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Nonprofit Networking with a Side of Donations: New Tampa Rotary Gives Back

Part face-to-face nonprofit networking, part donation celebration—the annual Give Back Breakfast hosted by the Rotary Club of New Tampa packed the room. This year, the club hosted local and global nonprofits giving away $61,809 from its foundation annual fund.

“What’s significant is the number of collaborations and relationships built between the nonprofits during and after breakfast,” said Ken Guidera, 2023-24 club president. “Each nonprofit has a few minutes to explain what they do and how they plan to use the donation. That creates ideas. I heard the folks from Kennedy Cares making plans to meet later with OASIS Opportunities. These community leaders don’t often have the chance to meet like this.”

New Tampa Rotarians have supported OASIS Opportunities since three moms founded it in 2001. “New clothes and school supplies equals dignity,” said Dawn Shulman, OASIS executive director. Last year 60 to 65 percent of Hillsborough County Public School students were economically disadvantaged. This year it is 87 percent.

“Today's donation goes to help our Pop-up Shop which is our newest program. The mobile clothes closet makes sure that our high school students have all the clothing and the hygiene items they need to fit in with their peers, meet dress code, get to school every day and fully engage in their learning. We all know getting an education and that diploma is a kiddo's passport to choices in their life,” Shulman said.

The New Tampa Family YMCA is also addressing the increase in economically disadvantaged youth.

“All the money we raise for our YMCA each year goes back into the community as part of our Open Doors Program,” said Ryan Pratt, executive director. “We provide financial assistance to those in the community that may be in financial distress. About 35 percent of our members are on some sort of financial assistance. No one would know that when they come into our facility. The kids can participate in swim lessons, sports and summer camp. Parents can have a family membership taking care of their health and wellness while we watch their kids.”

Denny Locasio, owner of Impact Fitness, joined the Rotary Club of New Tampa After Hours Satellite group to give back to his community. His Heroes Adapt Foundation is using its donation to buy home cardio workout equipment for two veterans.

“This equipment is built for their wheelchairs so they can fit into it. That's the big thing. They can keep themselves healthy without needing assistance from other people,” he said. Locasio trained in exercise science at USF and worked with the athletic department at USF. “Working with athletes, I've been around a lot of injuries. I’m transferring that learning to veterans. Working around their injuries and some of their limitations.”

The complete list of Rotary Club of New Tampa nonprofit partners who received donations during the 2023-24 Rotary year.

Cleft Lip and Palate Vocational Training Teams in Peru-Rotary Club of Venice-Nokomis (Global Grant)

Crisis Center of Tampa Bay

Evolve School of Learning

Fisher House

Ghana Service Projects-USF Rotaract

H20 for Life Burkina Faso Water Projects-White Bear Lake, MN

Rotary Club (Global Grant)

Helping Hands Food Pantry

Heroes Adapt

Hillsborough Literacy Council

Hurricane Idalia Disaster Relief-Rotary District 6890

Kennedy Cares Tampa Bay

Makumbi Orphanage-c/o Rotary Club of Harare Central

Maui Fire Disaster Relief-Rotary District 5000 Hawaii

Mission Smiles

New Tampa YMCA

OASIS Opportunities.

Pioneer Medical Foundation

Polio Plus-The Rotary Foundation

Project Dynamo

Rotary Camp Florida

Seminar 4 Tomorrow’s Leaders

Stay in Step Rehabilitation

Teen Impact

The Joshua House

The Rotary Foundation

USF Rotaract

CONTACT: Karen Mess Frashier, APR, Fellow PRSA

Rotary Club of New Tampa Communication Officer kmf@AdvocateMarketingPR.com


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