1 minute read
Editorial Board
Rosalee Padilla, Editor-in-Chief
Nicholas Roth, Copy Editor
Ana Fingerson, News Editor
Mikayla Fritzemeier, Opinion Editor
Adriana Gonzalez, Arts & Entertainment Editor
Cec Fernandez, Photo
Zachary Gonzales, Student Life Editor
Javier Hernandez, Sports & Health Editor
Asturias, Faculty Adviser
Staff Writers
Célia Aline Amaral, Rene Cassano, Mariah Forster, Tito Fuentes, Mia Garcia, Elias Kaplan, Olivia Keeler, Alec Padilla, Cooper Perry, Kylie Perry, Bernardo Ramos, Jake Renteria, Justin Simpson, Malia Teran, Ally Valiente, Sache Wedner
Kathleen Mootz and Dennae Taylor
Nichols Hall 323, 1801 East Cotati Ave Rohnert Park, CA 94928
Telephone: 707-664-2776
Business & General Inquiries: sonomastatestar@gmail.com
Corrections and News Tips: star@sonoma.edu
The STAR is published every Tuesday during the fall and spring semesters. The weekly publication of the STAR is made possible by Instructionally Related Activities Funding.
Opinions expressed in the STAR are those of the writer and not necessarily those of the STAR or SSU. The editorial reflects the views of the STAR Editorial Board on issues it considers to be of particular relevance to the campus community.
Editorial Policy
The commentary expressed in the unsigned editorial represents a majority opinion of the STAR Editorial Board on a topic facing the campus community in keeping with journalistic precedents of other major newspapers, and may not be shared by all staff writers.