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Digital Literacy

Study on Ability Differences According to Majoring of Korean Students

Depart of educational technoligy, Korea University, Beak Song YI


If there were differences in the level of proficiency between students majoring computer and students majoring in humanities as the former group is expected to have higher computer or information capacity while the latter group is expected to have higher critical cognitive skills. In addition, we studied the correlation between the level of digital literacy skills based upon the concept of time reallocation.

The core competencies required for people living in a knowledge-based society is a digital literacy that they solve problems by learning the skills and knowledge which are necessary in life through digital information and technology.

Research Question

In the assessment of digital literacy, digital literacy involves computer literacy, information literacy and knowledge literacy of the advanced comprehensive sense. For the purpose of the study, the level of proficiency in digital literacy was investigated and analyzed with the college students in Seoul, South Korea.

* Research subject 1: Is there a difference in internet access time according to majors of students? * Research subject 2: Is there a difference in digital literacy skills according to majors of students? * Research subject 3: Is there any relationship between internet access time and digital literacy skills?

Theoretical background

Researh Question


Digital literacy indicator research trends

Digital Literacy

Kim Min-ha and Ahn Mi-ri(2003), digital literacy involves computer literacy, information literacy and knowledge literacy of the advanced comprehensive sense (4 areas)

The critical thinking skills required for all users in order to properly assess the value of information found on the internet, and the ability to use various types of information found from a variety of sources by understanding and combining the new information for the purpose of themselves (Gilster, 1997). The comprehensive capabilities to recognize the need of information and to gather, manage, evaluate, integrate and create necessary information through a variety of digital media in the rapidly changing digital environment (Han Jeong-Seon 2006).

Knowledge literacy skills Community technology literacy

Recognition and application skills for sharing community information

Indicator An understanding of community Technical literacy of community The perception of communicating and sharing information with others through community Skills of selecting appropriate community Skills of extracting and appearing information through community Skills to generate new information and knowledge by using community information Creation of information and knowledge through exchanging information and opinion with others and professionals Sense of community Securing opinions and information on community


Evaluation skills for community ethics

Method Types of digital devices


Using digital devices Time



tablet pc

Smart TV

1~3 h

10% 41.7%


30 students majoring humanities


30 students majoring computer

Computer-related manor Non computerrelated major



Standard deviation .5982



.111 3.208






Independent sample t-test for the difference of internet information literacy according to major Major Computer-related manor Non computerrelated major

N 28

Mean 3.660

Standard deviation .502

Standard error of mean






.095 -.010





Lorem Ipsum


Lorem Ipsum


Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum Lorem Ipsum


(3) The difference of community information sharing according to major

(2) The difference of internet information literacy according to major

Independent sample t-test for the difference of computer literacy skills according to major Standard error of mean



Result and Discussion (1) The difference of computer literacy skills according to major

4~6 h

Smart phone

Lorem Ipsum


10 h

Independent sample t-test for the difference of community information sharing according to major Major Computer-related manor Non computerrelated major



Standard deviation







Standard error of mean .094







Discussion (4) The relationship between internet access hours and digital literacy skills

Computer technology literacy

Internet information literacy

Community information sharing skills

Pearson Correlation coefficient P-value (both) N Pearson Correlation coefficient P-value (both) N Pearson Correlation coefficient P-value (both) N

Internet access hours

Pearson Correlation coefficient P-value (both) N

Computer technology literacy

Internet information literacy

Community information sharing skills






.000*** 58

.000*** 56

.620 58





.000*** 58


.000*** 56

.206 57















.620 58

.206 57

.037* 55


Internet access hours


the correlation between internet access hours and digital literacy skills.

Korea University, Beak Song Yi,

First, computer technology literacy does not have a significant impact on digital literacy. Meanwhile, according to the correlation analysis between internet access hours and digital literacy skills, internet access hours showed a significant correlation with the community information sharing skills among digital literacy skills Second, a harmonious, complex approach of studies re-creating knowledge is needed. The re-creation of knowledge will be possible beyond the use of knowledge information if the educational programs of computer-related majors which can develop critical and collaborative thinking and the computer technology education of humanities majors are combined. Third, the assessment of digital literacy skills should be designed to help developing collaborative, critical thinking. The emphasis recent paradigm is centered to the ability of sharing community information rather than computer literacy, and added the evaluation of social and ethical responsibility. It should be designed to re-create knowledge through the use of technology, the use of information, and ultimately through the critical thinking.

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