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《紫陽·淑惠》 W e e T z e Ya n g & C h a n S h u H u i

Love is not a union merely between two creatures - It is a union between two spirits. FREDERICK W. ROBERTSON ( 1816 - 1853 )

The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring. OSCAR WILDE ( 1854 - 1900 )

There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved. GEORGE SAND ( 1804 - 1876 )

Anything, everything, little or big becomes an adventure when the right person shares it. KATHLEEN NORRIS ( 1880 - 1966 )

I do love you.... as the dew loves the flowers; as the birds love the sunshine; as the wavelets love the breeze. MARK TWAIN ( 1835 - 1910 )

The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring. OSCAR WILDE ( 1854 - 1900 )

I have seen only you, I have admired only you, I desire only you. NAPOLEON BONAPARTE ( 1769 - 1821 )

Every day I know you better. Every day I love you more. PAM BROWN, B. 1928

Marriage is a serious business, but love turns the grey of life to gold. MIRIAM OSBORNE

You are everything I need. You are the sun, the air I breathe. Without you, life wouldn’t be the same. BASIA

To love a person means to agree to grow old with them. T. TOLIS V.ALBERT CAMUS ( 1913 - 1960 )

And our lips found ways of speaking what words cannot say, till a hundred nests gave music, and the East was gray. FREDERICK LAWRENCE KNOWLES ( 1869 - 1905 )

To love is to place our happiness in the happiness of another. GOTTFRIED WILHELM VON LEIBNITZ ( 1646 - 1716 )

The universe hangs on a kiss, exists in the hold of a kiss. ZALMAN SHNEOR

There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved. GEORGE SAND ( 1804 - 1876 )

To love is the great amulet that makes this world a garden. ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON ( 1850 - 1894 )

Love is a pardonable insanity. SEBASTIEN CHAMFORT ( 1741 - 1794 )

The universe hangs on a kiss, exists in the hold of a kiss. ZALMAN SHNEOR

One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: That word is LOVE. SOPHOCLES ( 496 - 406 B. C. )

Man and woman are two locked caskets, of which each contains the key to the other. ISAK DINESEN

[Love] is a short word, but it contains all: it means the body, the soul, the life, the entire being. GUY DE MAUPASSANT ( 1850 - 1893 )

The sound of a kiss is not so loud as that of a cannon, but its echo lasts a great deal longer. OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES ( 1809 - 1894 )

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