2012 Dec Beaverton Resource Guide

Page 1

FREE C om m u n it y Pa p er, Ta ke O ne!



Then & Now at the )JTUPSZ $FOUFS page 9

What's Happening this Month in Beaverton? Check out all the holiday entertainment this month, pages 4-9 New beautifully illustrated childrens book by local author, page 6 City Tree Lighting and Toy Drive, page 14

Shop Local – Give Local – Stay Local… this is how we build a better Beaverton.

Our Community Website is Now Live! Visit: www.BeavertonResourceGuide.com Like us on

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Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation KPTV Channel 12 Washington Square Mall (5K Walk for St Judes) Entertainment (WCVA Event Calendar & Movie Listings) Beaverton History (Newsletter) Downtown Beaverton (Shopping Map) Beaverton Tree Lighting (Toy Drive) TVF&R (Winter Tips) Cedar Hills Crossing (Shopping Map) Aloha Business Association (Newsletter & Map) Southwest Beaverton (Shopping Map) Monthly Recipe (By Greg Mattie) Restaurants (Spotlight & Happy Hour Listings) Library News (Beaverton Bulletin Board) Speeder News (for Seniors) Home, Garden & Auto (House Listings) Beaverton Police Dept. (TrafďŹ c Q&A) Adventures in Beaverton



ne thing that continues to inspire me is the passion our community has to make Beaverton better. Every day I see those WKDW VHOņHVVO\ GHGLFDWH WKHLU WLPH and resources to ensure our vulnerable residents receive basic human services. Recently, a group of local health representatives formed the Beaverton Community Health Partnership (BCHP) with a vision of delivering health services to those who have little or no access to care. Spearheaded by the city, the BCHP addresses areas of downtown Beaverton designated as “medically underserved.â€? To assist in that effort, the project was awarded a $1.6 million Community Transformation Grant from the Centers for Disease Control. Using these funds, the city and its partners will plan a community health care system that will provide comprehensive care in one location, establishing a new delivery system to dramatically lower costs of service. Another issue that we continue to work on is homelessness. According to the Beaverton School District, we have the largest homeless student population in Oregon, at 1,840 students. With $493,000 in Community Block Grant funds, the city has

SDUWQHUHG ZLWK D ORFDO QRQSURŅW Boys & Girls Aid, to transform a neglected apartment building into a safe and stable home for homeless or at-risk youth. Several community organizations have donated time, money and materials to make this renovation possible. As the holidays approach, I encourage you to join me in helping those less fortunate. From now through Dec. 14, we will collect new, unwrapped toys and gift cards for low-income youth and foster children. Drop locations can be found at City Hall and our two city libraries. Of course, our Tree Lighting tradition continues at the Beaverton City Park and Library on Dec. 7 from 5-7 p.m. We’ll have a full lineup of music and choir performances, children’s craft workshops, a visit by Santa and more! Don’t forget to bring a toy for our toy drive! What I love most about being your Mayor is seeing or learning about your acts of kindness. :KHWKHU LWģV ŅQGLQJ VROXWLRQV WR homelessness or providing health care to our most vulnerable or delivering a gift to a small child, our citizens are so compassionate. It’s you, it’s all of us together, who truly represent The Best of Oregon.

#FBWFSUPO $JUZ $PVODJM MEMBERS Catherine Arnold Betty Bode Ian King Marc San Soucie Cathy Stanton

MEETINGS Tuesday, December 11, 6:30pm Tuesday, December 18, 6:30pm Tuesday, January 8, 6:30pm

City Council meetings are held in the Forrest C. Soth Council Chambers in City Hall and open to the public. For the most up to date agenda and materials call 503-526-2222 or visit www.beavertonoregon.gov.



3 4 4-8 9 10–13 14 15 17 18–19 20–22 22 23–25 26 27–29 30-31 31 32


Publisher / Executive Editor Cory Burden

Content Editor / Advertising Michael Wong

Graphic Layout / Design Craig Wann / Karen Lewis

Writers Bob Wayt Fox 12 Staff WCVA Staff Sammy Gould Parisjat Umsheid Maureen Wilson Holly Beglinger Ann Koppy Jolene Guptill Karen Bolin

Mark Hyde TVF&R Staff Lisa Ard Victoria Campbell Eric Squires Jim Brooks Mick Bannister Melissa Riley Frank Reed Ann SatterďŹ eld

4575 SW Tucker Ave. Beaverton, OR 97005 503.641.3320

Questions or comments? Email us. BRG@cedarhousemedia.com The Beaverton Resource Guide is published by Cedar House Media, Beaverton’s homegrown print and graphics shop.

The Beaverton Resource Guide (BRG) is a free monthly community paper written, edited and published in Beaverton, by Beaverton residents and for the businesses and people of Beaverton, Oregon, USA. Cedar House Media published the ďŹ rst edition in April of 2011 with the help of the city and the Farmers Market. That ďŹ rst issue was 16 pages. Today, the paper is 32 pages and sponsored by the most important community organizations: City Hall, police, library, historical society, TVF&R, WCVA, THPRD, Washington Square and Cedar Hills Crossing to name a few.

8IBUhT UIF GPDVT Beaverton has so many positive attributes and many go unnoticed. The BRG is our way of giving back to the community by highlighting what makes our city a great place to live, work and shop. With a focus on small, local businesses, we’d like to encourage our neighbors to ďŹ rst visit nearby businesses and give them a chance before moving on.

4IPVME * BEWFSUJTF Absolutely! With our unique layout, colorful design and community content, our readers are beyond loyal not only because they want to know "what's happening this month in Beaverton" but also because they completely agree with our philosophy of Shop Local - Give Local - Stay Local. As a local business, your ad will get seen by those who are willing to go out of their way to shop local. These residents are your best customers and our best readers! In addition, we don’t print massive quantities and mail them out to uninterested parties. Our papers are located in convenient, local and high trafďŹ c locations ready to be picked up by those who love Beaverton.

8IFSF DBO * QJDL VQ POF PS NPSF If you'd like a copy for yourself or want to pick up a few for your business, drop by our ofďŹ ce or go to any of these participating locations: New Seasons, Dairy Queen, THPRD facilities, Starbucks. In %PXOUPXO try Farmers Market, City Park (red newsstands), library, Powell's Books, city hall; Southwest - Walgreens, 24 Hour Fitness, branch library, Big Al's; Aloha - RiteAid, Albertson's, Thriftway.

/FFE NPSF JOGPSNBUJPO If you would like to place an ad or submit an article for consideration, please contact us by email or phone. Email: BRG@cedarhousemedia.com

2 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 2–Issue 12 (December 2012)


Phone: 503-641-3320

Find us on Facebook or visit - - - > www.beavertonresourceguide.com

7+35' FRQQHFWLQJ SHRSOH SDUNV DQG QDWXUH shape this winter while having fun? Are you hoping to make new friends and connect with your community in 2013? Then sign up for one of the Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District’s winter classes, programs and activities. Registration begins Saturday, December E\ %RE :D\W 7+35' 8, and classes start Jan. 7. ant to learn a new skill, or Class descriptions and schedules, along improve on one you already with registration instructions and forms, have? Would you like to get in better are in THPRD’s winter/spring 2013 activities guide, which is available at www.thprd. org. Printed copies of the guide can be picked up at any THPRD center or the Administration Of¿ce at 158th and Walker Road. The printed guide is also available at Beaverton-area libraries, the Beaverton Area Chamber of Commerce, Beaverton City Hall, Washington County Visitors Association, and the Beaverton School District Administration Center. Online and phone &KLOGUHQ OHDUQ WR SOD\ EDVNHWEDOO DW D 7+35' UHFUHDWLRQ registration for winter term FHQWHU &ODVVHV DQG OHDJXHV ZLOO EH DYDLODEOH WR YDULRXV DJH will be open to LQ GLVWULFW JURXSV GXULQJ WKH ZLQWHU WHUP ZKLFK EHJLQV -DQ



residents starting at 8 a.m. on Dec. 8 and go until 6 p.m. that day. It will continue Dec. 9 from noon to 4 p.m. and Dec. 10-14 from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Patrons registering by computer for the ¿rst time must establish an online account in advance at www.thprd.org/activities. Those registering by phone simply need to call 503/439-9400 starting Dec. 8 (after Dec. 14, call any THPRD center; phone 7+35' RIIHUV D ZLGH YDULHW\ RI VHOI LPSURYHPHQW FODVVHV numbers are listed in the ¹ LQFOXGLQJ SDLQWLQJ ¹ WR DGXOWV ³ DQG EHWWHU´ DW WKH (OVLH 6WXKU &HQWHU 7KH FHQWHU LV ORFDWHG QHDU GRZQWRZQ activities guide and at %HDYHUWRQ www.thprd.org). Those registering should ($74 quarterly) may register by Internet, have class information, credit card or phone, fax, mail or walk-in starting that debit information (Visa, MasterCard, day. Discover or THPRD gift card), and a valid THPRD residency card. They can sign up only members of their immediate family. Questions can be directed in advance to 503/645-6433. )RU UHVLGHQWV OLYLQJ RXWVLGH WKH 7XDODWLQ +LOOV GLVWULFW, registration will begin Friday, Dec. 14, at 8:30 a.m. Those who have paid an assessment fee

Rally to save sport pays off at BSD schools By FOX 12 Staff


hen cuts in the Beaverton School District put golf on the chopping block, coaches at Beaverton’s high schools weren’t about WR OHW WKHLU VSRUW JR GRZQ ZLWK D ÂżJKW Now, a group of supporters and players are celebrating raising more than $130,000 to keep the golf program alive at Beaverton, Southridge, Sunset, WestYLHZ DQG $ORKD KLJK VFKRROV The money raised will ensure boys and girls at the Beaverton-area high schools will be able to play golf for the next three \HDUV %UDG +DUYH\ ZKR FRDFKHV DW %HDYHUWRQ +LJK 6FKRRO VD\V WKH OLIHORQJ VSRUW FDQ DSSHDO WR HYHU\RQH “It’s one of those sports that you’re your RZQ UHIHUHH ´ VDLG +DUYH\ WKH FKDLUPDQ of the Beaverton School District golf funGUDLVLQJ FRPPLWWHH Âł<RX GRQÂśW QHHG D WHDP <RX GRQÂśW QHHG DQ\WKLQJ <RX GRQÂśW need to be big or tall, size doesn’t matWHU 6R LWÂśV D OLIH VSRUW WKDW FDWHUV WR DOO SHRSOH ´ The Beaverton School District has had golf since 1942, but it will remain unfunded by the district for the 2013 season

DQG WKH IRUHVHHDEOH IXWXUH Each season of golf requires roughly WR RSHUDWH 7KDW PRQH\ JRHV WRward coach stipends, golf course rentals, transportation and a little extra money to KDQGOH XQH[SHFWHG FRVWV DW WKH ÂżYH %HDYHUWRQ VFKRROV +DUYH\ VD\V VSRQVRUV ZHUH D ELJ GLIIHUence in making sure high school golfers FDQ KLW WKH OLQNV LQ WKH VSULQJ RI $ big chunk of the money came via a donaWLRQ IURP 1LNH $QG RQ 1RY WHDPV RI VXSSRUWHUV gathered at the Tiger Woods Center on the Nike campus in Beaverton to celebrate reaching their fundraising goal for WKLV \HDU Âł7KH\ÂśUH DZHVWUXFN WR EH KHUH 7LJHU :RRGV UHDOO\ UHLQVWDWHG WKH JDPH $QG it’s incredible the way Nike does things LWÂśV WR WKH QWK GHJUHH ´ +DUYH\ VDLG Âł:HÂśUH EOHVVHG WR EH KHUH ´ Though the schools have enough money

Shop Local – Give Local – Stay Local‌ this is how we build a better Beaverton.

After raising enough money to keep their sport alive this coming spring, supporters of golf in the Beaverton School District turned out for a celebration at the Nike campus. Watch “Oregon Sports Final� every for the next three seasons, there’s still no word on whether the sport will be funded Sunday night at 11 p.m. on FOX 12 DJDLQ LQ WKH IXWXUH 7R FRQWULEXWH WR %6' Oregon for more local sports stories like this one. JROI YLVLW VDYHEVGJROI FRP Volume 2–Issue 12 (December 2012) | Beaverton Resource Guide –




proudly presents

3JOH 5IF #FMMT By Rebecca Lesley

Santa and Holiday Cheer Return to Washington Square Here Comes Santa Claus! ontinuing an annual tradition, Washington Square, the region’s premier shopping center, welcomes Santa Claus and his merry band of elves for another year of holiday enjoyment at his magical lodge. Children, young and old, can stop by for a photo with Santa and make sure he knows exactly what they want this year through December 24.


NEW! Washington Square has introduced a time-saving twist with our Santa Fly By program. Families may enter Santa’s virtual line via web (SantaFlyBy.com), text, phone or by visiting Santa’s Lodge. Guests will receive an approximate wait time and are free to shop, dine or relax while awaiting their turn to tell Santa what’s at the top of their list. The Sharing Tree A Washington Square holiday

tradition is back for another year of giving. Organized by Clipped Wings, a charitable organization RI FXUUHQW IRUPHU DQG UHWLUHG ņLJKW attendants, the Sharing Tree annually provides more than 4,500 gifts WR ORFDO QRQSURŅWV VHUYLQJ FKLOGUHQ and families in need. Thanks to the generosity of Washington Square shoppers, kids and young adults who may have gone with very little this holiday season will receive a gift from their own personal angel. Ornaments on the Sharing Tree describe what a particular individual needs and are available in Nordstrom Court from November 16 through December 19. Sounds of the Season It wouldn’t be Christmas without carolers. Coming from miles away, school choirs will deck the halls of Sears’ Court with the sounds of the holidays between November 26-30 and December 3-7. „

November 30 through December 15


he Beaverton Civic Theatre’s holiday comedy, “Every Christmas Story Ever Told (and then some!)� by Michael Carleton, James FitzGerald and John K. Alvarez, opens Friday Nov. 30. Rather than redo the classic Dickens tale yet again, six actors take a humorous romp through the

holiday season when they decide to perform every Christmas story ever told – hitting on carols, icons and traditions from around the world. Presented by the Beaverton Arts Commission, “Every Christmas Story Ever Told (and then some!)� will run weekends begin-

ning Nov. 30 through Dec. 15 in the Beaverton City Library Auditorium (12375 SW 5th Street). Performances are scheduled for Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m., and Sundays at 2 p.m. A question and answer session with the cast will follow the Sunday, Dec. 9 performance.„

By Melissa Riley


For more information on any of these holiday events or for a list of extended holiday hours, please visit ShopWashingtonSquare.com. Stay up-to-date with everything happening at Washington Square by following Twitter @WashingtonSQ or on Facebook at facebook.com/ ShopWashingtonSquare

4 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 2–Issue 12 (December 2012)

'PS NPSF JOGPSNBUJPO 503-754-9866 www.BeavertonCivicTheatre.org Tickets are available at the door: $15/Adults; $12/Seniors, Students & Groups of 10+; $5/Youth (age 10 & under) 'SFF QBSLJOH JT BWBJMBCMF JO UIF -JCSBSZ QBSLJOH MPU Find us on Facebook or visit - - - > www.beavertonresourceguide.com



Movie Theater Listings


99W Drive-in

movie releases

Newberg 503-538-2738

Cinemark Beaverton 800-FANDANGO+984


December 7 Bad Kids Go To Hell

Beaverton 503-597-6900


Valley Cinema Pub

Delhi Safari

Beaverton 503-296-6843

Dino Time Flying Lessons Hyde Park on Hudson In Our Nature Lay the Favorite Playing for Keeps

decem e 19 december

Call Theaters for Show Times

Armour (Love) Monsters, Inc. 3D The Guilt Trip Zero Dark Thirty

The Fitzgerald Family Waiting for Lightning

december 14

december 25

Cheerful Weather for the Wedding

Django Unchained

Save the Date

Parental Guidance

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

West of Memphis

Les Miserables

december 28 Promised Land

december 21




Cirque du Soleil: World Away Jack Reacher Not Fade Away On the Road The Impossible This is 40 *Reg Text = Limited Release Bold Text = Nationwide Release Shop Local – Give Local – Stay Local… this is how we build a better Beaverton.

november top 10 1. Skyfall 2. Wreck It Ralph 3. Flight 4. Argo 5. Taken 2 6. Cloud Atlas 7. The Man w/ Iron Fists 8. Pitch Perfect 9. Here Comes the Boom 10. Hotel Transylvania

Volume 2–Issue 12 (December 2012) | Beaverton Resource Guide –




6 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 2–Issue 12 (December 2012)

Introducing a charming children's book by Beaverton author, Michael Patrick Stevens, and award winning illustrator, Izabela Ciesinska.

"We welcome you to share in Ellen’s incredible journey." Ellen Melon is a 32 page full color children's picture book suitable for children 3 years and up


Christmas 2012 Purchase Your Copy Today at: www.ellenmelonchildrensbook.com

Find us on Facebook or visit - - - > www.beavertonresourceguide.com



"$." 1FSGPSNT 'BNJMZ 'SJFOEMZ i(SFBU &YQFDUBUJPOTw December 6th thru15th


me to express my creativity and become enamored with new ideas. I really enjoy the challenge of immersing myself in a character.� “My involvement in theater has taught me how to collaborate with other people and how to think outside the box in ways that help me solve real-world problems,� says Ally Merkel, a freshman who plays Estella and has been cast in NWCT productions, with the Young People’s Theatre Project and as an extra in “Leverage.�

Meet Fritz, Julian and Ally "It's exciting to have a professional theatre environment at my own high school, especially with all the cuts to arts programs across the nation,� says Fritz, a senior who wants to study theater and communications in New York next year. “It has been an inspiration for me to be part of such a healthy program." Says Julian Alexander, a senior who plays Bentley Drummie in this show, appeared in Northwest Children’s Theater’s (NWCT) “Narnia,� was “Jesus� in ACMA’s “Jesus Christ Superstar,� and dances with “Dance West,� ACMA’s semi-professional dance troupe, “Theatre is an outlet for

About Great Expectations The ACMA production follows the adventures of an orphan boy named Pip, who is given a chance to rise from his humble beginnings thanks to a mysterious benefactor. The Victorian comingof-age story explores the different social classes of early 19th century England. Through Pip’s story, we meet an escaped convict named Magwitch, a bewitching girl, Estella, and an unforgettable, mentally unhinged rich woman, Miss Havisham. Tying into the play’s theme of increasing opportunity for under-privileged youth, ACMA’s production of “Great Expectationâ€? ZLOO EHQHĹ…W ÄĽ%RRNV IRU .LGV ÄŚ The Willamette Writers program collects and distributes thousands of books and gives them to under-privileged youth throughout Oregon and SW Washington, with a goal of increasing literacy. Giving back to the community is a tradition with the ACMA theater students. ACMA’s “Great Expectationsâ€? offers family entertainment with an underlying message about gratitude and dignity learned through adversity. The performance is at the Arts & Communications Magnet Academy Arts Center, 11375 Center St., Beaverton, 97005.

Tickets are $15 for adults and $8 for students at acmatickets.com

he Arts & Communications Magnet Academy (ACMA) Theatre Company, Beaverton, will perform the Charles Dickens classic “Great Expectations,â€? which ZLOO EHQHĹ…W ÄĽ%RRNV )RU .LGV ÄŚ and continue ACMA’s tradition of providing professional-quality theater featuring a director and students who work in the community. The play is directed by David 6LNNLQJ IRXQGHU RI +HOOĹ…UH 3URductions, and an actor who has performed locally at many regional venues. Many of the young actors say they feel fortunate to be part of ACMA’s high-caliber theater program and that theater helps them grow creatively, emotionally and socially.

ACMA Performing Arts Center 11375 SW Center St. | Beaverton, OR 97005 503.672.3700

Oregon Chorale Presents: December 1, - 7pm


Tigard United Methodist Church (9845 SW Walnut Place, Tigard)

Shop Local – Give Local – Stay Local‌ this is how we build a better Beaverton.

7:00 pm December 6-8 and 13-15 2:00 pm December 8 and Dec. 15


(See Map, pg 10, G2)

From Heav'n Above

ing in the holiday season with the rarely performed, gorgeously evocative Vom Himmel Hoch by Felix Mendelssohn, performed with orchestra and soloists. A rich collection of oldworld Christmas carols rounds out the concert.


December 2, 7:30pm Saint Matthew Catholic Church (447 SE 3rd Avenue Hillsboro)

We do Birthday Parties facebook.com/bambeaverton 503-644-5701 Volume 2–Issue 12 (December 2012) | Beaverton Resource Guide –







Dec 2012 Schedule

Oregon’s Washington County is home to some of the best festivals and events the state has to offer. Just minutes from downtown Portland and set in the heart of the agricultural area of northwestern Oregon, summer ushers in agricultural events, farmers’ markets and myriad family festivals.

The Forum meets from 11:45 am to 1 pm at the Old Spaghetti Factory (18925 NW Tanasbourne Drive, across from the Evergreen movie theaters in Hillsboro). Founded in 1956, the Public Affairs Forum provides a common meeting place for the interchange of ideas and to stimulate thinking on civic matters. Each week the Forum brings together community leaders, members and guests who care about what happens in Washington County, the metro region and the state of Oregon. Speakers from government, business, science, the arts and education address the Forum. Members have the opportunity to question speakers - sometimes the most interesting part of the program. The Forum is a neutral arena for the education of members and the public. It endorses no particular point of view and takes no responsibility for the opinions expressed by speakers, which are not necessarily the opinions of the Forum, its members or its Board of Directors. Â

Celebrates The Holidays


he December exhibit at Art On Broadway Gallery, 12570 SW Broadway Street, Beaverton, Oregon, features hand-crafted ornaments, holiday cards, small original paintings and assemblages, one-of-a-kind holiday trees, and other artist-designed items for holiday giving. The public is invited to join the artists at a festive reception with complimentary refreshments on Saturday, December 8, 2012, from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Offered are unique gifts and decorative holiday items found exclusively at Art On Broadway — sets of notecards with images by our local artists; ornaments of all

Date: December 3, 2012 Topic: Bicycles: Transportation, Fitness & Fun in Washington Co. Speaker: Hal Ballard Transportation Solutions ByCycle Speaker: George Harris America’s Wellness Sergeant Speaker: Mike Manning Fit4Ever Wellness Studios Speaker: Dick Schouten Washington County Commissioner

Date: December 10, 2012 Topic: Prisons: Can Oregon Afford Its Present Corrections System? Speaker: John Foote District Attorney, Clackamas County Speaker: Larry Matasar J.D. Criminal Defense Attorney

Date: December 17, 2012 Topic: Christmas Music Program Speaker: (Performers to be announced)

For more information: www.washingtoncountyforum.org

8 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 2–Issue 12 (December 2012)

kinds including glass icicles and mouth blown glass bulbs, porcelain stars and red ceramic hearts, ornaments created with recycled materials such as wine corks and jigsaw puzzle pieces, fused glass jewelry, holiday trees, and more. Art On Broadway is located at 12570 SW Broadway Street, Beaverton, Oregon, within walking distance of the Max stop at Beaverton Round and just a few doors west of the Beaverton History Center. Open Tuesday through Saturday 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Phone 503-601-3300 for more information or go to http:// artonbroadway.net. Â

)PMJEBZ 0QFO )PVTF Dec. 1 @Smith Berry Barn (Hillsboro) www.smithberrybarn.com )PMJEBZ 5FB Dec. 1 and 8 @Jenkins Estate (Beaverton) www.thprd.org 7JDUPSJBO $ISJTUNBT Dec. 1 @John Tigard House Museum (Tigard) www.tigardhistorical.org )PMJEBZ JO UIF (SPWF )PMJEBZ -JHIU 1BSBEF Dec. 1 @Downtown Forest Grove www.fgcityclub.com )JMMTCPSP )PMMZ %BZT .BSLFUQMBDF Dec. 1 @Hillsboro Civic Center www.tuesdaymarketplace.org 'SPN )FBW O "CPWF Oregon Chorale Dec. 1@Tigard; Dec. 2@Hillsboro www.oregonchorale.org 4UPSZUJNF XJUI .ST $MBVT Dec. 1, 8, 15 @Al’s Garden Center (Sherwood) www.als-gardencenter.com .D.FOBNJOT )PMJEBZ .BSLFU Dec. 2 @Cornelius Pass Roadhouse (Hillsboro) www.mcmenamins.com $ISJTUNBT XJUI UIF 5SBJM #BOE Dec. 5 @Forest Grove High School www.trailband.com/calendar.htm

'BWPSJUF $PVOUSZ 'BSNT )PMJEBZ 5PVS Dec. 7 - 9 @Various farms in Sherwood & Wilsonville favorite5countryfarms. blogspot.com )FBSUTUSJOHT 'SFF )PMJEBZ 1FSGPSNBODF Dec. 11, 7pm @ Beaverton History Center (12412 Sw Broadway St) www.historicbeaverton.org 0SFHPO .BOEPMJO 0SDIFTUSB Dec. 14 @Walters Cultural Arts Center (Hillsboro) www.ci.hillsboro.or.us #SFBLGBTU XJUI 4BOUB Dec. 15 & 16 @Cornelius Pass Roadhouse (Hillsboro) www. mcmenamins.com 5IF /VUDSBDLFS #BMMFU Dec. 15 & 16 @Ballet Forest Grove www.balletfg.org )BOEFM T .FTTJBI Dec. 21 @Oregon Chorale with Portland Chamber Orchestra www.oregonchorale.org ,BUF %BWJT 5SJP )PMJEBZ $PODFSU December 21@Walters Cultural Arts Center (Hillsboro) www.ci.hillsboro.or.us -FT 4DIXBC *OWJUBUJPOBM Dec. 26 - 29 @Liberty High School (Hillsboro) www.lesschwabinvitational.com

" $ISJTUNBT $BSPM 5IF 7FMWFUFFO 3BCCJU 5IF 8JOFT PG $ISJTUNBT Dec. 6 - 23 @Bag&Baggage (The Venetian Theatre@Hillsboro) bagnbaggage.org 4UBSSZ /JHIUT )PMJEBZ -JHIUT Dec. 7 @Tualatin Commons www.tualatinoregon.gov /BSOJB Dec. 7-23 @Theatre in the Grove (Forest Grove) theatreinthegrove.org

'PS .PSF JOGPSNBUJPO 503-644-5555 | www.wcva.org For the latest news & events, visit the ofďŹ cial “Visit Washington County, Oregonâ€? Facebook page.

Find us on Facebook or visit - - - > www.beavertonresourceguide.com



Cover Story: Now & Then at the Beaverton History Center


he holidays are the perfect time to drop into the Beaverton History Center where now meets then throughout the year. This oil painting which can be seen hanging in the center is titled “Now and Then - Beaverton History Center� and combines scenes of an old fashioned Christmas with the cheer of holiday street lights, dancers and musicians of today.

There is a story here. I have been a volunteer with the History Center since its opening in the summer of 2010. I was asked to volunteer when dropping in on LWV ŅUVW GD\ RI RSHUDWLRQ 0\ FXULosity about Beaverton’s history was stoked while I was working on a job integrating signage and art for the MAX lines here in town. Every step of light rail station

development involved considering and respecting the history of the land and area surrounding each station while making decisions about station naming and art to be placed in each station. Now, I wasn’t at the time very familiar with the history of Beaverton even having been a resident for 40 years. But being retired I was happy to help out logging and indexing all of the titles in the center’s growing library of reference materials. There are now over 450 titles all about early pioneers who settled WKH DUHD IDFWV DQG ŅJXUHV ORUH and legends, education, religion, politics, society, arts and crafts and real life heroes. As I became familiar with the books, wonderful images of the people who brought Beaverton, Washington County and Oregon to life inspired the oil painting you see on the cover. This 24 x 36 inch oil painting was ŅQLVKHG LQ WLPH IRU WKH $QQXDO

Join us at the Center Free Pioneer Christmas Gathering Dec. 11th, 7-9pm


he Beaverton Historical Society will celebrate with a Christmas Gathering on Tuesday, December 11. Join us for the sounds, tastes and sights of the holiday season. Enjoy our special display of vintage toys. Music will be provided by Heartstrings, a regionally recognized husband and wife duo from Tualatin who play historical and contemporary music on dulcimer and string bass. Nancy and Rob Downie will offer a delightful selection of seasonal arrangements and will have their CDs available for purchase. A tasty assortment of specialty desserts and candies, including Mamie Eisenhower’s Favorite Million Dollar Fudge, will be available for purchase. Enjoy complimentary punch and cider as you view the center’s exhibits. Admission is free and appropriate for all ages.


Shop Local – Give Local – Stay Local‌ this is how we build a better Beaverton.

Beaverton Celebration Day on September 8, 2012 and you can see it proudly displayed in the Beaverton History Center on Broadway Street. I have received numerous positive comments about it so it gives me great pleasure to share it with the whole community as the cover of this month’s issue of the resource guide.Â

1VDIBTJOH *OGPSNBUJPO Greeting cards and bookmarks with this “Now and Then� image are available at the history center or by emailing: lanalnelson@comcast.net. Please also contact me to see other paintings online or to commission work. 503-830-7894

Lana L. Nelson 0*- 1"*/5*/(4

Admission free but donations welcome!

Heartstrings performs for all types of festivals and events and provides both background music and stand-alone programs for historical functions, conferences and conventions, and private parties, as well as service music for churches and weddings. With backgrounds in classical and church music, Nancy and Rob are equally at home playing Bach or "Whiskey Before Breakfast." Their offerings include folk songs, traditional Americana, classical favorites, seasonal music, and popular fare. Â Presentations are held at the Beaverton History Center 12412 SW Broadway St Admission is FREE 'PS NPSF JOGPSNBUJPO Beaverton History Center 503-430-5231

By Lana Nelson

12412 SW Broadway St. t 503-430-0106 Open: Tue/Thurs, 12-4pm

Come See Heartstrings Perform Live eartstrings is a Tualatin, Oregon based husband-and-wife duo playing "music for all times" — period and historical as well as contemporary. Nancy plays the hammered dulcimer, a unique folk instrument with many courses of strings which, as the name implies, are struck with little wooden hammers. The sound is something like a harpsichord. Nancy also plays violin and some mountain dulcimer. Rob plays stand-up string bass and a bit of banjo. Nancy and Rob both SOD\ 1DWLYH $PHULFDQ VW\OH ņXWHV

Dec. 2012

%FDFNCFShT 'FBUVSFE &YIJCJUT t Vintage Toys t An Old Time Beaverton Christmas 3FHVMBS &YIJCJUT


t Women’s Case (1700s - 1930s) t Men’s Case (1920s – 1940s) t Early Medicine (1880s – 1930s) t Children’s Games (1920 - 1965) t Country Store (1900s - 1940) t Farming Tools (1890 - 1920) t On the Oregon Trail Display t Beavers of Beaverton Display t Early Farming (1900s – 1950s)



t Sunset Hwy (Hwy 26) got its name from Sunset Division of the US Army’s 41st Infantry in 1946. t Hall Blvd was the original Hwy 217 before the freeway was built in the 1970s. t Murray Blvd, named after Owen Murray of Cedar Mill, used to be 145th Ave.

i8IBU "NFSJDBO XPVMEO U MPWF UP IBWF B DPOWFSTBUJPO XJUI "CSBIBN -JODPMO w Steve Holgate, one of the country’s leading Lincoln portrayers, makes a 30-minute presentation on Lincoln’s life and presidency in the form of a press conference where YOU ask the questions. %POhU NJTT UIJT BNB[JOH QFSGPSNBODF BU UIF )JTUPSZ $FOUFS

%FEJDBUFE WPMVOUFFST who love history, love Beaverton or both!

www.historicbeaverton.org info@historicbeaverton.org Volume 2–Issue 12 (December 2012) | Beaverton Resource Guide –



Chamber of Commerce

Hall Street Grill

Kuni Collision Center Goodwill

Hall Street Center

Edward Jones

Arts & Communication Magnet Academy

Center St

Lombard Ave

Beaver Creek Village Shopping Center




114th Ave


122th Ave



123th Ave


124th Ave


125th Ave



Beaverton Signs Beaverton Education Foundation

Bricks & MiniFigs

scent Ave Cre



Alpine Property Management

Living Wisdom School ChiroCentric

Beaverton First United Methodist Church

BiZee Bird Store



9th S

Heitzman Body & Paint City Hall & Police Dept

Portland Bagelworks

Sun Connection Travel & Cruises


Hispanic Resource Center

Blessings Heaven




n St

Village Home School

Cady Ln

7th St

8th S

Bvtn Hillsdale Hwy

Book Corner

Washing to

Watson Ave


7th St


Einstein Bros Bagels

Beaverton City Library

5th St 6th St

Fred Meyer

5th St 6th St


Irina Moga, DDS Denture Clinique

Trader Joe’s

Farmers Market

Hall Blv d


Camelia’s Candles Beaverton Healing Center

Goodness Coffee

Hazel St

$PNNVOJUZ $ISJTUNBT 1BSUZ Dec 17, 3-6pm Free photos w/Santa, collecting toys and clothes for WashCo Foster Parents Assoc.

2nd & Main Office Suites

Angel S

)FBSU4USJOHT 1FSGPSNT -*7& Dec. 11, 7pm (see details page 9) 4UBSUJOH B 5SBVNB 3FDPWFSZ group @ Youth & Family Therapy 503-643-0892 (see ad page 14)

4th St

Quilter’s Corner

il Deta Beaverton y’s Start Bakery Shirle Fresh ’s p Ringo t Sho Thai r Thrif rawe ia b High 5 r u Top D b Su New Starkstreet Beaverton Lawn & Garden Law Group Cedar House Media

Lombard Ave

Erickson Ave

3rd St Beaverton Swim Center

&TTFOUJBM 0JMT FEVDBUJPOBM XPSLTIPQT Thursdays 6pm at Sage Center, $5 'SFF $ISJTUNBT (BUIFSJOH BU 6th St UIF )JTUPSZ $FOUFS Dec. 11, 7pm (see details page 9)

2nd St

Beaverton History Center

Post Office Pacific Medical Pacific Group Tech House Continental Bank Fringe Salon Apple Blossom Photography Beaverton Ava Roasteria Florists

Chiropractic First

'JSTU .POEBZ -BVHIUFS $MVC @ Sage Center, 7:00am (free)


Pedro’s Upholstery Beaverton Dental Arts



Beaverton Town Square

Betts Ave



1st St Stott Ave

2nd St

Sunset Computer

Dairy Queen

Beaverton High School

TVR&R Station 67

AP Kitchen & A&P Appliance

Main St



Tucker A ve

Farmington Rd

Beaverton Pharmacy

Canyon Rd


yon Can

Canyon Square

La Hacienda Real Mexican Restaurant

Haven Spa, Pool, Hearth

Tom’s Pancake House

Tuala Valley tin Hwy

Canyon Place Shopping Center

SW W atson

Millikan Way

Me Too Beauty Bar 117th Ave


The Round

Tucker Ave

Black Bear Diner

La Fogata Mexican Restaurant

Beaverton Seafood Market

Franklin Ave

Things from Another World

Cedar Hills Blvd

Hocken Ave


Latino Food & Imports


Beaverton Family Chiropractic

7th St

8th St

5 9th St

Beaverton Lodge

Creekside Village


Elsie Stuhr Center




December 50% OFF Sale! 12250 SW Broadway | Beaverton, OR 97005

10 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 2–Issue 12 (December 2012)

Find us on Facebook or visit - - - > www.beavertonresourceguide.com


www.BeavertonResourceGuide.com Announcements




Live ShellďŹ sh / Seasonal Seafood

Mediation Assistance! The Dispute Resolution Center helps neighbors, landlords, tenants, HOA members, businesses, seniors and others resolve their differences. Call us, we're here to help:


Beaverton Seafood Market Me Too Beauty Salon Local Artists Gifts & Classes Artisan Gifts Show 12/1 – 12/22 8134 Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy Open Tu-Sa: 10am-5pm 503-816-3517

Specializing in natural hair care, all textures! metoobeautybar@gmail.com 503-997-5557 D2

Find us on facebook Canyon Place Shopping Ctr. 3905 SW 117th Ave, Suite G 503-626-8148 D2 (See ad in Food section)

The Downtown Beaverton Dairy Queen donates a portion of all cake sales sold at regular price to both the Highland Park Band and the Beaverton High School Bands & Ensembles. Customers simply need to stamp their receipt with the school of their choice and place in the customer comment box. This offer is year round!


Automotive Italian inspired with a menu

Building community one conversation at a time

Downtown Event Spotlight

"A Taste of Vintage Holidays" Friday, December 7th, 7-9pm You are invited to an Open House Sponsored by the Beaverton Downtown Association Friday, December 7th,7 to 9 p.m. (after the City's Tree Lighting in City Park).

Preschool- Grade 7 Enjoy your car interior AND outshine your neighbor’s car! $5 Loaner Cars Avail (BMWs!) www.FreshStartDetail.com 503 641-3285 C3

Where Academics & Compassion Meet livingwisdomportland.org 503-671-9112

Dairy Queen Beaverton Burgers, hot dogs, chicken, salads, shakes, cakes and more. So good its RiDQulous 503-644-3469 B3

(See ad in Food section)


(See ad in auto section)

Customized Learning

Proudly celebrating 75 years! Enjoy a stroll along Broadway, Special treats at the Beaverton Bakery, Holiday Gift Boutique at "Art on Broadway" Gallery, Tea at "Quilter's Corner Store", "Holiday Photos with Santa" at the The Beaverton History Center & More!

that changes weekly featuring fresh seasonal ingredients from the Northwest. 503-641-3223 decarlirestaurant.com E3

Eco-Biz certiďŹ ed, Family owned 11800 SW Bvtn.-Hillsdale Hwy HeitzmanBodyAndPaint.com 503.646.5181 D3

in a choice-based environment. Small classes, all subjects, PreK - High School. www.villagehome.org 503-597-9100 C4

Food & Drink

Darn Good Coffee & Incredible Food Beaverton Town Square We cater and deliver! 503-643-2334

Goodness Coffee House


A Family Cafe w/ a Healthy menu. Gluten free welcome. www.goodnesscoffeehouse.com 503 616 3020 B4

(See ad in Food section)

Banking Services

Note: Some Downtown Businesses will be open 5-9pm

The lampposts will be glowing, Food and drinks all ņRZLQJ With joy in the knowing The holidays are near. Sponsored by the City of Beaverton's Main Street Program

Directory Arts & Culture

Learn About our City’s Past through historic photos, artifacts, exhibits and more! Op Tu/Th from noon to 4pm. Open www.historicbeaverton.org C3

Ava Roasteria

The Right Bank for your business. Call one of our client service specialists TODAY! 503-350-1205 www.therightbank.com E3

Cakes, Food, Drinks & Catering. Open 24 Hours. www.avaroasteria.com 503-641-7470 C4 (See ad in food section)

Body & Beauty



the Salon

We are a Goldwell

Alliance Salon located at 4680 SW Hall Blvd. Beaverton, OR 97005 503-644-0510

Cakes for All Occasions


Shop Local – Give Local – Stay Local‌ this is how we build a better Beaverton.

Petit Fours, cookies, bread, cinema, catering trays & more! www.beavertonbakery.com 503-646-7136 E3 Volume 2–Issue 12 (December 2012) | Beaverton Resource Guide –


%PXOUPXO #FBWFSUPO Hall Street Grill www.hallstreetgrill.com 503-641-6161

www.BeavertonResourceGuide.com Professional Services


Dr. McBride’s Office

Your Full Service Sign Company! www.beavertonsigns.com sales@beavertonsigns.com 3899 SW Hall Blvd 503-746-7413 D2

Mexican Restaurant & Cantina Fresh ingredients, expert preparations and prompt curteous service! 503-526-8808


(See ad in Food section)

M-F Lunch Specials, $5.95 Fresh tortilla’s made daily. Happy hour daily, 3-6pm Dine-in or Take-out. 503-601-7000

Optometrists Dr. Dan Miller Visit our Maximized Living clinic! beavertonfamilychiropractic.com 5075 SW Griffith Dr, Suite 120 503-644-8844 E4

Examining eyes in Beaverton since the dinosaurs roamed. Corner of 1st and Hall (503) 644-3614 E3


Personal Injury, Criminal Law DUII, Immigration, Wills/Trusts Probate, Family/Business Law www.beavertonlaw.com 503-644-2146 E3

Your Local Business Partner Professional printing, graphics, photography, web design, marketing and advertising. Home of the Beaverton Resource Guide! www.cedarhousemedia.com 503-641-3320 E3

Dr Irina Moga, DDS Prescription delivery, drive-up window, fine giftware, mobility- DME sales/rentals medicare accredited 503-644-2101 C3

For your Smile, For your health, For you! 503-646-5909 www.drmoga.com B4

John Taylor Financial Advisor - You talk, we listen... AND we get to know you. john.d.taylor@edwardjones.com 503-646-9767 B1


Family Practice Spanish, Hindi & Punjabi speaking providers available. Mon-Sat Extended Hours 503-644-1171 E3

Antiques & Modern The Best in Mexican food, gifts and more! Located next to La Fogata Restaurant. 3905 SW 117th Ave # D (503) 626-7765 D2

repair, custom built, pillows, foam replacements & more. 12655 SW First Street 503-641-2022 E3

(See ad in Food section)

Blissful Massage with Marilyn Froude, LMT Call for Holiday Specials! Beaverton Healing Center 503-277-2460

Housing E3

Service & Sales All PC brands repaired. New laptops and desktops. www.sunsetcomputer.net 503-866-3747 B3

Religious & Spiritual

(See ad in Senior section)

The Elsie Stuhr Center is designed for adults 55 years and better. Classes, trips events, fitness center, lunch and friends 503-629-6342 C5

Breakfast-Lunch-Diner 30 varieties of pancakes & waffles. Beaverton’s Favorite Restaurant! 503-646-2688

Retirement Residence Centered on you so you can center on life! Auto, sports, children’s injuries; neck/back pain, headaches and more! 503-430-7371 B4


Sun Connections Featuring our Cheesburgers & beer garden. All lottery games. Happy Hour M-F: 4-7. www.ringosbar.com 503-644-7847 E3

General Services

Travel & Cruises, LLC **Layaway Plans Available**. www.sunconnections.com 503-655-4850 D3


Denture Clinique Michael Moga, LD

Full and partial dentures Open 7 days a week by appointment! 503-643-6213


Hit the road with us because we never stand still for too long! www.beavertonlodge.com 503-646-0635 B5 (See ad in Senior section)

Open Doors. Beaverton First United Methodist Church. www.beavertonumc.org Sunday Worship: 10:30am 503-646-7107 C4

Retail Senior Living Community We make it easy to feel right at home. www.creekside-village.com 503-643-9735 B5

Pet Care

Beaverton Dental Arts

Open Minds, Open Hearts

Farmers Market Products & beyond! Gift Baskets, unique kitchen items & cooking suggestions too. www.APkitchen.com 503-644-0382 C3


Appliance Parts All major brands serviced

Welcoming new patients!

discount parts, in-shop repair, microwaves ok. 503-644-0382 www.apappliance.net E3

Preventative & cosmetic, Emergency care, 10% senior Discount: 503-644-3312 beavertondentalarts.com B3

12 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 2–Issue 12 (December 2012)

Dr. Carolle Chapman Naturopathic Physician, Energy Healer. Life should be joyful. Beaverton Healing Center. 503-277-2460 E3

The place for all your bird needs. Exotic birds, healthy foods, toys, boarding & advice. Great prices! 503-644-9515 www.bizeebird.com


“Feelings Delivered Daily” Flowers for every occasion, plants, cards, gifts & more! www.beavertonflorists.com 503-644-0129 B3

Find us on Facebook or visit - - - > www.beavertonresourceguide.com

4VQQPSU -PDBM #VTJOFTTFT ‡ Massage Therapy ‡ Naturopathic Medicine ‡ Nutrition Counseling

Holiday Gifts for Less! Catholic Book Store & Gift Shop Rosaries, statues, cruciďŹ xes, DVDs and more. www.blessingsfromheaven.org 503-644-1814 C4

High quality new and gently used items! topdrawerthriftstore.com 503-430-5231

The Book Corner E3

Sports & Activities

Computers & Consoles Games & Accessories Repair & Unlock iPhone www.techhousepdx.com 503-443-0786

Buy, Sell, Trade Legos

For gently used books at affordable prices w/ proceeds donated to the Beaverton library. 503-643-5188 E3


Your Neighborhood Health Care Center

Jae Park, M.D. t Painless Joint Injections t Geriatric Medicine t Internal Medicine t Cryotherapy


www.bricksandminiďŹ gs.com 503-644-5701 D2

Things From Another World

Beaverton Swim Center

$PNJDT t 5PZT t $PMMFDUJCMFT 4X -MPZE "WF t Find Us Online at: www.Tfaw.Com C4

Aquatic ďŹ tness programs Lessons for all levels Parties and pool rentals 503-629-6312

All natural candlewax


503-643-2120 B4

Young Chiropratic 503-646-3511

Recycle old candles and get credit towards a new one. Open F-Sat 10-6 or by appt. E3 503-318-9648

Specializing in

Visceral Manipulation Craniosacral Therapy Spinal Care Let me help you relieve joint pain, sciatica, headaches/migraine, digestive disorders, sports and auto injuries, pediatric health and much more.

Hot Tubs, Stoves, Fireplaces Pools, Free Water Analysis Service & Installation www.HavenSpaPoolHearth.com 503-649-2201 C3

beaverton farmers market Seeds, feeds and more! new, recycled, organic, DIY www.newsuburbiastore.com 12170 SW Broadway 503.350.2386 E3

Outdoor Power Equipment Specialists Sales t Service t Parts www.starkstreet.com 503-626-9193


MARKET FIRST & THIRD SATURDAYS 10:00-1:30 www.beavertonfarmersmarket.com


Shop Local – Give Local – Stay Local‌ this is how we build a better Beaverton.

Chiropractic Massage Weight Loss Chiropractic First, llc www.BeavertonChiropractor.com

503-626-5761 See map, D5

)0.& | -*'& | #64*/&44 | 3&5*3&.&/5 Mark Fenske 503-646-3205

Joshua Kuchenmeister 503-646-3185

503-646-3161 Volume 2–Issue 12 (December 2012) | Beaverton Resource Guide –


HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE | Beaverton City Library 5 PM

City Program Displays (Meeting Rooms A, B & Conference Room) Children’s Craft Workshop (Meeting Rooms A&B) Santa Visiting Hour (In front of Library) Beaverton Community Band (In front of Library) 6 PM Santa Visiting Hour Ends 6:30 PM Open House Ends

TREE LIGHTING PROGRAM | City Park 6 PM Radio Disney 6:20 PM Leikarringen of Portland, Scandinavian Dancing 6:35 PM ACMA Synergy Choir

www.BeavertonOregon.gov/TreeLighting or 503-526-2559



Toy & Gift Card DRIVE

NOV 19 - DEC 14 Drop off your donation of a new, unwrapped toy at: City Hall, 6: *ULIÂżWK 'U Beaverton City Library 6: WK 6W Beaverton City Library @ Murray Scholls 6: 0XUUD\ 6FKROOV 3O 6WH

Beaverton Round Executive Suites 6: 0LOOLNDQ :D\ 6WH

The Human Bean of Beaverton %HDYHUWRQ +LOOVGDOH +Z\

Umpqua Bank 6: %DUQHV 5G 6WH $ 7' $PHULWUDGH %HDYHUWRQ 2IÂżFH 6: %DUQHV 5G 6WH

7-Eleven 6: 7XDODWLQ 9DOOH\ +Z\ 7-Eleven 6: 6FKROOV )HUU\ 5G Drop off your donation of a gift card at: City Hall 1HLJKERUKRRG 3URJUDP 2IÂżFH New and used winter coats ZLOO EH DFFHSWHG DW &LW\ +DOO WR EHQHÂżW %HDYHUWRQ 6FKRRO 'LVWULFW VWXGHQWV LQ QHHG For more information, FRQWDFW WKH 1HLJKERUKRRG 3URJUDP 2IÂżFH DW

14 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 2–Issue 12 (December 2012)

he holiday season can be a tough time for many families struggling to make ends meet. For WKRVH IDFLQJ ŅQDQFLDO FKDOOHQJHV a new toy or a warm jacket can make a world of difference bringing hope, comfort and joy at a time when they need it most. Join the city’s Beaverton Cares program in making this holiday season brighter by donating toys, gift cards and new or used winter coats to children who need them. Donations of new, unwrapped toys will be accepted until Dec. 14 at City Hall, both Beaverton City Library locations and other partnering businesses across the city. Toys can also be donated during the city of Beaverton’s Tree Lighting and Holiday Open House on Friday, Dec. 7 from 5-8 p.m. at the Beaverton City Library. Toys will be distributed through the Tualatin Valley Gleaners to Beaverton’s low-income youth and foster children throughout Washington County. Gift cards and winter coats will be distributed through the Beaverton School District’s Family Resource Center. Resources are available. If you or someone you know needs immediate assistance, call 2-1-1.  'PS MBSHF EPOBUJPOT PS UP EPOBUF BGUFS %FDFNCFS 1MFBTF DPOUBDU JOGP!UWHMFBOFST PSH Find us on Facebook or visit - - - > www.beavertonresourceguide.com



Business Card

SUPERSTORE! Print Fast t Print Quality t Print Local

Business cards for every profession and every budget. al diittiioonnal d a d n d a et n a anndd gget a k c a o t k E! E appeerr sstoc p R y a F p n any rds a rddss oonn a a c c r a 0 s c 0 s 50 e Orrddeerr 50 O busin


ORDER TODAY 503-641-3320


14 pt. Uncoated 14 pt. Matte/Dull 14 pt. UV 15 pt. Silk


250 500 1,000 250 500 1,000 250 500 1,000 250 500 1,000


$35 $50 $65 $30 $50 $65 $30 $50 $65 $55 $75 $90

w w w. C e d a r H o u s e M e d i a . c o m 4575 SW Tucker Ave. Beaverton, OR 97005

Shop Local – Give Local – Stay Local‌ this is how we build a better Beaverton.

'Tis the Season to Be Safe!


R DYRLG D KROLGD\ Ĺ…UH 7XDODWLQ Valley Fire & Rescue reminds you to use caution this season and to test your smoke alarms. Holiday Cooking Last year approximately oneWKLUG RI WKH UHVLGHQWLDO Ĺ…UHV that Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue responded to began in the kitchen. Minimize your risk by keeping an eye on all holiday cooking, especially when heating oil! Clean your cooking area to avoid grease buildup and keep potholders and towels away from the stovetop. In the FDVH RI D VWRYHWRS Ĺ…UH VLPSO\ VOLGH a lid or cookie sheet over the pan from the side and turn off the heat VRXUFH )RU DQ RYHQ Ĺ…UH NHHS WKH door closed and turn off the oven. $OZD\V KDYH D Ĺ…UH H[WLQJXLVKHU QHDUE\ DQG LI D Ĺ…UH EHFRPHV WRR large for you to extinguish, exit your home and call 9-1-1. Candles When decorating with candles, keep them away from stockings, decorations, presents and

other items that burn. Use sturdy, non-combustible candle holders and trim candle wicks to approximately Ÿ inch before burning. Always extinguish your candles before going to bed or leaving your home. Holiday Trees A dry tree can be like storing gasoline in your home. Keep your tree as fresh as possible by following the safety tips below: Ī Make a fresh cut at the base of the tree before putting it up. Ī Check the water level in your tree stand EVERY day (the average tree can consume a gallon of water each day) and don’t let the water level drop below the base of the tree. Ī Keep your tree away from KHDWHUV RU ŅUHSODFHV Ī Turn-off the tree lights when leaving the house or going to bed. Ī Remove the tree as soon at it gets dry. When the needles begin to fall, the tree should be removed.

Holiday Lighting Use only UL-approved lights when decorating your home. Prior to using a light set, place it on a QRQ ņDPPDEOH VXUIDFH DQG SOXJ LW in for 10-15 minutes and inspect for smoking or melting. Never use light sets with broken sockets, frayed and/or cracked wires, or missing sockets. ALSO‌ Help a less fortunate child this holiday season! Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue is accepting new toys for its Toy & Joy Program!  By Karen Eubanks For more safety information, contact us at (503) 649-8577 or visit our website at www.tvfr.com.

#VTJOFTT 4QPUMJHIU Abbey Creek Vineyard


bbey Creek Vineyard & Winery is a family owned and operated business that began in the mid 80’s by Dr. Robert Simmons who purchased the 50 acre property in the west hills off of Germantown rd. While most of our neighbors planted Christmas trees, he decided to plant grapes as a hobby as well as part of his “farm deferral crop�. That hobby soon grew into a business, selling grapes to local wineries. In 2008, his son-in-law Bertony Faustin decided that they could make a “small fortune� starting a wine label and making their own wine (industry joke is to make a small fortune you start with a big one!).� Never the less, Abbey

Creek is going strong with the opening of its new winery and tasting room in North Plains. Its close proximity to Beaverton makes for a short drive to a great wine escape! Â

By Bertony Faustin

8JOF 5BTUJOHT Saturdays, noon-5pm at 31441 NW Commercial St, North Plains Visit us at www.abbeycreekvineyard.com

Volume 2–Issue 12 (December 2012) | Beaverton Resource Guide –


U B T F S S F H E S B V F P S M G B P 5P BMM FST BOE MPZ ion. t a c i l b is pu T h t J U h g S u ro BEWF 12! unity th 20 our comm g n i z a g pportin an am

or her year of su f u o y hank to anot


ward r o f k o We lo

THE CEDAR HOUSE MEDIA TEAM 16 – Beaverton Resource Guide

Shop Local – Give Local – Stay Local‌ this is how we build a better Beaverton.


www.CedarHillsCrossing.com Visit These Interior Stores

D ec e mb e r Ev ents


4BOUB JT )&3& Everyday thru Dec 24

H a ppy Holidays


n addition to great shopping, dining and entertainment, we also have many festive holiday activities planned throughout the holiday season! Visits with Santa, the KGW Toy Drive, a Festival of Giving event hosted by Radio Disney, strolling carolers, a Secret Santa handing out gift cards, plus a chance to win a $250 Holiday Shopping Spree! As always, all the upcoming events and promotions can be found on our website www.CedarHillsCrossing.com. We hope you are able to come out and celebrate the holidays with us! &OUFS UP 8JO B 4IPQQJOH 4QSFF Dec 1st-31st “Like” us on facebook and tell us how YOU would spend the $250! One winner will be selected at random on Jan 1st. Good luck!

Claire’s Boutique, 503-644-9142 Cold Stone Creamery, 503-352-3880 Game Trader, 503-641-5511 GNC, 503-626-8484

Extended hours the week before Christmas! Please note Christmas Eve (Dec. 24) hours are 11 am - 5 pm

Hairmasters, 503-644-1835 L&L Hawaiian, 503-726-0770

Photo packages starting at $19.95. Visits are always free!

Radio Disney will be onsite with music, games and prizes. We’ll also be collecting donations for multiple charities. Items needed: Food, children’s books, toys, pet food, plus more. For a full donation list visit www.CedarHillsCrossing.com.

Merle Norman, 503-469-0884 Peachwave, 503-746-7729

Celebrate the

Powell’s Books, 503-228-4651


Small World Surprise, 503-646-3202 Sunflower Beauty, 503-644-9190 Taco Time, 503-643-6739

,(8 5PZ %SJWF Tuesday, Dec 4, 12pm-6pm


3205 SW Cedar Hills Blvd

KGW NewsChannel 8 will be at Cedar Hills Crossing collecting new, unwrapped toys during the Great Toy Drive from 12pm to 6pm. In addition, toys will be collected throughout the season, simply place your donations inside the collection box inside the mall.

Teaser’s Top Shop 503-526-8970 Thai Noodle Etc., 503-941-9112 Visionworks, 503-646-7995 Weight Watchers, 800-651-6000 Wireless Accessories, 503-277-7707

1-800-FANDANGO + 984#

Exercise Your Options ®

call Fandango today for movie listings. www.fandango.com

-BEZ (BHB $PODFSU 5JDLFU (JWFBXBZ Saturday, Dec. 15, 1pm-3pm Radio station Live 95.5 will be inside the mall with music and games while collecting entries for a chance to win a pair of tickets to Lady Gaga’s upcoming concert. You must be present to win! Please note: Must be 18 to enter.

Call 1-800-LA-Fitness or visit www.lafitness.com

.BMM *OGPSNBUJPO 503-643-6563 cedarhillscrossing.com

Massage, Waxing & Facials

Store Hours

Restore, Relax & Refresh with service tailored to meet your needs. www.handandstone.com 503-626-8200

Cedar Hills Crossing 3205 SW Cedar Hills Blvd Beaverton OR 97005

Mon-Sat: 10 - 9, Sun: 11 - 7 www.powells.com 503-228-4651

Rd LA Fitness


ir Ha


BedCo, 503-430-7277

Monday - Saturday —11 am - 7 pm Sunday — 11 am - 6 pm

'FTUJWBM PG (JWJOH Sunday, Dec 2, 12pm-4pm

en ck

AT&T Wireless, 503-924-1819

at Cedar Ced C ed dar Hills Hil Hi ills Crossing! Cro rossing! ros rossing sing!!

Visits with Santa are FREE! Photo packages are available if you choose. Santa is located in his Santa Cottage inside the mall. Santa Hours: Mon-Sat, 11am-7pm, Sun 11am-6pm. (Dec 24: 11am-5pm)

By Holly Beglinger

American Boot Co, 503-626-7419

M Golf Galaxy


Roxy’s Island Grill

Bank of America

SW Cedar Hills Crossing Shop Local – Give Local – Stay Local… this is how we build a better Beaverton.

Baja Fresh

State Farm Thai Imports Vogue Nails Cedar Hills Salon Mr. Formal

Subway Bugatti’s

McGrath’s Fish House

Sleep Country USA

US Bank

Mac Store

Jamba Juice Baskin Robbins

Hand & Stone Panera Massage Bread


Famous Footwear T-Mobile

Veggie Grill


McMenamin’s Pub Bank of the West


Pastini Pastaria


Sunset Lanes

SW Walker Rd

SW Hall Blvd

Sports Authority



Virgina Garcia Medical Center

SW Jenkins Rd

Tan ublic p Re alyst ctic Cat iropra Ch


New Seasons Market

LifeWay Christian Store


Volume 2–Issue 12 (December 2012) | Beaverton Resource Guide –


"MPIB $PNNVOJUZ Newsletter are Hardw PA n Ace a r, C b te r n u t Sub tin Hu t Mar

Aloha Market Center t Les Schwab Tire Center

t Jan’s Paperbacks

Edward Jones t Ken Rigert, CPA t Mike Sahagian, Attorney t Monroe Orthodontics t Song Bird Healing Arts t Thompson Family Dental t

International School of Beaverton

t Oregon Friends of Shelter Animals

175th Ave

Nevills Dentistry t

t Agape Community Insurance Agency t Albertson’s t Bi-Mart t Coffee Brake Cafe t Dovetail Coffee t Gold Eagle Classics t US Bank

Hours of Operation: Wednesdays 10am - 2pm Thursdays 4pm – 8pm Saturdays 10am - 2pm

7JTJU PVS "TTPDJBUJPO .FNCFST 7 Hills Properties ABC OptometricPC Affordable Web Technology Aloha Animal Medical Center Aloha Community Library Assoc. Aloha High School Ataraxia Wellness Concern, LLC ATB Auto Banner Bank - Murray Scholls Beaverton Education Foundation Beaverton Towing, LLC



t Farmington Road Chiropractic

Farmington Center on gt



rm Fa


18 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 2–Issue 12 (December 2012)

Mountain View Middle School

Rosa Rd

$ISJTUNBT &WF -FTTPOT $BSPMT Monday, Dec. 24, 7:30 p.m. Reedville Presbyterian Church (2785 SW 209th Ave)

Cedar House Media Cedar West Plaza Community Newspaper Cooper Mtn. Pres. Fellowship Costco Cruise In County Diner Davis Lock & Safe Edwards Center Electronics Unlimited Embracing Health 4 Life Exclusively Maureen Farmington Gardens Farmington Road Chiropractic


179th Ave

$PNNVOJUZ -JCSBSZ *OGP 17683 SW Farmington Rd 503-746-6918

$PNNVOJUZ $BSPM 4JOH Sunday, December 16, 4:005:30 p.m.

185th Ave

198th Ave

Farmington Village


Florence St

170th Ave


Aloha High School

"#" .FNCFSTIJQ Tier 1 Membership is $60/year. Tier 2 Membership is $480/year (Includes a logo ad in the newsletter and name bolded on map). alohabusinessassociation.com


t Springer & Son Funeral Hone

Sequoia Mental Health Services t

#B[BBS GPS "MPIB Dec. 15th, 10am - 4pm 18550 SW Kinnaman Rd. For more info email alohabazaar@gmail.com or call 415-843-1193. (Vendor space also available)


Schmidt & Yee, PC t

Come hear speaker David Pump talk about coordinated care organizations and the impact from the perspective of a care provider.

ey k&K t Beaverton Towing t ATB Auto Repair

is Loc

t Dav

165th Ave

.POUIMZ .FFUJOH Thursday, Dec. 13th, 11:30am at the Peppermill Restaurant (17455 SW Farmington Rd)


173rd Ave


Kinnaman Rd

t ABC OptometricPC t Aloha Laundromat t Big Lots t Farmers Insurance t Family Dentistry

Tualatin Valley H w

Shaw St

Blanton St

188th Ave

t America’s Best Inns & Suites t Curves t Four Square Church of Aloha t NW Jewelry Buyer t RiteAid t Safeway t Walgreen’s

174th Ave

er St

Aloha Mall

178th Ave


www.AlohaBusinessAssociation.com 182nd Ave

187th Ave

192nd Ave

Dec. 2012

Foundations 4 Your Life Foursquare Church of Aloha Gaucha Translations Genesis Mediation, LLC Godfathers Pizza Gold Eagle Classics Habitat for Humanity (Wilamette West) Holcomb Computer Services In Line Commercial Construction Jan's Paperbacks KD Contracting, LLC Ken Alexander Ins. Agency Knipe Realty NW

t Aloha Animal Medical Ctr t Aloha Community Library t Clean Earth Cleaners t Godfather’s Pizza t Peppermill Restaurant t Rite Aid t Sakura Teriyaki t State Farm Insurance t Thriftway

Les Schwab Tire Center Martin Hunter, CPA Marilyn Mays, Realtor Mike Sahagian, Attorney Monroe Orthodontics NW Jewelry Buyer OR Friends of Shelter Animals OMG! Onthank Mktg. Group Reedville Presbyterian Church Ross Realty Group Schmidt & Yee Sequoia Mental Health Services Songbird Healing Arts

Oak St

Source Realty State Farm Ins. (Eric Squires) Suburban Ace Hardware Sun Connections Travel & Cruises The UPS Store (Allen & Murray) Thomas Fischer, Gen. Contractor Time Fairy, LLC Tualatin Valley Water District US Bank Washington Co.Sheriff's OfďŹ ce Wayne & Anne Weld Martin World Pay US, Inc.

Join Us!

Find us on Facebook or visit - - - > www.beavertonresourceguide.com


Please Support our Newsletter Sponsors

AC Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner

Aloha-Reedville’s Future

Happy Hour Daily: 4-7pm (22 draft beers). Huge late night menu. Open till 230am everyday. 503-642-5193 B

Agape Communi y Insurance Agency

Helping meet needs in the

John J. Tyner III Attorney At Law 347 SW Oak Street Hillsboro, OR 97123 JohnTynerAtty@gmail.com 503-648-5591

Be part of shaping it! Google: alohareedville alohareedville@co.washington.or.us 503-846-3519

community. Auto, home, renters, Fire, motorcycles, RV’s, boats. agapecommunityinsagency.com 503-626-5790 A

small businesses and individuals. Estate planning & trust taxes too. www.kennetharigertpccpa.com 503-649-5575

Karen Bolin,

Promote your business!

Financial Advisor - You talk, we listen... AND we get to know you. karen.bolin@edwardjones.com 503-356-1190

Connect to Customers Share Resources & Leads It’s New, Local, & FREE! www.ReciProty.com

$99 Special on Wedding Dresses: Clean and Boxed! Alterations, leather and more! 503-642-2826 B

Reser's Fine Food

Funeral Home and Crematory “Your loved ones never leave the care of our home.� www.springerandson.com 503-356-1000

A Voice for Trees - Your Partner in Tree Care. Expert Pruning. & Tree Removal. ISA Board CertiďŹ ed Master Arborist www.matthewstree.com

Carol Cartier

Sakura Teriyaki Chinese & Japanese Cuisine Exceptional SUSHI, Tempura, Yakisoba, Orange Chicken & more! General Tso & lottery fun! 503-259-9922 B

Aloha CPA Kenneth Rigert, PC Income Tax Returns for

Pick up one of Reser's Deli Salads for your next BBQ, picnic or potluck. Visit: www. resers.com

Message from the ABA President Tolerance, Respect, Patience Our election is over and we have winners that not everyone supported. Our democratic system allows for the right to cast our vote, then we live with the results. I saw a bumper sticker that said "If You Don't Vote, Don't Whine" which I agree with. However, many did vote DQG GLG QRW DJUHH ZLWK WKH Ĺ…QDO results. Well, I guess we have to Ĺ…QG D ZD\ WR PDNH LW DOO ZRUN together. Here in Aloha we will have the continued service of Rep Jeff Barker and Sen Mark Hass. Not sure why anyone would want to serve in an elected public ofĹ…FH EXW WKHVH PHQ KDYH D SDVsion for Oregon, for Washington County, and for our citizens. Let's give them our full support as they do their work to improve our schools, reform our tax structure, and make our area as welcoming to current and future businesses as possible. What will that take? CHANGE. We have to make some changes in how we do things to create a better future. The purpose of the Aloha Business Association is to support business owners through marketing and

By Karen Bolin

education. We have over 75 members and are serving the Aloha community with our recent "Adopt A Road" clean up, and lunchtime meeting with Senator Hass giving us an update on the legislative priorities that he has been working on DQG ZLOO FRQWLQXH WR Ĺ…JKW IRU DV RXU voice in Salem. Even if you did not like the election results, I hope you will consider how you can voice suggestions to those who have been chosen by the majority so we FDQ Ĺ…QG ZD\V WKDW PHHW KDOI ZD\ between "perfect and current" that we can agree to support. /LIH LV WRR VKRUW WR EH Ĺ…JKWLQJ and upset all the time. Patience, Tolerance, Respect. Business means something different in Aloha! Merry Christmas!

Shop Local – Give Local – Stay Local‌ this is how we build a better Beaverton.

ABA Board 1SFTJEFOU Karen Bolin, Edward Jones


Distributor + Artist 503.407.9757 carol@colorsoife.me colorsoifejuiceplus.com

www.curvesaloha.com 30-min ďŹ tness and complete weight management for women. 20229 SW TV Hwy, Aloha 503-356-5454 C

David E. Nevills, DMD Serving Aloha since 1983. nevillsfamilydentistry.com (503) 649-3232 Accepting New Patients!


4FDSFUBSZ Paym Weaver, Time Fairy 5SFBTVSFS Carol Cartier, Colors of Life .FNCFS John Tyner, Attorney .FNCFS Daryl Welch, Affordable Web Technology

Committee Chairs $PNNVOJUZ 1BSUOFSTIJQT Sally Fabre, Agape Community Insurance .FNCFSTIJQ Wally Johnston, Foundations 4 Your Life 8FCNBTUFS Daryl Welch, Affordable Web Technology .FFUJOHT 1SPHSBNT Karen Bolin, Edward Jones

Delivering The Best Water, Service, Value


he Tualatin Valley Water District is proud to be a member of the Aloha community since 1938. We are committed to providing quality water and customer service to help preserve Washington County’s economy, jobs, public health and environment. TVWD serves more than 200,000 people in 45 square miles and is the second largest water provider in Oregon. The District supplies more than 7.2 billion gallons of water each year. Approximately 70% of the water goes for residential use, with the other 30% for business and industry. By Frank Reed

Do More With Less Did you know TVWD offers FREE assistance on how managing water use? We are happy to KHOS \RX LPSURYH ZDWHU HIĹ…FLHQF\ at your site and provide technical assistance and rebate programs to help you save money. Call (503) 848-3064 for more information.Â


$PME 8FBUIFS 1SFQBSBUJPO At any time, unpredictable weather can sneak up on you and wreak havoc on unprepared water pipes. Icy winds and dipping temperature can do a lot of damage to your home by freezing pipes and leaving you without owing water. There are many precautions you can take now to help minimize later impacts. Our Cold Water Preparation Web Page can help you prepare your water pipes for unpredictable weather. Also, you should know how to turn off your water and be prepared for emergencies.

Tier 1: $60/year (name on map) Tier 2: $480/year (logo + 5 line ad) Call Michael @ 503-641-3320

Visit our website for more information and to download our Cold Weather Brochure (www.tvwd.org).

Volume 2–Issue 12 (December 2012) | Beaverton Resource Guide –



Visit our Map Sponsors


SW Osprey Dr

# 5

3 97 6 10

1 8 4

5 2

7 3 8

5PEEMFS 4UPSZUJNF Thursdays at 11:30 (ages 2-3)




0GmDF TQBDF BWBJMBCMF BU 3PCZO T /FTU &YFDVUJWF 4VJUFT Shared ofďŹ ce setting. For more information, call 503-597-7790

1 5


d yR r r Fe SW Horizon Blvd


6 11 10



olls h c S


The Village on Scholls Ferry t Biscuits CafĂŠ t Metro Perc Coffee House t State Farm Ins. (G. Horton) t Guan's USA, Inc. t Edward Jones t Sunset Cycle t Therapeutic Associates t Moda Nails Salon

Progress Ridge t Ava Roasteria Coffee t Big Al's t Frangipani Thai Cuisine t New Seasons t Sweet Siren Boutique t Xtend Barre t Ziba Salon t AIM Mail Center t BJ Willy’s Restaurant


Power Brain Training Center

Since joining Power Brain (just 2 short months ago), as parents we have learned how to change our reactions to negative behaviors, which teaches our son what will and will not get the attention he desires. Our son has learned how to manage his own feelings and make better choices. I have seen his conďŹ dence and maturity grow as he makes healthier choices and accepts things that are out of “his controlâ€?. His teacher reports that he has improved 100% in staying on task, managing his time and staying engaged in the learning environment. Yippee!!!

3 1


Truly I cannot emphasize enough how the staff at Power Brain has changed our lives for the better through observing our son’s behaviors and working with us on a plan for success.

5 1 8

9 4

s w ro r Ba



3FTUBVSBOU 0GmDF 4QBDF Available at The Village on Scholls Ferry. For More Info: melanie@guansusa.com






7 Fw

to 21


SW Walnut St



1 4

1SF TDIPPM 4UPSZUJNF Tuesdays at 9:30 (ages 3-6)

Hearthstone at Murrayhill



11200 SW Murray Scholls Pl, Ste 102

SW Teal B lvd

(# = Upstairs OfďŹ ces)

Murray Scholls Town Center t 24 Hour Fitness t Ankle & Foot Center t Banner Bank t CafĂŠ Murrayhill 5t Kaiser Permanente t Library, Murray Scholls Branch t Murray Scholls Dental t Power Brain Training Center t Starbucks t Walgreens t Murrayhill Dental


SW Murray Blvd

Murrayhill Marketplace t A&B Gem Labs t Beaverton Bakery Express t Hapa Grill t Lisa Fain, Sunset Group t Malone's CafĂŠ & Bar t Murrayhill Chiropractic Care t Nature's Pet Market t Oasis Tanning t On Point Community Credit Union t Rebound Massage t Robyn's Nest Prop. Mgmt t Safeway t State Farm Ins. (L. Nishimura)

Murray Scholls Library

SW Davies Rd

The Overlook at Murrayhill Apts

Barrows Crossing t Albertson’s t Blockbusters t Catrick Cleaners t Godfather’s Pizza

Bobbie L., Aloha (Age: 42)

EMPOWER YOUR BRAIN Focus, ConďŹ dence, Memory for kids and adults www.powerbraintraining.com 503-352-4367 B

Winter Holiday Collection Schedule Dec. 24, 2012 — Jan. 4, 2013 For these 2 weeks, all collection days except Monday will be delayed by 1 day, with normal Friday collection taking place on Saturday. t Monday normal collection t Tuesday collected on Wednesday t Wednesday collected on Thursday t Thursday collected on Friday t Friday collected on Saturday Regular services resume on January 7, 2013

20 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 2–Issue 12 (December 2012)


Commercial Real Estate Investing & Aquaculture 16315 SW Barrows Rd Suite 209A www.guansusa.com 503.747.7238

Find us on Facebook or visit - - - > www.beavertonresourceguide.com



(See ad in Food section)

Banking Services

Hapa Grill Family Friendly Hawaiian Asian Fusion Restaurant. Environment friendly. Easy take out 6 days/wk. 503-590-7800 A

Personal & business solutions, real estate loans Call a personal banker today. 503-579-1947 www.bannerbank.com


Coffee shop, tea, donuts, Italia Espresso Torrefazione, Pastries, Cakes and more. 503-579-1600 A (See ad in Food section)

www.OverlookatMurrayhill.com Drop on by and you’ll also find

New Pizza Menu! Voted Best in Town Pool (free Tues), lottery, video poker, daily drink specials. 503-579-3663 A

Body & Beauty

VersaSpa Spray on tan 1-only $30, 2-only $50 oasistanningoregon.com 503-521-8268

Ava Roasteria


Cakes, Food, Drinks & Catering. Open 24 Hours. www.avaroasteria.com 503-352-5420 D

Conveniently located near Murrayhill Marketplace A

Breakfast, Lunch, Drive Thru M-Sa: 6am - 8pm, Su: 6am - 7pm www.metroperc.com 503-524-7372


Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61710

Glenn Horton, Agent 16315 SW Barrows Rd Beaverton, OR 97007 Bus: 503-590-4440 glennhorton.net


P045151 4/04

Salon - Nails - Pedispa Waxing & Shellac Care Moda adj. style; fashion; vogue www.modanails.com 503-268-1750 C

Full Service Salon for Men, Women & Kids, Facials, Skin Care Head to Toe Waxing 503-430-0008

Heated year-round swimming pool Smoke free community Assigned parking & more!

State Farm® Providing Insurance and Financial Services

StumpTown Coffee Murrayhill Marketplace

(503) 579-9326 We have 1 bedrooms from $635, 2 bedrooms from $860

Cakes for all occasions!

Consumer and business accounts, loans, mortgages 503-228-7077 www.onpointcu.com A

Please call us at

(See ad in Food section)

Beaverton Bakery Express Banking


Got foot pain? We don't serve fast food... We serve fresh food as fast as we can! Breakfast/Lunch served all day. 503-372-6982 C

Come see us for expert care, diagnosis and treatment of ankle/foot disorders. 503-597-5647 B (See ad this page)


Scott R. Walker, D.M.D.

(503) 590-7574

(See ad in Food section)


Food & Drink (See ad in Food section)

at the Murrayhill pond. Breakfast - Lunch - Dinner www.cafemurrayhill.com 503-590-6030


Comprehensive dental

Great Beaverton dining



care for your entire family. Visit us at: murrayschollsfamilydental.com 503-590-7574 B

Murrayhill In Progress Ridge Lunch~Dinner~Late Night Dining Full Bar~16 Beers on Tap www.bjwillys.com 503-747-7319 D

Thai & Laos Cuisine Daily special from $6.95 Try our Spicy Mango Chicken! M-Th: 11a-9p / F-Su: 11a-10p 503-579-7542 D

Shop Local – Give Local – Stay Local… this is how we build a better Beaverton.

Chiropractic Care Dr. Robert Sherman Auto Accident Injuries, Spinal Care & more. www.murrayhillchiro.com 503-590-4000


D Volume 2–Issue 12 (December 2012) | Beaverton Resource Guide –




Holiday Green Bean Casserole

Professional Services

AB Gem Lab

Preventive, Whitening Aesthetic, Operative Implants, Periodontal www.murrayhilldental.com 503-521-1333



Appraisals, repair, design consignment, insurance & estates, same day service. 503-524-6896




Bicycle Sales & Service

Now Offering Sportsmetrics M-F 6:00am-7:30pm; Sat 7:30am-1:30pm www.therapeuticassociates.com 503-644-3311 C

By Greg Mattie


Open M-F: 10 - 7pm; Sat 10 - 6pm, Sun 11 - 5pm. www.sunsetcyclesnw.com 503-579-9264

Business Done Here!


Printing, Shipping, Freight, Notary, Gifts, Card and more! $10 PMB boxes available. 503-747-2278

Agent Glenn Horton Affordable Fashion! (Sizes S-3X)

Senior Living Community

Huge jewelry selection w/ personal service just for you. www.sweetsirenboutique.com 503-716-8182 D

Locally owned and managed Independent & Assisted Living, Memory Care & Short Stays. 503-520-0911

Village on Scholls Ferry

Residential/Commercial Responsive & Proactive. Let us cure your rental headaches! 503-597-7790 www.robynsnestpm.com A

Sports & Activities

Auto, home, life, renters, health, business, boat & more! Call Glenn at 503-590-4440

(See story page 18) C

Paint your own pottery. Menoush Brown Financial Advisor - If you're not at your last job, why is your 401(k)? menoush.brown@edwardjones.com



Welcome to the fun and enjoyable world of ceramics! www.ceramicafenw.com 503-590-8510 B (See ad previous page)

Agent Liane Nishimura

Realtor/Prop. Mgmt. Working w/buyers, sellers & investors. Westside Specialist. Call Lisa w/The Sunset Group: 503-679-8477 A

Pet Care

Healthy Affordable Pet Supplies Grooming & Self-wash. Cat adoptions available. www.naturespetmarket.com 503-579-2403 A

Try the hottest new barre workout! www.lianenishimura.com Auto, home, life, renters, health, business, boat & more! Call Liane at 503 579-3005

Ingredients 1 1/2 lbs green beans, trimmed Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste 3 tablespoons unsalted butter 1 lb cremini mushrooms, sliced 2 cloves garlic, minced WDEOHVSRRQV DOO SXUSRVH ņRXU 1 cup chicken stock 1 cup cream 3-4 medium shallots, sliced and separated into thin rounds The Toppings ½ cup, thinly sliced red onion, in rounds FXS ņRXU Salt and pepper, to taste Vegi oil, for shallow frying

bath of ice water. Let cool and drain off any excess moisture. 3. In a large pan on medium-hot heat, melt the butter and add the mushrooms, seer for about a minute. Add garlic and shallots. Season with the salt and pepper. Cook for another 2-3 PLQXWHV DQG DGG WKH ņRXU 6WLU with a whisk to incorporate WKH ņRXU DQG VORZO\ DGG LQ WKH chicken stock. Stir at low heat until gravy thickens and add the cream, about 5-6 minutes. Add in the green beans, simmer for another 5-10 minutes then transfer into a baking dish, bake in oven for 15 minutes until casserole is bubbly. 4. Pour vegetable oil in deep skillet and heat to 350 deg. Pour ņRXU LQ OJ PL[LQJ ERZO DQG add in salt and pepper. Toss RQLRQ URXQGV LQ VHDVRQHG ņRXU and strain/shake off excess ņRXU )U\ RQLRQV LQ WKH KRW RLO in small batches until golden brown, 3-5 min. Drain on paper towel, top the green bean casserole with the onions and serve. Enjoy!Â

Directions 1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees. 2. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil and add the green beans. Cook until they turn bright green, about 5-6 minutes. Strain, blanch into a

(See ads pages 8 & 25) A

EMPOWER YOUR BRAIN Focus, ConďŹ dence, Memory for kids and adults www.powerbraintraining.com 503-352-4367 B

22 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 2–Issue 12 (December 2012)

Pilates Based Dance AmpliďŹ ed Open to ALL ďŹ tness levels www.xtendbarrebeaverton.com 503-610-3214 D

y wife loves green bean casserole during the holiday season. We would make it the traditional way with the can of mushroom soup, French’s onions, etc., but I was never a big fan. A couple of years ago, I decided I could do better than this. I replaced the can version with my own ‘re-creation’. Fresh green beans, crimini mushrooms and shallots to compliment my gravy from scratch; my own variation of fried onions to top this delectable dish. 7KH Ĺ…QDO SURGXFW LV PRUH ņDYRUIXO colorful and I know you will enjoy this reinvented classic.

Bowling, Games, Sports Bar & Grill. Have your next party or event at Big Al's! www.ilovebigals.com 503-748-6118


Photos by Greg Mattie Find us on Facebook or visit - - - > www.beavertonresourceguide.com

Eats & Treats



Come try out Holiday Favorites Berry Streusel Gourmet Bagel Winter Blend Coffee Special mix of vanilla, cinnamon & nutmeg flavors

Espresso Drinks Hot Chocolate

Gift Ideas: Travel Coffee Mug with choice of coffee Vanilla Hazelnut, Traditional House Blend, Autumn Roast, and the Winter Blend while supplies last

Gift Cards make great stocking stuffers

Special Offer: $4 off a purchase of a Dozen Bucket 13 bagels with 2 cream cheese of choice

11625 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy | 503.643.2334 #+ 8JMMZhT 1SPHSFTT 3JEHF Daily 3-6pm; Sun-Thu 9:30p-closing Full Bar~16 Beers on Tap www.bjwillys.com 503-747-7319

EFDBSMJ 3FTUBVSBOU Tue-Sat: 4:30-6pm 9pm-close; Sun 5-9pm Panini’s, Pizzetta’s & more! Try a Cool Hand Cuke! 503-641-3223

-VQFhT &TDBQF Mon-Fri, 3:00-6:00pm Fri & Sat, 8pm-Close $4 Margaritas, $5 Cocktails $3 Drafts & $3-5 appetizers 503-591-5278

#SPBEXBZ 4BMPPO in Old Town Beaverton Daily 4:30-6:30pm & 10pm-12am $3.95 HH food & $1 off drinks 12434 SW Broadway St 503-641-7474

&SOFTUP T Mon-Fri: 4:00-6:30pm Sat-Sun: 4:30-6:30pm $3-5 Food Specials & More Discounted Beer, Wine, Well Drinks. 503-292-0119

.D$PSNJDLhT 'JTI )PVTF M-Sat 3-6pm & 9-cl, Sun 4-6pm, & 9-cl. New HH Menu: Food starting at $2.95! Beer, Cocktail and Wine specials, never offered before!

"[UFDB Sun & Mon-All Day! Tues-Sat, 3-6:30pm/9pm-close Try our Sangria or Mojitos Well Drinks are $2.50 503-643-8269

$BGF .VSSBZIJMM Everyday from 3:00-6:00pm $5 appetizers! Wine, Beer & Cocktails. www.cafemurrayhill.com 503-590-6030

)BMM 4USFFU (SJMM M–Sa: 3–630 & 9-close Sun: 3-close Drink specials, tasty morsels & nibbles. 503-641-6161

.BMPOFT $BGF #BS Daily 4:00-7:00pm & 10pm-12am $1 - $4 Food Specials Pizza, sliders, & more Draft & Well Specials 503-579-3663

#JH "M T Mon-Thurs 3-6pm & 9pm-close Fri 3-6pm; 10pm-close Sat 10-close; Sun 9pm-close Food & Drink Specials 503-748-6118

$JOFUPQJB Everyday 3-6pm & 8pm-close $3.99 & $4.99 Food Specials Discounted Beer and Wine www.cinetopia.com 503-597-6911

-B )BDJFOEB 3FBM Happy Hour Daily from 3-6pm Any dish only $3.95! Margaritas, well drinks & beer. 12025 SW Canyon Rd 503-601-7000

5IF .BSL -PVOHF & The Mark Cigar Bar Daily 3:00-6:00pm; Drinks, Apps, Sports, Cigars & more! www.themarkpdx.com 503-643-5451

Shop Local – Give Local – Stay Local… this is how we build a better Beaverton.

Volume 2–Issue 12 (December 2012) | Beaverton Resource Guide –



www.BeavertonResourceGuide.com see map page 20, D

DPOUJOVFE .J/(0 3FTUBVSBOU Tues-Fri 2:30-6:00 Sun & Mon 5:00-6:00 pastas, pizzas, burgers & more wine, beer & cocktails mingowest.com

see map page 20, A

.POUFBVYhT 1VCMJD )PVTF Happy Hour Menu Early: 3:00-6:00pm Late: Last 2 hours to close and 10 Terrific Taps too Ask about oomph! 1FQQFSNJMM -PVOHF Mon-Fri: 4:00-7:00pm (22 draft beers) · Food & drink specials + huge late nite menu. Open till 2:30am daily. 503-642-5193

see map page 10, E3

Bvtn Hillsdale Hwy.

4UPDLQPU #SPJMFS Daily 4:00-6:00pm & 9:00pm-close Menu items from $2.50 and bar items from $3.25. 503-643-5451

see map page 10, A3

see map page 10, C3

see map page 10, D2

Bvtn Hillsdale Hwy.

24 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 2–Issue 12 (December 2012)

2EPCB .FYJDBO (SJMM Everyday 8-10 pm $5 Entrees; $2 Chips & Guac or Queso; $2 Beer & Margaritas Across from City Hall 503-643-5820

Find us on Facebook or visit - - - > www.beavertonresourceguide.com



see map page 10, C3

see map page 10, B2


Fine Dining

see map page 10, B3

see maps pg 10, C4; pg 20, D


Patio Dining Private Dining Fun Dining

#FBWFSUPO #BLFSZ Fresh Donuts Weekdays 4:00-6:00pm Raised Donuts 6/$3 Maple Bars 6/$3 503-646-7136 #MBDL #FBS %JOFS Mon-Fri: 3 - 6pm. $4.95 Small Taco Salad Choice of chicken or beef includes beverage! 503-646-4507 %BJSZ 2VFFO Weekdays 2:00-4:00pm Half-Price Soft Drinks, Shakes & Arctic Rush 12870 SW Farmington Rd 503-644-3469

MiniBeaverton NGO 503 646 6464

WWW.MiNGOWEST.COM see map page 10, C3

see map page 10, D2

see map page 20, A

Bvtn Hillsdale Hwy.

+PIO T *ODSFEJCMF 1J[[B $P John’s VIP Elite Club Members earn 5% with every purchase, every day! For more beneďŹ ts, visit johnspizza.com/rewards 503-520-0000 .BOHP 5BOHP 'SP[FO :PHVSU 25% OFF Mon-Thu: 2-5pm Self Serve Frozen Yogurt Over 30 Toppings 14600 SW Murray Scholls 503-747-3961

see map page 20, B

Happy Hour Listings are FREE! If you’re a restaurant with a Happy Hour, let us know and we’ll add it to this section. BRG@cedarhousemedia.com

Shop Local – Give Local – Stay Local‌ this is how we build a better Beaverton.

Volume 2–Issue 12 (December 2012) | Beaverton Resource Guide –




Events @ the Main Library 12375 S.W. Fifth St., Beaverton, OR 97005


STORYTIME .BJO -JCSBSZ Baby Bugs (Age under 1) Wed 11:45am Fun for 1s (Age 1) Wed 10:15 & 11am Toddler Storytime (Ages 2-3) Tues 10:15 & 11:15am Preschool Storytime (Ages 3-6) Thurs 10:15am & 1pm PJ Storytime (All ages) Tues. 7pm Family Storytime (All ages) Sat 1pm Spanish Storytime (Ages 2-5) Sat 3pm Japanese Storytime (Ages 0-6) 2nd Fri 10:30am .VSSBZ 4DIPMMT #SBODI Toddler: 2-3 years old Thursdays, 11:30 AM Preschool: 3-6 years old Tuesdays, 9:30 AM

Book Discussion Kits The Library is adding new book discussion kits for adults to our collection. These kits are designed to make your book discussion group easy! Each kit contains 10 titles of the book, plus a resource guide with discussion questions, information about the author and more. To ďŹ nd a complete list of book discussion kits use a keyword search in the online catalog and type “book club kit Beaverton.â€? The search will provide a list of the Beaverton City Library book club kits for adults and children Library Will Soon Offer eBooks Coming Soon! Curious about eBooks? Borrow an E-reader from the library and read a selection of pre-loaded eBooks. Thanks to a generous donation from the New Friends of the Beaverton City Library, the library will soon be lending out eBooks loaded on E-readers. We will have a collection of eBooks for adults, teens and children available at both Beaverton City Library locations Families: Super Smash Bros. Brawl Tournament - Thursday, Dec. 20, 2pm Enjoy a family movie with a holiday theme. Children under 10 must be with an adult.

TEENS For more information: Please call the Teen Desk (503) 350-4001.

The Book Corner For gently used books at affordable prices w/ proceeds donated to the Beaverton library. 503-643-5188

Support Your Library Every day, the library helps people change their lives. You can help ensure the success of these efforts by supporting the Library through the Beaverton Library Foundation. beavertonlibraryfoundation.org

5FFO 8JOUFS 3FBEJOH 1SPHSBN Friday, Dec. 21 - Friday, Jan. 4 Stave off cabin fever this winter break with books! Read books or graphic novels of your choice and submit reviews for your chance to win gift cards to area businesses! Reviews may be submitted until January 4; drawing will be held the following week. PDFs of the review sheets can be obtained at www.beavertonlibrary.org or in the library’s teen room during the program. Grades 6-12. "OJNF $MVC Tuesday, Dec. 11, 5:30-8pm Hang out with fellow fanatics while enjoying Japanese snacks, anime and drawing. Grades 6-12.

26 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 2–Issue 12 (December 2012)



.BHJD 5IF (BUIFSJOH :V (J 0I (BNJOH GPS 5FFOT Tuesday, Dec. 18, 6-7 PM Bring your cards and test your skills against other enthusiasts. Booster packs awarded as prizes! Grades 6-12

/BUVSF .PCJMF 7JTJU Monday, Dec. 21 & 27, 11-11:45 Discover nature and science through games and hands-on activities hosted by THPRD. Grades PreK-5 with adult.


8JJ 9CPY (BNJOH GPS 5FFOT Saturday, Dec. 8, 2:30-3:30pm We provide the set-up, you provide the skills. Play multiple games for Wii and Xbox. Grades 6-12.

C H ILD R E N For more information: Please call the Children’s Desk (503) 350-3600 5IJOL 'VO 5IVSTEBZT Thurs. Dec. 6, 13, 20, 27 (4-5pm) Just drop in! Ages 3-8 with adult. 1st Thursday Imagination Station Just bring your imagination! 2nd Thursday Builders Come and play with LEGOS and Duplo blocks! 3rd Thursday Puzzle Time Fun times with puzzles & books!


$IFTT $MVC Saturday, Dec. 15, 10:30-11:30am Hone your skills against other players or learn the game. Grades 3-8. 'BNJMZ .PWJF Sunday, Dec. 16, 2-4pm On the big screen! Ages 3-12 with family. 5XFFO $SBGUBSPVOE )PMJEBZ &EJUJPO Tuesday, Dec. 18, 4-6pm Lots of crafts to choose from! Make something to give as a gift this holiday season—or keep it for yourself, we won't tell! Grades 3-7. +JOHMF #BCJFT Wed. Dec. 19, 10:30-11:30am Get ready to spread some cheer! Jiggle and wiggle to your favorite holiday songs and make a craft. Ages 0-6 with family. 4FBTPOBM )PMJEBZ 4UPSZUJNF Thurs. Dec. 20, 10:30 & 11:30 AM Hear some stories to get you in the holiday mood! Ages 0-6 with family.


4th Thursday Board Games Love board games? We have your favorites! 5th Thursday Movie Come watch a movie with us in the auditorium. 1BQFS 1BMT Friday, Dec. 7, 4-5pm Join us for an hour of creative projects with paper. Drawing, tracing, paper airplanes, origami, and more! Grades 1-5 #SJDL #VJMEFST Saturday, Dec. 8, 10:30-11:30am This is a drop-in program where kids ages 3-5 can play with DuploÂŽ blocks and kids ages 6-11 can play with LEGOsÂŽ. Ages 3-11 with adult.

In-Home exercise for long-lasting independence. Optimizing strength, balance, mobility www.HomeFitnessCare.com Call: 503-267-1030

#VMMFUJO #PBSE DPOhU French Lessons Experienced Teacher & Native Speaker. All ages OK! Call Danielle @ 503-746-4424

Health Touch Massage Swedish, deep tissue, trigger point work, neuromuscular therapy. Call Ada Boje: 503-641-7743

Promethian Counseling

503-816-2778 Professional Counseling for children, adolescents, individuals, couples & families. Milana Robben, M.S., NCC

Virtual Admin and General OfďŹ ce assistance. Specialty in writing and documentation. Call me today at 503-961-5509

Styles at Hart Neighborhood

Salon $5 off any service for new clients. Color/highlights, perm, hair cuts, senior roller sets. Located near the Plaid Pantry on Hart Rd & 170th Ave. 503-591-1998

The Book Corner For gently used books at affordable prices w/ proceeds donated to the Beaverton library. 503-643-5188

The Grin House Short Term Nanny Services House/Child/Pet sitting. Cooking, cleaning and overnight care. CertiďŹ ed!Call Margarita: 503-443-9136

Cheryl Young Piano Studio Customized Lessons-All Ages Give the Gift of Music! www.cherylyoungmusic.com 503-819-0616

"EWFSUJTF )FSF 1PTU ZPVS MJTUJOH PO UIJT CPBSE GPS POMZ NPOUI $3/line (3 line min.), add $20 for logo or graphic. $BMM

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4QFFEFS 4QPUMJHIU Disaster Preparedness

By Jim Brooks

Contact a SHIBA Program Volunteer

By Jolene Guptill

Successful Medicare Forum hosted by the Beaverton Senior Citizens Advisory Committee. ecause of the ever-changing rules, options, and rising cost of medical insurance, it is more important than ever to be informed and proactive regarding your health insurance needs. To help seniors and others in Beaverton become better informed, the Beaverton Senior Citizens Advisory Committee hosted a Forum October 13 on Medicare updates for 2013. Donna Delikat, Field 2IĹ…FHU DQG 7UDLQHU ZLWK WKH 6WDWH of Oregon Senior Health Insurance %HQHĹ…WV $VVLVWDQFH 6+,%$ 3URgram, a federal and state funded program that assists Medicare beQHĹ…FLDULHV ZLWK LQVXUDQFH FKRLFH counseling, community outreach DQG EHQHĹ…FLDU\ DGYRFDF\ Donna expertly explained some of the basics of the Medicare program, and then shared updates to the program for 2013. Donna stressed that one critical step to securing Medicare for yourself or

B 'PS NPSF JOGPSNBUJPO HP UP www.redcross.org/prepare/location/home-family/seniors


ast month's Hurricane Sandy was a jolt. Did you know anyone affected by the storm? If you did, hopefully it has prompted reņHFWLRQ XSRQ \RXU RZQ SUHSDUHGness for the “unprecedented.â€? Consider the following suggestions for yourself or, for your favorite 6SHHGHU TXDOLĹ…HG SHUVRQ FRQVLGHU offering to be part of a team!

The American Red Cross recommends that Speeders (senior citizens) create a personal support network made up of several individuals who can be trusted, and who will check in on you in an emergency, to ensure your wellness and to give assistance if needed. Consider friends, family

members, relatives, personal attendants, co-workers and neighbors to include in your network. Make arrangements, prior to an emergency, for your support network to immediately check on you after a disaster and, if needed, offer assistance. Exchange important keys. Show them where you keep emergency supplies. Share copies of your relevant emergency documents, evacuation plans and emergency health information card. Agree on and practice methods for contacting each other in an emergency. Do not count on your telephones working. You and your personal support network should always notify each other when you are going out of town and when you expect to return. The relationship should be mutual. You have a lot to contribute! Learn about each other's needs and how to help each other in an emergency. Sounds like a good excuse for a lunch date to me. . . now, where to go? Remember to check your speed and enjoy the ride! Â

Shop Local – Give Local – Stay Local‌ this is how we build a better Beaverton.

4QFFEFS 4QPUMJHIU If you have questions about our Speeder Spotlights, email Jolene at: j.guptill@hotmail.com





a loved one is to contact SHIBA and have a review of your current situation completed by trained volunteers. They can help explain the rules and requirements and then what steps are needed to complete your objective. SHIBA volunteers may be contacted at shiba.oregon@ state.or.us or by phone at 1-800722-4134. The event was a success, with over 70 attendees. The Beaverton Senior Citizens Advisory Committee plans to host another Medicare Update Forum next October with Donna Delikat. The time and date of this event will be announced in 2013. We welcome you to attend. Happy Holidays! Â

5IF 4FOJPS $JUJ[FOT "EWJTPSZ $PNNJUUFF Serving as a liaison between Beaverton’s senior community and the City.

As former chair of the SCAC, Jolene Guptill has been advocating for Beaverton seniors for the past 11 years. She continues to bring awareness to senior issues while serving on the City’s Visioning Committee and the Beaverton Downtown Association Board.

Volume 2–Issue 12 (December 2012) | Beaverton Resource Guide –



for Seniors On the Road with Beaverton Lodge!



he Golden Gallery presents Grace Sanchez/ Body of work; paintings and collage based on the Ĺ…JXUH 7KH H[KLELWLRQ ZLOO IHDWXUH SDLQWLQJV DQG FROODJHV RI WKH Ĺ…JXUH created in various artists studio's in the Portland area, including the artist's own. Grace Sanchez is part of a group of painters who are primarily interested in depicting WKH KXPDQ Ĺ…JXUH IROORZLQJ LQ WKH tradition of NW artists past and present. There will be an opening reception November 11th, 2:00 pm to 5:00pm. Refreshments will be provided. The exhibition runs from November 11th through December 31st. The Golden Gallery is located in the Beaverton Lodge Retirement Residence and is open to the public Mon-Sat 9 am-4:30 pm. Grace Sanchez is the new gallery director of the Golden Gallery. Â (PMEFO (BMMFSZ &YIJCJUJPO November 11 - December 31 Open to the Public, Mon-Sat 9:00am-4:30pm Opening Reception November 11, 2:00-5:00pm (BMMFSZ %JSFDUPS Grace Sanchez

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503-643-9735 Tour today and take home a holiday treat! www.creekside-village.com 5450 SW Erickson Ave. Beaverton, OR 97005 (only a few blocks from the Elsie Stuhr Senior Center)

Come to Creekside for YOUR Holiday Gathering! 28 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 2–Issue 12 (December 2012)

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Call for a tour & lunch today!


By Ann SatterďŹ eld

Free, Informative & Interactive Lecture on Aging Issues


he THPRD Elsie Stuhr Center has a new program called Wisdom Wednesdays. Join us the Ĺ…UVW :HGQHVGD\ RI WKH 0RQWK DW 10 am for a FREE, informative and interactive lecture on aging issues. Come join me on Wednesday, December 5th at 10:30 a.m. at the Elsie Stuhr Center and get a practical overview of estate planning in Oregon, including Wills, Trusts, Healthcare Directives, and Powers of Attorney. Have your questions answered. Attorney Richard B. Schneider

is a frequent speaker on estate planning. His law practice is devoted primarily to estate planning law and related matters. He has been practicing for over 30 years and is the co-author of A Will Is Not Enough In Oregon, a resource book for Oregon consumers. Mr. Schneider is licensed to practice law in Oregon, Washington and New York. He is a member of the American Academy of Estate Planning Attorneys, and the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys. In addition, he is DIŅOLDWHG ZLWK (OGHUV LQ $FWLRQ „

Located in the heart of Raleigh Hills 4815 SW Dogwood Ln, Portland, OR 97225

'PS NPSF JOGPSNBUJPO Elsie Stuhr Center 503-629-6342 www.thprd.org 5550 SW Hall Blvd Beaverton, OR 97005

Right-Sizing Done Right! karenb@movingforseniors.com | (503) 590-8562

MOVING for SENIORS . com Announcements Family Support Group Every 3rd Wed at 7:00 pm @ Creekside Village 503-643-9735 We will discuss such topics as Demntia, Alzheimer's and communication with family members declining health. Email your senior events to: BRG@cedarhousemedia.com Shop Local – Give Local – Stay Local‌ this is how we build a better Beaverton.

#, Call Paul for your Personalized Appointment (Available 7 days a week)

Wholesale Prices to the Public!

www.ten10optical.com | 10130 SW Nimbus Ste D4 Seiko HD Progressives $240 includes UV, Scratch, AR and a 2 year warranty

Volume 2–Issue 12 (December 2012) | Beaverton Resource Guide –



www.BeavertonResourceGuide.com #VTJOFTT -JTUJOHT

'PS 4BMF JO #FBWFSUPO Address | Bdr/Bth/SF = $

Homes in 97005 Residential/Commercial Responsive & Proactive. Let us cure your rental headaches! 503-597-7790 www.robynsnestpm.com

2965 Sw 122Nd Ave 2/1/915 = $179,900

14764 Nw Glacier Ln 3/2.1/1490 = $249,900 17840 Nw Fieldstone Dr 3/3/1994 = $269,900 18910 Sw Honeywood Dr 4/2.5/1894 = $289,289

70 Sw 131St Ave 3/1/1132 = $194,000

Homes97007 in 97007

13780 Sw Walker Rd 3/2/2227 = $199,950

20773 Sw Skiver St 3/2.1/1511 = $152,000

985 Sw Perfecta Ave 3/2/1292 = $210,000

4190 Sw 187Th Ave 3/2/1482 = $225,000

5945 Sw Taralynn Pl 4/2.1/1842 = $239,200

17824 Sw Keiko St 3/2.1/1846 = $249,900

Working w/buyers, sellers & investors. Westside Specialist. Call Lisa w/The Sunset Group: 503-679-8477

14145 Sw Windjammer Way 4/2.1/1854 = $249,900

17731 Sw Robert Ln 4/2.1/2132 = $272,900

1934 Sw 144Th Ave L 122 4/2.1/1748 = $317,538

17780 Sw Zenith Pl 4/2.1/2112 = $300,000

All Gutters & More

5610 Sw Schiffler Pl 4/2.1/2019 = $329,900

17471 Sw Sapphire Ln 4/2.1/2167 = $319,995

13185 Sw Butner Ct 3/2/1662 = $349,900

8122 Sw 174Th Ter 4/2.1/2167 = $324,995

13290 Sw Hazel 3/2.1/2142 = $365,000

16270 Sw Loon Dr 3/2.1/2304 = $335,000

Realtor/Prop. Mgmt.

Installation and Cleaning Moss removal, pressure washing, yard clean up, roof repair. FREE estimates. 503-268-9121

Homes97006 in 97006 2925 Sw 198Th Ave 4/2/2247 = $160,000

A Voice for Trees - Your Partner in Tree Care. Expert Pruning. & Tree Removal. ISA Board Certified Master Arborist www.matthewstree.com (See ad in Senior section)

Senior Living Community We make it easy to feel right at home. www.creekside-village.com 503-643-9735

10773 Sw Oriole Cir 5/3/2447 = $399,000 17475 Sw Kemmer Rd 5/3/2719 = $399,950

3108 Sw 176Th Ave 2/1/806 = $183,500

Homes97008 in 97008

3089 Sw 173Rd Ave 3/2.1/1339 = $199,000

6585 Sw 124Th Ave 3/2/1140 = $199,999

3112 Sw 174Th Ave 4/2.1/1572 = $224,000

12750 Sw Percheron Ln 3/2/1404 = $239,500

17855 Sw Frances St 3/2/1460 = $229,500

9105 Sw Davies Rd 3/2/1312 = $244,900

17446 Sw Waterleaf Ln 3/2.1/1737 = $239,000

11325 Sw Bel Aire Ln 3/2/1702 = $249,000

16785 Sw Whitley Way 3/2/1727 = $247,900

7095 Sw 105Th Ave 4/2.1/1682 = $279,000 7355 Sw Hyland Way 3/2/1823 = $299,000 11455 Sw Clifford St 4/2.1/1842 = $299,950 14255 Sw Barlow Rd 4/3/2740 = $319,500 8440 Sw Morgan Dr 4/2.1/2195 = $345,500 14040 Sw Spaniel St 4/2.1/2831 = $379,000

30 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 2–Issue 12 (December 2012)

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Auto Listings Auto Parts Car Toys

Battery Battery Exchange

Body & Paint )FJU[NBO #PEZ 1BJOU 1SPVEMZ $FMFCSBUJOH ZFBST Beaverton Auto Body & Paint Canyon Road Auto Body Courtesy Auto Body Apex Auto Spa

Brakes Clutch & Brake Doctors

Car Wash Beaverton Car Wash


Exhaust Systems Exhaust Specialties & Brakes

Glass Repair Fresh Start Detail Co.

Lube & Tune Jiffy Lube

Machining Beaverton Machine

New Cars Carr Chevy World Beaverton Kia Carr Subaru Beaverton Honda Beaverton InďŹ niti


By Mark Hyde




A: The answer is no as long as they are on a public road it would be illegal. They would have to pull over to the shoulder. *T JU MFHBM UP DIBOHF MBOFT JO UIF NJEEMF PG BO JOUFSTFDUJPO


No lane changes can take place in the middle of an intersection. If you have a trafďŹ c question that you'd like us to ask the Beaverton Police Department for this column, email us at: BRG@cedarhousemedia.com For all other trafďŹ c questions, call the police non-emergency number: 503-526-2260


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3725 SW Cedar Hills Blvd., Beaverton, OR 97005 | kunicollisioncenter.com Shop Local – Give Local – Stay Local‌ this is how we build a better Beaverton.

By Mark Hyde

Safety belts: Ī A child taller than 4’9� OR age 8 or older must be properly secured with the vehicle’s safety belt. Ī The child is properly secured if the lap belt is positioned low across the thighs and the shoulder belt is positioned over the collarbone and away from the neck. The transition from booster seat to seat belt confuses some SHRSOH WU\LQJ WR ŅJXUH RXW WKH safety requirements. The following may help: 1. Is the child tall enough to sit with their back against the vehicle seat back? 2. Do the child’s knees bend comfortably at the edge of the vehicle seat? 3. Does the belt cross the shoulder over the collarbone? 4. Is the lap belt low, touching the thighs? 5. Can the child stay seated like this for the entire trip?

CHILD RESTRAINTS: Rear Facing Seats A rear-facing car seat is the best seat for your young child to use. It has a harness and in a crash, cradles and moves with your child to reduce the stress to the child’s fragile neck and spinal cord. Forward Facing Car Seat The forward-facing car seat has a harness and tether that limits your child’s forward movement during a crash. Ī Child passengers must be restrained in an approved child safety seat until they weigh 40 pounds. Ī Infants must ride rear facing until they reach both one year of age AND 20 lbs.

,VOJ $PMMJTJPO $FOUFS -VYVSZ TFSWJDFT BU BGGPSEBCMF QSJDFT DBMM Canyon Auto Repair Wally & Son Auto Svc & Repair Fix Auto Beaverton

Alexis Window Tinting

child’s safety is a topic that you can’t address too many times and with the holidays on top of us and the potential of increased car trips, let’s talk about car seat safety. Properly used and installed, car seats reduce the risk of death to infants by 71%. For children 1-4 years of age, that percentage is still an eye opening 54%. We all know what seatbelts can do to prevent tragedy and car seats go beyond that for children.


Radiator / AC

Window Tinting


A: Motorists must give the pedestrians one lane plus six feet. If three cars got through before the distancing issues were in effect so be it. i* LOPX UIBU UBMLJOH PS UFYUJOH XIJMF ESJWJOH JT OPX JMMFHBM CVU XIBU JG * N TUPQQFE BU B SFE MJHIU $BO * NBLF B RVJDL DBMM BT MPOH BT * IBOH VQ CFGPSF UIF MJHIU UVSOT SFE w

Beaverton Radiator

Berg Car Company Northwest Investment Cars Carr Used


Booster Seat A booster seat positions the seat EHOW VR WKDW LW ŅWV SURSHUO\ RYHU WKH stronger parts of your child’s body. Ī Children over 40 pounds OR who have reached the upper weight limit of their car seat’s harness system, must use a booster seat until they are 4’9� tall OR age 8. Ī The booster seat requirement does not apply when the rear seat of the vehicle is equipped only with lap belts (provided the child is secured by the lap belt).

Any “Noâ€? answers suggests the child should continue riding in a booster seat for best protection. Pick-up Truck Beds And, just in case the question comes up, children under 18 can’t ride in the open bed of a pick-up truck. Save Your Money Effective January 1st of 2012: Failure to properly use safety belts RU FKLOG UHVWUDLQWV LV D &ODVV ' WUDIĹ…F YLRODWLRQ ZLWK D Ĺ…QH  Questions can be directed to the Child Safety Seat Resource Center at (503) 643-5620. Car seat clinic at Kuni Collision Center 3725 SW Cedar Hills Blvd December 15th 9am - 12:30pm

Volume 2–Issue 12 (December 2012) | Beaverton Resource Guide –


"EWFOUVSFT JO #FBWFSUPO 5IF -JUFSBSZ #FBWFSUPO )FSPFT As we come to the close of 2012, I want to pause to recognize and thank all of the Beaverton Heroes throughout the year who are doing something $PSOFS special for our community and beyond...


by Lisa Ard

by Parisjat Umscheid

January 2012: Martha Cook Beaverton Resident and Director of Casey's Corner, a food pantry located at The Murrayhill Christian Church on Wier Rd. http://www.murrayhills.org/ outreach/food_pantry.htm

Getting to Know Book Fan Friday


s your child an avid writer? An enthusiastic artist? Want to stimulate their literary interest? Check out Book Fan Friday at Cedar Hill’s Powell’s, a monthly program led by award-winning author Rosanne Parry. Now in its third year, Book Fan Friday provides mentorship for young writers and illustrators. Every second Friday from October thru May, kids ages 10-18 join authors, editors, and other book professionals for interactive discussions and hands-on workshops. In a recent session, Parry skyped in Jim Thomas of Random House Children’s Books for a talk on book cover design that included showLQJ WKH Ĺ…IWHHQ FRYHUV FRQVLGHUHG for Rachel Hartman’s Seraphina. On December 14, author/illustrator Barry Deutsch will speak on creating comics and graphic novels. According to Parry, “For Powell’s, Book Fan Friday helps promote literary awareness, which is a key part of their mission.â€? Â

February 2012: Jim Hayhurst Beaverton Resident who started the Hayhurst Kids Triathlon where all proceeds go to support CARRA (Childhood Arthritis & Rhematology Research Alliance). www.friendsofcarra.org March 2012: Huy Nguyen Beaverton Resident, Founder and Executive Director of Metro Toy Drive. (www.metrotoydrive.com)

April 2012: Candlelighters Providing support, education and advocacy to Beaverton and NW families who have children with cancer. (4kidswithcancer.org) May 2012: JoLynn Sirak Beaverton Resident helping to build schools in Nicaragua. www.fh.org June 2012: The Bracelet Bunch Six 4th and 5th Grade Beaverton students supporting The Ameena Project helping children in Kenya.

September 2012: Bev Ecker & Shawn Mitchell Through Catalyst Partnerships, these Beaverton Residents help the elderly through home repair and remodels. www.catalyst-partnerships.com

July 2012: Mary Petillo Beaverton Resident and volunteer helping families get back on their feet at Good Neighbor Center www.goodneighborcenter.org

October 2012: Murrayhill Triathlon Participants Neighbors exercising to raise money for the Good Neighbor House.

Lisa Ard leads a charmed life with her husband and two children just north of Beaverton. She is the author of the Dream Seeker series. www.authorlisaard.com

November 2012: Laura Gibson & Melissa Anctil 2ZQHUV RI &URVVĹ…W 6: %HDYHUWRQ who donate to charities as their customers get in shape. ZZZ FURVVĹ…WVZEHDYHUWRQ FRP

Parisjat Umscheid of Murrayhill is a mother of three, crossďŹ tter, event planner & writer.


Everything I Ever Needed to Know I Learned from My 3 Yr-Old

#PPL 'BO 'SJEBZ December 14th, 4:30-5:30pm 'PS NPSF JOGPSNBUJPO HP UP http://www.powells.com/events

August 2012: Jennifer Abeyratne The former owner and teacher at Aloha Montessori Preschool whose love and teaching made a positive difference in hundreds of children's lives.

by Maureen Wilson


ģP ŅQGLQJ WKH DJH RI wisdom, which used to be kindergarten, has been reduced down to preschool --at least in our home. Lately when I’m joyless or exhausted or impatient, it’s my youngest who sets me straight—in a way that makes me take a breath, stop and think, and remember that yes, it’s me who is role-modeling grown up and no, I can’t take credit for her insight, even if I am her mother. I recently had yet another middle-aged birthday go by and wasn’t feeling totally celebratory about it. My 3 yr-old, who is always

32 – Beaverton Resource Guide | Volume 2–Issue 12 (December 2012)

ready to celebrate most anything, right down to remembering to spit when she brushes her teeth—was SUPER pumped about my big day. She began discussing her love of the age of “fwee,� followed with some pining for 8, then suddenly wanted to know how old I would be when SHE turned 14, the random, magical age she believes all wishes and privileges come true (like every AG doll becomes yours, popsicles are served for breakfast, and naps are forbidden). I told her 52, which must have sounded something like, “We’re going to DISNEYLAND!!� for the enthusiasm that spewed forward caught me off guard. She practically jumped out of her seat,

hollering, “FIFTY-TWO???? THAT IS AWE-THOM!! Do you KNOW how much FUN 52 ith gonna BE???â€? (Uh, no.) “When I’m 52, I’m gonna feel like LOVING EVERYTHING!! And EVERYBODY!! The THUN ith gonna SHINE on that OCEAN!!â€? Okay, well, wow. You don’t have to break out the gospel. I’m actually starting to get kind of excited. Fast forward to another day of buckling and unbuckling car seats while being eternally late for something that "matters", all the while running a continuous mom monologue of how we HAVE to get going or elseâ€Śâ€œOr elth what?â€? she asks. “Well, or else we’ll be late and that’s disrespectful if someone is waiting.â€? “Mama,â€? she says with only a slightly exasperated sigh. “Mama, it-th jutht gonna have to be a late day. And thath jutht gonna have to be okay. Okay?â€? she says, patting my hand sympathetically. Well, when you put it like that, then yeah. I actually feel like it is okay. But one morning while I was simultaneously cleaning the kitchen, signing school forms, and putting out lunches, I told her how we were heading to a party of a 5 yr-old that afternoon—that is, after school and the babysitter and carpool to her sisters’ activities. Her enthusiasm for older age and busy schedules suddenly waned. She

got teary-eyed and choked, “But I GRQÄŁW ZDQW WR JURZ XS DQG EH Ĺ…YH I WIKE being fwee and a half!â€? I tried to console her with all the fun privileges she would have with every passing year (while silently commiserating that I would love for her to remain at this fabulous stage), when she mournfully wailed, “Mama, thith life ith going too FATHT for me. It’th going too FATHT for my little heart.â€? Good Lord. Let me pour a bowl of Cheerios and sit down next to you, my love, because it’s going too fatht for me, too, and I don’t want to miss one more moment. Â

“Maureen Wilson is an educator, Girl Scout leader, and often frazzled parent to three active girls. She ďŹ nds motherhood to be a far more humorous and humbling experience than she ever imagined.â€? Maureen can be contacted at: BRG@cedarhousemedia.com

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