Volume 81 // Issue 2

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Women’s soccer Read a recap of the overtime game versus Dominican University on PAGE 10.

Power Lines play festival Find out more about the student play festival that will put on multiple productions next semster on PAGE 6.

Children’s books

Learn about a Sonoma State professor’s plan to release three children’s over the next few months on PAGE 8.

SINCE 1979




SSU professor calls grant “achievement of a lifetime” MANDELA LINDER STAFF WRITER


STAR // Braden Cartwright

Sonoma State responds to renewable energy bill LAURIE KELSO STAFF WRITER


n Aug. 28, California’s legislators moved forward on a bill that proposes that the entire state of California must rely solely on clean energy by the year 2045. The LA Times explained in an article published on August 28th, that the bill has been argued over for two years now, the main concerns being cost and convenience. The article also stated that the state wants to wean it’s dependability off of fossil fuels. “Lawmakers supporting the bill said it was important that the state continue its pioneering efforts to curb greenhouse gas emissions,” the newspaper said. This bill will greatly affect Sonoma State and other CSU campuses across the state. Joyce Lopes is the Vice President for Administration and Finance, and also serves on the CSU-wide Energy Advisory Committee. She explained that measures to improve sustainability are already underway, and that the committee is working with the CSU system to move towards alternative energy models that are more sustainable. Lopes explains what exactly Senate Bill 100, that was passed on Tuesday and will now move on to the Assembly, will propose in more detail. “It mandates 50 percent renewable energy by

2026, four years earlier than the previous deadline of 2030. It additionally requires 100 percent renewable by 2045,” she said. Lopes explained that Sonoma State gets energy from, “generators in the wholesale market as part of a systemwide program. The last year the data was available, 2016, 55% of Sonoma State’s power was carbon free and 25% was from qualisee ENERGY on pg. 4

STAR // Braden Cartwright In some parking lots, pay stations and lights are powered by solar panels.

rofessor Janet Hess of Sonoma State University has received the Digital Humanities Advancement Grant of $50,000 from the National Endowment for the Humanities, a federal agency which funds humanities programs in the United States. The grant will fund a digital interactive map of three indigenous American nations. Hess will create a vision for digital experts hired for the project while working closely with elders from the tribes. She estimates that this project will take two years to complete; during this time she will continue to teach at Sonoma State. Hess has her BA from the University of Iowa, JD from the University of Iowa College of Law, MA in Art History from Columbia University, and PhD in Art History from Harvard. Hess, who has been at Sonoma State for 17 years as a professor of art history and diasporic studies, said, “This grant is the achievement of a lifetime for me.” Students will be able to click on “indigenous maps” and see the map divided by indigenous nations. They can then click on “region” to get more detailed information. “You can learn about language, art, treaties and find out in your area who once was there and where they lived,” said Hess. Professor Hess has a strong background in social justice. Some of her social justice work includes time as a legal aid for lowincome people, having worked for the prevention of a pipeline and death penalty work in the cases of Charles Ng and Leonard Lake. This social justice work ties into her indigenous maps project because it helps open students up to understanding other cultures. “This map can serve to show that

STAR // Natalie Dolan Janet Hess will create an interactive map of three indiginous American nations. Native Americans are still here, their cultures are still alive, and we ignore them to our own peril,” Hess said. “We cannot use and abuse their sacred places and expect to thrive. This project will remind students about who came before us and about their human rights.” Professor Hess’s interest in indigenous Americans is deeply rooted in her family’s past. “It’s hard to describe how important this is to me,” she said. “Since the 1830’s my family lived in indian territory--Oklahoma.” Her mother’s side of the family grew up alongside the Osage Native American nation, and her father grew up in the small town where the Kiowa Five, a group of native artists, began. Her family started the first trading post with natives in indigenous Americans territory. The grant application process, Professor Hess said, was incredibly demanding. She applied six times, using criticism from the denials to improve her application each time. The process took her six years, but she did not give up. “I want to encourage students to never give up on their creative dreams,” she said. “I’m

University looking for new Title IX Coordinator ASHLEY GIESEKE STAFF WRITER


STAR // Natalie Dolan Zachary Ormsby lays out for a catch during ultimate frisbee practice at the intramural fields.

Find out all you need to know about men’s ultimate frisbee on PAGE 11.

see GRANT on pg. 5

onoma State University has always said that they wanted to be a place free of sex discrimination, sexual harassment and sexual misconduct, according to an email that was sent out on Friday. It said that the safety and well being of students is always the top priority. According to the email students received, it is required by federal and state law for the CSU system to provide training, distribute information and to promote awareness for a harassment-free campus. Title IX came from Civil Rights Act of 1964 and enforces sex education programs and federally funded education. According to the U.S Department of Education, Title IX states, “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.” The US Department of Education’s website stated that Title IX assists approximately 16,500 local school districts, 7,000 postsecondary institutions and a few charter schools. The problem that Sonoma State is current facing is that the office is currently understaffed. Sonoma State’s provost Lisa Vollendorf said that they are hiring. “Since we are hiring, the story might be timely to do when the campus is just about to host those finalists

at their open forum,” she said. She did not say when these open forums will be taking place. Tammy Kenber, the Associate Vice President for Human Resources, is currently serving as the Interim Title IX Coordinator. The Title IX Coordinator position was previously held by Bill Kidder, who also has served as Judy Sakaki’s Chief of Staff. When interviewed about the situation, student Sydney Trump said, “Being a student at SSU for the past four years, I’ve found Title IX to be a very important aspect of our community.” She said so is frightened due to the fact that no one is permanently running the department. “It scares me that Sonoma State claims to be a safe and inclusive environment where all students can grow and thrive, yet there is no one there to protect us from discrimination or harassment.” The email that the university sent out let the students know that there is some confidential resources that students can reach out to if they are in need of help. They can reach out to Susan Pulido, who is a Confidential Advocate, and can be contacted at susan.pulido@ sonoma.edu. Students can also visit the Counseling and Psychological Services in Stevenson Hall 1088. The email also stated that you can report incidents in violation of the CSU Executive Order 1097, which lays out the CSU’s policy on discrimination, online.

2 Editorial THE STAR Editorial Board Kendall Grove, Editor-in-Chief Braden Car twright, News Editor Luis Mejia, Opinion Editor Ashley Napier, Ar ts & Enter tainment Editor Haley Kara, Student Life Editor Brennan Craig, Spor ts Editor Alyssa Archerda, Photo Editor Lukas Brown, Adver tising Manager Christine Von Raesfeld, Social Media Manager Savannah Lizarraga, Copy Editor Gillian Chaffer, Copy Editor Mandela Linder, Copy Editor Corinne Asturias, Faculty Adviser Staff Writers Morgan Arancio, Kaylie Boettner, Kelly Britton, Lukas Brown, Madeleine Brown, Nicholas Ceschin, Gillian Chaffer, Mar tin Contreras, Christian Francisco, Alex Funchess, Ashley Gieseke, Maria Gulli, Amanda Hadley, Emily Hoffman, Laurie Kelso, Mandela Linder, Luis Madrigal, Mariah Maldonado, Emiliana Mar tinez, Carly Olsen, Kathleen Perry, Joseph Piombo, Michelle Ponce, Kailey Priest, Renee Rodgers, Alison Snider, Jennifer Spence, Natalya Swensen, Emily Twisselmann

Photographers Analy Bravo, Michelle Tadlock Natalie Dolan, Jessica Bennett

Nichols Hall 323, 1801 East Cotati Ave Rohnert Park, CA 94928 Telephone: 707-664-2776 Business & General Inquiries: sonomastatestar@gmail.com Corrections and News Tips: star@sonoma.edu

Editor’s Pick This week’s can’t miss article:

SEPT. 4 - SEPT. 10, 2018


Distribution of 3D gun plans sparks security concerns


f the recent epidemic of mass shootings is any indication, America is no stranger to the conversation of gun control. In fact, just weeks ago, the average citizen likely believed that every last argument having to do with guns had already been exhausted one way or another. Except, the one where the average citizen starts making his own. This is the case with Defense Distributed founder Cody Wilson who began selling blueprints for untraceable 3D-printed guns courtesy of his website just last week. The new product quickly became a popular product, with over 400 orders received in less than a day. The product also became a cause for concern from one federal court who barred the Texas company owner from posting the plans online for fear of their “untraceable, undetectable, and unique danger,” according to U.S. District Judge Robert Lasnik. Despite this court order, however, Wilson was still allowed to sell the blueprints and distribute them accordingly for individuals who had already placed orders, and for the many more to come. That said, widespread distribution, as in posting the downloadable files online, is strictly prohibited thanks to the office of Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson. “Regulation under the law means that the files cannot be uploaded to the internet, but

they can be emailed, mailed, securely transmitted, or otherwise published within the United States,” the ruling claims. Wilson, on the other hand, was not satisfied, admitting at a news conference that while the judge’s orders “were very gracious,” he plans to continue challenging the order in hopes for the ability to one day post his files for all to see with no price attached. Naturally, this aspiration was met with the other side of the coin when 19 states and the District of Columbia sought an injunction to prevent the settlement reached with Wilson’s Austin-based company. According to Jessica Schladebeck of the New York Daily News, it was argued that “online access to the undetectable plastic guns would pose a security risk and could be acquired by felons or terrorists.” Wilson argues the threat of guns is already present, but not in the fashion by which he intends to distribute his plans. “If I allow you to download an AR-15, the full plans for an AR-15,” he told CBS News, “I don’t believe that I provide you with anything other than the general knowledge of what an AR-15 is. I am no different than a publisher of information.” As he raises money for his defense moving forward, it is this philosophy that will consume the center of debate, forging potentially even a different direction for the national conversation to explore, in a world where its future with weapons


frankly, quite unknown. The discussion on guns has been moving so repetitively that many have forgotten to consider what is yet to come. The constant and often overwhelming evolution of technology has led critics to argue that untraceable weaponry is the start of a liability that must be halted before its reign even has the chance to begin. After all, people already want guns. People who should not have guns already want guns. From there, a person’s means to acquire one is often the only obstacle left to overcome. Then again, a 3D printer represents a luxury of creation, one where a user has the capability and freedom of bringing their own idea to life in a way never before seen so convenient. As a result, many institutions have begun the adoption of these machines, including universities such as Sonoma State. As of now, the on-campus Makerspace is located near the middle of the library. Assuming the worst seems troublesome, as is the thought of an unsupervised student casually waltzing into the lab with a design found online and printing a gun without a second thought for purposes of creativity. Or for other means. Ultimately, if that day arrives, there will be many more Fergusons and many more Wilsons, just as there are now, loyal to one side of that same coin if not the other. And the same conversation being had today will ensue.

Editorial Policy: The commentary expressed in the unsigned editorial represents a majority opinion of the STAR Editorial Board on a topic facing the campus community in keeping with journalistic precedents of other major newspapers, and may not be shared by all staff writers. The board encourages readers to write letters to the editor about all topics, including the editorial.

“Porn industry at odds with questionable ethics” Read the story on page 3

Corrections/Clarifications The STAR values accuracy and works diligently to check facts before publication. However, if inaccuracies occur, we want to know. Please report errors to the editor at star@sonoma.edu.

Publication The STAR is published every Tuesday during the fall and spring semesters. Printing is done by Sonoma Media Group. The weekly publication of the STAR is made possible by Instructionally Related Activities Funding.


Opinions expressed in the STAR are those of the writer and not necessarily those of the STAR or SSU. The editorial reflects the views of the STAR Editorial Board on issues it considers to be of particular relevance to the campus community.

Letters to the Editor Letter writers may expect prompt publication in the newspaper’s op-ed section, as space is available. Letters of up to 400 words will be allowed and must be submitted no later than the Friday before the publication date. Published letters must be free of libel, since the publication is held legally accountable for all content. Although personal controversy will be tolerated, it is the responsibility of the editor to check statements purporting the facts. The STAR reserves the right to refuse publication to any letter and to edit for length. Letters must sign all contributions and the editor must verify the signer and the writer are one in the same through personal conference. To send a letter to the editor, email star@sonoma.edu.

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SEPT. 4 - SEPT. 10, 2018


Social anxiety does not need to remain a crippling social norm




hen professors in my longer classes ask if we would rather have a break or end early, most students enthusiastically lobby for the latter, including me. Taking a break means actually having to talk to people. That requires effort, and effort is scary. Imagine mustering up the courage to get out of my comfort zone only to end up having a beyond awkward conversation. Then that person finds someone else to sit with next class. I would rather not know someone than have someone think awkwardly of me. So it is ‘no thank you’ to potential rejection and ‘yes please’ for a vote to end early.

Social anxiety in the classroom is alarmingly dominating, which makes students prone to hiding on their phones. Alexandra Ossola of The Atlantic reports that the more time youth spend on their phones, in classrooms specifically, the more socially anxious they are prone to be. Phones put on a facade to hide our vulnerability when we are alone. Hiding even deeper in plain sight are the peers that seem fearless because they are actually having conversations with each other, basking in the safety of already having known each other prior. The Anxiety and Depression Association of America reports that 15 million Americans suffer from social anxiety, including those that appear completely content on the surface. Discomfort has made isolation a social norm. Fear not, there is a way out. Step one: see how to justify staying safe and be able to admit it through reassurance. For example, I have friends in my sorority, so it does not matter that I do not know anyone in this class. Being with my few closer sisters outside of meetings allowed me to feel comfortable believing this justification, making it possible to hide in plain sight with those friends during scary meetings, like those peers having conversa-

Opinion 3

tions in class. However, upon admitting this justification, it was an excuse rather than truth. With awareness comes step two: involvement. The more one says yes to opportunities, the more one begins to see the world not as scary as the consciencemakes them out to be. Say yes to leadership positions, yes to joining a club, or yes to helping when someone calls for it. The College of St. Scholastica reports, “Friendships form effortlessly when you share similar interests or passions with like-minded peers.” Involvement is the gateway to surpassing the basics of just going to class for connection with others to fill the void that the brain alone cannot. Involvement develops the voice to speak up about it, leading to step three: own it. When speaking aloud to another person, connect from an authentic place, acting in opposition of that very anxiousness that keeps me prisoner. Speaking up still feels scary, but the difference now is you are the one in control. Life is a gift. We should not have to run from it in the classroom, or anywhere for that matter. Plain sight is not for hiding. It is the place to accept and better ourselves in the name of the gift we were born for.

Porn industry at odds with questionable ethics




ndividuals will constantly bring up all of the negative impacts of pornography on those who watch it, like addiction and problems with romantic relationships. However, those being harmed are not necessarily the consumers; they are the ones in front of the camera, who could likely be involved in human trafficking. Many assume that the adult film industry is a safe space full of acceptance and sexual freedom, and for the most part, it is. Unfortunately, a lot of major pornorgraphy companies and agencies do not enforce consent, and can even be funding scenes of individuals who are being forced to do things on camera they would not normally do. Consent is a key part of every sexual encounter, regardless of how far someone is willing to go. Sadly, pornography is viewed differently, since it is someone’s job to “perform” to the camera for a cer-

tain amount of pay. Many pornstars are coerced to perform acts in their scenes that they are not comfortable with. In the documentary “Hot Girls Wanted,” former adult film actress Lisa Ann states, “There were times on set with people where I was like, ‘This is not a good situation. This is not safe.’ A lot of...new girls have to do these abusive scenes...that does break you down as a woman.” For many porn actors and actresses, contracts are involved in their shoots, and will be signed by both parties to ensure consent. However, this contract might not involve everything that the director wants to see. Pornstars will be put in dangerous and physically demanding situations for a more “extreme” scene, which inevitably will do well, due to shock factor. Women will request the usage of condoms in their scenes, but be declined due to the aesthetics of the film. Not only is this potentially dangerous, but this can inf luence young people to think that protection is not necessary. The Executive Director of the National Center on Sexual Exploitation, Dawn Hawkins, said, “the 20+ performers I have talked to (some still involved in porn) have all shared stories with me that they were forced and coerced many times over.” Though the actresses will be paid well, many of them look back on these scenes with regret and embarrassment. The statistics of human trafficking in regards to porn production is not very prominent since

trafficking is illegal, and most of the time, pornography companies who attach their names to these videos, do not know what is going on behind the scenes. However, from retired pornstars to survivors of assault, many claim to have been forced into porn or to do things they did not want to do. According to John-Henry Westen of The Huffington Post, a 2003 study said that out of over 800 trafficking survivors, 50 percent were forced to do pornography. Most damaging about this is that viewers do not know what exactly they are watching. Porn is a fantasy, not reality: actors use fake names, and are doing just that — acting. But individuals can hardly tell if the person on screen is consenting, 18 or older, or is even comfortable with the scene. “Lots of companies already make pretty good porn,” says Nicki Hodgson, founder of the Ethical Porn Partnership. “What we lack is transparency about how it’s produced.” The porn industry makes 13 billion dollars a year. Many men and women involved have good experiences, make a comfortable income and feel sexually liberated. Unfortunately, there is a dark side to this industry. Since we do not know what is or what isn’t on-camera abuse, viewing this form of media on certain websites helps to fuel sex trafficking, and with such a high demand, illegal and unconsenting pornography will continue to f lourish.

Dogs prove better at compassion NATALYA SWENSEN STAFF WRITER


eople show compassion and empathy towards dogs more than human beings. That says a lot about where our morality stands as a society. Many of us are much more likely to cry during the scene of a movie where the dog dies compared to a person. The film “Marley & Me” is a great example. Dogs serve a purpose to many people that other individuals simply cannot. Dogs are the best companions out there. They will clean up any mess of food without complaining, mainly because they love food, but also because they literally cannot talk. Speaking of not being able to talk, dogs can never judge you like other people do. In addition to dogs being selfless, most just want their owners to be happy. When greeted by a dog, they are always happy to see someone. To this day, that kind of loyalty is incredible. According to Mandy Oaklander of TIME Magazine, owning a dog reduces stress, depression, and anxiety, which pet owners would surely vouch for. “The rise of animal therapy is backed by increasingly serious science showing that social support–a proven antidote to anxiety and loneliness–can come on four legs, not just two.” It is questionable if us as humans even deserve dogs as companions. Dogs are great because of their unique personalities and unconditional love, but also because of their incredible sense of smell and ability to be trained. Service dogs act not only as companions, but as personal assistants to people with disabilities. “Though the studies are small, the benefits are impressive enough that clinical settings are opening their doors to animal-assisted interventions–pet therapy, in other words–used alongside conventional medicine.” They can be trained in a wide range of tasks from acting as eyes to a blind person to alerting a person with diabetes or a seizure, according to The American Kennel Club. Some dogs are even able to be trained to sniff out drugs and bombs, working alongside police and the military. The fact that humans are severely limited in such skills makes us extremely lucky to have them as a resource in that way. The fact that there are people that do not like dogs or are not ‘dog people,’ is confusing to many, but not uncommon. John Bradshaw of The Conversation claims that our desire to have a pet as a companion plays a part in our evolution as humans. In that case, genetics play a role as to why some people love dogs and some do not. He claims owning a pet does not directly consist with a person’s life span. In contrast, studies have shown that people view dogs the same, if not higher than human babies. In a recent study, Stanley Coren of Psychology Today tested a situation in which, people had to choose between saving another person or their dog. The study concluded that over one-third of the people chose to save their pet. Many more studies have been conducted in order to understand why humans are more empathetic towards dogs than other people and found that it is more complex than expected. Age played a large factor in decision making, even more than if it were to save a dog or person. Because of this, people reacted similarly with infants and dogs. As humans, our instincts are to save the vulnerable and dependent subjects, like puppies and babies, instead of a grown and capable person. We love dogs and dote on the cuteness of puppies because of their innocence. Having a pet dog is like having a best friend who is always happy to see you. The responsibility of taking care of another being is gratifying and rewarded with unconditional love.

Young gay bullying continues to add to the suicide toll



t was just a few days into the first week of school when a 9-year-old boy took his life. According to Julie Turkewitz from The New York Times, fourth grade Jamel Myles hanged himself in his bedroom after reaching his breaking point due to bullying. According to ABC 7 News, over the summer Myles told his mother that he was gay and was planning to tell his classmates when school started. “He looked so scared when he told me,” Leia Pierce told KDVR-TV. “He

was like, ‘Mom I’m gay.’ And I thought he was playing, so I looked back because I was driving, and he was all curled up, so scared. And I said, I still love you.” He was a typical victim of bullying at Joe Shoemaker Elementary School in Denver the previous year and the taunting continued well through this current year of school. According to Caitlin O’Kane from CBS News, Jamel’s mother was devastated. “My son told my oldest daughter the kids at school told him to kill himself. I’m just sad he didn’t come to me.” This reaction to people in the LGBTQ community, especially young members, is all too familiar. As a general reminder, LGBTQ stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, and historical evidence proves this community has technically been around for centuries in every culture. According to Dr. Bonnie J. Morris from the American Psychological Association, “from the lyrics of same-sex desire inscribed by Sappho in the seventh century BCE to youths raised as the op-

posite sex in cultures ranging from Albania to Afghanistan; from the ‘female husbands’ of Kenya to the Native American ‘Two-Spirit,’ alternatives to the Western male-female and heterosexual binaries thrived across millennia and culture.” But despite having existed for centuries, whether with a name or not, the LGBTQ community has been facing the same hardships for a while, with minimal improvement. More and more young people are coming out to their friends and family, but not everyone can be so accepting. Elementary school, middle school, high school can all be hard enough for young people, trying to get good grades, meet new friends and figure who they are without having to justify who they like or why it is okay. Bullying can be found in every school and coming out can unfortunately stick an easy target on a student’s back. Bullying is never okay in any form, at any age. In many cases, kids are told they are unwanted and that they should just kill themselves because of who they are and who they choose to love. People

should be able to love who they love and be who they want to be without being questioned for it. When children feel that the only way to make the pain and bullying stop is to end their own lives, something has to change. Children are young so they change their minds about a lot. Such as what they want to be when they grow up and what they want to eat for dinner. So if they come out and say that they like the same sex or do not feel right as the gender they were assigned to at birth, it is possible as they grow and learn more about sexuality that they will change their mind in this regard too. However, it is also possible that they stick to their original statement and it is not anyone’s place to judge or discriminate. It is time for people to start stepping up and stepping in to prevent tragedies like this from reoccurring. It is true what they say, about how it takes a whole village to raise a child. No one should suffer in silence. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline number is 1-800-273-8255 and it is open 24 hours everyday.

4 News

SEPT. 4 - SEPT. 10, 2018


Students face rising housing costs



ll around California, college students have been facing an immense struggle to find affordable housing. A recent study by researchers at the University of Wisconsin showed that 14 percent of community college students are homeless, and half have hard time finding a reasonably priced place to live. In the past six years, the median price of a home in Sonoma County has risen by more than 50 percent, according to the Press Democrat. Last October’s fires increased housing costs too, after 5,200 homes were destroyed in the county. Sonoma State is known for its lavish dorm options. The dorms Sonoma State has to offer are more like an apartment complex than the average college dorm room experience. As of August 30 2018, there were 3,116 students living on campus. Stacy Heldmen-Holguin, the Interim Associate Vice President of Student Affairs, mentioned that, “We did add 75 be spaces on campus for 2018-19. We were concerned that due to the fires of Fall 2018 that we may not

have enough space to meet student demand. Fortunately, we have been able to house all students who applied for housing this semester.” According to Sonoma State’s website, the school is, “nationally recognized in the Princeton Review for ‘Dorms Like Palaces.’” 90 percent of the freshman class live in dorms on campus, as well as 37 percent of undergraduate students. We have a total of 3,100 units across campus. Although our dorm options on campus are far greater than the normal small spaced dorm room, the average student does not prefer living on campus all four years (plus) of their college career. This is when off campus housing becomes a competition. When students heard about a new complex being built right behind the Green Music Center called “University District” being built, the name gave an impression that it would be focused towards Sonoma State students. However, when looking at the University District’s main web page, one of the first links shown is “Four new single family neighborhoods.” Along with the links are pictures of chil-

STAR // Michelle Tadlock The 260 acre University District was built in 2016, and is located just north of campus dren and adults. None of them show college-aged students. Students living offcampus have struggled with being in the middle of familycentered neighborhoods. As Sonoma State student Megan Haap put it, “We are constantly being told we are annoying, loud, college students living in neighborhoods made for families, but there’s nowhere else to

ENERGY: University working on 5-year plan for energy use continued from pg. 1

fying renewables.” This means that SSU has already been taking strides in moving towards sustainability. Lopes shares that the university is keen to the topic of clean energy. “Sonoma State University is excited to see any regulations that will require more renewable energy generation and keep technology allowing for quick movement toward carbon neutrality. The University has sustainability, environmental inquiry, adaptability and responsiveness in the core values of our Strategic Plan 2025.” Aaron Klemm is the CSU Chief of Energy and Sustainability. He shared more information about the regulations the whole CSU system will be implementing. “CSU’s system-wide climate goals are aggressive and aligned with the state. CSU maintains a solar master enabling agreement that provides campuses the streamlined tools to install additional solar on campus.” Klemm explained that changes will be happening within the next month. One of these includes a, “battery energy storage master enabling agreement that provides campuses the streamlined tools to install additional solar on campus.”

Klemm explained that changes will be happening within the next month. One of these includes a, “battery energy storage master enabling the integration of renewable energy and utility bill savings.” Another of such measured included is a “contracting tool for energy efficiency procurement, which is the most cost effective carbon reduction measure and improves the built environment on campuses.” Klem states that the CSU system will continue with efforts to help carbon reduction for the future. Craig Dawson, Sonoma State’s new Director of Operational Sustainability, provided insight on the campus’s 5-year plan: “The department will focus on reducing energy use, reducing carbon generation, reducing waste, and engaging the campus, the region, and the county in effort to model best practices and create a more resilient campus and community. We are developing a 5-year rolling action plan, exploring signing the Second Nature Climate Commitment, and developing resiliency to ensure we can continue our mission educating the leaders of tomorrow.”

go. I assumed a neighborhood called “University District” would be focused to the University, and we would actually have a neighborhood to our own, but I only know a few college students actually living there with rent prices through the roof.” Lauren Provost, a Sonoma State student, lived in University District last year. She mentioned some pros and

cons about the new University District saying, “Last year there were about four houses of college students on my street. My rent was actually pretty cheap because our landlord was generous, but our neighbors rent is pretty expensive.” She said that it was nice living so close to campus and having a brand new super nice house, but there was never any parking.



Washington D.C. Senator John McCain was honored as a principled politician and beloved father at his funeral service on Wednesday morning. Former Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush - who competed against McCain in battles for the White House - were among those offering tributes. Senator McCain was laid to rest in a private ceremony at the U.S. Naval Academy on Sunday.

Florida Keys Tropical Storm Gordon formed in Florida Keys early Monday morning and is expected to strengthen as it heads towards the Gulf of Mexico. Gordon is already pounding South Florida with rain and strong winds. A tropical storm warning has been issued for parts of the central Gulf Coast from the Alabama-Florida border westward to east of Morgan-City, Louisiana.

Rio, Brazil A massive fire raged through Brazil’s National Museum on Sunday is believed to have destroyed much of the 20 million items inside. Fire crews got off to a slow start fighting the blaze because the fire hydrants closest to the building were not functioning properly. It is unclear how the fire began. There were no reported injuries at the museum.

Washington D.C. President Donald Trump announced Thursday he was canceling across-the-board pay raises for civilian workers across the federal government. This is in an effort to maintain a fiscally sustainable course. Under President Trump’s policy, roughly 1.8 million people will not get an automatic pay raise next year.

Aleppo, Syria The reconstruction of Aleppo has begun after nearly 66,000 refugees have returned since the end of the civil war. Many people and machinery are working to remove the thousands of massive stones to rebuild the city’s mosque. Aleppo was Syria’s largest city before the war; the Syrian government now says it wants its residents and business owners to come back.

News 5

SEPT. 4 - SEPT. 10, 2018


120-day citations discourage students from partying Commentary



s an incoming college student, many are hoping to get a break from their high school routine, including breaking loose and partying. While many are excited to party and enjoy social gatherings, the citizens of Rohnert Park have overly sensitive policies for noise complaints around town. Diego Acevedo, a senior at Sonoma State, explains, “I’ve got one on two separate occasions: once my junior year and once recently, last week.” Citations have increased since the beginning of the school year and police are shutting down parties all around Rohnert Park. The Rohnert Park Department of Public Safety did not repond for comment on this story. 120-day citations are limited to the city of Rohnert Park, making these citations seem like a

burden that discourages students from having social gatherings in their homes. The terms of a citation states that if once a citation is issued, that household cannot get another noise complaint within 120 days. If they were to receive a complaint within the probationary period, that household will receive a $500 dollar fine. According to a Press Democrat article from 2013, “Under an urgency ordinance that took effect immediately, someone who hosts such an unruly gathering is prohibited from throwing another party for 120 days. Under the former ordinance, the penalty was 60 days. Violations of the ban bring a $500 fine.” Many Police officers may even be shocked by the presence of such a strict noise complaint citation. Acevedo said, “My second encounter with the cops getting a 120, I do

remember them and they did not seem like they knew what they were doing. They actually told us that three of the four cops over there that night were new and that it was their first night on the job. The other guy had been here for a couple months. They seem nervous, only one of them talked the entire time while the other ones just nodded their heads.” This fine and the citation itself are enough to discourage student from hosting social gatherings. Acevedo said, ”Yes the 120 aspect definitely makes you think about going to a party.” These citations are believed to be affecting the experience of college students drastically. He said, “It has affected my college experience, I don’t think anyone knows there’s 120 days when they applied to Sonoma” In contrast to Rohnert Park, student-residents who had dealt with the 120-day citations nearly every time they had gatherings larger than 15 people. These students who reside in neighboring town, such as Penngrove, explain their college experience to be much

more enjoyable without the presence of these citations. “We had parties at The Grove every weekend and one out of ten times we’d get a complaint. That’s when an officer would show up at our door, and it wasn’t for noise complaints. It was for the 100 parked cars out on the road,” a senior at Sonoma State, who prefers to speak anonymously, said. “We never got a 120 because Penngrove doesn’t have the same rules as Rohnert Park/Cotati. We never got a warning either. The cop would ask how many people were here and I would tell him, ‘no less than 200’ and he would respond, ‘get them out, have a good day’ and then he would leave.” This student also mentioned that “If it wasn’t for my house in Penngrove, college wouldn’t be what it was for myself, my roommates, and our guests. It was like a movie on repeat, and it never got old. As long as new music dropped, the party never stopped.” His experience of college was enhanced by living less than a mile away across campus because they were in a 120-day citation free territory.

Campus Events

Date and Time


Seawolf Academic Success Fair

Sep. 5 @ 11 a.m.

Seawolf Plaza

ASP Free Bowling Night

Sep. 6 @ 10 p.m.

Double Decker Lanes

Late Nights with Lobo (Karaoke)

Sep. 7 @ 8:30 p.m.


Interfraternity Council Info Night

Sep. 4 @ 7 p.m.

Ballroom A

Pop Culture Game Show

Sep. 5 @ 7 p.m.

Ballroom B. C. D

Ally Lunch Mixer

Sep. 7 @ 12 p.m.

The Hub

Movie: Black Panther

Sep. 7 @ 7 p.m.

GMC Lawn





Petty Theft

Aug. 27

Children’s School


Noise Complaint

Aug. 27

Tuscany Village


Petty Theft

Aug. 28

International Hall



Aug. 29

Sauvignon Village

No crime

GRANT: Professor has deep interest in indigenous Americans continued from pg. 1

vision-impaired, but I want to encourage people with disabilities to persist.” According to Hess, only between 9% and 15% of people who apply get this grant, and it is very unusual for a CSU professor. The Dean of Arts and Humanities, Dr. Hollis Robbins, said “This award acknowledges and sup-

ports the crucial work of Professor Hess in making available the best scholarship on native American culture and heritage.” During this busy time in her life, Hess emphasizes the importance of maintaining a worklife balance. “It’s so important for everyone to take care of themselves,” she said. For her this means making time to hike, swim, travel, meditate, do yoga, and enjoy nature.

6 Arts

SEPT. 4 - SEPT. 10, 2018


Power Lines Play Festival calls for student playwrights



hile the mainstage theatrical auditions may be over, student performers still have the opportunity to get involved with the theatre on campus through Power Lines: A New Play Festival with Hard Hats is calling for playwrights, directors, and actors to put on two to three short plays for the second semester. According to Festival Director, Scott Horstein, “POWER LINES is our big new play festival in Theatre Arts & Dance, a place where we develop and mount new student-written plays just like in a professional setting. Last time we had plays about garbage dumpsters, killer viruses, weird nuclear bomb maniacs. It was all over the place and totally fun.” This will be the second Power Lines play festival, which originally premiered in May 2017, with three student written, directed, designed, and performed short plays. Power Lines is a departure from the annual Super Mega Hot Play Festival, which features stage readings of student written plays. The first Power Lines was comprised of three productions written by Ellen Skoniecki, Victoria Saitz, and James Rich. According to the Sonoma State Theatre Arts & Dance Department website, “the 2nd Power Lines New Play Festival will feature two to three short plays selected for ‘bootstrap’ production. Don’t miss this new generation of plays; written, directed, designed and performed by SSU students.”

In order for a play to be considered for Power Lines, the playwright must be enrolled for the entire 2018-2019 school year. Plays of all genres, lengths, and production size will be considered for the festival, but the Theatre Arts & Dance audition website advises towards shorterform plays, of about ten to twenty minutes. Playwrights must be able to enroll in the three unit THAR 302 course, and be available for the Power Lines retreat on Saturday, Nov. 17. Playwrights will be given guidance and the opportunity to continue working on and improving their scripts up until opening night. Up to two play submissions per playwright are open to any Sonoma State student, regardless of grade or major, can be submitted directly to Horstein’s email horstein@sonoma.edu. Play submissions opened on Monday, Aug. 27 and will be open through Friday, Sept. 21. Selected scripts will be announced on Monday, Oct. 8. Applications for directors will open on Monday, Oct. 8 and will be accepted until Friday, Oct. 19 to Horstein’s email. According to Horstein and the Theatre Arts & Dance website, any enrolled student, regardless of grade, major, or previous directing experience, will be considered for a directing position. Interested directors are encouraged to read the selected scripts, and come prepared for the interview to discuss their possible staging ideas. Interviews will be conducted by Horstein from Oct. 22 through Oct. 26, with the selected directors being announced on Monday,

STAR // Lauren Eipp A student pours his heart into a performance of the play “Bulrusher.” Nov. 5. Auditions for Power Lines will occur during the first week of second semester. Auditions are open to all Sonoma State students and actors may be cast in multiple plays, but students cast in the spring production of Sweeney Todd may have a decreased change of receiving a major role for the festival. All participants, including directors, actors, playwrights, stage managers, and designers, must be enrolled in the THAR 302 course, but stage managers and designers need not be enrolled in THAR

303 or THAR 480. Directors, actors, and playwrights must be available during all rehearsal times, technical rehearsals, and performances. According to the Theatre Arts & Dance audition website, each play will have a different rehearsal schedule and rehearse about two to five times per week. Rehearsals will begin on Monday Jan. 28, 2019 and Power Lines: A New Play Festival with Hard Hats will run from April 4 - 13, 2019.

COURTESY // Crypticrock

“Parallel Universe” Review

Alex Funchess STAFF WRITER


he Plain White T’s new album, “Parallel Universe,” puts forward a rather evolved sound never before heard by the Illinois rock band. Released on August 24th, the album presents an electronic sound that was wildly unexpected due to the group’s previous albums that revolved around 2000s alternative rock. When I saw The Plain White T’s open for Snow Patrol in 2009, I recall the group’s setlist consisting of upbeat rocks tunes such as “Anything” and “Our Time Now.” The band proved its versatility to the crowd, setting the tone with slower songs including “1, 2, 3, 4” and of course, the band’s most popular 2005 song, “Hey There Delilah.” The band’s 2010 album, “Wonders Of The Younger” reached success with the song “Rhythm Of Love,” however, the band has since remained under the radar. The band’s 2015 album, American Nights, presented a pop-rock sound that may have left some listeners confused. The T’s floated away from their original punk genre, producing a bland mix of pop songs that often lacked melody and lyricism. Not sure what to expect next, fans were again blindsided by the band’s 2018 album release. I was eager to listen to ‘Parallel Universe’ considering I hadn’t truly listened to The Plain White T’s since middle school. The first track, “Light Up The Room,” was surprising due to the song’s EDM vibes. Although the band still heavily relies on guitar, the song revolved around pop-influenced bass lines and drops. Personally, this track did not stand out to me. Although produced well, the first couple of songs on the album seemed bland and generic

in a hopeful attempt to lift the group’s lacking momentum. Nonetheless, this song sets the tone for the rest of the album. It was unexpected that the band headed in this “pop” direction, however, I really enjoyed the album’s second track “Call Me.” Although the song’s tempo slows down, the electronic vibrations still ring true as a result of the synth influenced chorus. While the tune reminds me of today’s “top 40” tunes heard on the radio, the track is both melodic and well written by lead singer, Tom Higgenson, and the rest of the T’s. The remaining songs on the album manage to surround themes of romance. What’s a Plain White T’s album without a handful of love songs? The deepest and most dynamic song on the album,“Your Body,” stuck out as the group transitions over to it’s crossover of authentic rhythmic guitar with modern electronic drum patterns. This is the most heartfelt song on Parallel Universe and truly captures The Plain White T’s attempt to mix their past soft sound with present-day electronic music. The track “Top Of The World” is reminiscent of The Plain White T’s earlier projects such as their 2006 album, Every Second Counts. The up-tempo guitar riffs offer a nostalgic alternative rock sound that the group achieved in the last decade. My favorite song on the album, “Sick Of Love” puts forward 80’s style production revealed through the band’s groovy bass line and reverb guitar. Although I wasn’t a big fan of The Plain White T’s attempt in crossing over EDM with rock n roll, I truthfully feel neutral about Parallel Universe. Obviously, rock music is ever-changing in today’s music scene. With that said, the group strived to provide their fans with a new “parallel” style of music including a fresh electronic sound while successfully integrating electric guitar riffs.

COURTESY // Joe.ie

Has “Jaws” been replaced? Review

Kailey Priest



n the shark movie genre, it is known that the bigger the shark is, the better, and that when you hear the distinct scream from the beach “SHARK” everyone knows some unlucky person won’t make it out of the crowd of people storming the sand. The classic shark movie “Jaws” got megafide on August 10th with the release of “The Meg” in theaters. Bringing in $44.5 million on just the first weekend, according to Business Insider, it shocked many. The science fiction thriller rating PG-13 begins as a rescue diver, Jonas Taylor, played by Jason Statham, attempts to save a group of men from a submarine that had been damaged, leaving it stuck on the bottom of the ocean. He is forced to leave two men behind or risk everyone’s lives as something attacks the damaged submarine. Jumping forward, the development of a research facility “Main One” funded by billionaire Jack morris, played by Rainn Wilson, launches a deep sea mission exploring the bottom of the ocean. The team sent down comes across a new breathtaking discovery leading them into unchartered territory under the Pacific Ocean. As they continue their mission something goes terribly wrong when a mysterious creature attacks, leaving their submarine damaged. The three marine biologists, Lori, played by Jessica McNamee, Toshi, played by Masi Oka, and The Wall, played by Ólafur Darri Ólafsson, are then left stuck on the bottom of the ocean floor while a mysterious creature lurks around them. As the head of the operation Dr. Minway, played by Winston Chao, and other team members on station “Main

One” scramble for answers, they look to Jonas Taylor for assistance in rescuing the stranded marine biologists. The audience follows Jonas on his action packed adventure filled with state of the art technology down into the deep sea in search of the missing submarine. Along with their rescue due to certain circumstances the soon discovered meg finds its way to oceans surface where it creates all sorts of trouble. Alongside fighting a 75-foot prehistoric megalodon, the movie hooked you with a love story building up on the side. It was the addition to the story that was needed to set it apart from every other shark movie. The idea of a love interest provided a greater depth to the plot other than, just kill the shark. While it was corny with lines like “Meg versus man isn’t a fight... it’s a slaughter,” this shark thriller still made the audience jump and scream as they watched the team try to survive the mega sized beast. Director Jon Turteltaub took the CGI-Computer Generated Effects-to a whole new level with this film as he introduced the “largest” shark known to man. At times it was a bit questionable, but we have come a long way since the robot used in the making of “Jaws.” This shark thriller is nothing more than a revamped version of Jaws with all the bells and whistles of state of the art technology. From cheesy deaths that you knew were coming, to close calls, and not as much blood as you would think (bummer!) it was a adequate shark movie. While the reviews are a mixed batch according to CinemaBlend, in “Meg’s” third week in theaters it had already made more money than “Solo: A Star Wars Story.” The talk of a second movie is on the rise and we can see why. Now the question lies, if this prehistoric shark was supposed to be dead for millions of years, how is one alive today? I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

Entertainment 7

SEPT. 4 - SEPT. 10, 2018


Taylor Swift’s contract up for bid Teresa Gulli STAFF WRITER


his upcoming November, Taylor Swift’s contract is expiring with Big Machine Records leaving her fans curious as to what her next step is as an artist. The multi-millionaire superstar will soon be a free agent in the music industry and has the potential to build one of the largest recording contracts in the industry. There are a series of decisions ahead for Swift once her record deal expires. Big Machine will renegotiate the best deal possible as they would want her to remain on the label. Major changes are to occur if she continues to contract with Big Machine as she is battling to get the rights of her music that she has currently written since the age of 15 and to gain the rights of any upcoming music. Moving to another large record label, like Sony Music Entertainment or Warner Music group, are other options but it will raise competition between other big artists like Beyonce or Ed Sheeran. Lastly, the opportunity that she has is

to become an independent artist without a label. Swift can attest to her long career and breaking records that she would no longer need support of a larger record label to promote her sales. She can do it all on her own with her outstanding team. Being one of the top recording artists in the music industry, as well as being an original song writer, brings more power her way. Which is why being an independent would be the best decision. Swift will have to negotiate the rights to her songs as they are currently owned by Big Machine Records. Any artist with as large of a following should own all their art, the ownership of the copyright. This issue will be brought to the table when negotiating a new contract with Big Machine or a different record label. According to an article with Variety, Swift brings in around 80% of Big Machines revenue, so if she leaves will the company thrive? Not necessarily. There are still other outperforming artists such as, Georgia Florida Lines, and Tim McGraw to bring in money, after all this is an independent company soon parting way with the Universal Music Group.

If she does contract a record deal, regardless of who it is, she could get up to more than $20 million per album according to Vanity Fair. This could be record breaking and could potentially be the deal of the century. Fans are anxiously waiting for a statement as to whether she will renew or renegotiate a contract with Big Machine Records or not. She currently has met with several labels but can only negotiate as she has to wait for November when the contract officially expires to release her decision. This brings up the issue of her style of music. Negotiating a better contract or becoming an artist with no label might allow her to bring more freedom to her work. She could have the choice to choose the direction that she wants to go with her music to go. A Taylor Swift loving fan, Roberto Mendez stated, “I am excited to see hear upcoming work! I know whatever decision she makes will be the best for her.” Being a superstar brings perks when it comes to making deals and fans are eager for her decision. An artist having freedom is indeed important, plus this could bring a whole new side of Swift that has not been explored. Her style of

COURTESY // Refinery29 music could change again. She could possibly return to her country or continue to follow pop. The collaborations with artists of different genres could increase as well, to also broaden her style and have her develop as an artist.

Social media used as a news source Kathleen Perry STAFF WRITER


magine hearing about a disaster, or worse, being in the middle of one. Imagine searching the news stations for information on a loved one and not being able to find any coverage on it. Now imagine this: opening up Facebook or Twitter and finding exactly what was not being covered by traditional news outlets. Social media sites are becoming more than just networking outlets; they are now doubling as news outlets. According to Pew Research Center, 67 percent of Americans are getting their news from social media sites. Social networks like Facebook and Twitter are now being used as a way to communicate official information. These apps are communicating things from updates during disasters to formal statements from officials. New functions of social media are seen in various ways; while it is typically used as a way to stay connected, communicate, and entertain, it is now also being used to communicate in a more official way. “President Trump has changed the whole thing,” Ethics and Media professor in the Communications department Elizabeth Burch said, “He is bypassing the media and using Twitter to directly communicate with the country.” Trump is not the only person using Twitter as a means of formal communication. When Sen. John McCain passed away Aug. 25, there were no immediate interviews done with news stations but rather updates and tributes were written out by politicians and family members on Twitter. Furthermore, the information


that was broadcasted by CNN or written about by the Times was relaying what people were tweeting. “I have definitely noticed how intertwined my social apps and news apps are and I think it’s a good thing. I do stay updated on what’s being reported in traditional news outlets, but I’m also able to follow news and politics through my social media feeds. Those posts reflect what people are actually talking about and what news events are important” said senior business and finance major Emma Hoop. These sites that were once used as simply for entertainment and communication and are now becoming channels that people can look into to see what is going on in the world. Some of the most impactful news information reported on social media has come during disasters. Earlier this year, there was an alert sent out in Hawaii telling residents there was a missile headed for the state. After 13 minutes, Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, a Hawaiian representative, tweeted out to her hundred-thousand followers that it was a false alarm. According to the Washington Post, it was hours before it was reported on outside of social media and many people found out it was only a mistake from Twitter. “During something like a disaster, you want to get out as much information as possible as soon as possible,” Burch said. But this way of quick information going viral also has its consequences. “I will say that in terms of disasters and things, it’s a very beneficial

thing. Unfortunately there are times that things are false. False information can easily go out quickly and that can be a problem” Hitting a little closer to home, social media played a huge role in many people’s lives during the firestorm that struck Sonoma county. Not only were people able to let there friends and families know they were safe through Facebooks “marked safe” feature, but many people were able to follow the progress of the fires and the status of their neighborhoods through Facebook when big news stations neglected to. For many Sonoma County residents, Facebook was the only place they were able to access updates about their homes. There was a lot of coverage on Fountain Grove, but big news stations lacked in covering smaller neighborhoods. Senior business-management major Felicia Silveira remembers only being able to get news on her home from posts on Facebook by friends who lived nearby. “I am so thankful that I had social media to tell me about my home when ABC abandoned it. I think we should absolutely continue moving in the direction were moving in with social media becoming a news source” Silveira said. This is still a relatively new development and transition for social media as it starts to double as a news outlet. “It’s not good or bad, it just is,” Burch said. “I’m more worried about people not actually following news at all than following it on social media. From my experience, younger people are just not following the news. And that is a problem.”

Behind the scenes of “The Happy Time Murders” Ashley Napier A&E EDITOR


idden with controversy, the new Melissa McCarthy film “The Happytime Murders” takes “The Muppets” to a whole new level. Director Brian Henson is the son of the late creator of “The Muppets” Jim Henson. He takes the once family-friendly puppet characters and turns them upside down, creating this explicit and raunchy r-rated version. The movie “The Happytime Murders” centers around puppet detective Phil Phillips rejoining the LAPD as a consultant to investigate a series of puppet murders alongside his partner Connie Edwards, played by Melissa McCarthy. Together, they race to protect other puppets from being harmed as they work toward catching the killer. Of course, creating a movie with half the cast as animated puppets is no small feat. Stargate Studios, a multinational post production company, took on this project and handled all the visual effects for the film. From making sure the puppeteers were hidden into the background through green screen, 3D set extensions and bullet tracking, to digitally making the puppets eyebrows furrow, Stargate Studios did it all. I had the opportunity to sit down with their 20-year-old motion capture operator, Blake Bowen. We discussed his job, the process of motion capture, and what it was like being on set. Q. Can you tell me what motion capture is and what a motion caption operator does? “There are two kind of motion capture: Optical motion capture and inertial motion capture. Optical uses a suit that has these little balls rigged all over, it which is kinda the general idea of motion capture, and cameras read the balls and transition them into movement. Inertial motion capture is what we used on Happytime and it is sensors placed on certain parts of the body that use gyroscopes, accelerometers and some other IMU’s [Inertial Measurement Unit] that record data that transitions into a software program, that reads all of the data. So instead of using cameras, you can put clothes over your actors and you can hide the censors in puppets and that way you can

keep recording and the censors are hidden, so you can keep capturing your data.” Q. How long did it take to complete the visual effects work for “The Happytime Murders?” “Well we did some of the motion capture on set, but after we had finished our wrap on principle photography, we had a designated motion capture shoot that was a two-day shoot. There were two twelve-hour days that we spent all day doing motion capture with Bill Barretta, who played detective Phil Phillips, he was our motion capture artist. He performed all of the movements for any of the characters outside of Phil that we needed mocap for. Our artists, over at Stargate, took the data that they recorded from Bill and put it into different puppet riggs.” Q. What is the most fun or the most interesting part of your job? “The most fun part for me, was this was my first movie. I was the youngest guy on set and just being on set, being in that kind of environment with people that had worked on some of my favorite movies, these big, major motion features that were coming out and hadn’t been released yet and getting to hear them talk about their stories and learn from them. Being on set with Bill Barretta and Melissa McCarthy. It was a lot of fun working with Leslie David Baker, who played Detective Banning. Being able to watch Brian Henson work and being able to soak in as much as I could in the three months we spent shooting was definitely a lifelong, memorable experience.” Q. What was it like working with such a star Studded cast, such as Melissa McCarthy, Elizabeth Banks and many more? It was very fun! Obviously working with Melissa and Elizabeth and Leslie [David Baker], kinda the big names, Maya [Rudolph,] that were on the film was very fun. All of them were very genuine and they created a very funny atmosphere on set. Watching them work, and seeing true comedians do what they do was very fun, but even working with some of the smaller names and the puppeteers, people like Bill [Barretta] and Dorian [Davies], who played sandra, and then getting to work with

one of my favorite actors of all time, John Tartaglia, was very fun so from the big “star studded names” down to the smaller cast members it was a really fantastic cast and crew.” Q. Last but not least, can you tell us a favorite story that you have from set? Yeah! When we were filming the sex scene between Sandra and Phil--it all happened in Phils office--which, on set was a very small set piece, so for lack of a better term an intimate set scene. One of the puppeteers, Kevin Clash, who actually played Elmo in “Sesame Street”, and was the voice of Lyle in “Happytime”, had a very tough time keeping quiet enough for us to shoot the scene. I mean, he was just busting out in laughter and everyone on the set was. It was one of the funniest things that I have ever witnessed, it was hysterical.”

COURTESY // Blake Bowen Motion Capture Sytsems Operator, Blake Bowen, on set.

8 Student Life

SEPT. 4 - SEPT. 10, 2018


SSU Professor set to release three children’s books




illary Homzie, a Communications professor at Sonoma State Univeristy, has had a passion for writing from a young age. Homzie can recall two instances where her teachers acknowledged her talent. In second grade, her teacher wrote on one of her papers that she was a writer. Then in her seventh grade yearbook another teacher signed, to a future writer. “Those comments really stick with you,” said Homzie. She went on to write for her high school newspaper and became the editor. Homzie then continued writing for her college newspaper at the University of Virginia. She graduated from the University of Virginia with a degree in Communications and has worked in fields like radio, journalism, and others. Her three books being published this year are: “Apple Pie Promises” coming out in October, “Ellie May on April Fool’s Day”, and “Ellie May on President’s Day”, both coming out in December. The Ellie May series are geared towards transitional readers like elementary students while “Apple Pie Promises” is written more for middle school readers. “Apple Pie Promises” is about Lily, a middle school girl who when her mother takes a fellowship in Morocco, she has to move in with her dad, step mom, and step sisters who she runs into trouble with. Having divorced parents, Homize knows what it feels like to be introduced to a new family. Homzie’s experience was as a teenager, but in “Apple Pie Promises” Lily goes through her situation as a seventh grader. “I had to put myself (figuratively) in middle school,” said Homzie. “Apple Pie Promises” also gave Homzie the chance to explore her African heritage. Her father is Algerian, so having Lily’s mother go to Morocco

required Homzie to research the culture and the experiences the mother would encounter and write about. The “Ellie May” books were a manuscript Homzie had written about 10 years ago and decided to polish it up. It started out as 18 pages and her editor helped her turn it into a 50 page manuscript. Her advice on writing is to always finish your work. She says it is easy to be 10 pages into one project then come up with a new idea and want to start writing about that. One aspect of the “Ellie May” books that was important to Homzie was to have a main character that was racially ambiguous. While there is much more diversity in children’s books now, there is still not enough. Writing in the voice of a younger child is difficult for anyone, but having three children helped Homzie get into the head of her character. Ellie May is her own character and not based off any real person, but Homzie says she sees the similarity in the character and her middle son. She said that it’s easy to understand her character because she understands her son. In Ellie May on President’s Day, there is a chapter about a school dance. Generations are always changing so Homzie got permission to attend a middle school dance and see just how different middle school life is now. When asked about the lesson she wants the readers to take away her response was, “To teach them the importance of honesty and leadership in a way that is developmentally appropriate,” said Homzie. “It is important for them to know how to ask for what they want and need in a compassionate way.” While Ellie May is an exuberante, not-afraid to ask character, she does it in a way that hurts others. Homzie explained that she was more like Lily, who is not vocal about

COURTESY // hillaryhomzie.com The cover art for Homzie’s book coming out in December what she needs. People lose their civility when asking and taking without compassion is encouraged, so Homzie wants her books to teach the opposite. Her book signing takes place on Oct. 7 at Napa Book Mine in Napa, California. It will be an apple pie judging contest and book signing.

Campus clubs gather together for involvement fair NICK CESCHIN



onoma State students filled the main center eating, drinking, and laughing last Thursday. There was a cheerleading exhibition outside the Student Center lobby. Everyone seemed to be unifying for one larger purpose: to get better involved. This day marked yet another annual student involvement fair, hosted by Student Involvement, here at Sonoma State. This event is usually held within the first two weeks of school to offer Sonoma State students a way to get involved on campus in a relaxed and casual environment. During the fair, Culinary Services provided the food: hot dogs, veggie dogs, chips, cookies, and beverages for free. Plenty of Sonoma State students and administration circled the tables with representatives advertising for clubs, Greek Life, student government opportunities and more. Manu Lopez, a sophomore in the Hutchins School of Liberal Studies, walked by the Pi Kappa Phi table. When asked about the Involvement Fair, she said: “as somebody looking to get further involved, I think it’s great that Student Involvement provides food that motivates people to get out here. It’s awesome seeing the unity of this school, especially the clubs who are bringing a lot of energy out.” From behind the tables, the perspective can sometimes be a bit different. Spencer Hall, a sophomore and chemistry major, said: “I think it’s another great contribution

to student life, but being behind the table I have a love hate relationship with it.” There is a certain obligation that comes from being a representative behind a table which calls for one to stop the touring students and offer information, even if it does not feel so natural. On the other hand, Heidi Parra, a senior and psychology major, tabled for Associative Students, which holds a goal of bettering the quality of student life on campus. “It fills my heart with joy because having the free food is bringing our SSU community together. Everyone is very passionate about promoting academic excellence and diversity.” The clubs benefit just as much as the students do. “The fall involvement fair welcomes and celebrates all club and organizations for the overall well being of the students of Sonoma State,” said Joanie Ly, the Campus Life Advisor. She pointed out that because Big Night can be overwhelming, people have a chance to spread out. Rob Smith, the Campus Life Advisor for Sports Clubs said “I want students to continue to utilize our resources, know what we can provide for them, and offer connections to the campus university.” From the top of the Sonoma State Student Center, saw a sea of students, faculty and staff, all unifying over two common purposes: to be more involved, and to better appreciate what Sonoma State has to offer. Be it cheerleading, Greek life, sports, bettering the student experience, free food, music or line-dancing Everyone has a place that they will fit into here. Via events like the Student Involvement Fair, everybody can find their individual niche.

STAR // Jessic Bennett (Top) Sonoma State Sapphires perform whiletabeling in Seawolf Plaza. (Bottom) Sonoma State’s Women’s Ultimate Frisbee club recruitduring the Seawolf Invovlment and club fair.

Internship fair provides opprotunities for students LUIS MADRIGAL STAFF WRITER


uring this second week of school, Sonoma State hosted the Seawolf Service and Internship Fair in the Salazar Plaza. Students were able to stop by and check out any of the organizations tabling that day and get more information on how they can start an internship or better their resume with their volunteer service. Events like these are a great resource provided by Sonoma State, because according to an article from The New York Times, “a survey found that 41 percent of employers said they considered volunteer work as important as paid work.” For new and continuing students, this is a great way for them to begin thinking about their futures and how they can obtain the skills necessary for their careers. Some of the organizations at the fair include: environmental causes, elder support services, children’s after school programs and Internships opportunities, so students had a variety of options to interact with. Many students were

present and kept a lot of the tables busy as they hoped to gain more information on the opportunities each organization had. According to the Sonoma State website, over 50 nonprofit and government organizations were present so students had the opportunity to find something that they liked. One of the organizations present was the KRCB North Bay Public Media who were offering volunteer opportunities and different internships for Engineering and Television production. North Bay Public Media is a Sonoma County-based public television and NPR radio station that is located here in Rohnert Park. Students who were interested in any radio or TV production could apply to gain more experience with this field. When talking to Amy Boyd, the Media Production Manager, she mentioned that they had been participating in this internship fair for quite sometime and were happy to be there because she knows the importance of gaining experience. “We have had many Sonoma State students throughout the years and have enjoyed working with them,” Boyd said. This is an opportunity for students to gain more experience and knowledge of

working with media and it also looks great having it on your resume for the future. Not only that, but it’s a great way for students to be involved in their community, as well as a local news station. Another organization present was Latino Service Providers, also known as LSP, who were offering volunteer opportunities for students to help out in the community. This organization’s goal is to try to remove the negativity towards Latinos and mental health. Daisy Cardenas-Perez, the program coordinator, was present and answered any questions residents had. According to the LSP website, their mission is to build a healthier community by serving and strengthening Latino families and children, and reducing disparities related to ethnicity or race within Sonoma County. Their goal is to help Latinos in this community and offer the opportunity for students to be part of their program. “We have volunteer opportunities and have a sign up for an electronic newsletter where we send helpful links and information to anyone that’s interested,” Cardenas said. This organization helps Latinos in this county by educating them on resources

that can help them and that are available. This was just one of the many organizations present at the fair that offered volunteer opportunities that could benefit the community as well as the student. This fair was successful, as there was a large group of students browsing the tables and talking to different organizations with interest. Ben Co, a senior at Sonoma State, was one of many students there asking questions at every table, including LSP. When asked why he decided to get information for volunteer opportunities, Co said, “After getting involved in different clubs throughout college, I found out that I enjoyed helping people. This fair is good because it has brought many opportunities to people who do not have connections.” This event was a great opportunity for students looking to gain experience and have the opportunity for an internship that can help them with employment after graduation. This fair is just one of the many events and resources Sonoma State offers students who are interested in helping out the community, as well as the chance to obtain internships nearby.

SEPT. 4 - SEPT. 10, 2018


SSU film top 25 in Campus Movie Fest

Student Life 9 Local dog, Bismark, adored on campus






ampus Movie Fest is a student film competition festival that travels around to different colleges and universities. It was started in 2001 by four students at Emory University, and since then has assisted more than 1,000,000 students, providing them with training and vital technology. Campus Movie Fest has teamed up with Amazon Prime Video to stream student films from all around the world. They selected the top 25 short films out of thousands of submissions from the past school year to be streamed online. The students had only one week to create the film using all their own ideas and skills. The 25 films chosen came from 19 universities and colleges from all around. Sonoma State’s very own Sam Malcolm Houser and Bria Kathryn Gabor were amongst those lucky winners. Their short film is called “Still Around”, which won the Silver Tripod Award for Best Director, and is currently available online for viewing now. The Sonoma State Team wrote a personable and captivating story about a working woman living the year 2020. The topic of the film is of an Alexa-like virtual assistant who replaces a significant other. The virtual assistant is called Sam and can make tea, play music and keep track of game show scores. Currently, with how our modern technology is, the film gives a glimpse of how much we may rely on a robot as a helping hand and friend. This topic has been seen before in platforms such as the Netflix Original show Black Mirror in the episode “Be Right Back,” the introduction of season two. In “Be Right Back,” highly advanced technology is used and then transformed into a former lover. However, with Houser and Gabor’s film, the technology was only voice automated.

Both films, in addition, are similar in the plot with a widow grieving for her husband and they both are not detailed of what exactly happened to both men, but give clues that it was presumably a car accident. The camera angles and close ups in “Still Around” express how devastated and upset the young woman is about losing her significant other. All together, the work of this film is exceptional. With it being five minutes long, there is so much detail and story telling development. It leaves the viewers asking questions and wanting to see more. Houser and Gabor only had one week to shoot, edit and produce “Still Around,” but viewers wouldn’t know because it’s such quality work. However, they did have help from their classmates. The writers being Houser and Mary-Madison Baldo, cinematography by Houser and Baldo, editing by Houser and Adrian Causor, and composed by Charlie Scovill. Houser and Gabor both are graduated Sonoma State students who have other notable projects. Gabor has been apart of CMF in 2013 where she does spoken word poetry in “The Upstander Effect” which was a campus finalist. This year, Houser was able to work with Adobe in creating a video to feature their Creative Cloud. Gabor, Houser and Baldo have worked on a piece in the past together for CMF in 2016 about the rape culture titled “What I wore” that went to the Cannes Film Festival in France. This year, Sonoma State University’s Campus Movie Fest is from October 17 to October 23. Students will have an opportunity during the week to meet with the Video Manager for one-on-one assistance with the materials, editing, or any issues that may come up.

COURTESY // campusmoviefest.com Actress Bria Kathryn Gabor becomes distraught with her virutal assistant.


wice a day, married couple of almost twenty years, Carol Presho and Stuart Hotaling, walk their two-year-old dog around Sonoma State’s campus. On the surface, this may seem like an ordinary, unremarkable tradition. The reality is anything but. Incredibly, according to Hotaling, the pair can’t even walk ten feet without someone immediately recognizing Bismarck- their wellloved Newfoundland dog -by his wagging tail, his good-natured personality, and his long, black hair. Indeed, it’s hard to find a student or faculty member who hasn’t yet met Bismarck and fallen in love. “He’s a legend,” said Sonoma State first year biology major Jonathan Tavenier. “I want a dog just like him when I’m older. Seeing Bismarck was the best day of my life!” According to Bemnet Okubamichael, a first-year majoring in computer science, “[Bismarck’s] a big boy. If I wasn’t human I’d wish I were Bismarck. He definitely adds to the campus.” Historically, dogs like Bismarck have been relied on as hard-working lifeguards. When the Titanic sunk in 1912, a heroic Newfoundland named Rigel was able to survive the freezing waters and save the passengers of lifeboat 4 by alerting rescue ships with his bark. Other well-known newfies of the past include ‘Seaman,’ a real-life rescuer who adventured alongside Lewis and Clark on their expedition. How Bismarck, specifically, became famous on Sonoma State’s campus is a much different story. “Our son graduated from [Sonoma State] and Stuart was a golf coach,” said Presho when asked why they liked walking on Sonoma State’s campus. “So, it just seemed a natural thing to do to bring him here.” As to how Bismarck’s celebrity status came to exist, she said, “The students started

recognizing him and anticipating him. Then they started waiting for him. We sort of became obligated to come. Now it’s become a ritual… He even showed up to the graduation last year- he was invited- and the graduating seniors made him an Instagram page so they could follow him after they graduate.” Since 2001, Presho and Hotaling have loved and owned 4 Newfoundlands - all named Bismarck. When asked how they came to fall in love with the breed, Presho explained how a fisherman operating near her place of work in Bodega Bay offered her a newfoundland puppy and ultimately how they decided to get one for her husband’s birthday. As for how they settled on the name, Hotaling said that they were searching for something suitable for an impressively large and strong water dog when they came across the name of a “very famous WWII battleship- the biggest ever built.” Considering his impressive history, intimidating build, and powerful name, it would be normal to not expect such love and gentleness from a dog like Bismarck. Even so, students still see him for who he really is. Lauren Slotsve, a second year and photography major, said, “He’s just so cute. I would get 7 dogs like Bismark. He’s just full of love, I can feel it when I walk by.” According to Presho and Hotaling, what makes Bismarck and his kind truly special is that, “they absolutely love their family, their pack, and they love the attention. They’re very smart. As much as the students love Bismarck, he loves being here twice as much.” To see their page and to stay updated on his adventures around Sonoma State, follow @bismarckthenewf on Instagram.

COURTESY // @bismarckthenewf Bismarck and the women of the Lamda Beta Nu sorority.

Doggy play day comes back to SSU CARLY OLSEN



n Thursday, Aug. 30, Sonoma State University welcomed back our four-legged friends in the Seawolf Plaza to help de-stress students. It can be difficult for many people to get back into the swing of things at the beginning of the semester, so bringing therapy dogs to campus helps bring joy and comfort. De-stress with Dogs is one of the many events that Sonoma State’s very own Student Health Advisory Committee puts on every month. This student group helps identify campus health-related issues and strongly believe in the wellbeing of our campus community. “What we’re trying to accomplish with this event is to de-stress the community and we found that therapy dogs are a great way to do that,” Cameron Kaiser, a

member of this committee said. “Everyone loves it and it gives students a nice break from the stress of classes, considering the first two weeks can be pretty hard.” Shannon McEntee, another member of Student Health Advisory Committee contributed, “We help bring therapy dogs to campus to help provide mental health relief and to bring up the morale of campus, too.” The dogs are provided by the local non-profit organization, 4Paws. The Student Health Advisory Committee works with this organization to coordinate dates for them to come to campus. This group of individuals and their loving dogs visit healthcare and educational facilities all throughout the Bay Area. Their mission statement from their website is to “ensure and enrich the relationship between people and their pets through education and service to the community.” They offer five different programs for dog owners to at-

STAR // Michelle Tadlock Students enjoy petting the dogs during the Doggy Play Day.

tend and become a part of their team: social therapy, learning, nutrition, wellness, and Readers of the Pack, which invites children who have trouble reading aloud to read to the dogs with no pressure. It makes the children feel more comfortable and it helps improve their literacy skills. Many owners and their dogs showed up to the event on Thursday and enjoyed meeting the students. There were all types of breeds including Corgis, golden retrievers, and even a very tall Greyhound. One dog that stood out in particular was Misty, a very soft puppy who appeared to be a golden retriever and corgi mix. Misty’s owner, James Shafner, adopted her from the pound six years ago. Misty has been in the 4Paws program for five years. He knew she was meant to be a therapy dog when he witnessed her comforting a little girl who was crying. Misty frequents all across the Bay Area. She goes to kindergarten classrooms where students get to read to her, summer camp

for blind youth, children’s hospitals, and even the Ronald McDonald House in San Francisco. “When I adopted Misty, she was very overweight and her previous owner had just passed away. She wasn’t in a good place, but now she’s happier than ever,” James said. “She loves coming to Sonoma State because she gets so much attention here!” The students had a great time at the event judging from all the smiles and oohing and aah-ing. Everyone was showing off the dogs on their Snapchat stories. “My favorite dog I met today has to be Cooper, a black-and-white Cavalier King Charles. He’s such a sweetheart,” said junior Erin Hogan. “I love how this event allows us students to sit back and relax and pet some dogs. It’s really nice, especially because it’s hard to be away from my dogs at home.” The next Doggy Play Day is coming up on Sept. 22nd on the Sauvignon Lawn.

10 Sports

SEPT. 4 - SEPT. 10, 2018


STAR // Jessica Bennett Miriam Bloom gets ready to pass the ball to a teammate during the tense overtime game against Dominican University

Women’s soccer plays a gritty game in overtime draw



n Aug 30th, the Sonoma State Women’s Soccer team played Dominican University at the Seawolf Soccer Field. The Seawolves looked dominant and seemed to control the pace for much of the game but unfortunately could not pull out the win. This was the first game for the Seawolves regular season, playing their rival, the Penguins. The pressure was on and you could feel the tension in the air; the Seawolves were ready for the battle. After winning their last matchup last season 2-0, the Seawolves were looking to replicate those same results. The first half was rough for the Women’s Soccer team after the Seawolves found themselves trailing 1-0 after a goal by the Penguins in the early parts of the first half. The Seawolves started playing like they were behind and amped up their aggressiveness and physicality on the offensive end. The Seawolves also tightened up their defense and were looking to make plays for their teammates. They seemed to be making more of the difficult passes and were trying to pressure the opponent’s goalie. The Penguin’s goalie was forced to be extremely active, coming outside the box because of the Seawolves. Unfortunately, all the shots taken in the first half did not result in any goals for the Seawolves. In the second half, the Seawolves were looking to make this an even game. Around the 52nd minute of the game, the Seawolves would finally see a goal after many attempts. Sophomore forward, Ashley vonTillow, would see the ball from about 40 yards away from the goal and sends a complete rocket, the opposing goalie

Tuesday, Sept. 4

would get her hands on the ball but the ball had so much velocity that she couldn’t stop it. The shot sent by vonTillow was a complete banger that gave life back to the Seawolves audience and to the team. This would also be the Sophomore’s first goal of the season. After the equalizing goal, the Seawolves continued to play a gritty game; they also looked more relaxed as they were making better plays for each other, moving the ball from side to side and making sure that the whole team was getting their touches. The opposing team, the Penguins, found themselves struggling against the Seawolves offensive pushes. The Penguins seemed to be tired and depleted as they continued making substitutions all throughout the second half, the pressure the Seawolves were applying to the Penguins defense was taking a toll on the opposing team’s stamina. The Penguins looked lethargic towards the end of the game as they seemed to be throwing the ball away most possessions. The Seawolves would see more shot opportunities than the Penguins in the second half but could not capitalize on any of them but the one goal. The game was in a gridlock as it was tied 1-1 at the end of regulation. The Seawolves and Penguins would have the opportunity to win the game in a golden goal opportunity during over time. The Seawolves still looked like they controlled the game but they simply could not capitalize on the opportunities they were seeing. The team was also feeling fatigued; the Seawolves were expelling all their energy trying to get that elusive goal. The game for the Seawolves wouldn’t change as they would continue playing physical and having control of the ball for most the game. The Seawolves would see a header opportunity but could not capitalize after a save from the opposing goalie. The first overtime

would end still tied at 1-1, this game was looking like a nail-biter. The second and final overtime would start and at this point, the Penguins looked extremely fatigued as their movement and hustle were not up to par with the Seawolves willingness and aggressiveness for the ball. The Seawolves were on their last legs of this battle and they wanted to pull out the win. After continuing the trend of controlling the ball for most the time, the Seawolves would see many opportunities but still could not capitalize. At the final minutes of the second overtime, both teams would give it everything they got. The Penguins would see their fair share of shots at the goal but were just as unlucky as the Seawolves. The final seconds of the game the Seawolves would almost make themselves an opportunity to win the game, a ball from the left side of the field would be crossed and the Seawolves got a chance to head the ball in but the header was unsuccessful after a goal saved by the Penguins. The Seawolves would play a great game but unfortunately could not grab the win as both teams ended with a draw. Catching up with Forward, Ashley vonTillow, she discussed what was going on in her head when she made the 40-yard shot to equalize the game in the second half. VonTillow states “I knew we needed a goal” as she continued, “I knew we needed to get into the attack, so once I saw the opportunity, I took it.” After asking vonTillow about her opinions on what the team learned after this game she went on to say, “we need to keep fighting until the end and we need to have grit”, adding that, “We need to put this in the past and keep moving forward.” The next big home match will be against their rivals, the Humboldt Jacks, on Wednesday, Sept. 12th at the Seawolf Soccer Field.

Sports Schedule Saturday, Sept. 8

Women’s Volleyball vs. Humboldt State 5 p.m.

Women’s Soccer @ Concordia-Irvine 11 a.m.

Thursday, Sept. 6

Women’s Volleyball vs. Cal State Monterey Bay 7 p.m.

Women’s Soccer @ Azusa Pacific 5 p.m. Friday, Sept. 7 Men’s Soccer @ University of Mary 1 p.m.

Women’s Cross Country Humboldt State Invitational Sunday, Sept. 9 Men’s Soccer @ Montana State Billings 4 p.m.

Sports 11

SEPT. 4 - SEPT. 10, 2018


Men’s ultimate frisbee aims for regionals MARTIN CONTRERAS STAFF WRITER


ltimate frisbee is an unknown sport to many, but it’s one of the fastest growing and most popular sports in the country, especially amongst high school and college students. Ultimate is a fast paced game that combines various sports, most notably football and basketball. The objective of the game is to get the disc into the opponent’s end zone (game’s are usually played on a football field). Everytime you reach the opposing team’s endzone you receive a point. Once you catch the disc you can no longer move, much like in basketball, and must pivot and throw the disc up field to your teammates. If the disc is dropped then it’s a turnover and the other team picks it up from there. Games usually go to about 13 or 14 points and last anywhere from 45 to 75 minutes. The Sonoma State University men’s ultimate team has been steadily growing over the years to become what it is today. It’s currently a USAU Division 1 club sport that plays against various D-1 teams from all over the west coast, most notably schools such as Stanford, UC Berkeley, UCLA, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Chico State, and Sacramento State. Matt Gibbons is a fourth year student at Sonoma State, he is also the student club president and captain of the men’s ultimate team. His job is making sure everyone on the team stays informed, that they get invited to all the games and tournaments, and that they’re able to get appropriate field space. Gibbons talks about how he got into ultimate, his experience with the sport, and why he loves it. “I got into ultimate because one of my friends who went away to college came back for the summer, played it at his school, and really enjoyed it. He told me to check it out at the school I was going to. After talking to the coaches I was on the team, and from there I fell in love with the game.” said Gibbons. Gibbons also talked about the beauty of the game and what the commitment looks like. “The sport is for everyone, regardless of skill level or athletic ability. There are leagues for everyone all around the nation. It’s one of the fastest growing sports in the world right now. Most people come out with no expe-



rience whatsoever. Some don’t even know how to throw a frisbee, that’s why we spend so much time at the beginning of practice working on the fundamentals: throwing and catching. Practice officially starts at 3 but you’re going to see people trickle in early just to start throwing because that's such an important part of the game,” said Gibbons. The first tournament the men’s team will compete in is at Humboldt State. Schools such as University of Oregon, San Jose State, and Chico State, amongst others, will make the trip to play at that tournament for a weekend. They’ll all head to Chico State in the middle of October for some matches, and everyone comes to Sonoma State in the first week of November for another action-packed tournament. USAU sanctioned tournaments are next, they count towards the team’s overall record. The teams overall record determines their placement at a sectional tournament. If they do well enough at sectionals they go on to regionals,. Then if they do well enough at regionals they go on to nationals. Gibbons also comments on how they did last season. “Last year we did really well. We were in a nail biter game against Chico State, I think we lost 13-12 or 12-11 so it was really close. We were playing for the last spot to go to regionals. It was the last game of the whole season, all the other teams had already left the tournament so it was just us, Chico and the groundskeepers who set up field. It was the best game we’ve ever played because it was just so intense. Especially because we see the Chico State team all the time over the course of the year so we get to know them really well and it’s just so much fun when you know your opponent that well and you're both competing that hard,” said Gibbons. This year the Men’s team has a brand new coach named Matt Kisman. He has taken the Women's team to regionals a few times and then to Nationals in 2007-2008. He’s also taken Humboldt state to regionals before too. Now he’s in the Sebastopol area and is looking to continue coaching teams. “He’s a great coach and we’re really looking forward to working with him,” Gibbons said. “If you’re interested in checking the sport out just come out to a practice, try it out, and we’re happy to teach you. We're just a bunch of guys who love to have fun and compete” says Gibbons. For more info contact sonomaultimate@gmail.com.

STAR // Analy Bravo Wendel Simpson reaches for the frisbee during practice out on the IM fields

Seawolves Speak!

his past year the Golden State Warriors competed against Lebron James and the Cleveland Cavaliers in the 2018 NBA Finals. The Warriors won the series and bagged their third championship in the last four years. Since then, many of the NBA teams have made roster changes. Arguably the biggest of these changes was superstar Lebron James leaving the Cleveland Cavaliers and joining the Los Angeles Lakers for the 2019 season. This July, the “King” signed a four-year $154 million dollar contract. The huge addition to the Lakers caused a stir in the league during the offseason. Now that Lebron James will be in L.A for the next four years, the 14x All Star will be looking to get back to the NBA finals once again. With Lebron’s trade it is no secret that the Lakers will be a powerful team next season, but what stands in the way of their glory will most likely be the Golden State Warriors. The question on everyone’s mind is simple, can Lebron and the Lakers beat Steph Curry and Warriors this season? The STAR decided to ask a small group of people if they thought that the Los Angeles Lakers will dethrone the Golden State Warriors in 2019. The two teams will face off for the first time next season on January 21st. STAFF WRITER

“Lebron and the Lakers will be no match for the Warriors next season, Lebron will get dominated.” Brent Tovrea, Senior

“The Lakers do not stand a chance against the Warriors.” Noah Alford, Senior

“I don’t think Lebron being on the Lakers will be enough of a factor to beat the Warriors.”

“The Warriors will not lose to the Lakers, there are far too many dominant players on Golden State.”

Marissa Ugarte, Junior

Connor Schaal, Junior

“I do not think the Lakers can beat the Warriors, if Lebron didn’t do it on Cavaliers he will not beat them on the Lakers.” Karina Dulberg, Junior

“Warriors vs Laker will definitely be a great matchup. Even though the Lakers now have Lebron, I still believe Golden State will overall have more talent.” Jake Topping, Freshman

12 Photo

SEPT. 4 - SEPT. 10, 2018


Seawolves get involved on campus

STAR // Michelle Tadlock

STAR // Michelle Tadlock Students de-stressing from their first couple weeks of classes and enjoy petting dogs in Seawolf Plaza.

Students enjoying some free time by petting dogs to wind down from their day.

STAR // Jessica Bennett Students tablingat the Seawolf Plaza and promoting their club to interested students.

STAR // Jessica Bennett Members of TKE giving information to interested students.

STAR // Natalie Dolan Sebastian the therapy horse eats grass on campus during the Involvement Fair Club.

STAR // Analy Bravo Men’s ultimate frisbee team member, Zachary Ormsby, dives into the air to catch the frisbee

STAR // Analy Bravo Men’s Ultimate Frisbee team lining up to practice a drill.

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