) – This month’s eclipse wants you to be clear about career choices. You might need to advocate for yourself about your strengths and accomplishments at your current job. If you have new job opportunity, make sure it is really offering you what you deserve. Also, meditate about childhood issues that impact your confidence. Challenge your warped self-perceptions to be free of internal criticism. You can also heal sexual inhibitions and enjoy greater passion and responsiveness!

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) – This month’s eclipse helps soften your inner critic. Meditate on compassionate statements toward yourself and your “flaws”. Developing self-compassion will increase your capacity to withstand daily stress. It will strengthen your immune system. You’ll also find yourself thinking happier thoughts and worrying less! You’ll be able to set healthy boundaries in partnership, so that deeper intimacy develops.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) – Meditate on releasing old resentments from the past two years or so. Clearing your subconscious will lift burdens off your body. You’ll notice you sleep better, handle stress easier and even lose weight if you need to! You can also have insights into prosperity blocks. These could be subtle, but impactful, negative family ideas inherited from ancestors. You can move into your own financial power with the eclipse this month!

Aluna Michaels is a second-generation astrologer. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than three decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is now on Amazon in Kindle version and as an E-book on her website. Aluna is available for appointments in her home, by phone or Zoom. Call (727) 239-7179 (landline, so no texting!) or call/text (248) 583-1663 or visit www.

Introducing MJS Tennis’s Exclusive Women’s-Only Program at Cory Lake Isles

MJSTennis is thrilled to announce a pioneering women’sonly tennis program right here in our esteemed neighborhood. This unique offering is crafted with an emphasis on inclusivity, wellness, and community spirit, marking a first of its kind for Cory Lake Isles.

The program offers all equipment from racquets to tennis balls. No need to purchase anything as all necessary equipment will be provided, ensuring that participants can focus solely on their game and enjoyment. This program is designed to cater to women of all ages and abilities, including juniors and adults. By welcoming a broad spectrum of participants, we aim to foster a sense of unity and mutual support among women from diverse backgrounds.

At its core, this program is about prioritizing personal health and fitness. It encourages women to embrace an active lifestyle, supporting both physical health and mental well-being through engaging tennis sessions.

The program will be led by an experienced female coach, ensuring that the instruction is tailored to the specific needs and aspirations of women participants. This personalized approach enhances the learning experience and supports


The CDD Rules and Regulations stipulate that the Beach Club is closed on specific Federal Holidays.

In observance with these rules, the Beach Club will be closed to everyone on Labor Day, Monday, September 2. It is not available for rent and your finger print access will not work. Enjoy your holiday!

women in reaching their fitness goals.

Beyond just the game, this initiative is about building camaraderie. The courts will serve as a meeting ground where women can connect, share experiences, and support each other in their fitness journeys.

We believe that this program will be more than just a tennis clinic; it will be a vibrant hub where women from all walks of life come together to improve their health, learn new skills, and strengthen community bonds. Whether you are a seasoned player or new to the sport, this is your opportunity to engage in a supportive and dynamic environment.

Whether you are a seasoned player or new to the sport, this is your opportunity to engage in a supportive and dynamic environment.

We encourage all women in Cory Lake Isles to take part in this exciting venture. Join us in making this first-of-its-kind program a resounding success and enjoy the myriad benefits of staying active and connected.

For more information and to sign up, please contact us directly at 813-492-9591. Let’s come together to celebrate health, community, and the joy of tennis! See you on the courts, the MJS Tennis Family

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