Volume 80 // Issue 7

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IN THIS A Wrinkle In Time Disney’s much-anticipated movie fails ISSUE to connect to an older crowd with cliché lines and sugar-coated themes. Pg. 7.

Seawolves Speak!

The STAR asked students what they’re looking for when voting for the next Associated Students positions. Pg. 9.

Career Fair

A variety of companies set up booths in the Student Center Ballrooms to talk with future SSU graduates. Pg. 8.

SINCE 1979

VOLUME 80 // ISSUE 7 MARCH 13 - MARCH 19, 2018





he lights dim as he walks to the stage podium. The spotlight shines bright on his face. Weill Hall fills with an energized audience that welcomes him with a long applause, happy giggles and loud cheers. Ralph Nader begins with, “Curiosity is more important than knowledge.” Nader’s lecture, titled “One Person Can Make a Difference: Social Justice and World Affairs,” consisted of discussions on corporate strategy plans of economic influence, congressional impact, consumer protection, political activism, labor issues, financial distributions and military power. “An aircraft carrier today costs $13 billion,” Nader said. “The only country that has more than one aircraft carrier is Italy. The Chinese are just now building their second. We have 14.” Nader also covered specific issues that communities tackle daily, like power in Wall Street, healthcare coverage, Flint’s lead-water crisis and the conservative-liberal divide. “They bleed the same way in the South as they do in the North when the insurance companies are denying benefits and denying coverage. They bleed the same way when they’re breathing toxic pollution,” Nader said. “And in Flint, Michigan they bled the same way with leadedwater; conservative or liberal didn’t matter.” The 84-year-old political activist, author, lecturer and attorney was this year’s H. Andréa Neves and Barton Evans Social Justice Lecture Series keynote speaker on March 5. “One thing about Ralph Nader that I really appreciate is there is no contradiction,” Neves said. “He is who he is, a social justice person, and he doesn’t waiver. Some say we have changed our belief systems for something more convenient but not Ralph. He remains a monument to social justice.” Fundamental themes of social justice are at the heart of SSU’s mission and a priority of the current administration, according to Sonoma State. See NADER on Pg. 4


Ralph Nader pushes students to get involved The 84-year-old political activist spoke at Sonoma State,

encouraging students to become active and shape the future

STAR // Christine Von Raesfeld Ralph Nader addresses the crowd at the H. Andréa Neves and Barton Evans Social Justice Lecture Series on March 5.

Sonoma State professor talks cannabis myths TANNER GUNNING STAFF WRITER


STAR // Holle Depina Guest performer Shelby Baizar performs at the Women of Color Conference on Saturday in Ballroom A of the Student Center.

Daughter of immigrant parents aims to promote body positivity JENNIFER DE LA TORRE STAFF WRITER


ho are the indigenous people who belong to the land we are on right now?” asked Gloria Lucas, founder of the Nalgona Positivity Pride to those gathered for the Second Annual North Bay Womxn of Color Conference at Sonoma State University on Saturday. She continued, “When we talk about healing we start with the land… I am a guest on this land.” Several audience members snapped their fingers, agreeing to her statement. Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social (Women Active in Letters and Social Change) and the Chicanx Student Movement of Aztlán organized this event. This year’s theme focused on how digital spaces have allowed women of color to create multidimensional platforms, which serve to share knowledge, create safe spaces, build business and transform communities. Lucas, who describes herself as a south L.A.based riot girl, eating disorder survivor, daughter of immigrant parents and self-named “hood knowledge seeker,” was the keynote speaker for the conference.

Lucas founded Nalgona Positivity Pride in 2014 when she became aware of the lack of help and awareness for communities of color. Nalgona Positivity Pride is a xicana-indigenous body positive organization focused on the education of eating disorders and community based support for people of color. Lucas spoke about her story, her mission and the support groups available from NPP, including Te con Miel, Sage and Spoon and Trensitas. The conference also had two sessions of workshops. One of the workshops available was Melissa Vargas’ “From IRL to URL: How Latinx Activism is Transforming Contemporary Media Spaces.” Vargas is a senior at SSU majoring in sociology and Chicano and Latino studies, with a minor in philosophy. She is the current chair of MALCS and co-chair of the Chicanx Studies Club. Her workshop included discussion of how social media platforms has made it easier and more accessible for the experiences of marginalized and underrepresented identities to be expressed and heard. See CONFERENCE on Pg. 4

icole Wolfe, a sociology professor here at Sonoma State University, delivered a talk in the “Cannabis and the Law” lecture on Friday, where the goal was to dive into the history of cannabis in the United States along with addressing common misconceptions that go along with marijuana and its uses. Professor Wolfe brought an extensive PowerPoint presentation to Sonoma State’s Cooperage that detailed the origins of the hemp plant and its entry into the mainstream life of America and its households. The audience was also provided with a long list of facts, uses, laws and information regarding marijuana and other drugs. One of the biggest points made during the presentation were the misconceptions that come with the use of cannabis. That, along with calling cannabis “marijuana,” were efforts to try to scare parents to steer them and their kids away from the drug during the American Prohibition. “The biggest misconception, in my eyes, is that the use of marijuana is considered dangerous or harmful to users because it is a ‘gateway drug’ and that it makes people go to harder drugs,” Wolfe said. “This is a complete farce and cannot be further from the truth.” Wolfe detailed the benefits of marijuana use, including that it can be used as a sleep aid, a muscle stabilizer

and an antidepressant, plus it has no side effects and has a good pharmaceutical upside. Junior Victoria Spadaro attended the talk and spoke very highly of Professor Wolfe’s presentation. “Her talk on ‘Cannabis and the Law’ was exceptionally eye-opening,” Spadaro said. “What stood out to me specifically were the statistics presented on law enforcement, where it detailed arrests, charges, and sentences for drug-related crimes.” The statistics Spadaro is referring to include the fact that half of the people incarcerated in America are in for drug charges. More of the astounding facts included said there are more people arrested for marijuana per year than the total of violent crimes combined. According to the lecture, every 25 seconds in America, the police arrest someone for drug possession. There are more people behind bars for drugs today than there were incarcerated criminals in the year 1980. The incarceration, prosecution and enforcement of the 700,000 people who police arrest for marijuana offenses each year cost American taxpayers about $7 billion. “The criminalization of cannabis has gotten out of hand,” Wolfe said. “This criminalization and framing of drug related ‘illegal activity’ disproportionately impacts African-American young males, which is a big social justice issue.”

2 Editorial THE STAR Editorial Board Shannon Brown, Editor-in-Chief Ethan Helms, Executive Editor Nate Galvan, News Editor Olivia Hunt, Opinion Editor Brigitte Maina, Ar ts & Enter tainment Editor Andrea Mendoza, Student Life Editor Bianca Sanborn, Spor ts Editor Alyssa Archerda, Photo Editor Alex Randolph, Copy Editor Alex Daniels, Adver tising Manager Paul Gullixson, Faculty Adviser Staff Writers Kaytlin Abad, Stefanie Bautista, Jessica Bennett, Kathryn Catanzarite, Blake Davena, Jennifer De La Torre, Danielle Estrada, Danielle Factor, Ashley Gieske, Jacob Gonzales, Kendall Grove, Tanner Gunning, Casey Herrmann, Lindsey Huffman, Emily Jenkel, Heba Madi, Luis Mejia, Brooklynn Miller, Manny Ojeda, Kathleen Perry, Kailey Priest, Renee Rodgers, Roland Schmidt, Tatiana Serrano, Samantha Sinatra, Sierra Sorrentino, Jeno Veltri, Madison Villalobos, Aaron Waskowiak

Photographers Gabby Novello, Christine Von Raesfeld, Justin Santos, Holle Depina, Carly Wade

Nichols Hall 323, 1801 East Cotati Ave Rohnert Park, CA 94928 Telephone: 707-664-2776 Business & General Inquiries: sonomastatestar@gmail.com Corrections and News Tips: star@sonoma.edu

MARCH 13 - MARCH 19, 2018 sonomastatestar.com

Trump visits California for all the wrong reasons The following is a letter in response to President Donald Trump’s visit to California on Tuesday, and the issues he plans to address while in the state: ear Mr. President, It’s safe to say we speak for a large majority of the state of California when we tell you that news of your upcoming visit is like a breath of toxic air, permeating what some call the front lines of the anti-Trump resistance. The first question that arose after hearing of your visit was: what does the president have planned in California? It was the answer that left people bewildered. Many residents of the state expected the visit to include a stop in Santa Rosa to see the charred aftermath of the October wildfires; others thought you may stop in Montecito, where unpredictable mudslides claimed 21 lives in January. But to no surprise, you will ignore both of those areas and families while you opt to inspect the site of your southern border wall. Although it’s undeniably refreshing to hear that you still acknowledge California’s existence, we understand you have more important business to


tend to. Between opposing gun control laws, declaring a war on sanctuary cities and building an unfunded, unauthorized wall, it’s hard to find time for anything but a leisurely round of golf. It is, however, somewhat concerning that after a year in office, your only motive for visiting California is to further an intolerant agenda rather than hear our concerns, raise your poor ratings or visit the site of some of the worst wildfires in the state’s history. Instead of attempting to reconcile with this neglected part of the nation, your first visit since 2016 comes only with the intention to select a prototype for the wall and lobby some of your wealthiest supporters to fund it — since nobody else will, including Mexico. Unfortunately, this consultation couldn’t have come at a worse time. Just days ago, in response to Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ claim that California is using all of its resources to frustrate the federal government, Governor Jerry Brown said, “Like so many in the Trump administration, this attorney general has no regard for the truth. This is basically going to war against the state

of California.” A battle has begun to protect the 39 million foreign-born residents that you and your administration treat like convicted criminals. The West Coast also stands together to protect our waters from the possible environmental devastation of oil drilling. After decades of Democrats and Republicans agreeing not to risk opening Pacific Ocean waters to potential oil spills, your administration claims it would benefit the nation to begin drilling, with no concern for the inevitable environmental damage. Is it even necessary to mention the Deepwater Horizon oil spill that polluted the Gulf Coast in 2010? The reasons behind your feelings toward our state are obvious: we actively oppose you, your administration and everything you stand for. In addition you adamantly stand by your political schemes while the most economically inf luential, and socially liberal, state stands in solidarity to protect itself and its residents. So don’t be surprised when we meet you with resistance and animosity during your visit to the Golden State: A civil war is brewing, Mr. President, and you are breaching enemy lines.

Editorial Policy: The commentary expressed in the unsigned editorial represents a majority opinion of the STAR Editorial Board on a topic facing the campus community in keeping with journalistic precedents of other major newspapers, and may not be shared by all staff writers. The board encourages readers to write letters to the editor about all topics, including the editorial.



Corrections/Clarifications The STAR values accuracy and works diligently to check facts before publication. However, if inaccuracies occur, we want to know. Please report errors to the editor at star@sonoma.edu.



Publication The STAR is published every Tuesday during the fall and spring semesters. Printing is done by Sonoma Media Group. The weekly publication of the STAR is made possible by Instructionally Related Activities Funding.


Opinions expressed in the STAR are those of the writer and not necessarily those of the STAR or SSU. The editorial reflects the views of the STAR Editorial Board on issues it considers to be of particular relevance to the campus community.

Letters to the Editor Letter writers may expect prompt publication in the newspaper’s op-ed section, as space is available. Letters of up to 400 words will be allowed and must be submitted no later than the Friday before the publication date. Published letters must be free of libel, since the publication is held legally accountable for all content. Although personal controversy will be tolerated, it is the responsibility of the editor to check statements purporting the facts. The STAR reserves the right to refuse publication to any letter and to edit for length. Letters must sign all contributions and the editor must verify the signer and the writer are one in the same through personal conference. To send a letter to the editor, email star@sonoma.edu.

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Opinion 3

MARCH 13 - MARCH 19, 2018 sonomastatestar.com

The rise of automatic cars is leading to the death of the beloved manual transmission



first learned how to drive in a 1990 black Nissan pickup, which was so unremarkable they didn’t bother naming the model. If you happen to type “90s black Nissan pickup” into Google images, you will see not only the truck, but the pinnacle of the driving experience. No, it isn’t a German masterpiece of carbon fiber and adrenaline. Nor will it propel you to 60 miles an hour in anything less than what seems an eternity.

However, there is a worn, leather-clad portal just to the left of the driver’s seat that with the right attitude can turn even the most mundane of grocery runs into the Indy 500. For decades, the stick shift has transported drivers away from reality. It starts with a rude and violent introduction; lurching stall-out engine cuts as you learn to feel for the clutch and its subtle vibrations. But soon confidence builds, and no matter if it’s a Civic or a Lamborghini, driving becomes so much more. Every corner turns into a challenge, every gear shift an opportunity to make that engine scream with excitement at your every input. You, the driver, are center of it all. Fluid coordination between the pedals, steering and shifter turns into a dance through the twists and turns of whatever road you’re on. It is no longer about the destination anymore; it’s about the experience. Edmunds, the leading automotive study group in the U.S., found that fewer than 3 percent of car sales in the U.S. are manual cars. With a rise in electric vehicles, paddle shifters and self driv-

ing cars, the manual is a dying breed. The focus has been gradually changed over the years from engaging the driver to pandering to and comforting the driver. Now of course, not everyone is looking for an “experience” when car shopping; sometimes those three kids necessitate a minivan over a Maserati. However, for those still chasing that gasoline dream and sweet scent of charred asphalt and rubber, the options are more limited by the day. Enzo Ferrari, founder of the famous racing team and world-renowned company, once said “The fact is I don’t drive just to get from A to B. I enjoy feeling the car’s reactions, becoming part of it.” This quote embodies the importance of manuals to some. The formation of this connection between driver and car just isn’t possible without your hand resting on a shift knob. So now in 2018, with Ferrari ranking number two in Formula One and a massive lineup of widely praised sports cars, how many manual transmission models do they offer? None. In an interview regarding the departure from manuals, Ferrari CTO

Michael Hugo Leiters said, “Ferrari is design, performance and state of the art technologies. There’s no manual transmission that can beat this performance.” And this is true. Nor will any manual beat a Tesla P100D, which prides itself on a 0-60 time of 2.28 seconds set by Motortrend, in a straight away. That same Tesla will drive you home with you never having to put a hand on the wheel. Computers will beat human input almost every time, and with everimproving technology that performance gap will only grow. For those who have never experienced the sensation of carving through coastal roads, slamming gears at the apex of every turn, truly feeling the road, I urge you to do so. It is truly a visceral, often terrifying but even more so gratifying sensation. With the market’s current direction, before you know it we will all be rolling around in those floating chairs from Wall-E. If you’ve never seen it, save yourself the despair and instead go find a manual transmission to get behind for the day. I promise, you won’t regret it.

The FBI turned Geek Squad into the perfect narcs




ost people who visit Best Buy do so with the intention of purchasing a brand new flat screen television. When the FBI does so, it is for child porn. That’s right; the FBI acquired an unlikely but informative ally in its fight against child abuse after a number of computers were discovered containing multiple accounts of indecent material by members of Best Buy’s tech support group, Geek Squad. According to documents released to the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a digital civil liberties organization, employees were paid as informants by the FBI, rewarding them for flagging and reporting illegal content found on computers belonging to those who brought their devices in for repair. The organization filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit for the unwarranted searches of people’s devices, but not before releasing a range of records depicting the interactions that took place between Geek Squad employees and the FBI. These included “a $500 payment from the FBI to a certain Geek Squad employee, a meeting of the agency’s Cyber Working Group in one of Best Buy’s repair facilities in Kentucky and numerous calls regarding findings of suspected child pornography,” said Laurel Wamsley of NPR. Revelations of the Geek Squad technicians sparked an integral debate following a federal judge’s decision to throw out all evidence in the case of Mark Rettenmaier, an Orange County physician who faced child pornography charges last May. This was due to alleged false and misleading statements made on an affidavit by a FBI

agent to search Rettenmaier’s home. However, charges were eventually dropped on a Fourth Amendment basis, which protects a citizen or their property from unreasonable search and seizures, said Josh Hafner of USA Today. This also resulted in James Riddet, a California attorney, telling the Washington Post these individual employees’ actions turned the Best Buy company’s searches into federal concerns. “If they’re going to set up that network between Best Buy supervisors and FBI agents, you run the risk that Best Buy is a branch of the FBI,” he said. Best Buy added to this in a statement describing employee behavior to accept monetary compensation for work linked with the FBI as “very poor judgement and inconsistent with our training and policies.” Yet, in the same breath, the company defended its employees, calling their decisions to report such material “moral” and “a legal obligation” if uncovered properly while on the job. What exactly constitutes as making this type of discovery in a correct manner in the first place? A person who willingly hands over his computer to another person to fix must at the very least assume the possibility of their privacy being invaded, and not necessarily by accident either. If not to install a new program or delete certain malware plaguing the hard drive, then definitely because some people are just nosy parasites that will dig through one’s personal files if given the opportunity, simply because they can. Then again, this strategy, while unconstitutional, has worked to shed light on a number of cases that otherwise would have never been considered, if not for this operation. After all, it would come as no surprise if it was later revealed that these employees quietly made an effort to seek out indecent content if it meant receiving a bonus from the FBI. This was nothing more than undercover commission work. In the wake of the EFF’s records, all four employees have received punishment from Best Buy, and while it is unknown whether more informants are working dubiously in the shadows of other Geek Squad offices, the FBI has refused to comment on any ongoing details.

bigthink.com Best Buy is under fire for using Geek Squad as FBI informants.

metro.co.uk The theme for International Women’s Day 2018 was #PressForProgress.

Women’s Day must include transgender women



he is the one who nursed you, cradled you, stood by you, supported you, played with you, pushed you to do your best, looked up to you and loved you. You call her mother, grandmother, sister, daughter, aunt, girlfriend, next door neighbor, homecoming queen and bookworm. There are an innumerable amount of adjectives and nouns to describe a woman. The world celebrates International Women’s Day every year on March 8. It sprang into importance in reaction to the 1908 strike of the International Union of Women’s Wear Workers, when 15,000 employees marched throughout New York City’s lower east side to demand political and social rights. Now, the day has grown to such importance and influence that several nations recognize it as a formal holiday. Since 1996, the United Nations have assigned a theme to International Women’s Day. This year, that theme is #PressforProgress. According to PR Newswire, this theme stands for, “females recognized for their achievements without regard to divisions whether national, ethnic, linguistic, cultural, economic or political.” In accordance to the theme, The New York Times beautifully said, “for many women, there was a keen awareness of a major shift in the firmament when it came to gender parity, the treatment of women in the workplace and sexual dynamics.” Among the strong women celebrated on Thursday stood many transgender

women. Trans women participating and being recognized on a day like International Women’s Day is imperative to the progress expected from society in regards to LGBT and women’s rights. Despite inclusivity being a seemingly obvious conclusion, the U.S. appeals court recently handled a federal case that bans sex bias in the workplace and prohibits discrimination against transgender workers. Aimee Stephens was recently fired from her job as funeral director after telling her boss she planned to transition from male to female. Formerly known as Anthony, Stephens was unlawfully discriminated against because of her transition. Stephens’ story isn’t the only one. In fact, there are countless cases and rulings eerily similar to Stephen’s experience with discrimination. A federal jury awarded Rachel Tudor, a transgender professor at Southeastern Oklahoma State University, $1.1 million in November in a landmark Title VII case. According to NBC News, “Tudor received a phone call from an unnamed human resources staffer who told her the school’s vice president for academic affairs, Douglas McMillan, had inquired about firing her because her identity as a transgender woman offended his religious beliefs.” While the U.S. appeals court did rule in both Stephens’ and Tudors’ favor, the cases go to show how much more progress we need to make to achieve a fully inclusive culture in the U.S. According to Reuters, Stephens’ lawyers at the American Civil Liberties Union called the decision “an important victory for transgender workers.” Stephens’ lawyers are right about her victory, and while the U.S. government is continuing to create laws and legislature in favor of protecting LGBT rights, there is still a lot of progress to be made. Sofia Sepulveda of Women’s Health put it perfectly, “We are women, period. We are your sisters. It is important that we are seen, respected and heard. And on International Women’s Day, we celebrate with you.”

4 News CONFERENCE: Media spaces being transformed by ‘Latinx’ community

MARCH 13 - MARCH 19, 2018 sonomastatestar.com

An organization that had a booth at the conference was Raizes Collective. Isabel Lopez founded the non-profit that focuses on making programs for people of color with intergenerational spaces. Lopez said she strives to support people of color and the undocumented community. The nonprofit created various art workshops, poetry sessions and trips like Write the Power, a free event for students to write creatively in the Redwoods with their families. The programs are all funded by grants that Lopez works to get. “As an immigrant from Mexico, I believe that art and culture is a huge way that our communities heal from all of the adversities we have experienced,” Lopez said. Lopez also said she believes it’s important for events like the NBWCC to be in schools because, “students see ref lections of themselves not seen in the current dominant narrative,” she said. The NBWCC is for people of color to learn and share in a safe space. The workshops, vendors and performers used the platform to discuss social justice issues and the experiences of indigenous people.

Continued from Pg.1

Lucas said, “social media users can increase the awareness of certain issues, offer a solution and inf luence participant action.” Abeni Jones, a black transgender communications professional, educator and poet from Oakland, hosted another workshop. She focused on the conversation surrounding mental health and the lack of support for marginalized women of color, the disabled and immigrant communities. There was entertainment by OHMi, a performer who rapped about social justice-related issues and described herself as a “rich black girl representing.” One of the songs performed was the song “Take it Back,” with lyrics including, “dealing with issues we had to endure, before we were coerced to file a divorce, to separate us from our culture.” A vendor named Ana Salgada sold Munecas Queretanas, dolls originated from Queretaro, Mexico. The dolls she sold were made by women she met in Mexico. It started from a collective of women who made dolls for stress therapy. It is a form of therapy for the women and an economic resource. Each doll is unique.

STAR // Jennifer De La Torre A student looks at a table with products promoting positivity at the Women of Color Conference on Saturday.

NADER: ‘Politicians fool voters’ Continued from Pg.1

STAR // Christine Von Raesfeld President Judy K. Sakaki speaks to the crowd at the lecture series.

“The principles and practice of social justice are woven into the fabric of this university,” President Judy Sakaki said at the lecture series. “Lectures series like this allow us to gather, to listen, to learn and to engage with one another on these powerful issues.” Nader enforces one of Sonoma State’s mission values – “to be active citizens and leaders in society.” “Politicians fool voters, confuse voters and lie to voters. You should never allow them to do that,” Nader said. “You should be so informed that you summon them to your town meetings, you put them on the stage and have them answer your questions with the local media, you tell them it’s ‘We The People.’” The last quarter of Nader’s lecture focused on the power of the active citizen. “Most social justice movements throughout American history have never involved more than 1 percent of active citizens

ASSOCIATED STUDENTS CANDIDATES ELECTIONS 2018-19 AS President Trevor Chapman Manny Ojeda AS Vice President Carley Chatterley Michael B. Downey VP of Finance Christina Gamboa Senator of Student Services Fernando Mendoza Senator of Diversity Aracely Duron

representing the majority opinion with knowledgeable information,” Nader said. “You heard that those that occupy Wall Street are 1 percent of the rich – I was talking about the 1 percent capable of turning this country around.” Sponsored by the Sociology Social Justice and Activism Club, Associated Students and other on-campus groups and endowed by Neves and Evans, this is the 14th year to host a social justice week with 30 or more events. “The question of ‘can one person make a difference,’ we all know that they can. We know a lot of one persons that have made a difference locally, regional, national and international,” Nader said. “The question is whether a hundred million people can make a difference together, a really big difference.” SSU’s Social Justice week continued through Friday, including other keynote speakers like Director of Project Censored Mickey Huff and Executive Editor of The Black Agenda Report Glenn Ford.

Get out of the waiting pool.

Senator for School of Social Sciences Luke Gover Senator for School of Science and Technology Allan Chornak Delilah Milner Senator for School of Arts & Humanities Natalie Cackler Noelle Dahl Antonio Thomas

Stop #gradu-waiting. Registration open now. sonoma.edu/exed/summer

News 5

MARCH 13 - MARCH 19, 2018 sonomastatestar.com

Seawolves SPEAK!

Will you participate in the “National School Walkout” on Wednesday to protest the ASHLEY GIESKE STAFF WRITER

lack of change regarding gun control in schools?


he mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, in Parkland, Fla., shook America to its core. The shooting killed 17 people and wounded another 14. A month later, the Academic Senate and Associated Students is encouraging students to participate in a 17 -minute walkout on Wednesday at 10 a.m. protesting Washington’s lack of action regarding gun violence in schools. The Academic Senate has asked faculty to avoid planning activities in class during the time of the walkout. “I will not be in class during the time of the walkout and I would encourage people to participate because it’s important to commemorate the lives lost despite anyone’s political views.”

“ Yes, I will be participating to show my support for those who lost their lives, along with supporting the families and community during such a hard time.” David Zamora, third year political science major

Laura Nanez, third year business major

“Yes. It’s important to honor the lives of everyone who died and to show respect to the families because no one should have to go through the pain and suffering the students, staff and families went through.” -Kinsey Heucke, fourth year criminal justice major

“I will be participating in the national walkout because I believe it is important to raise awareness about the severity of gun violence as well as to honor the lives that were lost. This incident could have happened at any school, and this walk out will hopefully serve as an opportunity to bring consciousness about gun violence in the United States.” Emiliana Martinez, third year communications major

“Yes, I will be participating in the walkout because I think it’s a good way to show respect. I think they deserve a couple minutes of my day.” -Ian FitzGerald, third year chemistry major

“Yes, I will be leaving my astronomy class and walking out because I stand with all of those affected.” Jeremy Kichaven, fourth year political sceince major

Students encouraged to see how the university spends its money CASEY HERRMANN STAFF WRITER


onoma State University will hold a public meeting to discuss the school’s 2018-2019 budget with students in the Student Center this afternoon. “Understanding how the university spends money is important,” said Laura Lupei, senior director of budget and planning at Sonoma State and one of the presenters at the meeting. “It’s not interesting for everyone, but how the university spends money for things like diversity directly impacts the student’s experience both in the classroom and outside of the classroom.” The budget is usually only discussed with groups like Associated Students, who would give their input in previous years. The new plan by the administration is to hold a budget meeting every semester to try to make it a regular occurrence. To this end, the school has made an effort to advertise the meeting across campus. This presentation comes in the wake of Gov. Jerry Brown’s initial budget proposal of a $92.1 million budget increase for the CSU system, roughly one-third of the $292.9 million increase requested by the CSU trustees. According to the CSU, the shortage in funds will affect things such as enrollment growth, improvement and maintenance of facilities, meeting payroll costs and investment in future

initiatives such as Graduation Initiative 2025, which would seek to increase the number of college graduates coming out of the CSU system. “California needs 1.1 million people with a higher education to stay competitive in the coming years,” said Joyce Lopes, vice president of Administration and Finance at Sonoma State, and one of the presenters at the upcoming budget meeting. Figures from the The Public Policy Institute of California support her claim. A conf lux of factors from a retiring generation of baby boomers to the stilllingering impact of 2008’s Great Recession and the effect that had on California's education budget lead the PPIC to predict a shortage of roughly 1.1 million workers with a bachelor degree by 2030. The first few suggestions to reduce this problem include increasing access to public college and improving the time it takes to earn a degree, citing that in 2010, only 19 percent of students achieved a bachelor’s degree in four years at CSUs, contrasting with the UC system which sees a 60 percent graduation rate within four years. Lisa Vollendorf, provost at SSU and one of the presenters at the meeting, encouraged statewide advocacy to try to push the scheduled May budget revision to restore the required budget for the CSU. The meeting will be held from 3-5 p.m. today in the Student Center, Ballroom A.

6 Arts

MARCH 13 - MARCH 19, 2018 sonomastatestar.com

CinnaBar Theater

showcases young and professional talent EMILY JENKEL STAFF WRITER


udience members were swept away Saturday afternoon on a journey of myths, magic and hilarity inside of the long-running Cinnabar Theater in Petaluma. Inside the sold-out, intimate theater, young actors and actresses who were apart of The Young Repatar Theater captivated the audience in their new-age take of Greek Mythology. “The Greek Mythology Olympiaganza” retold classic, god-creation stories with modern interpretations, including Zeus, Hades and Poseidon, making a parody of the Greek myths’ absurdity by translating them into 21st century times. “This is my 13th show with Cinnabar, I love being on stage with all of my friends,” said 13-year-old Mira. Mira played Rhea the Titan in a modern family therapy setting discussing Rhea’s feelings of Cronus the Titan eating their babies. “I definitely will be back for ‘Bye Bye Birdie,’” she said. Cinnabar Theater has continuously made it a mission to create an environment that fosters experimentation and exploration since its opening in the ‘70s, which is needed to produce high-quality artistic performances. Marvin Klebe, founder and accomplished opera singer, dreamed of a theater with a performance space where artists could push the boundaries and experiment freely. During the summer of 1970, Klebe, his wife and four sons purchased

an old schoolhouse and reconstructed it into the playhouse seen today. According to Cinnabar’s website, The Young Repertory Theater made its way to Cinnabar in 1983 and to this day is the longest running and largest youth program focusing on performance arts in Sonoma County. Hundreds of students from near and far are a part of the multiple productions performed every year. Children from the ages of 4 to 18 are able to participate in Young Rep which offers summer camps and classes all year long. Cinnabar ensures every child has a spot in the spotlight regardless of their ability to pay. Cinnabar theater holds four to eight shows per month at 3333 Petaluma Blvd North. Ticket prices are $10 for children and $15 for adults. The next production in the works by The Young Repertory Theater is the 1960’s musical “Bye Bye Birdie.” you can check it out from May 11-19. Remaining professional productions by the playhouse for the season include “Amadeus,” running from March 30 to April 15, “The Fantasticks”, running from June 8 to June 24, “Man of La Mancha,” running from Sept. 1 to Sept. 24, “Quartet,” running from Oct. 13 to Oct. 29, and “Good People,” running from Feb. 2, 2019 to Feb. 18. Respective ticket prices can be found on Cinnabar Theater’s website.

COURTESY// Jodie Ellis “A good play poses a question. A better play offers several; a great play still more. “Twelfth Night is surely among the latter.” Paul Draper, Director

Classic murder-mystery gets comedic twist Review




uspense, thrills and detectives trying to figure out “who dun it?” compose classic murder mystery films. But what happens when the characters are unaware that the murder mystery is real? “Game Night,” directed by John Francis Daley and Jonathan M. Goldstein, offers a new perspective on the murder mystery genre by weaving comedy throughout the film. “Game Night” stars Jason Bateman and Rachel McAdams, as well as a few other lesser-known stars such as Kyle Chandler and Jesse Plemons, who previously starred in “Friday Night Lights,” Michael C. Hall from the television show “Dexter,” and Lamorne Morris from the series “New Girl.” “Game Night” follows a group of friends who meet up every week for a game night, but when Max’s (Jason Bateman) hot-shot brother, Brooks, comes to town Brooks decides to take game night to another level. Brooks organizes a murder mystery party, telling the group they won’t know what’s real and what’s not, so when Brooks gets kidnapped they believe it is part of the game. As the night goes on the group begins to realize that this is not a game, Brooks has actually been kidnapped and is in danger. Complete with a creepy neighbor, the rest of the movie unfolds with moments of hilarity, fake blood and shock factors as the game night crew tries to figure out where Brooks is before it’s too late. This movie’s new perspective on murder mystery provides a fresh outlook on the murder mystery genre. The film leaves the audience feeling duped at times as it takes unexpected twists. The audience is able to get elements of classic murder mystery films, but with a modern twist. With scenes consisting of humor such as Bateman’s character telling the kidnappers to drive safely as they haul his brother away, “Game Night” illustrates the cross between murder mystery and comedy. The humor was present in almost every scene without it feeling too idiotic. However, a few scenes felt overdone with the camera lingering in an attempt to make sure the audience knew they were supposed to find the scene funny. The characters were unique and their relationships felt real as they not only navigated through the murder mystery, but also through the ups and downs of their relationships throughout the film. In an era of remakes and book adaptations, “Game Night” is a fresh new film that is unlike any other.

Cable television’s relevance continues to decline SIERRA SORRENTINO STAFF WRITER



ith the creation of Netflix, Hulu, Apple TV, fire TV sticks, and countless other modified versions of television, it is safe to say that the golden age of TV is slowly coming to an end. In the 1950’s, television was emerging as the innovative new gadget that everyone wanted for their household to earn the title of the cool family on the block; acting as a status symbol. Living in a society that is now so technologically advanced and reliant, it is hard to believe that cable TV started with only three major broadcasting stations; ABC, CBS, and NBC. Today, cable, as well as the physical act of sitting on the couch and watching live television, are on their way to becoming old-fashioned. Digital video recorders were one of the first innovations that kept cable television on the upswing. It provided a sense of freedom and flexibility that was not seen before in basic cable. This could have ignited the first spark of the binge-watching phenomena. Throughout the week recordings would stack up in your DVR and when the weekend came you could catch up on everything you missed all in one sitting. Even though they produced the first unit in 1999, many people today still use and rely on the DVR to make sure their busy schedules don’t let them miss out on their favorite shows. However, people no longer have to worry about be-

ing tied down to the confines of their home, the particular hour their favorite shows air, or the TV/DVR unit itself. As long as you have a device that can connect to WiFi, the world could be in your living room now that you can access live and recorded TV on a laptop, smart phone, iPad and various other gadgets. WiFi, and the Internet in general, opened up this new realm for cable companies to expand their brand and offer their customers something more, but it also aided the creation of today’s popular streaming companies, such as Netflix and Hulu. As time went on and streaming apps started to increase in popularity, competitive spirit ignited between the two. Since its birth, Netflix has been a major game changer in the media world. However, they wanted to prove that they were more than a bona-fide Blockbuster and are capable of creating their own original series. Then, when you thought the home delivery of popular TV series and movies was genius, they surprised their customers, and competition, in 2013 by producing one of the first Netflix originals, “House of Cards.” Fast forward a few years and now they have several critically acclaimed shows, such as “Orange is the New Black” and “Stranger Things.” Channels like HBO and Showtime are key factors in keeping cable television up to par with a media mogul like Netflix. Since Netflix is redefining the definition of TV shows, regular television channels are struggling to keep up with their viewers’ ever-growing standards. Even though you pay an extra fee to gain access to HBO

and Showtime, shows such as “Game of Thrones” and “Shameless” are great money-makers and ensure their viewership will not decline. According to Fortune, as of 2017, Netflix’s U.S. streaming subscribers, sitting at 50.85 million, is more than the number of customers part of country’s largest cable companies, some 48.61 million This may not seem like a huge upper hand for Netflix, but Forbes said it expects subscribers for the streaming company to consistently grow, especially overseas. Also, Netflix has a pretty strong, loyal following of adults ages 18-29, which greatly aid in their popularity over cable; Pew Research Center said six in 10 young adults in the U.S. primarily use their online streaming to watch TV. An obvious reason as to why young adults tend to use streaming services to watch TV is because of the significant price difference between that and cable. Of course, the want to save money is not limited to just young adults. However, due to the fact that most of them are still in or just graduated college, it would be foolish to undermine the importance money plays in the cable versus streaming apps battle. Even though streaming companies are proving themselves a threat to the stable future of cable television, it is going to take more than a few outstanding TV shows, greater accessibility and low prices to overthrow the media king.

Entertainment 7

MARCH 13 - MARCH 19, 2018 sonomastatestar.com


“A Wrinkle in Time” fumbles over important themes Review KATHLEEN PERRY STAFF WRITER


ased on Madeleine L’Engle’s 1962 science-fiction novel, Disney tried to bring the abstract ideas of tessering, or traveling with the mind, to other universes to life in “A Wrinkle in Time.” This story was a childhood favorite that is still near and dear for many adults today; however, director Ava DuVernay’s vision of the movie is much more pleasing to a younger audience with ridiculous space-fashion, overthe-top cheesy lines, and sugar-coated hot topics. Released last Friday, the crowded theater was made up of more adults than children ready to see images from their wildest imaginations come to life. While most Disney movies are created for young children to enjoy, they also have elements in them that keep their older viewers engaged as well. With so many audience members being adults, this movie was sure to have those elements- but it simply did not. The movie takes its audience on a journey with the outcasted protagonist Meg (Storm Reid), her brother Charles Wallace (Deric McCabe) and her friend Calvin (Levi Miller) as she tries to find her missing father Dr. Alex Murray (Chris Pine) who was on the brink of dis-

covering how to travel to other universes with his brain when he mysteriously disappeared. Meg, who is distrusting of people after losing her father and getting bullied at school, has to learn to accept the help from the quirky Mrs. Whatsit (Reese Witherspoon), the knowledgeable Mrs. Who (Mindy Kaling), and the wisdom-filled Mrs. Which (Oprah Winfrey). They help her learn to travel with her mind by wrinkling the dimensions around her and stepping into other universes to find her lost father. There was plenty of opportunity to connect to all ages- the book inspired imagination of new planets and creatures while also playing with deeper topics such as alienation and longing. But when it came down to showing these ideas on the big screen, the scenes were dark and fast-passing and the disconnect and inner struggles Meg faces are covered up with corny, cringe-worthy lines that send a nice message to young viewers, but are unrealistic and unrelatable to older viewers. While there could have been huge breakthroughs with this movie, many of its highlights were underplayed. The plot for the movie and book was so admirable because it showed a young girl interested in and excelling in science. Brought to life, Disney portrayed a young girl of color following her parents into the science world. However, this is covered up with uncomfortably corny lines and lack of self confidence from Meg, not exactly painting a picture for little girls who

also want to be scientists. Furthermore, Meg’s role models who guide her along her journey are empowering women who are Indian-American, African-American, and caucasian. But again, this fact is covered up by dressing them in ridiculous space costumes with loud hairstyles and even louder makeup. They also offered lines that were delivered in a ditsy or over dramatic way, giving them less power. “A Wrinkle in Time” also downplays its important themes. It offered a female hero going against a dark force that threatens the whole universe if it is not stopped. This quick spreading force was shown creeping into our universe and manifesting in the anger and jealousy in the people surrounding Meg. It is seen in Meg’s bullies and Calvin’s abusive father, as well as with Meg sometimes teetering between giving into the darkness herself and staying light. These themes have the potential to really capture an audience, but are delivered only briefly and sugar coated throughout. Even as Meg is battling the darkness to save her family and literally the rest of the world, the scene is so corny that it is hard to watch and more comical than climatic. As the movie came to an end and the lights came on, there was that one person who applauded which usually leads to everyone else clapping as well. However, nobody else joined in as they got up and threw away what was left of their stale popcorn.

Social media apps endure new censorship measures MADISON VILLALOBOS



ociety looks to social media to express their opinions, get their daily news and pass time. Phones unlock and log into the most popular social media accounts daily. YouTube, Twitter and even dating sites like Bumble are now getting involved in the content being posted on their accounts. These sites have made an effort since the school shooting in Parkland, Florida last month to ban misleading facts and inappropriate behavior. According to New York Magazine, conspiracy theorists uploaded hundreds of videos onto YouTube a week after the shooting with incorrect information and conspiracy theories about the shooting and its victims being “paid actors.” YouTube’s guidelines prohibit any videos that contain nudity or sexual content, violent or graphic content, harmful or dangerous content, hateful content, threats, spam, misleading metadata or scams. With their rules being so clear, and users continuing to break them at a constant rate, the site has decided to take measures in its own hands and crack down on its system for regulating its community. Each user is given a three strike policy. If someone uploads a video that breaks the rules in any way, their video is given a strike. If they get three strikes in three months YouTube terminates their entire channel without any notification. Although YouTube is a place for people to blog about their life and opinions, there is an extreme effort being made to end the negative attention that users are gaining on this specific platform. The female-driven dating app known as Bumble has announced that they would ban all of their 30 million users from posting images that display firearms on March 5. The site has put this into account for the same reason as YouTube; the mass shooting in Parkland. They later changed the rules to allow those who have served in the military or work in law enforcement to post photos with guns only if they are in uniform. In an interview with Time, Bumble CEO Whitney Wolfe Herd made a clear stance this app, where people showcase themselves in hopes of attracting others, would

not be part of the gun romanticising seen today. After the simple, and powerful, stance was made, Bumble’s photo reporting increased more than 3,000 percent in the first day. Other than the users, the company has enforced this change by having a team of 5,000 moderators who work in all different time zones, around the clock. The monitoring of photos has already taken place, but it something that is going to take time to make completely violence free. Although, these actions came during a time of heightened gun control discussions, Bumble is not trying to discriminate against anyone’s political beliefs. It want its community to stay violence Twitter has shared a similar struggle in regulating its Russian bots and trolls that have taken over the platform. Twitter’s CEO, Jack Dorsey, stated most efforts have shifted from encouraging conversations, debates, and critical thinking to removing content against the platform’s terms. Not that conversations is unimportant, Dorsey tweeted, “This is the approach we now need.” As toxic conversations continue in the Twitter-sphere, it has reached the point where the company is asking for public and academic help on how to manage the tweets. Twitter’s growing aggression isn’t just about content. The company has decided to take aim at its users who are perpetrating the abuse on others. Just like YouTube, Twitter is a place where users can express their feelings and emotions for their friends and other accounts to see. Although an individual’s opinions can conf lict with another’s, users need to think about what is proper and fair to post on the Internet. Twitter trolls are not only targeting corporations but are attacking each other. Comments on both Twitter and YouTube accounts are not only hurtful, but bullying. As the leaders of these social media sites work on ending the violence, they ask for everyone to follow their lead and restrict their hateful content. Social media has quickly turned into a toxic arena for people to throw fighting words at one another. However, their creators and CEO’s want to turn it around and make its environment something positive.

Adventure in our own backyard


Local spring break ideas for the non traveller


SONOMA COUNTY Taylor Mountain Hiking Trail: Located right off Petaluma Hill Road in Santa Rosa. With sweeping views of the hills and offering an escape to nature, this is something you need to take on. The hike is easy and has a small fee of $7.00 for parking. Charles Schultz Museum: Everyone needs to experience the history behind the making of the “Peanuts” comic strip. It is only a town away in Santa Rosa, with an admission fee of $12


Alamere Falls: This is no easy hike; with a 13-mile minimum trail you’ll be resting the rest of the weekend. The views along the way of the water and hills are breathtaking, with the reward of seeing beautiful waterfalls at the end. The best time to go is early morning before it gets too busy, and the parking lot fills up fast, especially on weekends. Stinson Beach: If you are in need of the beach then Stinson is the place to go. With a beachfront cafe and sand that goes for miles and miles, what’s not to love. Perfect for a long beach day of laying out in the sun or going for sunset and sitting by a bonfire. Sea Trek Kayaking: Located in Sausalito on the water, you can Kayak for $25/hour on the Bay Area. About 45 minutes away. You can escape to the waters for a day and see the bay from a different perspective.


Dolores Park: About an hour south into the city, you can find this park tucked away. Dolores Park features a huge span of grass and hills to picnic on. With lots of nearby restaurants, you can get food to go and enjoy it at Dolores. The ferry, round trip, costs $15, and is a good bet due to city traffic. There are ferry terminals in Larkspur and Sausalito that take you to the San Francisco ferry building. Museum of Modern Art: Full-time students who bring their I.D., it is a low price of $14 to enter the museum. New installations pop-up every month and can be checked on their website. Parking is accessible through various parking garages near the museum.

8 Student Life

MARCH 13 - MARCH 19, 2018 sonomastatestar.com

STAR // Carly Wade Students had the opportunity to meet with potential employeers this past Thursday during the annual Career Fair.

Annual Career Fair invites companies from throughout Bay Area to talk with students STEPHANIE BAUTISTA



tudents were given the opportunity to meet more than 40 different employers and recruiters this past Thursday at Sonoma State University’s Career Fair. Employers such as Korbel Champagne Cellars, Lagunitas Brewing Company, Sonoma Canopy Tours joined the fair, providing students with information about what their company does. Some companies offered internships, jobs and informational interviews according to Career Services. Workshops were hosted by Career Services for several weeks in advance before the career fair took place. From helping

students improve their elevator speech and resume to preparing them when talking with employers. “Career Fair workshops have a long history here at Sonoma State,” said Heather Martin, the interim Lead Career Coordinator for Career Services. “We believe in giving our students the biggest advantage possible at the career fair and our workshops are just a part of that process.” The workshops had a high turnout with over 50 students attending. The Resume Fest was their best workshop, according to Martin, where students could get advice from professionals on their individual resumes.

Becky Young, the interim Career Coordinator for Career Services, contacted human resources recruiters and used them to her advantage to provide students with the right information. Martin and Young both worked together with Career Services to plan and create the event along with two of their student staff since January to coordinate the event and reach out to local businesses in the area who were more than excited to recruit SSU students. “I went through the school of Business and Economics department here at Sonoma State,” said Chrissy Nelson, senior human resources representative at Korbel Champagne Cellars. ”Staying connected

with Sonoma State means a lot to me personally and then also for Korbel in general since the owner, Gary Heck, has been a benefactor and chairman for the Wine Business Institute.” “We chose to participate because we are always looking for new people and it’s always good to have people with new experiences and backgrounds,” said Lauren Sniffin an intern at Health and Commerce. “We are a local employer, so we like to ensure that we are dipping into local talent and sharing of up and coming businesses,” said Christina Johnson, a recruiter at ExecRanks. “It was really important for us to be able to represent what we have to students in accessible

areas.” According to Martin the event had more than 800 students in attendance. The fair has been continuously held at the university for the past five years and the staff who worked on the event hope to continue it for the upcoming years. “We hope that students can start to build their professional network now and that ultimately our students can find summer jobs, internships and full-time jobs,” said Martin. “We hope that all of the students who attended the fair are better able to understand the demands of the work world and can become successful Seawolves once they graduate.”

Panel adresses importance of social justice KAYTLIN ABAD STAFF WRITER


ocial justice is about doing what feels right and rectifying what feels wrong. It makes us sleep better at night and gives us long time peace”, said Chingling Wo, an english professor at Sonoma State University, during the Social Justice Without Borders lecture. Five professors from different departments gathered together in the Cooperage on Thursday night to enlighten many students and open up on their thoughts on social justice during the closing event on the fifth night of Social Justice Week and UndocuWeek. The professors that took part in the lecture were criminal jus-

tice professor Napoleon Reyes, Chicano and Latino studies professor Ron Lopez, and English professors Chingling Wo and Timothy Wandling. The many topics that were uncovered during the night included Muslim bans, racial profiling, homelessness and displacement, lower-income families, the ideas of anti-capitalism, and the agreements with the teachings of Karl Marx. The lecture was delivered using powerpoint slides, comparisons, pop culture subjects of today such as Ellen DeGeneres, and the Pixar movies, Wall-E and Finding Dory. “When you want to learn about social justice, you need to start small,” said Wo. These five professors did not speak in hopes

to force students to become activists, but more so encourage smaller acts that can accumulate to eventually contribute to society by making students and the community knowledgeable about the social injustice acts happening throughout our country. There were a variety of people in the audience including community members, children, students looking to receive extra credit or an extra unit, and student activists looking for ways to better their community and better their world. The Social Justice Week program is put on by the Sociology Social Justice Club. The purpose of the Social Justice Club is to promote social justice and to encourage community involve-

ment and student activism. “The main reason I wanted to join the club was because they are in charge of preparing social justice week,” said Liz Aguilar, senior sociology major and treasurer for the club. “When I joined I was interested in studying social justice and I feel like it’s important for not only sociology majors, but for all students to understand and be aware of the ongoing issues we see in society.” One of the things discussed during the lecture was the goal of the Sociology Social Justice Club to improve their Social Justice Week. “We are looking to get an IRA grant for the next year”, said Peter Philips, sociology professor and Social Justice Club advi-

sor.. “We need to be able to fund coordinators to plan these events and compensate guest speakers like Ralph Nader from Monday night’s event.” Austin Barcus, a junior sociology major, was one of the students in attendance and was inspired by what the professors had to say. “The lecture had a lot of information”, Barcus. “I got to learn what each of these professors are passionate about when it comes to social activism or social justice.” “The change starts here,” said Ronald Lopez. “I encourage you to find a way in your community associations, your churches, your social organizations, to do something about it and make a difference.”

Peace and Justice Center encourage student voice DANIELLE FACTOR



ocial justice week at Sonoma State University aims to bring awareness to students on campus about many social justice issues happening around us, not just locally but globally. The Peace and Justice Center of Sonoma County hosted a discussion for students who were interested in learning more about activism within the community and around the county. The Peace and Justice Center of Sonoma county is located in Santa Rosa and offers itself as a resource center to inform, support, and reenergize Sonoma County. The center provides a safe meeting place for affiliated groups and social justice, along with sending out weekly emails about events related to peace. They also publish the Sonoma County Peace Press six times a year.

Shekeyna Black, the center coordinator for the Peace and Justice Center, was pleased with the turnout of the event and said that the younger generation has such an impact now because they “tend to voice their opinions more and stand up for what’s right.” Black went around the room and asked students how they are involved, and many students shared their work in the social justice field, bringing a smile to Black’s face. The students were seated in a circle, and in the middle of the circle was a stool with a few jars on it. Each jar represented a different social justice issue. A few of the issues that were represented on the jars were military spending, our environment, housing, education, and healthcare. Each student was given three pennies and then were asked to place their pennies in a jar that they felt was the most important issue to them. Most of the pennies were placed in the housing jar, healthcare jar, and education jar.

“The penny activity was super effective” Jessica Ndiritu, a senior nursing major. “Having a hands on activity to show what was important to those in the community is a really effective way of getting discussions started.” Kimberly Elizondo, a sophomore sociology major, said she attended the event because she is taking a social justice class and found this discussion to be interesting. “It’s also a good place to meet people who also have the same interests as you,” said Elizondo. “It was really interesting to see what everyone values.” The event ended with students loaded up with different resources, such as the peace press magazine, the vision and mission statement of the Peace and Justice Center of Sonoma county, and a card for the north bay rapid response number in case ICE is in the area. But above all, students left with a new understanding of social justice within the community.

Student Life 9

MARCH 13 - MARCH 19, 2018 sonomastatestar.com

Rotaract club to take service trip to Brazil to assist hospitals DANIELLE ESTRADA STAFF WRITER


onoma State University’s Rotaract Club is a close-knit group of students passionate about making their community a better place. The club holds two meetings per month, with one as a business meeting and the other as a social event. The club also meets as needed for their service projects and events. As a club they engage in local and international service, both independently and working with local Rotary clubs. Members address their communities physical and social needs while promoting international understanding and peace through a framework of friendship and service. The trip will be funded by the Rotary Club of Luthra as a gesture of gratitude for being assisted on the “Night of 1000 Coats” event by Sonoma State’s Rotaract Club. The event was designed to aid fire victims in accessing necessary things and to bring the community together, which is one of the many things Rotaract club takes pride on.

Andrea Aviles, a senior political science major and treasurer of Rotaract, said Rotaract wants to help countries like Brazil by talking to administrators to see if they would be interested in joining their telemedicine project, where doctors from around the globe join weekly education telemedicine rounds and can consult with any partner doctor for diagnosis assurance. “The purpose for our trip to Brazil is partnering with the Rotary Club of Blumenau-Fortaleza in Brazil for their Cultural Broadcasting School Project,” said Aviles. “Our sponsoring Club, the Rotary Club of Rancho Cotati, helped obtain a grant for the school’s computer lab and they will be sending two Rotarians along with two SSU Rotaract members.” Aviles is looking forward to potentially giving a presentation to the children while being able to mix the two cultures to see if they will continue to support in the future and she is excited to see what the grant has accomplished for the school’s computer lab and to see if they can have Brazil be telemedicine partner.

According to Monica Morales, a senior biology major and the international chair of the club, Rotaract focuses on the development of young adults as leaders in their communities and workplaces, as well as being involved in community outreach and telemedicine. Morales will be going to Brazil to interview hospitals with the hopes of eventually setting up Telemedicine at their hospital. The club will also be attending a variety of Rotary meetings in Blumenau, Brazil. Katelyn Quinn, a senior communications major and president of the Rotaract Club, said she originally joined the club because she has had a long time passion for volunteering. “But this goes beyond simple volunteer work,” said Quinn. “I have been able to gain new skills, have built amazing connections and I have been able to become a leader and help others become leaders too.” According to Quinn, who will not be able to attend the service trip to Brazil, the club will be helping out with various projects during their stay such as distributing vaccinations for certain diseases and helping build houses.

Seawolves SPEAK!

With the upcoming elections for Associated Students, what changes SAMMY SINATRA STAFF WRITER


are you looking to see happen on campus?

ew student leaders on campus call for new changes to potentially be made at Sonoma State University. Elections are coming up on campus, and students have begun to express the changes they feel are most important. Will the new candidates be able to make some of these changes happen? “I think that there should be more open resources to freshmen in regards to learning new things. I think they should have somewhat better of a system to finding help getting around campus. They should have people that are more approachable and places you know specifically where to go to find help.”

“To keep petitioning for the addition of extra classes added in order for undergraduates to be able to graduate in four years. Also, make changes or anything positive more transparent and let the public know what they’re doing to invoke change” -Jennifer Andruchowsky, second year political science major

-Brooklyn Nunez, first year kinesiology major

“Just more clarity with the student body on what changes are actually being made, and maybe more opinions from the student body about what changes we think are important versus what the people running think is important.” -Peyton Jones, third year psychology major

“For the amount of money that everyone is paying for the cafeteria yearly I definitely think the school could raise the standards of the food a little bit.” -Nema Asgharzadeh, first year business major

“With some of our dryers in the laundry room sometimes they don’t dry your clothes and it would just be nice to see that changed.” -Evan Seidell, second year economics major

“More parking because I have to leave early to get to class and even then I’m not guaranteed a spot and I don’t want to be late.” -Tyler Gehl, third year business major

10 Sports

MARCH 13 - MARCH 19, 2018 sonomastatestar.com

Softball team takes series against Cougars TATIANA SERRANO STAFF WRITER


STAR // Justin Santos Junior utility Lindsey Calcany Blair makes the catch (top), Julie Davis waits for the pitch (bottom).

NBA predictions: which team has what it takes to make it to the big game? LINDSEY HUFFMAN STAFF WRITER



ith the NBA season at the halfway mark, many basketball fans and analysts are giving their opinions and predictions on who they think will be in the finals. Currently, the standings for the Eastern Conference have the top three teams as the Toronto Raptors, 47-17, Boston Celtics, 45-20 and Cleveland Cavaliers at 38-26. The Western Conference top three teams are the Houston Rockets, 51-13, Golden State Warriors, 50-14 and Portland Trail Blazers, 39-26. With the Warriors as the reigning champions and the Cavaliers falling short last season, the true question is; will these two teams face each other again? Or will there be two new teams playing each other in the 2018 Finals? LeBron James, the key player on the Cavaliers, will not go down with a fight. However, the tenacious energy and fight on the Warriors’ starting lineup and bench means you can’t count them out. Speculations are high for the Rockets going to the Finals, but a lot can change in a couple of months. With less than 20 games remaining for most teams, like the Warriors, now is the time to turn up the heat and get some wins. The Warriors are trailing the Rockets by one game, and any mistake from here on out for the Warriors can determine their fate for the 2018 season. The Rockets currently have a 16-game win streak, and it is hard to stop a team on a roll. If the Warriors want any chance to make it to the finals, the Rockets are the team to beat. With current rankings, these teams will most likely play each other in the playoffs, but the true question is can the Rockets beat the Warriors in a sevengame series? According to NBA TV and NBA.com analyst Sekou Smith, yes. “It’s not a f luke what the Rockets are doing right now,” he said. “They’ve been good all year, and they came back a completely different team in terms of the DNA they have together now.” Houston is 2-1 against Golden State this season and beat the Warriors, 122121, on opening night in October. The help of Chris Paul this season has made the biggest difference for the Rockets. Though James Harden averages 31 points a game, Paul supplements the game with his own impressive stats. According to CBS Sports Radio with Tiki Barber and Brandon Tierney, Harden and Paul are the best duos in basketball. However, we cannot find out who is truly the better duo until these teams meet again in a playoff setting with Stephen Curry and Kevin Durant. On the Eastern Conference side, the Celtics are going to have to step it up if they want to see a final game against a Western Conference team. With the Raptors up by two and a half games, they’re going to have to make no mistakes. But with 18 games left for the Raptors, a lot can change in the rest of the season. The Celtics only have 16 more games left in their season to come back and potentially have that first spot ahead of the Raptors. Both the Warriors and Celtics have a lot of work to do before any final game, but for some reason these two teams seem like they could potentially pull it off. My NBA 2018 finals prediction are the Warriors and the Celtics.

he Sonoma State University softball team played the Cal State San Marcos Cougars this weekend in Rohnert Park. The team currently holds an overall season record of 17-7, and almost managed a complete sweep, winning three in a row until the last game on Saturday afternoon. Friday consisted of two very quick and low-scoring games. In game one the Seawolves defeated San Marcos 3-1. Sonoma State scored once in the first inning and managed to prevent San Marcos from scoring until the fourth inning. The teams could not surpass the others’ defense, as they were each unable to score throughout most of the game. Finally, Alyssa Cuffia scored a home run to the left center field, which eventually brought home Sarah Langley and Alex Flores. In part two of Friday’s doubleheader the Seawolves won once again, 4-2. Sonoma State started the game strong with two runs in the first inning, first when Karly Macadangdang scored a home run to the left field and brought home Flores. They were able to score once in the second inning from Julie Davis, and in the third inning Cuffia slammed a home run to left field. Sonoma State kept off San Marcos and only allowed it to score in the fourth and sixth inning. Saturday started off as if the Seawolves were about to sweep up San Marcos right off their feet. Game one was a mercy win; Sonoma State won 17-1. “We didn’t take San Marcos lightly and tried to stay on top all series,” Lindsey Calcany Blair said. The Seawolves stormed into the first inning with six runs. The first run was from an error by San Marcos’ pitcher, which allowed Davis to score. However, the Seawolves took advantage of this and began to put their bats up. Doubles from Langley and Cierra Hylton brought home two runners. After the first inning San Marcos was starting to get rattled, as they started making more

errors. Long managed to bunt a single to the pitcher so Cuffia was able to score. Macadangdang was the only one who scored in the second inning with a home run. Already up 7-0, Sonoma State smashed six more runs in the third inning. Macadangdang was then walked, which allowed Long to score. Langley singled to the left side and from the throws between the defense, Sonoma State players were able to advance throughout bases. This allowed Davis and Cameron Kirtlan to score. Then another error occurred which allowed Macadangdang to score from the shortstop error. The last run throughout the inning was Calcany Blair, as she doubled to left field so Cuffia and Langley both made it home. Within the fourth inning four more runs rolled home, when Macadangdang got hit by a pitch which pushed Kirtlan to score. Following that, Langley launched a pop f ly to the right field, scoring Davis. The last run of the game was Hylton hitting a double to the centerfield so Macadangdang and Flores scored. Sonoma State’s playing cut the game short to only five innings. In game two, San Marcos did not allow Sonoma State to go home with the sweep. San Marcos revealed its ambition, scoring eight times within the first inning. Sonoma State was only able to score once in the first inning when Langley f lew a ball out to the right field and Davis scored. In the second inning, Davis singled to the left field, advancing to second base, which then allowed Kirtland to score. Flores then doubled to the left field and Davis scored. Then Macadangdang singled to the centerfield and Flores scored. However, the Seawolves could not get another run until the seventh inning. They were only able to score once from Flores singling up to the middle field, advancing Davis to second and sending Calcany Blair home. “I’m not even thinking about the end of season just quite yet, just taking it one game at a time,” Calcany Blair said. The Seawolves will play again at 1 p.m. on Wednesday, at home against Pace University.

Sports Schedule Wednesday March 14 Softball vs Pace 1 p.m. & 3 p.m. Friday March 16 Baseball @ Cal State San Marcos 3 p.m. Saturday March 17 Women’s Track @ Hornet Invitational Men’s Tennis vs California Lutheran 11 a.m. Baseball @ Cal State San Marcos 12 p.m. & 3 p.m. Women’s Water Polo @ Cal State Monterey Bay 12 p.m. Sunday March 18 Baseball @ Cal State San Marcos 11 a.m. Women’s Tennis @ Stanislaus State 12 p.m. Monday March 19 Men’s Golf The Battle at Eagle Glen Women’s Golf Otter Invitational Men’s Tennis @ Biola

Sports 11

MARCH 13 - MARCH 19, 2018 sonomastatestar.com

STAR // Christine von Raesfeld Seawolves Jensyn Warren and Amanda Zuidema nearly pulled off an upset against the University of Nevada, a Division 1 team.

Seawolf women’s tennis split week’s matchups JENO VELTRI



he Sonoma State University women’s tennis team hoped to catch four victories in last week’s matchups to keep its record on the right track. In match one on Wednesday afternoon, the Seawolves faced the No. 4 ranked Hawaii Pacific University. The Seawolves’ lineup consisted of Jensyn Warren, Amanda Zuidema, Clarisa Colling, Carolyn Brooner, Jenna DeTurk, Katherine Long and Hannah Highsmith. In the opening doubles matches, the women’s team was able to secure two out of the three matches. Brooner and DeTurk were successful in their doubles match by a score of (8-7(7-5)), as well as Highsmith and Long who won their doubles match by a score of 8-5. Going into singles play, only two Seawolves were able to come out of their matches with victories. DeTurk was able to win her single five matchup in three sets (4-6, 7-5, 17-15) and Long scored her win in just two sets (6-4, 6-2). In the end, the Seawolves battled hard but came out with a 5-4 loss to the Sharks, which dropped their overall record to 8-3. Coming off Wednesday’s loss, the Seawolves hoped to catch momentum back in a doubleheader on Friday afternoon against Concordia University and Mills College. In match one, against the Concordia Eagles, the Seawolves were able to come out on top at the end of the match with a score of 8-1. In doubles matchups, the Seawolves caught fire early and won all of their three doubles matchups. The Seawolves also carried on their momentum by going on to take five of the six singles matches, lead by the efforts of Warren and Zuidema. Later that day, the Seawolves prepared for their second game of the double-

header as they prepared to face the Cyclones of Mills College. The Seawolves came out strong for the second game of the doubleheader series by picking up a strong 9-0 sweep over the Cyclones. The Seawolves wasted no time with taking the offensive by securing three wins in all their doubles matches by a score of 8-0. In singles play, the Seawolves seemed unstoppable by defeating all of their opposing challengers with a score of 6-0, 6-0. The Seawolves pulled off a solid sweep in the double-header on Friday, bringing their overall record to 10-3 on the season. The Seawolves would conclude their weekend series by squaring off on Sunday afternoon against division one opponent University of Nevada at the SSU tennis courts. The Seawolves came into this match hoping to end the weekend series on a big win. In the opening sets of the match, the Seawolves fell behind the Wolf Pack from the early going by dropping all three of the double matches in the early sets. Seawolf players Warren and Zuidema played a contested doubles match, almost pulling off the upset, but fell short in the last set (8-7). In singles play, the Seawolves continued to battle back with the efforts of Warren, Zuidema, and Brooner, who all came up with victories in their singles matches against University of Nevada players. Warren came away in her victory with a score of (6-4, 5-7, 10-8) in her match. Zuidema also came up victorious with a score of (6-2, 3-6, 10-7), and Brooner won her match with a score of (7-5, 6-3). The Seawolves played a competitive match, but came up short with a final score of 6-3. This brings the Seawolves overall record to 10-4. The Sonoma State women’s tennis team is scheduled next to play against the Stanislaus State Warriors in Turlock on Sunday.

Seawolves drop three to Tritons JESSICA BENNETT STAFF WRITER


ast weekend the Sonoma State University baseball team battled it out against rival team UC San Diego. During this weekend series, the Seawolves fell short to the Tritons, ending the series in a 3-1 loss. The opening game on Friday gave the Seawolves a run for their money. Starter, right-handed pitcher and senior Michael Warning stretched out to pitch six innings and did not give up any runs. Being a first time starter, Warning did a phenomenal job on the mound. “Well, this was my first start this season,” he said. “Before I pitch I like to visualize throwing and executing all my pitches as well as me executing certain situations that I might face in the game, such as bunts.” After pulling Warning in the sixth, Sonoma State’s head coach, John Goelz, substituted No. 25 senior Niccolas Vega, who did not even complete a full inning before the UC Tritons took the lead. After his one and only mound visit, Goelz pulled Vega and replaced him with junior Rory McDaid, who also gave up runs and did not last too long on the mound. After McDaid came right-handed pitcher and junior Michael Gutierrez, who finished off the game. Going through a bullpen that fast hurt the Seawolves’ changes during this first series game, ending in a hard loss, 7-4 in favor of UC San Diego. Early Saturday morning Sonoma State charged the

field in hopes of bringing home two victories, but sadly, two tough losses was the true fate of the Seawolves. Staring off the first game, Sonoma State’s Bryce Nagata and Anthony Clyma scored a couple runs from a throwing error on San Diego’s part, getting the Seawolves on the board. However, the Tritons did not give up, coming back and scoring in the third. Thankfully, senior Zach Guardino made two unbelievable catches preventing two UCSD home runs. Sonoma State was giving it its all with yet another run in the fourth. However, something SSU could not afford to do was give up anything due to errors. Sadly, that is exactly what happened in the sixth when UC San Diego took the lead and ran with it. This game ended in a 7-3 loss against the Tritons. The second game on Saturday only went seven innings and ended in another tough loss for the Seawolves. Sonoma State’s Joshua Montelongo scored for the Seawolves. However, the Tritions came back again with two runs in the third, costing Sonoma State the game because of careless errors. Sonoma State fought back Sunday at 11 a.m. Starting off for the Seawolves was yet another right-handed pitcher, Michael Byerline, who remained calm, cool and collected during his outing. “Of course I hear the other team, but it doesn’t bother me at all actually,” Byerline said. “Some of the stuff they say actually makes me laugh, but besides that I know that I have complete control over the game while

I’m on the mound and nothing they say should affect the outcome of how I pitch.” Daniel Hawkins allowed the Seawolves the first run of the game by a ground out so Nagata could come home. During this final game, Hawkins was a designated hitter, but still motivated his team in the dugout. “As a DH it can be easy to check out when your team is on defense,” he said. “I tend to really get involved without dugout and I make sure that every man is locked in and behind our guys playing defense. Also, since I am a catcher, I tend to work with our pitcher and catcher that are in the game and give them advice on things I see that are going on. Any chance to help my team succeed, I’ll do it.” The Tritons took the lead 2-1, but only for a split second as the Seawolves came back and attacked. With bases loaded Rayson Romero drove home a run for SSU with a hit-by-pitch. The Seawolves took home a win during this series against the UC San Diego Tritons, ending the final game in a 4-2 win. “We were able to bounce back because we trust each other no matter who’s in the lineup. It’s different everyday so we’re all ready to play for the person next to us,” Sahagian said. “No matter what if were down 3-0 or up 3-0, nothing changes; we all have faith in each other.” Sonoma State men’s baseball will be playing a weekend series away against California State San Marcos this upcoming weekend, starting at 3 p.m. on Friday.

STAR // Christine von Raesfeld (Left to right) No. 18 sophomore Kyle Stevenson pitches the ball, senior infielder Nathan Mann rounds the bases, and junior outfielder Zach Guardino connects with the ball.

12 Photo

MARCH 12 - MARCH 19, 2018 sonomastatestar.com

Career Fair brings job opportunities

STAR // Christine von Raesfeld Students talk with employers at the Career Fair on March 8 in the Student Center Ballrooms.

STAR // Carly Wade Sabrina Zavala and Jen Zuazo discuss the different businesses present at the Career Fair.

STAR // Carly Wade Junior Michelle Tadlock inquires about a potential job at Sonoma-Cutrer Vineyards.

STAR // Christine von Raesfeld Students talk with employers at the Career Fair.



12:30 - 2:30 p.m.

STAR // Justin Santos Lily Carlon #9 looks to pass the ball.

3rd Floor in the Student Center

Guests will include Property Management companies and Apartment Managers of Rohnert Park and the surrounding areas. CORT Furniture Rental will also be there to help you furnish your new place! Come explore a variety of rental opportunities at our Fair. While you’re there, register with Housing to win a prize!

STAR // Justin Santos Taylor Brown, No. 12, looks for an open teammate to pass the ball.

There’s no place like home

Find YOUR right fit

QUESTIONS ABOUT LIVING OFF-CAMPUS? STAR // Christine von Raesfeld Amanda Zuidema, Hannah Highsmith, and Jenna DeTurk warm up before the game.

Please call Housing Services: 707-664-2541 (dial 711 for Relay Services)

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