Volume 80 // Issue 4

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Parkland, Florida


Black Panther soundtrack

Mass shootings are getting too familiar and the new generation is speaking up. Pg. 3.

Sonoma State’s Makerspace includes 3D printing, virtual reality systems and innovative technology — all for students. Pg. 8.

“Black Panther” has already broken records, and now its soundtrack is topping the charts. Pg. 7.

SINCE 1979



Campus reacts to possible switch from Moodle to Canvas

Sonoma State is looking into a new Learning Management System, based on faculty feedback and ‘new options in the marketplace.’

STAR // Nate Galvan A student examines the Canvas home page. Sixteen Sonoma State professors are currently using Canvas instead of Moodle in their classes to assess the platform. AARON WASKOWIAK STAFF WRITER


proposed switch from Moodle to a new learning management system known as “Canvas” has some Sonoma State University faculty members concerned that it could threaten all of the hours of work they have done in building their courses, and inputting test questions, on Moodle. According to the Learning Management System, or LMS, home page on Sonoma State’s website, the look into a new platform is due to “faculty feedback regarding the usability of the Moodle platform, the campus Moodle outage in Fall 2016 and campus awareness of new and improved options in the marketplace.” The proposed switch to a new learning management system called “Canvas” may have flown under many students radar, but the approaching Spring decision deadline raises concerns. “I can’t figure out why administrators are pushing for something that the vast majority of faculty don’t want,” said Dr. Elizabeth Stanny, professor of accounting at Sonoma State. Michael Santos, a professor of economics at Sonoma State, is concerned that a switch to Canvas could mean more work for both professors and students. “While our students are expected to pay higher tuition and fees for their education because of a shortfall in the SSU budget, I think, it is frivolous for our faculty members to suggest a switch to Canvas especially given that the

Moodle system can deliver course content effectively,” said Santos. An an analysis of Canvas’ financial condition published by Stanny on her website, raises financial concerns about the switch from the open source Moodle software to the Canvas system, which is run by the publicly owned “Instructure” company, she said. In this report, Stanny states that “for every $1 of revenue it (Canvas) has 63 cents of Sales and Marketing expense” and “for every $1 of revenue it loses 48 cents”. These numbers and her claim that “Canvas executives have no experience in the educational market, but have lots of experience marketing” are especially alarming when shown alongside the 20 pages of risk reports Canvas filed with the SEC. An excerpt from these pages cites an “incurred net losses of $110.9 million, $53.0 million, and $41.4 million 2016, 2015, and 2014, respectively” and an accumulated deficit of $196.5 million at December 31, 2016. According to Sonoma State, there are currently 16 professors assessing the use of Canvas on campus, using the platform in their everyday use. Chemistry professor Carmen Works, said she volunteered to participate in the assessment of a different LMS because she is a leader in faculty governance. Works explained that while Moodle and Canvas can be similar, they are driven by different user interfaces. According to Works, students in her section do not have a preference between Moodle or Canvas. See CANVAS on Pg. 4


Students warned of possible internet scams CASEY HERRMANN STAFF WRITER


ndru Luvisi, information security officer at Sonoma State University sent out a warning to students about a recent upturn in phishing emails. Luvisi likens it to one of his favorite quotes, from writer S. W. Erdnase “The player who believes he cannot be deceived is in great danger. The knowledge that no one is safe is his best protection.” Students may remember an email warning them of phishing attempts from earlier in the year. It’s a new attempt by cybercriminals to obtain personal information through various scams via email. These emails will attempt to impersonate organizations that students have a personal account and some level of trust with, such as a bank or the university, and get them to input things such as their username or password into a web page of their design. Luvisi and Sonoma State were not able to give out the personal information of the students who may have been directly affected by phishing. Some older students may remember this is not the first time this has happened at Sonoma State. Over the years, the school has sent out several reminders of similar nature. Luvisi has the impression that the phishing messages usually make it past SSU’s spam blockers near the beginning of semesters. “They’re pretty annoying, especially when you’re trying to check email and have to sort through all of them, find them, and delete them,” said Jorge Bautista, a fourth year physics major. Each time, phishers will try to adapt – to come up with a new subject line to grab students’ attention, and try and push them into giving up personal information. One example is a phisher impersonating a Sonoma State IT employee, asking for a student’s username or password. One such email Luvisi examined made the claim that the individual’s email will “short down exactly 48 hours.” IT would like to remind you that they will never ask for your username or password in an email. According to Luvisi, cyber criminals do not have to operate anywhere close to their would-be victims, so tracking them down for arrest and prosecution would require the combined efforts of high-level law enforcement in multiple countries. The resources required for such investigations unusually mean that smaller organizations, such as Sonoma State law enforcement, are left to defend themselves. Sonoma IT would like to remind students of several steps to keep them safe from phishing: firstly, do not respond to spam. This will only cause students to receive more. Next, students should be cautious in clicking links inside emails that seem affiliated with their bank. Perhaps most importantly, do not click on any links or attachments on possible spam messages. Not only can they lead to a place where students might lose their personal information, but student’s computers may also become infected by viruses or more subtle software that will track online movements and even steal passwords.

Sonoma State senior shows off creativity and personality in colorful paintings Courtney Engelhardt discusses her passion for art and where she hopes it will take her after college. Check out the story on Pg. 6 Courtesy // Courtney Engelhardt Oil on Canvas painting of artist Chance the Rapper.

2 Editorial THE STAR Editorial Board Shannon Brown, Editor-in-Chief Ethan Helms, Executive Editor Nate Galvan, News Editor Olivia Hunt, Opinion Editor Brigitte Maina, Ar ts & Enter tainment Editor Andrea Mendoza, Student Life Editor Bianca Sanborn, Spor ts Editor Alyssa Archerda, Photo Editor Alex Randolph, Copy Editor Alex Daniels, Adver tising Manager Paul Gullixson, Faculty Adviser Staff Writers Kaytlin Abad, Stefanie Bautista, Jessica Bennett, Kathryn Catanzarite, Blake Davena, Jennifer De La Torre, Danielle Estrada, Danielle Factor, Ashley Gieske, Jacob Gonzales, Kendall Grove, Tanner Gunning, Casey Herrmann, Lindsey Huffman, Heba Madi, Luis Mejia, Brooklynn Miller, Kathleen Perry, Kailey Priest, Renee Rodgers, Roland Schmidt, Tatiana Serrano, Samantha Sinatra, Sierra Sorrentino, Jeno Veltri, Madison Villalobos, Carly Wade, Aaron Waskowiak

Photographers Gabby Novello, Christine Von Raesfeld, Justin Santos, Emily Jenkel, Holle Depina

Nichols Hall 323, 1801 East Cotati Ave Rohnert Park, CA 94928 Telephone: 707-664-2776 Business & General Inquiries: sonomastatestar@gmail.com Corrections and News Tips: star@sonoma.edu

Editor’s Pick

FEB. 20 - FEB. 26, 2018


Social media updates more than just a nuisance


onsumers are becoming dangerously complacent with allowing social media algorithms to determine their information intake. In the 21st century, consumers have grown accustomed to social media advancements and even more accustomed to the inundation of updates. At a certain point, avid social media users become conditioned to the endless and overcalculated amendments to their favorite apps. Social media mongers attempt to justify the updates, claiming the improved algorithms will only further enhance the user’s experience. Media programmers write out a lengthy explanation of the newest changes in order to inform the public, but in reality, users rarely glance at the memo. On Dec. 18, Facebook altered its algorithm to demote certain pages, assumedly in an attempt to ease tensions and redeem themselves following Russian collusion charges. According to CNN Tech, “To help us foster more authentic engagement, teams at Facebook have reviewed and categorized hundreds of thousands of posts to inform a machine learning model that can detect different types of engagement bait.” In theory, reducing clickbait on Facebook would be a refreshing cleanse for the user, but how will a computer-generated algorithm distinguish between authentic self-promoting users and

potential hackers? There is potential for Facebook to substantially reduce and harm users’ freedom to self promote their band or business pages, for example. In addition, the algorithm will self-curate what pages show up in users’ news feed. Facebook users will now have to personally customize their feed to avoid Facebook’s altered representation. According to The Verge, Facebook claims the update will “promote more meaningful and authentic conversations on Facebook.” The social media company fails to understand that with a platform of 2.2 billion users, finding a sense of community is entirely up to the personal interests of the user, not the responsibility of the company. This single-axis solution will not eliminate all attempts at hacking and is only being emphasized in order to save face following concern of sloppy attention to detail during the election. The truth of the matter is, most social media users won’t take the time to do this, which is precisely what globalizes this issue. If billions of social media users, regardless of the medium, remain complacent with the skewing of their media intake, we are at the will and mercy of large corporations that heavily influence users in a myriad of ways. Unfortunately, Facebook, along with other social media, are serving their own agenda and

offering the public empty statements. Our compliance gives them the freedom to limit and misrepresent information, which is hypocritical to their main objective of harboring authentic interactions. Similarly to Facebook, Snapchat released an abrupt update that is confusing and angering users. The biggest problem: they gave users no choice. This is probably an attempt to bring relevance back to the app many abandoned when rival app Instagram created the “story” option for which Snapchat was famous. In a discussion on media brainwashing and polarization, History Disclosure states, “The mass media are owned and controlled by large corporations. Large corporations maintain close relationships with the political system.” On the surface, this outrage over these updates may seem like merely gossip, but upon closer analysis, it is an example of what can happen when consumers lose the power to decide for themselves. The link between app updates and the political system may seem weak, but it is important as consumers of media that we remain critical thinkers and question the purpose behind change. Social media users need to be active participants in all platforms and customize their feeds in order to reclaim power over their information.

Editorial Policy: The commentary expressed in the unsigned editorial represents a majority opinion of the STAR Editorial Board on a topic facing the campus community in keeping with journalistic precedents of other major newspapers, and may not be shared by all staff writers. The board encourages readers to write letters to the editor about all topics, including the editorial.

This week’s can’t miss article: “Passionate minor to major paintings” Courtney Engelhardt talks to The STAR about how she found her love for art and what her plans are after graduation.

Read the story on page 6


In Volume 80// Issue 2 of The STAR, the story “Students face tuition increase, but how much?” we incorrectly listed Maggie White as the wife of CSU Chancellor Timothy White. Maggie White is a student leader for the California State Student Association.

Publication The STAR is published every Tuesday during the fall and spring semesters. Printing is done by Sonoma Media Group. The weekly publication of the STAR is made possible by Instructionally Related Activities Funding.




Opinions expressed in the STAR are those of the writer and not necessarily those of the STAR or SSU. The editorial reflects the views of the STAR Editorial Board on issues it considers to be of particular relevance to the campus community.

Letters to the Editor Letter writers may expect prompt publication in the newspaper’s op-ed section, as space is available. Letters of up to 400 words will be allowed and must be submitted no later than the Friday before the publication date. Published letters must be free of libel, since the publication is held legally accountable for all content. Although personal controversy will be tolerated, it is the responsibility of the editor to check statements purporting the facts. The STAR reserves the right to refuse publication to any letter and to edit for length. Letters must sign all contributions and the editor must verify the signer and the writer are one in the same through personal conference. To send a letter to the editor, email star@sonoma.edu.

Interested in placing an ad in the STAR? Contact our advertising manager at: sonomastatestar@gmail.com

Opinion 3

FEB. 20 - FEB 26, 2018


‘Thoughts and prayers’ aren’t enough anymore



eb. 14, a day when love is in the air, and couples show love and affection for one another by buying each other candies and roses. But instead, another school shooting took 17 lives away. A 19-year-old boy, Nikolas Cruz, who was a former student of Stoneman Douglas High School, had a premeditated plan to become “a professional school shooter.” According to Fox News, Ben Bennight, a YouTube video blogger, reported to the FBI that Cruz commented on one of his videos stating he was going to be a professional school shooter. CNN stated, “Law enforcement officers responded to Cruz’s house on 39 occasions over a seven-year period.” Although there were many disturbing signs that should have alerted FBI and police about this young man committing such a heinous crime, they took no actions.

No one seemed alarmed or to care about the Instagram posts of Cruz with guns and knives, or the fact he was in his backyard having shooting practice with a BB gun. There were many signs of a mentally disturbed young man who needed help, but no one took action. What does this say about the people who are in charge of our country? President Donald Trump tweeted, “So many signs that the Florida shooter was mentally disturbed, even expelled from school for bad and erratic behavior. Neighbors and classmates knew he was a big problem. Must always report such instances to authorities, again and again!” Yet, Trump doesn’t mention once about guns being an issue, but instead blames citizens for not reporting Cruz as a problem. A shooting happens, thoughts and prayers go out for the families and loved ones involved, as a country we debate about it for weeks and all of a sudden everyone forgets. Congress doesn’t do anything to stop this, then out of thin air it happens all over again; a vicious cycle, one would say. But when does it stop? No one ever seems to notice the heart of the issue. Our country is more worried about immigration and building a stupid wall. And yet, our last concern is

about the people who are citizens of our country that are willing to do crimes like Cruz did. White males have committed more than half of all the huge massacres in the United States between 1982 and 2017. According to Sky News, 54 of the gunmen were white, 16 were black, and seven each were Latino or Asian. But since more than half of the massacres were done by people that are white, we as a country don’t want to admit this is an issue or even an act of, dare I say it, terrorism. In many perspectives, Americans call this ‘a mentally disturbed person.’ But for some reason, if this person was a person of color it would be labeled differently. Why? What is the real issue here? It seems like our government cares more about guns than shooters taking innocent lives. If no action takes place, school shootings and massacres will continue to happen. Gun control is a topic of discussion that can be an endless debate, but until lack of gun reform directly affects you or someone you know, it is hard to imagine. Let’s change laws now before someone strikes again and takes the lives of innocent people Because we all shouldn’t have to lose someone to know the pain this causes on a community or a home. We need change now. Or are we going to wait for the next massacre?

Using gender-neutral language leads to widespread benefits enough people have experienced trouble coming to terms with the change to the point of openly rejecting it as canon in their country’s history.

To some, it brings proper light to the path of inclusion, the type that has been long overdue for most of human history.




n a world subject to constant and often unmanageable change, it helps to know one element should always be within our control: language. No one knows this better than Justin Trudeau, the 23rd Prime Minister of Canada and a man on a mission to shift the standards of modern language as we know them. Earlier this year, he led the fray as the Canadian Senate passed a bill making the country’s national anthem gender-neutral, according to Merrit Kennedy of NPR. This bill declared “O Canada” was to have its third line reworded from “true patriot love in all thy sons command” to the new and improved lyrics, “in all of us command.” Evidently, there is no such thing as a perfect bill and controversies soon arose. While the bill itself followed a rather steady road to this change, it is no doubt that the past has served as the greatest obstacle for a feat like this to even be accomplished. More than

Take Canadian conservative member of parliament, Bob Saroya, who according to CNN’s Harmeet Kaur, tweeted his disappointment hearing “liberals” had altered the national anthem, claiming “some things just shouldn’t change.” Likewise, Senator Denise Batters admitted her frustration, alleging the change as “shameful,” along with the behavior of each Trudeau-appointed senator, as debate over the matter did not even seem to be an option. On the other side of the coin, author and poet Margaret E. Atwood shares the sentiments of countless men and women, not just Canadians, who are ecstatic with the decision and want to see it become something more. However, the endless paradox of politics continues to rattle, leaving a number of followers celebrating such a change they are convinced is for the greater good in the wake of many more disturbed with what the change represents. To some, it brings proper light to the path of inclusion, the type that has been long overdue for most of human history. This change stands for future aspi-

rations, united with the gender equality a number of Canadian citizens want to recognize in all facets their country has to offer. To those, this is only the beginning, and to others, the beginning of the end. Plenty of critics have no problem calling Trudeau out, labeling him incompetently weak or sycophantic that he actually gave in to the demands of the language police. Ben Shapiro of the Daily Wire even went as far as to call him “a teenage girl in a boy’s body,” when Trudeau referred to “mankind” as “peoplekind” at one of his town hall meetings. The thought of political correction taking over language and ruining how people are meant to use it is a very real concern. To be fair, both sides of the political correctness debate have always been known to overreact to the victories of the opposing side, especially in regards to language. No matter how small or inconsequential, each move made by each side is always taken by the other like a bullet before a suggestion, ultimately shooting down any chance for a worthwhile discourse and equally deterring others from trying. This is but another example. As it stands, yet another line in the sand has been drawn in Canada. Similar to the U.S., this is not the first. Which is why, as soon as someone realizes that the act of replacing a pair of words in a song with a different pair of words drives people to send mean messages to one another over the Internet, the process of democracy starts to lose its luster.

It’s time to help the homeless



ischarging or “dumping” the homeless from hospitals right back on the streets has become an ongoing societal problem that needs to change. With nowhere to go, no safe place to heal, and no one that seems to care, the homeless are often put into a washing machine cycle of going in and out of the hospital. A big contribution to this is having nowhere to fully recover after being discharged. Why do we as a society turn an inhumane blind eye to this issue? On Jan. 9, in Baltimore, hospital staff discharged a homeless woman during a psychotic episode and left her at a city bus stop wearing only a hospital gown and socks in the middle of winter. She was found by a local psychotherapist who called 911. The hospital then sent her to a homeless shelter that same night. According to the Baltimore Sun, “The University of Maryland Medical Center’s top executive, Dr. Mohan Suntha, apologized last week for what happened to the patient, but called it an isolated incident.” But this wasn’t an isolated incident, and is occuring more often now than ever. Just weeks after what happened in Baltimore, a similar story took place in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Aurora Sinai Medical Center discharged a homeless man, wheeled him out in his gown and left him across the street in the cold. This was the second time he had been discharged and left by the medical center. Eva Welch, director of Street Angels Milwaukee Outreach, told Journal Sentinel, “Basic humanity tells you it’s not OK to take a mentally ill person and leave him on a sidewalk like this.” She continued that just two weeks before at the same center, a very similar incident happened. There have been countless statements made by people addressing this nationwide issue; however, it takes more than individual efforts to even come close to eliminating this problem – it takes all humanity to take on this responsibility to morally care for other humans. In Los Angeles, there is a street known as “Skid Row,” which inhabits over 11,000 homeless. According to CBS News, Los Angeles City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo is investigating more than 50 cases of “homeless dumping” on Skid Row. “These may be the perfect victims. Because a homeless individual dumped on Skid Row disappears into the chaos of Skid Row within minutes,” Delgadillo said, “It’s hard for us to find them and then get the evidence that we need.” Because this has recently been such an issue all over the country, steps are being taken towards fixing this brutal treatment of the homeless. According to the Sacramento Bee, officals have introduced a new bill in the California State Senate. Under this bill, “Hospitals would be required to get written confirmation from homeless shelters before discharging patients to those facilities,” the Bee said. This could aid homeless in ensuring they have a safe place to go after being discharged, and are able to get the help they need, without the worry of being ‘patient dumped.’ Homeless need to get the care that every human being gets and deserves. There is no reason to explain this lack of compassion for others. Dumping homeless on the streets does not help their medical issues; it only hinders them later on. They deserve the hospital to treat them as any other patient. People need to take steps similar to the new California bill nationwide to stop this barbaric treatment of the homeless.

Ending food stamps will severely hurt low-income families




n the United States, we pride ourselves on supplying our country with an abundance of food. From the West to the East Coast, fresh food is available in all grocery stores for the consumer. For many, there is no choice because money is low. I used to believe this country put great effort in preventing anybody from going without a meal. President Trump’s proposed plan for food stamp recipients

is challenging this. The Trump administration proposes to save money by taking away half of recipients’ benefits and replace them with a government-selected box of food. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program currently helps people with low incomes have a certain allowance per month to buy food of their choice, according to the New York Times. The United States Department of Agriculture regulates what one can buy with SNAP benefits. The choices are fruits, vegetables, breads, cereals, meat, dairy and seeds. The USDA does not allow people to purchase liquor, beer, cigarettes, soaps, household supplies, hot foods or pet food with SNAP benefits. There is a misconception that people use SNAP benefits mostly for junk food because it stretches their allowance further. In actuality, the USDA does not allow anyone to purchase junk food, including soft drinks, candy and cookies, with SNAP. According to NBC, the government’s current program gives food stamp recipient a payment card to buy the food.

The Trump administration’s plan would mean less access to fresh food. According to the SF Chronicle, half of the benefits people receive would come in the form of a box of non-perishable food, including cheap, government selected items such as peanut butter, beans, pasta and canned food. There would be no fresh fruit, vegetables, or meat under this plan. Representative Jim McGowan, a Democrat from Massachusetts told NBC News, “This sounds like something from the Great Depression, not 2018.” The government would save money by buying in bulk. The government would choose the food, not the recipients. This proposed plan raises more questions than answers. There are no answers regarding how recipients will carry the heavy box home or how the food selection will be adjusted for recipients with allergies. This plan doesn’t sound well thought out at all. The plan doesn’t even answer who will box and distribute the food. It seems easier and more efficient to just send the money to recipients. Many people in support of the plan, including Mick

Mulvaney, director of the office of management and budget, said this program is a way to cut fraud. According to the SF Chronicle, the fraud rate for SNAP is less than 1 percent. The proposed plan seems more complicated and less helpful than the current plan for SNAP. It is not the time to cut costs by reducing food’s quality. Regardless of what the current administration believes, most recipients of SNAP are people who have jobs but don’t make enough to feed their families or disabled people who can’t work. The current administration prides themselves in giving the American people what they want, yet they are proposing a plan where the government decides and controls what some people get to eat. This plan isn’t planned well at all; it’s more complicated and less helpful. Hopefully, there’s no chance of it happening soon. Cutting the food’s quality will only hurt the people that need it to raise themselves up. Low-income Americans are not second class citizens and should have the same quality of food as everyone else.

4 News

FEB. 20 - FEB. 26, 2018


University to highlight food insecurity BROOKLYNN MILLER STAFF WRITER


omelessness in Sonoma County is a reality that is seen daily. According to a final report from the annual countywide homeless census in January, Sonoma County’s overall homeless population shrunk 2 percent from last year, to 2,835, but has been noticeably increasing since the fires in October. Jennielynn Holmes, senior director of shelter and housing at Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Santa Rosa, said, “post October 8, we’re seeing people coming through our doors who we have never seen before.” Previous to the fires, Holmes explained that in the past 5 years homelessness in Sonoma County had been reduced by 37 percent. The next countywide homeless census is scheduled for this Friday, and moving forward, Holmes is “hoping Sonoma county continues to pour out with love, support and charity to continue to rebuild our community.” While homelessness in Sonoma County may be the first thing to come to mind, a recent study by the CSU Chancellor’s Office reminds that students often struggle with hunger and homelessness. The study reported that 41.6 percent of all CSU students report some level of food insecurity; Sonoma State students reported similar results at 40.8 percent. The report also showed 10.9 percent of all CSU students reported experiencing homelessness within the last 12 months; Sonoma State students reporting 10.4 percent. In response to this, Sonoma State President Judy K. Sakaki said, “hunger and homelessness is a significant problem for many college students, including many of

our Sonoma State students. I am deeply troubled that any of our students are food insecure or are having difficulty finding a place to live. Students cannot focus on their studies if they don’t have enough food or are worrying about where to live.” To counteract these statistics and make a positive change in these people’s lives, Sonoma State University on-campus organization, Join Us Making Progress, will be hosting a Hunger and Homelessness Awareness week on campus from Monday to Friday. The purpose of this event is to “This event is designed to educate students about food and housing insecurities as well as give them an opportunity to go out into Sonoma County and volunteer,” said Casey Elbert, director of human services for JUMP. Third year human development major Pricial Madrigal said, “these events really makes me realize what people are going through in my community and how differently people have to live their lives.” Through the multitude of events, JUMP hopes to make students more aware of what some people within the community experience daily. This event encourages SSU students to evaluate their living conditions, and compare it to that of others who may not be as fortunate. “Some of the people who might benefit from this could even be our classmates,” Madrigal said, “and I think that’s crazy. Why wouldn’t we want to help, as a community?” Each day throughout the week, JUMP will offer a variety of events and donation centers on campus. Campus community members can find donation bins in the Student Center all week for them to drop off new hygiene items for nonprofit shelters in Sonoma County. Acceptable items include socks, underwear, deodorant,

toothpaste, razors, hair ties etc. Victoria Parker, SSU student and Human Services coordinator at JUMP, said, “JUMP is focusing on hygiene products as donations because sometimes the need for these items are overlooked.” Various events will be held throughout the week, with the purpose of getting students to better understand what it is like to experience food insecurity. On Monday, in the Alexander Valley room, JUMP had blanket making and movie viewing, where they invited students to create tie blankets that will benefit shelters in Sonoma County. On Tuesday, they will invite students to The Hungry Banquet, where they can experience what it is like to dine in a third world country. JUMP encourages donations at this event as well. While Monday and Tuesday are the only days events will be held on campus, on Wednesday students and volunteers will participate in the Hunger for Change Day of Service, at the Redwood Empire Food Bank. Students can sign up to join JUMP and volunteer at the Redwood Empire Food Bank using the web address https://orgsync.com/145076/forms/301829. In addition to these events, Elbert invites “all students, staff, etc to join in the celebration” of the official “Lobo’s Pantry ribbon cutting next Friday February 23rd at 10am.” President Sakaki is excited to speak at the ribbon cutting where she will be donating items and asking the Sonoma State community to “demonstrate together just how wonderful and caring a community Sonoma State is!” For more information visit jump.humanservices@ sonoma.edu and follow @SSUJUMP on Instagram and Facebook.

COURTESY // Sonoma State University A list of events students can participate in during Hunger and Homelessness Awareness week.

CANVAS: Academic Senate to evaluate use of Moodle in May Continued from Pg.1

According to Sonoma State, Provost Lisa Vollendorf has set aside $300,000 to support training and migration of current courses into a new LMS. The Academic Senate will also use their May 1 meeting date to take recommendations on what LMS is best. While there is no definitive answer from the administration on this may affect student tuition, Dr. Stanny says that students have other concerns. “If I was a student I would also be concerned with a commercial company collecting and using my “personally identifiable information, or PII, and other data from customers and users” said Stanny. The Canvas risk factors detail that they collect PII to “expand and support our business” as well as their practice to “share customers’ or users’ PII with third parties. Santos strongly suggested that students voice their concerns to Canvas representatives and use their

own judgement to determine a stance. Stanny also suggested that students voice support for faculty assistance in training with the new system, as well as stressed the importance of the Academic Technology and Instructional Spaces Subcommittee as a place where opinions can be voiced. Santos acknowledged his heavy use of moodle for not only its teaching ability, but its variety of uses in helping students. “I am guessing that only a fraction of the faculty members are heavy users of Moodle,” said Santos, “I deliver the course contents in many forms using the the site’s most powerful tools, such as randomizing quiz questions. With the detailed criticism of Canvas published online, students are encouraged to read into it further themselves and keep up to date on the coming decision process. Students can find. Stanny’s analysis at (ht t ps://est an ny.com /post / canvas-instructure-financialcondition/).


Hollywood Arclight Shows, a cinema complex in Hollywood, showed ‘Black Panther’ in every theater on opening night. It continues to offer 53 showtimes of ‘Black Panther’ per day. ‘Black Panther,’ a superhero film based on a Marvel comic, is on track to break box office records. It is set to break President’s Day weekend record of $152 million set by Deadpool in 2016 by reaching an estimated $213 million debut.

Parkland, Florida Nikolas Cruz, a 19 year old, allegedly opened fire with a legally purchased AR-15 at Majory Stoneman Douglas High School leaving a death toll of 17, with 23 others being injured on. On Feb. 15, a day after the shooting, Cruz confessed and shared details with authorities. Students, teachers and community have held memorials to mourn the lives of lost loved ones. Cruz had his first live televised appearance in a Broward County circuit court on Monday.

News 5

FEB. 20 - FEB. 26, 2018


Seawolves SPEAK! Are you happy with Moodle?



tudents at Sonoma State University are either well accustomed to or are just beginning to get the hang of the educational platform known as Moodle. The site is platform used by professors to post online assignments, grade updates and teacher announcements in various classes. Despite the constant updates, many students feel happy and comfortable with Moodle. So why is there a talk about switching platforms to another educational site known as Canvas? The STAR interviewed various students to see their opinion on Moodle, and to see if a switch to a new platform is necessary.

“I’m happy with Moodle, but I do think it needs work. I think that switching to Canvas is kind of pointless when we have something that works well, but just needs a little bit of improvement. I don’t think a switch is necessary. I’m currently using a class that has Canvas, and trying to switch over to that just for one class is already complicated enough, so to make that switch for the entire university would be extremely difficult.” Lukas Ozaeta, 3rd year philosophy major

“I think that any platform is going to have its issues and faults, but I think that if we change Moodle to a different type of platform there’s going to be a lot of confusion, because those [who] have been using it over the years are now used to using it. If we do change, the incoming freshman class will have an advantage, but there’s going to be a lot of issues with people who are comfortable with it now. I think maybe changing the way Moodle looks might help, but I don’t think changing it completely to a different source is going to solve the issue. Karolina Majute, 3rd year criminology major

“I am happy with Moodle. It’s easy to use for the most part, as long as teachers don’t make it too busy. It’s simple and I’ve had experience with Canvas. Canvas is very slow on Google Chrome because of how it is browser specific. A switch is not necessary at all, and after all of the Moodle updates, why switch? Moodle has already had enough work put into it so Canvas doesn’t seem worth it.” Austin Barcus, 3rd year sociology major

“I think that Moodle is very user friendly. It’s easy to access, but I also think that it can be really frustrating and pointless if teachers don’t utilize it properly. I think that submitting assignments, getting emails, and checking grades through Moodle is a really useful tool. I think I’m pretty solid with Moodle, but I wish they didn’t update so much because it causes the site to be down a lot, which is frustrating. If Moodle were to switch, it would be a really hard transition.”

“I am very happy with Moodle. As long as we don’t have to pay for it, or the school doesn’t have to pay for it, it seems like a good program and it does its job perfectly fine.” Keegan D’Souza, 3rd year computer science major

“Overall I’d same I’m pretty happy with Moodle. I’ve been here four years and I feel like I’m finally getting the hang of it. I’d rather not make a switch because I’ve been using Moodle for four years already and I feel like it would awful to try to switch over to another platform now. I’ve also used Canvas before and I feel like it’s more complicated than Moodle, and it wouldn’t have a good purpose here at SSU.” Samantha Carcamo, 4th year studio art major.

Taylor Borin, 4th year kinesiology major

Major delays expected on Petaluma Hill Road ASHLEY GIESKE STAFF WRITER


onstruction near Sonoma State University campus is having a major impact on how students, faculty and staff are navigating local streets. And more changes are on the way. One lane on Petaluma Hill Road, the main road many use to to get to campus, will be closed for construction work starting today, causing major delays. Residents and students should start to plan accordingly and make sure they have an accurate travel time. There will be traffic control measures in place to try to help the situation. University District developer Brookfield Homes’ will begin work today to install water mains for its housing development on Rohnert Park Expressway and Petaluma Hill Road. The work is expected to continue for an estimated 12 to 15 days, with the possibility of running longer than that. Brookfield Residential said this project may run into mid-March and will most likely cause some significant delays on Petaluma Hill Road and along the northern border of Sonoma State campus. The instillation of the new water mains will affect the intersection of Rohnert Park Expressway and the

Anderson Ranch Driveway, causing significant delays as the work requires shutting down northbound Petaluma Hill Road, making it a one-lane road until the project is completed. In an email sent out campuswide, Joyce Lopez, vice president for administration and finance at Sonoma State, said students should “make necessary adjustments to allow for additional time arriving to and departing from campus.” This construction comes almost a week after the south side of Rohnert Park Expressway, from Kerry Road to Petaluma Hill Road, needed traffic control measures to allow new streetlights to be installed. The closure of Petaluma Hill Road has many students concerned about their travel times.Rachel Mounce, an SSU sophomore, who takes Petaluma Hill Road to work, said, “It’s already a two-lane street and on normal days when there is minimal traffic, it can make me late to work, or late to class when I am returning from work. Imagining it with any more traffic than it already has because of construction will make everything so much more stressful.” Isabelle Briseno, the president of Alpha Xi Delta, said, “The construction is going to cause such a delay and added time for driving to and from school when the road is already backed up.”

6 Arts

FEB. 20 - FEB. 26, 2018


Passionate minor to major paintings


Fourth year animates with oil on canvas



here are many campus artists that specialize in various mediums of art. One of those artists that stands out is Courtney Engelhardt. A senior at Sonoma State University with one year left before graduation, Engelhardt has been in attendance all four years. Originally from San Diego, Engelhardt found her passion for art in middle school at her grandmother’s Sunday school. Carrying that passion into high school and college, she came to Sonoma State as a sociology major, took an art class her sophomore year, and decided on art as a minor. Engelhardt leans towards oil painting over other mediums, while still enjoying drawing and painting more than sculpting and crafting. Humble and passionate, Engelhardt encourages visits to the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and support for smaller artists in the Bay Area. STAR: When did you first discover you had a passion for art? Engelhardt: I’ve always liked doodling stuff when I was a kid, and did a lot of arts and crafts. It wasn’t until high school when I was a sophomore that I took my first painting class and got into things like oil and acrylic paint. STAR: What got you into art? Did your parents or a teacher have any influence? Engelhardt: “I always remember as a kid, my grandma would have Sunday school classes that we did a lot of arts and crafts in; so she would always get me little paint kits. So I just kept painting and getting nicer paints and brushes, and practiced.” STAR: What kind of classes did you take for art? Engelhardt: In high school, I took beginner’s art and we did small paintings and worked with charcoal. And then in college, I started with a GE, which was beginning painting, [and] fell in love with the art program. So I took intermediate painting and picked up art as a minor. Then I took advance painting last semester and that’s when I decided to bump it up to a major along with my sociology [path]. STAR: Where do you find inspiration for your art? Engelhardt: Well, there isn’t really anything specific that inspires me. I usually just like to mix patterns and colors together that are geometrical and colorful. Lately, I’ve been doing mashups of other things to make a bigger image, and usually I use images I personally take, like from music festivals or when I’m hiking or walking around the city. The more weird it is, the better. STAR: Do you have any favorite artists? Or are there any art exhibits you’ve been to that stood out to you? Engelhardt: I don’t have any specific favorite artists, but I’m attracted to contemporary art and abstract stuff. I really like going to the MOMA in San Francisco and walking up and down the streets and finding cute little pop-up exhibits like I’m window shopping. But I do love looking at a bunch of different artists I find on Instagram like Riley Davis; she’s not famous but her art is really cool.

STAR: What are your favorite and least favorite techniques or mediums to work with? Engelhardt: My favorite would be oil, probably because that’s the most common thing I use and I love how much texture you can get out of it. Depending on what I’m painting, though, I use a lot of different brushes and sizes. I wouldn’t say I have a least favorite, I just use oil paint more than anything [else] is all. I’m always down to try new techniques because it’s fun to do small projects to take a break from my bigger projects. STAR: Do you want to pursue art after college? Engelhardt: I think I want to continue schooling to become a teacher or professor of art but I am still debating since I’m double majoring; so I have a couple options. But I’m still unsure. I’m not opposed to continuing art somehow. STAR: Have you won any awards or been featured in any exhibits? Engelhardt: I won this national computer art contest in the fifth grade and I won $300 for it. In my hometown in San Diego, there were these Oceanside competitions I would be in throughout middle school and high school. And I’ve been in SSU’s Annual Juried Exhibition. But nothing too major. STAR: What projects are you currently working on? Engelhardt: I’m doing a couple things. One thing’s for my beginning printmaking class and I’m carving out a stamp on a 2x3 foot wood board with wood chisels. Other than that, I’m not working on anything too big; I just like to mess around with different sized canvases and paint when I have time. At home I have a couple canvases with completely different images that I’m doing just to test stuff out before I go into my classes and start a large-scale project. STAR: What are your favorite pieces you’ve made during your time here at Sonoma State? that you are most proud of and what were they for? Engelhardt: One of my favorites that is in my living room is a painting of Chance the Rapper that I did for an assignment in my beginning painting class because it has these cool color swirls and I put a few different layers that really makes the whole painting pop. Another one is something I never named, but I describe it as the “Avocado Painting” that I did in my advance painting class; it has a bunch of pictures I collected that I made a collage out of and mashed together. I still don’t know what it really is, but I know I love how it turned out, and that one is also in my living room on the wall. And the third painting I am proud of would be one I did for my final project in my advance painting class that is a little hard to describe. But there’s a naked lady covered in flowers with this abstract background that took me a really long time to commit to. That took a lot of trial and error and testing on smaller scale canvases.

COURTESY // Courtney Engelhardt “Avacado Painting” “Unitiled”

‘Altered Carbon’ puts new twists on utopian societies Review CARLY WADE STAFF WRITER


etflix has changed the game when it comes to new and unique television series. In the past five years Netflix has created and produced popular shows like “Stranger Things,” “Orange is the New Black,” “House of Cards” and as of Feb. 2, “Altered Carbon.” This new action-packed, sci-fi drama is based on the science fiction novel printed in 2002, “Altered Carbon,” by Richard Morgan. This book, and now Netflix’s newest series, takes place in a futuristic and dystopian San Francisco, now known as Bay City. The show uses landmarks like Alcatraz Island and the Golden Gate Bridge to further the belief that this is in fact San Francisco, but far into the future. The show revolves around the murder of Laurens Bancroft, played by James Purefoy, who’s a Meth; the name for people who are rich enough to continue living indefinitely because of their wealth. In this futuristic show, people can continue living, even if they’ve faced something that would normally kill them, such as

being shot, brutally beaten or even aging; all of which the series portrays. The extended life is a result of people containing a “stack” in the vertebrae in the back of their necks. A “stack” is similar to an external hard drive that contains all human consciousness and memories; Without one, they cannot live. Keeping with the futuristic elements in the show, each individual’s body is known as a “sleeve” and one can substitute it for another sleeve if it becomes damaged. However, changing into another sleeve is only possible if the person has an unharmed stack, and the costly process makes it unaffordable for many. If they damage the sleeve and affect the stack, the person experiences actual death. People like Bancroft, the Meths, have multiple sleeves lined up and ready for use if their current sleeve gets damaged, like Bancroft’s sleeve that got shot. The Meth’s have their stacks wirelessly backed up to satellites in the sky, and the back-ups occur every 48 hours. If the back-up of the stack does not occur, all memory of the past 48 hours, or until the last backup, is lost. This creates the element of suspense and the unknown to the show, which viewers find addicting. The first episode kicks off with Bancroft hiring a man named Takeshi Kovacs,

played by Joel Kinnaman. Viewers are watching as a man comes to life after being in a vacuum-sealed bag, unconscious for centuries. The man has incredible strength and is very confused as to where he is. Viewers find out shortly that this is Kovacs being resleeved into another man’s body at the Alcatraz Center, where all resleeving occurs. Kovacs is the last-standing Envoy of his time. Envoys were people trained to have a sixth sense. They could sense how people were feeling, fight like no other, and believed that stacks would ultimately bring a dark light into society, which is why the wealthy killed them off. The whole season we learn more and more about Kovacs through flashbacks into his Envoy life and discover the truth as to what happened to Laurens Bancroft. Besides the thought that this could very well be our future, just like a “Black Mirror” episode, this show brings up religious beliefs as well. Even in this portrayed future, there is a small group of the population who are Catholic. They believe that once a person dies, their soul goes to Heaven, so they do not believe in being resleeved. This belief makes them a target to face real death, so their sleeve can be used again. Since the murderers destroy their stacks, the Catholics cannot be re-

sleeved to testify. “Altered Carbon” has many layers to it, and it’s most definitely a show where viewers must pay attention to every detail and every line, or else the viewer will miss out on an important piece to the puzzle. This show deals with violence, sex, a dystopian future and human values. Each episode is around an hour long, and so far, there’s only one season on Netflix with 10 episodes. According to Nexflixlife, “Altered Carbon” could very well be a oneand-done series. The show only reached a quarter of the viewings that the very talked-about show “Stranger Things” reached, which was around 10 million viewers. Because this show has so much information crammed into each episode, viewers lose interest, as it is too much of a commitment. The show has so many elements to it that can either make or break it. At some point it can get ridiculous how many twists and turns there are, where it seems like the writers ran out of content and had to keep the show going for a couple of episodes. It’s up to the viewer if they want to stick around and wait for the murder of Bancroft to be solved in this new unique future, or binge-watch a different show.

FEB. 20 - FEB. 26, 2018


Entertainment 7

cnnmoney.com With a 49-minute runtime, the “Black Panther” spundtrack skyrocketed to the top of the Billboard 200 after over 150,000 units in its first week. (Pictured: Chadwick Boseman as Black Panther.)

Kendrick Lamar’s ‘Black Panther’ production shatters expectations Review RENEE RODGERS



yrical genius and icon to many, Kendrick Lamar has done it again. On Feb. 9, he and the members of Top Dawg Entertainment dropped “Black Panther,” a soundtrack with music from and inspired by the new Marvel Studios film, “Black Panther.” As co-executive producer with writing credits on all 14 tracks, rapping isn’t the only thing Lamar can deliver. With the help of chart-topping creators including SZA, Khalid, The Weeknd, ScHoolboy Q, 2 chainz and Future, the album debuted at number one on the

Billboard 200. Alongside Lamar is producer Sounwave, who continues to prove his producing skills by creating the perfect transition of beats from one voice to the next. The album begins with Lamar rapping as the superhero’s alter ego, T’Challa, king of the fictional African nation of Wakanda. He highlights the importance of the film’s comic book politics in the lyrics, reciting “What do you stand for? Are you an activist?” While focusing on the film in his songs he also relates himself back to the music by calling himself “King Kendrick.” The song “Pray For Me,” featuring The Weeknd, is an upbeat addition to his work. Lamar’s meaningful lyrics, “I fight the world, I fight you, I fight myself/ I fight God, just tell me how many burdens left,” gives purpose

behind the piece. Lamar teased fans back in January with the release of “All The Stars,” featuring SZA. Its soft bass paired with Solana’s angelic range skyrocketed its popularity, giving the upcoming release attention. As well as many A-list music artists included in this album, Lamar joined forces with talented South African musician Sjava, who pairs up with Mozzy and Reason in the song “Seasons,” which brought traditional African-American sounds to the track. English Songwriter Jorja Smith sings “When you know what you got, sacrifice ain’t that hard,” in the featured song, “I Am.” Smith alludes to the fact that everyone has a certain purpose in life. “The Ways,” where Khalid and Swae Lee come together to give the al-

bum a softer, more heartfelt sound, contrasts with “Big Shot,” featuring Travis Scott. The call-and-respond, bass-heavy duet feels like an unreleased Birds in the Trap Sing McKnight demo. SOB X BRE, a Bay Area-based rap group, was given the spotlight in Kendrick’s song “Paramedic!” Widely known for their track “Anti,” this monumental move for SOB X BRE will grow their fanbase tremendously with the help of Kendrick. Director Ryan Coogler said Lamar was an easy choice for creating the soundtrack, not because of his wellknown name but because of his art. Kendrick’s piece of work is powerful in more ways than one. Not only is the music highly enjoyable, but you can feel Kendrick’s passion. It grips your heart and tells a story about the first AfricanAmerican superhero, Black Panther.

Rising ticket prices reflect higher expectations



ontemplating whether to buy a house used to be the typical stressful, daunting personal investment. Now, it’s deciding whether to drop what’s left in your checking account to see Beyoncé. It is not a surprise ticket sales have increasingly gotten more expensive as each year passes; not only for concerts and music festivals, but any event held in a venue. According to Statista, the global average price for a general admission ticket in 2015 was $78.77. According to Business Insider, fans paid an average of $469 to see Adele during her 2016 tour; making her the number one most expensive artists fans paid to see. Now in 2017, the average ticket price has risen to $84.63. This may not seem like a big jump, but take into account this is the general price for the cheapest tickets, which sell out the fastest, and more often than not are nosebleeds. The common assumption is the artists and companies putting on these events want to drain us for every penny we have, but that actually may not be the case. From a supply and demand stance, the more people who want a particular artist the more they are willing to pay. A less mainstream band, such as The 1975, would obviously have more affordable tickets compared to someone whose continuously topping the Billboard charts. The industry’s top artists make millions in ticket sales after a national or international tour; unless you’re Queen B and make a quarter billion dollars from the 2016 Formation World Tour. However, they do not get to pocket 100 percent of those profits. The bigger the production, the more money there is to divvy out between the background dancers, stage crew, and everyone else involved. But let’s not forget about those hidden booking and other additional fees that catch up to you at the end and hike up the ticket price even more. The shift in expectations that directly influence prices share the blame. Shows today are becoming major spectacles; less focus on the music and more focus on theatricality. This change is partly to do with the fans developing a higher set of expectations for the artists; they want to make sure they will wow the audience and they do not want to waste their money or time.

However, it seems as if artists are also trying to one-up each other on who can make the biggest statement, such as Kanye West performing on a flying stage on his Saint Pablo Tour in 2016. The saying “you get what you pay for” plays into this situation of rising ticket prices. When an artist invests a great deal of money into their tour, they expect to make a profit. The extra time and money artists provide the fans to give them an one-of-a-kind experience is then reflected in the inflated prices. There are few artists, such as Ed Sheeran, who still hold true to old school values. However, Sheeran’s simple, emotional performances with just him and his guitar end up costing almost as much as a Kanye West extravaganza. Popularity is not the only factor that experts correlate to increasing ticket prices. As technology evolves, so does the way we buy and listen to music. With streaming apps such as Spotify, Pandora and Apple Music the need for people to buy physical albums has significantly decreased. Artists are seeing a radical decline in record sales and need to compensate for that lost income somewhere else, like touring. There are a few ways you can avoid the expensive tickets and save some of your paycheck. If you buy the ticket in person at the venue, there is a chance you may avoid paying those hidden fees mentioned earlier. Presale tickets tend to be cheaper, but this system has a loophole: only holders of certain credit cards, like American Express, have access to this opportunity. If you are not an American Express cardholder, there seems to only be one more option to satisfy your money-saving needs; secondary market sites such as StubHub and TickPick. Secondary market sites are ways to get concert, sports or other kinds of tickets at a bidding price from a particular seller. With these sites it is all about timing; if you look too far in advance you might pay even more than the face value of the ticket, because now the seller wants to make a profit. However, if you buy the ticket the day before or of the event, then there is a greater chance of savings. Hopefully, there will be a point where ticket prices have reached their peak and at least, for our bank accounts’ sake, will remain stagnant or, in an ideal world, will start to decrease.

Rising brand creates and caters to survivors MADISON VILLALOBOS



s powerful and upbeat music filled the room, 30 magnificent women, aged 20 to 50, strutted down the catwalk in a variety of loungewear, swimwear and undergarments, along with a massive amount of confidence. These athletes, musicians, educators and activists are all breast cancer survivors, set to expose breast cancer’s reality, as well as their own strength and determination in fighting through their battle. These women were from all over the country, with different diagnoses, surgeries and experiences. Dana Donofree, founder of AnaOno, has created a company “for women with breast cancer, by women for breast cancer,” as stated on her site. Catering to the garment needs of cancer survivors, AnaOno designs pieces that both fit the aesthetic needs of the wearer, and the comfortability needed after undergoing surgery, reconstruction or other conditions that bring discomfort. Partnering with “#Cancerland,” a New York based non-profit dedicated to changing the conversation about breast cancer, AnaOno displayed its collection on Feb. 11 during its fashion show at Art Hearts Fashion in New York Fashion Week. According to the website, 100 percent of all ticket sales went directly to help breast cancer patients through “#Cancerland.” Fifty percent of those funds went to research, while the other 50 went to create media content that educates and changes the conversation about breast cancer. This is the second year “#Cancerland” has participated in New York Fashion Week. The show is known for putting a spotlight on real women from all over the world who lived with breast cancer. It continues to generate authentic dialogue about the realities of the disease. The people at “#Cancerland” emphasize that these women walking, all volunteers, and those affected by breast cancer will not settle for anything other than a cure for this horrific epidemic. Some of the women who walked in the show proudly revealed their mastectomy scars, pairing them with confident smiles. The faces and bodies of the individuals who walked down the runway were inspiring to say the least; forced to deal with something as challenging as cancer, but then come out smiling, feeling more empowered than ever. These women battled for their lives, and came out

anaona.com Started in 2011, AnaOno is built around transforming something clinical to something livable. stronger than ever before. Designer Dana Donofree explained to AOL the opportunity to display the minimal differences between survivors; how visible scars don’t diminish the empowerment, strength and beauty inside all the women. More so now than ever, the modeling industry is shedding what’s been projected as perfect, and transforming it to a woman who is confident and happy in their own skin. From supermodels, plus size models or breast cancer survivors, they all have one thing in common; the confidence to walk down a runway. It’s taken a while to get to this point, but look how far the industry has come. With events and shows like this one, society is starting to accept themselves for who they are, rather compare themselves to others.

8 Student Life

FEB. 20 - FEB. 26, 2018


SSU welcomes new UndocuResource Center director STEPHANIE BAUTISTA STAFF WRITER


t the age of 16, Rosa Salamanca Moreira made her journey to the U.S, traveling from El Salvador to Los Angeles to join her family. Born and raised in El Salvador, Rosa came to the states with no prior knowledge of the English language nor did she know much about the lifestyle she would encounter in the U.S. Moving to Los Angeles was the first step in what would later create the pathway to her devotion for helping the needs and providing support for undocumented students. Her newly position as director of the Undocu Resource Center has given her the chance to recreate how the campus welcomes undocumented students and how resources will be made easily attainable. At her high school in Los Angeles, Rosa found a program called the Newcomer Center that helped students who had recently arrived to the United States from different parts of the world. This program offered a group of students the opportunity to meet others who were going through similar experiences and find the help needed to succeed in their education. “As a teenager, going through adolescence at the time, it was difficult being able to transition into a place I didn’t know, especially trying to understand the language and being able to succeed”, said Salamanca. At the beginning of her senior year in high school she had come across the Undocumented Students Club that had been formed and funded by two of her friends. At the end of that year she had been asked to take on the lead position for this organization, and regardless of her skepticism at the time, she decided to take the offer. “For me being able to be in a program that helped me transition made me realize how having a place where you are able to relate to others and feel that you aren’t alone was so important”, said Salamanca. Eventually she made her way to CSU Northridge where she helped fight for a Dream Center. Soon after, she continued to work for nonprofits and other organizations to provide support for undocumented populations. Her background and experience with

STAR // Gabriella Novello Salamanca strives to provide support to undocumented students at the UndocuResource Center. undocumented students has provided her the tools and skills needed to implement new ideas for Sonoma State. “I see an opportunity at the university where I can create a place similar to the one I come from,” said Salamanca. “The place that I was able to benefit from, to create a space for students where they can go

“For me being able to be in a program that helped me transition made me realize how having a place where you are able to relate to others and feel that you aren’t alone was so important.” to, which is the main reason I came here.” Omar Santiago, a senior history major says, “She brings professionalism with the way she carries herself and the way she approaches students, but at the same time she is very welcoming.”

With the power Rosa’s position holds she hopes to create a welcoming place for undocumented students and to create an immigrant friendly campus for all students. She wants to ensure that they are being heard and that at the end of the day those needs are being met. Her primary goal is to show the UndocuResource Center and its members that they have a place that will support them and provide the necessary information and tools to succeed in their college career. She believes that the barriers these students face can affect their success in all aspects of their lives, Rosa is determined to break these barriers and find opportunities for students. Maria Nolasco-Ramirez a senior anthropology and chicano latino studies major says, “Her job now is to make sure undocumented students aren’t thrown under the bus, she has to make sure that we are getting the resources that we need, not what the university thinks we need.”

“Vagina Monologues” performer inspired by show KATHRYN CATANZARITE



ith powerful performances, the “Vagina Monologues” closed their annual performance at Sonoma State last week. “The Vagina Monologues”, a theater production written by Eve Ensler, discusses the good and bad experiences women have with their vaginas and the experiences within the LGBTQ+ community and is an annual event on campus. This year, the cast and crew was composed of 74 people, most of whom are SSU students. Profits of the show were donated to Verity, a non-profit that strives to end all forms of violence such as sexual assault and abuse. First time performer, Estephanie Ascencio, a junior communications major, was first inspired by the show during her freshman year as an extra credit assignment. “I decided I wanted to join and be a part of something so empowering and I finally found the courage to join as a third year,” Ascencio said. Julia Kistner, a junior communications major and director of the show, said that although it was Ascencio’s first time performing, she was a

great a great addition to “The Vagina Monologues.” “She’s such an easy going and positive person and she definitely brought her personality into her performance,” said Kistner. Although she was nervous to perform in the show for the first time, Ascencio found immense support from her friends and her V supporters who are, “people in our lives who we feel empower and support us.” According to Ascencio the overall themes of The Vagina Monologues, “range from the acceptance of women’s sexuality, to the end of rape and violence, to the understanding of transgender experiences.” This year the proceeds from ticket sales will be going towards Verity which is a crisis hotline and support system in Sonoma County for anyone who is a victim of sexual assault or abuse. They provide services such as counseling, intervention, and educate the community on prevention of sexual assault and abuse. “The importance of “Vagina Monologues” goes beyond just raising money,” said Ascencio. “The most important part is the conversations that come out of our show.” She hopes that by doing the show people will continue

to talk about these issues and make a change. “Change happens when a spark is ignited within someone,” Ascencio said. “‘Vagina Monologues” is that f lame that ignites that spark, and we are the voices of everyone who can’t or won’t be heard.” With this being her first performance, Ascencio has made some amazing memories and she plans on participating next year during her senior year. Being part of the cast of “The Vagina Monologues” has been an experience that Ascencio will never forget. She even hopes to carry the things that she has learned by integrating “The Vagina Monologues” into whatever career she decides to pursue after college. “It was so great to see how much being in The Vagina Monologues positively impacted her life,” said Kistner. Ascencio is very grateful to have been a part of something as special and empowering as “The Vagina Monologues” that she said, “works towards creating change for important ongoing issues in the world.” “Thank you to the directors of the Vagina Monologues 2018 production, and the amaz-

Courtesy of Estephanie Ascencio First time performer Estephanie Ascencio says she was inspired by being part of the show. ing cast I got to be a part of for creating some amazing memo-

ries that I will cherish forever,” said Ascencio. “I love you all.”

Students find study space at Charlie Brown’s Cafe

STAR // Gabriella Novello Students in search of a quiet study spot can often find space on campus. Charlie Brown’s Cafe provides indoor and outdoor space for student use.

Student Life 9

FEB. 20 - FEB. 26, 2018


Makerspace provides space for creation, includes 3D printing and virtual reality systems CHRISTIAN FRANCISCO



onoma State University’s Makerspace is a place where students can dream, make and innovate. The addition of the Makerspace facility on SSU’s campus gives opportunity for students to learn about the technological world. It’s free for all students and they are encouraged to take this opportunity to better prepare themselves for the rapidly advancing technological world. Makerspace is located on the second f loor of the Sonoma State library and is open Monday through Thursday from noon to 8 p.m. and Fridays from noon to 5 p.m. Professor Jeremy Qualls of the physics department has been funding Makerspace for about four years with the help of colleague and SSU professor, Jonathan Smith. After years of planning, the National Science Foundation offered a grant to fund Makerspace on Sonoma State’s campus and on Oct. 4, 2017 they successfully created this facility for students to have the chance to learn about the technological advancements we have in our palms today. Students utilize Makerspace for various reasons, whether it is using the

3D printer to create prototypes or artistic sculptures, or using the electronics to digitize designs into clothes through the sewing machine and printing press, or wielding electronics through their soldering devices, or using the engraving and milling machine to make arts and crafts. Jorge Bautista, a senior physics major, is a regular at Makerspace and thinks that everything that Makerspace has to offer can be valuable to all students. “It can definitely be beneficial to students who are interested in DIY projects or creating things like an art major,” said Bautista. “You don’t need to be a S.T.E.M major to utilize the tools.” The equipment offered at Makerspace includes 3D printers to create any three-dimensional objects, 3D scanners to digitize the shape and form of architectural structures, and arts and crafts that are free for any student to use. There are also cutting and engraving machines, sewing machines, a printing press, and a Virtual Reality system to create realistic experiences. Staffers and regular visitors encourage students to come in and experience what it’s offered, since it is free for use to all SSU students. The goal of



Feb. 20

Feb. 22

The Hunger Banquet


7 p.m.

11 a.m.

Ballroom A

Salazar 1070


Soul Food Special Dinner

Feb. 21

5 p.m.

Women of Color

The Kitchens

Collective Noon



Feb. 23 Lobo’s Pantry Ribbon

ASP Open Mic Night


8 p.m.

10 a.m.


Zinfandel Plaza

STAR // Gabriella Novello Students at Makerspace taking advantage of the equipment and support provided at the facility. Makerspace is to encourage creativity and inquiry by providing students with the tools to do so. Workshops are offered at Makerspace in every category for those who still have questions or are unsure on how to use the equipment, whether it’s a Makerspace introduction or an introduction to 3D printing. Sienna Juarez, a senior Hutchins major, is another student who utilizes the Makerspace facility and has an ap-

preciation for what it has to offer. “Makerspace allows students to develop their creative skills and allows them to learn about technologies they may not have not had access to before,” said Juarez. “I’ve gone to Makerspace a handful of times, and I know that Makerspace would be beneficial to all students.” For more information or to schedule workshop appointments, visit library.sonoma.edu/makerspace.

10 Sports

FEB. 20 - FEB. 26, 2018


Women’s basketball team split weekend in Southern California In order to qualify for the CCAA Tournament as the No. 8 seed, The Seawolves need to win its final two home games, and Cal State San Bernardino has to lose its final regular season game.



he Sonoma State University women’s basketball season is coming to an end and looking ahead to playoff potential. The Seawolves are barely reaching the qualifications for playoffs with a current overall record of 11-13 this season. As the 20172018 season comes to an end, the team continues to face multiple obstacles. Even though it was defeated at the home of Cal Poly Pomona Broncos Friday night, a win against Cal State San Bernardino on Saturday redeemed the team’s hopes. Friday night was not the easiest night for the Seawolves, as they ended the night with a loss of 65-59. The results of this game led the Broncos closer to reaching their No. 2 seed within the CCAA league. They did this by scoring 27 points from Sonoma’s turnovers, and although the night may not have ended in Sonoma’s favor, the girls put up a fight. The team’s offense managed to hit 23 of 45 attempts, giving the team a 51.1 percent shooting average. Jessica Mitz was the leading scorer for this game with 15 points, and Madison Burroughs was right behind her with 10 points for the night. The Seawolves made one last effort before the game ended when Jerrica Crosby brought the Seawolves to a lead of 52-47 with only 7:33 minutes left in the game. Unfortunately, the Broncos went full force and scored 12 back-to-back points, which eventually ended the game. “We had more turnovers this weekend than we normally hold ourselves accountable for,” Burroughs said. Saturday was a new day for the Sonoma Seawolves. The team beat the Cal State Bernadino Coyotes 53-51, proving they deserve to be a part of the CCAA tournament. Ugochi Anudokem was the scoreboard leader as the only player to carry double digits. She held 20 points for the game and 12 rebounds. Mitz and Serena Santos tied with nine points each to help the Seawolves with their win. “We took that feeling we had [losing to the Broncos] and brought it to the court the next day,” said Serena Santos. This upcoming weekend will be the real deciding factor whether the team will participate in the CCAA tournament for its second year in a row. It will need to win its next two home games against Humboldt and Chico, and Cal State San Bernardino will need to lose its next home game in order for the Seawolves to hold the No. 8 seed. As the season comes to an end, it’s important to reflect on some highlights of the women’s basketball’s journey. Burroughs hit her 1,000th career point against Cal State San Marcos on Feb. 3. Sonoma State announced Anudokem as player of the week on multiple occasions, including the same day Anokedem reached a career high of 23 points. The Seawolves’ highest scoring game was against Holy Names on Nov. 14, with a score of 78-46. Throughout the season, the unit never allowed themselves to be discouraged “Everyone can see our passion and heart everytime we play,” Anudokem said.

STAR // Christine von Raesfeld (Top to bottom) Jessica Mitz hits a jumper, Ugochi Anudokem launches for tipoff, Serena Santos defends her opponent.

Sports Schedule Friday Feb. 23 Men’s Tennis vs Western New Mexico (in Phoenix, AZ) 9 a.m. vs Colorado Mesa 2:30 p.m. Women’s Tennis vs Western New Mexico (in Phoenix, AZ) 11 a.m. vs Colorado Mesa (in Glendale, AZ) 4:30 p.m.

Softball vs Cal State Monterey Bay Noon & 2 p.m. Baseball vs Chico State 2 p.m.

Saturday Feb. 24 Men’s Tennis vs St. Edward’s (in Phoenix, AZ) 9 a.m.

Women’s Basketball vs Humboldt State 5:30 p.m.

Women’s Tennis vs St. Edward’s (in Glendale, AZ) 11 a.m.

Men’s Basketball vs Humboldt State 7:30 p.m.

Baseball vs Chico State 11 a.m.

Softball vs Cal State Monterey Bay 12 p.m. & 2 p.m. Women’s Water polo vs Indiana (in Santa Clara) 11:40 a.m. vs Redlands 3:40 p.m. Women’s Basketball vs Chico State 5:30 p.m. Men’s Basketball vs Chico State 7:30 p.m.

Sunday, Feb. 25 Women’s Tennis vs Arizona Christian (in Phoenix, AZ) 8:30 a.m. Women’s Waterpolo vs UC Davis (in Santa Clara, CA) 10:40 a.m. Monday, Feb. 26 Men’s Golf Bay Area Invitational

Young talent showcases Seawolves’ depth

sonomaseawolves.com No. 33 Seawolf pitcher Michael Byerline. Jessica Bennett STAFF WRITER


t the age of 5, just starting off tee-ball, Michael Byerline picked up a bat and ball and fell in love with America’s favorite pastime. Since then, his love for the sport of baseball has only continued to grow.

Throughout the years, Byerline’s love for the sport has never died, and he has his mom and her continuous motivation to thank. The words “How much do you want it?” is a constant drive that pushed him to make it this far in his baseball career. Byerline came to Sonoma State University as a freshman, only pitching six innings that entire season. His current junior year has proven Byerline an essential member to the Sonoma State Baseball pitching staff. As a right-handed pitcher, Sonoma State’s No. 33 has already made an outstanding appearance in this 2018 season by getting the final out and finishing off Holy Names, 7-6. Being able to start, relieve and close, Michael has high hopes for a successful season with the Seawolves. Throughout the years, Byerline has discovered a few of his favorite and least favorite pitches. “My favorite pitch would have to be the splitter that I throw. Not very many people know how to throw it and this pitch seems to work out really well for me,” he said. However, Byerline’s change-up is a different story. “The most challenging pitch for me to throw is a change-up,” he said, “which is really weird because almost every pitcher at the collegiate level knows how to throw one, but I have never been able to for some reason.” Byerline’s catcher, Patrick Tolbert, agrees. “Byerline’s best pitch has to be his splitter. During a mound visit I just tell him to find the zone with the fastball first. He’s knows what to do and how to get it done,” Tolbert said. Stepping aside from the different styles of pitching Byerline is capable of, he’s not the biggest fan of

pick-offs but understands that they are all a part of the game. “I am not a fan of pick-offs because it is just another thing that I have to worry about when I am pitching,” he said. At just the age of 20, Sonoma State’s right handed pitcher Byerline is already a draft prospect from some top MLB American League teams. Byerline has a consistency speed of hitting in the high eighties (87-88 miles per hour) and every once in a while the low nineties. He’s well aware of just how much hard work goes into achieving successful outcomes on and off the field. Michael’s teammates could not agree more with his hard work ethic and delivery on the mound. “He impacts the team by leading by example and letting his actions speak louder than his words,” Tolbert said. Senior outfielder No. 19 Jake Sahagian remembers Byerline as a freshman. “My first overall impression of Byerline was how he is a hard-working guy. He wants to succeed every time he steps out onto the mound,” he said. “As an outfielder I have complete confidence in all my teammates, including Byerline, to play hard. I know he is going to give it his all every time he gets out there. And if our coach has the confidence to throw him up on the mound then it is my job as a position player behind Byerline to trust that he will get the job done to the best of his ability.” Byerline and the Seawolves will play Chico State this weekend, starting Friday at 2 p.m. through to Sunday.

Sports 11

FEB. 20 - FEB. 26, 2018


Seawolves swept in Southern California TANNER GUNNING STAFF WRITER


onoma State University men’s basketball looked to snap its fivegame losing streak when it traveled down to Southern California to face the Broncos at Cal Poly Pomona on Friday night. The Broncos came into the game with the best record in the CCAA with an 18-5 record and a 15-4 mark in the conference. The Seawolves, lead by top scorer Armani Nicolis, came into the contest with a 9-13 record and a 7-11 total during conference play. The game started off a little on the slower side, with neither team scoring for more than two minutes into the game, then Jackson Gion got it going. The senior guard got it started for the Seawolves, making the first two baskets for the team, a pair of 3-pointers. Buckets then followed from Lewayne Grant, Eric Nielsen, Mason Phillips and Nicolis all contributing to the early Sonoma State lead. They would maintain that lead for most of the first half. At one point the Seawolves got the lead to 10 with 4:42 left in the first half. When asked what was working for the team, guard Jordan Fleck noted the strong defensive play. “Yeah, the 2-3 zone defense we were playing was definitely working for us. It also helped on the offensive side; we would get rebounds off misses and then run in transition, which is a big strong suit of this team, and it has been all year,” Fleck said. When the Seawolves got their 10-point lead late in the first half, the Broncos started to pull themselves back into the fold. Pomona began making its shots on the 2-3 defense, which is one that calls on the offense to make its outside shots in to be successful. Pomona started to go on a scoring run of its own, so when the Seawolves were clinging to a two point lead, halftime couldn’t have come at a better time. Unfortunately for Sonoma State, that two-point lead that it held at the half was the last time it saw its name on top for the rest of the night. The Broncos went on a 13-2 scoring run to start the second half and never looked back. The Seawolves did not score their first points of the second half until almost halfway through the half, and by that time it was too late. Behind their home crowd, the offense of Pomona, lead by junior guard Jordan Ogundiran, was simply too much for Sonoma State to keep up with. Gion lead the team with 12 points, but the Seawolves eventually ended up getting outscored 38-23 in the second half, and

lost the contest 64-51. The Seawolves dropped to 9-14 (7-12), while the Broncos improved to 19-5 (16-4) on the season. Sonoma State tried to write a different tale on Saturday than the one it had on Friday, when they faced the Cal State San Bernardino Coyotes. The game, held in San Bernardino, was a contest that the Seawolves needed to win to stop a six-game losing streak. “We are going to play as a unit and have each other’s back no matter what, through thick and thin, through the ups and downs,” Fleck said. This resilience and the relentlessness to win has been keeping this team clicking this year. Through all the scoring difficulties and the new faces, it has stuck together and fought each game. As for the game, the Seawolves came out hot, but unfortunately for them, the Coyotes came out even hotter. The Coyotes let it fly from the field early on, and they were connecting at a high rate from the get-go. The Seawolves, though never touching a lead in the first half, kept the game within reach by plugging away with key baskets to stop a big San Bernardino run. Whenever the Coyotes wanted to pull away and make it a blowout, the Seawolf defense would create a turnover and a transition basket to stop the run. With this happening, Sonoma State brought the lead down to nine heading into the locker room after the first half. As they have shown all year, the Seawolves weren’t going to go down without a fight. They started the second half with five straight points on their way to a 15-8 scoring run through the first 10 minutes of the second half to cut the Coyote lead to two at 39-37. Just like Fleck had said before the game, the keys of having each other’s backs and turning defense into offense with fast breaks was working well for them. That two-point lead didn’t hold up for very long, and the Coyotes started to pull away with a scoring run of their own. Behind their home crowd of 410 people, the team from Southern California closed the game on a 28-17 run, to put to rest any ideas that Sonoma State had of making a comeback on the road. The Seawolves ended up losing the game by a score of 6754, moving their losing streak to seven and making their record 9-15 (7-13). Cal State San Bernardino, on the other hand, gained a big win in their quest to be above .500 for the season. They improved to 13-12 (11-10) on the season and have one matchup left with conference rival Cal Poly Pomona. The Seawolves are back in action Friday to face the Jacks of Humboldt State. Tipoff is set for 7:30 p.m. STAR // Sara Wildman

This week in Sonoma State sports: Recap:

Photo Gallery:

Men’s Basketball Overall: (9-15)

2/16 Loss against Cal State Pomona (51-64) 2/17 Loss against Cal State San Bernardino (54-67)

Women’s Basketball Overall: (11-13)

2/16 Loss against Cal State Pomona (59-65) 2/17 Win against Cal State San Bernardino (53-51)

Men’s Tennis Overall: (2-2)

2/17 Loss against UC Davis

Women’s Tennis Overall: (4-1)

2/17 Win against UC Santa Cruz (9-0) 2/18 Win against Westmont (8-1)

Softball Overall: (10-4)

2/16 Win against Cal State Dominguez Hill (6-2) (2-1) 2/17 Win against Cal State Dominguez Hill (7-0) (3-2)

Women’s Water Polo Overall: (0-5)

2/17 Loss against Fresno Pacific (10-11)

Women’s Golf Mikuni Sushi Shootout 4th of 7

sonomaseawolves.com (Top to bottom) Jenna DeTurk and Carolyn Brooner celebrate a doubles victory, Igor Pissarenko connects with the ball, Sarah Langley prepares to run the bases and Taylor Brown looks to pass the ball.

12 Photo Seawolves sweep Dominguez Hills

FEB. 20 - FEB. 26, 2018


STAR // Justin Santos Karly Macadangdang, No. 11, steps up to the plate.

STAR // Justin Santos No. 20, Lindsey Calcify Blair stands ready for the pitch.

STAR // Justin Santos The infielders gather for a pep talk as the game starts

STAR // Justin Santos Assistant Coach Andrew Rich talks with No 2. Julie Davis before the game to give some encouragement.

STAR // Justin Santos No. 11, Karly Macadangdang and fellow teammates warm up on the field before the game.

STAR // Gabriella Novello STAR // Christine von Raesfeld

Dillon Ireland, a student worker, showing a guest around the Makerspace.

No. 9, Lily Carlon looks for an angle to try to score a goal.

STAR // Christine von Raesfeld No. 12, Taylor Brown takes a shot on goal.

STAR // Gabriella Novello Kathy Funk-Spicher working on a project in the Makerspace, located on the second floor of the Information Center.

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