African Landscapes
The Landscape Concept.- Landscapes as Archives of Past and Present Social-Ecological Dynamics.- An Introduction to Landscape in Geography, Landscape Ecology, and Archaeology.- Towards a Methodology of Landscape Archaeology.- Risks and Resources in an Arid Landscape.- Towards a Reconstruction of Land Use Potential.- Landscape Ecology of Savannas.- Quantitative Classification of Landscape Units in Northern Namibia using an ASTER Digital Elevation Model.- Landscapes, Power, and Memory.- The Anthropological Study of Landscape.- A Landscape of Goshen.- Lanscapes and Nostalgia.- From the Old Location to Bishops Hill.- Kinship, Ritual and Landscape among the Himba of Northwest Namibia.- The Spectator and the Dweller.- Is This a Drought and What is Really Beautiful?- Landscape and Language Cognition.- An Introduction to Linguistic and Cognitive Anthropological Approaches to Landscape Research.- Wadi and Water.- Conceptualizing Landscape in Mbukushu.- Two Ways of Conceptualizing Natural Landscapes.- Landscape Features of Otjiherero.- 'Landscapes' of Ancient Egypt.- Where Settlements and the Landscape Merge. EAN/ISBN : 9780387786827 Publisher(s): Springer, Berlin, Springer, New York Format: ePub/PDF
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