A day in Verona. Nothing short of an extraordinary city could become the backdrop for such a stylish collection. We present the Autumn/Winter collection by Chervò: beauty is our priority, now more than ever. Una delle città italiane più affascinanti, meta prescelta da milioni di turisti da tutto il mondo: Verona incanta, emoziona, seduce. Come i capi Chervò, modelli di stile ed eccellenza, che vestono i desideri di chi cerca la combinazione perfetta tra performance sportive e gusto del bello. All’insegna del Made in Italy, naturalmente, un valore che diffondiamo in tutto il mondo: a gennaio, ci ha visti protagonisti al PGA Merchandise Show di Orlando, in Florida, la kermesse internazionale dedicata al golf. È passeggiando per il centro storico della città scaligera, tra le piazze più suggestive e gli angoli più caratteristici, che la nuova collezione Autunno/Inverno
esprime il meglio di sé. Le linee donna e uomo, suddivise ciascuna in due temi, ritrovano in questa cornice architettonica e artistica la loro massima espressione: come le femminili Autumn Leaves, che riprende i colori e i simboli per eccellenza dell’autunno, e la Chic & Elegance, un incontro tra le varietà cromatiche dell’avorio, del grigio e del malva e raffinate finiture. La linea maschile rivive invece nelle gamme Sport & Techno, dalle tinte accese e dai materiali spiccatamente performanti, e On & Off Course, dai capi caldi e avvolgenti, perfetta per il tempo libero. Quattro interpretazioni che anche quest’anno non mancheranno di sorprendere e appassionare.
One of the most fascinating Italian cities visited by millions of tourists from all over the world: Verona is enchanting, exciting and seductive. Just like the garments presented by Chervò that stand out for their style and excellence and meet the desires of those looking for a perfect blend of performance on the golf course and beauty. It goes without saying that they are produced in the name of Made in Italy expertise, a value that we diffuse all over the globe: in January we starred at the PGA Merchandise Show in Orlando, Florida, the international golf event. The new Autumn/Winter collection stands out in all its beauty in the old
town centre of Verona, in the most enchanting squares and in the most typical nooks and crannies of the city. The two themes of the ladies' and men's line look their very best in this architectural backdrop: like the feminine Autumn Leaves that plays with the typical colours and symbols of autumn, and Chic & Elegance that combines various shades of ivory, grey and mauve with refined details. On the other hand, the men's line is revived by the Sport & Techno range with its bright colours and top-performance materials and by On & Off Course, the perfect warm and cosy leisure wear. These four interpretations will amaze and thrill you this year too.
Verona, eine der faszinierendsten Städte Italiens, Traumziel von Reisenden aus aller Welt: eine Stadt, die bezaubert, bewegt, verführt. Wie die Kleidung von Chervò, Ausdruck von Stil und Exzellenz. Kleidung, die den Wunsch all jener erfüllt, die auf der Suche sind nach einer perfekten Kombination zwischen sportlicher Performance und ästhetischer Eleganz. Natürlich “Made in Italy”, ein Qualitätsprädikat, für dessen Wert wir auf der ganzen Welt einstehen: so auch im Jänner, als wir uns bei der weltweit bedeutendsten Golfmesse PGA Merchandise Show in Orlando/Florida mit Erfolg einem internationalen Fachpublikum vorstellten. Gerade bei einem Spaziergang durch die historische Innenstadt, vor dem Hintergrund der prachtvoll gestalteten Plätze und der charakteristischen Gassen und Winkel der Skaligerstadt, kommt der einmalige Stil der
neuen Herbst/Winter-Kollektion so richtig zur Geltung. Die Damen-und Herrenkollektionen, jeweils in zwei Themenbereiche unterteilt, finden in diesem architektonischen und künstlerischem Gesamtwerk den absolut passenden Rahmen: die feminine Linie “Autumn Leaves” , die Farben und Symbole des Herbstes aufnimmt, und “Chic & Elegance”, ein Zusammenspiel zwischen Elfenbein-Nuancen, Grau und Malve sowie raffinierten Dekors. Die Linie “Sport&Techno” für Herren hingegen stellt sich in kräftigen Farben und ausgesprochen technischen Materialien vor, und “On & Off Course” mit vor Kälte schützenden komfortablen Kleidungsstücken, die ebenso perfekt in der Freizeit zu tragen sind. Vier verschiedene Interpretationen, die auch in diesem Jahr wieder für Überraschung und Begeisterung sorgen werden. Manfred e Peter Erlacher
From one art to another. A passion for golf in the city of love: let's follow the great English playwright as he guides us on an imaginary tour full of different art forms. Il legame tra Shakespeare e Verona è particolarmente forte e sorprendente, soprattutto se si pensa che lo scrittore non visitò mai la città: nonostante la conoscesse solo tramite altri autori, decise di ambientarvi una tra le sue tragedie più famose. Ancora oggi, la potenza del mito letterario è alla base di milioni di visite ai luoghi immaginari legati a “Romeo e Giulietta”. E ha ispirato Chervò, che ha scelto di presentare i capi della nuova collezione attraverso un itinerario idealmente raccontato dallo scrittore inglese, che esplora varie sfumature dell’arte. La storia e l’architettura, ma anche la musica; l’antiquariato così come l’arte culinaria: le parole di Shakespeare ci accompagnano lungo vie e scorci più o meno conosciuti, sottolineando situazioni in cui lo stile Chervò è comunque protagonista.
Shakespeare's attachment to Verona is particularly strong and surprising, especially in view of the fact that the poet never visited the city: although he had no direct knowledge of Verona, he still decided to set one of his most famous tragedies there. To date, the power of this literary myth drives millions of people to visit the imaginary places mentioned in Romeo and Juliet. It has even inspired Chervò: in fact, to present its new collection, the company has chosen to follow a tour ideally guided by the English playwright to explore various aspects of art. History and architecture, but even music, antiques and the art of cooking: Shakespeare's words accompany us along roads and quaint views of places that are not always well known but still underline situations that bring out the unmistakable style of Chervò.
Eine der wohl bekanntesten und tragischsten Liebesgeschichten überhaupt, jene zwischen Romeo und Julia, spielt im mittelalterlichen Verona. Obwohl William Shakespeare, der die Geschichte 1597 schrieb, selbst nie in Verona war, sie eigentlich nur aus Büchern kannte, machte er die Stadt zum Mittelpunkt seiner Erzählung und verschaffte ihr ein Erbe, das bis heute in der gesamten Stadt zu spüren ist. Jedes Jahr zieht die literische Kraft Shakespeares Millionen Besucher an die mythischen Handlungsorte des Dramas. Und Shakespeare hat auch Chervò inspiriert, die neue Kollektion in dieser einmaligen Stadt vorzustellen und dabei auf ihre unterschiedlichen Ausdrucksformen von Kunst aufmerksam zu machen: auf Geschichtsdenkmäler und Architektur, aber ebenso auf Musik, altes. Kunsthandwerk und nicht zu vergessen die kulinarische Kunst. Die Dichtung Shakespeares begleitet uns durch bekannte und weniger bekannte Straßen und Winkel dieser Stadt, wobei aber Chervò immer die Hauptrolle spielt.
“Beauty provoketh thieves sooner than gold” (William Shakespeare - “As you like it”)
Jacket Lady MORELLO Polo Lady ASION Trousers Lady SIMISE
Jacket Lady MOUSE Turtleneck Lady TONY Trousers Lady SEUSA Polo Lady AFLOAT Jacket Lady MULBERRY Sweater Knitwear Man NARANSA Trousers Polo Lady Man SNOOPY AXA Belt Trousers Lady UCLOUD Man SONBEO
“I mean that my heart unto yours is knit, so that but one heart we can make of it” (William Shakespeare - “A Midsummer night’s dream”)
Vest Lady ED Turtleneck Lady TAXI Trousers Lady STROPA Gloves Lady XMAGIC Jacket Man MIND Turtleneck Man TOVAGIA Polo Man AREALA Trousers Man SONBEO Hat Unisex WISHER
Vest Lady ELLYCA Turtleneck Lady TEVANSI Trousers Lady SINTASSI Gloves Lady XOCRATE
“All places that the eye of heaven visits are to a wise man ports and happy havens” (William Shakespeare - “As you like it”)
Jacket Man MITTAG Polo Man AREALA Trousers Man SARTOR
“With love’s light wings did I o’erperch these walls for stony limits cannot hold love out” (William Shakespeare - “Romeo and Juliet”)
Jacket Man MET Pullunder Knitwear Man NERVINO Turtleneck Man TONONO Trousers Man SALU
Jacket Lady MARCHEN Polo Lady APEMAIA Trousers Lady SMANSARINA
“An apple cleft in two is not more twin than these two creatures” (William Shakespeare - “Twelfth night”, or “What you will”)
Vest Lady ESUBIO Turtleneck Lady TELEGO Trousers Lady SOQUA Belt Unisex UWOOL Sweater Man PIRINO Polo Man ANGUY Trousers Man SOFUSO
Jacket Lady MY Turtleneck Lady TAONAR Trousers Lady SINTASSI Jacket Man MANERA Polo Man ANGUY Trousers Man SONBEO Belt URING
Jacket Man MUFFLE Sweater Man POLTRELLA Polo Man AZIMUT Trousers Man SKETTINO Gloves Man XEMPAIO Golf Bag Man GIBILTERRA Sweater Lady PINSA Polo Lady ARASSI Trousers Lady SUPERPANT Bag UBALL
“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet” (William Shakespeare - “Romeo and Juliet”)
Sweater Lady PEARADA Polo Lady ALVEAR Trousers Lady SIMISE Vest Man ESTIVE Sweater Man PAPUSSA Trousers Man SUBIOTO
AMO, the Arena Museum of Opera. From the score to the libretto preparation, from the stage design to the costumes: The natural setting for Italian Opera is Verona. Il Festival dell’Arena l’ha resa una delle capitali internazionali dell’Opera: ecco perché nel 2012 Verona è diventata anche la culla di un Museo che valorizza e divulga l’arte della lirica, in ogni sua forma. Attraverso l’esposizione di documenti originali e avvalendosi di tecniche multimediali, ad AMO, a Palazzo Forti, è possibile scoprire il processo creativo che porta alla messa in scena di un’Opera e ripercorrere 100 anni di storia operistica del Festival Areniano. Partiture e libretti si alternano a lettere e fotografie d’epoca, bozzetti e figurini dei più grandi scenografi e costumisti prendono vita accanto ad abiti di scena e scenografie per raccontare il "dietro le quinte"dell’Opera in modo coinvolgente e affascinante. Una cornice perfetta per presentare la nuova collezione Chervò: un incontro al vertice, che valorizza l’arte della qualità.
Anorak Man ROCK Polo Man ARCY Trousers Man STORE
The Arena’s Festival has made it one of the most important Opera capitals of the world: this is why, in 2012, Verona also became the birthplace of a Museum which explores and shares the art of opera in all its forms. Through the presentation of original documents and the use of multimedial technology, AMO in Palazzo Forti you can discover the creative process which brings an opera to the stage and unveil 100 years of the Arena Festival’s opera history. Scores and librettos alternate with period letters and photographs, while sketches of the greatest stage and costume designers come to life through costumes and scenery to offer an engaging and fascinating "behind the scenes" glimpse of opera. A perfect setting in which to present the new Chervò collection which is an opportunity to evaluate the art of quality.
Dank der Festspiele Arena Verona entwickelte sich die Stadt zu einem internationalen Opern-Mekka. 2012, aus Anlass des 100. Geburtstags, bekam das berühmte Festival ein eigenes Museum, das ausschließlich der Lyrik-Kunst gewidmet ist. Besucher können im AMO mit Sitz im Palazzo Forti anhand von Multimediainstallationen, Kostümen, Bühnenbildern, Zeichnungen und Fotos alles über die hundertjährige Geschichte des Arena-Festivals erfahren. Partituren wechseln mit Notizen, Briefen und alten Fotografien; in der Kostümausstellung unterstreichen Entwürfe und Modelle der größten Bühnen- und Kostümbildner deren meisterliche Kreativität. Die Ausstellung gestattet einen intimen und faszinierenden Blick in die Arbeit hinter der Bühne und bietet sich als exzellenter Rahmen für die Vorstellung der neuen Chervò-Kollektion an: eine Begegnung auf höchstem Niveau im Sinne von Kunst höchster Qualität.
“If music be the food of love, play on” (William Shakespeare - “Twelfth night”, or “What you will”)
Vest Lady EPOI Polo Lady ANSA Trousers Lady STRUCON
Sweater Knitwear Lady NOBLE Polo Lady AXY Trousers Lady STROPA Polo Man ANGHILA Sweater Knitwear Man NIFTY Trousers Man SOPPE
“The man that hath no music in himself is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils” (William Shakespeare - “Twelfth night”, or “what you will”)
Jacket Man MIRNA Turtleneck Man TESIBON Trousers Man SONBEO Belt UCINT
Jacket Lady MUSSEIN Trousers Lady SMANSARINA Turtleneck Lady TONFO
Vest Man ELOI Polo Man AXA Trousers Man SONBEO Belt UCINT Gloves Man XENATOR Bag UMBRETTA1 Jacket Lady MASERADA Trousers Lady SINTASSI Sweater Lady PANSON Hat Lady WHITELADY
“Good wine is a good familiar creature, if it be well used” Jacket Lady MIRIANLINE Sweater Lady POSADA Trousers Lady SOASETTA Sweater Man PENSANTE Polo Man ASEOIO Trousers Man SPERANSINA
(William Shakespeare - “Othello”)
Vest Lady ELECT Turtleneck Knitwear Lady NOSTRAN Trousers Lady STARRY Belt Unisex UWOOL Bag UBALL Vest Man ESTIMATE Trousers Man SALU Polo Man ASSASTAR Snood Man YOLLA Gloves Man XEMPAIO
Turtleneck Man TAPEO Polo Man ARRIBA Trousers Man SKATE Gloves Man XEMPAIO Bag UNIVERSE
“ I to the world am like a drop of water that in the ocean seeks another drop” (William Shakespeare - “The Comedy of errors”)
Sweater Lady POKER Turtleneck Lady TROSSI Trousers Lady STRUCON Hat Lady WHIMSICAL
100% DOWN FREE Capi imbottiti con fiocchi sintetici, leggeri e con mano setosa con le stesse caratteristiche e aspetto della piuma.
100% DOWN FREE Garments padded with silky touch and lightweight synthetic flakes, providing the same features and appearance as a down filling.
100% DOWN FREE Kleidungststuecke gefuellt mit seidigen, leichten synthetischen Flocken, mit denselben Eigenschaften und der Optik von Daunen.
Di facile manutenzione, igienici, termici e ecologici: felici le oche – felice il consumatore. PROPRIETÀ: - 100% down free VANTAGGI: - Igienici - Termici - Ecologici
Easy care, hygienic, heat retaining and ecological: happy goose - happy consumer.
Leicht zu pflegen, hygienisch, waermeregulierend und umweltfreundlich Glueckliche Gaense-glueckliche Kunden.
PROPERTIES: - 100% down free
EIGENSCHAFT: 100% Daunenfrei
ADVANTAGES: - Hygienic - Heat retaining - Ecological
VORTEILE: - Hygienisch - Waermeregulierend - Umweltfreundlich
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STORES IN ITALY Chervò Flagship Store - Costermano Chervò Golf Hotel Spa & Resort San Vigilio Arzaga Golf & Country Club Garda Golf Jesolo Golf Asolo Golf Club Montecchia Golf Golf Club Parco dei Colli Golf Club Città Di Asti Golf Club Des Iles Borromées Verona STORES IN GERMANY Penning Rotthalmünster - Bad Griesbach Holzhäuser - Bad Griesbach Fashion Shop Maximilian - Bad Griesbach STORES IN AUSTRIA Golf Club Millstatt, Millstätter See STORES IN SPAIN El Corte Inglés Madrid El Corte Inglés Marbella El Corte Inglés Pozuelo Further information on Chervò world-wide pro-shops and stores is available on: <>. THANKS TO:
Relais de Charme Il Sogno di Giulietta Via Cappello, 23 - Cortile di Giulietta 37121 Verona Tel. +39 045 8009932 Fax +39 045 8038483
AMO Arena Museo Opera Palazzo Forti Via Massalongo 7 37121 Verona (ITALY) Tel. +39 045 8030461
Verona Film Commission Via Leoncino, 6 37121 Verona tel +39 045 8005348 fax +39 045 593762
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CHERVĂ&#x2019; S.p.a via 1° Maggio, 10/A 37010 Costermano ( VR ) - I tel. +39 - 045 6203411 fax +39 - 045 6203416
march 2014 Verona